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Comment History for Hasbeen

The Forum > User Index > Hasbeen > Comment History

» 9/01/2024 4:26:14 PM Such a clear, simple well written article Charles, but too much so to get through to the p.....
» 29/12/2023 11:17:32 AM The whole government mess is proving about as useful as an udder on a bull, but lefty mout.....
» 29/12/2023 12:15:41 AM PS. It is costing me a bit less than $50 a day for fuel to supply the place. This compared.....
» 29/12/2023 12:08:11 AM Unfortunately with people like Albo, Bowen & a few posters here who could not make change .....
» 27/12/2023 5:40:06 PM Hi o sung wu, like you mate I won't be here much longer, the diagnosis is months. I count .....
» 27/12/2023 5:21:10 PM 20 years ago my math was still good enough to understand the equations & follow the preten.....
» 20/12/2023 5:00:28 PM Increasing drought Alan? Come on mate. Last year was the second wettest on record, 132 ye.....
» 19/12/2023 8:23:43 PM Oh Dear SR & the lefty hymn boob are offended. It must be hard for these blokes having to.....
» 10/12/2023 10:33:06 AM Don't know, or care too much about our dirty greens, but I do recall one Queensland Labor .....
» 9/12/2023 1:03:32 PM You are so right Graham when you say "A sensible person would slow down the implement.....
» 6/12/2023 1:55:49 PM Every passenger rail service looses money on every passenger it carries. What a great rea.....
» 3/12/2023 9:22:28 AM They should be given at least the same punishment as would have been handed out to the def.....
» 2/12/2023 10:26:21 AM What is contentment, & how is it achieved? Is it the same for all. I am very pleased I wa.....
» 1/12/2023 11:27:00 AM 1956 here. Of the 13 of us who went through 5Th year in a large country town high school o.....
» 30/11/2023 1:16:46 AM Sorry Foxy, but I have to say your last post is the most Pot, Kettle, Black effort I've se.....
» 27/11/2023 2:22:34 PM I just had radiation for free Alan, as an out patient. 3 sessions, Friday Tuesday & Thursd.....
» 27/11/2023 10:41:19 AM This forum is being ruined by paid Labor party operatives, using the facilities of parliam.....
» 25/11/2023 12:07:52 PM Oh dear, you have to be just so naive Foxy to believe garbage like that, especially when i.....
» 24/11/2023 2:58:57 PM It couldn't have been more obvious that the UK was being used as a cash cow for most of th.....
» 15/11/2023 11:30:08 PM I can understand one reason councils may have a problem with granny flats in suburbia. Wit.....
» 6/11/2023 10:30:54 PM Two can play at the siege game. The sea lanes that bring middle eastern oil to China are a.....
» 6/11/2023 10:16:16 PM Yes Alan, the best thing we could ever do in our defense would be throw out thousands of o.....
» 6/11/2023 10:10:43 PM No Diver, many of the land owners kids were already off in the middle east, or in Jap pris.....
» 6/11/2023 11:15:45 AM When I bought this place, over 30 years ago the council policy was only one structure with.....
» 6/11/2023 10:09:35 AM Can anyone imagine the teens of today, & our woke university rabble, being able to put up .....
» 4/11/2023 10:51:51 AM Quite obviously someone else must pay WTF? - Not Again's electricity bill, or he could not.....
» 3/11/2023 10:35:15 PM Fortunately a number of companies have come up with systems to get around council laws, & .....
» 3/11/2023 11:50:11 AM All taxpayer funding of remote communities should be immediately withdrawn, & not a cent m.....
» 3/11/2023 11:31:06 AM We will know we have finally elected a decent government when the first thing they do is p.....
» 2/11/2023 8:37:39 AM More likely the other way around Foxy, It looks like we will have our children living with.....
» 27/10/2023 8:24:31 AM So here we have this blow in, who arrived after white folk had, with a lot of very hard wo.....
» 26/10/2023 11:46:56 AM Your Antisemitism, & that of the left is not a good look SR......
» 25/10/2023 12:13:12 PM About the only good thing about Airbus Albo, is that he spends so much time flying out of .....
» 25/10/2023 11:55:55 AM Of course, there might not be so many civilians killed if the brave Hamas did not shield b.....
» 25/10/2023 11:51:28 AM The typical guff about old Joh. Like many others I was aching to see the Libs take charge.....
» 25/10/2023 10:25:03 AM There is not a single aboriginal or mix race or any Oz citizen alive in Australia today, w.....
» 23/10/2023 1:13:13 PM When I was at uni the lefty women were known as the "hairy armpit brigade" due t.....
» 22/10/2023 12:08:06 AM Thanks for the list Foxy, I had forgotten some of the dreadful mistakes the labor PMs had .....
» 20/10/2023 11:15:14 AM God Labor can pick the no hopers can't they. Whitlam. Rudd. Gillard. Albanese. Four total.....
» 18/10/2023 7:57:57 PM Hamas blew up the hospital, either by accident with their makeshift rockets, or purposeful.....
» 18/10/2023 11:14:06 AM There was nothing like the coercion used to convert aboriginals to Christianity, as is bei.....
» 18/10/2023 11:04:31 AM Anyone who is not against Hamas in this conflict is obviously a terrorist sympathiser, no .....
» 17/10/2023 10:05:02 PM "It really has been a stark contrast between Dutton and Albo hasn't it" SR. Yes .....
» 16/10/2023 8:53:04 AM The vote had very little to do with aboriginals. It was a vote on the trust we have with .....
» 15/10/2023 9:25:42 PM Incidentally JF Aus, have you ever heard about the sand pumping stations, used to get sand.....
» 15/10/2023 9:15:14 PM Foxy there are more parliamentarians claiming to be aboriginal per head of aboriginal popu.....
» 15/10/2023 10:20:48 AM Would that be a lack of fish, or a lack of fishing JF Aus? It was in the mid 70s that the.....
» 15/10/2023 9:51:54 AM Sanity has prevailed!.....
» 15/10/2023 9:44:43 AM So the voice vote has stopped giving Albo & company free access to muck with our constitut.....
» 13/10/2023 8:18:53 AM You are drawing a long bow there Indyvidual, & granting paint chemists more ability than t.....
» 13/10/2023 7:57:01 AM Is there an ethicist anywhere who isn't more interested in virtue signaling than ethics or.....
» 12/10/2023 10:10:42 PM Obviously JF Aus you have never been on a boat on the east coast of Oz. You are talking th.....
» 12/10/2023 8:54:40 AM Oh god! SR, the greatest singer from the lefty hymn book on the net accusing others of fo.....
» 12/10/2023 8:32:49 AM Perhaps JF Aus you could try directing your rant to Hamas, the people who started the rock.....
» 12/10/2023 8:27:42 AM Anyone stupid enough to vote yes will be giving Albanese a weapon to belt the average Ozzi.....
» 6/10/2023 1:45:33 AM I wonder how long it will be before the bridges start collapsing?.....
» 5/10/2023 12:50:27 AM Yes ttbn China wouldn't want to do too much damage here, they would be wrecking what they .....
» 4/10/2023 11:14:48 AM Lucky Melbourne. Lots of rain to wash away some of the filth left behind by Andrews......
» 4/10/2023 11:11:22 AM Wow, what a surprise, SR praising Scott Morrisons leadership. He is of course wrong on th.....
» 4/10/2023 11:06:25 AM "'Aukus' is waved around like a magic wand that will keep China at bay." If any.....
» 30/09/2023 1:11:13 PM Come on Banjo Paterson, the only time Albo is not lying when he opens his mouth, is when h.....
» 29/09/2023 9:42:42 AM Paul we spend more per head on every aboriginal in the country, even the extremely well pa.....
» 29/09/2023 9:18:29 AM I was sitting out the cyclone season in Gladstone in 1974, as were many other yachties. Qu.....
» 28/09/2023 10:32:08 AM My guess is that something very bad for Andrews, or Victoria as a whole, is about to hit t.....
» 28/09/2023 10:21:36 AM Stop the Vice! Albo wants to use the Voice to legislate it into the constitution for gods .....
» 28/09/2023 10:11:01 AM Thanks for that Tristan, I did not know that like Annie in Queensland, Andrews had turned .....
» 26/09/2023 1:07:46 PM Perhaps Foxy many have discovered how much of what they give is being wasted in hand outs .....
» 26/09/2023 11:27:10 AM Perhaps that is your problem Foxy. No one glued to the ABC & Guardian for their news & in.....
» 25/09/2023 11:17:05 AM Perhaps I should have written JOKE at the end of my comment, for those who take life too s.....
» 24/09/2023 10:31:07 PM Come on Alan. A bloke has to pay everything he has as down payment. Then everything he ea.....
» 22/09/2023 11:25:19 AM Yes Paul, we had won the lottery & got to the top of the waiting list for a kero fridge in.....
» 21/09/2023 5:24:57 PM There are a couple of sides to that Ipso Fatso. Don't forget we are still part of that nat.....
» 21/09/2023 11:45:06 AM Around here aggressive snakes are removed quickly & painlessly. We have had 2 dogs killed,.....
» 21/09/2023 4:35:25 AM Just remember SR that it is the useful idiots that are the first to be eliminated after th.....
» 21/09/2023 4:30:05 AM Hi Diver. Yes some of us can live without electricity. I lived on my yacht for 16 years. 1.....
» 21/09/2023 3:55:49 AM Thanks fellers. I agree with the old joke that at the end you should not arrive at the pea.....
» 20/09/2023 1:01:45 PM Could it be that there are more cases of depression because more doctors have added it to .....
» 20/09/2023 11:47:49 AM Here in Queensland we are living in a true Barbieland, but it doesn't work so well in the .....
» 19/09/2023 10:14:35 AM Obviously JF Aus you have no idea of how the east coast currents & tidal flows protect the.....
» 19/09/2023 9:39:00 AM The High Court Mabo judgment was about the Torres Strait islanders which is an entirely di.....
» 19/09/2023 9:29:09 AM This piece of trash does give us a fair idea of the thinking that has taken control of our.....
» 17/09/2023 10:06:24 AM Well Paul has one thing right when he says, "Aboriginal people would still be living .....
» 14/09/2023 11:27:02 AM It might help if people didn't expect McMansions for their first home. My first home was a.....
» 12/09/2023 10:40:40 AM Yes shadowminister it was Labor that destroyed the car industry, but it happened long befo.....
» 12/09/2023 9:57:51 AM Ever watched any of those ambulance/hospital emergency shows Ross? An extremely disproport.....
» 8/09/2023 9:55:10 PM Guess what, I don't give a damn what researchers might take offense at, when they stop mak.....
» 8/09/2023 12:54:42 PM Well all WTF has got is "expected more severe cyclones". Probably some clown mod.....
» 8/09/2023 12:45:17 PM You can blame Julia & her NDIS for that scooter Paul. The NDIS scheme is Julia's revenge f.....
» 8/09/2023 11:59:39 AM Well it worked with this little black duck. 52 hours from positive test to all symptoms c.....
» 7/09/2023 5:04:30 PM It is obvious by their posts that SR & WTF are Labor party funded posters. I wonder if the.....
» 7/09/2023 4:56:40 PM So here we have this lefty twit, WTF preaching from the lefty hymn book again, when we all.....
» 6/09/2023 10:22:57 AM For god's sake, SR that was your most useless comment yet. Haven't you noticed it is the G.....
» 6/09/2023 8:42:01 AM It is a bit hard to sustain your argument Paul, when we have some of, & in many areas of i.....
» 1/09/2023 4:51:59 PM I wonder, is WTF a labor staffer, preaching from the same hymn book as SR, or just a Usefu.....
» 1/09/2023 2:54:19 PM Wouldn't it be lovely if we could drag the like of Binoy out of their protected ivory towe.....
» 1/09/2023 2:46:04 PM Albo obviously feels inferior for having depended on welfare for housing life support & ed.....
» 31/08/2023 2:14:11 AM Yes ttbn, it really is getting ridiculous. My youngest daughter is a very well paid profes.....
» 30/08/2023 2:37:21 PM Sorry Alan, but only a moron would make such a statement. I have been here 33 years, so m.....
» 30/08/2023 11:48:12 AM Armchair Critic, the Ziverdo kits include just 3 of 12mg Ivermectin, & an antibiotic used .....
» 29/08/2023 10:12:39 AM So the big money finally got to them too......
» 29/08/2023 8:28:10 AM What utter tripe.Ivermectin was banned because under legislation they could not approve a .....
» 22/08/2023 12:43:17 PM Obviously Labor realised a Royal Commission would pin most blame on Labor state government.....
» 22/08/2023 1:26:04 AM So true Graham, but good luck with getting any of the reasoning being used by academia or .....
» 22/08/2023 12:24:27 AM Great stuff. Yet another academic calling it as it really is. The scam will fall apart wh.....
» 19/08/2023 1:12:23 AM So up comes SR, mouth piece for the labor party & government assuring us there is no hidde.....
» 18/08/2023 3:27:45 PM Ofcourse there is global warming, we are still coming out of the little ice age. You know .....
» 18/08/2023 3:18:12 PM Wrong ttbn, the government is very interested in north of Rocky, after all it is only coal.....
» 18/08/2023 3:03:45 PM That might be a good idea if you trusted any of the government experts. After the now exp.....
» 17/08/2023 12:23:59 PM If Sunak’s expansion of North Sea drilling puts him on “the wrong side of history.”, & is .....
» 17/08/2023 11:08:42 AM Who said anything about horse racing. Paul again trying to alter what someone else said. I.....
» 16/08/2023 11:28:32 PM Actually I'd rather ride a horse, or sail a yacht, but it is difficult to keep either of t.....
» 16/08/2023 11:12:38 PM So WTF if 40% of all energy jobs are supplying less than 15% of electrical energy, & about.....
» 16/08/2023 3:40:08 AM I have never been much of a spectator. I'd rather compete at any level, local small town o.....
» 11/08/2023 2:32:48 PM Obviously Pocock got a few too many hard hits to the head on the rugby field. I wonder wh.....
» 10/08/2023 11:30:13 AM Sorry Foxy, but your naivety has to be seen to be believed......
» 9/08/2023 2:18:12 PM Foxy, WTF? there was a time when NASA & particularly the CSIRO were very useful organisati.....
» 9/08/2023 1:20:24 PM Well a little reality at lass, in just one small area. Now if we could only get some on t.....
» 9/08/2023 1:16:36 PM I blame Morrison. If he had not won we would never have had this mad hatter Albo in the l.....
» 9/08/2023 12:44:56 PM Digital money is a looming disaster. Governments are not that good with computer systems t.....
» 6/08/2023 4:14:32 PM That is garbage Foxy. I guess NASA have to push this garbage to assure their funding, if i.....
» 5/08/2023 10:39:05 PM The most disgusting thing about the whole episode was the virtual banning of ivermectin, &.....
» 4/08/2023 2:04:55 PM "WTF? mhaze says: "The entire Global warming/ Climate Change/ Global Boiling me.....
» 4/08/2023 1:01:47 PM Anyone reading posts by SR, & their anti OZ anti western values in general should keep wel.....
» 4/08/2023 12:14:44 PM "When it abolished slavery a new era in human rights had arrived which within another.....
» 1/08/2023 3:41:40 PM Another agreement with Paul. Yes Paul it is government, but particularly state & local re.....
» 1/08/2023 3:18:16 PM For the huge amount of money spent on the Argo project we have heard very little about it......
» 1/08/2023 3:11:32 PM Albo would make a good miner. He will dig any amount of earth in an attempt to find even a.....
» 1/08/2023 3:02:25 PM Now we need to know just who approved that compensation payment, & get rid of all involved.....
» 1/08/2023 2:54:37 PM God help us if we ever have to depend on wind generated electricity around South East Quee.....
» 31/07/2023 1:37:21 PM It sounds like WTF actually believes things broadcast on CNN. That is about as intelligen.....
» 31/07/2023 12:22:05 PM For once I am in agreement with the Greens policy, although probably for an entirely diffe.....
» 31/07/2023 12:57:31 AM Oh god, & SR chimes in as if he actually believes the garbage. Come on mate, I know you h.....
» 30/07/2023 12:44:03 PM I'm starting to think that some people, like Paul, actually believe this garbage. Bet he b.....
» 23/07/2023 6:32:57 PM There are 2 bedroom flats in the southern suburbs renting for not much over $300 per week......
» 22/07/2023 3:57:14 PM Hell no, I like watching the white water canoe events, & the equestrian, even the swimming.....
» 22/07/2023 3:41:02 PM Yes Foxy, they are terrified of him. They know they can't beat him in a fair election, & a.....
» 16/07/2023 11:35:24 PM Your country may have a few problems now Everald, with Albo's crazy immigration & this ref.....
» 16/07/2023 1:18:36 PM Thanks Foxy. That tells me she has no experience in industry or private enterprise, so no .....
» 15/07/2023 9:30:03 PM You are very right Josephus they cannot cope with our laws and expectations, well some don.....
» 15/07/2023 12:27:08 PM The trouble with aboriginal welfare, & a lot of other problems such as drugs, follows the .....
» 14/07/2023 2:53:57 PM What was ATSIC, how much did it cost, did it do any good at all, why did it fail. Thy wou.....
» 14/07/2023 2:42:01 PM Why do you want the government to steal private land to pay for housing Alan, don't you li.....
» 13/07/2023 11:06:55 AM We have huge reserves of shale oil, enough for well over 100 years of our projected usage......
» 11/07/2023 12:27:36 PM If any major conflict brakes out, nuclear or conventional, the first thing that happens is.....
» 10/07/2023 1:14:58 PM I'll bet it is hard for a greenie to admit that the best definition of a weed is "a p.....
» 10/07/2023 12:32:40 PM Of course government could help the housing supply by getting their sticky hands out of th.....
» 10/07/2023 12:14:55 PM Public housing is the most immoral activity of any government in the country. Those who wi.....
» 8/07/2023 10:37:12 PM This woke garbage really is getting beyond a joke. I just had a motoring sight X out most.....
» 8/07/2023 10:30:10 PM Not much of a greeny are you Paul, or don't you realise there is gallons of diesel in ever.....
» 5/07/2023 12:25:44 PM Hang on to your shirts folks. The robber barons are about to try to come up with some new .....
» 5/07/2023 12:16:57 PM "decisions are made closer to the people directly affected who also have access to th.....
» 3/07/2023 12:01:28 PM Not true Steve S, my lady & I established & ran the text book hire scheme for our nearest .....
» 1/07/2023 9:36:27 PM Have a look at those claiming to have been touched. At least half of them it must be wish.....
» 1/07/2023 2:17:25 PM Perhaps you haven't noticed Canem Malum, that the elites have no intention of replacing th.....
» 30/06/2023 2:41:41 PM We are hearing a lot about Hydrogen as an alternate fuel to oil. Could this be like the di.....
» 30/06/2023 1:03:32 PM You know, I'm starting to wonder, does our SR just quote the lefty hymn book, or is he act.....
» 30/06/2023 12:57:34 PM Well perhaps the Oz population has not yet been sufficiently dumbed down yet for them to f.....
» 30/06/2023 12:52:26 PM There is a song, Silver Dollar by Petula Clark that sates that "a man with out a woma.....
» 29/06/2023 8:46:05 PM It must be dreadful to go through life not game to go out in the sun, because you are frig.....
» 29/06/2023 12:04:37 AM You obviously don't understand Ipso Fatso that what is dangerous to you is just a stroll i.....
» 27/06/2023 11:29:10 PM You couldn't be more wrong Ipso Fatso. It may suit you & some people to sit around wrapped.....
» 27/06/2023 2:02:06 PM Wrong terminology mhaze. What you should have said is Sweden wakes up......
» 27/06/2023 1:41:09 PM "useless for getting meaningful and needed employment". ttbn. Sorry ttbn, that .....
» 27/06/2023 1:27:15 PM Any country has the right to repel invaders, & should do so with what ever force is requir.....
» 27/06/2023 12:48:30 PM If bureaucrats had to spend at least 3 out of every 8 years working in private enterprise .....
» 24/06/2023 10:35:04 PM I reckon all public service positions should have a maximum term of 5 years, after which t.....
» 22/06/2023 11:37:25 AM There comes a time when it is impossible for the elderly to live any form of independent l.....
» 22/06/2023 10:44:30 AM Great to get a reasoned logical article on the limitations of renewables. I find it really.....
» 17/06/2023 12:24:52 PM After my mothers health was destroyed by the dreadful people employed as weekend nursers a.....
» 15/06/2023 3:32:43 PM Rhian how does that old saying go? "Be careful what you wish for, because you just ma.....
» 14/06/2023 2:25:27 PM Came out of the navy after a crash left my back unfit for carrier arrested landings, but n.....
» 14/06/2023 2:04:46 PM You don't need a lot of room to live comfortably. I lived on my 40Ft yacht for 13 of the 1.....
» 14/06/2023 2:53:21 AM What a miserable clown Paul is. Probably funded much more highly by some public service pe.....
» 14/06/2023 2:41:17 AM Yuyutsu, if in 100 million years some new highly intelligent species has replaced us on th.....
» 14/06/2023 2:27:02 AM Co-living can be great, except when you go to the fridge to get your milk for breakfast, o.....
» 11/06/2023 9:55:01 PM You should read more carefully Rhian, If you did you would see my last sentence read, &quo.....
» 11/06/2023 9:56:50 AM If you want to check if ladies do it better, I suggest a quick look at Queensland. The sta.....
» 9/06/2023 11:31:46 AM Yes that is a fact Alan, but you miss the point. Show me a feminist who will actually adm.....
» 7/06/2023 9:41:52 AM Why do we get so much from this ratbag communist clown? Is Graham trying so show us just .....
» 6/06/2023 12:58:36 PM Did you miss the point accidentally, intentionally, or do you simply not understand Aidan?.....
» 5/06/2023 9:24:26 PM Government schools are never going to be worth the cost while controlled by the union. Whi.....
» 5/06/2023 1:46:56 PM The 3 Knights of the Apocalypse, big unions, big government, big business, combined to con.....
» 5/06/2023 10:41:07 AM What utter god damn twaddle Aidan. The CO2 & methane passed by cows came from guess where.....
» 4/06/2023 11:53:32 AM Ever notice that when some little yapping cur yaps at a Great Dane, the Dane doesn't ackno.....
» 3/06/2023 10:40:58 PM Here is a suggestion to improve out parliaments. A minimum of 2 years military service in.....
» 3/06/2023 9:40:04 AM No one who has not been in the position where the friendly villager will shoot you in the .....
» 31/05/2023 9:53:16 AM Thank god for the occasional voice of reason. In fact with our dependence on imported die.....
» 25/05/2023 11:15:40 AM A dog learns fairly early in life that it is not a good policy to bite the hand that feeds.....
» 24/05/2023 12:22:35 PM Who knows what evil use Albanese has for the Voice, if it gets up. The one thing you can b.....
» 24/05/2023 11:56:16 AM India used Ziverdo kits containing Ivermectin to defeat covid threat. Perhaps we would do .....
» 21/05/2023 10:51:45 AM Is Albanese cunning enough to be having this referendum simply to shore up the aboriginal .....
» 17/05/2023 9:23:50 PM So Paul, you do have some good ideas occasionally.....
» 17/05/2023 1:47:26 PM Come off the raw prawn Paul. We have been concentrating on "a system that tackles th.....
» 16/05/2023 3:37:03 PM I am perfectly happy to see nuclear development, provided it is cost effective, which is y.....
» 16/05/2023 12:55:00 PM 35 years ago I was living on 30 acres at Toogoom. A mate had a 240 acre property just up t.....
» 16/05/2023 1:00:42 AM A 13 year old boy some magistrate had previously failed to lock up. High time magistrates.....
» 14/05/2023 12:08:38 PM Come on Rhian, the current explosion in youth crime proves that judges are getting it wron.....
» 12/05/2023 3:05:27 PM That is a big NO o sung wu, we need the real world experience & the common sense you bring.....
» 11/05/2023 12:22:04 PM Hey ttbn, have you noticed that it is since they closed the mental asylums that the cops a.....
» 10/05/2023 10:55:58 AM SR that is your weakest reply yet. I don't quite see what the stupidity of wind power has .....
» 9/05/2023 11:40:07 AM I wonder if the Pauls of this world could ever tell the truth, obviously it would be a maj.....
» 9/05/2023 11:22:19 AM Power was out here this morning, car took out a power line pole according to Energex the p.....
» 27/04/2023 10:30:47 AM Sites like this & many others I assume, will tell us who is anti-Australian, & should be i.....
» 25/04/2023 12:00:07 PM Evidentially Aidan is so indoctrinated he can't see the cliffs, so doesn't understand they.....
» 24/04/2023 3:03:41 PM Back in the 40s & 50s, before myxomatosis Australians ate a lot of Rabbits. Butchers carri.....
» 24/04/2023 1:54:17 PM I never realised you had moved so far to the radical ratbag left Alan. Only a ratbag left.....
» 20/04/2023 2:52:08 PM Alan would you please give us some examples of "cooperative capitalism comrade" .....
» 18/04/2023 12:12:48 PM So here we have 3 ladies who between them would not have enough math to make change for a .....
» 13/04/2023 4:41:05 PM When Palm Island ran out of water in the mid 90s the company I was running was asked to su.....
» 12/04/2023 10:22:04 PM If you had enough math to know which way was up SR you would know that water vapor is alre.....
» 11/04/2023 10:09:44 PM It is a pity SR that those writing your lefty hymn book didn't have enough math to underst.....
» 10/04/2023 1:58:03 PM I am secretary of our local irrigation committee. Our charter demands that if there is wat.....
» 10/04/2023 12:56:10 PM The laws on water rights are different in each state. In South Aus for example even the ra.....
» 9/04/2023 11:19:29 PM So true mhaze, but it wasn't only stone age people who made up stories to try to explain, .....
» 8/04/2023 11:54:03 PM Interesting, & indicative of them dodging the point, not a single response to my story of .....
» 5/04/2023 1:36:49 PM Thanks Alan, for confirming how little time it actually takes to do the house work......
» 4/04/2023 11:55:49 AM Sorry Ipso Fatso, I can only wonder how one so naive can survive in todays world. Again so.....
» 4/04/2023 11:51:10 AM Australia is currently showing what happens to a country when it has far too high a percen.....
» 3/04/2023 10:34:22 AM Well it has finally happened, according to the home test kits, I've caught Covid. No jab z.....
» 29/03/2023 1:19:44 PM Three month scripts sounds strange to me, my scripts are the first & 5 repeats, so 6 month.....
» 26/03/2023 1:47:50 PM Just for your information Alan, I attended 17 different schools, 4 of them during the war .....
» 24/03/2023 12:49:58 PM My mother was an orphan. We know all about her father, but the mother was never mentioned......
» 24/03/2023 12:32:47 PM Well put Graham. I give thanks continually that I have been lucky enough to live through t.....
» 22/03/2023 12:36:36 AM Paul you have excelled yourself with the above bulldust. Nothing could be further from the.....
» 21/03/2023 4:03:28 PM Yes Bazz, I got my electricity bill in the mail today. Being rural with domestic water pre.....
» 20/03/2023 1:35:31 PM Don't worry Bazz. China will copy them & churn them out at half price. Plenty for us, if w.....
» 20/03/2023 10:08:35 AM So China building islands & arming in the South China Sea is respecting the Freedom, and N.....
» 18/03/2023 2:22:20 PM Well Russia has found a quick way of improving it's GDP per head of population. Ship a lar.....
» 18/03/2023 12:47:26 PM Yes the subs will be a long time coming, a bit of a worry. However it is also going to be .....
» 17/03/2023 2:28:47 PM Continued. I had a better than average educated kid get a job as a store man with us. He .....
» 17/03/2023 2:26:15 PM The problem harks back to the Whitlam era, when ideology trumped common sense every time. .....
» 17/03/2023 3:17:12 AM There are non so stupid as those who refuse to see plain evidence. With our SR, if it's no.....
» 16/03/2023 1:36:31 PM The subs will only be of any use if equipped with nuclear headed missiles, & then more use.....
» 16/03/2023 12:35:20 PM When the Indian province of Uttar Pradesh population 220,000,000, yes two hundred & twenty.....
» 15/03/2023 6:12:52 PM And now Paul Keating wants to tell us all how to do it. You would think that a bloke who .....
» 15/03/2023 12:25:14 PM I'm getting worried, so much so I've booked a doctors appointment. I am really worried I m.....
» 15/03/2023 11:56:39 AM "No need to get on your high horse over the word racists. I've been called worse thin.....
» 15/03/2023 11:52:04 AM Joe Biden is signing off on an oil drilling program on US soil which he said he’d never do.....
» 13/03/2023 11:32:18 AM Sorry Graham, the cheap rent being an advantage of home ownership doesn't work for most mo.....
» 12/03/2023 10:11:00 PM It is totally irrational that a small group of people with a totally irrational myth shoul.....
» 11/03/2023 1:02:38 PM The Ukraine is a perfect example of the result of multiculturalism at work, but of course .....
» 8/03/2023 11:40:34 PM If ever we do get those nuclear subs, we will have to permanently moor them in capital cit.....
» 8/03/2023 11:24:01 PM Dutton doesn't do much for me either, although he is definitely no worse than Turnbull. On.....
» 8/03/2023 10:25:25 AM For once I have to agree with Paul, & that is really bad. Albo is a really nasty bit of w.....
» 7/03/2023 4:50:51 PM Yes a very big stick. MAD policy, mutually assured destruction has saved millions over the.....
» 7/03/2023 4:32:27 PM I thought that a recent Japanese satellite monitoring of CO2 found the largest plumes of C.....
» 6/03/2023 9:51:06 PM Carriers are not that easy to fly off. We killed 7 carrier experienced pilots while workin.....
» 6/03/2023 11:44:01 AM I believe we have enough trouble housing & supporting the population we have now. All immi.....
» 6/03/2023 11:22:02 AM Most of the things we use fossil fuels for generate heat. Cooking our food, heating our ho.....
» 5/03/2023 12:33:21 PM I love the islands, in real life. Tell me, just what have you done for islanders, other th.....
» 3/03/2023 1:44:11 PM Continued. Then there is the feeling of partnership with a good horse. A little stallion .....
» 3/03/2023 1:43:08 PM Sex is a very fleeting thing, as is love for many. That first flush of love is fleeting, &.....
» 3/03/2023 1:03:56 PM Saw one of the woke media web sites trying to use some funny name for Frasier island. Ther.....
» 3/03/2023 12:46:46 PM Do try to wake up Aidan. The cost of power is highest in every country that invest more i.....
» 3/03/2023 12:31:34 PM Come on Alan, do try to keep up. A number of surveys have shown that rather than sinking .....
» 2/03/2023 4:10:04 PM The cost of energy, driven by the ridiculous love affair with wind & solar is driving infl.....
» 1/03/2023 12:33:13 PM Whitlam was an egotistical twit, driven by ideology, hampered by the typical academic's la.....
» 27/02/2023 3:21:02 PM I can't stand those "reality" shows, they are as heavily scripted as any of the .....
» 27/02/2023 11:49:11 AM Almost 60 years ago some bright bloke at Mt Isa mines had the idea to replace their steel .....
» 24/02/2023 3:50:17 PM Not at all Paul. We should give them the same conditions & pay rates as those currently em.....
» 23/02/2023 10:24:37 PM That's a pretty good idea ttbn, but first we should get rid of waste, by rationing educati.....
» 23/02/2023 1:48:33 PM Foxy I had a very different Oxford accent experience in the Solomon Islands. I had anchore.....
» 21/02/2023 11:40:01 AM My youngest daughter was wise to decide to get out of her recently built dream home after .....
» 16/02/2023 12:29:45 PM Yes Yuyutsu, first we need to free up land subdivision to bring prices down, the restricti.....
» 13/02/2023 11:26:11 AM The jet streams don't allow China to use balloons to target Australia from China. They wou.....
» 13/02/2023 11:13:19 AM The Japs tried to use balloons & the jet stream to bomb the US during WW11.They did not ha.....
» 12/02/2023 11:17:38 AM I worked with a Jew once. Only knew he was of Jewish decent because he told me. I might ha.....
» 9/02/2023 1:50:43 PM Certainly not me on a cruise ship Maverick. I would consider 7 days on a cruise ship the e.....
» 8/02/2023 9:54:06 AM Social science, an Oxymoron......
» 6/02/2023 11:03:51 AM All mouth & no knowledge......
» 6/02/2023 11:00:48 AM Not actually useless Graham. They supply a nice boost in funds for ratbag spendthrift lef.....
» 6/02/2023 10:57:42 AM God I hate that song. When 4 Muslim wogs can jump out of a car to bash a bloke walking ho.....
» 4/02/2023 2:38:59 PM That certainly wasn't in SE Queensland Paul. My experience. Leaf crops need too many nast.....
» 3/02/2023 11:47:36 AM If you want to see feminism in action, just take a look at Queensland. Ever since Annie t.....
» 3/02/2023 11:26:43 AM Lucky PNG kids. Most of them will escape the jab induced health problems becoming rapidly .....
» 3/02/2023 11:22:44 AM No wonder oldies are getting a reputation as being blithering old goats, when blithering o.....
» 3/02/2023 10:55:15 AM Bit hard to do that here Paul, when I have to pay almost twice that to keep a bunch of use.....
» 2/02/2023 12:50:00 PM When I first moved here, my rates were $670 PA, now $3700. & years ago I suggested in a le.....
» 2/02/2023 12:19:05 PM Are you actually telling us Alan that you believe the Jab was a good thing, & had some suc.....
» 1/02/2023 3:09:36 PM You will still find some true sport Indyvidual, at places like pony clubs & little athleti.....
» 31/01/2023 11:27:45 PM I guess you are right for once Paul. We should clean up Alice Springs & Darwin before we g.....
» 31/01/2023 2:12:37 PM Sports, particularly those in Olympic competition were destroyed once they went profession.....
» 30/01/2023 11:01:22 AM Well I guess Paul would know if there are conservatives in the sewers & gutters. After all.....
» 28/01/2023 1:57:21 PM "In the past Indy has claimed on this Forum that 95% of public servants should be sac.....
» 28/01/2023 1:42:44 PM My son has a flag pole infront of his granny flat. Sometimes he flies an Australian flag, .....
» 28/01/2023 1:20:57 PM Yep when Campbell Newman sacked 20,000 of them it almost halved the time to get anything a.....
» 28/01/2023 12:28:35 PM Feminism has always been about ugly women who hate themselves, & transfer that hate to men.....
» 23/01/2023 1:19:15 PM You are right Foxy, we've had more than a few, almost as bad as Jacinda. There was Whitla.....
» 22/01/2023 12:26:35 PM I'm surprised you suggest SR thinks mhaze. I thought you realised that he consults the Lab.....
» 20/01/2023 1:17:21 PM We can't even produce steel able to handle the requirements of US nuclear sub operational .....
» 20/01/2023 12:20:07 AM Does anyone really give a dam. Australia day comes from a past time when there was much t.....
» 18/01/2023 11:14:18 AM Foxy you made me groan. For that one you should be made4 to stand in the corner for an hou.....
» 16/01/2023 11:38:38 PM Hi David, well said, the internet is a great boon for us as we age. I have dozens of frie.....
» 16/01/2023 11:13:02 PM Come on Aidan be realistic. Indonesia has lots of coal, & they unlike us are not stupid en.....
» 14/01/2023 2:37:55 PM People go to parties dressed as pirates, & pirates were in their day, just about as bad as.....
» 7/01/2023 12:09:05 PM No way I would touch their foul JAB. I & the family have taken Quercetain, Zinc & D-3 to .....
» 6/01/2023 4:04:22 PM It appears that Russia is having trouble fighting a restricted war, in the same way the US.....
» 6/01/2023 3:28:00 PM I had probably the most painless divorce ever. I married a Ballet Choreographer, when we .....
» 5/01/2023 12:17:53 AM I shouldn't bother with you brain washed clowns but my 1893 record is from Tamborine House.....
» 4/01/2023 12:25:20 PM "Hasbeen - don't hate me I'm just the messenger." "Hasbeen - did you catch.....
» 4/01/2023 11:57:53 AM The most frightening thing Foxy, is that you & many others actually believe the propaganda.....
» 3/01/2023 10:45:12 AM Oh come off it Foxy. After Obama, & then Biden, they could elect the drovers dog, & be le.....
» 2/01/2023 11:25:58 AM If he doesn't, start taking Mandarin lessons......
» 2/01/2023 11:19:36 AM I see our the useful idiots are still preaching from the lefty hymn book. Sorry Foxy, but.....
» 1/01/2023 8:47:27 PM Thanks for all the answers. Hope you all have a jingly new year......
» 1/01/2023 12:58:56 PM The warmists blame poor little CO2 for all the worlds evil, but it is a failure. They tel.....
» 1/01/2023 12:31:48 PM The world is crazy. We have the most rabid anti smoking campaigns, claiming passive smoki.....
» 31/12/2022 11:13:49 AM It certainly won't get better Foxy, while we keep importing more trash to fill up the hous.....
» 30/12/2022 4:11:37 PM Max, "It means we’ll finally have independence from the oil barons of the world".....
» 29/12/2022 11:48:41 AM I'll make up my mind AFTER I see the definition of indigenous that will be used......
» 29/12/2022 11:46:09 AM Are you telling us Armchair Critic that you believe that Taiwan is the aggressor to China?.....
» 25/12/2022 10:59:54 AM Listening to some Christmas Carols last night a serious question popped into my mind. Do .....
» 25/12/2022 10:53:45 AM Why the hell would anyone be proud, or even accepting of religious diversity. It is a sure.....
» 24/12/2022 11:31:44 AM And Max, the cost of electricity has rises at about double the rate that coal has been ret.....
» 24/12/2022 11:12:42 AM If it took "GOD" 6 days to create the earth, there is no way he could have creat.....
» 23/12/2022 11:36:36 AM The ultimate lie by an Oz politician, in my life time was ..... "There will be no ca.....
» 20/12/2022 1:46:16 PM "various super-cheap grid storage systems - whether chemical or flow or thermal - are.....
» 19/12/2022 2:02:41 PM Max with the ratbag activists infesting particularly ANU, but also Griffith Uni, and the C.....
» 19/12/2022 1:51:36 PM How anyone can be bothered watching a game where 2 top teams can play all day without eith.....
» 17/12/2022 12:02:49 PM Just for you Paul, I'll have my 21St birthday next year, if I live that long......
» 16/12/2022 12:05:32 PM The cheapest power by a country mile is brown coal. There is currently no international ma.....
» 16/12/2022 11:17:21 AM The Queensland girls club, that are doing such a dreadful job of running state services se.....
» 14/12/2022 11:48:29 AM Yes I thought a few years back that we in the west were approaching the "mobs of Rome.....
» 14/12/2022 11:06:20 AM The poms, Germans, & even the French are thanking their lucky stars that they didn't blow .....
» 11/12/2022 4:10:33 PM Well I don't know. I lived through some of Joh's time, & was aching to see him gone. Woke .....
» 11/12/2022 3:56:29 PM Wrong thing entirely, a ship is far too big to service most of the population, who live fa.....
» 10/12/2022 2:13:33 PM Not only could but will happen if we don't start fighting back damn soon. Battery electri.....
» 10/12/2022 2:06:22 PM My mother hated her last 6 months, confined to bed in a nursing home. She wished she had d.....
» 10/12/2022 1:26:36 PM Are they stupid, or are they milking the scam for their own profit?.....
» 8/12/2022 12:15:12 PM When you get such a rabid ratbag as this bloke, you have to wonder, Is he a brain washed f.....
» 8/12/2022 12:06:22 PM I do get very sick of the communist propaganda continually pushed by this peanut......
» 7/12/2022 11:34:34 PM Yes it is different to the 10Th century Diver. The difference is that now we the public ar.....
» 5/12/2022 2:16:11 PM How is this for the latest trend Max. Swiss look to ban use of electric cars over the win.....
» 4/12/2022 9:51:34 PM A little fact to chew on, regarding the total inability of wind & solar to power anything .....
» 4/12/2022 11:35:16 AM Fools errand mhaze, trying to get a lefty particularly one like SR, as small minded as Alb.....
» 4/12/2022 12:28:38 AM Utter garbage again Alan. The physical land area of 90% of atolls is growing. In fact it .....
» 3/12/2022 12:41:26 PM Apart from destroying PNG the one standout thing that Whitlam proved beyond all doubt is t.....
» 3/12/2022 12:10:56 PM Alan you do make a fool of yourself when you shoot your mouth off, with out doing any rese.....
» 2/12/2022 10:21:56 AM Any "aid" we give should always be as repayable loans......
» 1/12/2022 1:31:50 PM So we have hundreds of battery swap stations, changing hundreds of five thousand pound bat.....
» 1/12/2022 12:33:59 PM What the hell do these lefties use for memory. They certainly don't give any impression of.....
» 30/11/2022 1:06:57 PM Where do you get this garbage you push Max? We couldn't buy & install enough so called re.....
» 30/11/2022 12:34:47 PM Hard to show a blind man the truth Is Mise. Bit hard to tell them either when they won't t.....
» 30/11/2022 12:30:00 PM You silly little man Paul. Nuclear attack submarines are a primary defense weapon. The las.....
» 30/11/2022 11:07:41 AM I see results showing that education in Queensland has fallen through the floor to the low.....
» 28/11/2022 10:47:37 AM Albanese has proved to be the total dill many of us expected. He is too dumb to see the ca.....
» 28/11/2022 10:36:45 AM It is blatantly obviously how public administration is falling apart in Queensland. Import.....
» 27/11/2022 3:45:15 PM If batteries are going to get cheaper Max, please explain why my battery for my remote con.....
» 26/11/2022 10:07:14 PM Is Mise I saw places in PNG where a, automotive alternator driven by water from a small wa.....
» 25/11/2022 11:28:34 AM Evidently Victorians like having a premier who has his police shoot protesters in the back.....
» 25/11/2022 2:54:10 AM It really is depressing watching the dumb Albo playing at statesman, being played like a v.....
» 24/11/2022 1:20:54 PM Come off it Max. We have well over 100 years of known oil in Oz, & probably much more if t.....
» 24/11/2022 11:42:49 AM Paul, you might be surprised at what a defensive effort OLOs old timers could put up. Most.....
» 22/11/2022 2:04:39 PM Come on Max Green, just like Paul, you should try a little honesty. Yes this year could e.....
» 22/11/2022 1:23:38 PM Contrary to this bit of garbage, first past the post is the only fair way to elect a gover.....
» 21/11/2022 12:50:10 PM I read somewhere that the definition of a cur is a dog that bites the hand that fed it......
» 21/11/2022 12:10:47 PM Only a town planner could believe that stacking people sardine like in stacked small boxes.....
» 20/11/2022 11:43:11 AM Yes mhaze the Max Greens of this world have to be very careful what they read. The facts w.....
» 19/11/2022 10:59:05 PM Yes Max Green, & while we are at being sensible, lets harvest refine our own plentiful oil.....
» 19/11/2022 11:55:34 AM Perhaps if we treated those we already have better, we would not need so many recruits. M.....
» 18/11/2022 10:12:14 AM Weight of batteries? Payload reduction? Over all cost to move less freight? What one expec.....
» 18/11/2022 10:05:37 AM Perhaps this clown should have a look at what happened to Rome, when she included foreign .....
» 17/11/2022 12:32:51 AM When I was running the marine division of Telford I became very friendly with the engineer.....
» 16/11/2022 4:31:48 PM The aboriginals & mix raced of today should give thanks every day that the British came. I.....
» 16/11/2022 2:54:27 PM Aidan it is ingenious to talk about the American cattle production system in the Australia.....
» 16/11/2022 1:55:28 PM You know, I think Max Green might actually believe some of the tripe he is posting here. .....
» 15/11/2022 11:59:47 AM Ofcourse if we want truly anti-discriminatory awarding of grants, the NHMRC should not we .....
» 14/11/2022 2:34:48 PM What would be more interesting would be an analysis of which genders research was most suc.....
» 12/11/2022 12:43:19 PM We knew the way to handle the Vietnam War protesters at Sydney Uni. The engineering studen.....
» 12/11/2022 12:35:55 PM If you want driving tests, lets go whole hog, & test every one every say 5 years. There ar.....
» 11/11/2022 9:25:19 AM Don't you have required medical examinations for older drivers in Victoria Foxy? In Queens.....
» 10/11/2022 8:15:31 PM Funny how we get more disabled as more money is available. One example of the rip offs. I.....
» 10/11/2022 1:41:17 PM Not a problem Andras Smith, just dice Gillard's revenge, the most shonky NDIS, & money wil.....
» 9/11/2022 12:22:58 PM Oh come off it Alan, your memory is becoming too compliant to your ideology. Trump is the.....
» 3/11/2022 3:41:12 PM The state of the libs in Victoria must be really bad, if the head of the only government i.....
» 2/11/2022 3:08:58 PM Covid was only more deadly in places where cheap simple remedies like Hydroxychloroquine &.....
» 2/11/2022 2:39:14 PM They haven't lost their way Indyvidual, they are simply crazy. To give them their due, th.....
» 1/11/2022 1:16:24 PM The biggest bleeding heart bleat today on all media is the housing crisis. Where the hell.....
» 30/10/2022 3:41:35 PM So true Armchair Critic. In the mid 60s I bought my yacht, & moved onto it at a marina in .....
» 28/10/2022 10:59:13 PM Are you self taught, or did someone really try to teach you to understand what you read SR.....
» 28/10/2022 12:53:55 PM Yes ttbn, we admire most sports people for their ability & dedication to their sport. In m.....
» 28/10/2022 12:37:45 PM Without levees a huge part of the US Mississippi river basin would be uninhabitable, & a v.....
» 26/10/2022 2:35:44 PM It is not just kids from bad family environments that are bludging today. In this area at .....
» 26/10/2022 2:05:08 PM As we all should know by now mhaze, SR is a great writer of fairy stories. I wonder if he.....
» 25/10/2022 12:25:17 PM Yes of course local authorities should build levees, & then maintain them properly, & the .....
» 24/10/2022 9:31:21 AM Does have a memory problem, or does he hope we do. The lockdowns & payment to those effec.....
» 19/10/2022 1:13:09 PM Yes that's the one Paul. You would think that when they go to the trouble of printing such.....
» 18/10/2022 10:52:16 PM Spoken like a true bureaucrat SR. I wonder why?.....
» 18/10/2022 8:56:25 PM Thanks for your thoughtful advice Paul. I suggest you follow it, I'll just fire up the 10K.....
» 18/10/2022 2:02:09 PM Hi o sung wu, I would agree with you if in fact we did throw away the key. However mostly .....
» 17/10/2022 2:17:52 PM How can government dictate who we hire? When I was hiring people their level of qualifica.....
» 17/10/2022 1:59:08 PM Got a power outage notification in the mail this morning from Energex the Qld government p.....
» 13/10/2022 10:59:09 AM "Always remember that IC vehicles can be run on wood gas and wood is a renewable reso.....
» 13/10/2022 10:31:04 AM We are getting far too much of this garbage propaganda by ratbag activists on OLO today. .....
» 12/10/2022 4:50:06 PM I guess it is impossible for political animals such as SR, Paul & to some extent Foxy to u.....
» 12/10/2022 4:01:11 PM Terry if we ever had any climate scientists they have long been cowered into silence by th.....
» 11/10/2022 10:58:52 PM Banjo Paterson, when you hire a bunch of activists to do the research you get such a resul.....
» 11/10/2022 10:39:02 PM More singing from the lefty hymn book SR! I was a great supporter of state schools, I got.....
» 11/10/2022 6:09:33 PM I am a total atheist, never attended a church. My kids never attended a church, not even t.....
» 11/10/2022 5:45:54 PM Anyone who can think Biden is an improvement on Trump, or the drovers dog, has to be soft .....
» 7/10/2022 2:48:45 PM Every species ever to develop on this planet is bound for extinction sooner or later. To b.....
» 7/10/2022 2:04:39 PM Right JF Aus, it is a short canoe paddle from Bouganville to the Shortland islands, part o.....
» 6/10/2022 11:48:08 AM The whole battery electric car scam is simply a way to get the less wealthy of us back on .....
» 6/10/2022 11:11:58 AM Why The hell are these kids being called Australian. They were not born in Australia. The.....
» 4/10/2022 12:14:27 PM Personal experience is the only true test of this inflation. At the start of the Covid sc.....
» 4/10/2022 11:41:32 AM Come on Foxy. We have a government that only got 35% of the vote & want to shore up the Mu.....
» 3/10/2022 12:35:36 PM It is utterly ridiculous that a company should demand all this information before giving y.....
» 29/09/2022 2:46:25 PM Come on, this clown is only shouting what the rest of the bunch of twits want to. Long ma.....
» 27/09/2022 12:16:19 PM So Canberra as usual have got the wrong angle. Then the Lillians of this world want to cop.....
» 26/09/2022 11:39:57 AM What an utter pile of garbage, typical of Binoy, some of our legal twits & a bunch of isla.....
» 25/09/2022 4:58:13 PM If it must have an image, make it an FJ Holden. This would show that we once were a capab.....
» 21/09/2022 1:15:09 PM Agree rache, the GST & fuel taxes are obscene, we did rather stupidly vote for the GST, & .....
» 21/09/2022 1:00:33 PM This clown, who ever he is, is dead wrong. Ozzies are not too timid, but too smart to cha.....
» 20/09/2022 7:56:06 PM Councils are the main problem. After a marriage break up my daughter wanted to put a house.....
» 19/09/2022 10:02:16 AM Hi Alan, you got the rant a bit wrong mate. Despite assumptions that the rich pay little .....
» 15/09/2022 12:36:09 PM Seeing how we can now decide for our selves that we are male, female, or something yet to .....
» 15/09/2022 12:24:07 PM Hi Foxy. I reckon we have to take our hats off to the girls particularly, who did it in h.....
» 15/09/2022 12:04:42 PM What a nasty little man you are Paul, wanting to send oldies who can't bend, out to pick s.....
» 14/09/2022 9:21:53 PM Foxy, if we cut the dole for all single people, there would suddenly be a rash of weddings.....
» 14/09/2022 3:33:27 PM Of course we should be building the latest coal plants. Not only the cheapest power availa.....
» 14/09/2022 2:16:57 PM In Townsville, just after WW11 we had a problem with supply, there wasn't much. Not only t.....
» 13/09/2022 1:28:43 PM Foxy your belief in anything written by some academic is very sweet, but also most naive. .....
» 13/09/2022 12:17:22 PM rache wrote: "Unlike so many committed denialists I don't make up facts to fit a poli.....
» 13/09/2022 12:06:29 PM Is there anything more disgusting than a white aboriginal? Well there is of course SR......
» 10/09/2022 5:17:44 PM Paul he is not a dill, so not caught by the means test unexpectedly. His permanent assets .....
» 10/09/2022 4:45:46 PM Foxy, please tell me which of of the republics mentioned you would like to live in, whethe.....
» 10/09/2022 3:51:35 PM Angola, Argetnina, Belarus, Benin, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chile, Col.....
» 9/09/2022 1:01:47 PM Paul you will be pleased to know one of my pensioner mates has just down sized as you requ.....
» 9/09/2022 12:41:46 PM Thanks for the suggestion Armchair Critic, we have had that thought. I had a 12M x 10M tun.....
» 9/09/2022 12:18:29 PM Yes God Save the Queen. A real loss. I joined the navy as an impressionable youth to serv.....
» 8/09/2022 10:44:49 PM You appear to know it all rache. Would you please give me the formulae that prove CO2 is .....
» 8/09/2022 10:15:02 PM This reads to me like the musings of someone who has spent too much time meditating on the.....
» 7/09/2022 4:38:12 PM Because the yobbos do much better under Labor, & there are more yobbos than pensioners. La.....
» 7/09/2022 4:25:25 PM Why am I here? Because my parents had a bit of fun one night. Do I have any responsibilit.....
» 4/09/2022 12:36:04 PM A neighbor on about 10 acres, about 8 months ago, moved a "granny flat on wheels".....
» 4/09/2022 12:17:00 PM Foxy you tell us The Refugee Council of Australia tells us that: "By definition refu.....
» 28/08/2022 12:10:56 AM I have a better idea Paul. First lets sack a million of the 2.1 million who are employed .....
» 26/08/2022 12:20:08 PM Hey SR, you must have me mixed up with Jackie Trad Labor EX deputy premier. You are typica.....
» 26/08/2022 12:42:33 AM Do try to grow up a bit SR, & get off the emotive garbage. I am talking simple facts. You .....
» 25/08/2022 3:17:47 PM Oh for gods sake. Any business is entitled to claim the interest on loans to support the .....
» 18/08/2022 12:38:18 PM Remember the ditty, "Sticks & stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.....
» 16/08/2022 11:37:22 AM What a pile of utter garbage. If ever there was a poster claiming the wrong name, "Th.....
» 14/08/2022 11:30:11 PM Totally agree shadowminister......
» 11/08/2022 4:01:53 PM My sons ship, Manoora or Kanimbla I can't remember which of the twins hit a container off .....
» 11/08/2022 3:24:46 PM "Why in the christ would we need new transmission lines"? Posted by The voice of.....
» 11/08/2022 2:33:55 PM Unless you want to be a 24/7 goat herder Alan, goats are just too hard to manage. A mate .....
» 11/08/2022 1:35:29 PM Continued I ordered a $260,000, 20 meter imitation sub coral viewing vessel a 50 x 30 met.....
» 11/08/2022 1:35:22 PM Yes Alan, it is well known there are large reserves of oil under the reef, but we have ove.....
» 10/08/2022 3:04:39 PM Recent announcement. The consumer is expected to pay the 13 Billion, yes that is Billion, .....
» 10/08/2022 2:36:48 PM I was born on the 29Th of February. I am thus approaching my 21St birthday, & have been pl.....
» 10/08/2022 1:25:22 PM Hi Roses1, interesting post. Spoken like a true gravy train rider, profiteer in the globa.....
» 9/08/2022 12:01:16 PM Yep we have over 100 years of known shale oil reserves here in Oz but the oil companies ar.....
» 7/08/2022 11:41:50 AM Aidan my post was nothing to do with strategy, just a simple statement of fact. I doubt ma.....
» 6/08/2022 1:48:03 PM Here we have SR & Paul, who between them would not have enough math to make change for a b.....
» 6/08/2022 1:18:51 PM It does look as if China does believe there can be a winner in a nuclear war. In this case.....
» 5/08/2022 11:42:44 AM Paul you are obviously speaking from personal experience, or you would know that most old .....
» 4/08/2022 1:30:33 PM Morgan is a perfect example of what a car manufacturer can be if they don't chase economie.....
» 2/08/2022 11:09:25 AM Senator Lidia Thorpe, one of those white aboriginals, is a perfect example of why we would.....
» 2/08/2022 9:53:25 AM Thinkabit in the Australian market my ICE Honda S2000 has appreciated from $30,000 a few y.....
» 2/08/2022 12:13:48 AM Anyone who thinks Friendly Jordies is nothing but a pole of poo, can't be too bad......
» 31/07/2022 4:34:49 PM Just 3 years ago I could buy the battery for most of my remote control planes for A$5. Cur.....
» 31/07/2022 4:14:41 PM Too much misinformation shadowminister, for me to have any real idea how the war is going,.....
» 29/07/2022 1:38:59 PM Thanks for a bit of seance, rather than rhetoric, mhaze......
» 29/07/2022 1:29:29 PM Would that be more than half of the now 20% & falling who still bother to watch the legacy.....
» 27/07/2022 3:57:40 PM One can only assume from this Ray has too much time on his hands, & spends a great deal of.....
» 25/07/2022 4:18:27 PM I can't imagine anything more stupid. The woman have proved themselves to be dills or rad.....
» 25/07/2022 4:04:12 PM I think you & many others are being too hard on Abbott ttbn. I believe he wanted to get ri.....
» 24/07/2022 2:23:12 PM For me they failed the first night of independence. They had fireworks display in every ma.....
» 21/07/2022 11:11:25 PM My youngest daughter works with a young single mother who only works 3 days a week, althou.....
» 20/07/2022 1:40:41 PM Before the end of the second paragraph it was obvious this bloke wants to get hold of kids.....
» 19/07/2022 5:10:38 PM Increasing diverse society calls for absolutely idiotic leadership. The last thing we need.....
» 19/07/2022 4:59:32 PM I wonder just how much gratitude we are likely for denuding our own very meager defenses t.....
» 18/07/2022 4:30:39 PM Alan all low atoll islands move on the reef flat. Always have & always will. I built jetti.....
» 17/07/2022 12:19:40 PM Alan coral grows mostly strongly on the seaward side of any existing reef. Thus it expands.....
» 16/07/2022 6:07:52 PM Indy recent evaluation of satellite data has shown that over 80% of Pacific islands includ.....
» 14/07/2022 10:48:53 PM One of the things that make windmills very polluting in instillation is the very large amo.....
» 12/07/2022 2:17:02 PM I don't think there is much choice today, unless the parents are lucky enough, or planned .....
» 12/07/2022 1:31:23 PM Come on Foxy. There was not a single reason for Albo to go to the Ukraine than his desire.....
» 12/07/2022 1:17:40 PM Well thank god for small mercies. We could have the world in an even greater mess by havin.....
» 3/07/2022 5:07:05 PM And you have volunteered for just how much service to your country or anyone else SR? Part.....
» 3/07/2022 10:44:24 AM If you want to go back to another fanciful nostalgic era maybe we shouldn't have given wom.....
» 2/07/2022 10:12:49 PM Yes Is Mise, & then they combined to become Australian. The result was so strong we absorb.....
» 2/07/2022 12:11:55 AM Yes sex is critical, as it promotes intimacy. Intimacy is the reason that arranged mirage.....
» 30/06/2022 12:50:04 AM Foxy it was so lefty spun that my TV was still spinning all night......
» 29/06/2022 12:19:47 PM Written as an elite profiteer of the renewable industry, if only as an on the side bit pla.....
» 28/06/2022 12:51:48 AM Wonder what his carbon foot print is? Must more than any previous PM ran up so quickly. Th.....
» 27/06/2022 12:38:58 PM Is any one else wondering what we got with Albanese? Presently it looks like instead of a.....
» 27/06/2022 10:49:51 AM Most aboriginals have very little knowledge of aboriginal culture, before white settlement.....
» 27/06/2022 10:44:07 AM Foxy anyone who actually is silly enough to believe any of the propaganda pushed by the SB.....
» 20/06/2022 2:45:56 PM Hey ttbn, perhaps we could do more for the murder rate if instead of banning guns we banne.....
» 11/06/2022 1:02:46 PM With Albo in the Lodge, anything China might do is the least of our worries......
» 9/06/2022 12:54:52 PM I'm still waiting for one of these republicans to point to a single Republic who's governm.....
» 8/06/2022 9:48:58 AM I suggest every one frame their second quarter 2022 electricity bill, & hang it on the wal.....
» 8/06/2022 9:33:38 AM I am waiting for someone to point out a single republic whose system of government we can .....
» 6/06/2022 10:15:01 PM Yes more diverse, & I expect more divisive......
» 6/06/2022 11:55:15 AM Yes ttbn, rather than wasting our time electing politicians, we should be electing all jud.....
» 6/06/2022 11:39:05 AM It would be nice if we could ttbn, but we might need bigger whips to get some Australian, .....
» 6/06/2022 10:53:35 AM My condolences ViolentEntropy, unfortunately there comes a time when we are all loosing ma.....
» 3/06/2022 11:09:39 PM Don't forget the old WW11 wood gas generator Is Mise, they would do a great job of driving.....
» 3/06/2022 10:54:14 PM Mop and bucket Paul? What the hell happened to hands & knees?.....
» 3/06/2022 10:36:14 PM Not just gone Bazz, they have been going that way for years......
» 3/06/2022 10:21:07 PM Just about every pacific island has ideal sights & rainfall to power all their needs with .....
» 2/06/2022 8:29:40 PM Come on Foxy, you don't chose a cloths horse to do something serious......
» 2/06/2022 12:50:31 PM Murder In America, basically a black on black thing. We need to be sure we don't import i.....
» 2/06/2022 12:46:52 PM I guess that SR has not noticed how our governments have become less competent over the la.....
» 2/06/2022 12:35:32 PM Has no one noticed that it is the large construction contractors, & their fully unionised .....
» 1/06/2022 11:42:09 AM I don't know about the rest of the voters, but for me, & most of those I know, no emission.....
» 30/05/2022 11:57:33 AM Yes Dan, it would be nice if the council would let my daughter put a house along side mine.....
» 28/05/2022 5:38:28 PM That sounds like a lot of fun o sung wu. I would have liked to be that competent with the .....
» 28/05/2022 4:27:56 PM Can I stop crying now Alan? Come on mate, quite a few of us had it tough, but we don't ass.....
» 27/05/2022 11:09:53 PM Don't forget the Libs had one too. I often wondered if it was to annoy the Muslims & some .....
» 27/05/2022 1:17:16 PM Only a fool would believe that most of those "in need" are there through any rea.....
» 23/05/2022 11:06:57 AM Interesting Foxy, but have you noticed it is inner city folk who have made the change. Yes.....
» 23/05/2022 10:59:45 AM Thanks Ross, for your vision of a horrific future as planned for us by the elites. Nice li.....
» 20/05/2022 10:35:31 PM If the crumbs from 3 or 4 slices of bread are enough to change the ecology of the area, I .....
» 20/05/2022 1:57:29 PM Yes shadowminister, more like endless rain. It has been unusually wet of course, but not .....
» 20/05/2022 1:20:15 PM Congratulations Graham on your fairness. I'm not sure it is wise, but you do practice what.....
» 19/05/2022 4:41:30 PM It’s been a wet year. First of all we had a wet spring which got everything off to a roari.....
» 19/05/2022 3:07:33 PM It is going to cost your grand daughter a lot more than that for personal mobility if you .....
» 19/05/2022 1:38:32 PM I'll drink to that ttbn, if anything we should be reducing the number of MPs, & quite dras.....
» 18/05/2022 1:28:40 PM Lets go just one step further & say women of that demographic really like a man to be dumb.....
» 16/05/2022 2:39:11 PM How about a poll. Is SR A/ Press secretary for a labor politician. B/ Apprentice press s.....
» 16/05/2022 12:04:32 AM What a stupid little man you are Yuyutsu, of course people need loans. How is any one goin.....
» 15/05/2022 8:16:24 PM I knew you would approve Paul, & i guess the company you keep are dumb enough to fall for .....
» 15/05/2022 1:13:38 PM Labor has shown their total lack of principals with their "Not my job" adds. Th.....
» 15/05/2022 12:09:59 PM You do know I presume Paul, that your "working poor" in Australia are the highes.....
» 15/05/2022 11:50:50 AM Any information the Chinese could gather from a ship is certainly pretty harmless compared.....
» 15/05/2022 11:12:49 AM That is the trouble with lefty thinking Paul. Far too many "rights", & not enoug.....
» 14/05/2022 2:58:49 PM Sorry that was $400 a week rent, but it could soon be $4000......
» 14/05/2022 2:55:47 PM Labor tried a similar scheme in Queensland about 30 years ago. They got a lot of people in.....
» 12/05/2022 3:07:11 PM I guess it is pretty easy for someone who has spent a large part of their life on an incom.....
» 8/05/2022 12:37:40 PM How typically communist Paul. Wouldn't it be better if those who earned the money to pay .....
» 7/05/2022 7:45:05 PM Blamed by who Foxy. Any one blamed by the likes of Paul are likely to be as innocent as th.....
» 7/05/2022 12:22:15 PM Thanks mhaze I couldn't be bothered......
» 6/05/2022 3:44:50 PM Paul I don't think most White Anglo-Saxon give a damn how many Africans or Asians there ar.....
» 6/05/2022 3:28:28 PM Talking about inflation I started wondering just how much it effected me personally, & my .....
» 6/05/2022 2:56:23 PM Armchair Critic I thought you would realise that the 17 year olds at a McDonalds window we.....
» 6/05/2022 2:17:12 PM If we want to "regain our regional influence" in the Pacific Islands or anywhere.....
» 6/05/2022 1:58:04 PM Alan you are old enough to know dam well we had much bigger & "better" floods & .....
» 5/05/2022 9:58:45 PM Stopping all the green garbage restricting subdivision would go a long way towards making .....
» 5/05/2022 8:48:51 PM Yes Jyab, I have often wondered what you do with yourself if living in a city high rise. H.....
» 5/05/2022 8:20:19 PM Not so shore Labor had the right man to handle the problem mhaze. I was living on a resort.....
» 5/05/2022 6:16:48 PM Who here would be prepared, [silly enough], to live in a highrise with 5 amp GPOs in each .....
» 4/05/2022 2:58:07 PM Foxy Forrest is just in a new type of mining with the Hydrogen scheme, subsidiary mining......
» 4/05/2022 2:20:19 PM Is this bloke just a dummy, who can't see past the nose on his face, or does he really wan.....
» 4/05/2022 12:40:20 AM SR obviously you would be a prime candidate to, 1/ Not have the math to understand any of.....
» 3/05/2022 2:47:37 PM For any who actually want to understand the cyclical warming & cooling of the planet, ther.....
» 2/05/2022 11:35:20 PM It looks like a pretty good way to destroy the supply chain, very quietly, before the publ.....
» 2/05/2022 11:31:59 PM How many are sure that Transparency International is any less corrupt than those they chos.....
» 2/05/2022 9:56:35 AM Remember, "Sticks & stones may break your bones, but names will never hurt me". .....
» 1/05/2022 1:00:00 PM Can anyone who has ever seen Albo try to answer anything other than a Dorothy Dix question.....
» 1/05/2022 12:54:11 PM "The use of intercontinental ballistic missiles makes island hopping redundant"......
» 29/04/2022 1:25:32 PM Many years ago an experiment with lab rats showed that if you progressively crowd more & m.....
» 29/04/2022 12:15:08 PM It really is a pity that this clown Binoy, didn't study math or physics when he was doing .....
» 28/04/2022 1:06:19 PM Islands are a dreadful defensive base, as was proven in WW!!. You can't reinforce them unl.....
» 26/04/2022 2:17:09 PM Yes lets learn from history, & make sure we never have another Churchill. He had read too .....
» 22/04/2022 11:11:55 PM Looks like the minders have decided to hide Albo for a while. They want to pry that foot o.....
» 20/04/2022 1:57:59 PM Oh God, the lefties yabbering on about fear campaigns. The greatest fear campaign in the .....
» 20/04/2022 1:28:56 PM How small can you go. In the new Yarrabilba you can introduce yourself to your neighbors o.....
» 18/04/2022 3:01:00 PM It is all right believing in Flash Gorden adventures Alan, as long as it is only in comic .....
» 18/04/2022 12:13:50 PM Come on Foxy. In all these commissions the members are drawn from academia, probably the .....
» 17/04/2022 9:51:51 PM A bit of sanity. The US is the only country with the capacity to build the weapons & ships.....
» 16/04/2022 10:40:32 AM Foxy the advantage of maleness is built up through childhood & adolescence. It may diminis.....
» 12/04/2022 9:56:17 PM Obviously the cost of childcare is one of those obstacles. Posted by Aidan. Yes Aidan & w.....
» 12/04/2022 11:49:07 AM Sorry ttbn, one of Albo's major policies is more jobs. How the hell is he going to judge.....
» 12/04/2022 11:00:13 AM What would save a lot of waste individual, would be to abolish all public service pensions.....
» 11/04/2022 12:51:35 PM And then there's the Pauline Hansons......Thank God......
» 9/04/2022 12:51:16 AM Only a twit would care what Putin thinks about anything, considering haw bad his recent ju.....
» 8/04/2022 12:34:36 PM A great deal of buildings constructed in China are pretty shoddy, why would anyone expect .....
» 8/04/2022 12:27:55 PM Looks like Binoy is getting worried that we may yet become too hard a target for his favor.....
» 7/04/2022 3:26:50 PM "Refusing to answer a question does not amount to not knowing the answer. What happen.....
» 7/04/2022 2:13:00 PM The trouble is of course, that there is enough hate & so many ratbags on each side, that a.....
» 7/04/2022 2:03:41 PM I guess if it is a government department. or large large operation, about half the employe.....
» 6/04/2022 12:13:43 PM You are probably right Alan. Just when Germany & the UK governments have finally admitted.....
» 5/04/2022 11:53:30 AM Yes Paul, I'll pay that one......
» 5/04/2022 11:46:10 AM Obviously a lot of book & article writing academics are very envious of the very rich. Cou.....
» 4/04/2022 10:33:03 PM A funny story, a bit closer to the topic. One morning in 2009 I went down to my 98 year ol.....
» 4/04/2022 5:37:16 PM Hey thinkabit, isn't it great the kids have finished the Sydney Harbor Bridge, that should.....
» 3/04/2022 12:14:01 PM An I really the only one who realises that individual's idea is civil conscription, not mi.....
» 1/04/2022 2:08:35 PM Russian wire guided missiles damn near stopped the Israel tanks last time in the Sinai. Ho.....
» 31/03/2022 9:03:54 PM I suggest we should have a system that rewards those with the skill & training, rather tha.....
» 31/03/2022 1:52:37 PM We are in a bit of a cleft stick aren't we? The last thing we need is a dill like Albo in.....
» 31/03/2022 1:21:49 PM More fear of competition by powerful organisations I would think individual. The Snowy em.....
» 31/03/2022 12:30:33 PM I was forced overseas Foxy, by our wonderful government effectively outlawing the most suc.....
» 31/03/2022 11:58:27 AM We left Townsville in late 49, so I wasn't there with you John, in that Townsville sign. I.....
» 30/03/2022 2:06:47 PM It must be internet/phone companies Dan. I had little problem with the tech side of Westne.....
» 29/03/2022 1:25:50 PM I have a new debit card, the second in 6 months. Why, because I had to used my car on line.....
» 29/03/2022 11:53:47 AM You've got to be kidding Alan. Policies, what is that. 90% of voters wouldn't have a clue.....
» 27/03/2022 12:06:23 PM I remember the ABC broadcasts from when I was cruising the Solomons. I couldn't get anythi.....
» 26/03/2022 8:29:34 PM "You condemn the Balkans by its history and would seem to deny them the opportunity t.....
» 26/03/2022 12:29:00 PM There is an awful lot of misinformation coming out of this war zone. Evidently when the R.....
» 25/03/2022 9:42:05 PM I think we had some of the same type when I was at uni, the second time. I was a bit older.....
» 25/03/2022 8:50:38 PM The incompetent bureaucrats have struck again. My lady has been put on stand by for jury .....
» 25/03/2022 3:45:47 PM This Ukrainian situation is a perfect example of what happens when you let too many of a d.....
» 24/03/2022 12:46:58 PM "I doubt if the UAP or One Nation will succeed in making a difference in our politica.....
» 24/03/2022 11:52:43 AM Ever noticed how those sucking on the taxpayers teat always believe there is plenty more t.....
» 23/03/2022 1:00:52 PM Surely the "hen pecked husband' is merely another manifestation of the female tendenc.....
» 21/03/2022 11:42:27 AM Global warming, Covid, Ukraine, & China all bulldust from the MSN. Is there any reason to.....
» 21/03/2022 11:31:03 AM Come on rache, if anything was done to Gillard it was far too little far too late after th.....
» 20/03/2022 6:26:11 PM I'll take your word for that Paul. It does sound as if you are an expert on these things, .....
» 20/03/2022 11:34:40 AM Do try to be honest occasionally Paul. Her ladyship & company have come up with a greadieo.....
» 19/03/2022 8:01:47 PM Wow!! SR really is cooking the tripe now. I wonder if he actually believes any of this st.....
» 19/03/2022 12:36:37 PM Rather than the zero net emissions by 2050 stupidity , all Morrison has to do is make law,.....
» 19/03/2022 12:24:19 PM I wonder who paid, & how much for that "research" result Alan.....
» 17/03/2022 12:54:44 PM We must have transport fuel, & we must have reliable transport fuel. We have seen by the d.....
» 15/03/2022 12:58:17 PM Gee Binoy in this thread you are virtually shouting from the roof tops that you are a Russ.....
» 14/03/2022 1:12:27 PM Four Corners don't do anything without it being to further a political agenda. Anyone who .....
» 13/03/2022 4:39:23 PM Come on TTBN, the moment anyone tried to do something to help these kids, or any others, t.....
» 12/03/2022 8:12:10 PM Paul I know you in your fantasy world will find it hard to believe, but nothing would make.....
» 10/03/2022 9:25:49 PM Well Well, that is interesting Paul. You believe the lady actually has a mind! I guess it.....
» 9/03/2022 2:15:14 PM Lismore has a levee system. Levees have a history around the world of failure. Perhaps if.....
» 9/03/2022 2:01:25 PM Rather than start building a nuclear sub base, the first thing the government needs to do .....
» 9/03/2022 1:33:32 PM It's been going on for ever. Back just after the war we were living in Townsville. The ne.....
» 9/03/2022 4:02:30 AM Of course it will happen again rache, just as it has in the past, in fact over 120years ag.....
» 8/03/2022 11:47:29 PM From any perspective this February's rainfall has been extraordinary, but not unprecedente.....
» 8/03/2022 9:55:50 PM Paul the water heights I quoted are from the Bureau of Meteorology official graph entitled.....
» 8/03/2022 11:39:34 AM Indy no one can afford a water harvesting project costing billions which is only going to .....
» 5/03/2022 10:59:39 AM Good on them from me Paul......
» 4/03/2022 11:05:48 PM JoNova on her blog has reproduced a graph by the Bureau of Meteorology entitled KNOWN FLOO.....
» 4/03/2022 5:40:57 PM Actually Indy the biggest flood was in the 1893s & again bigger than recent floods early i.....
» 4/03/2022 10:39:25 AM I once moved a house from the Hervey Bay sight of a new Woolworths to a block on the Burru.....
» 3/03/2022 11:02:15 PM It is probably a bit too late to think of abandoning the homes in flood areas. Most have b.....
» 3/03/2022 9:34:30 PM Hydrogen would be a joke, if it weren't for the fact it is going to cost the taxpayer a la.....
» 3/03/2022 2:30:14 PM Indy to put it in perspective, I am on the Albert. A little short river with only a small .....
» 2/03/2022 11:25:26 PM Canem Malum, this rain event lasted 6 days, dropped between 600mmn & a meter of rain on mo.....
» 1/03/2022 11:03:22 PM Indi pie in the sky mate. Yes a waste of water, & I'm sure the people of Brisbane would lo.....
» 28/02/2022 12:41:52 PM 22,000 homes in Brisbane flooded again, & this time they used the flood mitigation of the .....
» 26/02/2022 4:25:29 PM Yes of course, & the Normans should give the UK back to the Celts. It's a winner takes al.....
» 25/02/2022 10:37:01 PM National parks are a disaster, & increasing the area simply reduces any even small managem.....
» 23/02/2022 10:33:21 AM When the shooting starts, I wonder how the left media are going to blame Trump. It will be.....
» 23/02/2022 10:29:57 AM "Richard Eckersley is an independent researcher". Independently so far left he .....
» 22/02/2022 1:29:43 PM We will not be able to defend ourselves against anyone, even a quarter of the size of Chin.....
» 22/02/2022 1:17:36 PM Does any real person give a damn what Prince Andrew & some little tart did back in their y.....
» 22/02/2022 1:13:52 PM It really is so simple. We should give any generator a contract to supply a certain amou.....
» 22/02/2022 12:50:55 PM If Trudeau gets away with this, it will become the model for the EU & France first, then t.....
» 22/02/2022 12:30:56 PM Good article Fiona and Hayley, wound treatment is sadly lacking. I guess there is not enou.....
» 20/02/2022 1:40:56 PM Was it me, or some hidden internet police. How the hell did Ivermectin become Activation,.....
» 20/02/2022 1:35:20 PM Are you suggesting Foxy, that Labor would have allowed us access to Activation. Actually w.....
» 20/02/2022 12:57:56 PM Or Alan, more realistically, the poms could just boor a few holes & collect the gas sittin.....
» 20/02/2022 12:48:44 PM Yes Foxy, my lady & I established & ran a school textbook hire scheme for the P&C at our l.....
» 19/02/2022 1:16:50 PM Individual, I knew a bloke who was one of the hundred wharf labourers called in to load th.....
» 18/02/2022 11:17:15 PM Bazz my son used to near cry when the navy chucked out the year old big gel batteries used.....
» 18/02/2022 12:44:22 PM I have mentioned before Is Mise that we have very few ports capable of taking any ship big.....
» 18/02/2022 12:06:33 PM The last thing the army needs is a bunch of conscript petals getting in the way of the few.....
» 18/02/2022 2:26:54 AM I wouldn't know much about the Sisters of Mercy Foxy, although I did hear some rumors of l.....
» 18/02/2022 2:17:36 AM SR I'm a state school kid, but from when state schools had teachers who knew their subject.....
» 17/02/2022 2:54:36 PM Did Epstein and Maxwell take advantage of Giuffre, or did she take advantage of the opport.....
» 17/02/2022 2:41:57 PM Yes o sung wu & individual, a year of national service would do the kids a great deal of g.....
» 17/02/2022 12:40:10 PM "Christianity stands now for less and less" DD. What the hell would you expect......
» 16/02/2022 2:14:38 PM Just what are these ships going to do? What are they going to carry to where? If it is to.....
» 16/02/2022 1973 I was on my first cruise from Sydney to the reef. I met a couple cruising in the Whit.....
» 15/02/2022 11:35:06 PM My one brush with royalty. I was one of about 10,000 kids lined up in rows 6 deep at the .....
» 13/02/2022 11:50:13 AM Probably a few of them are posting here, I can guess nom de plume they are using......
» 13/02/2022 11:29:23 AM You seemingly misunderstand Foxy. Nowhere did I say he was a nice man, I said he was a go.....
» 13/02/2022 10:50:18 AM I may "know SFA about infectious diseases and their control" Alan, but it appear.....
» 12/02/2022 12:14:06 PM If it weren't for Putin we'd already be fighting WW3 "individual". I think you .....
» 12/02/2022 12:07:27 PM In the UK some counties are using spy cameras inside garbage trucks. Some have up to 5 bin.....
» 12/02/2022 11:58:58 AM Foxy if you are thinking of voting on announced policies, here are a couple of statements .....
» 11/02/2022 11:00:04 PM What utter garbage Nathan. You may have heard of Fraser Island. It's a pretty big island .....
» 11/02/2022 3:16:12 PM Dylan Alcott's call for more money for the NDIS makes him no better than the last incumben.....
» 11/02/2022 2:15:07 PM By far your best piece yet Murray. Now do the same on the global warming fraud. I don't t.....
» 10/02/2022 1:24:16 PM It is great that sport gives the disabled an extra interest in life, but to pay them for t.....
» 10/02/2022 1:12:19 PM Not for nothing Labor are doing a Biden with Albanese, the moment he opens his mouth anyon.....
» 9/02/2022 4:42:20 PM Not much chop ttbn, if this bit is any indication of his jumbled thinking. I'm with you o.....
» 9/02/2022 4:25:08 PM Russia is much more likely to come to a negotiated settlement reasonably satisfactory to a.....
» 9/02/2022 10:10:05 AM Come off the raw prawn Nathan, most of the so called pristine forest cleared today, is the.....
» 9/02/2022 9:37:53 AM I can see Russia's point. NATO is a totally toothless tiger, unless the US do all the wor.....
» 8/02/2022 2:39:58 PM Do you actually believe that stuff BAYGON. God help us......
» 5/02/2022 2:28:25 PM Don't worry Nathan in Australia we are converting that much open grazing land into rubbish.....
» 5/02/2022 1:06:25 PM I must be going colour blind......
» 4/02/2022 12:31:43 PM You're a bit hard on the sports people ttbn. To get to the top, even in team sports which.....
» 3/02/2022 10:54:18 PM Wrong as usual Paul. 63Kg, healthy lifestyle running a horticultural business after early.....
» 3/02/2022 4:24:31 PM mhaze. "It wasn't that long ago that the woke were claiming that universal health car.....
» 3/02/2022 4:02:07 PM If you have a problem with over subscription Paul, I suggest you take it up with the docto.....
» 3/02/2022 12:34:19 PM This piece to me sounds like someone with irons in the fire dredging around looking for so.....
» 2/02/2022 10:13:41 PM I have no intention of depriving you of the RATs you so obviously desire Paul. I reckon I.....
» 2/02/2022 12:42:59 PM How on earth do they manage to stockpile drugs on the PBS Paul? You are only eligible to g.....
» 2/02/2022 12:22:43 PM Why would you consult a doctor re vaccination Foxy. If the doctor in this little story is.....
» 2/02/2022 12:13:23 PM How typically academic. Talk around in useless circles & come up with the wrong answer. T.....
» 31/01/2022 11:38:41 AM Yes Alan, a typically republican approach. First try to get everyone locked into a apparen.....
» 27/01/2022 3:04:14 PM Yep, time to sack at least a hundred thousand useless bureaucrats, & get government off ou.....
» 27/01/2022 2:34:08 PM I get so sick of these minor academics, a legend in their own lifetime, but only to themse.....
» 26/01/2022 9:45:15 PM I am just so glad that I lived through the best this country could offer. I lived through.....
» 26/01/2022 9:13:03 PM I totally despise anyone who will not fight for their country. Anyone who wants to sit at .....
» 25/01/2022 1:45:09 PM Come on little man, time to stop feeling sorry for yourself, or what ever bit of yourself .....
» 24/01/2022 3:09:40 PM Very few ever ever want to become very good at anything. Even fewer stay the course to bec.....
» 21/01/2022 12:56:24 PM For those following the saga, the division between the transmission cooler in the bottom o.....
» 21/01/2022 12:09:00 PM Sorry, I think you misread that Fester. The reference to Omicron was that a higher percen.....
» 20/01/2022 10:11:26 PM Ops, that is $890 a quarter, $3560 a year for power, & $111.5 a week to own the place......
» 20/01/2022 2:46:56 PM I was feeling quite pleased with myself when I sat down to pay some bills. My bill paying .....
» 19/01/2022 11:25:12 AM Binoy when commentating you are supposed to hide the fact that you are well left of Khrush.....
» 18/01/2022 9:26:06 PM This was just found, very well buried. “COVID-19 WEEKLY SURVEILLANCE IN NSW “EPIDEMIOLOGI.....
» 18/01/2022 1:07:59 PM Totally wrong Alan. It is the partial effect of these inefficient vaccines that force & .....
» 17/01/2022 1:32:10 PM With his current policies Foxy, all he is going to do is turn the lights off, even before .....
» 17/01/2022 11:34:52 AM Boris was going great, got the poms out of the disastrous EU, & got reelected with a huge .....
» 16/01/2022 12:06:26 AM Perhaps you missed that these numbers were per 100,000 of the population, so currently in .....
» 15/01/2022 11:45:03 AM With all this talk about being partially & fully vaccinated, & then boosted, lets apply th.....
» 15/01/2022 11:32:39 AM Data from Public Health Scotland (PHS) is showing that on a per capita basis not only are .....
» 14/01/2022 3:25:16 PM He has earned everything he has got, for uncaring putting the lives of many in extra dange.....
» 13/01/2022 9:12:38 PM Well the poor kid didn't get far. She had only got to Nerang yesterday to pick up more of .....
» 11/01/2022 2:36:59 PM Some people are getting a pretty rotten deal from our reactions to Covid. A young lady [ea.....
» 11/01/2022 12:22:35 PM It is simply terminology. If the same clowns can label cutting down US forests to fire a P.....
» 9/01/2022 11:05:52 AM Gee rache it's just as well all these vaccinated people are less likely to pass covid on t.....
» 7/01/2022 8:41:17 PM Yes Foxy, but once that advice has proved totally faulty, the current form of vaccination,.....
» 7/01/2022 1:00:19 PM For the long term future of any party, if not Oz & it's people, the next election could be.....
» 7/01/2022 12:44:38 PM One of these days Paul just might post something that is not simply an attempt at straight.....
» 7/01/2022 12:35:16 PM The Poms did a magnificent job in the Solomons. At independence it was a thriving, well go.....
» 7/01/2022 12:22:02 PM Of course the major problem is immigration. You can't generate the need for 200,000 extra .....
» 6/01/2022 7:32:32 PM NathanJ, at the present moment I can see no better result for the Australian population th.....
» 6/01/2022 7:23:49 PM I read somewhere Djokovic has had & recovered from the virus. If so he is therefore less c.....
» 6/01/2022 2:55:42 PM This piece in particular highlights how much money we waste in trying to educate people li.....
» 4/01/2022 9:39:59 AM Well what do you know, he can Google. Try looking at the frequencies absorbed by water va.....
» 4/01/2022 9:09:35 AM Intentionally of course......
» 3/01/2022 9:11:31 PM "If you're in a marginal Coalition seat they'll give you a swimming pool and car park.....
» 2/01/2022 11:42:45 PM Now the idiot Albanese is pushing rapid rail. What an idiot. Borrow a hundred billion to.....
» 2/01/2022 11:32:49 PM Oh & give us the math you reckon proves the rubbish......
» 2/01/2022 11:31:44 PM How about SR you give us the magic property of CO2 you reckon can increase our temperature.....
» 2/01/2022 11:27:21 PM Hey shadow, do you know if Erdogan takes on outside contracts. We could certainly use som.....
» 2/01/2022 12:28:30 AM Sorry Aidan, not trying to be unpleasant, but if you don't know who the elites are, you ar.....
» 1/01/2022 11:38:50 AM I agree individual, I have wondered how the elites expect to profit from their current beh.....
» 31/12/2021 9:54:08 PM It is not that the elites are interested in climate change, but to use it as a vehicle to .....
» 31/12/2021 7:44:31 PM Foxy you obviously missed, or chose to ignore the bit about the garbage having absorbed us.....
» 31/12/2021 12:09:52 PM A song imported from America was popular in the 50s in country NSW. You've got to be a fo.....
» 28/12/2021 10:07:10 PM Well why not. The US has voted [perhaps] in the most incompetent president ever. The UK .....
» 28/12/2021 9:52:26 PM Well what do you know! The first recorded death from the Omicron variation was, wait for .....
» 23/12/2021 3:50:31 PM So now our new chief medical officer is telling us we have to let the pandemic spread, so .....
» 18/12/2021 11:31:34 AM Paul, "Seeing the ads, and reading the garbage put up by the forum haters, one can se.....
» 18/12/2021 11:12:33 AM Typical political & bureaucratic bulldust on TV last night. Celebrating the under river ra.....
» 17/12/2021 11:19:10 PM Of course bureaucrats think rail is a good idea, most of them work in the CBD, & we subsid.....
» 17/12/2021 10:28:17 AM After a couple of years of major disruption, thousands of small business destroyed, little.....
» 17/12/2021 12:10:27 AM Very few people in Oz today could survive a hunter gather life style, & that includes all .....
» 16/12/2021 12:46:05 AM Ordinary containers do float Bazz, at least for quite a while. A funny story, way off topi.....
» 15/12/2021 5:40:32 PM Yes WTF? & that is why all important exams should be externally set & marked. That way a t.....
» 15/12/2021 4:59:09 PM No Bazz, directly into the bay, & at times sat on a mooring for days. I never bothered to.....
» 14/12/2021 2:41:51 PM I agree Yuyutsu. Governments should get the hell out of sport, & stop funding it, & stadiu.....
» 14/12/2021 2:24:05 PM When that intrepid navigator Captain Cook sailed the Pacific Islands on his way to discove.....
» 14/12/2021 12:31:38 PM thinkabit,I have no argument with any of your post. I am not going to be vaccinated with t.....
» 14/12/2021 10:47:40 AM In the lower levels, exam results & thus grades are the teachers most reliable measure of .....
» 13/12/2021 1:26:23 PM Quote. "It does JP. I will tell you why. First, if thinking and well-respected people.....
» 12/12/2021 11:52:03 AM Thank god there are still a few countries who call a spade a spade, & don't mind saying it.....
» 12/12/2021 11:39:48 AM Perhaps it is time to go back to telling people to provide their own. In my district of ov.....
» 11/12/2021 12:46:43 PM Yes ttbn, each migrant, even those who stay on welfare for years increase the gross domest.....
» 11/12/2021 12:12:12 PM Was it a Nissan or a Chev executive that was recently quoted saying their electric cars sh.....
» 7/12/2021 12:49:34 PM God you do talk garbage SR. Even that green ratbag running the UK has realised that Sun &.....
» 5/12/2021 12:08:09 AM I am not interested in worrying if the death penalty is a deterrent or not. If a slime bal.....
» 4/12/2021 12:26:08 PM Yes Is Mise, hundreds or perhaps thousands of lawyers, along with equal numbers of academi.....
» 4/12/2021 12:09:41 PM The quickest way to "FIX" the ABC would be to give it, lock stock & barrel to th.....
» 3/12/2021 8:29:55 PM It was our constitutional monarchy that enabled us to get rid of Whitlam rather than have .....
» 3/12/2021 11:04:19 AM Just in passing, was Churchill or MacArthur responsible for many less deaths than Hitler &.....
» 3/12/2021 10:51:12 AM I have a couple of pensioner mates who admit they can eat less well, because of the increa.....
» 2/12/2021 10:12:07 PM Come off the raw prawn you pommy haters. Most of the Caribbean population would still be l.....
» 2/12/2021 9:29:18 PM Highly unlikely Chris. By then the cooling planet caused by the quietening sun will have p.....
» 1/12/2021 8:19:55 PM I guess it will be the poms pouring foreign "AID" into Barbados. There is no cha.....
» 1/12/2021 9:54:10 AM Thanks SR. The first line of your post provided the huge belly laugh I really needed this .....
» 30/11/2021 11:08:30 PM I would reckon Dodge City would be a lot safer place, particularly if you sided with the s.....
» 30/11/2021 2:48:54 PM Like your news censored, & tailored to the correct narrative do you Cyclone?.....
» 30/11/2021 2:40:45 PM Is Mise I think that is now the policy of the road planners today. They have become as stu.....
» 27/11/2021 3:20:11 PM Time to go find another discussion SR. You show your self to be totally ignorant of any sc.....
» 25/11/2021 5:56:06 PM What are you suggesting SR. Could it be that you think all the CO2 goes to bed with the c.....
» 25/11/2021 5:42:58 PM Of course the coal fired generators would still be happily supplying reliable cheap power,.....
» 25/11/2021 5:24:29 PM What Keith has missed or ignored is that inflation is all in local products, housing & foo.....
» 24/11/2021 12:19:44 PM If you know anyone who is wondering what is wrong with our university sector, just give th.....
» 23/11/2021 12:39:32 PM Yes LEGO, there are some people, a few, on earth who have enough intestinal fortitude to s.....
» 22/11/2021 3:45:46 PM Yes SR, we know you warmists, who have never been able to find a single bit of proof to yo.....
» 22/11/2021 3:16:45 PM I find it annoying that people with funny names all too often want to tell us how to live .....
» 21/11/2021 11:09:09 AM Yes Alan, climate does change, it always has. However no one has ever come up with any pro.....
» 20/11/2021 12:20:27 PM Yes Alan, you are absolutely right, the climate is changing, as it always has. No Alan yo.....
» 19/11/2021 2:00:11 PM Yep, so true mhaze, so true......
» 17/11/2021 11:10:57 PM I guess SR that in that sheltered life of yours, you have no idea just how many millions o.....
» 17/11/2021 11:00:30 PM As for blackbirding, that is a pile of crap too. A mate of mine's father was a Solomon Is.....
» 15/11/2021 10:39:12 AM I wonder if even Paul has any idea what his last post was supposed to be about. Must be Gr.....
» 14/11/2021 2:26:57 PM The whole race thing in the UK is rotten. The daughter of a pommy mate of mine went to th.....
» 14/11/2021 11:51:24 AM I would have thought that by now even the Pauls of this world would have realised that CO2.....
» 13/11/2021 12:31:45 PM In my post, Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 9 November 2021 11:36:20 AM, Quote, "I thin.....
» 12/11/2021 9:51:54 PM Who tell us that poor little CO2 is going to boil the planet comes another wondrous pronou.....
» 12/11/2021 6:45:57 PM So where did you go for your brain washing SR?.....
» 11/11/2021 1:54:21 PM It shouldn't be just Maori kids Paul, it should be the whole damn lot. Not much use educat.....
» 11/11/2021 1:46:08 PM Perhaps Aiden is too young to have been around for the climategate revelations. No one who.....
» 10/11/2021 9:10:43 PM Equity demands that user pays be applied to all "the Arts" & the hangers on. T.....
» 10/11/2021 9:00:35 PM Incredible. We all know that everything that lives dies. We all know that any vegetable m.....
» 9/11/2021 2:39:56 PM None of these clowns threatening to not buy from us buy any of our products from the goodn.....
» 9/11/2021 11:59:09 AM Can there be anything more racist than an all-Black classical symphony orchestra......
» 9/11/2021 11:36:20 AM I think the problem is that first the Libs, & then the Nats were forced to give in to the .....
» 9/11/2021 12:09:10 AM Aidan, & SR, there is one thing that is of net zero value. It is the bland assurances of a.....
» 9/11/2021 12:04:44 AM Mining only works when you have a concentrated ore body. With recycling you could not have.....
» 8/11/2021 12:56:46 PM This is typical of the woke garbage infesting much of the arts. If they want to be fair a.....
» 8/11/2021 1:16:57 AM Canem Malum I grew up on a peach, nectarine & grape orchid in Young NSW. Thankfully no fru.....
» 8/11/2021 12:14:29 AM Thirty years ago Landline was a great useful program. Today, green communist propaganda......
» 7/11/2021 1:52:16 AM With the cost of farm inputs skyrocketing, & doubt that any profit will be achieved, there.....
» 7/11/2021 1:09:43 AM With the prices they charge at those places, I guess they want an arm or a leg. No one eno.....
» 6/11/2021 5:08:53 PM Farmers are price takers. They do all the work of producing a product, then send it off to.....
» 5/11/2021 3:12:43 PM I find the way some trees coppice & some don't very interesting Is Mise. I had one very l.....
» 5/11/2021 1:52:57 PM The cheapest & most fragile friendship & loyalty is that bought for a few dollars. A few .....
» 5/11/2021 1:34:09 PM Good article Matthew Canavan, keep up the good work. Don't mind the peanut gallery, they .....
» 4/11/2021 5:36:34 PM These grandiose type of gestures always worry me. Made by fools who live in cities, they g.....
» 3/11/2021 5:16:39 PM How many times do we have to explain how vaccination works. The ideas is that people beco.....
» 3/11/2021 4:42:32 PM Alan I am easily swayed. Just give me a single bit of proof that CO2 can do what the com m.....
» 2/11/2021 11:05:30 PM Is Mise my earlier post was a tongue in cheek effort, but unlike ViolentEntropy, I do find.....
» 2/11/2021 2:20:14 PM It is pretty obvious who is the most racist person on the Forum......
» 2/11/2021 2:04:41 PM Having seen details of coral islands growing proven since satellite photography could disp.....
» 2/11/2021 1:32:08 PM Come on Is Mise, enough is enough. I have watched the disappearance of the hapeny, penny, .....
» 2/11/2021 12:56:06 PM Now we see dictator Dan displaying his vindictive megalomania tendencies in deciding who h.....
» 2/11/2021 12:42:41 PM Obviously we have a bunch of politicians on Oz who are very week at the knees, but are not.....
» 1/11/2021 4:40:58 PM Sorry Tristan, you got it wrong right from the start. These people are not being restric.....
» 30/10/2021 9:37:03 PM I am about as interested in someones bowel movements as I am in their sexuality, not at al.....
» 30/10/2021 1:05:30 PM As you know all about this stuff Paul, can we assume you were the delivery boy for those p.....
» 30/10/2021 1:02:23 PM Good lord, a greeny that approves of chopping down trees. Sacrilege. How many trees do you.....
» 30/10/2021 12:54:18 PM 180MILES/Hour down Conrod back in 1968. Must have been a pretty quick horse......
» 29/10/2021 3:24:05 PM Do these academic twits actually believe this garbage they print, or are they simply curry.....
» 29/10/2021 11:40:50 AM I did mention ttbn, that I have my groceries delivered. It is actually cheaper than drivin.....
» 28/10/2021 11:23:09 PM Back in the 60s the super markets had a large box, about 2 x 4 meters, into which they put.....
» 26/10/2021 9:07:20 PM YuyutsuIf the government actually cared about it's coffers as you say, they would have use.....
» 26/10/2021 4:33:25 PM If he & your lot get your way Paul, you had best get your son to start horse handling less.....
» 25/10/2021 12:30:38 AM God he must be bad if Paul liked him......
» 23/10/2021 10:46:27 PM Billions wasted in leaky vaccines, when the right answer was a cheep Ivermectin pill......
» 22/10/2021 11:08:02 PM Yes ttbn, I'm with individual, your point is correct, but the trust is all in the past ten.....
» 22/10/2021 10:54:50 PM Yes of course it is impossible to trust a government that would deny us Ivermectin, the li.....
» 21/10/2021 3:49:43 PM After months of lock downs, cops belting up little old ladies, dictator Dan chucking his w.....
» 21/10/2021 12:35:27 PM Yes Paul, Australia is perfectly placed to become a leader in renewable energy. Of course .....
» 20/10/2021 12:49:51 PM Thank god for Barnaby. Don't go soft on it mate, keep the country solvent. Given a year o.....
» 20/10/2021 12:43:18 PM I have given up bothering with the yabbering of this lefty twit......
» 19/10/2021 12:09:54 PM Come on SR, even a green lefty clown like you should be laughing at that bit of garbage. J.....
» 18/10/2021 9:19:29 PM Did you know aidan that they have shipped into Glasgow, a whole bunch of diesel generators.....
» 18/10/2021 9:07:59 PM If you want to do something useful about Covid Binoy, find out why we are denied Ivemectin.....
» 18/10/2021 7:25:31 PM The conversation, come on SR......
» 18/10/2021 7:21:55 PM Wind power, such a great sovereign source that without french nuclear the lights go out......
» 17/10/2021 12:32:21 PM Would you believe in that hot bed of renewable energy that the UK has become, rail freight.....
» 16/10/2021 5:48:44 PM Aidan if you were any more naive, you would sprout wings & fly off with Tinkerbell......
» 16/10/2021 2:30:35 PM Keep up the immigration rate, & we soon will be......
» 16/10/2021 1:55:44 PM The problem with that Bazz is that while it stays a boutique industry it may work, but the.....
» 15/10/2021 3:26:56 PM For a moment there Bazz I thought you were talking about the pneumatic system used in depa.....
» 15/10/2021 3:15:40 PM Foxy he is all for increasing migration above pre Covid rates. He has to go......
» 15/10/2021 3:13:11 PM Yuyutsu you are much more likely to get it wrong voting for an individual, whose real opin.....
» 15/10/2021 12:56:21 PM Not very nice of you SR to reach into my pocket to pay for your solar panels. A recent s.....
» 15/10/2021 12:35:37 PM What a quaint, sweet, but totally naive idea. Yes the parties are captive of various influ.....
» 14/10/2021 4:17:20 PM ttbn I would drive the TR7 & the TR8 off a cliff before I would let them be converted to b.....
» 14/10/2021 3:46:50 PM Paul we agree at last, neither major deserves to be elected if only for their immigration .....
» 14/10/2021 3:35:13 PM As he is now promoting even more immigration than before the Covid fiasco, the sooner he d.....
» 14/10/2021 3:27:25 PM This behavior is a problem accentuated by front wheel drive. Some are worse than others, b.....
» 13/10/2021 5:19:02 PM Bazz that is a big bitch around here. We have 139 new McMansions built on from 4000SqM to.....
» 12/10/2021 9:16:54 PM Wasn't JFK a Catholic?.....
» 12/10/2021 12:49:36 PM Subsidy harvesting......
» 12/10/2021 12:37:44 PM I just had a horrible thought. What is the likelihood that Aidan is a school teacher, spou.....
» 12/10/2021 12:16:04 PM Perhaps David is not old enough to know that the Queensland gerrymander used so nicely by .....
» 11/10/2021 5:25:33 PM Chris I believe that, if we are still allowed private ownership of transport, ultimately i.....
» 11/10/2021 3:08:43 PM I have mentioned before that our Magpies are friendly, as we feed them. They even bring th.....
» 11/10/2021 2:51:10 PM On average it is 85,000 Kilometers before the total emissions from manufacturing & driving.....
» 11/10/2021 11:25:05 AM Another of these non event "problems" green ratbags like to dream up. I was a p.....
» 9/10/2021 10:33:53 PM We experienced some of the southern union problems in tropical Queensland in the mid 80s. .....
» 5/10/2021 5:21:14 PM Rather than free, all public transport should be full cost recovery, plus a little profit .....
» 5/10/2021 3:31:47 PM For gods sake try to grow up a bit Paul. There is no way in a modern society, with large .....
» 5/10/2021 3:11:54 PM The very last thing we need in Oz is to inject the tribalism, & war lord mentality that ru.....
» 5/10/2021 2:27:46 PM Which page of the lefty hymn book did that pile of smelly stuff come from SR?.....
» 5/10/2021 1:10:05 PM Yes Ross government should be required to supply a business case for any development they .....
» 4/10/2021 1:10:15 PM I would have no problem with opening up the whole world on condition that we can chose our.....
» 4/10/2021 12:44:56 PM If we open state boarders, depending on current vaccines to keep infection at bay, just wa.....
» 4/10/2021 12:19:50 PM Perhaps the last chance we had to get it right, but he was white anted from with in. It sh.....
» 2/10/2021 10:50:55 AM Come on SR. Labor, the unions & big business are the trifecta that has been ripping us al.....
» 1/10/2021 2:52:08 PM Don't need any investigation, Andrews should be out on his communist ear for his attempt a.....
» 1/10/2021 2:47:59 PM "I wonder where all the croc warning signs that go missing end up? Probably as a conv.....
» 1/10/2021 1:58:50 PM Don't waste your time mhaze, aidan lives in his own Neverland, with Peter Pan, Tinker Bell.....
» 1/10/2021 1:14:09 PM The PM wants to bring forward the reopening of our international boarders. Obviously the u.....
» 29/09/2021 10:38:41 AM Man is the only species that protects it's predators. This is a result of too many people .....
» 28/09/2021 3:37:36 PM You have to stop singing from the lefty hymn book, if you want anyone to take what you say.....
» 27/09/2021 11:02:59 PM You do not have any physics or math do you Pokitren......
» 27/09/2021 2:41:19 PM Hopefully Alan this is a foot in the door to sell the Oz population on the fact we must us.....
» 27/09/2021 11:09:46 AM I don't know about lockdowns ttbn, but boarder closures have certainly been successful in .....
» 27/09/2021 10:47:18 AM Hey VK3AUU, should they chant "Yes Sir, No sir, What ever you say sir" as they d.....
» 27/09/2021 10:28:56 AM Our boy is showing personal political hopes & wishes, much more than any "political a.....
» 25/09/2021 5:53:49 PM If they keep shooting rubber bullets at Australian citizens, & their vicious behavior to p.....
» 24/09/2021 12:28:26 PM From a few videos taken by bystanders of the action in Melbourne, & circulated on the net,.....
» 23/09/2021 1:56:51 AM Rubber bullets in Australia for gods sake. Fired not at attackers but at people running aw.....
» 22/09/2021 11:59:38 AM Andrews looks to be in big trouble. Not only does he have the members of the CFMEW gunning.....
» 21/09/2021 6:47:00 PM Yes Is Mise, we had great service from a Renault 12. However more recently a company supp.....
» 21/09/2021 12:52:34 PM That boring machine idea actually has promise. Instead of horisontal burial, why not vert.....
» 21/09/2021 12:38:37 PM Is Mise just because a few French words have weaseled their way into our language is no re.....
» 21/09/2021 2:36:47 AM Come off it Aidan. It was shutting down coal & nuclear plants, & trying the impossible, to.....
» 20/09/2021 1:04:19 PM Funerals are not necessary. Some want to show their respect, while the deceased often have.....
» 20/09/2021 12:36:32 PM Bazz now the shock of the announcement of our nuclear sub acquisition is settling a bit, w.....
» 20/09/2021 12:15:52 PM I was utterly amazed that Turnbull's ludicrous conventional sub deal was not canceled the .....
» 18/09/2021 11:34:23 PM By Paul Homewood Alarm bells have been ringing in European and UK power markets this mont.....
» 18/09/2021 11:13:19 PM Chris check out the few hundred millions worth of rusty iron & steel that was the Spanish .....
» 18/09/2021 11:00:15 PM If you are worried about homelessness Individual, you had best start lobbying for a stop o.....
» 18/09/2021 10:56:10 PM Yep the MAD theory, mutually assured destruction, worked to prevent any major wars for 70 .....
» 17/09/2021 5:39:12 PM Better to study the real science Chris, belief is for religion. We understand some have .....
» 17/09/2021 12:37:45 PM If you believe the current renewable technology is capable of powering a modern society Ch.....
» 16/09/2021 12:59:40 PM Useful idiots abound......
» 16/09/2021 12:54:36 PM Wow mahze, you must be more important, & dangerous than we have realise, if the government.....
» 16/09/2021 12:05:36 PM If you have enough math to follow the equations, you can see it is impossible for CO2 to d.....
» 16/09/2021 12:15:03 AM I can't think of anything we need less that a new flag, unless it is to stop all immigrati.....
» 15/09/2021 11:25:57 PM Signing in to allow infection tracing is a simple but extremely helpful system. I am surpr.....
» 15/09/2021 10:58:36 AM There are none so blind as those who refuse to see. I guess this is the lemming virus at w.....
» 14/09/2021 5:06:11 PM You couldn’t make this rubbish up. The UK government, yes the one closing power stations, .....
» 14/09/2021 2:54:18 PM The only flag possibly acceptable to many of us, who have served under our flag would be t.....
» 14/09/2021 2:46:45 PM Probably not quite right JBowyer. As we have seen for years, we need a new vaccine every.....
» 14/09/2021 2:40:51 PM Good on you Foxy. I hope your no reaction stays that way. Personally I found some of the.....
» 14/09/2021 2:37:44 AM Thanks Foxy, you have listed some of her worst blunders for me & SR. I did mention that I.....
» 14/09/2021 2:11:12 AM We are obviously going to have to open our state boarders sometime, although right now, wi.....
» 14/09/2021 1:36:06 AM Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon, Johnson, Reagan, Carter & Bush senior all served in WW11. Both.....
» 13/09/2021 3:03:47 PM It always amuses me that it is usually the very people who want to keep old, basically pas.....
» 13/09/2021 2:56:55 PM "You've got to give Gillard some credit. She did get a lot of bills passed with a min.....
» 13/09/2021 11:57:28 AM She may be what Labor needs Foxy, but she most certainly is not what Australia needs. Wors.....
» 12/09/2021 11:09:16 AM You're right Foxy, these laws are crazy. Seeing as it is so easy for any criminal to obta.....
» 12/09/2021 11:01:12 AM We need to judge others by the content of their character, not their skin tone. Alan B. A.....
» 11/09/2021 1:04:53 PM SR talks rubbish as usual. For decades we had import duties. Those duties meant that we p.....
» 10/09/2021 11:42:56 PM I haven't been to WA since my jet flying training at RAAF Pearce, in 1959. Perth was a was.....
» 10/09/2021 3:32:48 PM Magpies are in the news again. It's hatching time, & some are again swooping. Some small k.....
» 10/09/2021 2:24:58 PM Yes Canem Malum, we used to apply Mercurochrome to coral cuts when tourists on our outer r.....
» 10/09/2021 2:02:37 PM Then there is Israel SR. Over 80% fully vaccinated, now many with a third dose. They cur.....
» 7/09/2021 9:50:12 PM It's the patent of course. No one could make billions out of a cheap old out of patent dr.....
» 7/09/2021 1:22:44 PM Wrong Foxy. If most homes were known to have guns, as they were when I was a boy & young .....
» 7/09/2021 12:05:03 PM Pfizer have announced trials of a "NEW" oral drug for the treatment of Covid 19......
» 6/09/2021 3:25:11 PM You missed one important point Armchair Critic. A leaky ineffective "vaccine" w.....
» 6/09/2021 3:08:36 PM SR has planted his pennant. Free speech by ratbag lefties. Extremely good. Free speech b.....
» 6/09/2021 2:29:43 PM Dan I have read widely, & had a serious discussion with my doctor, who is not a cardiologi.....
» 6/09/2021 10:09:29 AM Dan I would agree with you if these so called vaccines actually worked. However we have hu.....
» 6/09/2021 9:51:40 AM What an indictment of our society that there are people refereed to as an influencer. From.....
» 3/09/2021 3:41:05 PM My father had an interesting war. Although he had been a member of the volunteer light hor.....
» 3/09/2021 1:23:23 PM Don't forget Alan, that bakers were denied the right to refuse to make weeding cakes for p.....
» 3/09/2021 12:46:38 PM Frightening as it may be, about the only kind of war we could hope to win against China, &.....
» 3/09/2021 11:55:17 AM It took a neighbor of mine 3 years to even get an appointment with a specialist, when he w.....
» 31/08/2021 9:14:41 PM NY Times, lefty hymn book. Only a total dill would pay any attention to anything they pri.....
» 31/08/2021 1:24:08 PM With Albanese Aidan, you've got to be kidding. No one in their right mind, who saw Albane.....
» 31/08/2021 1:13:47 PM A better approach just might be to develop a cocktail of antiviral drugs, just as we have .....
» 30/08/2021 3:18:19 PM Mum was an orphan, raised by a grand mother on her mothers side. Mum's sister, my maiden a.....
» 30/08/2021 10:51:48 AM We don't need to travel overseas to interact with all the rest of humanity mhaze, we have .....
» 28/08/2021 4:51:30 PM ttbn I don't have a formed opinion, & I am looking at everything trying to make an informe.....
» 27/08/2021 3:18:56 PM It is not the locals fault they are in trouble. It was that idiot Whitlam, with an academi.....
» 27/08/2021 2:59:20 PM I have a post coming on the effectiveness of current vaccines. Not much use. We need to d.....
» 27/08/2021 1:59:12 PM Infection or vaccination, which is best? It is a hell of a difficult question, not helped .....
» 25/08/2021 9:03:59 PM Hang on a bit here. If 2 separate people/families decide to move in together, in any Oz ci.....
» 22/08/2021 9:56:06 PM Bronwyn the percentage of grain finished cattle in Oz is miniscule. Quite a few growers a.....
» 21/08/2021 9:54:09 PM I call it garbage, because you are talking garbage Bronwyn. There are thousands of cattle.....
» 20/08/2021 2:32:01 PM Have you ever walked down the meat isle of a supermarket Bronwyn, by your post it is doubt.....
» 20/08/2021 2:18:00 PM Come on Jeffrey, we are broke, & getting poorer. The time to increase any foreign aid wil.....
» 20/08/2021 2:01:59 PM Yes they were SR, & you know it. They like the yanks went down the hearts & minds path, a.....
» 19/08/2021 10:10:25 PM All this proves is that the woke west is not capable of fighting a war against guerrilla w.....
» 18/08/2021 2:27:33 PM Yes Alan, the fires have got a lot worse since they chucked grazing cattle out of national.....
» 17/08/2021 10:51:14 PM Come off the grass Paul, It was only the injection of capitalism into the business & finan.....
» 17/08/2021 4:59:03 PM Now you have me really worried rache, if we expect Governments to get us out of this we ar.....
» 17/08/2021 4:43:06 PM The Taliban take Kabul, & they are welcome to it. Wouldn't it be great if China did go in.....
» 16/08/2021 10:14:11 PM Not can we reach breakdown Bazz, but when. So many of the little blokes are already past .....
» 16/08/2021 10:19:52 AM Perhaps it is time to realise that there are always going to be people who fail. There are.....
» 15/08/2021 1:00:13 PM What the hell is it with lock downs & toilet paper. It is not as if paper is hard to come .....
» 14/08/2021 10:14:36 AM We have done that exactly a few times Paul. It has made a few aboriginal "leaders&quo.....
» 14/08/2021 10:02:39 AM We know it doesn't take many of these people to make a great deal of noise, so surely we d.....
» 14/08/2021 9:29:40 AM For gods sake SR, give over. You obviously don't believe the so called vaccines will prot.....
» 13/08/2021 9:51:04 PM SR, these are not vaccines in the traditional sense. They are entirely different to vaccin.....
» 13/08/2021 9:22:08 PM Apparently a hospital trial of a new treatment for Covid19 has commenced in New Zealand us.....
» 13/08/2021 11:31:26 AM Foxy you got one thing wrong when you say, "working with Indigenous leaders". Wh.....
» 12/08/2021 11:13:54 PM Jonathan J. Ariel, if the vaccines are of any use they will protect the vaccinated, & the .....
» 12/08/2021 1:08:04 PM You really have to feel sorry for SR. If the poor bugger didn't have the Lefty hymn book .....
» 12/08/2021 1:04:33 PM I was really amazed they didn't ask really important questions like, "do you have bre.....
» 12/08/2021 12:44:37 PM A good bit of rationalising, & thanks for the effort Anthony. If you can still say they a.....
» 11/08/2021 5:21:49 PM After the ridiculous sight of blokes pretending to be girls at the Olympic games, it would.....
» 11/08/2021 5:17:36 PM Don't even think about eating Queensland coastal wild pig, it is full of tuberculosis, & v.....
» 10/08/2021 3:02:44 PM I sailed into Gizo, capital of a central province of the Solomons one day. It was well aft.....
» 10/08/2021 1:46:00 PM I wonder just what Murray is an associate professor of. It certainly can't be any subject .....
» 9/08/2021 5:33:42 PM Jeffrey please tell us in what area you consider we should reduce our current spending at .....
» 9/08/2021 5:25:37 PM I admire all of them, those who medalled, & those went out in a heat. It takes a great dea.....
» 8/08/2021 6:30:35 PM JF Aus, I don't know if you ever heard the advice to a bunch of new chum competitors in th.....
» 6/08/2021 8:53:11 PM Have a lot of experience of the east coast & Great Barrier Reef waters do you JF Aus? Ple.....
» 6/08/2021 1:45:27 PM Come on JF Aus, an 8 year old bit of bumph that was bulldust when printed, surely you can .....
» 4/08/2021 3:13:04 PM If the people who produce the study mentioned are really serious they will stop sitting ar.....
» 4/08/2021 2:56:44 PM Canem Malum, if you did a little more research you would have learned that it takes more t.....
» 4/08/2021 12:21:36 AM No, people don't reman in ethnic groups for centuries - they fade into the background. Aid.....
» 4/08/2021 12:17:07 AM A mate of mine has a couple of hundred acres near Torballea. It was part of a mining lease.....
» 3/08/2021 1:58:26 PM Foxy we had our place in the world, well & truly established. Then in the last 40 or so y.....
» 3/08/2021 1:38:31 PM It is bloody ridiculous that a country the size of Australia has to buy in timber, because.....
» 2/08/2021 2:44:02 PM Of course Britain is a mongrel nation. They proved it when their largest city elected a Mu.....
» 2/08/2021 2:22:35 PM What the hell is it with you people? If these vaccines are effective, & are going to prote.....
» 31/07/2021 9:51:25 PM "Germany is phasing out coal power. In 2038 it will be banned completely". A pip.....
» 31/07/2021 1:34:05 PM To ever "make it" young aboriginals need not only help, but protection from abor.....
» 31/07/2021 12:57:45 PM Aidan last year Germany increased it's coal consumption by 29%, with the majority of that .....
» 29/07/2021 2:54:23 PM Hi o sung wu the competition licence must be renewed annually, I only do stuff at club lev.....
» 29/07/2021 1:31:52 PM Don has mentioned going for drives with his son Foxy, so I don't think he lacks family con.....
» 28/07/2021 11:44:18 PM I guess a desk jokey like Binoy could never understand the athlete. It would be impossible.....
» 28/07/2021 10:47:51 PM You can keep that serenity thanks fellers, there will be plenty of time for that when we a.....
» 28/07/2021 2:13:10 AM A better idea would be to send all the vaccines to PNG. Incidentally if you are talking a.....
» 27/07/2021 2:20:06 PM Can discussion change my mind? No, but it can send me off on a line of study that can. Li.....
» 25/07/2021 9:01:17 AM Don't be silly mhaze, SR would never take math lessons. Apart from giving him a severe he.....
» 24/07/2021 10:33:49 PM I knew the manager of the power house on Samurai Island, A local engineer from the Port Mo.....
» 24/07/2021 2:55:23 PM Back on subject for a bit. Just today JoNova has published a piece, with facts put togeth.....
» 23/07/2021 11:04:06 PM Come on fellers. It is very cruel of you to suggest SR look at evidence. Hell if he actual.....
» 23/07/2021 3:39:04 PM My son was a member of the navy shooting team, My shot gun has not fired a single shot wit.....
» 23/07/2021 3:26:20 PM Well Greece has all those Olympic venues falling apart, unused since their Olympics, so af.....
» 22/07/2021 8:52:53 PM We would actually be better off without these basically useless things if the stuff hits t.....
» 22/07/2021 8:45:40 PM Yes Is Mise, we had the same in the navy. It must have been 1958 we had a rush of them. Th.....
» 22/07/2021 1:52:32 PM Coral must be like cats, & have at least 9 lives, if it is to die as often as these dills .....
» 21/07/2021 11:32:46 AM Come off the grass SR, you're not doing a damn thing for me. The only thing you are doing .....
» 20/07/2021 9:42:21 PM Poor Bronwyn, I wonder if she will ever realise the global warming is a simple scam to kee.....
» 20/07/2021 11:56:32 AM My thought exactly ttbn This bloke stuffed his snout deep in the tax payer funded trough,.....
» 19/07/2021 8:55:24 PM I think a lot of people would be a dam sight happier if they did take life more for grante.....
» 19/07/2021 8:26:23 PM I am perfectly happy to be the last to be vaccinated. In fact I'm perfectly happy to never.....
» 16/07/2021 9:37:18 PM Tribal warfare is not just an African thing. It is the history of Europe, just the tribes.....
» 16/07/2021 9:13:20 PM Good one Is Mise, & I suppose archery could be another. There are probably a few others I .....
» 16/07/2021 1:41:13 PM Sorry Alan, I did a bit of surfing in my younger days, mostly body surfing, the undignifie.....
» 15/07/2021 5:14:53 PM Teachers are as much of the problem. Example, mid 1950s, 400 pupil country high school. O.....
» 15/07/2021 12:44:42 AM The Japs could not defend Rabaul or Truk, both better sites for them to defend at the time.....
» 14/07/2021 9:39:15 PM Yes Individual, in large cities bludgers don't have to mix with those they bludge on in th.....
» 13/07/2021 1:33:57 PM Wrong again Aidan. Politicians salaries are set by a commission, the same one that sets j.....
» 13/07/2021 1:26:54 PM I have my doubts about a Naval Base on Manus Island. It is a truly beautiful place, but al.....
» 13/07/2021 1:04:59 PM Bouganville should have always been a part of the Solomons. It is a one hour dugout canoe .....
» 13/07/2021 12:18:46 PM Oh GOD! "Finally, the big omission from the 2021 IGR is (still) any attempt to quanti.....
» 10/07/2021 1:20:46 PM At least with Malaya & South Korea, the locals were man enough to protect themselves once .....
» 10/07/2021 12:24:50 PM Fruit picking, been there, done that. In the 50s when parents still couldn't afford things.....
» 9/07/2021 12:28:57 PM You do miss one fact thinkabit. Under a free market there is not the tax payer paying blud.....
» 8/07/2021 4:01:39 PM "Come on Hasbeen, a vaccine never stops anyone from becoming a carrier for the unvacc.....
» 7/07/2021 1:44:11 PM Come off it Alan. The so called vaccine does not stop you catching the virus, nor passing.....
» 7/07/2021 12:37:19 PM Try reading my post again Diver. I did say it was the cost of brass feed stock that destr.....
» 7/07/2021 12:14:49 PM A senior public servant, turned Labor politician, & he has the hide to talk about falling .....
» 6/07/2021 9:50:51 PM The unfair dismissal law as it now stands is disastrous, particularly for young hopefuls. .....
» 6/07/2021 9:25:48 PM Of course high wages contribute to unemployment. They also cause us to be seen to over val.....
» 5/07/2021 3:35:34 PM Not such a good idea Foxy. Just a quick look at the performance of girls club up here in Q.....
» 5/07/2021 3:28:39 PM Do be careful SR. One of these days you might slip up & say something that is not straight.....
» 4/07/2021 6:09:59 PM "This entire Ridd case is not about Ridd's "freedom" to say what he wants. .....
» 4/07/2021 5:44:46 PM Why do those who agree with & are going to or have had the jab want everyone else to have .....
» 4/07/2021 5:21:29 PM Sanctimonious claptrap Alan. When 2 people work long hours together, in a serious job it.....
» 4/07/2021 4:55:20 PM "Had Ridd been more supportive of AGW he would have been one of the elites you bang o.....
» 3/07/2021 11:09:17 PM Come on Paul, there is no need to start attacking the pensioner until you have first got t.....
» 3/07/2021 10:25:02 PM So it is OK by Paul that socialists did kill a few hundred million, & still are in some pa.....
» 3/07/2021 10:20:43 PM The difference SR is that he is not a lying academic, but whistle blowing against the gran.....
» 3/07/2021 1:45:29 PM Unfortunately Paul, these kids are too young to have witnessed the disasters of socialism .....
» 3/07/2021 1:13:00 PM So what exactly did he get the old heave ho for> Feeling up his assistant, or not weari.....
» 3/07/2021 12:41:51 PM Yes it will be interesting. The Supreme Court is as much on trial here as is Peter Ridd, .....
» 2/07/2021 1:15:15 PM I can't stand day time TV, the idiot talking heads that infest the air, interspersed with .....
» 2/07/2021 12:03:39 PM Sorry shadowminister, I mentioned that Israel have published the fact that 46% of recent d.....
» 2/07/2021 11:21:48 AM The UN should be wrapped up in a brown paper bag, & hung on a hook from the Empire state b.....
» 2/07/2021 11:18:55 AM I would think that someone who is not prepared to sit quietly when they know an authority .....
» 2/07/2021 10:15:36 AM Hi SR Not the one I quoted, but I found this.
» 2/07/2021 3:05:23 AM It was a tongue in cheek reference Banjo to the Spanish armada, particularly as during my .....
» 1/07/2021 6:22:44 PM Alan if this stuff gave real immunity I'd be with you in a flash, but it most certainly do.....
» 1/07/2021 3:38:08 PM Paul it was not only after the war, but during it we learned our place in the empire. Chur.....
» 1/07/2021 1:52:05 PM Taking the objective long term view, the virus has probably done more good than harm. Simp.....
» 30/06/2021 6:29:23 PM Sorry Foxy, but while you only read lefty propaganda sites, & refuse to even look at sites.....
» 30/06/2021 6:22:44 PM Interestingly the further you get away from the inner city ghetto's of the woke brigade, t.....
» 29/06/2021 1:19:33 PM Fellers Foxy has refused to look at solid evidence, instead spouting propaganda to justify.....
» 29/06/2021 12:38:02 PM Yes mhaze the warmists have won for the moment. Too many of extreme wealth have hung their.....
» 29/06/2021 11:57:16 AM What this piece fails to tell us is the base it is working from. Is it the pre Covid econ.....
» 27/06/2021 12:38:49 PM Give it up fellers. Foxy has now proven she is not interested in true evidence, when it wi.....
» 27/06/2021 12:29:21 PM Foxy why can't you get into your head, Ridd is a whistle blower, blowing a whistle about a.....
» 26/06/2021 10:37:46 PM Remember the old one Foxy? Let he who is without sin throw the first stone. You should t.....
» 26/06/2021 10:24:32 PM Yes Bazz. Apparently swindling money out of the tax payer by falsifying results to gain re.....
» 26/06/2021 11:57:54 AM Foxy Peter Ridd was sacked because his exposure of the little game of research grant promo.....
» 25/06/2021 8:12:36 PM Meaningless red herrings Foxy. The only thing that matters is the evidence. Personally I .....
» 25/06/2021 3:36:41 PM Bazz, "Hasbeen, read a comment from the Electricity Reliability Board that the develo.....
» 25/06/2021 3:04:38 PM Foxy step out of your protective shell for once, & go read the results of Jennifer Marohas.....
» 25/06/2021 2:36:55 PM Binoy just what did you study while a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge? W.....
» 25/06/2021 12:12:17 PM So now we know Foxy. Both the CSIRO, & some of our university researchers have been workin.....
» 24/06/2021 9:45:35 PM Sorry Foxy but I have to say your blind acceptance of the bulldust you are fed by authorit.....
» 24/06/2021 2:08:49 PM Yes Bazz, but long before 2050 the lights will start going out far too regularly for even .....
» 24/06/2021 1:39:41 PM Foxy if you will believe that acidification rubbish I have to say your research ability le.....
» 24/06/2021 12:36:59 PM Yes Alan it is the infected, & the possibly infected that should be quarantined, not the h.....
» 24/06/2021 11:59:41 AM Peter Ridd could see that his colleagues were straight out lying to the public about the s.....
» 23/06/2021 4:40:27 PM Barnaby is the only one I have seen in the last couple of decades who has always tried to .....
» 23/06/2021 12:43:56 AM Thank god we don't have people with charisma in leadership. I've never seen one yet that w.....
» 22/06/2021 1:13:28 PM Thank god for small mercies. Now at least we have one leader who has some common sense, &.....
» 20/06/2021 10:07:26 AM This should be seen as a mercy mission. A couple of years in the slammer should give these.....
» 18/06/2021 3:19:21 PM You will have to burn an awful lot of fossil fuel to mine enough copper to connect all tho.....
» 18/06/2021 3:12:13 PM What Peter Fenwick misses is that it was not free trade that made man rich, but the abilit.....
» 18/06/2021 2:17:57 PM Depending on BOM wind speed forecasts would be pretty disastrous for anyone planing a wind.....
» 17/06/2021 11:12:26 AM We are as helpless as a sitting duck as long as we are importing almost all of our petrol .....
» 14/06/2021 11:22:59 PM Yep, with us chucking away our natural advantage of cheap power fired by the best coal in .....
» 13/06/2021 12:44:45 PM For a change of pace, what I want is an homogeneous country, like the one we had in the 50.....
» 11/06/2021 1:40:57 PM What are we doing wrong, too much bleeding heart stuff is the problem. In the 50s you were.....
» 10/06/2021 2:30:40 PM These people are lying cue jumping gate crashes, & must be thrown out. They tried it on, &.....
» 10/06/2021 1:54:49 PM If someone doesn't build & rent the houses, where do you think people are going to live Al.....
» 10/06/2021 1:43:21 AM I'm a mechanical engineer. By the time I'd finished at Sydney Uni, I could work out the st.....
» 10/06/2021 1:11:56 AM A mate of mine with a wheat & grain property near Dalby suffered a similar plague about 10.....
» 8/06/2021 5:05:48 PM "Constitutional recognition would herald the most change because the idea is to creat.....
» 7/06/2021 9:01:31 PM I guess I've always had a colour prejudice. As a young bloke, during my surfer bum period .....
» 7/06/2021 2:08:06 PM The most racist thing occurring in Australia is a certain group demanding special inclusio.....
» 6/06/2021 2:56:17 PM New Zealand has also been playing fast & lose with us. They are importing Chinese food st.....
» 6/06/2021 2:47:12 PM Foxy your Oxford English story reminded me of an experience I had in the islands. I had an.....
» 4/06/2021 9:08:23 PM I'm sure you are right VK3AUU. Another good reason to shut the taxpayer till, & lock it sh.....
» 4/06/2021 5:58:34 PM So true LEGO. It is really amazing that the Israelis are so gentle with the Arabs after b.....
» 4/06/2021 2:04:40 PM Oh God! The wind must be blowing from the left again, SRs mouth is flapping again......
» 4/06/2021 1:56:47 PM Continued We went back a couple of months later to fit the rest. We found most of the firs.....
» 4/06/2021 1:56:08 PM Way back in the dim dark past a couple who became friends of mine were idealistic members .....
» 3/06/2021 4:24:16 PM $500 payments announced for Victorians. It appears that if you elect a hopeless bunch of .....
» 3/06/2021 1:21:19 PM "Gas Project - Is It Hot Air". Lets hope so. You have to make the air pretty hot.....
» 3/06/2021 1:18:58 PM If it is good enough to work & pay taxes & make a life somewhere else, then it should be f.....
» 3/06/2021 12:44:36 PM When I was at school imacentristmoderate, country NSW late 50s, our 350 pupil high school .....
» 2/06/2021 10:37:12 PM Yes as the feminists took over the education they quickly dumbed down the math & physics c.....
» 31/05/2021 8:49:20 PM Thanks Diver......
» 30/05/2021 1:53:59 PM Racism institutionalised......
» 30/05/2021 1:51:40 PM An interesting take on our culture. Those who approve of kids wagging school to go to a g.....
» 29/05/2021 9:56:00 PM Aidan, did you completely miss the point Bazz was making intentionally, or you too brain w.....
» 29/05/2021 9:35:44 PM In the last few days I have been having difficulty accessing the site. This is the first t.....
» 27/05/2021 11:36:01 PM A report yesterday told of over 5000 in the UK who were fully vaccinated, [if that is what.....
» 27/05/2021 11:25:27 PM Just one bad cyclone, with a north to south track could take out most of Queensland wind p.....
» 27/05/2021 11:18:54 PM Reconciliation is a 2 way street. It is going to take a great deal of change to the abori.....
» 27/05/2021 11:44:49 AM I'm sure you meant brain washed there foxy. Educated is something they ate not......
» 25/05/2021 12:49:09 AM Another thing of course is that Hamas need to provoke an Israeli response that kills a fai.....
» 21/05/2021 8:19:49 PM With almost a third of the population born somewhere else, how the hell could we still hav.....
» 21/05/2021 7:47:34 PM Two-and-a-half years of striking school will guarantee the silly twit will be very poorly .....
» 20/05/2021 2:47:27 PM The last thing we need is a Penny Wong as PM. She is probably the nastiest, most biased pe.....
» 19/05/2021 9:15:15 PM Alan 'd be very happy if your Thorium was allowed to compete on a level playing field, & p.....
» 19/05/2021 5:28:24 PM Chris mate, bite the bullet & call it soccer so we know what the hell you are talking abou.....
» 19/05/2021 4:04:44 PM Could SR be losing his Google ability, be & having to descend to lefty sights entirely?.....
» 19/05/2021 3:58:42 PM 81 years old, three heart attacks & a resultant shortness of breath, I am one of the high .....
» 19/05/2021 3:18:54 PM Great article Alan. We really only need to do 2 things to get back on track, & both are m.....
» 19/05/2021 1:31:29 AM Interestingly perhaps I was seeing my doctor yesterday for a final check of my recent carp.....
» 19/05/2021 1:21:56 AM This only goes to show that the "bush kanakas" as the tribesmen of the majority .....
» 17/05/2021 10:49:17 PM Oh god Alan. You blame Netanyahu, & I want to know how he is responsible for firing 3000 r.....
» 17/05/2021 1:36:57 PM Gee that Nethenyahu must be smart Alan, managing to fire 2000 rockets at himself & his pop.....
» 16/05/2021 5:10:40 PM Yes Bazz, just like nuclear fusion, it will only be perpetually only 10 years off. Don't h.....
» 14/05/2021 11:53:35 PM Come on Alan, you read Flash Gorden comics as a boy. He had all those pie in the sky futur.....
» 14/05/2021 2:33:38 PM He is right about the subsidies. A neighbor became a single mother when her bloke strayed......
» 14/05/2021 2:08:48 PM I see Alan is back with his pie in the sky, Flash Gorden ideas. Been on the Kool Aid while.....
» 13/05/2021 3:07:37 PM My parents used financial planners twice. The first time they lost everything they had put.....
» 11/05/2021 6:58:32 PM Yes shadowminister, the UN has a great record of appointing the "right" people t.....
» 11/05/2021 1:59:26 PM Foxy that had me laughing out loud, not at you but the substance, "US President Biden.....
» 11/05/2021 1:42:23 PM I must add that after the last 3 posts, if that lot are Australians, would you want to be .....
» 11/05/2021 1:35:36 PM Sorry VK3AUU, you are wrong on all counts. None of the "vaccines" have proven .....
» 11/05/2021 12:47:56 PM Come on mow. Just because we pay for it doesn't mean we are entitled to stop all the spoil.....
» 10/05/2021 11:57:54 PM Perhaps the real question is just what is the Australian identity today, is it worth havin.....
» 9/05/2021 10:32:16 PM What Paul is telling us is that 88% of murderers who used a gun were not registered gun ow.....
» 8/05/2021 9:47:29 PM Yes Paul, & now we actually know that what ever these concoctions are, they are not vaccin.....
» 8/05/2021 9:36:00 PM Thank you Paul, for that little potted history. Obviously you gravitate to your My Great .....
» 8/05/2021 9:26:22 PM Tonight on one of the news programs, there was a girl, with a moderate, but not heavy sunt.....
» 7/05/2021 5:38:48 PM I never was racist. In north Queensland we went to primary school with quite a few mixed r.....
» 6/05/2021 3:44:58 PM Well what do you know, some sociologist has decided that the “rights” of a few people who .....
» 6/05/2021 12:21:36 PM And what was he doing when he got his first gig as a narrator prey tell?.....
» 5/05/2021 10:01:35 PM One of my most memorable experiences in the islands was because of religion. The Rabaul Y.....
» 5/05/2021 11:44:25 AM I know I'll be cried down for stating this fact, but aid to the third world has simply ena.....
» 5/05/2021 11:26:35 AM Thanks Aidan, for highlighting that David Attenborough is merely a pommy actor who fell in.....
» 4/05/2021 1:28:18 PM In my area the delivery trucks of the grocery chain I use for home delivery, internet orde.....
» 3/05/2021 2:25:38 PM Come on Foxy, get real sweetie. At least up here we have interviews on the TV news every n.....
» 3/05/2021 2:00:37 PM Been there, done that, & got the tee shirt imajulianutter. When I returned from my Pacifi.....
» 2/05/2021 12:37:41 PM Stop being such a miserable old git Paul. Here are a bunch of old guys & gals, playing at.....
» 2/05/2021 12:03:31 PM Yes individual, I still have a little vision of female privilege from the late 40s. Not lo.....
» 2/05/2021 12:23:26 AM PS. I didn't even think about climate change ttbn. If I worried about climate it would be .....
» 2/05/2021 12:05:55 AM I don't think I have ever felt fear. I was certainly too busy studying & playing sport in .....
» 30/04/2021 4:21:27 PM On Dons site I get 509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded I wonder why......
» 29/04/2021 11:38:46 PM Bazz my son has been doing some work for a local trucking company. They have regular runs .....
» 29/04/2021 11:12:19 PM These vaccines are a joke. If they don't stop you from catching the virus, & don't stop y.....
» 29/04/2021 11:05:07 PM I taught my lady, & my 2 daughters to shoot. all three can take out a match box at 25 mete.....
» 29/04/2021 3:58:57 PM Yes god help us if we ever have to defend our country. My son tells me of Naval officer ca.....
» 29/04/2021 3:09:23 PM Paul you make a major mistake in your assumption that conservatives will all have the same.....
» 29/04/2021 1:06:35 PM Continued I went to Bathurst a while back for a car club event. Bathurst was very run dow.....
» 29/04/2021 1:06:28 PM I once lived in a little hamlet called Burrum. It was once the northern end of the Queensl.....
» 28/04/2021 6:40:54 PM Aidan if any sanity prevails they would be moved to a wide range of suburbs, & never again.....
» 28/04/2021 2:50:30 PM Well the Danes are waking up to their future & don't like what they can see. Hugely increa.....
» 28/04/2021 2:23:08 PM Well isn't it great. Some unexpected consequences of the virus are actually positive. With.....
» 27/04/2021 11:11:16 PM Never heard so much bulldust expelled in trying to rationalise his criminality, & they was.....
» 27/04/2021 11:05:40 PM Don't know about that individual, but too attracted to glitz, glamor & make believe, with .....
» 27/04/2021 6:04:09 PM What this is telling us is that it is mostly disturbed people who go into acting. Obviousl.....
» 25/04/2021 12:45:44 PM Beef, goat, pork of chicken is cheaper......
» 25/04/2021 12:43:54 PM Again, think future! individual. Yes mate think future. Bigger & better agricultural machi.....
» 24/04/2021 12:47:47 PM If I were a prey species I would much rather live in a zoo than the wild. It is not much d.....
» 24/04/2021 11:40:14 AM Yes & all the hard work when we were alone, done by a bunch of kids, half trained using br.....
» 23/04/2021 5:03:11 PM In Brisbane the Queensland tax payer, & many other tax payers via the commonwealth contrib.....
» 21/04/2021 3:33:31 PM What utter twaddle. As I recall it was Scott Morrison under attack for wanting to open up.....
» 21/04/2021 3:18:46 PM I was in Samarai for PNG self government. I had just entered from Oz, & it took me 4 hours.....
» 20/04/2021 12:58:50 AM Yes o sung wu, & one of the main problems is too many of the good ones have had enough. A .....
» 19/04/2021 8:34:32 AM Yes we should be a republic like say Democratic Republic of Congo, if we are totally stupi.....
» 16/04/2021 11:22:17 AM The mouth from the south actually proves he can't even read properly, but can rush into pr.....
» 16/04/2021 10:39:35 AM It is criminal behavior by the individual that leads to black, or any other death in custo.....
» 15/04/2021 11:49:02 PM I don't know how much harm it does to the boys Bazz, but I reckon it is doing a fair bit o.....
» 15/04/2021 3:08:08 PM I used to do a lot of book reading Pete, but old eyes become strained, causing head aches .....
» 15/04/2021 2:17:44 PM Shirley spends some time complaining about porn. Perhaps she doesn't realise that the majo.....
» 15/04/2021 2:11:04 AM Yes Pete, looking forward to a new boss being better than the old one is a mugs game, boun.....
» 14/04/2021 12:27:50 PM SR, our know it all doesn't even know that royalties are a state tax, not a commonwealth o.....
» 13/04/2021 11:18:40 PM Yes plantagenet, I'm doing OK. If you don't smoke, drink or gamble it costs little to live.....
» 13/04/2021 12:44:14 PM God you lefties are sick. If you don't like multinationals doing the mining & extracting .....
» 13/04/2021 12:31:06 PM We are becoming less tough minded as we grow wealthier, but are we actually growing wealth.....
» 12/04/2021 6:25:16 PM SR wriggling like a worm dropped on hard ground......
» 12/04/2021 6:21:20 PM Can a lefty even lie straight in bed? It certainly doesn't look like it......
» 12/04/2021 2:49:22 PM SR I can't really be bothered trying to figure out whether, I got more time to look at the.....
» 12/04/2021 2:18:10 PM Continued. Incidentally, just a couple of the pin holes shotgun pellet hits would inflect.....
» 12/04/2021 2:13:02 PM Paul you show your utter foolishness with this rubbish. First a shot gun is utterly usele.....
» 12/04/2021 2:01:17 PM Lies by stating & twisting half truths is the main communication you can expect from a rav.....
» 12/04/2021 1:40:15 PM Will Craig Kelly get the full apology he deserves, it will be a measure of those who attac.....
» 11/04/2021 3:09:25 PM After many years of exclusive ABC watching my TV & radio dial were rusted onto the ABC. Wh.....
» 10/04/2021 11:53:00 AM An ill wind as the saying goes, but I guess the slow roll out has saved a few lives after .....
» 9/04/2021 9:02:33 PM Is Mise I was as a pilot trained to use unarmed combat, knives & other less obvious weapon.....
» 9/04/2021 3:04:44 PM Bad bus driving leads to death too. I think we should ban all buses......
» 7/04/2021 10:12:58 AM Is it this modern form of love that sees the young thug, thief or car stealing hoon let of.....
» 7/04/2021 9:34:20 AM It appears individual you have decided to become one of their useful idiots. After 3 hear.....
» 7/04/2021 1:16:50 AM From my reading individual the vaccine currently being used will not stop people getting t.....
» 6/04/2021 2:12:48 PM I have never been able to understand why anyone would go to Byron Bay. It is definitely on.....
» 4/04/2021 5:07:42 PM I agree the perfect time to dump France, & the rest of the EU. They obviously can't be tru.....
» 3/04/2021 11:18:26 AM Well I'm glad someone has had good service Paul, but in the last 30 years mine has been al.....
» 2/04/2021 9:30:06 PM I had exactly the opposite experience with Queensland public hospitals, except for the lit.....
» 1/04/2021 12:44:40 PM I'm with you Foxy. I'll be only getting the "jab" if they find some way of forci.....
» 1/04/2021 12:17:18 PM Plantagenet, I don't know where that spin story came from, but it is totally wrong. Yes th.....
» 1/04/2021 11:56:01 AM Two can play at that game. We import about 3 times as much from the EU as we export to the.....
» 31/03/2021 11:02:01 PM ttbn be careful of that card with low balance if it is with the same bank as your other ac.....
» 31/03/2021 4:48:59 PM Never had a credit card in my life, only Eftpos. I give myself my allowance once a month, .....
» 31/03/2021 3:24:47 PM Sorry plantagenet, missed your other question. No MGs in my fleet. I did briefly own one.....
» 31/03/2021 3:15:54 PM I agree with no internet banking. I do some purchases via the net, using only PayPal. If .....
» 31/03/2021 3:05:47 PM Hi plantagenet a bit off topic, but just for you. First was navy training at the old coll.....
» 30/03/2021 10:39:52 PM Yes plantagenet, I think I had that going through my head when I signed up for my navy pil.....
» 30/03/2021 3:25:43 PM Thinkabit, who twisted these peoples arms & forced them to depart Oz?.....
» 30/03/2021 3:22:04 PM Yes Bazz, quite remiss of me......
» 30/03/2021 3:20:21 PM Well it's a start towards more stuff ups, leading to catastrophe......
» 30/03/2021 1:18:21 PM Quite obviously a large percentage of the so called ARTS world is very sick, & needs treat.....
» 29/03/2021 3:30:21 PM Simple really. No girls allowed in parliament building, ever......
» 29/03/2021 3:28:55 PM Oh god, what a pile of waffle. All we have to do is stop all international arrivals, & I m.....
» 29/03/2021 10:11:12 AM Windmills are too unreliable to do the job of replacing fossil fuels, but even if they wer.....
» 28/03/2021 4:57:48 PM You're kidding Mr O. We haven't given women the vote have we? How crazy. Not sure that ra.....
» 28/03/2021 12:36:43 PM Come on Mr O. No one other than a lefty nut, who is never going to vote anything but left .....
» 28/03/2021 12:25:30 PM That is not the case in a mooring area such as Shute harbor individual. Anyone silly enoug.....
» 27/03/2021 11:01:09 PM Not so individual, go read the article. The rigs have attracted very large numbers of fis.....
» 27/03/2021 10:57:32 PM Was that really a comet on this topic, or simply a bit of garbage as usual SR?.....
» 27/03/2021 10:51:49 PM SR we pay the ABC employees, yes remember they are employees. We are entitled to set the l.....
» 27/03/2021 2:38:36 PM GREENIE WATCH [] had an article a couple of days ago ab.....
» 27/03/2021 12:49:20 PM So many of these government handouts are so badly targeted, & the hand out so badly admini.....
» 27/03/2021 11:51:36 AM Definitely one of the best articles I have seen on OLO. It really is time to tell these ho.....
» 26/03/2021 4:58:15 PM Foxy we don't pay their salaries either, so they are entitled to say what they please. Wi.....
» 26/03/2021 2:07:34 PM For gods sake SR. The Kidman drought, the Great Drought, the Federation drought [1901] wa.....
» 25/03/2021 11:09:32 PM SR if you quote BOM rubbish after half a dozen corrections followed by homogenisations, I .....
» 25/03/2021 3:03:43 PM Yes ALTRAV it is a total waste of time trying to talk to a lefty twit. Their brains, or wh.....
» 24/03/2021 7:45:01 AM Il Duce had placed the pestilence of the maggots upon poor Proud Boy Jose' for blaspheming.....
» 24/03/2021 7:32:38 AM Come on Paul. Unlike greens, most of us realise there is no money tree. To get money to p.....
» 23/03/2021 4:26:19 PM NathanJ it will be time to poor your sympathy over foreign blow ins, when we have enough m.....
» 23/03/2021 12:58:41 PM For gods sake Aidan, I just get through showing you we can't possibly afford to build enou.....
» 22/03/2021 11:35:07 PM Of course it's not really flooding, except where it is. Pity the poor buggers with homes i.....
» 22/03/2021 11:16:22 PM Another point Foxy & Bazz. Unlike steam driven, [coal or gas generators with over 50 years.....
» 22/03/2021 2:13:08 PM If the vaccine does not stop people getting a mild dose of the Covid virus, will it stop t.....
» 22/03/2021 2:03:40 PM In trying to achieve equality of outcomes rather than equality of opportunity, the us have.....
» 22/03/2021 1:54:11 PM I have no doubt that the lock out of international air travel is what has kept us & New Ze.....
» 22/03/2021 12:46:47 AM Well Foxy, perhaps seeing that he declined taking a salary in his time as president, if he.....
» 21/03/2021 1:35:11 PM Sorry o sung wu, I really only meant as porters for the baggage train coming up behind......
» 21/03/2021 1:32:37 PM Some how I already knew plantagenet, that you would need an automatic to be able to get ar.....
» 21/03/2021 1:10:19 PM Sorry individual, you've got that wrong. The poor bloody tax payer will end up spending a.....
» 21/03/2021 12:45:20 PM Foxy please! When the so called experts have been proven wrong in ever forecast/predictio.....
» 20/03/2021 9:14:51 PM plantagenet you obviously don't know much about the world. Young ladies today, & for quite.....
» 20/03/2021 7:32:56 PM As far as I am concerned, no one is entitled to anything, except for air, just because the.....
» 20/03/2021 11:25:43 AM God help us! Even our spies are becoming woke, & some clowns want to give the SAS a feathe.....
» 19/03/2021 9:11:52 PM Well how surprising that someone shooting up a couple of massage parlors killed mostly wom.....
» 19/03/2021 3:57:47 PM So there you have it folks, & from his won key board. SR doesn't have any opinions of his.....
» 18/03/2021 10:13:33 PM Now you are talking Bazz. I believe the future, if there is any future for privately owned.....
» 18/03/2021 9:54:26 PM People can call me anything they like, as long as it is not late for lunch. Better still,.....
» 18/03/2021 4:56:31 PM . Meanwhile Gov can quietly hint it can always, 1/4 or halve ABC's annual funding. Posted .....
» 18/03/2021 1:30:09 AM Luciferase, I spent some years working overseas. I chose to do it, & I didn't believe Aust.....
» 16/03/2021 7:03:42 PM The WA Libs got exactly what they deserved. Their radical green & anti coal policies, oppo.....
» 16/03/2021 6:46:32 PM Hotel Quarantine does seem to be a catastrophe waiting to happen. Stopping all incoming wo.....
» 15/03/2021 10:35:51 PM Bazz, please give me your understanding of the full life cycle cost of EVs, & the full lif.....
» 15/03/2021 1:05:26 PM individual I believe we are no longer, if we ever were, able to produce the steel necessar.....
» 15/03/2021 12:38:01 PM "Does anyone think all motor companies all just deciding en mass to stop making petro.....
» 13/03/2021 5:00:04 PM I wonder if the one talk system is breaking down these days. From memory PNG had about 200.....
» 13/03/2021 3:52:53 PM Only a twit, or a lefty of doubtful integrity, would peddle this stuff......
» 13/03/2021 11:40:07 AM Come on people. Lets be a bit brutal about this. A Liberal hating, man hating Labor polly.....
» 9/03/2021 10:06:00 PM Do they still sell newspapers, & if so where? 3 news agents in out nearest towns have shu.....
» 9/03/2021 3:51:03 PM What a perfect opportunity to decide France is a totally unreliable supplier of anything, .....
» 9/03/2021 3:39:34 PM What ever Tristan got his PhD in it most certainly couldn't have been math. Other wise he .....
» 8/03/2021 1:29:46 PM If they won every game they ever played, you still couldn't find enough money to pay me en.....
» 6/03/2021 10:21:14 PM I installed my weather station when we moved here just over 29 years ago. I have rainfall .....
» 4/03/2021 9:48:31 PM We all try to teach our kids to be truthful, but when a minister of the government does, P.....
» 4/03/2021 9:41:15 PM There were a couple of Japanese papers recently showing that increased CO2 tended to repla.....
» 4/03/2021 4:55:31 PM I don't know what garbage the warmists will push for this just finished summer, but let me.....
» 4/03/2021 4:44:04 PM I can't believe that Gates and Musk are so dumb that they would fall for the global warmin.....
» 4/03/2021 10:35:48 AM I suppose it is possible, but I find it hard to believe people like Gates and Musk can be .....
» 3/03/2021 2:25:03 PM Trump is out of a job at the moment, get him to build a nice big wall......
» 3/03/2021 2:16:03 PM Ah, now we see it all. As someone suggested a rape victim should "lay back & enjoy it.....
» 3/03/2021 1:52:36 PM A better dissertation than the average, but still far too green tinged to be taken serious.....
» 2/03/2021 4:39:54 PM petere I think it is fair to say that women who report rape, with no evidence to support t.....
» 2/03/2021 1:40:02 PM Interesting Armchair Critic, your rent & rego cost almost exactly the same as my rates & h.....
» 2/03/2021 12:43:06 PM I wonder if the likes of Mr O will ever understand that it is impossible to fix a problem .....
» 1/03/2021 9:54:51 PM But we told you so. Amidst Global Warming Hysteria, NASA Expects Global Cooling "NA.....
» 1/03/2021 5:40:32 PM Well what do you know? Our greenie mate wants cabinet ministers sticking their noses into .....
» 1/03/2021 11:28:16 AM Interesting isn't how these willing & happy participants suddenly become rape victims a co.....
» 28/02/2021 9:42:10 PM I agree with you Pete, but Maggie was the one exception, at least to date. A quick glance.....
» 26/02/2021 10:12:31 PM Oh for gods sake Pet & Paul, do try to talk sense. No one can deny that our education sys.....
» 25/02/2021 11:06:19 PM Yep a misogynist, but honest. I can't be the only one who has noticed that from the town c.....
» 25/02/2021 11:21:00 AM Come off the raw prawn Paul, women are everyones problem, especially if they get into parl.....
» 25/02/2021 11:19:06 AM I believe public housing is totally immoral. Those who get into it are set for life, bludg.....
» 25/02/2021 11:04:59 AM Prison is supposed to be punishment. Perhaps if ours were a little more harsh, we would ha.....
» 25/02/2021 10:57:49 AM Ofcourse not individual, they are fat too smart to fall for that one......
» 24/02/2021 2:32:21 PM Dan I don't know if you have ever owned any property, but from your posts I doubt it. So .....
» 24/02/2021 1:42:23 PM Of course we could simply recognise that Trump had it right way back, & start treating Cov.....
» 24/02/2021 1:29:02 PM Perhaps Ozzies should spend their money on helping our own devastated tourist industries. .....
» 24/02/2021 1:16:42 PM The dole was never meant, & never should be enough to live on long term. It is meant to be.....
» 23/02/2021 10:55:26 PM Thanks SR. Your lack of answer says it all......
» 23/02/2021 2:00:41 PM By Joe. I wonder if we will meet again, in some chat room in the sky?.....
» 23/02/2021 1:53:38 PM Eden is a myth, always has been, always will be. I've lived in a couple of prospects, but.....
» 22/02/2021 3:17:04 PM Could it be that the left have recruited this lady, as with others making similar long rem.....
» 22/02/2021 2:59:37 PM What a huge pile of rationalisation to try to justify that the young lady now likes gettin.....
» 21/02/2021 9:18:22 AM Sounds like a woman scorned, trying to get even. If it wasn't reported with in a couple .....
» 20/02/2021 5:39:08 PM Another good bit of following the prescribed line there SR. Please explain why the fires.....
» 20/02/2021 11:55:36 AM Come on SR you can't have it both ways. A while back you were telling us the fires were ca.....
» 19/02/2021 1:52:19 PM Continued. I once anchored my yacht in the Shortland Islands, northern Solomons. A little .....
» 19/02/2021 1:52:08 PM You only have to look at Kosovo to see that after decades, even centuries, when the stuff .....
» 18/02/2021 2:37:35 PM Not enough. They should have to register their bikes, at as a minimum the $700 it costs f.....
» 18/02/2021 2:32:35 PM I don't know individual, reading the above posts, at least one of them might be Andrews al.....
» 18/02/2021 2:19:05 PM The only people with their heads in the sand are those like this clown. Some hundreds of p.....
» 15/02/2021 11:12:53 PM I recently had to spend $1500 on my Mazda 323’s rear suspension. Not surprising really, th.....
» 15/02/2021 10:13:44 PM Really Joe. You like the criminal street gangs of African or Islander appearance mugging, .....
» 15/02/2021 1:58:35 PM Around here we have a problem. Too many tree changers. They like trees, lots of them, & li.....
» 15/02/2021 1:15:03 PM "Banjo, I am certainly not writing Biden off. I expect he will do better than Trump&q.....
» 15/02/2021 11:31:10 AM So Paul thinks our minimum wage, the highest in the world, is slavery. Typical of the garb.....
» 13/02/2021 12:24:56 PM Obviously Hotel quarantine does not work when incompetent bureaucrats & governments are or.....
» 13/02/2021 12:06:46 PM Come off the raw prawn Paul. We have the highest minimum wage in the world. Draconian di.....
» 12/02/2021 10:02:18 AM Why does the government make doing things so hard? A simple law requiring anyone who want.....
» 11/02/2021 1:15:36 PM You'll like this ttbn. My son was undertaking an overhaul on one of the old HMAS Manoora's.....
» 11/02/2021 12:34:39 PM No Bazz, navy ships today use effectively jet fuel. For the navy to defend our huge coast.....
» 11/02/2021 12:06:05 PM Come on plantagenet, this is OLO, on line opinion, where real people, [mostly], give real .....
» 9/02/2021 2:59:51 PM At least with the ABC it keeps many of the countries enemies together in one place, making.....
» 9/02/2021 2:52:25 PM It was the high schools not Catholic schools with cadet cores in country NSW in the 50s. .....
» 9/02/2021 1:58:31 PM To hell with trying to rehabilitate drug addicted alcoholics, it is just a waste of time &.....
» 8/02/2021 11:36:13 PM Didn't suffer navy discipline o sung wu. There were only 6 of us doing an "officer in.....
» 8/02/2021 5:42:38 PM Hi o sung wu, I don't think military discipline can be all that horrifying, it wasn't in m.....
» 8/02/2021 5:21:53 PM Actually Alan, if you grew up enough to think about it, you would realise the UK problem i.....
» 8/02/2021 12:43:54 PM I was given a recipe for galah years ago. Put the galah, a large rock & a 4 by 2 of pine .....
» 8/02/2021 11:51:19 AM Of course we could just stop ALL overseas arrivals, until the rest of the world is free of.....
» 5/02/2021 12:02:43 PM We found a roo with a broken hip down the paddock. Ran into a gate post I think. Rang the .....
» 4/02/2021 5:22:15 PM 40 odd years ago I was treasurer of a small country school P&C association, a bit north of.....
» 4/02/2021 12:01:43 PM The moment you get some clown telling you renewables will replace fossil fuels in generati.....
» 3/02/2021 5:19:14 PM Bronwyn, Spain, Bosnia, India/Pakistan, do I need to go further to prove that Islam & any .....
» 2/02/2021 1:44:41 PM Of course we are racist, all of us, & those who claim not to be are probably the most raci.....
» 1/02/2021 11:20:36 PM Jumping the gun a bit there Yuyutsu. These are not a full vaccine, they should stop anyone.....
» 1/02/2021 2:01:37 PM It does appear that the majority of our new community infection is coming from hotel Quara.....
» 31/01/2021 11:30:17 AM Keeping COVID at bay is easy. Just stop any incoming people. The UK has kept it's incomin.....
» 30/01/2021 10:20:43 PM Richard my son, does some maintenance for a local bloke with a trucking company, mainly on.....
» 28/01/2021 9:14:21 PM I thought there was supposed to be a limit on the number of posts one poster could make on.....
» 28/01/2021 5:27:51 PM Guy seems to be pretty good at writing fiction......
» 27/01/2021 1:00:33 PM "But when someone hands back an award because the same awards team ensured Court had .....
» 26/01/2021 12:28:13 PM Who picked the pickers. A short look at the Ozzy day awards over the last few years can o.....
» 24/01/2021 12:29:47 AM What do you know, hit greenies/lefties with a few facts & they run for cover, knowing if f.....
» 21/01/2021 12:35:40 PM Come off it Tarquin. They had 4 years to see what a useless bit of rubbish Obama was, & s.....
» 20/01/2021 2:05:58 PM Just a bit of information for the sane people to think on when being confronted with the a.....
» 17/01/2021 11:52:01 AM Continued. I do find it amusing when townies complain about their water & sewerage rates. .....
» 17/01/2021 11:51:10 AM Steel tanks will last longer too. I installed 3 of 3000 gallon corrugated iron tanks 29 y.....
» 16/01/2021 11:45:59 AM So I guess the thing that will miss Trump the most is the USA economy......
» 16/01/2021 12:12:40 AM NathanJ, people can meet at a pub & conceive a child that night, with out even knowing eac.....
» 14/01/2021 5:31:12 PM Obviously both the government & the vaccine manufacturers know damn well that there has be.....
» 14/01/2021 5:11:59 PM The only thing I am surprised at is that it has taken so long for the right to even begin .....
» 8/01/2021 12:18:48 AM Interesting isn't it that the black rights matter riots went on for weeks, with no police .....
» 6/01/2021 12:44:27 PM If they stuck him in prison, & let him commit suicide justice would be naturally served, &.....
» 3/01/2021 12:15:05 PM I can't think of any more disgusting political grandstanding than the garbage of changing .....
» 3/01/2021 12:09:41 PM Greta is a rather dumb nasty little girl who thrives in the limelight. Like most such peop.....
» 31/12/2020 3:50:33 PM Alan you are a fool. You are never interested in discussing things reasonably, merely chuc.....
» 31/12/2020 3:43:02 PM Give over Mr O, you are getting past boring. SR no one asked the ratbag teen age girl to .....
» 31/12/2020 10:49:20 AM What are the chances of their still being an EU in anything but name in 10 years time? No.....
» 31/12/2020 10:42:52 AM Has there ever been a human rights activist, who was not about taking something off the or.....
» 29/12/2020 4:26:01 PM Researchers cite lithium and cobalt production as the most likely to fall short of expecte.....
» 29/12/2020 1:30:27 PM Alan for a bloke who claims not to have a huge chip on their shoulder, you sure are a mise.....
» 26/12/2020 10:50:05 PM You would think Paul would like Boris, seeing that he is as rat bag crazy greenie as Paul .....
» 25/12/2020 9:11:10 PM What utter bull. One eyed garbage. If you people opened both eyes some time, you might sta.....
» 24/12/2020 2:46:31 PM SR your bland assurance that, "Compared to the other Scandinavian countries Sweden's .....
» 24/12/2020 2:28:16 PM Joe you are seemingly making a habit these days, of putting the dunces cap on the wrong he.....
» 24/12/2020 1:22:45 PM Alan I just don't know how you handle the weight of that enormous chip you have permanentl.....
» 23/12/2020 2:29:52 PM Age is a vicious thing. The skin gets thin, the bones weak, & balance goes. A minor accide.....
» 23/12/2020 12:18:28 AM Like the bull dusters on global warming, starting at a suitable point can almost make some.....
» 21/12/2020 3:39:30 PM That's what they could have done with most of the infected Joe, if they had hit them with .....
» 21/12/2020 3:32:55 PM Is Alan brilliant, or a total twit. No one on earth could have found any right wing media.....
» 20/12/2020 4:00:56 PM Don't know if he was taking it as a preventative, & have no idea if it works that way. Ho.....
» 19/12/2020 9:34:20 PM Come off it SR. This must be the 5Th or perhaps 50Th time some bull duster has made such a.....
» 19/12/2020 9:26:20 PM Oh god yes SR. It was just so brave of Danial Andrews, sending all those infected into the.....
» 19/12/2020 12:21:09 PM It appears that Sweden has just made the call on themselves, declaring their approach was .....
» 19/12/2020 12:11:31 PM Having a problem with reading simple English these days Alan. What did you not manage to .....
» 18/12/2020 11:00:35 PM Come off it Aidan, we have a whole million of those monkeys now, pity we don't pay them wh.....
» 18/12/2020 10:50:32 PM Just came across this on What's Up With That?, so I thought I'd plonk it in here. You are .....
» 18/12/2020 3:12:25 PM Well they can have mine. I'll not be needing it for a year or two, if ever, thanks. Meanw.....
» 18/12/2020 12:37:54 PM I don't know where you get your information about Energy Australia Paul, perhaps it is the.....
» 18/12/2020 12:25:15 PM Joe these anti Trump posts of yours do demean you. You know as well as I do that most of .....
» 18/12/2020 11:04:52 AM ttbn, not every one is as well organised as you & I. We have an newish acreage developmen.....
» 17/12/2020 7:38:14 PM I have just written a letter to Energy Australia complaining about the short notice given .....
» 16/12/2020 11:53:04 AM Yep individual, all these concrete jungle types have to belong to some tribe or other, not.....
» 15/12/2020 10:15:59 PM On the raw prawn again Paul. The Proud Boys have been linked to at least 2 shootings. H.....
» 15/12/2020 10:00:56 PM Can't agree with that Alan. In the 40s, post war, I slept on a verandah in Townsville. We.....
» 14/12/2020 4:35:05 PM Oh god! Because some stone age intinerates left some stuff on a cave wall 5, 10, 20 or mo.....
» 14/12/2020 2:45:04 PM Chris have you been following any of the stuff Boris Johnson is now pushing? His rubbish .....
» 13/12/2020 10:39:50 AM "as the Western world ultimately (and rightfully) unites to check the power aspiratio.....
» 8/12/2020 4:11:06 PM Bazz, I'd jump off the edge first mate. I have a lovely Rhodesian Ridgeback because his ow.....
» 8/12/2020 2:01:03 PM Too much make believe in the entertainment industries leads to too many from the industry .....
» 8/12/2020 1:38:41 PM Thanks for the advice Bazz, but I don't have anything to do with the NDIS. I can still dri.....
» 7/12/2020 6:12:49 PM The first thing we should do is cut the gravy train for equipment suppliers. I recently b.....
» 7/12/2020 3:17:40 PM I am told by the outer reef professional fishermen, any half a dozen of whom know more abo.....
» 3/12/2020 12:16:44 PM Well now we know why so much bile for pensioners from Paul. Some oldy, assumed pensioner b.....
» 2/12/2020 2:47:16 PM From figures I have seen recently, the single age pension is about a quarter of the averag.....
» 2/12/2020 1:49:44 PM Yes Yuyutsu, trust was great, the Ozzie way. When the folks sold the family home in Young .....
» 1/12/2020 9:29:26 PM Sweet FA if Biden actually gets in. If he does, perhaps we should invite the Chinese in, .....
» 29/11/2020 4:58:56 PM I think that is it Mr O. Anyone who has any money in any sort of bank account would be wi.....
» 29/11/2020 3:55:25 PM Stop Press. Suncorp bank are now limiting phone banking transfers between your own accoun.....
» 29/11/2020 3:35:57 PM Come off the raw prawn Alan. Ask the Greeks if the government can decide to convert your .....
» 29/11/2020 11:31:40 AM Surely there are t main reasons. One to be able to track everything we do,but the second .....
» 28/11/2020 3:29:19 PM Come off it thinkabit. Paying a public servant &70,000 a year when working at 62 years of.....
» 27/11/2020 12:40:32 PM "I think that our government is doing the best that it can to comply with the Paris a.....
» 27/11/2020 12:37:18 PM If you had seen the latest news, avoided by the MSM you would know that is not true Foxy. .....
» 27/11/2020 12:33:36 PM Come on thinkabit, you've got to be kidding. A mate of mine was a public servant, a sales.....
» 27/11/2020 1:14:11 AM We already have no vaccination, no childcare. This is probably reasonable, as vaccination.....
» 26/11/2020 3:22:20 PM Best start thinking about a change of cruising ground individual. The cyclone season will .....
» 26/11/2020 3:10:58 PM Well r66ald & Aidan, you could stop breathing. You are contributing CO2 to the atmosphere .....
» 26/11/2020 1:02:36 PM thinkabit I can see you've been well brainwashed by some ratbag greenie mates. I own sola.....
» 26/11/2020 12:46:55 PM Looks like a good business opportunity, printing vaccination certificates......
» 26/11/2020 12:39:12 PM Obviously the yanks should not have let so much riff-raff & rubbish into their country......
» 26/11/2020 12:13:15 AM thinkabit the elephant in the woodpile is that if the closure of coal fired power plants g.....
» 25/11/2020 8:15:39 PM Could there ever have been a more ridiculous objective that to basically destroy the most .....
» 25/11/2020 3:20:29 PM If any shooting starts around Taiwan, we will be far too busy trying to find a way of gett.....
» 23/11/2020 3:13:53 PM Conrod Straight, my old stamping ground. It sounds like that pump would be from a small wi.....
» 23/11/2020 2:20:50 PM We now have over a million public servants. All these are entitled to ridiculously inflate.....
» 21/11/2020 12:06:44 PM Careful there BAYGON, your ideology is leading you astray. To be a bank manager requires m.....
» 21/11/2020 11:24:19 AM Pete why would a tsunami wave be radio active? It is the pressure that moves in a tsunami,.....
» 20/11/2020 10:29:45 PM Me too Foxy. I have ordered a big mobility scooter, almost a battery quad bike, so I can s.....
» 20/11/2020 2:32:27 PM Get in training Foxy, because that is where they want you......
» 20/11/2020 2:29:05 PM Oh god. Sr has spoken to 2 soldiers, so knows all about it. Just like he knows everythin.....
» 20/11/2020 12:58:29 PM Well said Foxy. I find it disgusting that those reaping the benefit of so many fighting m.....
» 20/11/2020 12:32:51 PM If our elites, & many parliamentarians have in mind for the future of the average Oz citiz.....
» 20/11/2020 12:21:32 PM The UK parliament joint committee on transport & global warming, [an all party committee] .....
» 17/11/2020 4:33:55 PM All our water comes off our house or sheds roofs. I have lived on tank & well water for ab.....
» 17/11/2020 4:02:47 PM As for defense, what a joke. It is not the last war we would be fighting, & there would no.....
» 17/11/2020 3:28:27 PM Bazz I don't think it has anything to do with the cost of getting oil out of the ground. I.....
» 16/11/2020 11:31:49 AM "SteeleRedux, You are wasting your breath" Mr O. Of course he is. The old navy.....
» 16/11/2020 11:21:51 AM Boris made one good choice, Brexit, but appears to not have any more good choices in him. .....
» 14/11/2020 1:52:38 PM SR you are obviously talking about their ABC. Just what Murdoch has to do with your compla.....
» 14/11/2020 12:50:54 PM "my dog, the neighbour's cat, the chimpanzee, and Tony Abbott and Barnaby Joyce".....
» 13/11/2020 11:06:26 AM "Of course you ignore. You have to. You can't engage in any meaningful manner because.....
» 10/11/2020 10:58:16 AM It does appear that Biden did not win at the ballot box, but at a late night printing pres.....
» 10/11/2020 10:19:33 AM Come off the raw prawn Tristan, the last thing the Democrats have done, or need to do is g.....
» 9/11/2020 11:29:50 PM The naivety of the peaceniks has to be seen to be believed......
» 9/11/2020 5:58:07 PM I had one regarding knee replacement surgery. I had to go into the local hospital for it,.....
» 8/11/2020 10:59:32 AM Stop being so hard on Paul. Why shouldn't he believe that a few words on a bit of paper w.....
» 8/11/2020 10:50:48 AM Yes Bazz, aircraft modelers are complaining that balsa for modeling is almost impossible t.....
» 7/11/2020 5:59:39 PM It is not climate change that is affecting any minds, but how much money they can make by .....
» 5/11/2020 6:28:51 PM Hey Diver. Is closing counting early to give the democrats time to "DISCOVER" 20.....
» 4/11/2020 11:29:24 AM ttbn what ever you do, don't ever try firefox browser. Their spell check tries to put a Z.....
» 4/11/2020 11:24:56 AM Fortunately I have never been in the position that I had so little to do that I would wast.....
» 4/11/2020 11:07:01 AM Yuyutsu your ideology blinds you to real life. Much of the stuff I use to make the things.....
» 4/11/2020 10:50:25 AM Yes Bazz, but remember most of modern technology was not even invented until the advent of.....
» 3/11/2020 9:54:25 PM We have a number of plans for WW11 vintage wood gas generators, which would keep the 10 KV.....
» 1/11/2020 10:40:52 PM Queensland has always had hail the size of cricket balls, & bigger. In 1972 a mate & anoth.....
» 31/10/2020 2:06:58 PM Not only is the virus no longer disrupting life up here, but the weather is back to it's u.....
» 29/10/2020 9:40:32 PM "Trump has encouraged such violence for his own electoral benefit" plantagenet. .....
» 29/10/2020 12:35:31 PM Joe do have a real look, you are too smart to allow your self to be conned as you currentl.....
» 28/10/2020 11:13:37 AM It is possible I suppose that one day SR will actually make a statement containing some ac.....
» 27/10/2020 7:07:23 PM Many appear to be having a problem with what an engineer is. I am a degree engineer. I sp.....
» 27/10/2020 5:28:01 PM That's 30,000 Canem Malum, not 3000. You did well to get out of Gatton-Ipswich with your .....
» 27/10/2020 12:56:59 PM Getting hotter is it SR? Ray Garnettą*, Madhav Khandekar˛ and Rupinder Kaurł Abstract: D.....
» 27/10/2020 11:42:51 AM You know we simple folk would think Binoy that the "inordinately" high salaries .....
» 27/10/2020 10:57:23 AM The campaign add I find most amusing is the Labor job add. They are advertising that the .....
» 26/10/2020 9:40:57 AM Thanks Paul, for highlighting in that post, the uselessness of even talking to a green......
» 25/10/2020 11:34:26 PM Some of those "slaves" did OK on Oz. A mate of mine flew Meteor jet fighters i.....
» 23/10/2020 12:43:35 PM When it comes to euthanasia the last thing we need is pollies looking into their soul, if .....
» 23/10/2020 12:24:59 PM For gods sake Aidan, just try to keep your lights on if connected to nothing but wind & so.....
» 23/10/2020 12:14:43 PM If this virus does actually kill off city centers, the inner city office towers, & the dai.....
» 23/10/2020 2:52:30 AM And it gets even funnier. The poms, even with the catastrophe of the German attempt to do.....
» 23/10/2020 1:56:23 AM Stop press, like everything to do with unreliable power generation Aidan, the Snowy 2.0 co.....
» 22/10/2020 5:51:35 PM Come off the raw prawn SR. Do try some straight talking just once. Government owned power.....
» 21/10/2020 2:32:16 PM I'm still waiting for you SR to refute the rock solid science I quoted in my first post. .....
» 20/10/2020 10:23:13 PM SR you are too smart to actually believe the crap you post. What is your angle? I know mo.....
» 20/10/2020 3:25:45 PM It is a left thing Paul. It's the left that inhabit the DC swamp. privilege & academia wa.....
» 20/10/2020 9:59:28 AM Mr O tells us he was an engineer, but obviously either does not have enough math to unders.....
» 20/10/2020 9:18:02 AM Well we could have a Meritocracy or we could have Victoria......
» 19/10/2020 12:12:08 AM I don't know about Mr O, but JF Aus, one group of Asians tried pretty hard to kill my fath.....
» 17/10/2020 10:22:01 PM Foxy just when I thought David F's post was the peak of naivety, you give us one to exceed.....
» 17/10/2020 10:06:42 PM Mr O only my friends are entitled to address me by my christian name, & you are not one of.....
» 17/10/2020 1:29:24 PM If you want to know the truth about the Global Warming theory, check out Tallbloke's Talks.....
» 15/10/2020 3:49:40 PM Chris the average mechanic, or fitter & turner uses more research skills than most arts gr.....
» 15/10/2020 3:09:22 PM The last thing we need is large construction projects. That simply hands huge profits to a.....
» 14/10/2020 8:47:32 PM Great Chris, if you find value in your "meagre humanities efforts" that's fine, .....
» 14/10/2020 1:00:29 PM Well well, some sense at last. All those useless degrees, used only to gain public service.....
» 12/10/2020 12:08:53 PM Surely Aidan, there is nothing more dead end than being a dole bludger. It is about time .....
» 12/10/2020 11:32:56 AM If I get this right Loudmouth, it appears you have just invented perpetual motion. You ar.....
» 11/10/2020 10:45:01 PM I said read Loudmouth, I did not expect them to write. I don't believe anyone who can not.....
» 11/10/2020 5:55:02 PM That would be OK Loudmouth, if there was automatic, irrevocable deportation for any immigr.....
» 11/10/2020 5:20:07 PM An environmental sociologist. Sounds like the perfect pseudo academics profession for tho.....
» 9/10/2020 9:57:11 PM If I hadn't heard it from her own mouth I wouldn't have believed it. Queensland are revis.....
» 9/10/2020 6:36:54 PM Please tell us Chris, when one has actually succeeded in improving anyone's life, other th.....
» 9/10/2020 11:47:53 AM Why do we get so many articles from this obviously anti western civilisation activists?.....
» 8/10/2020 3:50:42 PM Cossomby, perhaps ttbn has enough math to be actually follow the so called science. In su.....
» 7/10/2020 12:10:10 PM "Analysts and international human rights organisations maintain that farm attacks are.....
» 7/10/2020 12:03:22 PM Has any one else noticed that every time an African country goes from white rule to black .....
» 7/10/2020 11:41:56 AM Not me individual, I'd been a civilian for about 10 years by then, although I know what th.....
» 7/10/2020 11:28:20 AM Even after all these years, I still find it hard to understand how academics can be so stu.....
» 6/10/2020 1:14:54 PM Great to read an article by someone who actually understands that a business can only empl.....
» 4/10/2020 11:33:02 AM You are dead right there Paul. Most of the clowns on SBS or the ABC would wipe out Oz, ra.....
» 3/10/2020 9:28:44 PM No david f, nothing I have seen here has changed my ideas or opinions, reinforced them if .....
» 3/10/2020 12:26:43 PM "Your model, cry as you might about the suffering of the landlord, has a crude simpli.....
» 3/10/2020 12:04:10 PM "I mostly watch our ABC and SBS and their associated channels, good for news and othe.....
» 1/10/2020 1:41:41 PM In todays world, only a fool would want to be led by a gentleman. You know the British typ.....
» 1/10/2020 1:28:41 PM Too much pseudo-intellectualism there too MrO. Kosovo is simply the result of years of mu.....
» 1/10/2020 1:17:22 PM Dan I think you are letting your ideology get in the way of clear thought. Out here in th.....
» 1/10/2020 12:42:28 PM All too often a people clamor for "independence" from the very government that t.....
» 30/09/2020 9:58:23 PM Half an hour Bazz, I take my hat off to you. I managed 7 minutes, but could not stand more.....
» 30/09/2020 1:01:45 PM Well I certainly wasted 7 minutes of my life watching the start of that shemozzle. It cert.....
» 30/09/2020 12:52:04 PM I tried to find my credit score a while back, & it appears I don't have one either individ.....
» 29/09/2020 1:17:57 PM Perhaps the quarantine restrictions & number of places available, set up to minimise the i.....
» 28/09/2020 11:53:39 PM Should I know who the hell Adele is?.....
» 27/09/2020 10:48:42 PM Easy credit is a sure way to inflation, which is probably why they are considering it. Th.....
» 27/09/2020 10:16:58 PM Morbidity would have been a damn sight less if the Democrats had not denigrated Hydroxychl.....
» 27/09/2020 10:12:31 PM You really do need to grow up sometime Paul. It is a great big nasty world we live in, & b.....
» 27/09/2020 6:15:54 PM Joe you appear to be becoming irrational. Just as the high death toll in any part of Oz .....
» 27/09/2020 12:22:06 PM Now you are talking Joe. Have you realised how much better run the country was BEFORE we .....
» 27/09/2020 11:57:35 AM Come on Paul, you want to try to buy the friendship & loyalty of the pacific islands by ou.....
» 25/09/2020 10:58:55 AM My 3 kids, of about equal ability, all went to the same schools. High school was a large 1.....
» 25/09/2020 10:28:19 AM I remember being told, many years ago, that soccer was a gentleman's game, played by thugs.....
» 24/09/2020 11:19:18 AM At least with another Trump appointment to the US supreme court there is some chance of ju.....
» 23/09/2020 1:50:15 PM Foxy I have little interest in how Trump behaves. Most Alpha males have undesirable traits.....
» 23/09/2020 1:44:38 PM Yes David F, I know the feeling. I can remember blow by blow a Bathurst motor race from th.....
» 23/09/2020 1:07:23 PM It is now proven that high Vitamin D levels help in reducing the severity of corona virus .....
» 23/09/2020 12:46:36 PM The yanks were stupid enough to reelect Obama, even after he had proven what a total dud h.....
» 23/09/2020 12:37:10 PM Dead wrong Paul. I was never very political, but apart from approving old Joh's introducti.....
» 23/09/2020 12:31:49 AM You are right Dan, I lasted about 2 minutes. Nothing, even your recommendation, could mak.....
» 22/09/2020 11:41:20 AM Foxy, Aidan, you both make a very important point, with out either of you realising it. Y.....
» 22/09/2020 11:22:11 AM "I’m all for satire", Dan. If that is satire Dan, just how low would it have to.....
» 22/09/2020 10:55:27 AM What's up Binoy? Do you see the possibility of a few thousand nice well paid bureaucrat .....
» 21/09/2020 10:31:54 PM I can only wonder just what sort of mentality could find that sort of self indulgent rubbi.....
» 21/09/2020 10:45:29 AM Foxy, surely it is not where, [or who], the idea comes from, but whether the idea makes se.....
» 20/09/2020 11:35:21 AM What a ridiculous statement David F. Obviously from a city boy. A friend of mine, near re.....
» 18/09/2020 11:56:52 AM What is an engineer? I wonder how many here are talking about the same thing when they wri.....
» 18/09/2020 11:08:11 AM Social workers & departments can't afford to get rid of poverty. If they did, they would b.....
» 17/09/2020 9:17:38 PM Sitting on your spreading butt in a classroom, listening to some dill who has never done a.....
» 16/09/2020 5:12:24 PM Diddums. Did the poor little girl have to come down to earth for a change, & recognise the.....
» 15/09/2020 1:38:05 PM Yes arts degrees are wondrous things, just showing one will get you a job in the public se.....
» 15/09/2020 12:25:11 PM I get so sick of these holier than thou types, who want to tell everyone else how to live......
» 15/09/2020 11:14:27 AM I'm 80, so probably more vulnerable than most. However I'd much rather take my chances, &.....
» 14/09/2020 2:17:08 PM The so called national cabinet has been nothing but an escape clause for the PM. He obviou.....
» 14/09/2020 1:15:42 AM And we've been paying the dole bludgers more than the pensioners for a while now don't for.....
» 13/09/2020 9:58:25 PM I have lived on a thousand dollars a year, on my yacht in the Pacific Islands. I traded a .....
» 13/09/2020 9:08:09 PM How typically green is our Paul,"A gem from one of the climate deniers; The original .....
» 13/09/2020 5:00:14 PM Sorry Canem Malum, feeding wood chip in place of coal has nothing to do with population pr.....
» 12/09/2020 5:11:17 PM Foxy real loggers, who produce lumber have a real reason to conserve forests. They want to.....
» 12/09/2020 1:55:58 PM David F, Friends of the Earth and the Sierra Club, & wind farms do a damn sight more damag.....
» 10/09/2020 10:57:40 AM Aidan there is nothing more stupid than "taking action" against the wrong reason.....
» 9/09/2020 12:23:07 PM If the people of the US want BLM and Antifa to rule their country, all they have to do is .....
» 8/09/2020 8:09:06 PM Until this thread I would not have believed that even radical lefties like SR, Joe, Paul, .....
» 5/09/2020 9:30:35 PM Storm troopers in Victoria throwing people to the ground on bitumen roads, & you think we .....
» 3/09/2020 11:43:20 AM Come off it Paul. The worst problem for Australia is being caused by the catastrophe that.....
» 2/09/2020 11:02:49 AM Victoria had 200,000 blacked out just last week due to lack of generating capacity. Isn't .....
» 2/09/2020 10:45:08 AM Yes ttbn, if the democrats win the upcoming US election, we will find ourselves basically .....
» 31/08/2020 12:17:00 PM I would say that Tony Abbott was hired for his knowledge of Oz markets, & Oz industrial ca.....
» 31/08/2020 9:32:59 AM Abbott lying his way around UK and morison ordering up vaccines from UK. A distinct smell .....
» 29/08/2020 4:43:24 PM Yes Joe, we know what you, other lefties, & US democrats would use agents provocateurs to .....
» 29/08/2020 10:57:46 AM I assume you saw the video Alan. The guy had been ordered to stop. He continued to walk to.....
» 27/08/2020 11:44:15 PM "There seems to be a genuine disappointment from the Trump supporters on the forum be.....
» 27/08/2020 6:25:44 PM I see the death toll from common flu is way down this year. It appears that the death rat.....
» 27/08/2020 12:02:06 PM Continued Container shipping is the worst thing that ever happened to Oz industry. Our in.....
» 27/08/2020 12:02:01 PM It is the other way around individual, you have to have high duties on the things produced.....
» 27/08/2020 1:41:55 AM Yes local production would be wonderful, but it could only happen with much lower living s.....
» 25/08/2020 6:10:35 PM Paul these damn fool politicians, & particularly their chief medical officers have got the.....
» 25/08/2020 2:25:32 PM Since it takes a minimum of 5 years, & more like 10 years to prove a vaccine is actually s.....
» 24/08/2020 10:20:29 AM If coronavirus does nothing but eliminate this dirty back door immigration scheme, used to.....
» 23/08/2020 8:34:49 PM Aidan one of these days you may make a statement that is either true, factual, & even bala.....
» 21/08/2020 8:19:03 PM Yep a totally failed state. If they couldn't bludge east coats water Queensland & NSW coa.....
» 18/08/2020 5:39:40 PM Dad was in the citizen light horse between the wars, so it was strange he went into the ai.....
» 18/08/2020 5:07:46 PM Oh come on SR, you know the answer as well as I do. They have the goods on the lefty lots.....
» 17/08/2020 10:45:32 PM Ericc your naivety is breathtaking......
» 15/08/2020 2:14:25 PM Dan my son is about as non political as you can get. He was doing some navy reserve time, .....
» 14/08/2020 9:41:42 PM Chris, how can you say that "Australians rightly embrace ethnic diversity? I can not .....
» 13/08/2020 12:10:31 PM I am being blocked by Firefox from accessing this article. Just the article, not the posts.....
» 13/08/2020 12:04:58 PM It is so obvious Mr O that it is not really worth discussing. It is a con of course. She i.....
» 12/08/2020 3:22:47 PM Wow looks like they are picking a recent graduate to a full membership of the democrat swa.....
» 11/08/2020 10:22:05 AM Michelle Obama's a graduate of Princeton University and Harvard Law School. She has had a .....
» 10/08/2020 3:10:37 PM How on earth would being the wife of a very bad president possibly qualify any one to be p.....
» 10/08/2020 11:35:09 AM Sorry Foxy, but she is one of the entirely unelectable I was thinking of......
» 10/08/2020 10:49:28 AM Could it be that the democrats are hoping that the mild looking Biden can get elected, & d.....
» 10/08/2020 10:27:43 AM What a typical bit of bumph from someone who is in a position that they are very unlikely .....
» 9/08/2020 11:52:51 PM Come on Foxy, they reelected Obama, which shows just how stupid yanks can be. It won't ef.....
» 9/08/2020 11:48:28 PM We certainly don't see much problem with the virus, where Hydrochloroquine is taken weekly.....
» 7/08/2020 2:16:15 PM Aw Chris, that is bit harsh. I like anthropology. While I agree most of the latest anthro.....
» 7/08/2020 1:54:25 PM Only an imbecile would be unable to see that the MAD philosophy has been completely succes.....
» 7/08/2020 1:20:28 PM The swamp must be really starting to dry out or it wouldn't be possible for these large cr.....
» 7/08/2020 1:05:20 PM It looks like Lyn's mind must have got a bit muddled with being locked down & all. Obvio.....
» 6/08/2020 3:24:25 PM I have no idea of how many penicillin may have saved, it & the development of others that .....
» 6/08/2020 3:08:32 PM In the pacific islands a 10 acre plot, all tilled by hand using slash & burn techniques wi.....
» 6/08/2020 2:38:25 PM The bombs saved China & the west another way as well. Don't forget the then extremely wel.....
» 6/08/2020 2:19:12 PM What utter twaddle. The current system simply wastes money on people without enough grey .....
» 6/08/2020 10:13:29 AM "I think now most people do it, a process aided by online source comparisons." C.....
» 6/08/2020 9:55:12 AM Nothing in history has saved more lives than the dropping of those 2 bombs. The idea that .....
» 4/08/2020 12:56:07 PM "Russia, who invaded and occupied part of Germany in 1945". Come on plantagenet,.....
» 3/08/2020 12:20:43 PM Binoy your continual small timer sniping at Trump is becoming very booing. I'll bet you h.....
» 2/08/2020 9:08:41 PM That system worked so well in Victoria Joe, I guess we can all relax in the knowledge that.....
» 2/08/2020 12:33:45 AM Continued. I was running water skying one morning for the guests, & a couple of waitresse.....
» 2/08/2020 12:33:04 AM If you want Sundays off join the public service, what ever you do, don't join the tourist .....
» 1/08/2020 12:28:49 PM Yes Paul, spoken as a man who is not in danger of being unemployed or sent broke by any lo.....
» 1/08/2020 11:53:53 AM Come on people, can't you see that this is simply a new scheme to come out of academia & t.....
» 31/07/2020 10:14:06 PM The locals in the Trobriand Islands, [PNG] refer to white people as dim dims. Perhaps if I.....
» 31/07/2020 3:30:39 PM Well thank you SR, for proving the point. If you have to go back to 1908, before any perso.....
» 31/07/2020 11:00:22 AM As one in the high risk group my thinking on the overall picture on coronavirus is probabl.....
» 31/07/2020 10:27:06 AM As we all know, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. The same goes .....
» 27/07/2020 12:32:24 PM There never has, & never will be a successful vaccine for a mutating Corona viruses. We ha.....
» 27/07/2020 12:11:27 AM In the words of Joni Mitchell "Don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what y.....
» 25/07/2020 12:03:29 PM This utter garbage has been going on for years. When I sailed back into Oz in 1976 I spent.....
» 25/07/2020 11:16:42 AM If you are talking about CO2 caused global warming SR, then quite the contrary. The only .....
» 23/07/2020 2:47:31 PM Sorry Joe, a better idea would be to close the bludging state of South Australia down, & l.....
» 22/07/2020 11:16:19 AM Well there is our problem. If a highly educated academic can convince themselves that the.....
» 22/07/2020 10:55:50 AM Obviously black lives don't matter too much to the Black Lives Matter demonstrating mobs. .....
» 22/07/2020 10:52:16 AM "Multiculturalism" in Oz was simply a lefty scheme to buy some ethnic votes. It.....
» 21/07/2020 1:39:54 PM If you want to see the most racist people on this planet, look no further than the Black R.....
» 21/07/2020 1:36:40 PM What a nasty little man you are Paul. Yes I know that any culture that does not defend it.....
» 21/07/2020 9:48:44 AM Oh god I get sick of this lefty bleeding heart garbage. The world is a much better place t.....
» 20/07/2020 8:26:57 PM Who will rid us of these meddling academics!.....
» 19/07/2020 11:33:42 PM I don't like the French. My experience with them has been unpleasant. I don't like white .....
» 19/07/2020 11:43:49 AM Canem Malum,Foxy, you have that very wrong. White people never did anything to any other .....
» 17/07/2020 9:03:47 PM We are continually being told of Victorias escalating number of coronavirus cases, but we .....
» 15/07/2020 7:43:13 PM If the queen actually was responsible in any way for aiding in the dismissal of Whitlam, r.....
» 14/07/2020 2:29:09 PM Chris if a desire for boarder protection, & a major reduction in immigration are conservat.....
» 12/07/2020 10:16:19 PM Come on Aidan, the ABC are closer to the CCP than to the majority of the Chinese populatio.....
» 12/07/2020 1:57:02 PM Come off the raw prawn SR. You know as well as anyone that it was a union dictate that fo.....
» 12/07/2020 1:47:16 PM Yuyutsu perhaps buying time would have some point if we were actually buying arms. Unfortu.....
» 11/07/2020 10:10:09 PM What a naive bunch! The only thing that has prevented a world war is mutually assured des.....
» 10/07/2020 8:04:45 PM Could all these articles by this bloke be a Graham Young plot? Is he trying to get across .....
» 9/07/2020 11:46:49 AM It does look as if NSW are more than a bit clumsy in handling the flow in through their se.....
» 7/07/2020 10:08:20 PM Come on Dan, you know as well as I do than the lower end population do not pay any tax. Af.....
» 7/07/2020 1:16:07 PM PNG, like us, are still suffering from that idiot Whitlam. It was his idea to give PNG it'.....
» 7/07/2020 1:12:01 AM Yes Little, Binoy does have a habit of writing on subjects where he has absolutely no idea.....
» 5/07/2020 4:09:20 PM I'll bet the poms now wish they had let the Japs have Pakistan, rather than let the Pakist.....
» 5/07/2020 12:00:35 PM Hey Big Nana, it looks like you are of the wrong political hew to be considered enlightene.....
» 5/07/2020 11:44:56 AM I don't think ours will suffer nutritionally Chris, the maggies not only get mince as a ti.....
» 4/07/2020 10:15:47 PM I haven't started talking to the trees yet Foxy, but I have the dog the cats, the horse & .....
» 3/07/2020 8:32:23 PM You may be buggered if you know o sung wu, but not as buggered as the people running the s.....
» 3/07/2020 7:56:21 PM If Mr O is right Daffy, we just might have a cultural revolution coming to an Oz city near.....
» 3/07/2020 3:59:12 PM The only way we could possibly defend Australia from any major power today would be to hav.....
» 3/07/2020 12:38:53 PM A little expansion on the lifestyle. Living in the 3 completed rooms of the house dad wa.....
» 3/07/2020 11:45:08 AM Thousands of basically very dumb youth doing basically useless courses in so called humani.....
» 2/07/2020 3:14:44 PM Continued We moved to Young. I had to ride the horse 110 miles, as transport was too expen.....
» 2/07/2020 3:14:38 PM I don't remember much about the war. Dad was at Amberley before going overseas, & we lived.....
» 1/07/2020 2:27:45 AM More of the superiority complex there jimmy2shoes. We are educated enough to be able to s.....
» 30/06/2020 11:01:28 PM Why is it that all you people want to deny the flora of the world enough CO2 to live a hea.....
» 30/06/2020 10:50:02 PM I go along with that ALTRAV. Women had it made in the late 40s & 50s, at least those who's.....
» 30/06/2020 10:17:05 PM Continued We accepted it when the soft little bloke, who couldn't make the football team s.....
» 30/06/2020 10:16:55 PM jimmy2shoesit is you that highlight that the problem has been caused by the mental health .....
» 30/06/2020 1:05:03 PM The real problem is of course that the saber tooth tiger went extinct. If the average twi.....
» 29/06/2020 2:20:58 PM What a pile of garbage Paul. In the country towns where I was schooled in the 50s, the hi.....
» 29/06/2020 1:36:54 PM Aidan, stop talking gibberish! We all know any warming above the recovery from the little.....
» 29/06/2020 1:32:35 PM If we could just get rid of psychologists & sociologists we would be a long way towards so.....
» 29/06/2020 1:41:42 AM Lucky you ALTRAV. In Queensland my club rego is $250 a year. Still a lot better than the $.....
» 27/06/2020 8:40:22 PM Academics & their institutions have earned every bit of condemnation they are getting. Too.....
» 27/06/2020 11:36:42 AM No we are not weakening the institutions that can solve coronavirus, but we just may be ki.....
» 27/06/2020 11:25:40 AM Continued. Any Queensland school kid, who does a bit of fishing knows drying flats are dea.....
» 27/06/2020 11:25:33 AM The thing I like most about OLO is that posts are only ever removed due to abuse, or adver.....
» 24/06/2020 11:20:02 PM Bazz, the only "battery" that has any chance of actually smoothing out wind & so.....
» 23/06/2020 3:59:01 PM Malcolm when half the population is now no longer dinkum Ozzies, but blow ins & the childr.....
» 22/06/2020 1:12:21 PM Sorry individual, you have that totally wrong mate. It is the drastic oversupply of build.....
» 22/06/2020 12:58:43 PM While I agree with a lot of what you are saying about universities, I believe you are miss.....
» 22/06/2020 12:46:15 AM Isolation , ie. locking up the healthy can never work completely. We still have to go to .....
» 20/06/2020 11:38:31 AM As has long been known, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. This .....
» 19/06/2020 9:21:22 PM I can't stand city apartment living. you have to be a certain type of person to even consi.....
» 18/06/2020 11:13:50 AM Chris no matter how much batteries improve, wind & solar technology are never going to be .....
» 18/06/2020 10:54:09 AM I hope your filet mignon is wagyu beef Mr O, otherwise you are not treating yourself well .....
» 18/06/2020 10:32:08 AM I find the use of signing on TV offensive. It is merely another form of useless virtue sig.....
» 18/06/2020 9:40:49 AM Chris batteries can only store previously generated electricity. Apart from the fact tha.....
» 17/06/2020 11:01:56 PM Cambridge Professor Michael Kelly It is estimated that current battery manufacturing capab.....
» 17/06/2020 5:46:03 PM Hi Foxy. I agree with your husband, & would never use internet banking, or put my card num.....
» 16/06/2020 11:09:16 PM The experts are predicting a big swing to internet use for consumer buying, as a result of.....
» 16/06/2020 9:47:54 PM Foxy, Chicagos population is 32% black, 31% European white, 28% Hispanic, 5% Asian, plus a.....
» 16/06/2020 12:23:05 PM Well what would you expect when you jam far too many people into too small a space, then s.....
» 16/06/2020 10:12:04 AM No individual, but it is the result of the radical feminist take over of the education sys.....
» 15/06/2020 11:26:00 PM Come on Foxy, the only thing that makes Victorian roads any safer is because the traffic i.....
» 15/06/2020 11:22:20 PM Yes we definitely need a few nuclear powered & nuclear armed subs, but a hundred nuclear a.....
» 13/06/2020 4:20:44 PM If the Victorian resurgence of the virus can be stopped, OK open state boarders, but only .....
» 13/06/2020 4:06:30 PM Come on Alan. time to grow up, get the chip off your shoulder, open your eyes & see the tr.....
» 6/06/2020 1:27:09 PM Public housing is a rort of the highest order, & should be eliminated immediately. It is a.....
» 5/06/2020 1:40:35 AM Saints, the NSW Vic boarder is open, so when we open the boarder to NSW, we are opening it.....
» 5/06/2020 12:57:36 AM I don't know where you got your statistics Joe, but the following is from the Washington p.....
» 4/06/2020 12:30:51 PM In an earlier more honest age, Samantha Cooper, if she is telling the truth, would have be.....
» 3/06/2020 5:34:41 PM Any profits from any land sale should go to those who own the land, not some government re.....
» 3/06/2020 5:08:16 PM Only a lefty could think ripping more money out of the private sector to feed an even more.....
» 3/06/2020 3:18:25 PM Oh come on Joe. We all know that a very large percentage of the cops in the US are Africa.....
» 1/06/2020 5:33:42 PM I very much doubt there are many aborigines left who know much about fire. The when, why &.....
» 31/05/2020 5:16:13 PM With the new cases popping up in Victoria, it looks like any boarder opening talk is most .....
» 30/05/2020 10:07:40 PM Paul I guess you just don't understand. It is not loss of profits that is the problem for .....
» 30/05/2020 11:25:05 AM Come off the raw prawn O, you could give the aboriginal activists all of OZ, NZ, the USA &.....
» 29/05/2020 10:23:09 PM There is an aboriginal industry who's members do very well out of making sure there is alw.....
» 29/05/2020 6:25:14 PM Binoy if ever you produce anything other than a lefty rant, please note at the top on larg.....
» 29/05/2020 4:01:03 PM I wonder how much they got for the stuff. It would have been a buyers market for shiploads.....
» 28/05/2020 12:28:45 PM Oh god! Victorians like having electricity but like the cargo cultist of the Solomon isla.....
» 27/05/2020 12:16:46 PM Paul, "inalienable right to shoot our fury friends". What a peanut. Always the e.....
» 27/05/2020 11:41:39 AM Paul, Aidan, your ideology gets in the way of common sense. The US defense force is a for.....
» 27/05/2020 11:09:07 AM Great article. However one thing it misses is the need for government, state & federal, to.....
» 27/05/2020 9:46:32 AM It appears that the academic "experts" pontificating on forests are about as kno.....
» 26/05/2020 2:49:23 PM Great article Viv, telling it as it really is. These city based clowns in bureaucracies &.....
» 25/05/2020 11:52:53 AM Foxy the last thing we need when we have no money to pay for it is feel good Infrastructur.....
» 25/05/2020 11:02:56 AM Oh god, our diversified economy. A very few of us dig stuff out of the ground & a few othe.....
» 22/05/2020 4:54:16 PM Paul you are incredible. Incredibly stupid or incredibly deceptive. You are suggesting it.....
» 21/05/2020 11:10:26 PM Chris your "one dominant ethnicity" worked after WW11 with displaced Europeans b.....
» 21/05/2020 10:11:17 PM I can see both sides of this. I also have no skin in the game. As an 80 year old, after 3.....
» 21/05/2020 9:40:00 PM After 20 years of having all my radio & TV tuners rusted onto the ABC, I finally got sick .....
» 20/05/2020 3:26:25 PM Just as long as you don't call me late for lunch......
» 20/05/2020 12:31:59 PM Thanks Chris, obviously Mr O doesn't read too well. Due to a broken split pin a misalignm.....
» 19/05/2020 7:30:13 PM I only made it to Sandown for the 1968 F1 Gold Star race Chris. My gearbox overheated, cau.....
» 19/05/2020 1:21:24 PM Continued I went sailing. Surfing a 40Ft yacht down a big ocean swell in a gale offers as .....
» 19/05/2020 1:20:24 PM I don't believe there is any meaning to life, other than what you give it. I have always b.....
» 19/05/2020 11:13:24 AM This article is typical of things written by people who know absolutely nothing about thei.....
» 16/05/2020 10:24:06 AM How anyone would be stupid enough to not want to stop all migration until all those Austra.....
» 16/05/2020 10:19:27 AM Sounds like someone can't get a research grant to make their miserable lives richer......
» 14/05/2020 11:21:39 AM I think Michael Moore set out to do a promotional piece for alternate energy, & was first .....
» 14/05/2020 10:40:26 AM What an utterly useless lefty rant. OLO must be scraping the bottom of the barrel to post.....
» 13/05/2020 8:44:39 PM Joe remember the Adani Coal Mine. I think it is reasonable to assume we have been trying t.....
» 13/05/2020 11:42:59 AM I think it is already too late ttbn, the gate is open & the last horse has bolted. Without.....
» 12/05/2020 3:36:35 PM There are an awful lot of people here who seem to think they know it all. This is the real.....
» 12/05/2020 3:03:20 PM Alan this particular lady had to go into a nursing home. Also a widow & with no kids, she .....
» 12/05/2020 10:19:06 AM My mother in law, a widow has found it tough. Over the years all her family have left Sydn.....
» 12/05/2020 9:45:42 AM The feeling in my water is that we have gone overboard about this virus, I think the long .....
» 12/05/2020 8:53:39 AM Why is it that these bleeding hearts assume JobSeeker allowance is meant to be welfare for.....
» 12/05/2020 8:34:12 AM I don't know if it would be considered corporal punishment, but as a school cadet under of.....
» 11/05/2020 1:06:52 PM One of these days SR will actually make a statement with some truth in it, & many of the f.....
» 11/05/2020 11:42:38 AM I believe ‎Nigel Farage has made all lefties, particularly the bunch controlling the.....
» 10/05/2020 10:12:06 AM "Abbott played a big part in Malcolm's recent demise". Thank god for Tony Abbot.....
» 10/05/2020 10:04:49 AM Wimpish damn teachers today. She should have used the stock whip, but only on those playi.....
» 9/05/2020 11:36:14 AM For all those who have brains that simply cant handle math, & those who are too damn lazy .....
» 8/05/2020 9:40:02 PM Paul it is a little different in the US. There it is state governors who control the healt.....
» 8/05/2020 9:17:04 PM Mum had her 99Th in a great nursing home in Beaudesert. She was bed ridden by then, so it .....
» 8/05/2020 11:55:53 AM If you keep repeating that garbage often enough SR you might actually convince yourself it.....
» 8/05/2020 11:50:29 AM The only way we should have spent any money on foreign students in Oz would have been to p.....
» 8/05/2020 1:22:57 AM Strangely It was dad I missed most when mum went. I guess I was too busy selling mum up, .....
» 8/05/2020 1:12:27 AM I do a fair amount of my shopping on line, but am finding anything from over seas it now t.....
» 6/05/2020 1:30:36 PM SR, why do you want to make yourself look a fool. You really can't be as naive, or expect .....
» 5/05/2020 11:03:23 PM My mother was an orphan, brought up by a grand mother. When granny died she had only dista.....
» 5/05/2020 10:47:36 PM Steely we already have twice as many trees in Oz today, as stood at first settlement, Show.....
» 5/05/2020 5:55:56 PM Global Warming Solved! Scientists Find Reforestation Can Cool The Surface By 2-6°C Relativ.....
» 4/05/2020 10:37:54 PM No problem with no booze, drugs, tobacco or gambling. It is because I have never bothered .....
» 4/05/2020 10:10:52 PM At least SR he is extrapolating from facts, not from some wild assumption as have the mode.....
» 4/05/2020 11:04:41 AM Isn't it amazing how grateful these "young people" progeny of Paul are for all t.....
» 3/05/2020 4:41:59 PM Australia has nothing to do with slack Bangladesh building codes, which allow people to in.....
» 3/05/2020 4:26:45 PM What's wrong with Michael Moore? Not a god dam thing...NOW. He has just had his eyes opene.....
» 1/05/2020 8:35:43 PM The problem AC is you can't feed all that variable power into the grid, without destabilis.....
» 1/05/2020 11:16:14 AM Armchair Critic, it is not a matter of what to do with the solar power, but the fact that .....
» 30/04/2020 3:16:05 PM That is going way too far Foxy. You will have many suggesting Pot Kettle Black......
» 27/04/2020 8:23:39 AM Come on Paul, call it as it is. What we want is a return to what we had 60 or 70 years ag.....
» 26/04/2020 5:59:32 PM That same teachers union fight tooth & nail against home schooling. The last thing they wa.....
» 25/04/2020 7:35:54 PM "These people are dedicated educators", come on SR pull the other one. I had qui.....
» 25/04/2020 3:31:03 PM Has anyone else noticed that General Motors, [including Holden] have been a total disaster.....
» 24/04/2020 6:51:53 PM The teachers union is saying teachers may refuse to go back to work. Well it is time to g.....
» 23/04/2020 3:03:57 PM Turnbull never saw a big, or any picture in his life. He was too dam busy admiring himself.....
» 23/04/2020 2:55:59 PM Pretty damn soon I would think. After all they have been consulting some extremely dumb st.....
» 23/04/2020 2:50:01 PM That does explain things Mr O. After humanities graduates, the next most gullible people .....
» 22/04/2020 1:59:44 PM What disgusting rubbish. Turnbull was a traitor to those who elected him, being a full le.....
» 22/04/2020 1:50:36 PM mhaze, I am 80. I totally deny you, any politician, bureaucrat or definitely the SRs of th.....
» 21/04/2020 3:00:08 PM Of course we need to get the country back to work, & damn quickly. Anyone else note it is.....
» 21/04/2020 9:18:59 AM Don't hold your breath SR. You would have to get rid of 95% of the staff to even start to.....
» 21/04/2020 9:15:56 AM Chris it has nothing to do with opinion, & everything to do with real scientific fact. Th.....
» 21/04/2020 9:09:13 AM You only had to watch the hanky panky that went on with the appointment & "special&qu.....
» 21/04/2020 8:48:57 AM Personally I can see no reason why the taxes of tens of thousands of low paid workers shou.....
» 20/04/2020 7:38:38 PM Sorry to destroy some cherished dreams from Greens Lefties & globalists, but a new paper s.....
» 20/04/2020 1:07:01 PM Of course Paul, communism appeals to greens, with their desire to reduce population. Afte.....
» 20/04/2020 12:55:43 PM Yep, definitely. Something we can agree on SR......
» 20/04/2020 12:54:00 PM "WHO being a specialized agency in this global family". Sorry Ioan, if you subs.....
» 18/04/2020 4:29:52 PM I was joking too......
» 18/04/2020 9:44:11 AM Did you notice the name of the thing Diver, "FOOT" path, not wheel path. Bikes.....
» 17/04/2020 9:24:20 PM Surely I can't be the only one who has noticed that some of the medical profession are rev.....
» 16/04/2020 11:53:50 AM Agreed Aidan, complete & continued testing & complete quarantine of all effected is the on.....
» 16/04/2020 11:45:51 AM How can anyone be so dumb. "reverse domestic violence" is when it can be shown .....
» 15/04/2020 8:02:01 PM SR, "Families once virtually estranged because of brutal commutes and savage working .....
» 15/04/2020 7:47:32 PM What the hell do you think we ate vancrideout, before we became rich enough to only eat th.....
» 15/04/2020 12:09:08 AM No way SR, she did have a bit of paper from the Sydney Conservatory of Music, & another bi.....
» 14/04/2020 1:56:29 PM You really are a know it all dill, with as capital D SR. You have no idea of what I or an.....
» 13/04/2020 11:01:34 PM I agree completely Dan. I believe this cure is likely to be a lot more devastating than th.....
» 11/04/2020 1:53:22 PM Hey Paul, have you chosen the sights for the gulags & death camps to go. You can't have c.....
» 11/04/2020 1:45:09 PM No trouble finding something to do here Armchair Critic. I had a tree almost destroy an ol.....
» 10/04/2020 1:42:07 PM Yuyutsu imprisonment is merely cause & effect. Those who choose to be anti social & break.....
» 10/04/2020 11:16:38 AM "I do believe Hassy was a member of the Luftwaffe back in the day, flying his trusty .....
» 10/04/2020 11:10:46 AM Come off the stupidity Yuyutsu. People who commit crime & go to prison for it have chosen.....
» 9/04/2020 1:33:30 PM I see that SR is doing what many of the left have done, substituted Pell for the catholic .....
» 9/04/2020 1:00:56 PM So easy for those who's livelihood & wellbeing is not endangered, but perhaps even enhance.....
» 9/04/2020 12:51:00 PM A couple of points here. Putting those who only "may" be infected into safe sui.....
» 8/04/2020 9:50:36 PM If you are that young Chris, it must have been your father who paid for my flying training.....
» 7/04/2020 9:48:12 PM Not the least bit angry about what "ordinary" people get. I would be quite happy.....
» 7/04/2020 6:59:53 PM Wouldn't it be great if all penalty rates were one of the things killed by this virus. The.....
» 7/04/2020 6:54:22 PM Nah, how about we inject the 10 highest paid people in the world health organisation, then.....
» 7/04/2020 6:44:37 PM Our Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews said - "I have no comment about today's High Cou.....
» 7/04/2020 6:22:37 PM Whether you are pro or anti Pell, or separately the catholic church this case proves concl.....
» 7/04/2020 2:34:48 PM Isn't it surprising, well perhaps not, that the very people who are crying "racist&qu.....
» 7/04/2020 2:10:01 PM Chris would you please explain how much your 7 year of games with the university sector co.....
» 7/04/2020 1:55:03 PM Any teacher who does not want to turn up at school & do the job we pay them for should be .....
» 6/04/2020 8:48:59 PM Thanks for that Mr O, I'd forgotten about the boarder shut down. Guess it will have to be.....
» 6/04/2020 8:40:39 PM Both China & Russia have only saved themselves by switching to a capitalist economy, while.....
» 6/04/2020 7:42:58 PM Yes I know how to handle bats Mr O. Just as they did in Townsville in 1946. A huge colony.....
» 6/04/2020 11:42:33 AM The hate Trump syndrome lot are out in force again. That virus is much more dangerous than.....
» 6/04/2020 12:02:10 AM Thanks for the steak recipes folks, I do need some. With the lock down looming I went to .....
» 5/04/2020 11:27:50 PM I was watching a video taken by a hidden camera of totally empty waiting rooms in emergenc.....
» 5/04/2020 1:02:20 PM Hi Foxy, glad to see you're still kicking, & cooking. Keep up the good work. On the marin.....
» 3/04/2020 3:12:04 PM Wrong Armchair Critic, it is the academics who are the problem, with their attitude that o.....
» 3/04/2020 2:54:20 PM We have given up pretty much on vegetables Paul, it is just too hard around here down near.....
» 3/04/2020 12:38:17 AM We ate a lot of rabbit in my younger days too Pasul. A couple of us pre teens used to dig .....
» 2/04/2020 3:26:22 PM You obviously don't know much about manufacturing or the car industry SR. Remember The But.....
» 2/04/2020 3:05:31 PM Life pretty normal here. The 20 inches of rain in Jan & Feb, more than last year total, is.....
» 1/04/2020 3:10:15 PM Mr Singer thinks the government should have had more hospitals, & ICU beds, ventilators, s.....
» 1/04/2020 12:04:26 PM What rock are you living under SR, & who tips the garbage in after you? There have been a.....
» 1/04/2020 11:57:59 AM I'm getting plenty of fresh air & sunshine mowing the 1.25 acre garden/house paddock, & ke.....
» 31/03/2020 12:41:22 PM Some seem to forget that the reason we are so close to China is that they were the ones wh.....
» 31/03/2020 12:06:24 PM One of these days SR will accidentally inject a smidgen of truth & even fact into one of h.....
» 31/03/2020 11:47:09 AM This bloke missed his calling. He should be writing drama for the ABC to waste millions on.....
» 31/03/2020 11:32:56 AM What unbelievable garbage this bloke spews. Just when we have tens of thousands locked in .....
» 29/03/2020 1:09:06 PM How long is it going to take for some common sense to be applied by government to the ridi.....
» 28/03/2020 12:26:41 PM Can't agree ttbn, at least in retrospect. I was always pretty anti Joh until he went, & w.....
» 27/03/2020 9:36:03 PM Come on Paul. If not for her family connections Palaszczuk would have found her true leve.....
» 26/03/2020 10:52:17 AM Oh dear! More wishful thinking by the ratbag fringe......
» 24/03/2020 12:56:23 PM Great idea ttbn, but just who is going to hold China's feet anywhere. We have given contr.....
» 24/03/2020 12:39:51 PM Come on Alan, you can't kid me with "I thought SR was doing a pretty good job of defe.....
» 23/03/2020 9:14:18 PM Back on topic. I am not a fan of hand outs, but with thousands & perhaps millions loosing.....
» 23/03/2020 9:00:12 PM I just hate bludgers SR, present company included......
» 23/03/2020 3:25:25 PM Cossomby I am sure there are many long term unemployed, particularly the older who lose th.....
» 23/03/2020 11:25:07 AM All this rubbish & total waste of resources, wit not a single atom of proof that increasin.....
» 22/03/2020 2:56:38 PM Looks like their consideration of the coronavirus support package has been a bit too rushe.....
» 21/03/2020 5:13:49 PM As a good lefty I see Binoy is not about to waste a good emergency by not using it to try .....
» 19/03/2020 1:02:20 AM Dan a mate of mine was employed in the tax department. When he finally finished his accoun.....
» 18/03/2020 2:45:19 PM Aidan only the totally blind could fail to see the ABC agenda. When is your next optomet.....
» 18/03/2020 2:40:22 PM "A grim proposal to come out of the UK, when hospitals become stretched to the limit,.....
» 16/03/2020 8:54:37 PM It really is time to grow up a bit SR. If they don't take into account the economic resul.....
» 15/03/2020 11:31:19 AM Dan unless you want to be dependent on the tender mercies of the age care system of today,.....
» 15/03/2020 10:42:19 AM Did Barnaby do anything that Labor legends Hawke & Keating didn't do? These lefties sure .....
» 14/03/2020 12:42:41 PM Jealous of young people, inheriting a world created by the likes of Mr O & Paul, you've go.....
» 14/03/2020 10:04:54 AM I fear you mat be becoming a whimp Alan. What is wrong with the garden hose?.....
» 13/03/2020 1:55:15 PM I agree ttbn, the handouts to pensioners & dole receivers is a very foolish act, as bad as.....
» 13/03/2020 1:17:28 PM I know of a few places where there is easy access to a few hundred foot drop straight off .....
» 13/03/2020 12:58:26 PM Who the hell is Mark Buckley, obviously some lefty muck racking nobody. Yes Barnaby is a .....
» 13/03/2020 12:01:20 PM More than 72% of Gen Z ‘don’t know nuclear power is low carbon energy’ Dimitri Macrokefal.....
» 12/03/2020 2:48:50 PM Aidan your last post identifies you as either a fool, or so poorly educated that you have .....
» 11/03/2020 1:02:53 PM Individual perhaps you have also noticed that it is since the education system was taken o.....
» 10/03/2020 12:54:16 PM When my folks were married in 1935 my mother was dismissed from her job. Women were not s.....
» 10/03/2020 12:09:46 PM I would think that if Helen & her mates are serious, they would be volunteering to replace.....
» 9/03/2020 12:30:30 AM "Dear runner, You really do constantly pollute these pages with tripe don't you".....
» 9/03/2020 12:24:51 AM AC Graham should give us smiles to help us signal that we are tongue in cheek. My lady c.....
» 8/03/2020 3:31:54 PM See my post on the voting age thread......
» 8/03/2020 3:29:19 PM It appears to me that voting, & government were both more rational & successful, when voti.....
» 7/03/2020 11:47:52 AM SOL today Alan. Perhaps you should back out now before you asphyxiate......
» 7/03/2020 11:25:08 AM It is hard to believe, but I'm starting to think that it is actually possible that SR real.....
» 7/03/2020 11:11:29 AM No return from rEPRUSu on my post on CO2 cooling the planet in higher percentages. Of cou.....
» 7/03/2020 11:00:20 AM Alan if it can be actually proved that CO2 has any effect on the planet temperature, & doe.....
» 6/03/2020 10:24:18 PM Hat tip to NoTricksZone. Another new paper they have found. A ‘Nearly Zero’ Climate Sensi.....
» 6/03/2020 5:34:34 PM Come on Aiden. From what we see of lefties being prepared to tell any lie to further their.....
» 6/03/2020 5:26:13 PM This whole toilet paper & tissue buying frenzy has been promoted by the media, It is only .....
» 6/03/2020 5:20:22 PM Not just Australia individual. He caused so much harm in PNG by rushing them to self gover.....
» 6/03/2020 5:09:13 PM Only the likes of our SR can state bald faced lies as if they are global truth. He makes .....
» 6/03/2020 5:05:33 PM Chris Lewis nuclear is only third cheapest to No 1 coal, & No 2 gas. Of course it is far f.....
» 5/03/2020 7:43:17 PM Come off it SR, Ray Martin is, like most of the media, so far left he can probably only ma.....
» 5/03/2020 12:23:05 PM Ian Bryce, give us a single item of definite proof that CO2 has any real effect on the tem.....
» 5/03/2020 12:15:00 PM This bloke proves yet again, that only those totally incapable of even the lowest level of.....
» 4/03/2020 9:16:58 PM That should be enjoyable Individual. I've never been that far north inside the reef, I hav.....
» 3/03/2020 12:44:11 AM Come on Cossomby, not that old nail. An equally old answer. The stone age did not end bec.....
» 3/03/2020 12:08:13 AM Cossomby, if you have a bit of math, go & have a look at todays post on the NoTricksZone b.....
» 2/03/2020 6:44:10 PM SR if you don't have the education, or are too lazy to put in the effort, I am not interes.....
» 2/03/2020 10:35:30 AM Cossomby I happen to be an ex fighter pilot, with many carrier landings, so know a bit abo.....
» 2/03/2020 1:25:30 AM Oh come off it Aidan, governments can't create jobs, other than of the pretend make work v.....
» 2/03/2020 1:10:24 AM That is another complete furphy VK3AUU. A typical attempt by the warmist scammers to come .....
» 1/03/2020 12:10:06 PM An old mate of mine worked in Maryborough building railway rolling stock & locomotives, an.....
» 1/03/2020 11:45:57 AM I can't agree with you Dan, that sharks are in decline. That sounds like more researchers .....
» 29/02/2020 8:39:59 PM What we need to do is go back to coal fired power station, which supply cheap reliable pow.....
» 28/02/2020 3:17:44 PM "GetUp didn't set out to be an anti Coalition organisation".Aidan. Pull the oth.....
» 28/02/2020 2:21:31 PM Many including my wife did not want to believe that our universities could be so rotten th.....
» 26/02/2020 12:54:40 PM Talk about pot kettle black. Extinction rebellion. GetUp. Greenpeace. Australian Conserva.....
» 25/02/2020 9:07:13 PM I knew I should not bother trying to talk to an arrogant peanut greenie who thinks the onl.....
» 25/02/2020 9:02:09 PM Come on kids. They chose a football playing thug as Oz of the year a couple of years bac.....
» 25/02/2020 12:22:25 PM I know I shouldn't bother, but here goes. Max the weather bureau, when they said no likel.....
» 24/02/2020 6:52:22 PM Could the ALA be worried they will loose a whole class of very profitable litigation?.....
» 24/02/2020 11:46:43 AM Surely this is an example of hate speech by the back door. No matter which door it uses, .....
» 23/02/2020 11:42:11 AM You kid yourself Alan. When the lights go out, the fridge doesn't work, & people can't co.....
» 22/02/2020 8:46:56 PM Did they drive Holdens Is Mise?.....
» 21/02/2020 8:45:18 PM At that price it must have been a stolen horse Paul, & you know what we do to horse thieve.....
» 21/02/2020 8:22:07 PM Paul an 80 knot thunderstorm, [knots not kilometers], will do that to roofs. I had an old.....
» 21/02/2020 4:49:36 PM So now we know, It's max the greenie, not Max Green. We have a radical ratbag, who I'll b.....
» 21/02/2020 3:37:24 PM In SE Queensland we have a range of power retailers to chose from. About a year ago after.....
» 21/02/2020 2:08:12 PM Don't expect any guaranteed for 25 years on any solar system. You have to remember the old.....
» 21/02/2020 1:37:08 PM Just to complicate this argument as bit more, why not talk take home pay. In the 50s I pa.....
» 20/02/2020 11:22:55 AM When cars were simple, just a motor, gearbox diff & body, with a few bits like steering & .....
» 19/02/2020 11:20:16 PM Sorry ALTRAV, but that is totally wrong. The last few Holdens were all Oz. They may have .....
» 19/02/2020 6:12:22 PM Hi o sung wu, how are you doing? I've driven a few Holdens too, back when the government .....
» 19/02/2020 10:18:19 AM First the unions destroyed the UK car industry. You could easily tell by the accents of ma.....
» 18/02/2020 4:10:25 PM Hot is cold, wet is dry, these people trying to justify their ill begotten income from the.....
» 18/02/2020 2:51:02 PM You still have dodged the real question Max. How the hell does CO2 cause a drought this w.....
» 18/02/2020 9:08:59 AM Come off it Aidan, the lovies that infest the ABC wouldn't recognise or see the "trut.....
» 18/02/2020 8:56:45 AM I have never been able to understand how a society which can vilify a little tobacco smoke.....
» 17/02/2020 8:27:18 AM You missed one other little thing Armchair Critic that humans are not responsible, the Him.....
» 17/02/2020 8:06:13 AM Yuyutsu you don't have to be religious to believe that the planet is controlled by forces .....
» 16/02/2020 10:03:49 PM Mr O must be one of the least perceptive people ever to post here. I am one of the least .....
» 16/02/2020 7:24:15 PM The road safety junkies tell us that speed kills, but it doesn't in the real world. A cou.....
» 16/02/2020 6:56:23 PM Yes mhaze Peak oil is another fantasy of the global warming fraudsters, & the elites who d.....
» 16/02/2020 5:30:05 PM I don't drink, so this does not effect me personally, but in my experience those who do re.....
» 15/02/2020 10:55:23 PM Chris are you really one of those who clutter up the roads we motorists have paid for with.....
» 15/02/2020 10:47:41 PM At my first lecture of my meteorology course, the prof walked in & said, "now chaps, .....
» 15/02/2020 12:47:48 PM If you don't want to discuss global warming with those who actually talk sense on the subj.....
» 15/02/2020 12:42:41 PM Incidentally, that river flooded high enough to put a foot of water over my bottom paddock.....
» 15/02/2020 12:25:28 PM Come on Fester. If they don't have enough information to make even moderately accurate pre.....
» 15/02/2020 12:03:23 PM Obviously MrO that engineering you claim to have done back in the far distant past had as .....
» 14/02/2020 11:53:02 AM The BOM had a nice little lady with a Chinese sounding name on one, [probably all], of the.....
» 14/02/2020 11:37:51 AM Paul, long after you & I have departed this earth, coal & it's hand maidens, gas & oil wil.....
» 14/02/2020 11:17:47 AM What a telling post, "The overpaid, News Corp/Murdoch muppets (who dominate the thoug.....
» 14/02/2020 10:45:13 AM I can not know Max Green, if you are merely another useful idiot, or one of the smarties m.....
» 13/02/2020 4:01:20 PM It ain't gonna rain no more, how in the hell can the greenies know, it ain't gonna rain no.....
» 13/02/2020 12:58:46 PM The only way that city socialists like Paul will ever understand anything about the real w.....
» 13/02/2020 11:59:19 AM Yes arson is a despicable crime, & every effort should be made to catch these criminals. .....
» 12/02/2020 11:29:46 AM Come on Mr O, you can't have it both ways. You keep telling us the Chinese have already b.....
» 11/02/2020 9:28:06 PM Chris my forecast is that by 2050 the elites will have the majority of humans living like .....
» 11/02/2020 9:13:54 PM Fester I think you would find if you looked closely, that the east coast rains are due to .....
» 10/02/2020 5:18:42 PM So Chris you don't think the grass will still be consumed by termites or rot, giving off t.....
» 10/02/2020 3:46:00 PM Chris Lewis, you are yet to give us any thing at all to actually link CO2 to any increase .....
» 10/02/2020 10:45:25 AM John you must have the math to be able to follow the chemistry & physics of the CO2 causes.....
» 7/02/2020 11:07:54 PM Yes Bluebottle, the arsonists are dreadful people, but the fires they light would be low k.....
» 7/02/2020 10:48:27 PM Obviously SR is still dreaming of a US with the criminal Hillary in the white house......
» 7/02/2020 12:21:44 PM OK Chris, here it is. Can any sane person really believe that a 1.5 C increase could make.....
» 4/02/2020 8:46:29 PM You're just a little wrong there plantagenet. Trump wants the US to win at any cost. If t.....
» 4/02/2020 6:31:04 PM My experience is entirely the opposite jamo. Forest grazing blocks were locked up every 3 .....
» 3/02/2020 2:30:12 PM With this little effort Binoy has proved himself to be a fully fledged anointed member of .....
» 1/02/2020 9:50:24 PM Cossomby I said isolated atoll, not some high tourist trap island. Some where like Nuguri.....
» 1/02/2020 10:44:36 AM Does it matter what happens in todays Sydney? After all there are so few fair dinkum Ozzi.....
» 31/01/2020 9:40:40 AM When the US elected Obama, I reckoned they were too far gone to save. Then they confirmed.....
» 31/01/2020 9:27:38 AM Is there any hope left for Victoria? May be, but not while they keep voting this bunch in.....
» 30/01/2020 10:52:31 AM A Pacific atoll with a Polynesian population. Many of these are visited only 3 or 4 time.....
» 30/01/2020 10:27:09 AM So many of the commentators remind me of a flea on a Great Dane. Annoying little thing, b.....
» 27/01/2020 4:13:00 PM Come on Mr O, the blue mountains going up every 6 to 10 years was the norm in the 50s, 60s.....
» 26/01/2020 9:11:41 AM The ozone hole being caused by CFCs was simply a trial run for the scam of global warming/.....
» 25/01/2020 8:43:08 PM ALTRAV it is not just some stations, but all 13 stations on the Antarctic Peninsula & near.....
» 25/01/2020 8:38:26 PM Come off the raw prawn SR, this is the area the scammers have been claiming it was melting.....
» 25/01/2020 4:26:26 PM See my new post highlighting NASA figures showing 20 years of Antarctic cooling. Just as .....
» 25/01/2020 4:21:03 PM NASA Data: all 13 Antarctic Peninsula & nearby Island Stations Show Cooling Trend Over Pas.....
» 23/01/2020 11:57:37 PM Why the hell would you want to spend billions watering inland deserts. Alan, Israel is no.....
» 23/01/2020 8:47:06 AM Wow, just one more post for a 500 post thread......
» 22/01/2020 7:23:17 PM If you want to find a socialist/communist, just look for someone who wants to give away so.....
» 22/01/2020 11:46:51 AM Perhaps because Ros Kelly was a school teacher playing at government, with a giant white b.....
» 22/01/2020 11:40:59 AM Don't smoke, don't drink, don't gamble, & don't fraternise with wild wild women, more's th.....
» 22/01/2020 11:27:18 AM Paul I learnt my lesson with old Joe. I wanted the old bugger gone, just like so many, mo.....
» 21/01/2020 11:12:33 AM Hey Lego, as an electrician you obviously have to have enough math to understand the scam......
» 21/01/2020 10:34:24 AM Well done Donald Trump. Interesting isn't it, to see Alan echoing the Democrats!.....
» 20/01/2020 6:30:08 PM Not hearsay Paul, I was there. They kept us in school for an hour as it was too dangerous .....
» 20/01/2020 4:57:53 PM Paul, "it would be nice if you put up a reference for your claims once in a while. Un.....
» 20/01/2020 4:36:12 PM Come off it Max, "Yes, water vapour IS the most powerful greenhouse gas, but the amou.....
» 20/01/2020 4:28:19 PM Do you ever research anything before shooting off at the keyboard Paul? Ipswich Primary 1.....
» 20/01/2020 10:30:00 AM You don't need to burn it all, just the last 5 kilometers around the periphery of these no.....
» 20/01/2020 10:19:41 AM Oh god Paul, you are like a primary school kid learning new to you, & wonderful things. I.....
» 20/01/2020 9:34:03 AM Are you going to post this bit or rationalising elsewhere Brian. To copy you, Come on Bri.....
» 20/01/2020 9:31:11 AM Come on Brian, do a little math on the subject. Water vapor is over 20 times more effecti.....
» 19/01/2020 1:43:02 PM Yes Asimov was good with science FICTION, & clever plots for his stories, but really! Are.....
» 19/01/2020 11:53:41 AM Replying to my mention that by the theory global warming is supposed to reduce extremes of.....
» 19/01/2020 11:37:49 AM I don't know why mhaze, recent checking of the BOMs stations has shown that more than 50% .....
» 19/01/2020 10:44:10 AM askbucko, when did you draw the short straw & be told you were to try to defend the indefe.....
» 18/01/2020 11:23:31 PM Again Paul, if you want to be taken seriously you have to keep up with the facts. Even NA.....
» 18/01/2020 11:11:10 PM But haven't you heard Paul. 85% of pacific islands have expanded their area in the last 2.....
» 18/01/2020 1:24:07 PM I'll give you a few Paul. The ratbag town planners at a number of South East Queensland c.....
» 18/01/2020 12:50:46 PM Well there you are folks. Mr O, "That's it mate, keep focusing on the science argumen.....
» 18/01/2020 12:21:18 PM If ever your lot get some real evidence to blame CO2 for anything let us know Mr O. Meanwh.....
» 18/01/2020 12:03:01 PM I may have mentioned it before that the great Captain Cook actually mentioned in his log t.....
» 17/01/2020 1:05:16 PM Binoy, have you ever thought of migrating to Iran?.....
» 17/01/2020 11:00:46 AM One thing is for sure. All the elites are wishing that a couple of centuries ago someone h.....
» 17/01/2020 10:52:35 AM Oh god! Paul thinks some of his garbage is humour, then tells conservatives are pessimisti.....
» 17/01/2020 10:42:03 AM Come off it Mr O. We give BAs & MAs to foreign students who need an interpreter to talk to.....
» 16/01/2020 10:17:15 PM The current furor about an alleged connection between climate change, CO2 emissions, and A.....
» 16/01/2020 5:47:18 PM Do you know anything about this global warming theory you support so extravagantly Paul? .....
» 16/01/2020 10:47:54 AM Come on Peter old feller, even at your age you still have to show some responsibility. Th.....
» 15/01/2020 12:06:11 AM Paul, most farmers in the Young area had a table top truck, then a number of things to fit.....
» 14/01/2020 1:06:27 PM Paul, "People will have to stop burning all the fossils, otherwise we will be out of .....
» 14/01/2020 12:45:40 PM There used to be another pain in the but big mouth know nothing twit on here years ago. .....
» 13/01/2020 10:36:38 PM Individual the army teach their blokes to shoot guns, drive tanks trucks & such things, bu.....
» 13/01/2020 10:26:03 PM Paul I had a 22 rifle at age 12. I left it at home when I moved to Sydney. Later the nav.....
» 13/01/2020 7:30:31 PM Paul I was merely trying to explain why many country employers are unable to continue to p.....
» 13/01/2020 1:10:14 PM Paul you just don't understand about the bush. Why would you as a city person. Around her.....
» 13/01/2020 11:29:45 AM Binoy's watermelon credentials are showing well through this piece. His far left attitude .....
» 12/01/2020 8:32:43 PM I rather like threads that develop a life of their own, & go wandering off across subjects.....
» 12/01/2020 8:24:11 PM A lot of these volunteers are not highly paid people. Not all of their employers continue .....
» 12/01/2020 8:05:40 PM I wonder if Joni Mitchell was actually singing about our country dwellers homes when she s.....
» 12/01/2020 1:46:19 PM The smarter Democrats have woken up to the fact that they have sweet Fanny Adams on Trump,.....
» 12/01/2020 1:35:12 PM ALTRAV, wouldn't it be great if we could just get this understanding to our kids when they.....
» 12/01/2020 1:06:59 PM Yes we most definitely need to cut all trees in a position to fall across roads if burnt o.....
» 12/01/2020 12:22:40 PM ALTRAV I was already pretty comfortable with calculus & Co-ordinate Geometry from my Math .....
» 12/01/2020 11:09:15 AM "All would (almost) be forgiven if the educated ABC announcers would learn that ".....
» 12/01/2020 10:45:24 AM Don't worry thinkabit, we all know this is simply Alan, like a few others, trying to use t.....
» 11/01/2020 11:52:31 AM You miss one point ALTRAV. An arts degree is the bureaucrats preferred qualification for .....
» 11/01/2020 12:11:00 AM I don't know where you are Bazz, but here in far southern Queensland we had the biggest fl.....
» 10/01/2020 8:17:29 PM Come on "O", make up your mind. Is it god, or CO2 that controls climate. Looks .....
» 10/01/2020 8:09:23 PM I agree completely Ozpen. All levels of the public service employment, state & commonwealt.....
» 10/01/2020 1:30:15 PM As usual SR is totally wrong. The defense force can not be sent into a state unless the g.....
» 10/01/2020 1:13:20 PM Surely the fact that the media are highlighting these small contributions by ethnic groups.....
» 10/01/2020 11:11:26 AM The ABC loved that totally useless poser Turnbull. Hell they even liked the 2 idiots KRudd.....
» 10/01/2020 11:02:15 AM I agree that advertising agencies inserting ethnics into TV advertising are doing their cu.....
» 10/01/2020 10:14:59 AM I believe public transport is inequitable basically immoral. As the article says, it is mo.....
» 9/01/2020 10:53:31 AM No Alan, not everyone had the chance, but today they do, which is what I said. It took ric.....
» 8/01/2020 12:20:51 PM The only way to make government more efficient is to ban public servants being in unions, .....
» 8/01/2020 9:00:41 AM Well what do you know. SR & his like want us to keep rolling over, & over & over, until w.....
» 7/01/2020 1:31:34 PM Come off it Alan. Tax was invented to fund a war, nor redistribution of anything. It app.....
» 7/01/2020 10:17:53 AM Wrong story Joe. Next they should take out the threat making Ayatollah, & then the next A.....
» 6/01/2020 8:32:21 PM I don't think Morrison can call up army or any reservists to fight fires. I believe the ar.....
» 6/01/2020 10:14:02 AM An interesting piece, with a bit of a bob each way, unlike Alans post. You know Alan, if .....
» 5/01/2020 7:32:05 PM Come off the raw prawn Greeny. Those temperature records stretch all the way back to the .....
» 4/01/2020 11:58:05 AM Come off it SR, Rudd had a plan, you've got to be joking. The idiot never got anything pa.....
» 3/01/2020 2:34:38 PM The real fact is that many Democrats have suddenly realised that impeachment hearings in t.....
» 3/01/2020 2:22:57 PM Anyone who thinks the NBN has been cheap is not too bright. I wonder how much the full opt.....
» 3/01/2020 11:43:27 AM How many anthropologists picked the great financial crisis? Leave the make believe fools .....
» 3/01/2020 11:35:17 AM I connected to the NBN on the 8/12/2019. I had no choice of course, it's that or nothing. .....
» 2/01/2020 6:46:30 PM And still not one of the global warming useful idiots have apologised for the absolute gar.....
» 2/01/2020 6:11:38 PM When I was motor racing most meetings attracted no more than 10,000 spectators. A Sheffiel.....
» 2/01/2020 10:23:54 AM I never saw saw hundreds of tones of carcinogen shot into the sky at a race meeting, the w.....
» 2/01/2020 10:12:00 AM What is it with useful idiots & 20 year time spans. Here we have another one telling us h.....
» 1/01/2020 8:25:45 PM Come on SR, you should know, the Blue mountains are a very rugged bit of country. It offer.....
» 1/01/2020 6:30:19 PM Still not a single useful idiot with anything to say about the failed ridiculous predictio.....
» 1/01/2020 5:55:22 PM My son wants to know where the army is. After the tsunami he was an engineer on the navy s.....
» 1/01/2020 12:17:57 PM Oh dear, another one detailed to muddy the waters of OLO. And I was silly enough to try to.....
» 1/01/2020 12:08:18 PM Come on Paul, now you are getting insulting. 150km/hr indeed. I don't use those puny Euro.....
» 1/01/2020 11:34:01 AM It is more than having a big tank Max Green, it is having a country attitude to water, & v.....
» 31/12/2019 9:00:16 PM God help us! Another humanities make believe academic, who think they are qualified to ta.....
» 31/12/2019 6:32:23 PM Mr O first you owe me an explanation of all those ridiculously wrong forecasts above by yo.....
» 31/12/2019 3:43:36 PM Just to remind the warmist useful idiots, here is a reminder from 2004 of the rubbish they.....
» 31/12/2019 12:29:28 PM Thanks for the advice VK3AUU, most of my domestic irrigation & stock watering water is pum.....
» 30/12/2019 10:35:13 PM Armchair Critic, if the elites & these useful idiots that support this rubbish get their w.....
» 30/12/2019 6:14:14 PM We can do a great deal to help personally. I am dependent on tank water for all domestic.....
» 30/12/2019 12:59:25 PM You are being unkind SM. He is probably qualified as a pen pusher in some totally irrelev.....
» 30/12/2019 11:45:38 AM The democrats have belatedly realised that any impeachment process in the senate will open.....
» 30/12/2019 11:13:53 AM I don't know Dan, as a pensioner in Oz I think I have it pretty good. Yes the free health.....
» 28/12/2019 10:36:09 PM How the hell is some inner city dwelling bureaucrat/greenie going to have any ideas of wha.....
» 28/12/2019 6:25:57 PM It is already happening with the clowns called planners. In my district we have had a few.....
» 28/12/2019 1:35:53 PM Australia is preparing to sign an international road safety declaration in Sweden that end.....
» 28/12/2019 12:13:35 PM Belly, "Hasbeen walk with me, think about your words. See to me every time you use [m.....
» 26/12/2019 3:33:18 PM It appears that all lefties, but especially US democrats are so unhinged in their hate, [o.....
» 26/12/2019 3:15:07 PM First of all we need to clear all trees back far enough from roads, that they can't be bur.....
» 25/12/2019 6:31:28 PM Hope that works Belly, it may not be suitable. Up here most water in old open cut mines i.....
» 24/12/2019 10:25:45 PM Come off it Special Delivery, who the hell is it do you think, that wants to get the peasa.....
» 24/12/2019 10:20:06 PM Yippee, another quick 40mm, & it is still raining, so not the driest year. Still a bloody.....
» 24/12/2019 4:55:43 PM Not a problem ttbn. I have never had an allergic reaction to peanuts......
» 24/12/2019 4:52:48 PM Come on Rob, you've got to be kidding. The intellectuals despise the workers, who are way.....
» 24/12/2019 2:40:15 PM Yep accused of something when I hadn't even posted. However I'll answer Aidans, "Hasb.....
» 24/12/2019 2:10:29 PM Come on Rob, you've got to be kidding. The intellectuals despise the workers, who are way.....
» 24/12/2019 1:44:37 PM Couldn't have happened to a nicer con man. Time the medical profession went back to treat.....
» 23/12/2019 1:54:33 AM Mr O is now trying to tell us he can think. Now that is funny......
» 22/12/2019 1:57:30 PM Come on Belly, you can't talk about fake news while you still wont look at truthful report.....
» 22/12/2019 11:44:42 AM Come on Indy, you can't expect someone with an Arts degree to go out & get dirty fighting .....
» 21/12/2019 8:39:15 PM What a dreamer SR, & they must be nightmares. I would never let a peanut like Whitlam mak.....
» 21/12/2019 8:09:54 PM I would definitely be in favor of a new referendum on Scotland, provided the poms were all.....
» 21/12/2019 5:00:43 PM I see the challenge is too hot for you Belly so you ducked it. I guess the ego wouldn't b.....
» 21/12/2019 4:53:15 PM And me too Graham, Merry Christmas. Thanks for giving us a forum where opinions can be ai.....
» 21/12/2019 4:49:36 PM How typical from SR. So wrong old man. I went sailing for 2 reasons. One to follow my dr.....
» 21/12/2019 11:03:16 AM Belly old mate you don't seam to understand fake news is a new phenomenon invented by the .....
» 21/12/2019 10:39:14 AM Oh dear, poor Alan is moving even deeper into fantasy land......
» 20/12/2019 9:15:16 PM Belly do yourself a favor & check out the JoNova blog today. For once learn the truth abou.....
» 20/12/2019 9:05:43 PM Belly "I just love this thread! I agree with its author too. BUT, yes oh yes but, see.....
» 20/12/2019 12:26:18 PM The watermelon lefties hate this legislation so much, because it will halt their march thr.....
» 19/12/2019 7:22:43 PM So if we get less than 17mm in the next 12 days, this will be our driest year since 1894 w.....
» 18/12/2019 11:40:41 AM And those CM will be the rusted on. Fortunately in the US & the UK, but much more slowly .....
» 17/12/2019 1:24:35 PM Canem Malum, the theory is actually that global warming will increase the temperature at t.....
» 17/12/2019 12:31:25 PM Lets hope Boris goes with a no deal Brexit, or a renegotiated deal, for the poms sake. He .....
» 17/12/2019 10:39:02 AM Binoy, Binoy, come on mate, even if you don't have enough math to make change for a $5 bus.....
» 16/12/2019 10:21:19 PM We have to be very careful about trying to heat part of an ocean, or fertilising it either.....
» 16/12/2019 8:32:40 AM It is amazing that some people will prostitute themselves to produce such garbage......
» 16/12/2019 8:29:05 AM SR do you actually believe this garbage you post here, or are you simply hoping to fool so.....
» 15/12/2019 11:52:46 AM Belly I'm afraid it is you who don't understand. The ALP has only left, far left, & full .....
» 15/12/2019 11:19:59 AM Yep SR the poms would be well rid of the bludging Scots. The poms should give them them a .....
» 15/12/2019 11:12:05 AM Interesting isn't it, that all lefties haste trump, I wonder why. Could it be they are te.....
» 14/12/2019 9:50:39 PM What is it that you can't understand Mr O. The driest year in this district, since record.....
» 13/12/2019 8:21:12 PM Thumberg does actually have a use. The quickest way to find a dill is to see if they admi.....
» 13/12/2019 6:01:41 PM rEPRUSu,with over 120 peer reviewed scientific papers published in the last 2 years provin.....
» 13/12/2019 10:44:30 AM Joe, Yes......
» 13/12/2019 10:24:55 AM The problem is practically. Yes some areas of Brisbane got 4 inches of rain in a little o.....
» 12/12/2019 9:42:42 PM Yes ttbn, some small areas in Brisbane got 100mm. We got exactly 2mm. Yes ttbn they built.....
» 12/12/2019 9:22:19 PM Belly we may not be able to defend ourselves against China, but with a will, I am damn sur.....
» 12/12/2019 2:39:56 PM Just brought my rainfall chart up to date. It is certainly a bit dry. Our average rainfall.....
» 12/12/2019 2:12:44 PM Belly I'm sure the homeless of our major cities will be very pleased with your idea of dou.....
» 12/12/2019 2:07:53 PM We are a carbon based life form. Decarbonise & we cease to exist. Personally I am pretty .....
» 11/12/2019 4:50:04 PM You had me going there for a bit Dan, but then I saw the post was from a bloke who goes sw.....
» 11/12/2019 10:19:57 AM Only someone with no math could possibly believe alternate energy could possibly replace e.....
» 11/12/2019 10:05:28 AM Binoy is again displaying his bureaucratic & communistic tendencies here simultaneously. .....
» 10/12/2019 2:54:38 PM What a miserable rant individual, I'm surprised at you. We ran high speed boats because t.....
» 9/12/2019 8:46:10 PM I believe we have a perfect right to not only expect integration, but to demand it of anyo.....
» 8/12/2019 10:22:33 AM Aidan, how many people with SUV do you think it took to start & then stop the last ice age.....
» 8/12/2019 10:08:13 AM Diesel is fine on larger work boats individual. I ran a fleet of fast & slow tourist day t.....
» 8/12/2019 9:53:01 AM Belly the 4 for 1 swap plan was totally ridiculous. We don't need more of the buggers, we .....
» 7/12/2019 9:10:29 PM Yes SR, with any luck that pesky sea ice will be down to what it was a couple of thousand .....
» 7/12/2019 7:52:10 PM Wow! The global warming scammers must be getting desperate to recruit a clown like Mr O to.....
» 7/12/2019 7:36:34 PM Belly you don't seem to understand, once actually in Australia, including Christmas Island.....
» 7/12/2019 11:13:30 AM Most of these people come from fairly hot dry countries. How about a nice refugee style c.....
» 7/12/2019 11:07:42 AM They'll have to come up with a new kind of Diesel for boats, because Petrol on boats is a .....
» 7/12/2019 10:54:21 AM Yes individual, the very last people you would want to trust with any more freedom would b.....
» 6/12/2019 11:01:31 AM So the next move for Rugby Australia must be to get rid of a totally incompetent ideologic.....
» 6/12/2019 10:50:01 AM If these people have permanent residence or citizenship, they are traitors. What has usu.....
» 6/12/2019 10:39:22 AM Don't we have enough homeless Ozzies, with our bring in even more basically useless people.....
» 6/12/2019 10:16:39 AM As soon as you see dog-whistling, you know the writer is a lefty twit, full of hate, with .....
» 5/12/2019 1:07:51 PM So aidan, as it is not a scholarly work, it is OK to make up stories & tell lies. I guess.....
» 4/12/2019 11:41:44 AM Hi Foxy, I know you are watching, you couldn't help yourself. Look after your self kiddo,.....
» 4/12/2019 11:27:31 AM Aidan your bland statements on the cost of power generation, like all your statements are .....
» 3/12/2019 3:12:35 PM One more little fact for you aidan, The temperature of a planet depends on atmospheric pre.....
» 3/12/2019 3:01:55 PM Earth’s atmosphere contains 400 ppm CO2 (0.04%). Mars has a 950,000 ppm (95%) CO2 atmosphe.....
» 3/12/2019 11:38:20 AM Aidan if you want to be taken seriously with garbage like your last post, at least try to .....
» 3/12/2019 11:14:41 AM SR you are totally unbelievable. What a convenient memory. Diesel cars were pushed by som.....
» 3/12/2019 10:53:50 AM Did anyone really expect anything different to these findings. One of the main reasons fo.....
» 2/12/2019 9:25:05 AM Pot, kettle, black......
» 1/12/2019 10:39:26 PM Dear Hasbeen, You should stop telling everyone you don't have an Arts degree. That sort o.....
» 1/12/2019 4:07:12 PM I don't know Joe, I used to feel a bit embarrassed about the amount of money I earned doin.....
» 29/11/2019 7:25:54 PM A true bureaucratic response SR. Which department!.....
» 29/11/2019 3:05:00 PM Belly, come on old mate, you must recognise there are certain contributors who set out to .....
» 29/11/2019 2:41:38 PM Yes Labor can turn the economy around alright, turn it around to catastrophe. The vicious.....
» 28/11/2019 12:33:52 PM Yuyutsu, I feel sorry for you, I really do. Yes going to many different schools meant I w.....
» 28/11/2019 12:00:47 PM Don't do an arts degree folks, or you could end up with math as bad as the Mr Os. Just fo.....
» 28/11/2019 11:50:18 AM A little test, & a thought for all those global warmists out there, not so brainwashed the.....
» 28/11/2019 12:09:28 AM Hi Joe, did Keith Malcolm have the BP service station at Bass Hill in your day. In my pre.....
» 27/11/2019 1:45:08 PM Well what do you know, drug growers have been promoted to the ranks of farmers by our ratb.....
» 27/11/2019 1:20:41 PM The poor dear. She has obviously been misled by the success of the global warming scam, &.....
» 27/11/2019 12:58:50 PM Talk about pie in the sky Alan. We can't even keep a cable from Tasmania to Victoria work.....
» 25/11/2019 9:01:13 AM Puerile stuff propagated by a puerile mind for other puerile minds to follow. Of course f.....
» 25/11/2019 8:24:56 AM Paul defending our country from invasion is what real people, patriots do. Welcoming the .....
» 24/11/2019 10:32:53 AM What is this bee in your bonnet about negative gearing individual? All business can legiti.....
» 24/11/2019 10:21:17 AM What a clown. It sure tells us a lot about you SR......
» 24/11/2019 10:14:17 AM Why should I familiarise my self with a pile of bull dust, put out by a pole of ratbags. D.....
» 24/11/2019 10:08:20 AM NathanJ if you think there is bullying here, you should have tried school in the 40s. Due.....
» 23/11/2019 10:16:40 PM Careful there NathanJ your politics are showing. Your criticism is all for conservatives,.....
» 23/11/2019 10:09:26 PM Morrison is simply a Turnbull light, so I certainly won't look to him for much good. Howe.....
» 23/11/2019 9:59:42 PM Paul you city greens are sick people. I have a gun licence. I have my rifles to protect m.....
» 23/11/2019 11:39:01 AM Cone off it Paul, Germany the current "world leader" in the suicidal policies of.....
» 23/11/2019 10:45:53 AM VK3AUU, why should those who have bought & paid for their homes with after tax money, [aft.....
» 22/11/2019 3:30:56 PM How about just one voice for all dinky die Ozzies, & no voice for anyone else. Perhaps we.....
» 22/11/2019 3:28:35 PM Why the hell would anyone invest in Oz, when it takes 10 expensive years to get past green.....
» 21/11/2019 10:20:39 PM Yuyutsu,it is no less immoral to expect those who skimped & saved for most of their workin.....
» 21/11/2019 11:41:18 AM "Over 40% of those killed by police in Australia since 1998 were suffering from a dia.....
» 21/11/2019 10:31:20 AM Well what do you know, our ratbag Green thinks K Rudds pink bats school halls & hand outs .....
» 20/11/2019 8:08:33 PM I have mentioned before some of south east Queenslands fires are fueled by dead lantana. T.....
» 18/11/2019 11:45:20 AM Come on Foxy, remember Palm Island. A bunch of drunks attacked the police station & tried .....
» 17/11/2019 11:31:57 AM Belly, "much loved bush turkey nests". I loved them too, great eating, until the.....
» 15/11/2019 11:20:21 AM It is not just aboriginals Big Nana who become rabid ratbags, when their dislike of anothe.....
» 13/11/2019 11:52:34 PM A brilliant piece of scientific discussion by Paul as usual, typical greenie abuse. I kno.....
» 13/11/2019 11:45:58 AM Of course these fires are a new thing, caused bu CO2, or perhaps they are not. By a Staf.....
» 12/11/2019 8:51:06 PM Alternate energy emergency. FOCUS reports: “The crisis in the German wind energy industry.....
» 12/11/2019 7:01:08 PM Belly I know nothing will ever convince you on climate change, unless Labor tell you it wa.....
» 12/11/2019 11:20:40 AM Mr o is talking arts department bull dust as usual. He tells us chopping down trees to gro.....
» 12/11/2019 10:56:45 AM Come off the raw prawn SR, you can't just make things up when you are talking to most on h.....
» 12/11/2019 9:57:43 AM Well what do you know. Nothing like a ratbag commo leftie to know everything......
» 11/11/2019 7:00:10 PM Yes the intensity of these fires are down squarely to the greens continued interference wi.....
» 11/11/2019 6:22:59 PM Unfortunately SR you need a bit of Math to understand how the properties really work. If.....
» 11/11/2019 5:00:04 PM Belly it is not the problem with sensible fuel reduction that I was doubting, but that the.....
» 11/11/2019 4:47:09 PM Belly, if we are both around in f years, tell me again that what you currently believe was.....
» 11/11/2019 3:35:07 PM You naughty boy you Dan!.....
» 11/11/2019 12:08:00 PM Stop spending so much time meditating on your navel Binoy, trying to rational the message .....
» 10/11/2019 11:40:47 AM Belly it never occurred to me to believe you were silly enough to actually take seriously .....
» 9/11/2019 9:49:40 PM The Murray, lower Lakes are simply a terribly wasteful way of distributing the Murray/Darl.....
» 8/11/2019 10:43:43 AM I missed this post before, but it is a perfect example of scientific argument on climate c.....
» 7/11/2019 8:06:37 PM For gods sake SR, how can you suggest the kiwis are rational beings we should copy, when y.....
» 7/11/2019 11:17:36 AM Buying a vehicle a long way from home is always fraught. My new next door neighbor, a ci.....
» 7/11/2019 10:28:35 AM Banjo Paterson I agree with your reasoning, but there is one factor that makes anything el.....
» 7/11/2019 9:42:55 AM Of course dairying is finished, anywhere that doesn't receive enough rainfall & requires i.....
» 7/11/2019 12:33:29 AM Gee belly that must be a worry for you. A couple of years ago it was 15,000 scientists mak.....
» 6/11/2019 10:52:22 AM The real problem ttbn is that at some time the interconnector plug may be pulled leaving t.....
» 3/11/2019 3:34:13 PM "all renewables are doing well thank you" Belly. Where do you get this stuff Be.....
» 2/11/2019 6:38:21 PM What we do need is an inquiry into ambulance chasing lawyers & the methods they use to rip.....
» 2/11/2019 12:10:42 PM Belly I can't understand how it can be so bad down there. Yes it is a dreadful year, the .....
» 2/11/2019 11:42:53 AM The worse example of wage theft in Oz is the money bureaucrats take home every fortnight f.....
» 1/11/2019 11:12:14 PM Very interesting......
» 1/11/2019 11:23:56 AM Well who would have expected such an event. That the Chinese, after manufacturing made som.....
» 31/10/2019 8:54:27 PM You've got to be kidding Foxy. The EU has been ripping the poms off in the most outrageou.....
» 31/10/2019 2:35:00 PM The EU is a total catastrophe, run by leftist bureaucrats, who hate Britain. The poms are.....
» 31/10/2019 2:18:15 PM Loudmouth it is a pity General MacArthur wasn't sacked after he lost the Philippines at th.....
» 30/10/2019 10:10:14 PM Steely if you keep repeating that bull dust to yourself for long enough, loudly enough, yo.....
» 30/10/2019 10:02:21 PM I have climbed Mother, South Daughter & Vulcan, all Rabaul volcanoes, with spectacular vie.....
» 30/10/2019 2:55:03 PM To the Alison Sweeneys of this world it is always some politicians fault or my fault or so.....
» 28/10/2019 9:56:34 AM Banjo, do you think it is entirely possible that "Economic modelling by Deloitte Acce.....
» 26/10/2019 9:40:14 PM ericc, if you believe the current BOM of other authorities current temperatures, after the.....
» 26/10/2019 11:03:35 AM Paul is typical of the lefties here. Nothing to say, nothing to justify their opinions, se.....
» 25/10/2019 1:46:34 PM But Shadow, you must remember she can "SEE" CO2. God help us......
» 25/10/2019 1:43:01 PM Actually Yuyutsu, it did belong to all of us, & should have been made a national park, rat.....
» 25/10/2019 1:37:43 PM If they are dumb enough to believe the scam, or devious enough to try to use it to their a.....
» 25/10/2019 11:51:30 AM Special Delivery, I lived on my yacht for about 10 years. 20Lb of gas supplied my cooking .....
» 25/10/2019 11:27:08 AM Has Anne-Maree ever wondered why these blokes are going to prostitutes in the first place?.....
» 24/10/2019 3:15:13 PM I'm surprised at you Bazz. I thought you would understand that the only form of battery of.....
» 24/10/2019 11:03:24 AM Alan you need "A cup of tea, a Bex and a good lie down"......
» 24/10/2019 10:51:54 AM I do find it interesting that most aborigines only discovered this fabulous heritage after.....
» 23/10/2019 12:48:57 PM Back on topic. Pigs might fly. They definitely will before Morrison does anything as seri.....
» 23/10/2019 12:17:08 PM It is a toss up which is the best ever article on OLO, this, or one of Don Aitkins. Obviou.....
» 23/10/2019 10:47:05 AM Agree 100% Belly......
» 23/10/2019 10:29:05 AM Does anyone know when being a bleeding heart idiot became a required qualification to beco.....
» 22/10/2019 10:34:08 PM No Belly, the north of Brisbane workers who rejected the catastrophe that was labor polici.....
» 22/10/2019 12:53:02 PM Cook was a man of his times, & today's petals have no right to judge him. However wouldn'.....
» 22/10/2019 12:44:26 PM Aidan you continue to make these bold statements with not a single piece of evidence to su.....
» 22/10/2019 12:30:21 PM If this is really happening, & was not just a TV stunt, like the Indonesian stunt with cat.....
» 22/10/2019 11:33:18 AM I am starting to wonder if Tristan might actually be a liberal plant. With his advocacy o.....
» 22/10/2019 11:19:13 AM Did Binoy actually say anything in this piece, or was it just waffle to get published? We.....
» 21/10/2019 11:36:32 PM I find it a bit surprising that sound if slow race horses are going to the knackery. If it.....
» 21/10/2019 10:28:44 PM Top marks to OLO for publishing this bit of utter tripe. No marks st the deranged author......
» 21/10/2019 11:29:26 AM Of course we should, & so should the aborigines. Just like the Mouri, they live a damn si.....
» 18/10/2019 8:53:30 AM Joe I don't believe in the big bang theory, it doesn't work without accepting a whole lot .....
» 18/10/2019 8:38:30 AM You stick around o sung wu, & that's an order. We need the considered common sense approa.....
» 18/10/2019 8:15:47 AM Obviously Paul, your attitudes have been corrupted by your woman......
» 17/10/2019 12:06:30 PM The great thing about OLO is that it is not censored. I assume that most people join for.....
» 17/10/2019 11:42:22 AM Aidan, "And is a government subsidy really so bad as a short term policy?" Yes m.....
» 16/10/2019 5:21:29 PM Too many lefties for most to handle......
» 16/10/2019 11:36:10 AM Only a totally radical ratbag lefty could ever wright such as bit of garbage. The Liberal.....
» 16/10/2019 11:25:41 AM There is always some smarty who can see a buck in doing something, that doesn't need doing.....
» 15/10/2019 9:18:39 PM Yes ttbn, they have no answer to the employment problem that would be generated if we were.....
» 14/10/2019 11:38:11 AM Paul as usual you have it totally wrong. What we need is to first cut the number of burea.....
» 14/10/2019 11:28:43 AM I have been living with out town water for 30 years. It is expensive. I have recently repl.....
» 12/10/2019 12:01:49 PM I think it could be equally said that the Kurds were using the US as a source of cheap/fre.....
» 11/10/2019 10:38:49 AM Hi Joe, we did the opposite, moved from Townsville to Bathurst. One great thing about the.....
» 10/10/2019 10:52:00 PM Yes SR, it is obvious you have a very high opinion of your prose. Pity that opinion is no.....
» 10/10/2019 10:49:08 PM I am a believer in free speech. We have the domain in Sydney, & they can use soap boxes th.....
» 10/10/2019 10:39:13 PM Actually ttbn it is not as hot close to the equator, as there is more evaporation to keep .....
» 10/10/2019 10:14:04 PM Alan for gods sake, do some arithmetic on the properties of CO2, & then stop making a fool.....
» 10/10/2019 10:31:58 AM These women are traitors to Australia. If they are brought back here they should be lined.....
» 10/10/2019 10:22:32 AM God we have to do something about the idiots employed in our universities when we pay for .....
» 9/10/2019 9:34:09 PM My son was attacked by a bunch of Muslims in Alawa, Sydney & suffered his skull fractured .....
» 9/10/2019 10:49:54 AM If you want to see the ultimate result of multiculturalism, you need look no further than .....
» 9/10/2019 10:18:12 AM I think this is a great idea. Then many of these global warming scam believing fools can .....
» 8/10/2019 4:52:06 PM Belly don't you remember Al Grassby? It was his little plan to boost ALP voters among migr.....
» 8/10/2019 4:43:50 PM Foxy you are at it again. Quoting the Guardian is not on in polite company, it is just as .....
» 8/10/2019 4:33:24 PM Well what do you know. SR finally responded, as usual with nothing but a nasty insulting.....
» 8/10/2019 9:31:14 AM SR you're not really stupid enough to believe that the renewable energy contribution to ou.....
» 7/10/2019 10:49:38 AM Graham this article is way below the standard we expect in OLO......
» 6/10/2019 11:05:40 AM Foxy no wonder you are so misguided if you read the sort of gutter crap in your last refer.....
» 4/10/2019 5:55:02 PM If aboriginals wish to indulge in "traditional" hunting practices it must be in .....
» 4/10/2019 1:11:33 PM Has anyone else noticed that only Belly of our lefties have posted on this thread, & he as.....
» 3/10/2019 6:06:54 PM "Not sure he deserves it or even can do a good job" Perhaps you forget Belly, h.....
» 3/10/2019 4:09:30 PM Yes Bazz, more sane scientists are suggesting that the anticipated low sun spot cycle will.....
» 3/10/2019 11:11:00 AM Aidan, if you are really look at the actual weather records for the last 120 years, if you.....
» 3/10/2019 10:21:21 AM No SR. What is contemptible is grown adults making use of a deranged kid, brainwashed top .....
» 2/10/2019 1:44:46 PM Watch out fellers, they are finally admitting, they are coming for your cars. I have not j.....
» 2/10/2019 12:38:27 PM I wonder if this bloke could make change for a $5 bus ticket, from a $10 note, with out as.....
» 2/10/2019 12:33:11 PM Only those with not much between the ears could pay any attention to the ranting of a stil.....
» 1/10/2019 6:19:44 PM Continued For the locals the effect was much worse. With the planter & the income he gene.....
» 1/10/2019 12:53:03 PM Continued For the locals the effect was much worse. With the planter & the income he gene.....
» 1/10/2019 12:51:25 PM Interesting discussion re the loss of productivity of Zimbabwe farms once in the hands of .....
» 1/10/2019 11:26:26 AM Joe, I wish I was as incompetent a businessman as Trump. If I was I wouldn't be worried ab.....
» 1/10/2019 10:56:18 AM Naive wishful thinking now qualifies as commentary in todays lefty scribes, & a few here w.....
» 30/09/2019 10:18:38 AM SR produce some of that science is not so tainted as to stink to hell. I recall the ".....
» 29/09/2019 1:34:47 PM Joe I don't know why you bother. The bunch you are trying to get to understand never can. .....
» 29/09/2019 12:51:17 PM I do not believe in any god, this I have no faith to believe. I have no problem with other.....
» 29/09/2019 12:00:33 PM Anyone who can prefer the judgement of a still wet behind the ears kid is a bigger dill th.....
» 29/09/2019 12:13:12 AM Aidan if hide the decline was not fraud, I'm damned if I know what is. Thanks for the hea.....
» 28/09/2019 11:48:31 PM Come on Foxy. Greta is yes a child who has not had the time to learn enough to understand .....
» 28/09/2019 11:39:40 PM Oh god!Trump has cast a bate, & the Democrats have fallen for it hook line & sinker. He w.....
» 27/09/2019 10:39:43 PM Belly, figures representing simple measured facts are the only argument. The rest is is si.....
» 27/09/2019 6:24:37 PM And so will yours Belly, but like mine, only by people who don't matter in the large schem.....
» 27/09/2019 1:56:19 PM Hey Aidan, I was just wondering, do you have the math? As an old engineer, I had it all ma.....
» 27/09/2019 1:47:25 PM To be a civil engineer Aidan you must have a reasonable level of math. How come you have n.....
» 27/09/2019 1:35:47 PM Oh yes they are Foxy. It's SR who should go try a new line of work, he's failing at this o.....
» 27/09/2019 1:34:02 PM Belly do stop all this wishful thinking mate, it will rot your brains......
» 27/09/2019 1:32:23 PM If you truly believe the world needs to reduce population Yuyutsu, go for it, we'll watch .....
» 27/09/2019 1:03:53 PM Individual, just out of interest I compared my local record to your post. This is south of.....
» 27/09/2019 11:43:59 AM Foxy, given that Cossomby is more Courteous than most, their posting history dose indicate.....
» 27/09/2019 11:29:49 AM Yep, sounds just like a global warming "scientific" research report, but probabl.....
» 27/09/2019 10:54:10 AM Obviously these greenie protesters & their back to nature garbage have no idea. They push .....
» 26/09/2019 1:56:28 PM You have of course read the full report Belly, so feel qualified to make the judgement cal.....
» 26/09/2019 10:58:14 AM Come on Aidan, deserts are the quickest to consume the artifacts of man. Just a couple of .....
» 25/09/2019 9:46:55 PM What do you know! A letter to the secretary general of the UN. Hat tip to NoTricksZone .....
» 25/09/2019 8:28:42 PM Only a fool, or a sociologist could take seriously the opinion of a still wet behind the e.....
» 25/09/2019 7:02:03 PM What utter garbage Alan. Typical anti Trump/Boris rubbish. The previous PM brought hersel.....
» 25/09/2019 12:08:55 PM On Belly's thread "Climate" some mentioned the fragility of nature. Fragile na.....
» 25/09/2019 10:29:14 AM Of course the climate is changing, & that is just as well for us. Remember it was once jus.....
» 24/09/2019 5:53:01 PM The family court has been controlled by the radical ratbag left, since it's inception, wit.....
» 24/09/2019 10:55:44 AM I may have found a vocation for SR & the odious MrO. Once upon a time we had a few kooks......
» 24/09/2019 10:40:45 AM God all mighty! at school in the 40a & 50s we were taught to recite, "sticks & stones.....
» 24/09/2019 10:33:52 AM Same here Belly. The nearest bus, other than school buses exclusively for school kids is 2.....
» 23/09/2019 5:34:39 PM Mr Opinion, I can't imagine how anyone could be so proud of having spent years with goobly.....
» 23/09/2019 4:56:25 PM Sorry Alan, this bit,"I know you believe everything you read in the papers, & think c.....
» 23/09/2019 4:49:53 PM We had many warning that growth in technology would bring a small number of highly paid jo.....
» 23/09/2019 11:07:18 AM Alan, we can't even keep an undersea line from Tasmania running for long, do you really ex.....
» 23/09/2019 11:00:17 AM Well over half the cost of fuel is tax & GST. The average motorist is paying over $1500 a .....
» 22/09/2019 11:03:41 PM Those in government who think that electric cars are going to be a big thing are already l.....
» 18/09/2019 10:57:28 AM "I take 15 tablets a day, have been random drug tested often all clear every time&quo.....
» 18/09/2019 10:28:11 AM Well what do you know. SR has moved even further left, past communism to a fully fledged g.....
» 18/09/2019 12:01:00 AM Trump policies has reduced the unemployment caused by Obama drastically. When Chrysler wer.....
» 17/09/2019 5:52:41 PM Alan if ever you grow up & get your math up to being able rt0o understand long wave radiat.....
» 16/09/2019 10:39:53 PM This article reads pretty much like a global warming bit of bull dust. Full of "coul.....
» 16/09/2019 10:22:34 PM Obviously Binoy is a member of the old boy network, & would want the UK to stay in the EU......
» 16/09/2019 11:34:44 AM Remember the old poem about the swaggy who arrived at the South Australian boarder with a .....
» 16/09/2019 12:50:17 AM Before you start throwing nasty remarks at skeptics Foxy, go have a look at the JoNova blo.....
» 15/09/2019 11:41:59 AM We could just harvest our own oil. We have heaps of the stuff in central Oz, just require.....
» 12/09/2019 8:25:57 PM I'm with you there Belly. Anyone receiving the dole should be working for that dole, at th.....
» 12/09/2019 11:53:49 AM I have simply assumed that super accessed to assist in home purchase was as a loan, & had .....
» 12/09/2019 11:13:31 AM I see nothing wrong with making a drug test part of the qualification for being given the .....
» 11/09/2019 11:18:45 PM At last we agree on something Paul. It is ridiculous to be taking large amounts of young f.....
» 11/09/2019 1:16:06 PM A much easier way of reducing the huge costs of pensions would be to put the hundreds of t.....
» 11/09/2019 1:05:52 PM So true mhaze, without controlled burns fires like this are inevitable. In these district.....
» 10/09/2019 1:18:54 PM Well there you are folks. SR wants our scientists to behave in a " more collegiate m.....
» 10/09/2019 1:09:47 PM God these warmists are disgusting. Two years ago we had a very wet year. Here it culminate.....
» 10/09/2019 12:26:29 PM The UK can either leave, or forever keep paying for ever for a wasted Europe. The stupidit.....
» 9/09/2019 11:53:41 PM Hey o sung wu, we may be getting to the stage that it is mush between our ears, but we can.....
» 9/09/2019 11:47:09 PM Time to grow up a bit SR. Your bulldust is out of date. You surely don't believe our top .....
» 9/09/2019 7:19:28 PM Do try to keep up SR. There is so much peer reviewed, published science that totally knoc.....
» 9/09/2019 7:12:40 PM Have a thought for the mostly volunteers fighting our bushfires, & those suffering from th.....
» 9/09/2019 3:34:19 PM Foxy, once they are on Australian soil, they then have access to out courts. As is obviou.....
» 7/09/2019 9:27:28 PM Belly it is much more likely that your 50 year old will be witnessing a huge fight over wh.....
» 7/09/2019 9:19:43 PM I used to think that salesmen, economists & lawyers were the easiest people to catch with .....
» 6/09/2019 11:39:20 PM Yes Bazz, without our coal fired power the sough eastern states couldn't keep the lights o.....
» 6/09/2019 8:32:59 PM "Being an environmental sociologist" puts you off with the other fairies at the .....
» 6/09/2019 8:28:33 PM At least I have not wasted my time studying pretend disciplines like Sociology, with the m.....
» 6/09/2019 8:23:13 PM I know Aidan you have a real problem with reality, but would you please explain just what .....
» 6/09/2019 8:09:14 PM No SR, totally wrong. This judgement might just force universities to correct the behavio.....
» 6/09/2019 12:54:27 PM If there has been so much gold plating of the distribution systems, how come, lots of the .....
» 6/09/2019 12:30:26 PM Mr O an indication of the less than usefulness of many academics. I learned all my practi.....
» 5/09/2019 9:54:42 PM I guess if I had spent a decade or two trying to use the scam of global warming to promote.....
» 5/09/2019 11:11:11 AM If we had enough mountains, & enough rain, hydro could replace thermal power generation by.....
» 4/09/2019 11:56:54 AM Foxy things such as "initiative, leadership, drive, negotiating ability, willingness .....
» 4/09/2019 11:23:04 AM Just who the hell does this bloke think he is, God! No one has given him the authority to.....
» 3/09/2019 3:53:18 PM At least I'm not a product of a brain washing academia, who are probably looking forward t.....
» 3/09/2019 2:34:12 PM Yuyutsu as I said you obviously don't understand democracy. Dear Yuyutsu, It's obvious th.....
» 3/09/2019 2:16:54 PM The Chinese have recently bought the 17,000 acres across the river from me. It has many ag.....
» 3/09/2019 1:08:09 PM Oh god, talk about the cry of the envious. You don't have to be dirty rich, or even mildl.....
» 3/09/2019 10:24:45 AM You obviously don't understand democracy Yuyutsu. In a democracy every one has a say, but .....
» 2/09/2019 11:03:52 AM Careful there Binoy, your full card carrying membership of the swamp is becoming more obvi.....
» 1/09/2019 12:19:04 PM Yes Belly, still so much to enjoy. I have had great pleasure from the reappearance of the .....
» 31/08/2019 9:36:11 PM Belly what is your problem with simple English? I don't have a side. Is that plain enou.....
» 31/08/2019 9:11:54 PM I recall public toilets somewhere, I think it may have been Parris, with no roof, & walls .....
» 31/08/2019 9:05:35 PM I once had a mate who was ashamed of his retirement pay. It did not stop him taking it, bu.....
» 31/08/2019 8:29:39 PM Foxy, o sung wu, thankyou, but my post was not a complaint, or cry for help. It was a simp.....
» 31/08/2019 7:59:06 PM It is about time legal aid was fixed. It should be available only to full citizens, & onl.....
» 31/08/2019 3:56:51 PM Belly when you continually make silly statements like, "shallow uniformed Trump suppo.....
» 31/08/2019 3:44:50 PM o sung wu there is worse than death old mate. I have some days, after doing too much the .....
» 31/08/2019 12:59:01 PM "For me at least the sure and certain understanding a day will come when the shallow .....
» 31/08/2019 12:39:06 PM Belly I realise it is almost impossible for someone like you, a totally blind supporter of.....
» 31/08/2019 11:37:47 AM Most of our neighbours are cupboard lovers. They will be our friends as long as we keep pa.....
» 30/08/2019 10:37:41 PM Come off it SR. Swamps are very big things, as you should know. The little puddle of Trum.....
» 30/08/2019 10:21:55 PM Belly your party most definitely does not need to reform, what it needs is to return. Any .....
» 30/08/2019 2:22:04 PM Of course we dislike bureaucrats Paul, we have most of us, seen how useless they are. Just.....
» 30/08/2019 2:08:45 PM Yep, me too. Sorry o sung wu, I'm not with you on this one. Ivan Milat should have been p.....
» 30/08/2019 1:31:15 PM Belly if you were to ever open your eyes you would see that Labor is the party of big unio.....
» 30/08/2019 1:20:31 PM Am I the only one who sees in Binoy's offerings a growing display of his dislike of the we.....
» 30/08/2019 1:05:56 PM Yep another thing the entire developed world can thank Trump for. Getting us out of the co.....
» 29/08/2019 2:04:41 PM Do you really think that Trump isn't in the business of replacing 'their' Swamp with his o.....
» 28/08/2019 6:31:18 PM Got a date on that Alan?.....
» 28/08/2019 3:47:14 PM Come on Alan, a bit of rationality would help. Without fossil fuels we would still, like .....
» 28/08/2019 1:54:14 PM SR I know you are not stupid enough to believe the rubbish in your last post, so please te.....
» 28/08/2019 1:10:36 PM Yes Trump again. He has the Chinese blinking, he put the French mummies boy in his place,.....
» 28/08/2019 12:18:11 PM Well it looks like all those predicting peak oil, & telling us we would be back on the hor.....
» 25/08/2019 8:57:11 AM Typical Greenie/leftie bit of work, Paul has no answer to my advice on increasing cost of .....
» 23/08/2019 11:43:37 AM Sounds like Paul might have tried to build a remote control TOY some time, failed, finding.....
» 22/08/2019 12:42:09 PM We are continually being promised cheap batteries to run cars & store power. Well be caref.....
» 22/08/2019 11:28:34 AM Yes renewables are ridiculously expensive, & only exist with huge subsidies paid by govern.....
» 22/08/2019 10:31:11 AM I see opinionated is still mouthing off his fantasies of stuff any arts school will preach.....
» 21/08/2019 12:40:58 PM Shadow, you have to want to understand even simple facts. Posters like SR, Belly, O & Pau.....
» 21/08/2019 12:12:01 PM You'll have to go back further than that Chris. You'll have to reform the schools first. .....
» 20/08/2019 8:15:57 PM "Anthropogenic global warming is real and is increasingly affecting the world we live.....
» 20/08/2019 8:09:10 PM Come off the raw prawn SR. There would be no need "pare some of it back" if you.....
» 20/08/2019 11:31:19 AM Come on SR, you are not stupid enough to believe the tripe you spout are you?.....
» 20/08/2019 11:28:26 AM When my father died of a sudden massive heart attack I was too busy looking after mum, who.....
» 20/08/2019 11:12:53 AM If t is true Belly, you must be the worst negotiator on earth......
» 20/08/2019 11:05:31 AM What else would you expect, it's coming up to grant time, & James Cook require a lot of mo.....
» 20/08/2019 10:55:00 AM When I was minding the spare parts department for Tutt Bryant in Rabaul the heads warehous.....
» 20/08/2019 10:17:41 AM "Thanks for the lack of links to back up your points". plantagenet, are you real.....
» 19/08/2019 11:15:43 AM "Not heatwaves and hottest driest years etc on record! Nor the complete absence of su.....
» 18/08/2019 6:32:09 PM No Belly, we tax payers paid for your solar, with subsidies for purchase, instillation & f.....
» 17/08/2019 6:12:21 PM Hey Belly, I said my difficult decision would be which CAR to take with me, not a person, .....
» 17/08/2019 6:04:13 PM Yes belly I have no doubt that change will come. New fuels & power systems will be develop.....
» 17/08/2019 1:27:13 PM There should be a place for Alan Boarder, who had to belt a large collection of play boys .....
» 17/08/2019 1:22:48 PM We still have that right, & the means Foxy, if we are smart about it. We can't wait until .....
» 17/08/2019 1:10:07 PM Sorry individual, you are wrong about that. Without the bloke who dreamed up the project,.....
» 17/08/2019 12:47:34 PM Yes Belly, take one of those video trips down the old US Route 66, & you will get a little.....
» 17/08/2019 11:52:29 AM You missed the point entirely this time Alan. A VFT whistling through a small dying town w.....
» 16/08/2019 6:04:02 PM Foxy, just 2 questions. If all this pollution you can somehow find is so bad, how come we.....
» 16/08/2019 3:28:17 PM OzSpen, you got one thing right, "in a woman's womb". That's not your womb, or a.....
» 16/08/2019 11:24:43 AM While I love my local birds, I don't like swallows or sea birds all that much. When I mov.....
» 16/08/2019 10:18:21 AM There is always someone wanting to force their prejudices & ethics on every one else. Sur.....
» 15/08/2019 11:45:13 AM Amazing isn't it, how the same people can be useful idiots for the communists, academics &.....
» 14/08/2019 1:54:52 PM Thanks for that mhaze, that is very interesting. South of Brisbane by the way. I have quit.....
» 14/08/2019 1:35:52 PM plantagenet are you sure it has nothing to do with the smarties protecting the multi trill.....
» 14/08/2019 1:28:21 PM Continued. Smaller states may help, but if it only increased the number of politicians & .....
» 14/08/2019 1:28:04 PM Both Everald & Alan have missed the main reasons for the shrinking country towns. Firstly.....
» 14/08/2019 12:24:30 PM Only a fully qualified Trump hating ratbag could blame Trump for the fact that there are m.....
» 13/08/2019 11:06:46 PM Hell may be SR is right. British University chief bans all beef from campus in fight agai.....
» 13/08/2019 10:58:04 PM I sometimes wondered just where SR could get his political advice, & his education in ways.....
» 13/08/2019 10:43:56 PM Foxy if you read deeply enough to form your own opinion, rather than deferring to authorit.....
» 13/08/2019 10:20:02 PM I don't think China is a military threat to Oz, unless the whole world structure goes tota.....
» 12/08/2019 8:28:01 PM Mr O please go back to your arts community at some university. You will find many more use.....
» 12/08/2019 6:37:15 PM Foxy if you keep your eyes open you will see a very large number of retired academics & sc.....
» 12/08/2019 11:46:03 AM In that case HenryL, it can't be caused by global warming at all. Please tell Mr O , he h.....
» 12/08/2019 11:42:37 AM You must be right SR. There are no alternate out groups in socialists/communist countries......
» 12/08/2019 11:12:12 AM No thanks Belly, it's all yours. My lady & I actually discussed moving back up to the Whi.....
» 12/08/2019 11:02:55 AM No I'm not that old, although some cold mornings my knees do feel like it. It was actuall.....
» 12/08/2019 10:59:32 AM In 1872 I walked into a Kmart in Brisbane & bought a 22 rifle & a 12 G shot gun. I had not.....
» 12/08/2019 12:44:59 AM I used to leave a clump of the horrible asparagus fern as a safety patch for the wrens. Th.....
» 11/08/2019 10:36:02 PM And in comes SR describing a socialist/communist system, & calling it a description of a c.....
» 11/08/2019 9:13:03 PM The first snow I ever saw was at that little high point between Bathurst & Orange. 1951 & .....
» 10/08/2019 10:05:25 AM Surely doing something is better than doing nothing? Posted by kirby483, Definitely not.....
» 9/08/2019 2:56:19 PM Interesting ttbn, I was exactly the opposite. Although leader of the school debating team,.....
» 9/08/2019 2:16:36 PM Well Binoy, is it your irrational hate of Trump that is colouring, [discolouring] your res.....
» 9/08/2019 12:37:25 PM Automatic guns are great if you want to take out a group of a disliked religion or demogra.....
» 9/08/2019 12:16:00 PM The majority of gun killings in the US is negro on negro drug gang killings. The average U.....
» 9/08/2019 11:30:16 AM It seems reasonable, & rational to me for a TV station to broadcast the games that most in.....
» 9/08/2019 1:08:44 AM Kirby just because it is your idea does definitely not make it common sense. Taking guns o.....
» 7/08/2019 8:37:36 PM Kirby calls it an education program, but as it is designed to achieve Kirby's desired opti.....
» 7/08/2019 11:56:03 AM It is only the Mutually Assured Destruction of nuclear arms that has prevented another maj.....
» 7/08/2019 1:29:04 AM As currency can be devalued any time, look at ours right now, the only way to protect your.....
» 7/08/2019 1:22:45 AM The human animal needs meat, both white & definitely red meat in the diet for health reaso.....
» 6/08/2019 10:11:53 AM While the Labor party are foolish enough to elect sharp operators like Shorten, & totally .....
» 5/08/2019 9:26:39 PM Just to add a bit of racism check out the number of murders among African Americana & thos.....
» 5/08/2019 9:45:57 AM And Switzerland where every man has to keep a rifle at home is not. I prefer the Swiss sy.....
» 4/08/2019 9:19:42 PM Actually the mental institutions were closed not to save money, but after a concerted camp.....
» 3/08/2019 9:10:01 PM Paul you are a sick fool. You are too stupid to even be able to see that many of us had i.....
» 3/08/2019 11:40:40 AM I wonder, was Mr O indoctrinated to radicalism at university, or was he already a radical .....
» 2/08/2019 8:20:53 PM My point ALTRAV is that it is totally ridiculous that it cost me 6 times the cost of the a.....
» 2/08/2019 8:04:07 PM Cut the pressure on housing availability caused by our ridiculously high migration, partic.....
» 2/08/2019 7:51:48 PM How typical of sociologists & greenies, any theory they dream up is better than proven fac.....
» 1/08/2019 11:23:45 PM Yes we had Chinamans dam, not far out of Young. Some might realise Young was originally La.....
» 1/08/2019 11:12:05 PM Not necessarily so ALTRAV. I buy a number of hobby items from Oz, Hong Kong & the US. Hon.....
» 1/08/2019 10:57:27 PM You've got that drift all wrong Foxy. It is Labor who have moved far left, & under Turnbul.....
» 1/08/2019 10:12:27 PM No it doesn't Yuyutsu. With out immigration our population would be declining......
» 1/08/2019 2:08:20 PM That has been going to happen for at least 20 years Aidan. Pardon me if I don't hold my b.....
» 1/08/2019 1:57:44 PM I agree o sung wu. I met a number of Chinese in New Guinea, the Solomons & the other Pacif.....
» 1/08/2019 1:04:57 PM Local freight is one of our real problems individual. To match competition I had to switch.....
» 1/08/2019 12:38:52 PM Anyone who thinks the price of Lithium batteries is about to reduce, must be living on a p.....
» 31/07/2019 1:28:22 PM Foxy, I rarely use public transport, but did have occasion to travel on trains in Sydney a.....
» 31/07/2019 12:58:28 PM JULIAN ASSANGE is just a smarty who has never done anything for anyone but JULIAN ASSANGE......
» 31/07/2019 12:44:47 PM I see Mr Opinion is in good company with JF Aus, who still thinks the Australian east coas.....
» 31/07/2019 12:37:02 PM Yes Cossomby, you do highlight the fact that the only rationality left in our parliaments .....
» 31/07/2019 12:31:53 PM A little story some might enjoy. My son who is even more chauvinistic than me was managin.....
» 30/07/2019 3:26:52 PM It beats me where our culture, our honour, and morality has gone? As we've become even mor.....
» 30/07/2019 2:42:09 PM When I joined the navy as a very young man, there were just 6 of us, trainee pilots, desti.....
» 29/07/2019 8:33:09 PM Never fished there, but in my younger days I reckoned Evans Head was about the best body s.....
» 29/07/2019 10:54:26 AM My back boundary is a river. Across the river my neighbours 10,000 acre paddock is reverti.....
» 28/07/2019 7:45:09 PM Not in their engineering studies Belly, other than project management. Most good engineers.....
» 28/07/2019 11:50:44 AM Mr Opinion, did you miss I went back & finished at my own expense. Not your type of engin.....
» 28/07/2019 11:30:30 AM When we have so many parasites with so much time on their hands, that they can come up wit.....
» 28/07/2019 11:15:23 AM New cars can be great. Our last new car, my ladies Mazda 2 did 187,000 kilometres without .....
» 28/07/2019 2:07:29 AM Back to the thread. I remember my first Guy Fawkes cracker night in Townsville, in probabl.....
» 27/07/2019 12:07:20 PM Mr Opinion. "I am not in a position to provide evidence. I am not a scientist and the.....
» 27/07/2019 11:11:16 AM The reason these greenies break the law has nothing to do with helping anyone, but their d.....
» 25/07/2019 12:16:41 PM Baygon if those scientists were actually doing genuine research, I would be all for it. Ho.....
» 25/07/2019 11:55:29 AM Takes one to know one a Alan. Isn't the British system of "great schools" a par.....
» 25/07/2019 11:17:51 AM It matters not one iota what intellectual ability Boris has or does not have, if he delive.....
» 23/07/2019 6:17:32 PM It would be nice Mr Opinion, if I could feel reassured by your assurance. However you come.....
» 23/07/2019 11:19:52 AM Mo Opinion, if you don't believe the scientific community are not as corrupted by governme.....
» 23/07/2019 11:07:49 AM The greatest problem we face has nothing to do with any external threat. It is our run awa.....
» 22/07/2019 11:10:19 AM In this world there are doers, & those who look on from the sidelines, & snipe at the doer.....
» 20/07/2019 7:24:06 PM Oh for gods sake Mr O. We all know the planet has been warming from an ice age. Those wi.....
» 19/07/2019 10:29:38 PM You have to feel a little sorry for the Kiwis. It is their lousy voting system which saddl.....
» 19/07/2019 1:47:04 PM It as dry in 1901 individual, & many times before & since. It is only full today because o.....
» 19/07/2019 1:35:30 PM Belly your posts confirm you are a lefty. I don't put you in the radical ratbag left, but .....
» 19/07/2019 1:27:28 PM Careful there Shadow Minister, your prejudices are showing. Why would you single out motor.....
» 19/07/2019 12:32:21 PM My internet used to be pretty good when it, my land line & mobile were bundled & supplied .....
» 18/07/2019 10:57:58 AM Isn't it great to see Mr Opinion & Belly doing what all good lefties are supposed to do. O.....
» 18/07/2019 10:47:54 AM I have my own religion, & have no truck with the usual lot. I am the head of it, & the dis.....
» 18/07/2019 10:28:15 AM Hey they forgot about Charlie. Didn't Prince Charles recently tell the British parliament.....
» 17/07/2019 8:21:32 PM When I was a kid we had a small orchard. Not a full living, so dad worked in town as well......
» 17/07/2019 11:09:11 AM Mr Opinion I can only assume you are trying to tell us that the US dust bowl was due to al.....
» 16/07/2019 1:21:58 PM Mr Opinion, we know that the climate scientists, & the gravy train riders are con men of t.....
» 16/07/2019 10:42:45 AM Mr Opinion, if you had studied something useful, like math when you spent all that time at.....
» 15/07/2019 4:35:30 PM Would someone please explain to Peter Bowden that as Trump has not been in power in the US.....
» 15/07/2019 10:42:31 AM Once upon a time, in a land long long gone, there was a reason for ambassadors. In fact in.....
» 12/07/2019 12:15:37 PM Haven't you heard Alan. The climate scammers have dropped the whole tipping point narrati.....
» 12/07/2019 11:38:29 AM Yes ttbn, From SR, "Sir Kim Darroch is a member of the public service", so obvio.....
» 11/07/2019 10:13:21 PM "We don't really believe this administration is going to become substantially more no.....
» 11/07/2019 10:13:49 AM Four pages of rationalising, & he still has to wriggle like a worm, twisting the whole sto.....
» 10/07/2019 11:09:11 PM The MAD, mutually assured destruction, strategy has proved totally effective in preventing.....
» 10/07/2019 8:20:39 PM Yes Foxy, rather nasty, but no where as critical as misguiding government policy & expendi.....
» 10/07/2019 6:59:01 PM Foxy what would you do if you knew that your colleagues were constructively lying to incre.....
» 10/07/2019 6:41:39 PM Binoy's last couple of offerings looks as silly as New Zealand banning US ships. Both loo.....
» 10/07/2019 12:26:11 PM Welcome Narelle47. Careful there SR, with that last post, your hope of being mistaken for.....
» 10/07/2019 12:14:05 PM ttbn to answer your other question, "Why is it that our traditional farming, that we .....
» 10/07/2019 11:29:13 AM I agree completely ttbn, with your thinking on the Murray-Darling. The South Australian go.....
» 9/07/2019 9:35:53 PM Joe i have mentioned before SRs ability to dream up all sorts of "facts", he has.....
» 9/07/2019 9:14:59 PM Come on kiddies, how about some facts here. A mate of mine grows dry land cotton, no irri.....
» 9/07/2019 8:46:50 PM Binoy you really should wait until you have something worth saying, before you burst into .....
» 7/07/2019 11:33:16 AM "Anyone remember statesmen? Obama was one." Now 1 know you have lost it Belly. .....
» 5/07/2019 6:51:23 PM Figurers quoted by health authority are $600 million cost of smoking related disease, $8 b.....
» 5/07/2019 1:19:31 PM Come off it plantagenet, with the huge tax take off smokers, they are probably paying most.....
» 5/07/2019 11:26:37 AM Well it could have been a lot worse. The ratbag greens could have held the balance of pow.....
» 5/07/2019 11:18:28 AM What is gross is this huge rip off of the smokers, to satisfy the bleeding heart brigade, .....
» 4/07/2019 10:04:43 AM 1 thought Australia had become rich enough that no one had to eat tripe these days. Still.....
» 3/07/2019 12:40:13 PM 1 get so tired of the west hating garbage these "C" grade ex academics put out t.....
» 1/07/2019 6:34:16 PM Belly for a bloke who confidently predicted a land slide for Labor at the last election, &.....
» 29/06/2019 8:36:41 PM Yes Belly, without nuclear arms we could not inflect much more than a flee bite. However .....
» 29/06/2019 8:09:33 PM Gee Binoy, with all your brilliant know it all theoretical learning, isn't it a pity the y.....
» 29/06/2019 12:00:58 PM If any really serous war broke out, I think the fate of the internet just might be the lea.....
» 29/06/2019 11:57:27 AM You really are a blind fool Alan. Most of us have no objection to nuclear, or any other n.....
» 29/06/2019 10:19:43 AM One thing missed here is that these are not all "children". Some are up to 17 ye.....
» 29/06/2019 10:06:32 AM My lady is I assume typical of many who "believe" in the global warming rubbish......
» 27/06/2019 2:02:31 PM Altrav the day of your thinking is coming with the penetration of internet marketing, howe.....
» 27/06/2019 1:37:22 PM 1f you want to be taken seriously Tristan, you have to start telling the truth, not just s.....
» 27/06/2019 1:18:55 PM "As an environmental sociologist I belong to the third group". And as a sociolo.....
» 26/06/2019 11:51:01 AM Tristan, "Increasing energy prices can be largely traced to privatisation. The transi.....
» 26/06/2019 11:14:45 AM Come on Taswegian, the stone age did not end because we ran out of stones, nor the bronze .....
» 26/06/2019 12:21:44 AM You are obviously certifiable Diver, swimming with bull sharks. Me am a very lucky bloke......
» 25/06/2019 1:03:12 PM What a great idea ALTRAV. 1 don't need a mobility thing yet, but do use the ride on mower .....
» 25/06/2019 12:49:36 PM Don't you get giddy SR with all that spin? Do your sheets ended up tied in knots?.....
» 25/06/2019 12:44:40 PM Not with shares, my timing with real estate has been impeccable. 1 sailed back into Oz in .....
» 25/06/2019 10:59:35 AM What else can you expect whey you are part of a dying culture & civilisation. Today a sig.....
» 24/06/2019 9:50:36 AM Any investment is only good, if you have good timing. Think of the big names of the 60s. S.....
» 24/06/2019 9:32:07 AM I heard that idiot Beattie, [rugby league], saying the other day that Folau was taking on .....
» 24/06/2019 9:23:46 AM HenryL disabled parking bays are wider than normal parking spots. This is to make it easie.....
» 23/06/2019 7:11:59 PM I also have a disabled parking tag. I do find a few cars without the tag parking in shoppi.....
» 23/06/2019 6:09:08 PM Alan would you please advise me of the law that says a bunch of idiot brainwashed children.....
» 21/06/2019 11:26:12 PM So now we have a bunch of greenie lefty children, who's education was paid for coal & iron.....
» 21/06/2019 8:39:22 AM That would be the right to be bashed up, regularly, wouldn't it?.....
» 20/06/2019 2:37:06 PM Thanks for all the advice folks. I'm afraid I can't follow yours Foxy. My lady is off all .....
» 19/06/2019 6:09:23 PM I'm probably not that sick. I have heavy chest congestion, & any temperature below about 2.....
» 19/06/2019 5:14:30 PM Sydney was a lovely place to live in the early 6os. Less than a couple of million people, .....
» 19/06/2019 9:11:26 AM Got a flu shot last week, got a wog this week. The same thing happened last year. Perhaps.....
» 19/06/2019 8:55:29 AM Three hours to clear these idiots off the street, what rubbish. The quickest way to clear.....
» 18/06/2019 6:27:28 PM Is piss what you call all the money electricity & water we send your way mate?.....
» 18/06/2019 2:39:49 PM The only times that SA gets a mention is when the eastern states feel like a whine. Actual.....
» 18/06/2019 9:39:49 AM Max forgot another reason SA doesn't want to stop sucking water out of the northern states.....
» 17/06/2019 10:27:31 AM Climate change believers are exactly the same as any other cultist. They have nothing to .....
» 14/06/2019 3:37:58 PM ttbn, while I agree that few people, young or old, could hit an intruder with a hand gun, .....
» 14/06/2019 2:59:28 PM When ever I hear "I Am Australian," I feel that someone from the multicultural a.....
» 14/06/2019 10:35:58 AM Do they still speak English in the inner cities?.....
» 13/06/2019 6:17:04 PM SR hopefully when our brainwashed younger generation eventually grow up they will stop lis.....
» 13/06/2019 6:10:30 PM It is not my favourite song, but we did vote for it. It may not be great, but it is a dam.....
» 13/06/2019 10:35:58 AM Well done Is Mise, & thanks. Yes o sung wu, I agree totally about tropical jungle. I've w.....
» 13/06/2019 10:23:12 AM Of course Belly, we could never hope to defeat China, just make ourselves an undesirable t.....
» 12/06/2019 7:41:29 PM Belly change one word of your last post to get it right. Yes they "could" overru.....
» 12/06/2019 7:26:49 PM Nuclear armed cruise missiles & ICBMs are a damn good bargaining chip. That we could make .....
» 12/06/2019 1:17:22 PM I have to agree that Pauline can't run a party. She is probably too trusting & those who o.....
» 12/06/2019 12:54:01 PM It has been going on for years. In the late 70s we took a large tourist launch, [112 Ft].....
» 12/06/2019 12:11:12 PM Runner, Labor here, like the Democrats in the US are actually wide awake, & don't give a d.....
» 12/06/2019 11:09:09 AM I disagree entirely. Local government, [councils] are a catastrophe. Not only are the elec.....
» 11/06/2019 11:12:11 AM Protecting the country against China. Come on kiddies, even if every able bodied person in.....
» 10/06/2019 10:00:17 PM Yes Is Mise that farmers wife should have access to anything she wanted for her protection.....
» 10/06/2019 8:12:00 PM I don't give a damn if a few over paid footballers don't want to sing the song. However I.....
» 9/06/2019 11:52:03 PM Chief bludger of a bludging organisation. Nothing he ever said was anything but a waste o.....
» 9/06/2019 11:48:40 PM Are you sure about that date Is Mise? I had a browning 22 in the mid 50s which I recall as.....
» 8/06/2019 10:46:00 PM You can't make much steel from ethylene either Is Mise......
» 8/06/2019 10:38:49 PM Come on VK3AUU, anyone who wanted Turnbull in the Liberal party actually wanted 2 Labor pa.....
» 7/06/2019 8:08:04 PM There is non so dumb as those who refuse to see......
» 7/06/2019 7:01:57 PM Come on Paul, what universe do you inhabit? It can't be this one. Some day you'll surprise.....
» 7/06/2019 6:27:59 PM You wouldn't have to dig too deeply to find a couple of dozen traitorous conspirators in t.....
» 7/06/2019 3:53:21 PM Luciferase, we have 3 years to start to re-educate the brain washed generation, & if the s.....
» 7/06/2019 12:35:07 PM Come on Daffy do you really believe that greenie crap? I was in the plastics raw material .....
» 7/06/2019 12:19:20 PM Belly you are the one who needs to think rather than parrot the elites slogans. Where the.....
» 7/06/2019 12:09:05 PM There is only one form of power generation we should use, & that is the cheapest. There i.....
» 6/06/2019 7:40:32 PM Yes o sung wu, when I was doing my flying training we somehow missed connecting with a RAA.....
» 6/06/2019 6:52:15 PM Don't worry about it Cody, Alan lives in his own little fantasy world, filled with all the.....
» 6/06/2019 11:58:48 AM As the sergeant of police at Howard was heard to advise some land holders, "if someon.....
» 6/06/2019 11:26:41 AM Belly you do fall for all the cliches don't you. Free trade is an elitist trap that much .....
» 6/06/2019 10:09:12 AM Live in a nice closely settled suburb do you ttbn, how nice for you. Out here we have 5 po.....
» 5/06/2019 12:29:56 PM The best method to solve this problem is to lock the sods up, & do it for a very long time.....
» 5/06/2019 8:54:07 AM Someone sent me this, & I did not know what to do with it. Then I thought of this thread, .....
» 4/06/2019 1:32:27 PM What I find amazing today is not only the number of young women who are happy to pose for .....
» 4/06/2019 11:51:06 AM Yes Alan, Labor are a strange mix. Ever since Richardson developed his sophisticated vote .....
» 3/06/2019 6:56:10 PM Sylvia our metropolitan rail systems are basically a means to deliver workers to a central.....
» 3/06/2019 6:24:30 PM Written like a true academic bureaucrat, who's bread gathers more butter the bigger govern.....
» 3/06/2019 9:07:33 AM That's fine Sylvia, but aren't you just building another group, paying more tax to provide.....
» 2/06/2019 12:33:22 PM Well lets hope we never see very fast trains in Oz. We have enough loss making government .....
» 1/06/2019 8:27:55 PM You didn't expect a square or truthful answer from SR did you Joe. Ant truth would destroy.....
» 1/06/2019 11:50:14 AM Belly don't you realise there is a standing offer to repatriate all gate crashers held on .....
» 1/06/2019 11:41:07 AM You are right for once Paul. Yes my lady is a fool where money is concerned. She also is a.....
» 31/05/2019 3:56:53 PM Don't forget Individual, when he decided a GST was essential, Howard went to an election w.....
» 31/05/2019 10:04:58 AM Bill Shorten stated: " We cannot, we must not and we will not permit the reopening o.....
» 30/05/2019 11:45:07 AM Wriggle, wriggle wriggle......
» 30/05/2019 11:11:58 AM Come on Belly. What utter garbage about Menzies & his policies. I remember a number of wi.....
» 30/05/2019 10:49:45 AM Cars don't have to be expensive, if you make then your slave, rather than slave for them. .....
» 30/05/2019 10:49:17 AM What kind of stupid are you Paul. I guess any green must be stupid to start with. Your po.....
» 30/05/2019 9:57:04 AM The main problem with our universities is their rapid & on going expansion. 30 years ago i.....
» 29/05/2019 1:29:37 PM Paul with the politics of envy as usual. Always the down trodden by the evil landlord or e.....
» 28/05/2019 6:31:07 PM Paul, "The fact is, instead of being a simple, primitive childlike people before Euro.....
» 28/05/2019 6:15:26 PM Belly, you have elected Albo leader. If you reckon that is pulling your head out of the s.....
» 28/05/2019 10:23:50 AM Yes individual, that is so true. One of the things I have done in my long a varied career.....
» 28/05/2019 9:16:48 AM To start with Belly, current interest rates are similar to what they were for a centaury o.....
» 27/05/2019 10:11:09 AM You I'm sure, know the technique Canem Malum. If you can't handle the subject matter, atta.....
» 27/05/2019 9:55:48 AM Emotional intelligence ttbn. It's the trick con men use to get past logic & reasoned respo.....
» 26/05/2019 4:43:02 PM We do have stupid authority in Oz. Along the southern headland of Botany Bay south from K.....
» 25/05/2019 12:41:53 PM Good luck Foxy......
» 25/05/2019 12:26:36 PM Come on Belly, do you really believe Albo is not yesterday's man with last century's polit.....
» 25/05/2019 11:49:49 AM That sounds like a great idea Joe, but unlikely to survive the ratbag greens long term. R.....
» 24/05/2019 8:53:51 PM Wow! SR is trying to tell us Adani paid for Bob Brown & his cast of idiots, to come up her.....
» 24/05/2019 2:05:05 PM I can't speak for other areas Dan, but I know you are wrong about Palmer in this area. His.....
» 24/05/2019 1:43:08 PM Foxy you might believe we want more women in parliament, although I wonder why any Victori.....
» 24/05/2019 1:24:51 PM If there was a Qld election right now, Labor would be back to the basketball team they wer.....
» 23/05/2019 11:05:54 PM How anyone who saw Albanese sitting stunned & bewildered in the Chanel 9 tally room on ele.....
» 23/05/2019 10:53:41 PM Dan I think you would find, if you could get to the why of peoples voting, that quite a fe.....
» 23/05/2019 2:25:31 PM Aiden says, "Are you a compete idiot? I've already told you it's MUCH LESS. Likewise .....
» 23/05/2019 2:04:12 PM Foxy I have got to say, thank god that Shorten with his ridiculous destructive energy poli.....
» 23/05/2019 1:41:22 PM God it is frightening to think that a bloke as dumb as this could have been the shadow min.....
» 23/05/2019 11:25:49 AM You totally missed the right solution Peter. You also seem to have missed the global warmi.....
» 22/05/2019 6:52:40 PM Yes elizabeth4 & saved today by another red faced galah, in a high-vis jacket & a yellow s.....
» 22/05/2019 6:42:39 PM Sorry Foxy, but running a country is a full time job. Running a department of government, .....
» 22/05/2019 5:44:36 PM Yep the bird has ducked Belly, as she expects the same loss next election, leaving the poo.....
» 22/05/2019 5:34:32 PM One thing is for shore Paul. We will be getting a lot less blackouts than we would under .....
» 22/05/2019 1:05:45 PM Belly, if you have a new Bob Hawk, in Labor, they sure as hell have not put his/her head u.....
» 22/05/2019 12:30:28 PM One thing all the commentators appear to have missed entirely is the Turnbull factor. Ther.....
» 21/05/2019 9:28:47 PM Alan you are too self centred to have any idea about me. I voted for Katter too. He's a r.....
» 21/05/2019 12:08:59 PM Come off it Yuyutsu. We will repatriate free of charge, all those attempted gate crashers.....
» 21/05/2019 10:48:44 AM So in comes Alan, with more of Binoy's vision thing. May god protect us from people with v.....
» 21/05/2019 10:31:56 AM Well what do you know, Binoy has been warned, & has scuttled back into the acceptable left.....
» 20/05/2019 1:06:34 PM I don't think so Bazz. As for factories running flat out, the sales of the Chevy Volt were.....
» 20/05/2019 8:04:51 AM Belly no leader could have sold Labors crazy policies. Even if global warming were true, .....
» 19/05/2019 9:18:03 PM Well they would be a better choice for Labor than Albanese who sat there like a stunned mu.....
» 19/05/2019 5:38:05 PM How typical of a lefty. Nothing to say to refute the argument, so attack the man. About a.....
» 19/05/2019 11:43:07 AM Simple smart idea Yuyutsu. The left would hate it, as they depend on the not very bright .....
» 19/05/2019 10:30:59 AM I think it is simpler than what has been suggested. Do you remember at school, the more l.....
» 19/05/2019 10:16:52 AM Labor backed the wrong horse, galloping down the global warming path, use of authority to .....
» 19/05/2019 12:52:28 AM I don't think Shorten would have conceded unless he knew for sure, that he could not win. .....
» 18/05/2019 10:40:41 PM It is not just age, but we really should not have the disinterested voting. I had a bloke .....
» 18/05/2019 8:55:52 PM Oops.....
» 18/05/2019 4:19:27 PM It seemingly pays to upset the dearies at their ABC. A bloke doing an exit poll at our po.....
» 18/05/2019 12:51:44 PM Public transport as it is practiced in Oz is almost as immoral as public housing. Both pen.....
» 18/05/2019 12:55:45 AM Would that Paul be like when as a union boss he negotiated a penalty rate reduction for hi.....
» 17/05/2019 6:47:30 PM Joe a mate in PNG was a district officer. He was at Pomio, about 70 miles from Rabaul. He .....
» 17/05/2019 5:41:50 PM Indy mate, now I'm sure you've lost it. Councils waste less, a wonderful dream, but to bel.....
» 17/05/2019 12:18:07 PM When do you get to voting age Aidan? I certainly hope it gives you time to grow up a bit. .....
» 17/05/2019 12:06:49 PM Aidan do try to be honest once in your life. The CO2 emissions mentioned were in the prod.....
» 17/05/2019 11:51:52 AM I think you must be losing the plot individual, councils cost more than enough already. M.....
» 17/05/2019 12:19:10 AM Ever since I have had kids, I have always voted for those I thought offered the best futur.....
» 16/05/2019 8:42:43 PM Bill sure is smart with his electric cars garbage. A study directed by Christopher Buchal.....
» 16/05/2019 5:42:38 PM I have always approved of the old US revolutionaries slogan of no taxation without represe.....
» 16/05/2019 4:31:23 PM If Shorten wins, the only thing that can save Oz will be cross bench senators who have fla.....
» 16/05/2019 4:06:26 PM Dangerous place Gladstone. In the 70s a yachtie mate got a job in a gang of 30, installi.....
» 16/05/2019 12:52:56 PM New start is of course not meant to be a living wage, it is meant to help people between j.....
» 15/05/2019 1:09:00 PM Thank god. I see the king of the useful idiots has leapt in as usual;, I wonder if he has .....
» 15/05/2019 12:57:20 PM With his history of studying & teaching will o the wisp, pretend subjects, could you even .....
» 14/05/2019 1:40:05 PM And you accuse us of reading the gutter press Belly. In fact Palmer should be your best f.....
» 14/05/2019 12:16:04 PM The Torres Strait islands thing Joe is simply population, using too much water. The fresh .....
» 14/05/2019 10:57:33 AM No Individual, what we want & need is the cheapest power available. The fact that the flo.....
» 14/05/2019 10:49:34 AM Just for Belly. An email from a friend, a Labor supporter with a sense of humour. • Th.....
» 13/05/2019 8:40:56 PM So we have the ridiculous situation that the planners have been pushing high rise apartmen.....
» 13/05/2019 11:15:35 AM I suppose I should read more of your stuff SR. I missed this doozey from you, "By any.....
» 13/05/2019 10:39:57 AM SM if you are right, thank god SOME liberals had enough guts to do the right thing. I kno.....
» 12/05/2019 11:17:59 AM Just a few predictions. If Shorten wins, 1/- The boats will be running again with in 3 m.....
» 12/05/2019 9:39:01 AM Belly I think you are right about licence tests being too easy. Now I'm going to have to g.....
» 11/05/2019 8:46:52 PM Type JoNova into Google Diver & it will come up. She has one of the most sane blogs on the.....
» 11/05/2019 12:42:30 PM From JoNova, "-Bill Shorten, May 8th: iview, 2 mins 30 sec., "Do you want to di.....
» 11/05/2019 12:31:44 PM Yep Licence suspension is a joke. A neighbour copped a silly suspension. He had a 0.052 s.....
» 9/05/2019 10:50:21 AM So true Foxy. I guess that's why the lefties do it so often with Crap and eggs......
» 8/05/2019 1:08:06 PM Rah SR. We are well aware that the only person you think craps gold is you. The rest of u.....
» 8/05/2019 12:59:10 PM I would rather a bush humpy, than a city centre highrise, although that would be quite as .....
» 5/05/2019 12:04:18 PM Nah individual, there will always be some idiots for them to recruit from......
» 5/05/2019 11:52:48 AM Belly stopping most migration, & definitely stopping the most undesirable migration Would .....
» 4/05/2019 6:02:54 PM When did you go overboard Foxy. You have gone ridiculous now. I have watched farmers with.....
» 4/05/2019 5:18:07 PM Yep, the Black throated finch is in about as much trouble as the Polar bear. This of cour.....
» 4/05/2019 5:13:25 PM Belly, bet the poms thought too. Now their capital has a Muslim mayor......
» 3/05/2019 8:51:43 PM Belly, my only interest these days is just what will Australia be, for my grand kids to in.....
» 3/05/2019 11:56:03 AM How is it a scare campaign Belly, when it is true. This & their ridiculous power plan, & e.....
» 3/05/2019 11:29:05 AM When a group of people drive thousands of kilometres into someone else's district, with th.....
» 3/05/2019 11:02:14 AM Don't be silly runner, public servants are never out of a job, when there is no work for t.....
» 2/05/2019 2:47:39 PM These southern invading clowns were very lucky the horse & rider got out of the enclosure......
» 2/05/2019 2:33:43 PM SR, Aidan, what utter garbage. Give a company enough resource & they will produce enough .....
» 2/05/2019 1:04:14 PM Wouldn't it be wonderful if someone were to give the Sam Ben-Meir of this world something .....
» 1/05/2019 7:15:30 PM Foxy I'm disgusted with you. When a bunch of people drive thousands of kilometres to inva.....
» 1/05/2019 6:53:23 PM kirby483 don't waste your time. As my mother used to say, there are none so dumb as those.....
» 1/05/2019 2:20:32 PM Yuyutsu, "isn't it good to allow those who can't get their best party in to at least .....
» 30/04/2019 8:53:13 PM Yes Aidan, not only a raw prawn, but a very stupid raw prawn. Give companies access to th.....
» 30/04/2019 9:43:05 AM There is only one important matter in this election. Greens want to give our country, & o.....
» 29/04/2019 3:16:53 PM Come on fellers, stop coming the raw prawn. The high cost of gas in Victoria & NSW is due.....
» 29/04/2019 11:33:41 AM Note SR the lefty bureaucrat at work. "Lets bring in some more restrictive regulatio.....
» 29/04/2019 11:13:35 AM Foxy a mine can't go belly up while the stuff to mine is still valuable, only the company .....
» 28/04/2019 6:30:26 PM Quote, "The town should just not sell them any fuel for their cars to drive home afte.....
» 28/04/2019 11:35:09 AM You been sold yet another put Foxy. Just how many dogs, [grown pups] do you need running .....
» 27/04/2019 11:42:28 PM I see Bob Brown & his mob of rich interfering southerners are getting the welcome they des.....
» 27/04/2019 2:17:18 PM No dunny holes for us. Bathurst was an advanced town, we had a night cart even well out of.....
» 27/04/2019 11:54:57 AM What's not to like is that the northern country is more productive growing beef, not trees.....
» 26/04/2019 1:08:56 PM Foxy if you look at history you find that more than 50% of causes are rubbish, & totally w.....
» 25/04/2019 12:12:34 PM Belly if Africas population can grow from 229 million to 1.2 billion in 70 years, I doubt .....
» 23/04/2019 8:45:47 PM That we need more trees Loudmouth. We have more than we should have. As I said, if we wan.....
» 23/04/2019 1:53:22 PM Loudmouth, sorry but that is a furphy. According to satellite imaging & the description .....
» 23/04/2019 1:16:17 PM To me religion, the belief in some supreme being, there to look after them, is simply the .....
» 20/04/2019 7:51:50 PM If the Christian church lived by it's claimed principles it would never build these great .....
» 19/04/2019 10:56:20 AM Obviously you have never heard of Beirut Belly......
» 17/04/2019 11:46:55 PM Yes ttbn, I think he might have been Examinator in a previous life. If not there is anothe.....
» 17/04/2019 11:32:09 AM I am heartened to see justice done in this case, although I'd say the judge has been remov.....
» 16/04/2019 9:52:46 AM Anning, Israel Folau, what ever you do, don't tell the truth, the left won't stand for it,.....
» 14/04/2019 10:05:39 PM Belly if the US Democrats, our Greens & the left of your mob get their way, & decarbonise .....
» 14/04/2019 9:43:30 PM Can't agree SR. To me it looks like a sponsor & in particularly that sponsors CEO throwin.....
» 13/04/2019 10:19:01 PM Totally wrong SR. Never been drunk in my life, in the navy or the yacht club in Hobart or .....
» 13/04/2019 1:22:13 PM Belly, "Hasbeens description of the game and its players is a little of target They c.....
» 13/04/2019 12:39:38 PM No Foxy. Rugby is at fault for accepting money from Qantas with obvious strings attached......
» 12/04/2019 4:42:46 PM Foxy you did not represent your library when you went home from work. Why do you think th.....
» 12/04/2019 12:07:35 PM We have far too many people today, with too much time on their hands. They therefor spend .....
» 12/04/2019 11:21:56 AM This bloke is proof of my growing belief that the dumbest, most easily fooled people on ea.....
» 12/04/2019 11:01:38 AM Just who the hell do they think they are. Here we have a professional game, played mostly.....
» 11/04/2019 12:33:19 PM Oh Turnbull was his real self Belly, a sneaky lying lefty, prepared to say anything to buy.....
» 10/04/2019 10:01:08 PM Yes Belly, under Turnbull they left any middle ground way behind in their rush to the left.....
» 10/04/2019 9:20:49 PM No Belly we have to keep some cells free for kiddy fiddling Labor leaders. Old Joh would .....
» 10/04/2019 12:03:04 PM Bazz, just because something can be done, does not make it a good idea to do it. Of cours.....
» 10/04/2019 11:18:54 AM Where do you find a new Joh Bjelke-Petersen when you desperately need one?.....
» 9/04/2019 11:26:19 AM Oh god, another planner banging on about public transport. The only good thing about this .....
» 8/04/2019 7:09:40 PM Yes Bazz, you can do all sorts of things, if you have the power available. Our single pha.....
» 8/04/2019 6:05:40 PM Talk about pie in the sky. Trillions to acquire the right of way & even more to build the.....
» 7/04/2019 5:40:01 PM No Belly, Labor has not lost contact with its voters, it has simply moved on from people l.....
» 7/04/2019 12:20:42 PM Sorry Foxy, but you got that wrong. A large number of Neanderthals survived, & migrated to.....
» 7/04/2019 12:11:42 PM “Time to grow up and engage the brain”, says SR. That coming from one of the brain dead UN.....
» 6/04/2019 9:00:53 PM Yea just what I want, to have to tow a trailer everywhere. I can imagine my lady backing h.....
» 6/04/2019 12:18:57 PM Canem Malum being more self sufficient is a pretty big call today. In 1970 I set up local.....
» 6/04/2019 11:40:23 AM Go check your facts JF Aus. The CSIRO "The East Australian Current flows south along.....
» 5/04/2019 1:02:43 PM Once you have completed your bucket list, there is not much point cluttering up the place,.....
» 5/04/2019 12:35:19 PM Sorry JF Aus, you are wrong. Even the old sailing directions give the facts. Hell even old.....
» 5/04/2019 12:01:07 PM You may be right Belly, we may run out of oil & coal eventually, but why go broke wearing .....
» 5/04/2019 11:39:51 AM I know where you're coming from ttbn, & it happens fairly quickly once it starts. Once you.....
» 4/04/2019 10:09:52 PM The most important thing is to fill the senate with cross benchers other than greens, who .....
» 4/04/2019 9:23:00 PM mhaze I think you are missing one point. SR & the rest of them wanted desperately to find.....
» 4/04/2019 9:12:56 PM You have it wrong JF Aus, but I don't know why. The Oz east coast current is a south runn.....
» 4/04/2019 8:26:32 PM So here we go again. Instead of the industry funding charging stations, as with ICE engine.....
» 4/04/2019 7:29:12 PM Oh god, I can see it now. The EU rushing off with all their might, to defend the Baltic st.....
» 4/04/2019 1:11:29 PM You don’t have an opinion SR you have a side to support. Anyone who doesn’t realise most .....
» 4/04/2019 12:20:52 PM I agree completely. Every single new immigrant makes each & every existing citizen just a .....
» 3/04/2019 11:45:28 PM Bozec, we have plenty of gas, but both the NSW & Vic governments have refused to allow the.....
» 3/04/2019 3:09:26 PM Canem Malum if you are interested in information & the experiences of the great days of co.....
» 3/04/2019 1:09:10 PM Belly, strong words. In view of your opinion of trump, just how would you describe ex pre.....
» 3/04/2019 1:00:02 PM Belly have you ever heard that you should compare apples with apples, not oranges. Nordic.....
» 3/04/2019 2:24:07 AM Sorry LEGO, can't agree with you that young men victims of female predation will not be hu.....
» 3/04/2019 1:51:15 AM Perhaps you are referring to me Is Mise. Personally I would much prefer to see that candi.....
» 3/04/2019 1:33:45 AM "SA disproved your claim when they restarted the grid with wind power after the state.....
» 2/04/2019 1:02:12 PM What the government should be seeking is the truth that Peter Ridd has highlighted, that o.....
» 2/04/2019 12:48:14 PM Verity trying to rationalise your responses as a teenager from the position of an older wo.....
» 2/04/2019 11:46:55 AM Belly what on earth makes you think electric cars will be any more profitable than petrol .....
» 2/04/2019 12:06:07 AM Don't worry Josephus, our grid would collapse long before anything more than a small penet.....
» 31/03/2019 3:21:32 PM I hope it works for her Foxy. We see far too many come out here, build their dream on an a.....
» 31/03/2019 2:37:54 PM Belly I guess you are too old to start now, but there are a few things you should have lea.....
» 30/03/2019 2:26:25 PM Don't worry Pauline, the more they rant against you, the more we all know they are scared .....
» 30/03/2019 2:02:48 PM I'm not too sure getting to know your neighbours is always a good idea. I have a new one,.....
» 30/03/2019 12:59:30 PM Canem Malum the Hypalon is normal Hypalon. It has a reinforcing thread woven into it, but .....
» 30/03/2019 12:37:42 PM Come on Is Mise, I'm surprised at you. I thought you would be well aware that with the le.....
» 29/03/2019 9:04:26 PM Saltpetre, you do jest surely. Can anyone really expect to lock up 9 million acres to prot.....
» 29/03/2019 6:28:16 PM Don't kid your self Foxy, most of the research being done at AIMS & at James Cook is propa.....
» 28/03/2019 7:31:38 PM Canem Malum I had a neighbour who was pretty good in his veggie patch. He had a 6Ft high f.....
» 28/03/2019 12:07:52 PM How clever of them ateday, to replace a traitorous nincompoop with a typical American......
» 28/03/2019 11:43:04 AM Great answer mhaze. Do you live in a high rise Canem Malum? Your answer indicates little .....
» 28/03/2019 11:31:49 AM Are you a member of the swamp people david f, feeling worried as the water gets shallower,.....
» 27/03/2019 1:35:49 PM You obviously are a long way from contact with the real people of Oz Murray. "The na.....
» 26/03/2019 2:36:12 PM Who would be silly enough to aspire to a democracy, when just a quick look at ours shows t.....
» 25/03/2019 5:47:58 PM Yep every migrant needs somewhere to live. Building a house to accommodate them adds to gr.....
» 25/03/2019 11:38:01 AM Belly, Paul, rationalise it for a month, with all the excuses, but the truth is, you got y.....
» 25/03/2019 11:09:30 AM Belly, give over & try to grow up a bit. Face it like a man, Hillary lost, thank god, & Tr.....
» 24/03/2019 12:42:56 PM Can't believe it Alan. No one could have done as much as you claim, & learned so little......
» 23/03/2019 11:36:44 PM You are right about just one thing Alan. I have no empathy for the thousands that take the.....
» 23/03/2019 1:51:14 PM I blame the TV networks. If they had not shown a couple of tall New York buildings fallin.....
» 23/03/2019 1:40:23 PM I think it is about time to give Jake an insight into the reason many of us do not like Is.....
» 23/03/2019 1:10:52 PM People like this bloke have to write this gross garbage, to justify the whole area of acad.....
» 20/03/2019 11:48:11 AM The problem is that our authorities are scared speechless that this could be the start of .....
» 20/03/2019 11:19:14 AM It is not only in Oxford that this bloke writes fiction. If ever there was an area of non .....
» 19/03/2019 11:10:27 AM Interesting isn't it that clowns like Steely think it is OK for lefties to physically atta.....
» 18/03/2019 2:43:43 PM When my son was randomly attacked by a bunch of 4 gutless Muslims while walking home from .....
» 18/03/2019 11:02:45 AM As you sow, so shall you reap......
» 17/03/2019 12:06:29 AM Yuyutsu, god is a construct of weak minded humans & has no effect on any practical thing......
» 16/03/2019 10:21:17 PM A few of you may remember when my son was attacked by a bunch of 4 Muslims, while walking .....
» 16/03/2019 11:08:14 AM The EU as a trading block was probably of advantage to Germany, France & the UK. However .....
» 15/03/2019 12:32:21 PM Hmmm, public works, "construction of public works, which took place on native title l.....
» 15/03/2019 12:16:21 PM Confirmed! Shorten really is as thick as 2 planks. He was close enough to the ratbag KRud.....
» 14/03/2019 12:29:24 AM The EU has become the worst kind of bureaucratic octopus, reaching out & grabbing ever mor.....
» 11/03/2019 11:24:10 AM Come on Foxy, you're the one that lives in the football state. Shorten wants to increase .....
» 11/03/2019 11:12:46 AM Wow Binoy, not just displaying your bias, but screaming it from the roof top. Fat lot of .....
» 10/03/2019 6:58:55 PM Pell had no chance. It was as if he had, "I am the catholic church" tattooed ac.....
» 9/03/2019 1:34:50 PM In that case Foxy, he must be very far left & a serious hater of Australia. The very last.....
» 8/03/2019 7:55:08 PM Foxy, Paul, it matters not at all what workers would like the minimum wage to be. It reall.....
» 8/03/2019 6:46:48 PM Julian Burnside Foxy, is a show pony, who has never ever in his life done anything good fo.....
» 8/03/2019 11:23:43 AM For gods sake Ant, if the sun went out there would be no climate on the planet. Please exp.....
» 8/03/2019 11:14:19 AM Public transport is a ridiculous waste of the majorities money, on the least deserving sma.....
» 7/03/2019 11:54:36 PM No Canem Malum, you can't read or think too much, provided your reading is not in place of.....
» 7/03/2019 11:10:23 PM There was Japanese research about 3 years ago that found that any increase in atmospheric .....
» 7/03/2019 4:27:03 PM Sorry Binoy, but you & the sort of people who inhabit groups like PETA have got so far awa.....
» 6/03/2019 3:22:49 PM My youngest daughter announced at the last election, she was voting for Palmer. She reckon.....
» 6/03/2019 3:14:01 PM Come on Taswegian, how about a bit of bidding. I'll see your one day of 39, & raise you t.....
» 6/03/2019 1:40:38 PM I do find it amazing that even those who know that CO2 is good for all the planets flora, .....
» 6/03/2019 12:53:06 PM I think this may be an overstatement of a very minor problem. Yes women talk a lot. I some.....
» 6/03/2019 12:09:31 PM I have never heard of any checking to see if the same names were crossed off at a number o.....
» 6/03/2019 11:54:35 AM Of course the debt is higher. Even Abbot wasn't conservative enough or had enough guts to .....
» 6/03/2019 11:42:01 AM Belly, anyone who votes Labor regularly is a lefty. Anyone who proclaims their extreme lo.....
» 5/03/2019 5:28:50 PM Compulsory voting is no where near as bad as preferential voting. Not only must I vote, b.....
» 5/03/2019 12:26:04 PM Come on fellers, it is worth it to be getting rid of a bunch of Turnbull trash. Paying eve.....
» 5/03/2019 12:09:17 PM Belly for god sake get off the fixation with lefty politics. Go plant some day lilies, or.....
» 5/03/2019 11:34:14 AM Could any more proof that our university budget needs to be halved be required, when peopl.....
» 4/03/2019 12:07:47 PM Belly, there is nothing like ideology to make people blind......
» 4/03/2019 11:03:03 AM Belly have you heard about the New Green Deal in the US. Pushed by some silly little bar t.....
» 4/03/2019 10:56:23 AM Any one who has not woken up to the fraud that is global warming, is either simply not ver.....
» 28/02/2019 11:35:20 AM I am so religious that I didn't even get married in a church, & have never set foot in a c.....
» 27/02/2019 6:29:22 PM Where have you been all this time Alan. Did you miss that the yanks re-elected Obama. An.....
» 27/02/2019 2:49:56 AM Yes Is Mise, most of Oz is far from Amsterdam flat. I am an area coordinator for our loca.....
» 26/02/2019 3:19:50 PM Watch out folks, all these planners are out to rob us of our cars, & stick us back in the .....
» 25/02/2019 12:26:59 PM What a pile of garbage. Pages of it. These people want to come home, because they lost. T.....
» 24/02/2019 5:37:02 PM Steely, "The bloke is a grade A tosser". It has never been more right to say, i.....
» 23/02/2019 11:25:07 PM She lost me when she knifed Abbott in the back. A loyal deputy she most certainly not. A.....
» 23/02/2019 11:16:30 PM If we leave them there someone will put them down, probably sooner rather than later. This.....
» 23/02/2019 12:40:57 PM Alan, "UK Climate Change Chief Demands Ban on Domestic Gas", so not too sure you.....
» 22/02/2019 2:20:59 PM Come on Ant. In the 1960s people sailed up Townsville main street, Flinders St, to get aw.....
» 22/02/2019 11:59:14 AM Bring them home if you wish, but only in a box......
» 22/02/2019 11:57:25 AM Steely, "Your complaint is with how the system is operating not the philosophy which .....
» 21/02/2019 10:14:33 AM I wouldn't boast too much about our "Socialism created Medicare" Steely. After .....
» 20/02/2019 12:37:29 PM Not too sure about that David. With the ratbag way many d--heads & prima donnas on the cr.....
» 20/02/2019 12:25:40 PM I'm not so sure tbn. I voted against Turnbull last time, having emailed the local LNP memb.....
» 19/02/2019 11:15:28 AM Still dodging my post about all the other government spending excesses Paul. Incidentally.....
» 18/02/2019 4:33:12 PM Belly I was referring to this bit of your post. "And with inflicting continuing cruel.....
» 18/02/2019 12:43:23 PM Belly, "I charge the bring them here lobby with being the best tool the LNP has in it.....
» 18/02/2019 11:07:47 AM On the surface it appears that one thing Mr Avery has proven beyond doubt is that you can .....
» 18/02/2019 10:46:14 AM Obviously Paul, as you have not responded to my list of other tax payer costs that must be.....
» 17/02/2019 3:15:34 PM Foxy, " Choosing to take a chance on the high seas in the remote hope that Australia .....
» 16/02/2019 1:47:49 PM For once I can, as a pensioner, agree with you completely Paul. The age pension is unsusta.....
» 14/02/2019 2:03:28 PM Have you got a new peacenik hippy girlfriend, with "flowers in her hair" belly? .....
» 14/02/2019 1:23:26 AM Interesting isn't it. When Steely can't refute the solid facts from a poster, we find him.....
» 13/02/2019 6:20:29 PM Belly. "Yesterday, even at this late stage Morrison could have compromised, backed th.....
» 13/02/2019 9:07:14 AM To have these ideas this bloke must live under a rock, or earn his daily bread from lefty .....
» 12/02/2019 7:07:09 PM If anyone has lost t6he plot, it's you Belly, duped by the party you love......
» 12/02/2019 11:38:03 AM Quote Belly, "Hasbeen in fact you and those like you are the reason the election is l.....
» 11/02/2019 9:52:30 AM Obviously fringe dwellers like the Greens like preferential voting as it is the only thing.....
» 11/02/2019 9:22:17 AM It is because people like Pyne & Bishop are still in the Liberals that I won't vote Libera.....
» 10/02/2019 2:58:52 PM Don't be silly Alan, if we tried to tell these unwanted migrants where to live, the greens.....
» 9/02/2019 6:47:41 PM Re reading the article they are only suggesting the growth in oil demand to stop. There is.....
» 9/02/2019 12:46:36 PM Foxy, put your research skills to work & check out the effect of low sun spot numbers. Ch.....
» 9/02/2019 10:34:47 AM Come on Foxy, please. Ever read the story of Kidmans empire, & how close to disaster it wa.....
» 8/02/2019 2:47:30 PM Has anyone ever seem any of these fearless forecasts by economists come to pass? Have they.....
» 8/02/2019 11:18:59 AM In the early 60s, I used to drive out through the paddocks from my home in Caringbah, to p.....
» 8/02/2019 10:53:01 AM I personally would be prepared to die to prevent it. Just imagine the result when a Hitle.....
» 7/02/2019 11:06:46 AM TBN I can't see much in your suggested policies I wouldn't vote for. When arte you standi.....
» 6/02/2019 7:50:10 PM Alan mentions the fact that expensive to the taxpayer, highly subsidised by the tax payer .....
» 6/02/2019 2:27:09 PM There is one simple fact that the ratbag greens refuse to admit. We the peasants lead muc.....
» 6/02/2019 1:46:43 PM "Why can't we just grow low-THC hemp as we did in WW2? Much less water needed, much l.....
» 5/02/2019 11:29:24 AM True Canem Malum, but seeing we have filled our country with a pile of useless human garba.....
» 5/02/2019 11:05:01 AM What a breath of fresh air, shining a light on the stupidity of wasting resources on colle.....
» 4/02/2019 6:57:06 PM Belly are you talking about the one who starts the thread by referring to others as ".....
» 4/02/2019 5:58:01 PM Foxy the greens become a force because of our fool preferential voting system. Everything .....
» 4/02/2019 3:28:07 PM Oh god Aidan is out of his box again. Surely $14,000 a kWh for power in SA & Vic, caused .....
» 4/02/2019 11:06:39 AM I would love to go back to the time when every door & window could be left open when peopl.....
» 4/02/2019 10:27:15 AM I hope our Paul has reported his "FRIEND" "Andrew" the illegal alien t.....
» 31/01/2019 5:55:19 PM Don't worry folks, in a few years the waning spotless sun & the increasing cold will prove.....
» 31/01/2019 2:13:17 PM Come on Foxy, you have got to stop swallowing the swamp propaganda whole. Trump has done .....
» 31/01/2019 1:52:42 PM Quote, "Renewables accounted for 26.5 percent of global electricity generation in 201.....
» 30/01/2019 11:00:40 PM Individual it would be great to do the Bradfield scheme, but you miss the major problem. .....
» 29/01/2019 10:23:37 AM I have come to the conclusion Aidan that you are not the most stupid person ever to debate.....
» 29/01/2019 10:20:08 AM Aidan, your credibility is not only in shreds, but is now totally nonexistent. Go fly you.....
» 28/01/2019 11:50:29 AM Aidan, "Hasbeen, I suggest you update your research, because the days when ethanol re.....
» 25/01/2019 12:14:27 PM Thanks Paul, for the briefing. I had never looked into this mob, but they sound just like .....
» 24/01/2019 12:09:46 PM Does anyone really care?.....
» 23/01/2019 3:58:32 PM I was about to say sorry Belly, but then you have to try to put the boot in. However I wil.....
» 23/01/2019 12:51:20 PM Belly why on earth would you mention Japan on this topic? If you think they don't make stu.....
» 23/01/2019 10:49:17 AM Yes he might have suffered for it quite a bit, but he sure had a lucky break, escaping fro.....
» 21/01/2019 11:32:12 AM You do talk garbage sometimes Alan. In south east Queensland rainfall for 2018 was just a.....
» 17/01/2019 12:01:02 PM No Belly, we are exposing the fraud that is global warming, using science. For god sake d.....
» 16/01/2019 1:05:11 PM There are a few problems with the idea that more CO2 in the air will increase the amount o.....
» 15/01/2019 3:53:28 PM Yes Philip S the cold sweeping Europe & much of the US is even more extreme than the hot w.....
» 15/01/2019 12:45:17 AM Yes it's hot, but it's all happened before, & with no SUVs to cause it. In January 1896 a.....
» 14/01/2019 11:53:36 AM You know Steely, sometimes I think you may actually believe the bulldust you post on here......
» 14/01/2019 11:43:12 AM So a little local corruption is saving the Balkan states from the much worse corruption th.....
» 14/01/2019 11:24:17 AM Hi o sung wu. Do you know if such a place still exists? I know the large one in Gladesvill.....
» 14/01/2019 11:07:31 AM Belly you told me of my post regarding academic & IPCC use of "tipping points" t.....
» 14/01/2019 1:41:51 AM Bazz it will only take a bit of a ruckus in the South China sea, even with no shooting for.....
» 12/01/2019 10:32:11 PM Belly my post is straight simple facts. If you can't see that it is little wonder you can.....
» 12/01/2019 1:04:17 PM Yes China has a big problem. See my new post, they are cutting or eliminating subsidies in.....
» 12/01/2019 12:54:07 PM Even the IPCC & other warmists do admit that CO2 can't cause any runaway warming. They hav.....
» 12/01/2019 12:32:00 PM The world is waking up to the stupidity of "GREEN" garbage. Even china is sick .....
» 12/01/2019 11:16:39 AM Come on steely, you don't really believe that garbage do you. With the number of "COR.....
» 11/01/2019 1:29:28 PM So the French mummies boy president is trying to turn the French police into a mercenary f.....
» 11/01/2019 12:53:20 PM Yes there have been some hot days here too. It is usual when the weather pattern moves to .....
» 10/01/2019 11:24:36 AM Any country who's population is not racist will not long be a country. Be careful what yo.....
» 10/01/2019 1:33:52 AM The politics of envy are never far from the thoughts of the likes of Shorten.....
» 8/01/2019 6:11:13 PM Belly do try to cut the lefty garbage a little. No politician before has had so many shon.....
» 7/01/2019 1:27:00 PM Individual, do you really not understand the difference between a wall, designed to keep a.....
» 7/01/2019 10:20:08 AM Quote Belly. "But blind faith is well blind to truth" A perfect description of y.....
» 6/01/2019 2:17:18 PM Garbage Steely, as usual. If wind is now cheaper, there will be no complaint if all subsi.....
» 6/01/2019 8:58:22 AM Garbage individual. Walls do work for decades, or even centuries, helping protect for gene.....
» 4/01/2019 3:10:10 PM It is not only windmills that have to get bigger to produce more power. The racing yachts .....
» 4/01/2019 1:04:39 PM Yes Bazz, the planet is entering a cooling phase, & the warmest conmen are getting despera.....
» 3/01/2019 6:21:22 PM So Belly what do you think of the Poms, Dutch, French, German, Spanish, & Portuguese, who .....
» 3/01/2019 6:09:45 PM Surely this is simply preparing more young boys for the homosexuals & paedophiles. With a.....
» 3/01/2019 2:07:03 PM Do try to grow up Aidan, & use a bit of common sense. Your posts sound like some kid who h.....
» 3/01/2019 10:48:33 AM I had no idea that Anti-Semitism was so strong in Oz. Quite shocked really......
» 2/01/2019 9:09:02 AM Belly you just can't get it can you. Many of us don't have a party, never have, & never w.....
» 1/01/2019 4:27:06 PM Belly Turnbull supporters are lefties, & your party is welcome to them. What the libs mus.....
» 1/01/2019 12:25:26 PM Well this is not selective facts. I dived in Rabaul harbour where 120 Jap ships were sunk.....
» 31/12/2018 6:36:53 PM Perhaps not. He is reminding everyone that it was he, {& Abbot] who got rid of the despis.....
» 27/12/2018 1:37:06 PM To put a figure on the uselessness of some universities, a friend of ours has been running.....
» 24/12/2018 10:41:42 PM What is rich? Is it only money, or is it having a fantastic life. I have had a lucky knac.....
» 24/12/2018 11:55:29 AM Yes Belly, it is often boys who have some groups who take pride in not doing school work, .....
» 24/12/2018 11:35:39 AM Come on kiddies, try to be practical. The amount of water pumped to Kalgoorlie, over relat.....
» 24/12/2018 10:46:42 AM We have the immediate family gathering at my eldest daughters this year. She reckons it is.....
» 24/12/2018 10:21:22 AM When I did my BSc in the late 50s it was not easy. No free or almost free university, & it.....
» 23/12/2018 12:20:52 AM Continued. Belly old mate, Israel is a postage stamp compared to what we have done with th.....
» 23/12/2018 12:20:43 AM Saltpetre, the talk is about getting water to the drought stricken in the inland, hence my.....
» 22/12/2018 2:57:19 PM Saltpetre, unless you are going to have a few hundred meter diameter holes right down to t.....
» 22/12/2018 1:28:02 PM The same thing happened in Bundaberg Phillip S They lost the use of many near coastal bore.....
» 22/12/2018 12:56:54 PM Come on Foxy. They got rid of Turnbull. He was not only the plug keeping the muck in the .....
» 21/12/2018 12:50:48 PM I have tried to inject some practical facts into this debate a few times. Like the fact t.....
» 21/12/2018 12:12:11 PM I was planning to vote anything but Liberal at the next election. However Shortens speech.....
» 21/12/2018 11:44:37 AM I'd much rather be a peasant in todays world than be one in the 15 16 17 or 18 hundreds. I.....
» 20/12/2018 2:35:41 PM And another couple. "Salmon may lose the ability to smell danger as carbon emissions.....
» 20/12/2018 10:53:48 AM I see you know nothing about sunspots effect on our weather Belly. Go do a bit of reading.....
» 20/12/2018 10:42:55 AM The education system is now dominated by feminists. They are not interested in educating o.....
» 19/12/2018 5:35:35 PM So Belly, you hams should have been having a very good time, with the low numbers of sunsp.....
» 19/12/2018 3:45:23 PM Can't agree with you Foxy, I think Charles is as nutty as a fruit cake, but so what. I ha.....
» 19/12/2018 3:39:09 PM With so few sunspots, in the next few years Belly, you are going to be so cold, you'll kno.....
» 19/12/2018 3:36:50 PM And still the climate change mob keep showing what they really are. Clemson University .....
» 19/12/2018 11:18:45 AM Well ALTRAV, if you have to be owned by someone, & I suppose we all do, the Queen would be.....
» 19/12/2018 10:54:39 AM Do try to show some understanding of the world Paul, with your lack of understanding it is.....
» 19/12/2018 10:41:27 AM Aidan if you want to include hydro in your renewable, you had better give us an idea of wh.....
» 19/12/2018 10:33:41 AM Come on Aidan are you still living on that planet out Mars way? The rights of the UK have.....
» 19/12/2018 10:06:56 AM The UK should simply unilaterally declare they are divorced as of this minute from the EU......
» 18/12/2018 11:32:18 AM I know Foxy actually believes every word from the lefty one world government sites she fol.....
» 17/12/2018 11:34:02 AM You are right on that one Belly, but for the wrong reason. The elites wanting world govern.....
» 17/12/2018 11:13:26 AM It gets worse here in Queensland Is Mise. Up here some fool planner has developed the ide.....
» 17/12/2018 11:01:45 AM Come on Steely, assertions mean nothing. There is no proof to be found. I was looking the.....
» 17/12/2018 10:39:04 AM hasy could you be suffering from global warming. Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 17 December .....
» 16/12/2018 9:10:16 PM And another one! Surging levels of greenhouses gases are making people tired and stupid, .....
» 16/12/2018 8:26:30 PM Just remember, "There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead". They ha.....
» 16/12/2018 11:58:30 AM Foxy you are doing it again. David Attenborough, like his brother was an actor. He was gi.....
» 15/12/2018 7:35:03 PM Foxy the WWF is one of the greatest rip off merchants, along with Greenpeace on earth. I .....
» 15/12/2018 12:25:35 PM And even another. "Climate change causes time travel? Humans turning clock back 50 m.....
» 14/12/2018 11:36:53 PM TTBN & Belly I did this post as a public service to advise anyone changing suppliers they .....
» 14/12/2018 11:08:20 PM Another one today! Climate Change is Creating Dangerous Hybrid Puffer Fish. As I said, y.....
» 14/12/2018 12:43:46 PM My current bill is less than half for the same period last year, & that's without the conc.....
» 14/12/2018 11:16:33 AM I think they should give them all citizenship, & jobs as professors at NYU. We would then.....
» 14/12/2018 3:42:01 AM Nice to see those useful idiots are still yabbering away......
» 13/12/2018 6:46:27 PM Nature is trying around here too Foxy. The rain came a bit late for the silky oaks this y.....
» 13/12/2018 5:05:03 PM Just a little warning for anyone who has, or is thinking of changing their electricity sup.....
» 13/12/2018 3:16:47 PM Come on Belly, long before Trump enough of them were not only stupid enough to elect Obama.....
» 13/12/2018 2:58:08 AM You really couldn't make this stuff up, but climate activist academics do. The following.....
» 11/12/2018 5:43:52 PM Big projects like these are really great to fund the payola between politicians, bureaucra.....
» 10/12/2018 6:12:51 PM Again I can't agree. The money spent on roads is way over returned to government in the f.....
» 10/12/2018 12:29:52 PM Just to cover the point. I never had to use any force of any type on my kids. They really .....
» 10/12/2018 12:25:52 PM I was waiting for a ferry on one of the Morton Bay islands one day, about 35 years ago. A .....
» 10/12/2018 11:56:43 AM Interesting Foxy. It was Wane Goss, Labour government that removed passenger rail services.....
» 10/12/2018 11:24:56 AM Foxy do you really think you would find a homosexual teaching in a Muslim school?.....
» 9/12/2018 6:37:56 PM Aidan just which planet do you live on? It can't be this one or you would have knowledge o.....
» 7/12/2018 1:15:18 PM There is more than a little bleeding heart in my lady. That is probably why, at a charity .....
» 6/12/2018 12:07:53 PM Definitely not a tree snake. Not much like the first either, & most definitely have fangs,.....
» 6/12/2018 2:27:17 AM Yes, fresh water river front, 400 or 500 metres from the house, & the dam half way down to.....
» 5/12/2018 5:06:37 PM Haven't seen a red belly black around here Belly, but lots of yellow belly blacks. They ge.....
» 5/12/2018 3:36:35 PM My son asked me to go & listen to his Ford Ranger 4x4 last night. It was making a mild thu.....
» 5/12/2018 1:48:53 PM Belly, "Is Mise know the road well like Hasbeen drive a bit quick [based on his past .....
» 5/12/2018 1:15:20 PM But just for your edification here is a list of major bushfires in Australia since settlem.....
» 4/12/2018 7:20:04 PM So you're a Victorian Steely, that does explain a lot. However for a Victorian to start t.....
» 4/12/2018 11:18:25 AM The worst thing about road side trees in country areas is that in bushfire times, it only .....
» 4/12/2018 10:52:58 AM You don't have to read too far to see this bloke wants the world ruled by the elite, & he .....
» 3/12/2018 7:05:33 PM I used to think Steely did have some idea, but was just a mean mouthed lefty. Now he has .....
» 3/12/2018 6:50:11 PM We all know Phillip S that Steely only posts so he can admire his rhetoric in print. Wha.....
» 3/12/2018 3:17:30 PM Wow! There must be a quid in it somewhere or Steely & his leftie mates wouldn't be for it......
» 3/12/2018 12:51:02 PM Belly Belly Belly, Quote, "Mr Trump/Hasbeen sorry congrats on your massive win in Vic.....
» 3/12/2018 12:04:16 PM Exactly the opposite Alan. The whole university sector has expanded to about 5 times it's.....
» 1/12/2018 11:22:48 AM You're at it again Belly. Making an untrue statement by inference, in an attempt to attack.....
» 1/12/2018 11:03:53 AM God I am sick of these women who suddenly realise, or dream they were raped decades ago. .....
» 30/11/2018 4:33:08 PM Belly, tell me what was untrue in my last post. That you don't like the facts of the post.....
» 30/11/2018 2:25:38 PM Hey Armchair Critic, you might like this one. We were crazy enough to try to earn a livin.....
» 30/11/2018 1:08:41 PM So now we know. The so called caravan of would be US gatecrashers is being sponsored by th.....
» 30/11/2018 12:50:51 PM Rache, Belly, if you want to have any credibility, you have to stop lying by inference. E.....
» 29/11/2018 11:05:36 AM I didn't mention the bush much increased fire problem Diver, but now you do, that is even .....
» 29/11/2018 10:47:50 AM "Adolescent" That's a bit rich, coming from a kid who's never had a real job, .....
» 29/11/2018 10:32:37 AM Still no power after 22 hours, & no advice of when it is likely to be back. One neighbour.....
» 29/11/2018 12:25:02 AM We have a few fights with Energex around here. Our progress association is always giving t.....
» 28/11/2018 11:35:00 PM Come on Phillip. Climate scientists don't do calculations. They decide what headline the.....
» 27/11/2018 1:02:25 PM Ah yes Alan, the simple pleasures. Living in Young in the mid 50s we still had a fuel sto.....
» 26/11/2018 10:58:05 AM It doesn't have to be black, or any other colour Friday for them to have a sale. I use a .....
» 26/11/2018 10:26:43 AM This misses a major reason for many driving less. With the road conditions of today, drivi.....
» 26/11/2018 9:58:50 AM I don't have much time for the French. For a people who have little or nothing to be proud.....
» 24/11/2018 11:57:15 AM Paul is obviously terrified of real prison terms for law breakers. Half his lot would neve.....
» 23/11/2018 10:08:20 PM Do try to grow up Paul. When locked up, people don't commit offences against the general .....
» 23/11/2018 10:00:11 PM The real evil here is those who for political reasons have encouraged these fools to embar.....
» 23/11/2018 10:15:24 AM Foxy to me Judge John Deed is just another Rumpole of the Bailey from a slightly different.....
» 22/11/2018 10:11:32 PM Yes I've seen enough of it to not be impressed with the story of a pretentious little man .....
» 22/11/2018 5:01:36 PM Foxy you should never mistake fiction for real life. If you start believing fiction writte.....
» 22/11/2018 11:12:51 AM Not a great fan of banks, or any other financial institution myself Nick. However I have .....
» 22/11/2018 11:09:01 AM Do people actually employ this dill? Of course not, they pay him to go far far away, & s.....
» 22/11/2018 10:46:04 AM So here we have a couple of clowns who think they have some wright to dictate to the rest .....
» 21/11/2018 11:30:11 PM Ah yes Foxy, the thought of Turnbull trying to survive from his own efforts in the wildern.....
» 21/11/2018 7:22:56 PM Foxy Foxy, Turnbull designed the track you believe Abbott followed, but no matter, Abbott .....
» 21/11/2018 6:31:08 PM I am so sick to death of news reports of murders, rapes assaults & robberies committed cri.....
» 20/11/2018 6:29:53 PM Great to see an intelligent article talking facts rather than dreams. I wonder which plan.....
» 17/11/2018 4:20:53 PM Watch out who you trust, some of the big ones are the worst. When that dam fool Anna Blig.....
» 14/11/2018 4:22:51 PM Isn't Andrews the one who spent a billion dollars on NOT building a road. Are people real.....
» 14/11/2018 1:00:49 PM A quick look at the back of my envelope tells me that just the pay for public servants is .....
» 13/11/2018 1:14:27 PM Turnbull has now totally proven himself to be no better than the slime that floats on a dr.....
» 12/11/2018 5:50:29 PM Isn't it wonderful, our brave Steely & Paul are happy to play hero with some cops life, in.....
» 12/11/2018 12:31:44 PM I agree! We shouldn't be shooting this crap we have let into the country in the body. W.....
» 12/11/2018 10:57:21 AM In every industry in Australia, a business person is entitled to deduct the interest paid .....
» 11/11/2018 6:00:39 PM Come on Aiden, you are at it again. Recycling, just like global warming, sounds great if .....
» 7/11/2018 6:22:11 PM A long term attempt to develop a viable hydrogen fuel cell damn near sent Honda broke. Th.....
» 7/11/2018 11:05:06 AM Belly old mate, this is one case where your ideology is making it impossible to see the tr.....
» 7/11/2018 10:20:43 AM The clowns at the IPCC, & the fraudsters who have hitched their get rich schemes to their .....
» 6/11/2018 2:38:57 PM The fact is of course, long term it is either them or us. There is no other alternative re.....
» 3/11/2018 11:59:41 PM I disagree completely Foxy. I have a disabled parking permit as I can not walk more than .....
» 3/11/2018 7:54:13 PM My son in-laws parents live in Penrith NSW. His mother will not shop in Penrith, or even .....
» 1/11/2018 9:14:02 AM Quote. Cause an increase in droughts and typhoons in Australia. Come on Graham, this utte.....
» 31/10/2018 8:14:02 PM Yes Joe, white males have experienced privilege, go back fifty or a hundred years and ask .....
» 31/10/2018 11:19:02 AM I have to agree with you Belly, that the American voters were gullible. Any group of peopl.....
» 31/10/2018 2:40:42 AM In that case individual we should not be allowing any migrant into the country. It is too.....
» 29/10/2018 6:18:10 PM Aidan did you do any math at school? You obviously can't do any math if actually believe .....
» 29/10/2018 4:59:50 PM Come off the raw prawn Aiden. Solar power is only nearly competitive a couple of hours ea.....
» 29/10/2018 11:32:41 AM Foxy I missed your post of the 26Th , but must answer it. The Stern Report has been prove.....
» 29/10/2018 11:22:08 AM What the hell are we doing bringing gate crashing boat people to Oz for medical treatment......
» 29/10/2018 11:12:38 AM Yes lets go nuclear. But only if we are guaranteed it will produce power cheaper than coa.....
» 29/10/2018 11:10:57 AM From your last post individual, it sounds as if you might actually believe that reducing C.....
» 27/10/2018 6:10:42 PM The irony of it. Aidan & Foxy, that is the whole point, they don't want to go anywhere wh.....
» 27/10/2018 12:38:02 PM Yes mhaze, I saw the same scenario being played out in the Great Barrier Reef tourist indu.....
» 26/10/2018 4:42:45 PM Given that only the indoctrinated true believers ever read the guardian, that almost 40% o.....
» 26/10/2018 2:04:49 PM Foxy it is like homosexuality, left attitudes & climate change believers. I am not prepar.....
» 26/10/2018 1:56:15 PM Good effort Don, but as you can see, there are a hell of a lot of lemmings in this world, .....
» 26/10/2018 11:19:58 AM Sorry Belly! Your response to Trump says it all about lefties & hate......
» 26/10/2018 11:12:51 AM I can't see much wrong with the cops being able to stop one car, provided it was only one .....
» 26/10/2018 11:01:48 AM Sorry Belly, hate is a lefty thing. You only have to look at the lefties or the greenies a.....
» 25/10/2018 11:57:19 AM If you stand back, & look at this piece from a little distance, you can see that the curre.....
» 25/10/2018 11:44:58 AM Delusional! And Foxy, you are still quoting the ABC as if anything coming out of it is no.....
» 24/10/2018 11:39:47 AM I respect them for trying, after all, they are trying to protect their loved ones in what .....
» 23/10/2018 12:10:05 PM Like all public transport, these things are so last century. They will spend billions, or.....
» 23/10/2018 11:57:37 AM I haven't bothered to follow this, but I was just wondering what the first preference vote.....
» 23/10/2018 11:08:55 AM Perhaps you haven't understood Steely, so I'll try to help you. There is no such country .....
» 22/10/2018 9:54:31 PM Individual, what is so special about negative gearing? Every industry, & rental housing s.....
» 22/10/2018 10:25:30 AM What garbage ateday. The Arab states must be the only states ever, to have lost so many wa.....
» 20/10/2018 9:00:56 PM Yes Dan, he has recently retired from the navy, & is Living here in my granny flat. He is .....
» 20/10/2018 2:15:53 PM Way way back in a far better time & place, I was technical service officer for the Austral.....
» 20/10/2018 12:59:49 PM Perhaps Madeleines life has not gone well, & she now glorifies what might have been if she.....
» 20/10/2018 12:41:34 PM What a pile of garbage. I have 3 kids, none of whom are high achievers or high income ea.....
» 16/10/2018 11:58:09 AM Foxy that post says it all. You watched Q&A. That wouldn't be on the Green/Left run ABC b.....
» 14/10/2018 12:17:41 PM Graham you really do need to show on each thread, what the submitter logged it as. I logg.....
» 13/10/2018 8:32:34 PM You must be right Belly. Only the hot ones are from human activity. The cold ones are jus.....
» 13/10/2018 2:10:06 PM On Thursday we reached 32 degrees C. Way above average for this time of year. Ask any conm.....
» 12/10/2018 5:18:11 PM Steely you are joking, aren't you? Surely you are not still pushing that hoary old chestnu.....
» 12/10/2018 11:54:03 AM Yes I'm enjoying it too. My son recently showed me a couple of YOUtube videos of those ve.....
» 11/10/2018 11:17:03 AM God haven't our lefties lost it. They are now so unable to tell the truth that they are n.....
» 10/10/2018 6:11:36 PM I reckon the horse race crowd would even let the fat lady ride one of the horses, if she w.....
» 10/10/2018 3:15:35 PM And I'm sure Steely, the Bathurst council will be only too happy to have a light show, [bi.....
» 10/10/2018 11:31:31 AM Of course it does. Just drive over the boarder from Qld into NSW, & you can't help but no.....
» 10/10/2018 11:13:18 AM God aren't the Kulture krowd precious. We throw millions at their rubbish, which very few.....
» 9/10/2018 5:14:15 PM Well what do you know! Here we have an academic & a "Professional" casting aroun.....
» 8/10/2018 6:22:53 PM Just because you are a superstitious fool Nathan, is no reason to believe we all are. Some.....
» 8/10/2018 6:18:41 PM Don't be silly Toni, I can only assume you are on a government payroll somewhere to even e.....
» 7/10/2018 11:52:39 AM I had not bothered to read this thread, being not very interested in the posturing of the .....
» 6/10/2018 12:49:07 PM Belly, do try to reach out & grab a bit of reality old mate. Your irrational hate of Tru.....
» 5/10/2018 12:03:25 PM Watch out Asia-Pacific, a collapsing EU is trying to lasso you as a life line to save itse.....
» 5/10/2018 11:56:54 AM Wouldn't it be wonderful if all human beings were actually sentient animals, rather than c.....
» 3/10/2018 12:48:45 PM Come on fellers, it is their country. If you don't like their laws, don't visit. After al.....
» 2/10/2018 10:56:51 AM Belly there is little wonder that with the list of media you favour that you are going to .....
» 30/09/2018 4:06:02 PM Is that why even the ice breakers couldn't get through the north west passage this year Ni.....
» 30/09/2018 1:34:04 PM Belly mate, this is NASA, the home of the warmists, not some realists trying to counter th.....
» 29/09/2018 10:44:03 PM Further to my post on the lack of sun spots recently. Quote from Sept.....
» 27/09/2018 2:34:50 PM Only a ratbag group of the species would ever suggest we should protect our predators. It.....
» 24/09/2018 11:06:57 AM Belly mate, that is utter garbage. You have to get your head out of those propaganda publ.....
» 24/09/2018 10:58:49 AM Taswegian we have about 300 years supply of shale gas alone. That is not counting traditio.....
» 23/09/2018 9:55:13 PM Steely why do you people talk so much garbage. Renewables excluding hydro currently produ.....
» 23/09/2018 5:25:05 PM In that case Belly, I wonder why the North West Passage did not open this year, & claimed .....
» 23/09/2018 5:16:44 PM Is Mr Klikauer really suggesting that the right is starting to catch up with the left in u.....
» 21/09/2018 6:18:26 PM Foxy, by anyone's reasonable thought it is obvious that aboriginals benefit more from welf.....
» 21/09/2018 5:48:44 PM Just saw a study by the German ADAC, the equivalent of the US AAA. They have produced CO2.....
» 21/09/2018 10:39:10 AM Sounds like middle east specialising academics have their collective noses out of joint, h.....
» 17/09/2018 8:57:07 PM Come on Alan, while we all know that an arts degree is considered the ideal education for .....
» 11/09/2018 7:10:58 PM Just to throw in another thought, would Muslim control be any worse than what we have now......
» 11/09/2018 6:49:33 PM Check my bank balance Alan, & you'll know I am simply an interested observer. Of course i.....
» 11/09/2018 12:08:22 PM When you look at the NBN & Snowy 2.0, you have to wonder if Turnbull is just Rudd returned.....
» 11/09/2018 11:49:54 AM The only way that politicians, union bosses, investment bankers, construction management &.....
» 9/09/2018 6:54:11 PM Is the cloths horse still throwing a wobbly because no one wanted her as PM. Apparently th.....
» 9/09/2018 6:46:49 PM Morrison is looking better as time goes on. He does appear to be getting away from the w.....
» 7/09/2018 2:03:38 PM o sung wu to my mind, those you despise are far too low on the totem pole for you to ever .....
» 6/09/2018 12:41:24 PM Hate is a pretty strong emotion, taking a great deal of effort, diverting effort from much.....
» 5/09/2018 9:22:01 PM I think keeping active helps, but I have to pace myself. I have quite a few chores to do i.....
» 5/09/2018 11:49:14 AM There is a big difference between inter state & intra state Aiden. Look it up in the dicti.....
» 5/09/2018 11:40:36 AM Yes o sung wu, I am taking a couple of prescription medicines that I would rather not. I'v.....
» 4/09/2018 9:08:28 PM Aidan if moving freight by rail was viable, Australia post would not run fleets of interst.....
» 4/09/2018 9:02:12 PM Don't worry about your daylilies Belly, in cold climates they frost off at ground level ev.....
» 4/09/2018 4:01:25 PM Hey Diver Dan, could you advise me of even one naval battle that the French have won. Do.....
» 4/09/2018 3:46:53 PM I played most types of football at school, but even there I discovered horses, where all t.....
» 4/09/2018 12:50:41 PM Build this thing, then run it as a government operation, & we will be paying through the n.....
» 3/09/2018 9:29:57 PM Wow Is Mise, Brisbane is a user friendly airport you say. I must have been leading a shel.....
» 3/09/2018 9:18:13 PM Hi o sung wu, I was one of the lucky ones too, dad came back from the war. The depression .....
» 3/09/2018 3:01:48 PM Wow! I knew steely was a bit soft in the head, but I had no idea he was that bad. It expl.....
» 2/09/2018 10:04:41 PM Not many around here, south of Brisbane. We usually have a mob of 20 or 30 grazing 5 or 6 .....
» 2/09/2018 11:31:15 AM You are probably right about a farm hand will invent a good battery individual. It is ofte.....
» 1/09/2018 5:08:17 PM Foxy you have said it all, but still don't understand. If todays immigrants were treated .....
» 1/09/2018 1:08:23 PM We have very large reserves of shale oil, which should be harvested using this or other de.....
» 31/08/2018 11:40:10 AM Come off it Belly. The Malaysian rubbish was a damn fool incredibly expensive bit if rubb.....
» 30/08/2018 7:59:33 PM Hey o sung wu, while it is unpleasant to think we once risked our lives to make the place .....
» 29/08/2018 8:30:39 PM Hi o sung wu, yes I was waiting. First his attempt to sideline Abbott is an indication th.....
» 29/08/2018 7:53:22 PM Brian while I agree with you that much syllabus development has been dreadful, too much in.....
» 29/08/2018 12:29:23 PM No Foxy, he is behaving like a fool or a coward. Probably the latter. Either he is stupid.....
» 29/08/2018 12:08:10 PM Of course we are. It is simply a matter of when not if. We have all the basics of a Beiru.....
» 29/08/2018 11:57:45 AM Continued. The reason teachers are so against tests is, as we are seeing, it shows up thos.....
» 29/08/2018 11:57:38 AM Brian of Buderim, how about a few facts in your posts. You must know, if you taught until.....
» 29/08/2018 1:40:21 AM Just for you Steely. In case you haven't noticed, apart from our wets the scam is coming a.....
» 28/08/2018 7:15:18 PM Hey Belly, jog my memory mate, I'm sure you'll know. What are the names of the leader of .....
» 28/08/2018 6:51:38 PM My eldest was reading, writing & doing arithmetic well before school. The other two were t.....
» 28/08/2018 6:30:19 PM First the academics talked the pollies into pushing diesel use instead of petrol. Now th.....
» 27/08/2018 8:30:30 PM Well, what do you know, it's not just me or my place. From a news report. There’s a surp.....
» 27/08/2018 3:11:35 PM Foxy your growing left ideology is overtaking your good sense. The last thing the Libs nee.....
» 27/08/2018 12:23:20 PM Abbott has now saved us from 2 megalomaniacs, Rudd & Turnbull. Hell he had to do it twice .....
» 27/08/2018 12:12:25 PM Come on Binoy, how about some truth in your essay. This was all about stopping Turnbull u.....
» 26/08/2018 10:46:43 PM Come on Foxy. Where the hell were you when the deputy leader, Julie Bishop was stabbing he.....
» 26/08/2018 6:11:09 PM I'll bet steely still thinks stress is the cause of stomach ulcers too. Nice obedient bur.....
» 26/08/2018 6:01:29 PM Know the reef well do you Paul. From your posting history I doubt you would recognise a bi.....
» 26/08/2018 5:44:09 PM Not a bad idea Is Mise. Ike was heard to say, just before the allies went into Normandy,.....
» 26/08/2018 1:28:15 PM Quote Belly. "Paul while I have problems with no sound so did not watch that clip it .....
» 26/08/2018 1:01:42 PM Surely Toni you can read between the lines of green policy. Their history is one of never .....
» 25/08/2018 5:45:57 PM Foxy that is indeed a strange philosophy. We should of course unite behind a leader who is.....
» 25/08/2018 12:30:45 PM Have you ever thought of coming down from whatever planet you inhabit, or cloud you fly ar.....
» 24/08/2018 6:17:49 PM I challenge you to actually do some research Steely for yourself. Follow your nose through.....
» 24/08/2018 5:24:51 PM God could you imagine it. As if a parliament full of lawyers & economists is not bad enou.....
» 24/08/2018 3:43:49 PM If they are not on the front bench Foxy the liberals are totally finished. In that case, .....
» 24/08/2018 3:16:13 PM Well the Libs had the chance to end the rot, but they blew it. Turnbull was only ever a B.....
» 24/08/2018 3:06:51 PM I couldn't agree more, but have to plead guilty of doing it myself. It is so easy to park.....
» 24/08/2018 11:58:23 AM How typical of ratbag greens. I offer a complete 62 year record of actual readings, one th.....
» 23/08/2018 1:11:59 PM Yes a real problem Don, & it's going to be hard to fix, before we are frozen solid. Unfor.....
» 22/08/2018 10:35:57 PM Foxy Foxy, the IPCC has been proven totally wrong on every thing it has forecast. It is a .....
» 22/08/2018 4:50:15 PM Whee, the useful idiots are swarming this morning. Facts are useless when talking to idio.....
» 22/08/2018 4:47:23 PM Who is Peter Dutton? Well as long as he is not Turnbull, Bishop, Shorten or Albanese, who.....
» 22/08/2018 12:35:09 AM Well the global warming scammers were right about one thing. It is worse than we thought. .....
» 21/08/2018 11:41:24 PM Don't forget ttbn that Tony Abbott stopped the boats. Everyone said it couldn't be done, .....
» 21/08/2018 12:23:25 PM Great summation Alan. Only a fool could fail to see the trail after you expose it for the.....
» 21/08/2018 12:00:52 PM So Turnbull is still in the Lodge. His sneaky underhanded attempt to lock in the Parris .....
» 19/08/2018 12:09:33 PM What a lucky man Senator Anning is. All this over the top ratbag screaming by the left has.....
» 18/08/2018 2:04:20 PM Not round here cherful, those are at home, feet up, drinking beer, & complaining about the.....
» 18/08/2018 12:54:49 PM With all the mounting evidence, to the contrary, & all the totally failed predictions of f.....
» 17/08/2018 9:30:01 AM Are the left that stupid, or is the importation of left voters, no matter how destructive .....
» 17/08/2018 12:22:50 AM Anyone who is silly enough to think the Johnny come lately bunch are going to be happy, or.....
» 15/08/2018 2:19:27 PM This piece Binoy shows you feel a much greater affinity with the British elite, than the B.....
» 15/08/2018 11:51:37 AM I know it is a waste of time talking to the likes of Paul, but here is an example $400 mil.....
» 14/08/2018 10:21:03 AM Well what do you know. Paul wants to give away more of someone else's money. What a surp.....
» 14/08/2018 10:10:02 AM There is nothing new in this rubbish. In mid 1976 I spent a few months in Townsville. At .....
» 13/08/2018 12:04:01 PM If you want to talk about how good for Australia our foreign aid programs are, just look a.....
» 13/08/2018 11:17:36 AM Just how stupid are these people? In her second sentence she refutes her whole piece in s.....
» 10/08/2018 7:01:36 PM Hey old man you missed the last bit of that old saying. At least in motor racing it went,.....
» 10/08/2018 1:13:10 PM Universities were once where a few actually indulged in scholarship, but most were where t.....
» 10/08/2018 12:33:29 PM This pair highlight most of what is wrong with this new feminist model of education. Hell.....
» 10/08/2018 12:10:38 PM Yes lets force the breakup of any company someone doesn't like. We once had a large brill.....
» 9/08/2018 1:22:56 PM Interestingly the incompetent, who could never launch & run a corner store, hate the fact .....
» 8/08/2018 3:09:19 PM We used to despise the graziers who would keep building their herds in the good times, tha.....
» 8/08/2018 1:55:12 PM Six years ago I bought a car from a Zimbabwe farmer, returning to take up his farm when it.....
» 8/08/2018 10:53:36 AM If this had happened in front of a night club at 2.00 AM in the morning, Gaff would defini.....
» 5/08/2018 8:56:03 PM Continued. Perhaps the best idea is a channel from the Bight to Lake Eyre to flood the pl.....
» 5/08/2018 8:55:31 PM Yes individual, windmills are great. My neighbour has one down by the river. It lifts wat.....
» 5/08/2018 2:25:02 PM Yes Foxy, Costello was the logical progression, & would have done a great job, but he prob.....
» 4/08/2018 5:31:18 PM Come on fellers, dreams are wonderful, but you have to face the facts. One of my neighbou.....
» 3/08/2018 9:12:51 PM Alan you are becoming one of the more miserable fools contributing here, & becoming more m.....
» 3/08/2018 12:50:50 PM Yes Ponder, the problem of envy. I am a millionaire, but only because of property value i.....
» 2/08/2018 5:18:15 PM This is about as wise a use for tax payer dollars as 50 Billion, yes billion with a ".....
» 2/08/2018 5:07:11 PM Yes we often have to wonder Aspley, just what Alan has been drinking, snorting, smoking or.....
» 2/08/2018 1:36:40 PM Come on Binoy, investigative journalism disappeared at the same time as the copy boy. Fir.....
» 1/08/2018 5:37:42 PM Don't forget Israel is a postage stamp. You could fit it on the Darling downs half a dozen.....
» 1/08/2018 5:13:22 PM Click on the large ALL at what should be the end of the article, & it will appear......
» 1/08/2018 10:52:31 AM Well Benk proves you can fool some of the people ALL of the time......
» 31/07/2018 9:01:03 PM Yes Belly it is tough for those experiencing it. In this large country someone always has .....
» 31/07/2018 8:13:28 PM Foxy I can not see a single person in either major party that I could be proud to call my .....
» 30/07/2018 9:20:17 PM Plantagenet we can't even man the landing craft carried by Canberra & Adelaide. How long .....
» 30/07/2018 9:09:39 PM Gee you're sneaky Foxy. You know as well as anyone here that Tony Abbott would sweep the .....
» 30/07/2018 10:47:09 AM Now I am getting really upset. How can you people possibly suggest that Star Trek & Star .....
» 29/07/2018 10:32:58 AM I didn't bother paying any attention to these elections. With the current leadership & po.....
» 26/07/2018 5:33:29 PM Plan B. Come on fellers, we are as guilty as the EU of not carrying our share of the weigh.....
» 26/07/2018 5:10:41 PM Belly there is only one question with illegals, Who stopped the boats? There is only one .....
» 26/07/2018 12:58:31 PM Hi o sung wu, & thank you for your defence of me. I was unaware of Steelys attack as I ha.....
» 26/07/2018 12:04:42 PM Continued. They were probably still there, being disruptive, but this was now hidden away.....
» 26/07/2018 12:03:35 PM Well Belly if a vote for one nation will not keep boat people away, a vote for Labor will .....
» 26/07/2018 11:09:35 AM When I was last in England many years ago now, I was told by a number of naval officers, m.....
» 24/07/2018 8:23:06 PM With the lefty control of universities who needs a fifth column today. Academics seem det.....
» 24/07/2018 8:19:17 PM Rubbish in the Pacific too SD. The yanks moved in to PNG, & without their logistics & num.....
» 24/07/2018 7:09:23 PM I have no idea what you are talking about Steely. You see when I come across a suggestion.....
» 24/07/2018 11:52:44 AM God the hatred of the left is palpable. Trump would be a traitor if he did not put the in.....
» 23/07/2018 2:20:07 PM If there are any talking heads that need to be pulled out of arses around here Steely it i.....
» 23/07/2018 12:32:37 PM Foxy all the economists & other swamp dwellers have been telling Trump he could not win, c.....
» 23/07/2018 12:19:19 PM Ah yes o sung wu, the strength of youth. When I was racing I would close my workshop at 5.....
» 23/07/2018 12:03:12 PM It has been going on for years now. The piece of paper that says you are qualified is more.....
» 23/07/2018 11:18:45 AM Belly old mate, Quote, "Quite pleased the anti Labor bias is not shared by the electo.....
» 23/07/2018 10:11:13 AM This bloke must have missed History 101 to say of European countries, "These are the .....
» 21/07/2018 2:44:59 PM Belly with Turnbull & Shorten as prospective leaders there can be no winner here. The loos.....
» 20/07/2018 12:09:27 PM Yes o sung wu, when I was a kid in the great metropolis of Young NSW we had a sergeant & a.....
» 20/07/2018 11:47:37 AM Just how dumb are these lefties. They must never have heard the fable of the boy who crie.....
» 19/07/2018 10:26:27 PM Graham I am getting a message, "Dangerous Web Page Blocked You attempted to access.....
» 19/07/2018 10:13:03 PM Sorry Canem Malum there are problems with both of those. With Geothermal systems without .....
» 19/07/2018 5:30:17 PM Hey fellers, trying to put re down won't change the facts. Pay ourselves too much, & the i.....
» 19/07/2018 4:07:56 PM To my mind it is a very long bow to draw describing a bunch of people wandering around the.....
» 18/07/2018 2:56:58 PM Continued. He was told to get out of town by union leaders. He didn't, as it turned out h.....
» 18/07/2018 2:56:43 PM A rather disingenuous answer Joe, I'm surprised. My point is that we are way overpaying o.....
» 18/07/2018 1:29:54 PM Don't be silly Runner. Without the Indigenous industry there would be nothing to keep ten.....
» 17/07/2018 10:04:31 PM I think diversity is really great. Great provided it is diverse nations, & not divers popu.....
» 17/07/2018 9:57:51 PM Yes Joe, it had nothing to do with china directly, except first Jap followed by China low .....
» 17/07/2018 4:14:31 PM I had to sit through soccer games when my son was playing it at school. Bloody awful way t.....
» 17/07/2018 3:42:50 PM Sorry Joe, you are wrong on that one. The yanks can thank their lucky stars that Trump lea.....
» 16/07/2018 8:29:26 PM Toni Lavis, if you are not scared of trees you are a dill. Our gum trees are about the wor.....
» 16/07/2018 10:40:59 AM One last little thought for Steely & the other dills, who think we export too much gas at .....
» 15/07/2018 3:22:11 PM Sorry wrong thread......
» 15/07/2018 3:21:36 PM Foxy I am beginning to worry about you. Some of your posts don't make any sense, except as.....
» 15/07/2018 3:17:45 PM If you want to see what this migration & refugee policy will bring in 50 or 150 or 250 yea.....
» 15/07/2018 3:16:13 PM If you want to see what this migration & refugee policy will bring in 50 or 150 or 250 yea.....
» 15/07/2018 2:37:15 PM Aidan please explain how you can have high speed rail stopping every mile or so to pick up.....
» 15/07/2018 2:30:14 PM The very first thing we need is to be saved from the con men who have convinced the weak m.....
» 14/07/2018 1:21:39 PM "Here we send a huge proportion of our gas overseas while a bunch of throwbacks want .....
» 12/07/2018 12:44:46 PM Thanks mhaze, I really couldn't be bothered trying to explain any of this to these dummys......
» 12/07/2018 12:27:55 PM That may have been the case in Brisbane, which had a reputation of being just a larger ver.....
» 11/07/2018 10:55:51 PM Yes I've read that theory Tony153, but there is not a single piece of evidence yet produce.....
» 11/07/2018 10:22:06 PM Yes Sarah Hanson-Young is a joke, an extremely ugly & bad taste joke on the Oz people, who.....
» 11/07/2018 10:11:35 PM Quite a rant John Ryan! Do you have any argument or evidence to show that you are not ju.....
» 11/07/2018 2:19:04 PM Belly old mate, if you don't have the math to understand how CO2 actually aids convection .....
» 10/07/2018 6:45:54 PM Well what do you know? Recent surface ocean temperatures in the North Atlantic, & subsurfa.....
» 9/07/2018 4:03:25 PM You are right of course rache, baby making factories. If only it weren't so damn expensiv.....
» 8/07/2018 3:46:38 PM Don't worry folks. With our current migrant intake, & with the source of refugees our lef.....
» 5/07/2018 6:30:50 PM I think that our esteemed general would be much more disgusted at his name being associate.....
» 4/07/2018 9:23:29 PM Funny isn't it. Trump has managed to set the jobs flowing in just a year in power. Black .....
» 4/07/2018 1:23:45 PM I'll believe it when I see it Everald. Way back in the 60s we were told the computer woul.....
» 4/07/2018 12:41:56 PM Yes Big Nana. I used to run a cruise boat operation in the Whitsundays. As part of it I s.....
» 4/07/2018 12:15:17 PM Could this be the website of the sensible? Same here, no debt, never had a credit card, & .....
» 2/07/2018 9:14:51 PM I have seen that add for mens deodorant, that has gorgeous women leaping on the wearer, or.....
» 2/07/2018 9:02:04 PM Foxy your not being shot has little to do with gun ownership by the general public. Very f.....
» 2/07/2018 8:11:58 PM ttbn better to be alive, in sound health, & in court facing charges, than dead or injured .....
» 2/07/2018 12:46:52 PM I don't know how old you are ttbn, but at well past my 3 score years & 10, I am no longer .....
» 2/07/2018 12:24:41 PM Belly apples & oranges mate. Compare the public servants pay rate with the equitant job re.....
» 2/07/2018 12:01:44 PM Foxy you are very wrong on that one. Drunks & druggies, causing road accidents do kill, &.....
» 30/06/2018 1:02:01 PM Thanks Foxy, there are a few there I had forgotten. Now how do I get the things out of my.....
» 30/06/2018 1:00:20 PM I see AJ Philips wants us to go & read more books. Evidently he believes that if it is in.....
» 30/06/2018 12:51:28 PM Interesting individual, I have read reports that our IQ has been falling of late, but I di.....
» 30/06/2018 12:46:32 PM Talk about the mobs of Rome, western civilisation is leaving their decadence way behind to.....
» 30/06/2018 12:11:05 PM Steely, like all those marine researchers in Townsville, your end of the earth vet was pro.....
» 29/06/2018 3:04:37 PM I saw a little packet in the cupboard this morning, & it reminded me of a rather frustrati.....
» 29/06/2018 11:23:29 AM When I was still trying to bread show jumpers I used to have to supplement the mares & foa.....
» 28/06/2018 7:25:44 PM I recently read somewhere some figures on tax paid by segment of the population. From mem.....
» 28/06/2018 7:18:40 PM Been there, done that Individual, & like you. found incredible amounts of flotsam. As ment.....
» 28/06/2018 2:59:52 PM Yuyutsu on the ABC, "I get most of my news from it, especially while I drive, also on.....
» 28/06/2018 2:21:47 PM I have sailed 10,000 nautical miles up & down the Oz east coast, 53000 miles around the Pa.....
» 28/06/2018 2:12:40 PM How anyone can find any interest in a game where major championships are often decided by .....
» 23/06/2018 1:02:28 AM I vote thinking only about my grand kids future. Thus I will vote for any party which wil.....
» 22/06/2018 5:25:59 PM The result Alan was, bloody great dinosaurs the largest land based life form the planet ha.....
» 22/06/2018 11:42:49 AM Good lord! Alan still believes in a "catastrophic tipping point". I had no ide.....
» 21/06/2018 5:25:44 PM ericc, some recycling, done at factory/industrial level, of waste generated in the manufac.....
» 21/06/2018 12:57:51 PM Joe you, Foxy & a few others miss one critical point. When the states welcomed all comers.....
» 21/06/2018 11:56:21 AM So here we have Steely using the lie, "it's well known effect on wildlife". As u.....
» 20/06/2018 7:33:21 PM Don't try to gate crash someone's border, where you are unwelcome, with your kids in tow T.....
» 20/06/2018 12:09:36 PM Come on kiddies, talk some sense. There are suburbs in Sydney where Muslim ethnic cleansi.....
» 20/06/2018 11:53:35 AM Why do all our planners want to turn our cities into a new Copenhagen, horrible place, ful.....
» 20/06/2018 11:11:37 AM So true Burnie. The banning of disposable plastic shopping is even more annoying. I have .....
» 20/06/2018 10:31:17 AM Of course our Paul would like to see the US over run with the dross of the world. Ratbags.....
» 18/06/2018 7:09:22 PM No Foxy, they were wonderful. The war was over, dad had come home, we owned a little bit .....
» 18/06/2018 11:31:20 AM Well Alan has finally nailed his radical ratbag lefty colours to the mast. With a stateme.....
» 18/06/2018 11:04:33 AM Continued. If you were rich, or worked very hard, & were pretty good academically, you co.....
» 18/06/2018 11:04:27 AM Come on belly, & you kiddies, take off the rose coloured glasses, age has blurred them so .....
» 17/06/2018 4:42:21 PM Well thanks for that David. I never knew that Genghis Khan & the Ottoman Empire were Chris.....
» 17/06/2018 2:33:52 PM mhaze I am commenting on the fact that 2016 is being claimed to be the warmest "EVER&.....
» 17/06/2018 11:08:00 AM Just for you Aidan. You must have missed it in the other thread. NASA global temperatures.....
» 17/06/2018 10:49:06 AM I'm with Belly. In aggressive sexual behaviour we need to bash some sense into our judicia.....
» 16/06/2018 8:02:48 PM Aidan do your own research you lazy coot, it will do you good. Do a decent job of it & it.....
» 16/06/2018 1:20:07 PM Well said Big Nana. Unfortunately this problem has been greatly increased by the bleeding .....
» 16/06/2018 1:04:19 PM Steely, "I'm not sure how you do it but combining childishness with pig ignorance, [a.....
» 15/06/2018 9:15:54 PM The official NASA global temperatures show a 0.56 C COOLING from Feb 2016 to 2018. No int.....
» 15/06/2018 1:32:22 PM What utter fools these southerners must be. Don't they realise that by 2020 the stink of .....
» 14/06/2018 4:26:35 PM Belly, nothing could be more insane than elect to elect Obama for a second term, after his.....
» 14/06/2018 3:01:40 PM Yes individual, I understand & agree with that. While sailing around the islands I was to.....
» 14/06/2018 2:10:09 PM Have any of you watched the videos of the reaction of the news room staff of CNN, ABC NBS .....
» 14/06/2018 1:27:54 PM Rudd thought he knew everything. He never did the necessary study or evaluation of anythi.....
» 14/06/2018 12:57:08 PM Don't we now have laws banning the giving of offence to anyone? Well I'm offended by the .....
» 14/06/2018 12:41:31 PM Agronomist, this might be fine, if our "EXPERTS" had some idea of their subject......
» 14/06/2018 11:58:15 AM It would be nice Belly, but so much of our infrastructure is supported by fuel taxes, it j.....
» 14/06/2018 11:54:28 AM I'm impressed. The worry was that Trump would not understand military matters, but this s.....
» 14/06/2018 11:28:17 AM Firstly what you don't want. You don't want; 1/ a lawyer, as they are trained to lie ver.....
» 14/06/2018 12:26:19 AM Foxy, CNN, For gods sake. Stop quoting these extreme lefty ratbag outfits, if you want to .....
» 13/06/2018 7:43:43 PM So Foxy & Belly, the US should accept an EU tariff of 20% against their goods, but continu.....
» 13/06/2018 7:29:30 PM Yes individual, the Polynesians were great navigators. They had sailing directions to ge.....
» 12/06/2018 7:26:34 PM I agree with you there Belly. Any people have a right to decide their taboos & preferences.....
» 12/06/2018 7:15:20 PM Come on Belly, you have to use the facts mate. You need to do a little research to avoid l.....
» 12/06/2018 1:47:57 PM Individual I tried a bore. I went down 190 Ft & got 200 gallons per hour. In the old measu.....
» 12/06/2018 12:47:19 PM Well SM that is a fair thing to say now. However under Obama it most definitely did need .....
» 12/06/2018 12:38:03 PM Not too much "terribly tangled tropical jungles of Timbuktu" Alan, being on the .....
» 11/06/2018 9:15:29 PM Wow! Steely spoke to an SAS soldier & now knows all about it! What a waste of space......
» 11/06/2018 9:01:36 PM Joe desalinated water is far too expensive to be used for irrigation in Oz. Even many of t.....
» 11/06/2018 8:13:59 PM Before anyone is eligible to criticise those fighting for us in any way, they should go & .....
» 11/06/2018 2:08:39 PM Foxy, Gillard was worse than any bad joke, she was more like a dangerous virus. She left a.....
» 11/06/2018 10:32:38 AM Hey AC, recent research has totally disproved the theory that the people of Easter Island .....
» 10/06/2018 10:30:43 PM Oh Foxy! When are you finally going to finally realise that the biggest problem in the wor.....
» 10/06/2018 12:11:48 PM Continued. We have done something wrong. If we could find out what & reverse it, we might.....
» 10/06/2018 12:11:41 PM Come on Belly, fair go mate. Our "workers" are paid some of the highest wages in.....
» 9/06/2018 11:18:59 AM Continued. The barge crew were doing it tough, both had mortgages & were getting no overti.....
» 9/06/2018 11:16:24 AM You miss one major point doog, that to be a worker, first you need a job. It is all well &.....
» 8/06/2018 12:44:37 PM First past the post is the only reasonable intelligent system for elections. First it iso.....
» 7/06/2018 5:48:46 PM Yes SM, anyone who is interested in privacy would avoid Facebook like the plague......
» 7/06/2018 1:43:49 PM Paul. "It is easy to confuse patriotism and nationalism. A true patriot is a person w.....
» 7/06/2018 1:18:39 PM Well said mhaze. I lament with you o sung wu.....
» 7/06/2018 1:04:50 PM Continued. It would have been better subsidising the car & white goods industries we once.....
» 7/06/2018 1:04:39 PM And that is the very problem Don. Migration is far too important, because it is far too gr.....
» 6/06/2018 9:20:56 PM Belly like Australia, the US has tried to absorb too many of the worlds poor and suffering.....
» 6/06/2018 8:47:09 PM Totally disagree with you on this one Don. As Alan says, you can't serve 2 masters. I also.....
» 6/06/2018 11:28:49 AM Pauline Hanson is a breath of fresh air. A clear thinking lady, who actually can sort fact.....
» 6/06/2018 11:03:45 AM What a pile of garbage. Don't you people have something more important to think about. In.....
» 5/06/2018 9:44:46 AM How far with the opt out do you want to go Yuyutsu. If people don't want to comply with t.....
» 4/06/2018 5:20:30 PM What ever happened to "Sticks & stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt .....
» 4/06/2018 4:59:09 PM Foxy where did that information you quote come from? Did someone from Geneva go & check t.....
» 2/06/2018 11:58:50 AM Do we need a Reconciliation Commission, you bet. However we need it to reconcile most of .....
» 1/06/2018 7:07:17 PM I'm with you Belly. We will never have good or successful government until the party who w.....
» 1/06/2018 7:02:11 PM ABC & Integrity in the same sentence! You've got to be kidding......
» 1/06/2018 12:25:44 PM So here we have Gary, too dumb to see Trumps strategy, & how well it is working, even as i.....
» 31/05/2018 1:01:08 PM Out of the mouths of babes comes, yes baby talk. Let me assure you Michael, no one but me.....
» 30/05/2018 7:23:46 PM Never been a union anything ttbn. I did have an engineer on one of the boats who was a me.....
» 30/05/2018 1:09:29 PM rache, I can take you to suburbs in Sydney where you would quickly become scared to go alo.....
» 30/05/2018 12:31:25 PM Hi Belly! How the B Hell are you? Good to se you alive & kicking. Don't think that means I.....
» 29/05/2018 3:32:11 PM I doubt we can get it back on track rehctub. Decades ago I read somewhere that democracy w.....
» 29/05/2018 10:58:17 AM I shouldn't have read this piece Graham, looking clearly at the options is just too depres.....
» 29/05/2018 9:48:15 AM Could be any greater evidence of the collapse of western civilisation, than to have these .....
» 28/05/2018 8:54:35 PM I reckon those horses have been there long enough to have made any changes they are going .....
» 28/05/2018 8:43:50 PM Don't smoke, don't drink, don't gamble, & didn't even mix with bad women all that much. Wh.....
» 28/05/2018 8:39:01 PM Don't smoke, don't drink, don't gamble, & didn't even mix with bad women all that much. Wh.....
» 27/05/2018 10:13:33 PM Those Vietnam gun trucks are interesting. They are similar in many ways to the way US PT.....
» 25/05/2018 8:38:06 PM Do try to grow up Steely. In the Pacific war it was estimated that 38% of air crew lost s.....
» 24/05/2018 10:56:52 PM Continued. I don't know any service pilots today, so I have no idea of how good the bloke.....
» 24/05/2018 10:48:56 PM One of these days the stuff will hit the fan. When it does a nice gentle politically corre.....
» 24/05/2018 5:15:11 PM Come on Foxy. You can't expect adult human beings to read ABC propaganda, that is going t.....
» 24/05/2018 5:09:35 PM The left want to be a little careful of these games. The libs will be back in sometime, &.....
» 24/05/2018 1:15:18 PM Only one thing wrong with that SM. What ever gave you the idea that the Ayatollahs were sa.....
» 23/05/2018 10:16:01 PM How long ago was that Diver. My sons attack was almost 4 years ago, but the latest episod.....
» 23/05/2018 12:54:37 PM Toni Lavis, "//I guess the sooner we come to accept that men are from venus and women.....
» 23/05/2018 12:45:22 PM Diver Dan, you, like me must live in one of the more fortunate areas of Oz, yet to feel mu.....
» 23/05/2018 12:01:03 PM Feel a bit sorry for Steely Is Mise, it must be hard to watch Trump turn every post he pas.....
» 23/05/2018 11:54:54 AM Actually this is probably the only workable solution for the middle east, & good riddance .....
» 23/05/2018 11:45:26 AM Cowper's ideas might work very well, if applied to a Solomon Island village of no more tha.....
» 22/05/2018 8:29:38 PM Just stating the facts mam......
» 22/05/2018 6:29:17 PM After that pile of garbage, just imagine if Steely was to write the history of the world. .....
» 22/05/2018 5:52:20 PM Foxy do you really think being a crooked lawyer is qualification for PM, regardless of the.....
» 22/05/2018 12:29:39 PM Not_Now.Soon, simply accept it with long life gratitude. Repay them by making sure they n.....
» 22/05/2018 11:31:15 AM Is Peter Bowden really stupid enough to believe this bit of garbage, or is he just doing a.....
» 21/05/2018 1:40:09 PM Gee ALTRAV, it almost sounds like you don't approve of the aboriginal industry. Hell it a.....
» 21/05/2018 12:24:27 AM A little story you might like ttbn. My son was engineer on a navy ship. He complained bit.....
» 20/05/2018 11:41:49 PM Now your talking Individual. No more unemployment benefits, but a job in a land army, out .....
» 20/05/2018 11:28:09 PM Could it be that Turnbull has finally started to grow a pair? Has he actually realised th.....
» 20/05/2018 12:19:09 PM I comprehend all too well Individual, that you have no idea of what the defence force is &.....
» 20/05/2018 11:41:15 AM The fact that this topic moved from a discussion on "The grip of feminist ideology on.....
» 19/05/2018 9:21:37 PM Why am I not surprised that Wong would be a favourite of Pauls. I would say it is a very.....
» 19/05/2018 9:12:18 PM Rubbish Individual. The armed forces are for the defence of the country, not a bolt hole f.....
» 19/05/2018 12:30:42 PM Well at least you don't have to worry about being exploited Alan. With that 5 ton chip on.....
» 19/05/2018 12:18:42 PM What planet do you inhabit Paul. I have never read such twaddle. Unskilled & inexperience.....
» 19/05/2018 11:55:27 AM No Aiden, there is no right to medical treatment, particularly if the cause is self inflec.....
» 19/05/2018 11:19:10 AM Paul must be in trouble at home, & is hoping to win a few brownie points with this piece o.....
» 18/05/2018 11:55:25 AM Nothing like on the job training. Pity our nurses don't still do it. The people who ran t.....
» 17/05/2018 12:14:37 PM Don't be silly ttbn, the whole program has been a complete success for the Womens libbers .....
» 17/05/2018 11:42:05 AM Good lord Alan, do you actually watch 4 Corners. Did they say 13% of what, or could it be.....
» 15/05/2018 10:37:23 AM Altrav it is always such when bureaucrats, with no skin in the game, let out government co.....
» 14/05/2018 2:00:26 PM Perhaps the houses we build for aborigines are the wrong design. Perhaps we should supply .....
» 14/05/2018 12:25:30 PM Yes, we should take that criminal Hillarie's advice & do some sabre rattling at the Chines.....
» 14/05/2018 12:06:38 PM Come on Alan, a bit of honesty occasionally would make your posts more worth reading. Jus.....
» 14/05/2018 11:58:02 AM What sort of a fool is this bloke. Employing such fools is one of the reasons that Labor g.....
» 12/05/2018 1:39:41 PM From Steely, "While it is not the whole answer social disadvantage IS a factor that c.....
» 11/05/2018 11:59:30 AM Foxy we have ACOSs screaming for higher pensions, welfare payments & cheap housing for the.....
» 10/05/2018 8:24:10 PM Yes Paul, your old Greek neighbour should be in trouble. She should have been sent packing.....
» 10/05/2018 7:40:21 PM Thank god Trump is unlikely to pay any attention to the ramblings of some academic, partic.....
» 9/05/2018 4:52:33 PM Yes, most definitely a condition of being granted Oz citizenship should be supplying proof.....
» 8/05/2018 11:46:04 AM Sorry Big Nana, but as a tax payer I strongly object to paying useless bludgers to pick p .....
» 7/05/2018 10:47:05 AM "Survey of 1,495 children across 638 households; of these more than half (54%) experi.....
» 6/05/2018 7:21:30 PM His shirt Yuyutsu, is highly unlikely to have been made by anyone collecting Australian we.....
» 6/05/2018 7:12:03 PM You're wasting your time Joe. You are talking to a "believer", who will only ac.....
» 6/05/2018 12:11:42 PM Our kids got a much better education in the 50s & 60s than they do today. Perhaps the ans.....
» 6/05/2018 12:04:57 PM Perhaps you don't realise JF Aus that the sign on the government warehouse in Gizo proclai.....
» 6/05/2018 11:52:41 AM So Is Mise the rot had already set in by the mid 70s. I guess I should have realised it wa.....
» 5/05/2018 7:46:27 PM Most of the problem belongs to the family of residents in nursing homes. If family visit .....
» 5/05/2018 11:00:54 AM Poor little Albania. With 2 such suitors, rape is inevitable......
» 4/05/2018 11:01:01 PM It wasn't just aboriginals Joe, but most of us. When men were demobbed after the war with.....
» 4/05/2018 1:54:44 PM So true ttbn. A friend of ours, a biology teacher gave up on the state system, when asked.....
» 4/05/2018 1:22:50 PM Ant go back to school, & get enough math so you can follow the scientific arguments. Then.....
» 2/05/2018 11:31:00 AM There will be no peace in the middle east until the last Arab has died. Why the hell woul.....
» 2/05/2018 11:23:39 AM Watch out sugar! You have been placed on the target range, for all the dills that shoot a.....
» 1/05/2018 7:25:15 PM With our generous welfare system, the only reason for anyone in Australia to be hungry is .....
» 1/05/2018 7:14:00 PM Ant if ever you did any serious research you could not possibly be a believer in the globa.....
» 1/05/2018 6:59:54 PM And one thing that is worse LEGO, most of them seem to end up in the bureaucracy, where so.....
» 1/05/2018 6:32:11 PM We obviously need to send Alon Ben-Meir to Syria, alone to sort it out. He obviously know.....
» 1/05/2018 10:41:36 AM "Waffle" by Paul, a true bureaucrat......
» 30/04/2018 9:03:42 PM "There are many biopsies completed on fish and birds showing how the death of those c.....
» 30/04/2018 11:07:24 AM I had not heard of Moon's praise of Trumps success mhaze. It looks like even the radical r.....
» 30/04/2018 10:53:05 AM Sorry mhaze, you have that a bit wrong. There is no one size fits all in number of people .....
» 29/04/2018 3:04:15 PM Foxy you are still refusing to ever look at anything other than with the left eye. You rea.....
» 29/04/2018 2:54:33 PM And which bureaucracy are you a member of GJOESQ, state or federal?.....
» 29/04/2018 2:50:52 PM The last thing we need is enhanced local government. it takes just a quick look at the num.....
» 28/04/2018 9:40:32 PM GJOESQ if you believe we deserve a share of the wealth our work creates then obviously bur.....
» 28/04/2018 8:53:04 PM Of course Kim Jong-un & Moon Jae have never been real enemies in fact. They have perpetuat.....
» 28/04/2018 11:42:40 AM One of Australia's problems is that most of our states are too big. In the US for example.....
» 27/04/2018 12:05:12 PM Of course any intelligent comment on the climate change scam is of no interest to people l.....
» 27/04/2018 12:00:45 PM Washington, headquarters of the swamp that Trump is draining, full of bureaucrats who desp.....
» 27/04/2018 11:48:38 AM How interesting. Our lefties & greenies all approve of the UN, the most corrupt organisat.....
» 26/04/2018 4:02:12 PM Oh god. The gingerbread man was a MAN, not an indiscriminate person. Guy Gibson of Dam Bu.....
» 26/04/2018 12:10:28 PM Due to the admission of the wrong people in our immigration & refugee programs, we now see.....
» 26/04/2018 11:50:55 AM And doesn't it annoy our lefty twits that Powell has been proved completely right by the p.....
» 24/04/2018 4:00:06 PM Kevin Rudd taking on vested interest, you've got to be kidding John. He was the greatest v.....
» 21/04/2018 6:56:48 PM Now you are talking Is Mise, but lets not go overboard, a 3 speed crash box is perfectly a.....
» 21/04/2018 10:18:23 AM The huge US military is effectively a training/unemployment scheme. A huge percentage of t.....
» 21/04/2018 10:03:09 AM Yes Charlie is a bit of a dill. He has actually been taken in by the global warming scam, .....
» 21/04/2018 9:54:48 AM Did you get a car with all that bling thinkabit, or a light truck to carry all the rubbish.....
» 20/04/2018 1:07:46 PM Bazz the price of electric cars in Oz is not a rip off, it is actually below fair & reason.....
» 19/04/2018 12:42:18 PM I'll bet our Paul is looking for a job as executive director of work for the doll training.....
» 18/04/2018 4:23:19 PM "So where are we going to put the 1,300 plus people who are moving to our city every .....
» 18/04/2018 4:10:25 PM Sorry ttbn you are wrong on this one. After living on & with, & sailing my yacht for 19 y.....
» 17/04/2018 1:35:43 AM So Rache, on your figures half the refugees we bring in are going to cost us $4,500,000,00.....
» 17/04/2018 1:24:14 AM Live out west do you Alan? I liked the idea of dung beetles on my light sandy higher padd.....
» 17/04/2018 12:37:40 AM Gee that's great GJOESQ. Just one problem. Remember the statistic from Spain, when it wa.....
» 16/04/2018 11:25:58 PM OzSpen, you may have some god if you wish, but don't try to force one on me, or anyone els.....
» 16/04/2018 11:47:26 AM I didn't say that OzSpen, I don't obey the road rules, as I have no respect for the modern.....
» 15/04/2018 1:46:10 PM Speak for yourself Spencer. I've never needed to win something enough to be bothered cheat.....
» 15/04/2018 8:55:16 AM Liars & con men selectively quote statistics. How about some over all figures, including .....
» 13/04/2018 10:55:04 AM GJOESQ is obviously an academic involved in the global warming research scam, or a gravy t.....
» 10/04/2018 2:35:00 PM The definition of insanity is to do the same thing & expect a different outcome. Only a b.....
» 10/04/2018 12:26:00 PM The closest thing was communism in Russia & China, & it led to major starvation & the coll.....
» 9/04/2018 11:51:32 AM Foxy if you could just shed your left colours glasses for a moment, you might be able to s.....
» 7/04/2018 11:49:08 PM Albie He is not trying to domesticate the fox. He feeds his cat on the deck of my Granny .....
» 7/04/2018 11:17:39 AM Well mine wasn't Aidan, it was straight fact. Why have you & Paul not had a go at that, c.....
» 6/04/2018 4:47:07 PM Oh God! How often do we have to make the same damn fool mistakes. When Russia & China tr.....
» 6/04/2018 12:58:16 PM Sorry ttbn, I can't agree with you on this one. I am very pleased that my daughter living.....
» 6/04/2018 12:06:15 AM They have finally admitted they are more communist than the comunists.....
» 5/04/2018 6:13:53 PM It looks as if Peter Beattie is about as competent at running the Commonwealth games, & it.....
» 5/04/2018 5:50:30 PM Yes David f, when ever I see films of MacArthur I always wonder just how many tens of thou.....
» 5/04/2018 2:23:37 PM Dogs are deadly, even much loved pets. Any stock owner is entitled to protect his stock. N.....
» 5/04/2018 1:56:04 PM Bound to repeat it was what I was trying to say. I certainly hope not......
» 5/04/2018 1:53:02 PM Hi o sung wu, now 58 years after my own navy service, & over 3 years since my sons, I have.....
» 4/04/2018 5:43:57 PM One good thing about it apart from the unnecessary cost, It will probably make the rest of.....
» 3/04/2018 11:09:49 AM My guess would be Dan, that like so many things in Oz, there are a hell of a lot more arts.....
» 30/03/2018 9:19:09 PM Me thinks our Paul is horrified, or is it terrified, at the thought of having to actually .....
» 30/03/2018 3:14:58 PM I have a great idea. We should co-opt Paul & his mates for a flying squad or two. We cou.....
» 30/03/2018 2:35:22 PM If you don't like our laws Yuyutsu, move to somewhere where the laws suit you, I don't thi.....
» 29/03/2018 7:41:39 PM The cops are going to have to grow some real violence, if they are going to get these very.....
» 29/03/2018 11:59:38 AM They probably vote more intelligently than about half the voters, & most certainly more in.....
» 29/03/2018 11:57:50 AM How often do you think that much of this prison time for aboriginals is actually a magistr.....
» 29/03/2018 11:41:21 AM What complete & utter garbage. The very worst thing schools can do by our kids is to moll.....
» 28/03/2018 3:50:44 PM And despite his obvious stupidity he is likely to be the next PM. I guess after seeing t.....
» 28/03/2018 3:40:43 PM Too right, we had better keep a close eye on those coppers. Hell with in a decade or two,.....
» 28/03/2018 3:28:03 PM Wow! If only Trump was as competent & smart as Obama, just imagine what he could achieve.....
» 28/03/2018 3:20:13 PM If I am going to have to fight someone, I would prefer it was someone who was using arms w.....
» 27/03/2018 10:27:06 AM It's a waste of time talking to them Is Mise. A few thousand kids have a rally, the left .....
» 26/03/2018 5:00:22 PM Never been there, never done that, don't have the T shirt, & have no desire for any of the.....
» 24/03/2018 7:32:29 PM Foxy if you aren't in the pro-transparency group, you are in the pro-bulldust group. Let.....
» 24/03/2018 6:20:53 PM There is no way I would vote for either of them. I would not trust Turnbull as far as I c.....
» 24/03/2018 10:19:04 AM Sorry Dan, you are wrong. First of all Japan earned the bomb with their aggression, & inh.....
» 23/03/2018 4:53:03 PM Just like the theory of climate change, it was once an accepted known fact that stress & w.....
» 23/03/2018 11:06:47 AM Careful there Russell! Publishing facts like this is likely to get you banned from those .....
» 22/03/2018 8:19:02 PM Wrong Toni Lavis. Like Howards effort, any likely future increase in gun control is only g.....
» 22/03/2018 7:24:47 PM That is totally wrong foxy. Under Obama the EPA used the confidence trick of organising l.....
» 22/03/2018 12:06:11 PM Binoy, just stop & think a moment. Then tell me one thing in recent times, say since the S.....
» 22/03/2018 11:46:23 AM One of the major problems with the west is the continually expanding number of bureaucrats.....
» 21/03/2018 11:20:32 PM Isn't it surprising that since the ratbag greens have managed to reduce & even prevent pre.....
» 21/03/2018 11:07:44 PM You can see the shadow of 1984 in this piece, & the push to driverless cars. They have to.....
» 21/03/2018 7:38:24 PM Just how brilliant are Trump & Pruitt, his US EPA director. They have just announced that.....
» 21/03/2018 1:06:22 AM Yes. & Yes......
» 19/03/2018 11:23:39 AM All these clowns are far too close to the lobbyists, who's employers see migration as thei.....
» 19/03/2018 11:01:51 AM I wonder if it is our entire diplomatic service, or just this bloke who is so far left, & .....
» 18/03/2018 11:59:47 PM Dan I expect that just like Rhodesia did, South Africa is going to become a place where yo.....
» 18/03/2018 10:08:35 PM I have known a few oldies nearing the end, & far from any yearning for “eternal life”, eve.....
» 18/03/2018 9:59:08 PM Yep, I'd say most government departments have some members attending creative writing cour.....
» 18/03/2018 9:46:54 PM I would say that any South African farmer, business man or any other, who has not been fer.....
» 17/03/2018 5:45:39 PM Sentinel life does seem highly unlikely, the number of souls to be accommodated is mindbog.....
» 17/03/2018 10:01:55 AM Isn't it amazing how ADHD has only come to our attention since schools were forced to stop.....
» 14/03/2018 1:37:26 PM I think a lot of these complaints are because of what he didn't do, rather than what he di.....
» 13/03/2018 10:22:50 AM Tell me ant, are you a useful idiot, & actually believe this garbage you preach? Or are y.....
» 11/03/2018 11:51:04 AM Of course we could do a Trump, & reintroduce some tariffs. That should resurrect some manu.....
» 11/03/2018 11:12:08 AM Islanders don't catch tuna, they eat local fish stop talking greenie garbage, & start cull.....
» 11/03/2018 12:30:02 AM What a rant, & not a word about islanders eating rice. You do appear to have dropped the f.....
» 10/03/2018 9:46:02 PM I agree completely that we have to cut migration, preferably to population maintenance onl.....
» 9/03/2018 3:45:55 PM We have a few foxes around here, they are never a problem, as I am not interested in chook.....
» 9/03/2018 3:12:28 PM You are joking aren't you Yuyutsu? If there is any fighting, or even heavy lifting to do,.....
» 9/03/2018 2:07:26 PM Come off the grass JF Aus. The big problem with telling porkies by inference is that there.....
» 8/03/2018 1:19:51 PM Wow can we get these people over to South Oz to do the same thing with the Murray mouth. I.....
» 8/03/2018 1:03:34 PM So the young liberals want a more open sharing society. To paraphrase Maggi, The problem .....
» 7/03/2018 12:49:57 AM It appears to me Toni Lavis, from your post of how well they are doing financially, that t.....
» 7/03/2018 12:05:44 AM This piece appears to have no reason for it's existence, other than to throw a few slurs a.....
» 5/03/2018 4:24:18 PM My best wishes to Foxy. I understand the process can make your sense of humour slip a litt.....
» 5/03/2018 4:14:22 PM Come on fellers, think of those poor souls living in South Oz. They have to go to the pub.....
» 5/03/2018 10:42:20 AM Foxy I'm surprised you couldn't detect my tongue in my cheek. My lady & I have been toget.....
» 5/03/2018 10:25:13 AM Binoy most of us don't give a damn who does what to whom & with what in that little modern.....
» 4/03/2018 9:29:51 PM If blokes aren't feeling the 7 year itch, there must be something wrong with them. They ar.....
» 1/03/2018 11:23:45 AM Bet you're a whiz with differential calculus Alan......
» 28/02/2018 9:28:14 PM Talk about pot kettle black Tony153, Mann's hockey stick has been so completely discredite.....
» 28/02/2018 2:41:12 PM "Hassy, I have read your solution to the refugee problem before and like the true red.....
» 28/02/2018 2:35:47 PM I am afraid Don I have to totally disagree with Alan. To my mind we have 60% too many univ.....
» 27/02/2018 12:23:39 PM What mealy mouthed garbage Paul. What we would do in the same situation has nothing to d.....
» 26/02/2018 8:43:13 PM Actually Dan I think it is a disease suffered more by females, although they will never ad.....
» 26/02/2018 8:32:04 PM I was a school cadet, a cadet Under officer in fact. We had a couple of teachers who ran t.....
» 24/02/2018 7:00:14 PM Hi Foxy. You might have to hold your nose, & go to JoNova & Watts Up With That, if you wa.....
» 24/02/2018 12:58:44 PM Her pension should be used to pay the first of any compensation awarded......
» 24/02/2018 11:41:23 AM Sounds like a load of wishful thinking to me......
» 23/02/2018 7:54:57 PM Paul, the fact that he gets up your nose is almost enough recommendation, but that you dis.....
» 23/02/2018 4:52:38 PM Provided we have some physical means of exchange it will be OK. The thing we must fight t.....
» 23/02/2018 4:30:47 PM Well we all know that France would only be interested in something if it benefited France .....
» 23/02/2018 1:36:19 PM So Barnaby has resigned. Australia will be even more badly governed now, without his comm.....
» 23/02/2018 1:30:07 PM School or any other shootings by deranged idiots are dreadful, & very hard to prevent. Ar.....
» 23/02/2018 1:19:52 PM If only Abbott had not tried to be Mr Nice guy inclusive prime minister, & had kicked the .....
» 23/02/2018 1:14:29 PM Apparently it's snowing in Mexico. Posted by ttbn. And in the Sahara desert. I wonder if.....
» 23/02/2018 1:09:23 PM I live in a community of over 3600 residents. We have no school, no police & no ambulance.....
» 23/02/2018 12:27:14 PM Come on Everald, time to join the real world. Greenies hate dams & irrigation even more t.....
» 22/02/2018 9:04:28 PM It really is a worry about the medical treatment we are likely to receive these days. Whe.....
» 22/02/2018 8:51:02 PM I do find it interesting that these warmists are so aggressive & obnoxious. I guess that w.....
» 21/02/2018 9:32:47 PM I'll drink to that david f. Actually ALTRAV,I love sports. Football & cricket at school, .....
» 21/02/2018 8:22:06 PM Wow Jennifer, you must have them worried, To have so much slime sent to bog you down, so .....
» 21/02/2018 8:15:51 PM Yep, the push is definitely on. Remember the song, "Little Boxes". We are on th.....
» 20/02/2018 10:03:04 PM Yes very much time to tell the football, cricket & other sports fans to build their own da.....
» 20/02/2018 2:18:31 AM Aidan, typical green gooble gook to try to distract from the facts. It matters not at all.....
» 19/02/2018 8:53:34 PM The locals in many parts of Papua refer to all whites as dim dims. Perhaps they have met.....
» 19/02/2018 3:17:10 PM Hi David, you have my sympathy. Reflexes are not a problem, I can still do a lap of a cour.....
» 19/02/2018 2:09:43 PM Worn out old warriors old mate. I don't think I'm as bad as you, I wouldn't be dead for qu.....
» 19/02/2018 12:33:35 PM Tony it does appear you are a bachelor. Unfortunately my knees won't allow me to stand fo.....
» 19/02/2018 11:28:55 AM Aiden if you actually believe in the greenhouse theory, [A pile of garbage any way] one li.....
» 19/02/2018 10:07:08 AM Toni Lavis "//I just wish I didn't have to watch them.// Then don't." You are .....
» 18/02/2018 6:11:55 PM In India with cheap labour rail freight probably works. In Oz the cost of transferring fr.....
» 18/02/2018 6:02:16 PM Come on Yuyutsu, it costs twice as much to get the old fashioned half sole & heal on real .....
» 18/02/2018 1:57:20 PM Am I the only one getting sick of the winter Olympics? We have a niece who was a top Oz f.....
» 18/02/2018 11:47:38 AM You couldn't be more wrong Yuyutsu. You are talking a return to pre WW11 conditions, & met.....
» 17/02/2018 11:13:54 PM Foxy "Wog" is not necessarily disrespectful. Unfortunately when I went cruising.....
» 17/02/2018 5:55:28 PM Is Mise I was silly enough to spend a couple of days in Melbourne a couple of years back. .....
» 17/02/2018 12:53:28 PM Of course they have a gun in every home in Switzerland by law. That of course is the reas.....
» 17/02/2018 12:15:43 PM Come on Aiden, nothing on earth could make Bureaucrats work less efficiently, that is the .....
» 17/02/2018 12:18:18 AM Daffy "Reaching the "un-churched" with the "good news" has oft ti.....
» 16/02/2018 3:56:43 PM Some of you will appreciate a funny little story about where these gun hating clowns have .....
» 16/02/2018 3:17:19 PM Careful there Toni, your 8ft. high fence just gives the intruders privacy once they have p.....
» 16/02/2018 2:46:30 PM It is just so easy. Just move all bureaucrats out to the outer areas. Make it between 25 .....
» 16/02/2018 2:15:24 PM Good on Bermuda. Incidentally Alan, Bermuda doesn't have much to do with the Caribbean. I.....
» 16/02/2018 11:45:24 AM Funny isn't it. Trumps tax cuts have led to greatly reduced unemployment, & the first real.....
» 15/02/2018 8:21:15 PM I assume Aidan you are talking about public transport. Now that is a catastrophe. It cost.....
» 15/02/2018 7:56:07 PM Telling us what the Kiwis did Steely is surely advising us not to fall for the same trap. .....
» 15/02/2018 2:19:54 PM God help us the next time the stuff really hits the fan. This will be double trouble for t.....
» 15/02/2018 12:56:09 PM I am getting very sick of aboriginals. If someone had not come along, like us, they would.....
» 14/02/2018 3:50:32 PM Aiden your lack of arithmetic is showing I'm afraid. A ring road around a city 5 kilometr.....
» 14/02/2018 10:56:13 AM Obviously Lamb knows the answer perfectly well, but is wriggling like a worm to avoid the .....
» 13/02/2018 9:57:54 AM This problem of bulldust published as scientific truth is a product of the overexpansion o.....
» 10/02/2018 12:59:55 PM Aidan, I have not driven on UK concrete roads, but you remind me of the concrete sections .....
» 10/02/2018 12:28:07 PM The last resort of those with no knowledge & no answer is abuse. How typically Green. Are.....
» 9/02/2018 8:30:44 PM Special delivery that is quite wrong. In the 50s to 80s most cars were well under a ton, &.....
» 9/02/2018 10:46:07 AM Come on people. We have had 2 Labor prime ministers recently who had affairs. Hawke & Gi.....
» 8/02/2018 5:37:37 PM Alan you need to get those huge lefty prisms from infront of your eyes, so you can see the.....
» 8/02/2018 1:09:04 PM Hi o sung wu. Back in the 60s most trucks wound their way up 'RazorBack' at very slow spee.....
» 8/02/2018 12:33:33 PM Hi dan, do you want to cheat OzLotto because you see them as a cheating organisation, or i.....
» 8/02/2018 12:18:24 PM Sorry Brian & diver, it makes no sense at all. First we can shape photovoltaic cells arou.....
» 7/02/2018 1:27:35 PM What clever people live in Yass. Speaking of signs Toni reminds me of one of those trips .....
» 7/02/2018 1:18:12 PM Foxy, my condolences on the loss of your mother. I hope she went easily. I saw a post som.....
» 7/02/2018 12:37:40 PM What a nice way of saying our universities are becoming some of the most corrupt instituti.....
» 5/02/2018 10:34:10 AM We continue to get a few fools pushing the republic barrow, but why? Can it really be they.....
» 5/02/2018 9:59:13 AM I bought a car from the wife of a Rhodesian farmer. They had come here so she could feel s.....
» 5/02/2018 9:51:30 AM You have to wonder why Graham keeps putting articles like this in, by people like this in .....
» 5/02/2018 9:26:24 AM Oh god, a few ratbags protest & this clown tries to blow it up into something of real mean.....
» 4/02/2018 1:38:19 PM Did you suddenly realise you were talking garbage Paul. There have been quite a few member.....
» 3/02/2018 1:48:25 PM In that case Alan you know you could have the entire population of Queensland & NSW living.....
» 3/02/2018 8:50:21 AM How interesting Paul. So what you are telling us is that the Greens are hamstrung by thei.....
» 2/02/2018 7:10:19 PM Alan, where do you live? You obviously don't have a clue regarding the reef, it's size, .....
» 2/02/2018 2:37:57 PM Continued. In 1984 I took 169 of the people from the park authority, James Cook & AIMS out.....
» 2/02/2018 2:37:26 PM Good luck with your case Peter. A few points. In the late 40s, & 50s fertilisers were ch.....
» 1/02/2018 3:37:26 PM Can't agree Bazz. Without huge subsidies the electric things are ridiculously expensive to.....
» 1/02/2018 2:45:10 PM Accident investigators believe a very large percentage of single vehicle fatal car crashes.....
» 31/01/2018 12:18:50 PM That would be great Alan, if it were true. Unfortunately despite 10s of billions wasted, .....
» 30/01/2018 3:07:07 PM Wouldn't it be wonderful if these clowns went a protested at Tooronga park zoo lions eatin.....
» 30/01/2018 2:53:52 PM Even without the markup Bazz, US$30,000 is still over A$40,000. There are a large number o.....
» 30/01/2018 11:18:05 AM Do wake up ateday. We are not using any more electricity, just generating it with the wro.....
» 30/01/2018 11:03:58 AM When having that image attracts all kinds of bludgers & riff raff including international .....
» 27/01/2018 12:40:57 PM Nothing to do with public transport Paul old mate, they were school busses, & it is illega.....
» 26/01/2018 8:44:19 PM Yuyutsu our local post office delivers to 880 homes, all on an acre up to a thousand or mo.....
» 26/01/2018 12:44:54 PM You don't have much choice around here. It is 24 kilometres to school, & not every parent .....
» 26/01/2018 11:46:03 AM Come off the grass Keith, the club of Rome research could not have been more wrong. If it .....
» 24/01/2018 4:09:04 PM The most important thing here is that it is time these opinionated do gooders got the hell.....
» 24/01/2018 12:06:33 PM If Special Delivery, migrants came looking for a better life with more opportunity, your i.....
» 24/01/2018 11:43:55 AM Special Delivery, the more people on drugs, or alcohol, the more you will have drug or dri.....
» 24/01/2018 9:39:11 AM Aidan, channel 10 or channel 7. Can't tell you which, as I pay little attention to what is.....
» 24/01/2018 9:33:44 AM Haven't you noticed the smug, arrogant look of stupidity that public servants all develop .....
» 23/01/2018 9:38:23 AM "Most fall into the category social/recreational/educational that is about 77% of all.....
» 22/01/2018 10:51:20 PM Mabo never had any connection with mainland Australia, & should never have been applied to.....
» 22/01/2018 10:37:12 PM The water has always been too turbid in the Munda area for coral to survive long term. I w.....
» 22/01/2018 8:33:58 PM Just tonight we had a Queensland rail executive on the news trying to justify commuter tra.....
» 22/01/2018 10:21:19 AM Quote. "All thinking people would agree public transport is an essential service whic.....
» 21/01/2018 10:23:22 AM Nice idea Not_Now.Soon, but if you look at the number of elite & professional sports of al.....
» 20/01/2018 11:04:50 AM Come on JF Aus, nutrient over-load in Roviana Lagoon. When did they build the 100,000 popu.....
» 19/01/2018 11:52:19 AM I think we could reduce the problem to some extent by applying the Darwin principle. We c.....
» 19/01/2018 11:27:24 AM What will I do on Australia Day. I'll probably go down the paddock & fly one or 2 of my 1.....
» 19/01/2018 11:11:59 AM Where on earth do people like Max live? It certainly can't be the real one, where things l.....
» 17/01/2018 1:18:49 PM Diver dan I think there must be more than one person posting under the Alan B name, or the.....
» 16/01/2018 12:21:31 PM Any aid sent to these garbage countries is totally counter productive. These people have b.....
» 16/01/2018 11:49:26 AM Only a new York academic could squeese so much bulldust into one little piece. Could he h.....
» 16/01/2018 11:45:11 AM PS. It appears to me that those who most want a republic are the very ones with the irrati.....
» 16/01/2018 11:41:55 AM I don't know how anyone can be jealous of the "rank & privilege" of the British .....
» 13/01/2018 6:26:07 PM When the yanks were stupid enough to re elect Obama, they did prove they are too dumb to l.....
» 13/01/2018 6:12:40 PM The left may well question Trumps mental state. One thing is for sure, we don't have to q.....
» 12/01/2018 7:37:19 PM ALTRAV the existing Snowy system is as you believe. It uses natural water to generate powe.....
» 12/01/2018 7:14:22 PM Now you are talking plantagenet, we most definitely should be building our own refineries......
» 12/01/2018 11:25:28 AM Yes ALTRAV, snowy 0.2 is a pumped hydro system. It only has water to generate power by gra.....
» 12/01/2018 11:01:25 AM A lot of garbage in this article, typical of a woman libber. First divorce. This is today.....
» 11/01/2018 6:49:55 PM What part of the RAN does it keep happy plantagenet? The top brass are proving too incompe.....
» 11/01/2018 6:33:17 PM Here in South East Queensland it has been hot. As usual when it is very hot, apart from .....
» 11/01/2018 1:24:07 PM Last night I watched a couple of U tube videos of the behaviour of the US media as the rea.....
» 11/01/2018 12:35:32 PM Bazz you must have missed the bit where re-evaluation of the costs of the project are sugg.....
» 11/01/2018 12:08:05 PM As far as I'm concerned, if the lady did not report it to authorities with in hours, eithe.....
» 11/01/2018 12:47:26 AM What a great idea. Let us all talk about something as unimportant as whether we become a .....
» 11/01/2018 12:40:44 AM Why didn't I think of that Philip S, we'll just knock up a coal liquefaction plant or 3 in.....
» 10/01/2018 5:55:20 PM Sorry Robert LePage, you have missed one small point. Australia is running on empty. We h.....
» 10/01/2018 12:59:32 PM To start with Dan, that is actually lying by the selection of terms. There is some very .....
» 10/01/2018 11:03:29 AM Crewing subs would offer much less problems if 1/ They were reasonable boats, with a rea.....
» 9/01/2018 10:20:37 PM So the only subs that could be of any use are nuclear, obviously. In that case lets forge.....
» 9/01/2018 10:15:24 PM OK Dan lets deal with a couple of those. I built 30 jetties on coral atolls & high island.....
» 8/01/2018 11:56:02 PM Diver Dan I'm surprised at you, your post is emotive watermelon talk, with so little reali.....
» 8/01/2018 11:02:12 AM VK3AUU, who stopped the boats. No matter what else, that puts Abbott about 5 stages above.....
» 7/01/2018 9:23:46 PM You might as well mate. That is exactly the idea of the ratbag greens, & the entire reaso.....
» 7/01/2018 9:13:06 PM Is Mise I had a couple of solar chargers I installed to keep my tractor battery charged. I.....
» 7/01/2018 8:49:03 PM Actually Is Mise, I find exactly the opposite. We get continuing increases in nanny type r.....
» 7/01/2018 7:21:57 PM Come on Joe. The alternative was Hillary. Surely you must admit the world has had a lucky.....
» 6/01/2018 10:29:55 AM Obviously we did not bomb them well enough. If we had there would be none of them left to.....
» 6/01/2018 10:17:26 AM Just who would you consider the result of this transplant to be? The one who's heart is s.....
» 5/01/2018 11:33:43 PM Oh god! On the news tonight, they have resurrected the Crowns Of Thorns scare yet again. .....
» 5/01/2018 5:15:51 PM Come off it Ant, it was all the greenie activists, trying to denigrate petrol, Greenpeace,.....
» 4/01/2018 8:58:34 AM Actually Shadow Minister, Trump must be about the cleanest president ever, or at least sin.....
» 4/01/2018 8:09:49 AM No Ant, it has gone on ever since B grade universities, & their C grade academics needed t.....
» 3/01/2018 3:29:36 PM Thanks for that Geoff, I must start paying attention......
» 3/01/2018 11:31:08 AM Come on Ant. I know people who have spent 50 years studying their navel, & they have lear.....
» 3/01/2018 9:52:54 AM That is so true Raycom. I took the entire board, & management from the Marine park autho.....
» 3/01/2018 9:28:27 AM England would be a damn sight better off if they told the Scots to go with the EU. It woul.....
» 3/01/2018 2:13:44 AM That's a pretty wild call Geoff. Do you have access to some real facts, most of us don't? .....
» 2/01/2018 12:41:56 PM Great article Viv. Alan you need to get out more. Sitting at a computer googling only giv.....
» 1/01/2018 9:42:05 AM What we need in aerospace, or any other industry for that matter, is smart imaginative eng.....
» 1/01/2018 9:30:36 AM Why are we still arguing about CO2 & any minute effect it may have on climate? Anyone wit.....
» 1/01/2018 8:49:52 AM I bought a new imported Ford F250 Tri-Flex Fuel Truck... Go figure... it runs on either hy.....
» 31/12/2017 6:38:03 PM That commentator can't be too astute Foxy or he would have realised there were not enough .....
» 30/12/2017 12:33:21 PM Alan I am so much richer, & more successful than Turnbull, in ways he, & probably you coul.....
» 29/12/2017 9:57:49 PM Hi o sung wu, hope you had a great Christmas. I agree completely that the application of .....
» 29/12/2017 4:08:55 PM Thank god for the barbarians then. Without them we are lost......
» 29/12/2017 10:22:12 AM True ttbn, it is only that enough members of the Liberals are moderately sane that stops T.....
» 29/12/2017 9:52:12 AM Unbelievable. This bloke is so far off the planet, he almost makes our academic lefties l.....
» 28/12/2017 11:06:23 AM Diver Dan, you are obviously leading a sheltered life. I have yet to hear of anyone attac.....
» 28/12/2017 10:46:25 AM Anyone who watches, listens to, or reads the "media", obviously has nothing wort.....
» 28/12/2017 10:41:56 AM If mental health problems is used as an excuse, to avoid jail time, it's acceptance should.....
» 27/12/2017 11:20:59 PM Don't be so silly Is Mise, what on earth gave you the idea that number plates have anythin.....
» 27/12/2017 11:03:23 PM I find it absolutely incredible that there are still people who actually believe the CO2 g.....
» 24/12/2017 7:33:04 PM My Christmas will ne a little less joyful this year, our old dog took her last breath at 2.....
» 22/12/2017 11:38:42 AM Definition of thinker, Paul style; Regurgitator of ideological clap trap, pontificated fr.....
» 21/12/2017 12:01:21 AM Don't worry about Steely ALTRAV, that is typical. Google a bit of trivia, then make a fool.....
» 20/12/2017 12:19:31 PM And that Steely explains why there are more "German" cars built in the US than i.....
» 15/12/2017 10:40:20 AM This is simply an augmented extension of the technique the womens libbers used to get cont.....
» 11/12/2017 6:06:43 PM I'll take one thanks. One out of a decommissioning US nuclear sub would be fine, after al.....
» 11/12/2017 10:20:10 AM Julian, although it may not have been an official comedy offering, Late line has become su.....
» 4/12/2017 10:30:20 AM Just rub a greenie if you want someone to come up with a ridiculous idea. Being a greenie,.....
» 4/12/2017 10:13:07 AM Oh God! It must be grant time again. I thought we had just had this debate, but WWF must .....
» 3/12/2017 6:03:00 PM You're right Nick, you don't know much about the workings of an internal combustion engine.....
» 2/12/2017 7:14:15 PM Do you actually believe this garbage you spout Nick?.....
» 2/12/2017 4:57:07 PM Yes Altrav. Some satellite CO2 sensing gear gave the greenies a real shock a few years ago.....
» 2/12/2017 11:45:12 AM Only an academic could have produced that post Skrashen. Would you please tell me how hav.....
» 1/12/2017 2:04:57 PM My kids were lucky enough to go to a little country school out from Maryborough, with 70 k.....
» 1/12/2017 1:44:19 PM Haven't you heard the definition of an expert nick, particularly those like your greenie r.....
» 30/11/2017 7:16:35 PM Wow Nicola, you must be one of the very few people in Oz who actually expect any truth to .....
» 30/11/2017 7:09:52 PM Well done Graham, providing this counter to that greenie garbage. Perhaps you missed the.....
» 30/11/2017 1:12:29 PM Very worrying Waverley. That local acreage estate was on the best maintained grazing land......
» 29/11/2017 6:09:03 PM Does it line the fallen timber up for burning, or do you still need a bull dozer for that .....
» 29/11/2017 5:49:09 PM The rot set in when the academics really got hold of teachers, while at the same time so m.....
» 29/11/2017 5:34:46 PM Yes Dan, A good idea. About half the liberals are almost as disgusting as the Greens......
» 29/11/2017 5:31:00 PM Well that's it for me. I won't bother with marriage, again, & I doubt most kids born today.....
» 29/11/2017 5:27:08 PM Graham I am very surprised that you would publish an article so full of lies by inflection.....
» 29/11/2017 4:16:22 PM Nothing could make me vote for a party that could have a Malcolm Turnbull as it's national.....
» 27/11/2017 10:57:33 PM The Turnbull mob are desperately trying to disassociate themselves from the Queensland los.....
» 26/11/2017 3:25:09 PM Our community have the right idea. Our polling booth is usually in the community hall. Ho.....
» 25/11/2017 10:53:16 AM An indication ttbn of how they think was shown a little while back. The grinning idiot Bea.....
» 24/11/2017 9:45:23 PM What else would you expect, we have had quite a few Labor governments of recent times......
» 24/11/2017 9:46:22 AM Reading between the liners, I would say it was the queen who picked Diana, & Charlie being.....
» 24/11/2017 9:17:49 AM We must apply this to all levels of the bureaucracy, including councils, & have none of th.....
» 21/11/2017 2:57:53 PM I believe Yuyutsu, he was suggesting that artificial intelligence will have to develop a d.....
» 21/11/2017 2:35:13 PM What Now? The idea of moving west of Toowoomba to QLD's 'gay-free zone' has been seriously.....
» 21/11/2017 1:26:15 PM I certainly hope so, I have a soft spot for Charlie, & his dad. I love the way Phillip do.....
» 21/11/2017 1:12:15 PM There should be nothing to sort out. It is not the job of parliament or the legal system .....
» 21/11/2017 1:07:21 PM I doubt if many of the current Queensland parliamentary girls club even know what job they.....
» 21/11/2017 1:05:15 PM I don't know what it says about me, but in all my favourite sports women do compete on equ.....
» 18/11/2017 10:20:50 PM Isn't it funny. The ABCs greatest causes, SSM, & Muslims & feminists couldn't be more dia.....
» 18/11/2017 12:16:07 PM Oh for gods sake. You would think that surely now they have what they want, they could sh.....
» 18/11/2017 12:09:01 PM leoj, part of the business of changing gear in a crash box is your coordination. Like the .....
» 18/11/2017 11:20:14 AM If the baker hates you, your first action should be to step back & take a look at yourself.....
» 17/11/2017 3:08:38 PM You have to try this please, it takes 2 seconds.. I could not believe this! It is from an .....
» 17/11/2017 1:53:07 PM We are being conditioned by the elites to live much more humble, & less affluent comfortab.....
» 15/11/2017 11:58:35 AM There are none so stupid as the Trump haters. They will believe anything that can possibly.....
» 13/11/2017 10:00:16 PM A chain gang working on the roads sounds like a good idea, & we should add any of these ju.....
» 13/11/2017 9:54:57 PM We have leaders? Where? Who?.....
» 13/11/2017 9:53:08 PM Yes I agree, why only politicians. Time to chuck out any bureaucrats who hold dual citize.....
» 13/11/2017 3:25:48 PM Come off it Binoy, no one forced to "flee persecution, harm and mortal risk" tur.....
» 12/11/2017 10:50:28 PM I have a couple of Peewees, which are reasonably shy. Unfortunately they are very aggressi.....
» 12/11/2017 7:59:19 PM Oh God, these lefties are incredible aren't they? Never a shred of truth or fact in anythi.....
» 11/11/2017 11:57:37 AM We have already had a couple of quite large experiments along these lines. One was the USS.....
» 10/11/2017 9:01:47 PM Sorry Joe, but I think he was even older than me, so definitely an old fart. Have you join.....
» 10/11/2017 7:35:58 PM I see some silly old fart tried to attack a hospital in a 2WD car today. Better ban them .....
» 10/11/2017 7:25:45 PM Alan is quite correct when he says, "you just can't polish a turd", be sure as h.....
» 10/11/2017 5:33:19 PM After an extremely dry almost 3 months leading up to October, 6 inches of rain in October .....
» 10/11/2017 12:08:02 PM Bet Opinionated2, actually believes in the global warming scam too......
» 10/11/2017 11:59:34 AM "The evidence of climate change is overwhelming". Yes. But the evidence for huma.....
» 10/11/2017 11:33:55 AM There are no refugees on Manus, only welfare shopping illegal gatecrashers who came on ill.....
» 9/11/2017 6:20:30 PM Foxy I'm sorry, but that is utter garbage. Modern 4WDs & all wheel drives are no harder to.....
» 9/11/2017 5:39:07 PM Joe what I meant was put it into the background, rather than the forefront. They need to .....
» 9/11/2017 11:51:19 AM Wouldn't it be great to stick clowns like this Opinionated2, obviously a totally incompete.....
» 8/11/2017 2:06:52 PM It is not just aboriginal teachers Joe. My wife is librarian. When she was head librarian.....
» 8/11/2017 1:45:02 PM You sure have the right name opinionated, all opinion, & wish to dictate to others, despit.....
» 8/11/2017 9:53:35 AM Yes Joe, aboriginals will only really prosper when they forget the words aboriginals & Ind.....
» 8/11/2017 9:41:05 AM Most of that rant Opinionated2, is a pile of garbage. 1/ Experience in the bush totally d.....
» 7/11/2017 4:59:57 PM Not too sure about this, as I saw the details many years ago. The story was the great art.....
» 7/11/2017 1:24:19 PM We seem to have a great variation in opinions expressed under the Alan B byline, & many of.....
» 6/11/2017 11:30:46 PM Oh god, more hysterics about not very much. Don't know much about the mine, as I am just .....
» 5/11/2017 10:10:58 PM Boat people must be kept out at any cost, lest we get another flood of them starting. Ref.....
» 4/11/2017 8:44:22 AM So here we have another bit of feminist propaganda being pushed by feminists, using a make.....
» 3/11/2017 1:02:23 PM You wouldn't be a constitutional lawyer by any chance would you klaasvaak? About the only.....
» 3/11/2017 12:44:23 PM Well said Armchair Critic, we should all get what we earn, not what we would like to be gi.....
» 3/11/2017 12:01:09 PM All the ridiculous anti Trump stuff is probably offering him good camouflage if he does ha.....
» 3/11/2017 11:53:20 AM I couldn't disagree more. Instead of trying to make it easier for boat people & other rec.....
» 3/11/2017 11:24:54 AM Oh dear, I can never tell with this lot. Is this another Green without enough math or int.....
» 1/11/2017 12:51:26 PM That would be fine Yuyutsu, provided the electors know enough about the person they are vo.....
» 1/11/2017 12:30:23 PM No Daffy, they simply pulled the plug on another $300 million subsidy wanted by the car co.....
» 31/10/2017 10:05:49 AM Peter you gave the answer yourself, with out even noticing, when you wrote, " When I .....
» 31/10/2017 9:23:22 AM Someone throw this kid a towel, he needs to dry behind his ears. Perhaps his vision of tr.....
» 30/10/2017 10:51:47 AM Come off it girls. When you straight out lie to the public before an election, then immed.....
» 29/10/2017 9:46:05 PM I find you at least as pig ignorant as our Pauline Steely, but your arrogance makes it jus.....
» 29/10/2017 1:49:32 PM It should not be surprising to see the navy stuff up it's purchasing of ships & weapons. .....
» 28/10/2017 3:44:00 PM Come off it Steely. A very large number of our politicians believe CO2 will cause Catastr.....
» 28/10/2017 3:31:55 PM Please please please New Zealand, won't you discover that you had granted citizenship to b.....
» 26/10/2017 5:15:02 PM Come on Aidan, no one could ever convince the ratbag greens to vote for anything that was .....
» 26/10/2017 11:33:31 AM I have 2 copper phone lines, one 45 years old, & the other 26 years old. Both are about 15.....
» 26/10/2017 11:04:26 AM And here I was thinking that democracy was of the people, by the people, & for the people......
» 24/10/2017 2:23:41 PM Much as I can't stand the bloke, I think there is a great deal of hope for Shorten. It's .....
» 23/10/2017 11:14:45 AM Foxy you just don't get it. No one who lives in the real world is interested in the opini.....
» 21/10/2017 12:46:34 PM Careful there Alan, your prejudice is showing. You are picking up the left method of lying.....
» 20/10/2017 5:28:16 PM Yes we should accept them, but only as the first passengers on a one way trip to the moon .....
» 20/10/2017 5:22:30 PM Hey Alan, remember Telecom. Yes Government owned. How much did your phone calls cost then.....
» 20/10/2017 11:46:10 AM Alan you degrade your comment, & make a fool of yourself when you join the ratbag greens, .....
» 20/10/2017 10:41:25 AM I wonder just how much of the "Transmission & distribution ('poles and wires'): up to.....
» 19/10/2017 7:32:00 PM Surely people don't think all the stories about Hollywood's casting couches are merely fig.....
» 19/10/2017 7:23:00 PM "The following link explains why objective reporting has never been more necessary&qu.....
» 19/10/2017 12:33:20 PM Dan rents must reflect the cost of acquiring & maintaining a rental property. This in fact.....
» 19/10/2017 12:14:41 PM News Flash; Wind industry claims it is now competitive with coal generation. News Flash; .....
» 19/10/2017 11:53:25 AM You really are a tool Paul. You always have to use something like "the crazed gunnie.....
» 19/10/2017 12:00:23 AM Still totally wrong DD. I would never consider domestic housing rental as a business prop.....
» 18/10/2017 12:02:37 PM Sorry diver dan, you are very wrong when you say, "Not owning, or being in the unenvi.....
» 18/10/2017 11:32:04 AM Thank god we lived in more enlightened times before WW11. We had country kids who had know.....
» 18/10/2017 10:39:05 AM Thank god that the saner minds in the Libs have prevailed, & have sat on the pale green id.....
» 13/10/2017 9:32:10 PM Just for you Aiden, from a German scientific site. Central Europe Mean September Temperat.....
» 13/10/2017 9:07:48 PM Do you REALLY believe that stuff Aidan, or are you trying to use it to force some thing li.....
» 13/10/2017 4:46:22 PM Well it's a start, but there is a hell of a long way to go to clean up the UN. There woul.....
» 13/10/2017 4:24:26 PM You are right in one thing Killarney, there is a rise in Labour party numbers. This is d.....
» 13/10/2017 11:59:18 AM For gods sake Paul, stop the waffle, you are worse than Turnbull. If you have any proof, .....
» 13/10/2017 11:43:57 AM Rubbish Yuyutsu. Socialism failed because it was obvious right from the start that working.....
» 12/10/2017 2:57:07 PM Yet another academic twit actually lamenting the fact that under capitalism academics aren.....
» 11/10/2017 1:04:23 PM OLO is the only general interest chat room I frequent. My other sites are either scientifi.....
» 11/10/2017 12:39:47 PM Don do you really believe pumping a bit of CO2 into the atmosphere is a problem? If as we.....
» 11/10/2017 12:32:14 PM Obviously trusting these "me too" scientists of today, will give you about as mu.....
» 10/10/2017 5:52:49 PM Did you make a point Steely? God it must have been well hidden in your usual waffle. Just .....
» 10/10/2017 10:46:53 AM Steely I can't believe you are still pushing your stupidity here for all to see. Only a b.....
» 10/10/2017 10:41:35 AM No wonder the divorce courts are full Cheryl......
» 10/10/2017 10:32:41 AM So there you are Mr Turnbull, this alternative hot shot has just said coal can't compete. .....
» 10/10/2017 12:27:11 AM Continued My other neighbour finally managed to earn enough to pay for his kids education .....
» 10/10/2017 12:24:27 AM Are you really that stupid Steely? It really doesn't matter how much monopoly money worker.....
» 9/10/2017 2:44:30 PM Foxy, I'm sure your family own a computer or two, smart phones galore, cars, washing machi.....
» 9/10/2017 10:42:58 AM Good lord! Are there actually adult human beings still watching the left/green drivel tha.....
» 9/10/2017 10:31:19 AM This woman needs to get over herself, & Malcolm King needs to wait until he has something .....
» 8/10/2017 12:13:33 PM They can get them to join ttbn, they just can't get them to stay after they are trained. T.....
» 7/10/2017 9:56:44 PM Want us to stand on our own hind legs ilmessaggio, then we'll have to increase our defence.....
» 7/10/2017 5:27:00 PM Gun control in the US would have no effect on the main killer, the illegal drug industry. .....
» 6/10/2017 8:54:23 PM Phillip S, would you please tell me just what the point would be in adding a fleet 9 of ne.....
» 5/10/2017 2:19:45 PM What are you smoking Alan? Drop all subsidies, & buy power from power stations on price o.....
» 5/10/2017 8:16:16 AM My immediate thought is, Who is trying to save it. What or who are they trying to save it.....
» 4/10/2017 11:43:16 AM To be kind we must remember that pollsters are part of the inner city elitist community, &.....
» 29/09/2017 7:17:52 PM Do grow up a bit steely. I don't give a damn what constable plod might like, he is of abso.....
» 28/09/2017 8:47:52 PM Yep, this ratbag government is determined to take any form of useful self defence tool fro.....
» 28/09/2017 6:51:03 PM You have got that a bit wrong o sung wu. Rather than locking up the guns to keep the poli.....
» 28/09/2017 12:24:06 PM I don't know about a gene, but there is certainly group think, & it will be strong in thes.....
» 28/09/2017 11:53:22 AM Graham, please! Come on mate, two such meaningless consecutive items from a couple of lady.....
» 28/09/2017 11:37:02 AM Am I right, or just biased. I have noticed that people with hyphenated names, manage to t.....
» 27/09/2017 3:43:06 PM Just practical Alan, rather than a head in the clouds impractical dreamer......
» 27/09/2017 9:40:19 AM I know Melbourne is a disaster area Foxy, but we are even having problems up here. These .....
» 27/09/2017 9:06:23 AM Aid they call it, but it is really torture. Giving regular aid, as distinct from emergency.....
» 26/09/2017 1:41:17 PM An acquaintance with a farm near a small Queensland town was having trouble with his wife'.....
» 26/09/2017 1:17:49 PM The left & the faggots do need to start taking a bit of care with their descent into viole.....
» 25/09/2017 10:04:30 PM The luxury element with Mickey Mouse alternate power accrues to a fringe group of green fo.....
» 25/09/2017 9:52:29 PM Graham, I believe it is all about money. A huge percentage of homosexuals are employed by.....
» 23/09/2017 8:54:31 AM Either of the majors that is......
» 23/09/2017 8:43:00 AM Perhaps I'm strange, but I would rather a party that was good at having the right ideas, &.....
» 21/09/2017 10:36:04 AM For gods sake Paul, give over. It is the Ipswitch Labor mayor & councillors who are getti.....
» 20/09/2017 8:24:44 PM Government is offcourse the problem. The only solution is to give back to the people, mos.....
» 20/09/2017 4:37:30 PM I have a wonderful idea Phil. Why the hell don't you do a good job of teaching our kids. .....
» 19/09/2017 7:30:26 PM Well Ant, that is a great list of the global warming propaganda organisations. Doesn't say.....
» 19/09/2017 2:08:50 PM Hell. I thought you were going to tell me they were going to hand back control to the loca.....
» 19/09/2017 2:00:28 PM I don't know if they are bound for hell in the biblical sense, I just wish the SSM crowd w.....
» 19/09/2017 1:55:02 PM One of the major claims of the CO2 causes global warming/climate change clowns is that the.....
» 17/09/2017 12:18:45 PM Wow I see you know a lot about the reef Paul. Hardy Reef, that we used to take day trippe.....
» 16/09/2017 9:50:34 AM Paul has given us a perfect description of the wind farm rip off merchants, aided & abette.....
» 15/09/2017 5:01:26 PM We know all about it in Queensland. They are still finding more corrupt councillors & rent.....
» 15/09/2017 4:00:02 PM We fired up the 10 KVA diesel gen set yesterday. The battery is getting a bit tired, so I'.....
» 14/09/2017 8:14:10 PM Your car is a ship, & a British registered one no less Nick. WOW......
» 14/09/2017 1:09:08 PM Having now seen the ballot paper, with it's simplicity, I'll bet the printing ogresses in .....
» 14/09/2017 12:59:09 PM When my son was injured some time back he had 6 weeks recuperation, but was not allowed to.....
» 14/09/2017 11:49:56 AM Binoy, if you had ever done any math, which judging by this essay you did not, you could i.....
» 13/09/2017 3:36:54 PM Perhaps if we were to pay English, Geography, Media Studies & Dance teachers what they wer.....
» 13/09/2017 3:20:19 PM Aidan ask Hillary, she knows all about it, as do the unions......
» 13/09/2017 9:23:19 AM The most frightening Wicked problem today is that we have academics/politicians, who think.....
» 12/09/2017 9:18:37 PM I'm going to vote early & often, so I can see what it feels like to be a lefty......
» 12/09/2017 4:35:47 PM No Steely I'd not waste money on them, I send them you. With your ego you could fix it al.....
» 12/09/2017 4:29:23 PM Garbage Alan. As the Rural Watch coordinator for my area I have quite a bit to do with the.....
» 12/09/2017 11:52:27 AM You must be kidding leoj, the worst result possible will definitely occur when ever bureau.....
» 12/09/2017 9:09:53 AM No invading force is innocent, whether it comes shooting or begging. As for helping those.....
» 12/09/2017 8:51:08 AM One of the things that really used to annoy me about the ABC was the lack of effort in pro.....
» 11/09/2017 6:30:55 AM It doesn't take many 50 Cal rounds to sink a wooden or even steel boat. Eliminate the fir.....
» 10/09/2017 11:54:33 AM No Tony, dog food is far too big for Butcher birds, or Magpies, unless you want to cut it .....
» 10/09/2017 5:29:12 AM To go with this was the noisy complaints that fruit mince pies are on the shelves of one o.....
» 10/09/2017 5:18:23 AM Throw some cat food, [or little bits of meat], at those butcher birds. Ours take it in fli.....
» 8/09/2017 10:17:19 AM In my younger days I was living on my yacht at a Sydney marina, but had too much gear. I t.....
» 8/09/2017 12:15:31 AM Anyone who actually believes the global warming fraud, after all the exposure of the vario.....
» 6/09/2017 2:12:19 PM Yes it was long, but definitely one of the better pieces seen here for a while. PeterBo, .....
» 6/09/2017 1:54:24 PM How typical for an academic member of the elite to get it so wrong. Unlike academics, emp.....
» 6/09/2017 1:03:06 PM Wouldn't be vested interested interest with those who make the rubbish crying for it to co.....
» 5/09/2017 9:18:27 PM Joe it really is great that you put all that effort in, so that we have some actual facts .....
» 5/09/2017 11:37:58 AM Well o sung wu at least we can be happy at one thing. We are now far too damn old to be in.....
» 5/09/2017 11:31:11 AM In the navy we had a saying. "Bullsh1t baffles brains", & your post is a perfec.....
» 4/09/2017 7:09:54 PM Obviously ICBMs can't be hidden as Sadam hid his little missiles. I'm sure the US knows wh.....
» 4/09/2017 6:50:37 PM I'll take the birds word of what it likes & what is good for it, long before I would pay a.....
» 3/09/2017 6:15:38 PM Isn't it awful that Trump has flooded Texas? Yes he is bad, but thank god he is the one w.....
» 3/09/2017 6:10:30 PM But it is so easy to stop. Maggies are smart, apart from this destructive behaviour, but .....
» 3/09/2017 10:39:23 AM Or it could mean Waverley, that the media is full of poofters, & so are the organisations .....
» 2/09/2017 11:47:36 AM Oh Diver Dan, you are so cruel. You surely don't expect any of the ABC lovies to have lea.....
» 31/08/2017 3:53:33 PM I had a poofter try to get into my pants when I was about 12, & have hated them all ever s.....
» 31/08/2017 2:49:37 PM Continued. 31. Giving power to states to drug test unemployment recipients 32. Unemploym.....
» 31/08/2017 2:47:19 PM Please tell me we don't pay this idiot to produce this garbage. WHAT HAS PRESIDENT DONALD.....
» 31/08/2017 2:15:42 PM Yes Nick, the sea is going to become quite dangerous in some areas. Way back in October 8.....
» 31/08/2017 11:32:30 AM While I can agree with the suggestion that these planned communities can be better than in.....
» 30/08/2017 4:53:31 PM Well we can be sure that the con men amongst us will do very well, while ever there are pe.....
» 30/08/2017 4:49:59 PM What utter garbage. What you should be saying is how dreadful it is for a bunch of con me.....
» 28/08/2017 11:48:28 AM How far can you go in teaching someone to speak English? The wife of a mate of mine in Ne.....
» 28/08/2017 10:52:13 AM To try to qualify your nationality is about the most racist thing any one can do. There i.....
» 26/08/2017 8:28:29 PM I changed my communications provider when Telstra moved their call centres to the Philippi.....
» 25/08/2017 8:33:23 PM I was a kid at school in Bathurst in the days when we still had bakers & milkmen deliverin.....
» 25/08/2017 1:07:05 PM English is our official language. In view of this every official piece of paper, every te.....
» 23/08/2017 2:18:48 PM Come on little man. Your post is all about blaming privatisation for our ridiculous elect.....
» 23/08/2017 11:59:51 AM Eyes wide shut there Alan. You could open them. If you did you would notice that the high.....
» 22/08/2017 12:29:42 AM Yes Bazz we had a ship building industry. We even built ships, railway rolling stock & die.....
» 19/08/2017 2:18:25 PM I disagree with this completely Graham. In fact I think we should go a hell of a lot furth.....
» 17/08/2017 5:22:31 PM Bleeding heart excuses for the bludgers just don't cut the mustard BAYGON. I can't think o.....
» 17/08/2017 10:42:04 AM What utter garbage BAYGON. My wife was a bit of a bleeding heart until she joined a chari.....
» 9/08/2017 12:23:53 PM Well thankyou Noel, for detailing almost everything that has led to the destruction of the.....
» 8/08/2017 11:18:32 PM Speaking for yourself I see Paul......
» 8/08/2017 9:39:34 PM I must have been a late starter, I only got my Daisy at 12, & my 22 at 14. That old single.....
» 7/08/2017 3:14:09 PM It is all so simple really. Just teach the ladies to run faster, away that is, & the men .....
» 1/08/2017 8:07:36 PM I don't think it is natural for humans to be monogamous. Women are naturally looking for t.....
» 1/08/2017 2:59:07 PM Well, what do you know. An academic who wants a council of wise thinkers, academics of cou.....
» 31/07/2017 9:24:12 PM Alan you are becoming a bore. Try thinking for a minute before you run off at the keyboard.....
» 31/07/2017 2:34:52 PM The politics of envy. The left always return to it, when they have nothing else to say. I.....
» 31/07/2017 8:51:13 AM Foxy please stop directing us to lefty/communist propaganda websites. It spoils my day to.....
» 29/07/2017 12:34:13 PM Foxy the ABC, & fellow traveling media can always find a few malcontents to support the pr.....
» 29/07/2017 10:56:49 AM Yes Cossomby, I was on the water advisory committee, [WAMP], but I have no idea what that .....
» 29/07/2017 10:09:13 AM Talk about cart before the horse. Let's not bother finding out what kids really want, & su.....
» 28/07/2017 10:10:04 PM Bazz a peer reviewed paper published in a German scientific publication has answered the q.....
» 28/07/2017 5:07:27 PM Foxy you have to stop falling for green left propaganda. It is that failed state South Au.....
» 27/07/2017 4:39:28 PM "Recharging cars is not a real problem as it is best done at off peaks times anyway. .....
» 27/07/2017 2:34:17 PM Foxy we were achieving more than most, until we lost the plot & elected first the total ra.....
» 27/07/2017 12:54:02 PM Can you guess, I got my rate notice. They come half yearly now, to try to disguise just ho.....
» 27/07/2017 12:08:35 PM Obviously you don't live in South Australia Bazz. Just imagine the number of power failure.....
» 27/07/2017 11:52:33 AM Technology is already sending many of the younger generation broke. My youngest daughter,.....
» 26/07/2017 9:21:27 PM It wouldn't matter how long you gave the dogs breakfast parliament of Oz to do a job, with.....
» 25/07/2017 9:04:24 PM Whee, I agree with Paul. Of course Canavan must go. If Turnbull was in any way decent, o.....
» 25/07/2017 1:40:21 PM Alan, anyone with even half a brain knows that the surface temperature of Venus is generat.....
» 25/07/2017 10:43:30 AM In the 60s I was booked 4 years in a row driving to Bathurst for the Easter race meeting. .....
» 25/07/2017 10:00:59 AM Oh GOD! Now we have philosophers talking about science, as if they were scientists. I gu.....
» 24/07/2017 5:47:46 PM I wonder how much longer it is going to take for those with insufficient math to know glob.....
» 23/07/2017 7:46:28 PM In that case Don you should be in agreement with voters being able to extinguish their vot.....
» 23/07/2017 7:33:01 PM The problem Alan, that you fail to acknowledge is that all voters thought they were voting.....
» 22/07/2017 10:29:06 AM This pair have shown that they are either liars or incompetent. As such we are much bette.....
» 21/07/2017 9:02:05 PM Foxy, sorry to have to say this, but your very dogmatic position on this subject could ver.....
» 21/07/2017 11:41:07 AM Currently Aidan there is no future, or even potential future alternate energy. Kid yourse.....
» 21/07/2017 11:24:28 AM One other factor in this is the family court. Women with children can choose at any time .....
» 21/07/2017 11:06:44 AM This question should never arise, There should be no Australian citizenship granted to an.....
» 21/07/2017 10:49:42 AM Thank you Paul, your post say it all regarding Greens. Personally I would go much further.....
» 19/07/2017 2:48:03 PM We tried on line grocery shopping with one of the majors, but only once. Two blown vacuum .....
» 19/07/2017 1:59:15 PM Before the advent of fossil fuels most of us had a life expectancy of not much over 30 yea.....
» 18/07/2017 10:08:58 AM For a business that employs a more than average number of thugs in it's form of entertainm.....
» 17/07/2017 12:17:09 AM One of todays problems is the ridiculous size our cities have grown to, & kids needing to .....
» 16/07/2017 8:21:01 PM Our speed limits are totally ridiculous, designed only for revenue raising. For many years.....
» 16/07/2017 7:48:32 PM So true Luciferase. The disgusting Peter Beattie was extracting a quarter of a billion do.....
» 15/07/2017 3:34:47 PM o sung wu I can't imagine the money means much to them. We humans have only so many senses.....
» 14/07/2017 6:14:51 PM Bryan doesn't seem to understand how rates in the dollar are set. We don't have a fixed .....
» 14/07/2017 5:51:15 PM Hey John Ryan, which carriage of the global warming gravy train are you riding. With so .....
» 14/07/2017 10:52:52 AM Some mothers & grannies don't have much choice ttbn. A friend of my youngest a 25 years o.....
» 12/07/2017 10:04:22 AM So what do you know. Paul was a pain in the ass at school. A smart ass who thought he kne.....
» 11/07/2017 12:38:48 PM I have no religion at all. My attendance of churches amounts to a few weddings, christenin.....
» 11/07/2017 12:15:51 PM The average teacher is obviously terrified of testing, because it quickly shows which teac.....
» 9/07/2017 8:11:40 PM You are right Aiden. I actually used one, or 2 in fact to go from Beenleigh up to Mooloola.....
» 9/07/2017 12:11:30 AM What utter tripe Aiden. Public transport is about as useful as tits on a bull, unless you .....
» 8/07/2017 1:03:18 PM One of these days Steely you may actually provide a post that is not all half truths & lie.....
» 8/07/2017 12:56:05 PM Wonderful Idea, provided the people of Melbourne pay for it. Most of the population of Oz .....
» 7/07/2017 9:35:21 AM Of course to a Green Pauline playing with a drone, [or existing for that matter] is a much.....
» 7/07/2017 1:22:02 AM God the green bull sh#t is deep these days. The cost of gas is very high because the gree.....
» 6/07/2017 10:47:13 AM When Abbott defeated Turnbull for leadership, he did not expect him to leave the parliamen.....
» 5/07/2017 10:22:50 AM I have to agree with those who think a fleet of any sort of subs is a bad joke. What we n.....
» 5/07/2017 10:03:41 AM Of course coal is cheaper. That is why there is a coal boom with 1600 new plants in 62 co.....
» 4/07/2017 10:36:13 AM Do try to grow up a bit Paul. Apply some grey matter, if you have any, to subjects before .....
» 3/07/2017 10:13:51 PM For god's sake doog! Do you reckon Trump could ever kill as many of his citizens as Stalin.....
» 3/07/2017 12:37:33 PM When the Greens adopt a zero net immigration policy, let me know David, & I'll take anothe.....
» 2/07/2017 8:32:45 PM Can't agree there leoj. Your so called struggling young singles, particularly those with H.....
» 2/07/2017 1:08:40 PM Totally wrong as usual Paul. All the Hassy types have already gone. The only reason the f.....
» 1/07/2017 7:13:18 PM You've got that completely wrong Foxy. Abbott is about the only one who could lead the Li.....
» 30/06/2017 2:18:10 PM How typical of some academic twit, to cling to some ivory tower theory of "democracy&.....
» 29/06/2017 2:38:57 PM I wonder how many squillions Chinese bicycle manufacturers pay to town planners, under the.....
» 28/06/2017 10:27:26 AM Come off it Aiden. Here's a little bit of history Once upon a time there was a double pub.....
» 27/06/2017 7:18:03 PM Our local MP is getting quite worried. He knows that a lot of us weakened in our resolve .....
» 27/06/2017 6:49:04 PM So Ross we are expecting to run out of the capacity to borrow money to pay for all this no.....
» 27/06/2017 6:40:44 PM So you are telling me Aidan, that a 70% reduction in manning, [or overmanning as usual wit.....
» 27/06/2017 12:49:42 AM To anyone who thinks union controlled government owned business leads to lower prices, I s.....
» 24/06/2017 2:10:29 PM Would someone please advise just what compromise there can be between not permitted & perm.....
» 24/06/2017 10:39:39 AM Oh god! AJ Philips displaying his very false sense of superiority AGAIN. Stomach ulcers w.....
» 23/06/2017 4:55:32 PM I wonder how many people are diagnosed as being autistic, when a not too interested doctor.....
» 22/06/2017 7:00:28 PM How bloody typical. Hanson states a simple fact, that no one in their right mind can argu.....
» 21/06/2017 5:13:15 PM Any student who needs to be motivated by their university, should not be wasting tax payer.....
» 20/06/2017 9:27:07 PM RObert, it is probably already too late for anything but a civil war. Will we win, well wi.....
» 20/06/2017 10:39:39 AM RObert with a lack of obvious government response to Muslim terror attacks, & the continua.....
» 18/06/2017 5:56:37 PM If the Turnbull government is to end it will not be because some ministers gave some sligh.....
» 18/06/2017 12:50:06 AM Wow Foxy, have you run out of reading material? You must have if you consider Paul's posts.....
» 16/06/2017 12:41:35 PM Of course the EU leaders want the UK to stay, they have been ripping offthe poor silly UK .....
» 15/06/2017 11:34:51 PM 400 peer reviewed scientific papers published in 3 years say the earths temperature tracks.....
» 15/06/2017 9:52:04 AM Or we could just to the intelligent thing. Stop all tax payer subsidies for all this gree.....
» 13/06/2017 3:51:30 PM Only some damn fool academic could possibly believe we need even more politicians. We alr.....
» 13/06/2017 3:42:24 PM Binoy it really is time, if you wish to have any credibility left, for you shut your mouth.....
» 11/06/2017 12:08:23 AM If you want to talk about anyone deluding themselves CHERFUL as to their nobility and inte.....
» 10/06/2017 3:45:28 PM Thanks for the explanation Alan. From your post we can then assume that these weird fruitc.....
» 10/06/2017 11:19:22 AM I have to agree moonshine. In an ideal world I would not chose to vote for Hanson, but thi.....
» 8/06/2017 5:50:12 PM Hi o sung wu, how yer going mate? The climate could do with a bit of global warming right.....
» 8/06/2017 1:39:08 PM What a pile of deluded garbage. Binoy Your ideology is so thick that you can't even see t.....
» 8/06/2017 12:47:25 PM Yes I believe it is time & most necessary that Parole boards & judges were "ATTACHED&.....
» 7/06/2017 5:02:23 PM If they do get caught, & go before a judge, you can bet one of our modern milksop judges w.....
» 7/06/2017 4:50:09 PM David Leyonhjelm has this one totally wrong. When education is compulsory it is a governme.....
» 5/06/2017 10:02:26 AM Binoy this is your worst effort...Ever. To start with your analysis proves you have no ma.....
» 3/06/2017 7:48:29 PM There is no answer to the question Don. How good/factual either may be depends entirely o.....
» 3/06/2017 7:39:11 PM Just for you AJ, I didn't get to drive the boats more than once a week, but I had some ex .....
» 3/06/2017 2:29:45 PM Well what do you know. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers, who found t.....
» 3/06/2017 1:49:40 PM Any treaty should consist of 2 blank paged. The second one in case the significance of the.....
» 3/06/2017 12:49:23 AM Know all about the reef do you Steely? Spent a lot of time out there studying it I suppos.....
» 2/06/2017 9:04:28 PM Come on Aidan, I don't know any climate denialists claiming there has been no warming sinc.....
» 2/06/2017 5:54:43 PM Well Trump has done it. Good by Paris Accord. He has told the Asians & the Europeans that.....
» 1/06/2017 10:45:12 AM You missed the biggest rip offs of a modern state John. The incredible waste of academia .....
» 31/05/2017 6:06:27 PM Oh my god, what utter twaddle. The only ones on here who need an injection of patriotism .....
» 31/05/2017 2:57:54 PM So here we have another of these totally useless, worthless academics, happy to sit on the.....
» 30/05/2017 6:23:54 PM Well thankyou Steely. Anything you disagree with so profoundly is probably very close to t.....
» 30/05/2017 5:36:04 PM Mr Stuart, I suggest you take your UN agency, stuff it where it will never see the light a.....
» 29/05/2017 10:06:54 PM Foxy, you have to stop reading, or at least believing anything printed in a rubbish red ra.....
» 29/05/2017 2:34:37 PM Our lefties, here & in the US & Europe have gone rabid in their denunciation of Trump. Th.....
» 28/05/2017 4:48:46 PM The yanks will come running if it is in their interest to come, & only then. That is why .....
» 27/05/2017 5:51:28 PM It is happening in the towns too. We had a lovely young girl working for my wife at the l.....
» 27/05/2017 1:34:32 PM I see trump has been telling the European lovies a few home truths. He has the hide to sug.....
» 26/05/2017 10:28:16 AM Sorry rehctub, you are wrong on this one. WE don't need the aboriginals to blow our borrow.....
» 25/05/2017 11:42:49 PM Oh that was unkind of you Joe, shooting poor Paul down with facts. You must surely realis.....
» 25/05/2017 5:29:01 PM Of course no one will be surprised to see our lefties attacking the messenger, when they h.....
» 25/05/2017 4:27:13 PM And AJ Philips has the hide to tell me I should pay attention to & respect academics. Ther.....
» 24/05/2017 6:42:56 PM AJ Philips, how typical of the academic. Fingers jammed hard into their ears, to avoid he.....
» 24/05/2017 3:36:56 PM On another tack, an example of experts. I once took the entire board of the Great Barrier.....
» 24/05/2017 2:59:59 PM We need broad and committed thinkers to be addressing this issue. We do not have any measu.....
» 23/05/2017 5:07:53 PM I would like to suggest that the members of the tribunal that prevented the deportation of.....
» 22/05/2017 4:07:09 PM If anyone should be in jail it is Hillary, & there is no investigation needed to prove tha.....
» 22/05/2017 2:45:55 PM I am perfectly happy with the Jackie Lambys of this world being heard, hell I don't even m.....
» 22/05/2017 2:39:31 PM Actually Trump is doing a pretty good job of reversing many of the excesses of Obama. This.....
» 22/05/2017 2:28:57 PM Alan & Brian, while I totally agree with you that it would be hard to live, at lease in a .....
» 22/05/2017 11:31:38 AM One vote one value, & first past the post is the only truly democratic voting system. To f.....
» 22/05/2017 11:08:36 AM Sorry phanto, not true. Marriage for me, & a large percentage of those I know is a commit.....
» 22/05/2017 10:52:08 AM When are we going to wake up to ourselves, tell the bleeding hearts to go jump, & apply th.....
» 19/05/2017 5:05:18 PM What I choose to do with my own life has not a single damn thing to do with you Paul, & I .....
» 18/05/2017 9:04:48 PM Foxy I don't think it would matter what policies Turnbull presented at the next election. .....
» 18/05/2017 5:06:26 PM Foreign aid, what a dirty word that is. I saw some of the damage that did in PNG. Foreig.....
» 18/05/2017 3:42:09 PM AJ, have you ever listened to the ABC, or a bunch of academics at morning tea?.....
» 18/05/2017 3:40:29 PM Proportional representation is a recipe for even greater disaster than the current senate,.....
» 18/05/2017 3:15:58 PM Given that so many of our homosexuals are people who will end up with one of our overgener.....
» 18/05/2017 3:01:21 PM I recently got myself an Eftpos card, & destroyed my old debit card. It can only be used a.....
» 18/05/2017 2:01:49 PM The 70% in favour of migration is just not true, unless only inner city high rise resident.....
» 18/05/2017 1:34:26 PM Time to get away from that ideology Diver Dan, it is just not true, & severely limiting fo.....
» 16/05/2017 5:53:32 PM As soon as you see the "funny name" of the writer, you know the type of propagan.....
» 16/05/2017 5:30:06 PM I have no interest in what others may have, only that I can put together enough to have wh.....
» 16/05/2017 12:17:39 AM Continued. The Navy have been chasing him to go & put in some reserve time. They are despe.....
» 16/05/2017 12:15:46 AM I'll tell you Paul, why I am no longer interested in helping your so called vulnerable, th.....
» 15/05/2017 3:15:35 PM Oh god, isn't it painful when you get one of these lefties so impressed with their own lit.....
» 15/05/2017 2:59:55 PM I'm afraid Everald, you have agreement from yet another who won't be around long enough to.....
» 15/05/2017 2:30:20 PM I have never used a card online. I just received an Eftpos debit card which can only be us.....
» 14/05/2017 10:03:27 AM So Steely, how much is it costing the taxpayer for full time care for one autistic child? .....
» 13/05/2017 12:42:50 PM Gillard was a lot of things, none of them good for Ozzies, but she was no dummy. The NDIS.....
» 12/05/2017 5:27:50 PM Don't worry mac, the debt crisis is still there, & getting worse by the day, trying to fun.....
» 12/05/2017 11:26:04 AM Graham you must be careful not to deceive yourself with wishful thinking. Turnbull is nev.....
» 11/05/2017 2:22:36 PM If the Japs had won, rather than drawn in the Coral Sea, there was no need for Midway. Mid.....
» 10/05/2017 3:59:00 PM Sorry o sung wu, when many of these so called first offenders have committed 50 or 60 brea.....
» 10/05/2017 1:04:42 PM Has anyone noticed that most abattoirs have closed? When the daily quota for a meat worker.....
» 10/05/2017 12:37:20 PM And women are going to wonder why men won't have a bar of them, except for a one night sta.....
» 9/05/2017 11:22:56 AM Doog, just for interest, rate Gillard as a person a citizen a patriot & a prime minister. .....
» 8/05/2017 7:28:50 PM Wow, our lefties know it all. Tell me does your area suffer the side effects of the KRudd.....
» 8/05/2017 1:12:08 PM You know Peter King might almost be right for once. If we had left the KRudd plan untouch.....
» 8/05/2017 12:50:07 PM How can people who are smart enough to get a medical degree be as dumb as this lady, & all.....
» 6/05/2017 2:12:27 PM Alan if you want to try science, you do need to understand what you are talking about. It.....
» 5/05/2017 11:07:45 AM For gods sake Stuart, justice would require people like you to get off their broadening ba.....
» 5/05/2017 10:55:35 AM One other little point Mark, that you need to add if you are to look at the whole story ph.....
» 5/05/2017 10:26:30 AM What a pile of garbage AJ Philips. "Six psychiatrists determined that she was psychot.....
» 3/05/2017 8:26:20 PM Probably be made Australian of the year with in a few years......
» 3/05/2017 8:22:12 PM Not only that Shadow Minister, they will become some sort of deity, develop a priesthood t.....
» 3/05/2017 11:05:05 AM I am just so over fool academics bleating this type of garbage. It is about time these pe.....
» 3/05/2017 11:00:59 AM Voodoo & primitive superstition have no place in the modern world, unless you are a Green .....
» 2/05/2017 2:45:18 PM Joe, much as I would hate to cook my food on cow dung, & cooking on campfires is for the b.....
» 2/05/2017 2:04:58 PM Hi Joe. I see some of your thinking is still controlled by a hang over of youthful sociali.....
» 2/05/2017 1:44:14 PM Oh god, & dummies like this bloke get into the ministry. Heaven help us. The plastic bag .....
» 2/05/2017 10:37:59 AM We were gunna have fusion before I left school, then before I left Uni, then before I left.....
» 28/04/2017 5:26:59 PM Which Muslim country are you from Doog?.....
» 28/04/2017 12:56:26 PM Judging by the election in France Paul, it does appear that a large number of people livin.....
» 28/04/2017 12:29:24 PM Why is it that so often the people who write this sort of bitching carping junk have such .....
» 28/04/2017 12:13:30 PM Great post Viv, thankyou, but I doubt you will get through to those who don't want to know.....
» 28/04/2017 11:35:42 AM Another pile of garbage from another would be petty dictator. Pull your head in Paul Russ.....
» 27/04/2017 8:09:49 PM Foxy you are never going to get any balance from an opinionated pseudo communist academic......
» 27/04/2017 10:43:58 AM Where the hell is Don Quixote when you need him. What a wordy way of saying renewable pow.....
» 26/04/2017 2:18:08 PM The worst thing is that we actually pay this bit of trash, via the ABC, to spread her sedi.....
» 26/04/2017 2:14:10 PM Hey come on fellers, don't knock it. I would have loved the chance to tackle some of the .....
» 24/04/2017 8:37:20 PM Little wonder Doog, that you like Turnbull. He is so dumb, he makes even you look almost .....
» 24/04/2017 10:01:48 AM AJ Philips links are merely an appeal to authority by those who do not, or can not, think .....
» 23/04/2017 2:15:57 PM Oh come on Producer, we've been there & done that, it's called communism. When the Chines.....
» 21/04/2017 12:03:34 PM I totally agree that no one who was not here at a very young age, grew up here, & was educ.....
» 21/04/2017 11:38:58 AM I got my first over $1000 domestic power bill last month. $1220 actually, where just a few.....
» 21/04/2017 10:51:33 AM You've got to be kidding polpak, people voted for Turnbull, no way. Some voted foolishly.....
» 20/04/2017 10:44:38 AM If you want any Ozzies to fight in Syria, for a bunch of hopeless fools, buy all means you.....
» 20/04/2017 10:26:02 AM Please explain Toni Lavis, why thousands of people who want to play poker machines, & can .....
» 13/04/2017 10:58:51 AM Paul it is always counter productive to describe someone as internationally famous, or wel.....
» 13/04/2017 10:51:42 AM Wendy you need to get over yourself love......
» 11/04/2017 7:57:50 PM Late in the 1990s or early 2000s, NSW ripped up the bitumen on the road between Woodenbong.....
» 10/04/2017 12:10:23 PM Obviously Paul has no idea, as usual. He doesn't realise those dirt roads are council roa.....
» 8/04/2017 9:59:57 AM Hasbeen probably, been had definitely. “Anyone with any physics or math knows this is a f.....
» 6/04/2017 2:12:22 PM Shockadelic smokers & drinkers contribute way more in taxes on their chosen activities, th.....
» 4/04/2017 9:55:50 AM God, isn't it expensive when the plan is to buy ratbag green votes, rather than a sensible.....
» 4/04/2017 9:39:30 AM Daydream copped it pretty hard in Ada. The long snake that was the original resort had ev.....
» 3/04/2017 1:33:01 PM No it's those god damn gum trees. We have to chop all the old breaking ones down, & have .....
» 3/04/2017 1:29:01 PM Quite a few out around here. We're only an hour 15 minutes or so from the big smoke, so ma.....
» 3/04/2017 11:07:43 AM And that is where you are completely wrong Paul. We need a return to the complete right t.....
» 2/04/2017 3:14:30 PM I don't know why I bother, but some physics for the doog of this world. Climate change th.....
» 2/04/2017 8:59:47 AM I see Paul is at it again, or is it still. Anytime when he sees he is on the wrong side o.....
» 31/03/2017 4:30:46 PM Valuations don't have much effect on rates leoj, unless you have a very large discrepancy .....
» 31/03/2017 1:30:06 PM Bad form doog, is the BOM politicking with wind speed predictions, & subsequent reports, t.....
» 31/03/2017 11:21:16 AM Aidan it's typical of the garbage doog puts out. I don't know if he gets it from some rat.....
» 31/03/2017 11:15:59 AM Top marks to Energex. Our power went off at 6.00PM. In the middle of the biggest flood ar.....
» 30/03/2017 12:38:34 PM Don in the early 90s at our little 3 teacher school we had an old fashioned & not young la.....
» 30/03/2017 10:59:53 AM Doog we lose power when either the wind has taken out the power, with big branches blown o.....
» 30/03/2017 10:58:25 AM Wow, that's the best yet doog. No one else has claimed that climate change changes both s.....
» 29/03/2017 8:06:28 PM As you would expect, a red herring from Steely, to avoid admitting the problem is by green.....
» 29/03/2017 7:28:55 PM Leoj I run 5 horse power fire pumps very irregularly, & as you suggest always run the carb.....
» 29/03/2017 7:06:35 PM After now seeing the damage a category 4 cyclone, [Hamilton Island] & a medium category 3,.....
» 29/03/2017 11:54:28 AM Foxy, Foxy Foxy, we have plenty of gas, close to where we need it, which could be harveste.....
» 29/03/2017 10:13:30 AM Foxy, if you don't have a solution to offer, it is not really very constructive to sling o.....
» 28/03/2017 5:57:55 PM Foxy. "Nine coal power stations have closed in the last five years in Australia. That.....
» 28/03/2017 12:04:12 PM Come on Tomw, I know one of the men responsible for much of the multimillion refit at New .....
» 28/03/2017 11:00:35 AM Got to give it to you Steely, your ratbag green plan is working. Your anti coal plan alre.....
» 26/03/2017 7:59:57 PM Come off the raw prawn Steely, if you lot had your way, we would have no gas. You try to s.....
» 24/03/2017 6:32:55 PM You're right about one thing Paul, we don't need anything this big. Sir Francis Drake taug.....
» 24/03/2017 11:59:19 AM Oh god Paul, you really are sick. We need defence, probably more than most countries, with.....
» 24/03/2017 12:24:08 AM The important thing is to get into the market as soon as possible. A long time ago my sis.....
» 23/03/2017 4:59:28 PM Yep they have made some bad ones, but they got lucky this time. Just imagine if they had .....
» 23/03/2017 4:39:24 PM Some here must know we had our 2 new very large amphibious assault ships, Canberra & Adela.....
» 22/03/2017 8:31:56 PM The really ridiculous thing is allowing touch screens for things like air conditioning & r.....
» 22/03/2017 8:20:06 PM What utter rot. I have been retired now for 12 years, living a very enjoyable life on the .....
» 22/03/2017 1:24:16 PM Foxy, sweetie, reading the New York Times is simply ideological confirmation for lefties. .....
» 22/03/2017 1:05:05 PM While I agree that mobile phones should be turned off when driving, particularly texting c.....
» 21/03/2017 8:00:24 PM "Your ignorance on old growth forests is amazing. They take 100's of years to regener.....
» 21/03/2017 1:55:14 PM Tony do try to find the "tropical" varieties if peaches & apricots that are sold.....
» 20/03/2017 8:13:34 PM Not surprised, except for the dragon fruit. I'll obviously have to pick them a little earl.....
» 20/03/2017 4:41:49 PM What utter disgusting twaddle this Paul fool produces. One of the big complaints in the c.....
» 20/03/2017 4:14:47 PM Not the expected thing at all Is Mise, but great to see. When/if this becomes the norm we.....
» 20/03/2017 4:09:57 PM Can't agree with you there BAYGON, both Wilders and Hanson made good steady gains, Hansom .....
» 19/03/2017 2:44:10 PM When I first moved in here, south east Queensland, 25 years ago, I planted a small orchard.....
» 17/03/2017 4:38:09 PM Time grow up Aidan, & learn to apply a bit of math. When you chose something with insuffi.....
» 16/03/2017 8:23:30 PM Foxy A while back the 9 day fortnight was all the go. I had a couple of large tourist bo.....
» 16/03/2017 1:05:24 PM You can see why South Australia & Tasmania are failed states. They think like this clown S.....
» 16/03/2017 12:53:33 PM How typically Green, the most mathematically challenged group ever to go to Canberra. Ask .....
» 13/03/2017 3:43:04 PM What Ross fails to mention is that a very large portion of those traveling into the city d.....
» 12/03/2017 11:15:22 AM Is Islam our greatest danger? Probably not, I could handle wearing funny clothes, having .....
» 10/03/2017 4:30:08 PM The Climate Institute is running out of money, & is going to have to close. Isn't it fun,.....
» 10/03/2017 12:30:25 PM I think it is very brave of Barnaby, moving a bunch of radical ratbag lefties into his ele.....
» 9/03/2017 12:24:58 PM I almost agree with you Steely. They & all the ABC should be moved from their incestuous c.....
» 8/03/2017 2:33:07 PM Well the headline says it all, doesn't it? The Muslims want to defeat the duly elected pr.....
» 6/03/2017 1:27:56 PM The world is a damn sight better off with Putin & Trump friends, than with Hillary & the m.....
» 6/03/2017 10:54:13 AM Sorry David, but I would believe that self serving government research about as much as I .....
» 5/03/2017 11:19:50 AM Unions are probably the most greatest force when it comes to job destruction. They destro.....
» 4/03/2017 3:03:29 PM There is no doubt that Triggs is a criminal. She has been knowing using her position & th.....
» 4/03/2017 2:49:31 PM Yes Pete, my "silent" running 10KVA gen set is far from silent, but behind a sma.....
» 3/03/2017 3:07:18 PM Pete my experience with my remote controlled planes will not be good news for your plans. .....
» 3/03/2017 11:54:55 AM I don't know where you are Pete, but as a Queenslander I am very glad the ratbag left, are.....
» 3/03/2017 10:38:32 AM Sorry LEGO, you've got that wrong, at least the pensioner part. The age pension is runnin.....
» 2/03/2017 4:35:42 PM More than disunited parties, Ozzies don't like incompetent no hoper leaders. That is why w.....
» 2/03/2017 1:09:17 PM My mother lived to see her 99Th birthday. Not for me thanks. Once I lose my drivers licen.....
» 2/03/2017 12:54:47 PM Send them to that private school. Particularly today, that old boy network, or now the ol.....
» 2/03/2017 12:00:17 PM My wife & I established, & then ran for 15 years until very recently the school textbook h.....
» 1/03/2017 12:42:24 PM By definition we know that 49% of teachers are below average performers. The first thing w.....
» 1/03/2017 12:51:28 AM Obviously the left are terrified Abbott will become PM again, hence their continued rabid .....
» 28/02/2017 3:16:22 PM Quotas for Oscars now. Wouldn't it be lovely if awards, & jobs were just given to the bes.....
» 28/02/2017 2:02:33 PM I'm starting to worry about Graham. Where the hell do you go to dig up this garbage? Wher.....
» 25/02/2017 6:10:08 PM I am not surprised you would buy such a catastrophe Paul. Shorten & Turnbull would be ab.....
» 24/02/2017 6:41:43 PM Aust. Post certainly is competing with business, & successfully, but at a cost. They hav.....
» 24/02/2017 12:20:46 PM Time to grow up AJ Philips, no one is being denied anything. Poofters, I refuse to give t.....
» 24/02/2017 11:46:21 AM Could it be that academics are embarrassed at how much they are paid for doing so little, .....
» 22/02/2017 12:09:30 AM I see our greenies can actually pee in their own pocket & rant simultaneously. WOW! The l.....
» 20/02/2017 7:53:30 PM I don't know much money any private company has made out of southern power, at present I'd.....
» 18/02/2017 10:53:42 PM Hey o sung wu there are drop in centres for men, they just go by different names. Sailing.....
» 17/02/2017 11:19:42 AM leoj says "Over beers at a bbq some older family friends were comparing their situati.....
» 16/02/2017 11:08:10 PM When I can not pick the Muslim women on the street, the beach, or the swimming pool, I wil.....
» 15/02/2017 11:33:37 PM No Alan, it is actually massive tax, on a previously unimaginable scale, & people expectin.....
» 15/02/2017 11:21:14 AM Most religion has been evil. It has been used to control people, rather than to enhance th.....
» 15/02/2017 12:32:15 AM No thanks plantagenet. I lived on my yachts for 12 years, & tried it all. Wind, solar, a d.....
» 14/02/2017 7:46:00 PM Bet he was a greenie too Foxy......
» 14/02/2017 12:45:52 PM No wonder they are known as the chattering class. Do you lot ever actually do anything bu.....
» 14/02/2017 12:40:44 PM How private enterprise works, if you can keep the green blob, Labor & their bureaucratic m.....
» 14/02/2017 11:53:45 AM What a typically green blob bureaucratic post from our resident blob member. First dictat.....
» 13/02/2017 4:58:33 PM I suppose I should feel sorry for you ttbn, but while your lot keep trying to pinch all th.....
» 13/02/2017 4:41:36 PM Absolute garbage Peter King. When & only when AEMO can refuse to take any amount of alter.....
» 12/02/2017 1:09:40 PM Nah mikk, not for the first offence, if they survive. Just cutting off their hand for the.....
» 12/02/2017 1:03:28 PM Foxy the people of South Australia deserve not one iota of sympathy. They have voted in th.....
» 12/02/2017 12:40:25 PM This is not a minor offence, & it has nothing to do with respect for the particular judge......
» 11/02/2017 1:33:53 PM A good night for the evangelists from the conservative side of SA politics I expect. Wond.....
» 11/02/2017 1:22:59 PM Causing what Alan. There has been no warming for 17 years, except for that way below the .....
» 10/02/2017 10:51:47 PM Well then Chris Lewis, I gather then that you are not a cardinal, or even a bishop in this.....
» 10/02/2017 2:22:28 PM The definition of pregnancy, Something seriously that was only poked in fun. Why can't we .....
» 10/02/2017 11:50:17 AM Quote "there may well be a number of problems for energy in various states and with r.....
» 9/02/2017 9:25:15 PM Notice our clown, Steele studiously avoids ever saying anything about the science, which i.....
» 8/02/2017 11:13:38 PM The green blob as usual offer no science, just insults & appeals to authority. Do try to .....
» 8/02/2017 4:02:23 PM First of all Dons stuff, then mine from one of the worlds leading German physicist, & our .....
» 8/02/2017 3:13:22 PM In Oz mate the Vampire was RAAF, & became a trainer. We did our jet conversion & training .....
» 8/02/2017 2:52:57 PM Hey Foxy, I hope you are reading this it is some of what I've been telling you. I know the.....
» 8/02/2017 2:39:56 PM So there it is. All these so called refugees cost us is, $20,000 original settlement assi.....
» 8/02/2017 11:39:18 AM Thanks Don, a really great article, as usual. I really don't know how any thinking, hones.....
» 7/02/2017 8:50:42 PM Yes the memories o sung wu. Technology is allowing me to relive my glory days, with mode.....
» 7/02/2017 3:28:26 PM Hi there o sung wu. I don't expect the nuclear option in our lifetime, & not before oil b.....
» 7/02/2017 3:05:56 PM First from Germany, but JoNova now has the story......
» 7/02/2017 12:46:24 PM Apart from the proven fact that CO2 can have only a very minor effect on our temperature, .....
» 7/02/2017 11:40:02 AM Joan of Arc, no thanks. What we need is Robin Hood, & his merry band of well armed men, t.....
» 7/02/2017 11:30:12 AM Paul, "Turnbull. I once admired the man as a future Prime Minister". Anyone wh.....
» 7/02/2017 11:04:25 AM Hey Paul, it certainly tells us what real people think of the Greens, when those who have .....
» 7/02/2017 10:46:22 AM Bugsy, the data was never published. It was all on just one computer, so the story goes, w.....
» 6/02/2017 9:29:09 PM And you actually believe the tripe they are feeding you Alan? You obviously aren't spread.....
» 6/02/2017 8:50:35 PM Now we have a whistle blower from America’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administratio.....
» 6/02/2017 5:17:41 PM The con job is still on, loud & clear. You must use less so as to leave more for us speci.....
» 3/02/2017 7:17:04 PM More proof, if any was needed, that we have to keep these academic clowns locked up in the.....
» 1/02/2017 1:02:53 AM Cossomby the reason the ladies had not completed a 2 hour job in 2 days is just that. They.....
» 31/01/2017 12:12:14 PM Some years ago my son was responsible for the overhaul of one of the large engines of a la.....
» 30/01/2017 5:29:59 PM I'm sure trade, & especially free trade is great for Morgans, & other members of the elite.....
» 28/01/2017 5:05:43 PM I don't give a damn when we celebrate it. However I do want to see it celebrated by round.....
» 28/01/2017 12:47:11 PM Foxy my sweet, don't forget that to make an omelette, first you have to break some eggs. .....
» 27/01/2017 8:56:03 PM My junk E mail file gathers at least 20 e mails a week from various people trying to make .....
» 27/01/2017 8:40:30 PM The green blob, & the left are terrified of Trump, because the yanks now have a president .....
» 27/01/2017 1:04:47 PM I really can't believe some of you people. The choice was between a proven criminal, & co.....
» 26/01/2017 12:27:01 PM Yep we all now know, there was not much bullsh#t in Trump's election promises. He's moving.....
» 24/01/2017 10:17:44 AM You know, I think this clown Max Green actually believes the garbage he is spruiking here......
» 23/01/2017 9:42:59 AM At what degree of climate change heat do those pylons melt Doog?.....
» 22/01/2017 6:52:17 PM Oh come off it Bugsy. Are you trying to tell us that what replaced the Obama waffle was n.....
» 21/01/2017 1:49:39 PM Any such deportation should be accompanied by all & any family members in Oz. Make the who.....
» 21/01/2017 12:54:58 PM In motor racing it does not matter how well you can talk, or how pretty you are, all that .....
» 19/01/2017 3:47:16 PM God forbid we become a republic. Just think for a minute. A republic could end up with a .....
» 18/01/2017 6:23:57 PM Peter I have no idea if you are a good doctor, a lousy doctor, or a paper shuffling doctor.....
» 18/01/2017 5:02:52 PM Someone who has done so little research that they still believe in the CO2 generated globa.....
» 18/01/2017 10:51:38 AM Thanks for that Nick, I feel a lot safer now. After all, the climate council is run by th.....
» 18/01/2017 9:34:37 AM Oh that is not very nice of you mhaze, shooting down that nice myth about frogs. Not muc.....
» 17/01/2017 9:57:15 AM Anyone who would prefer Obama to Trump, or the drovers dog is a "BL00DY IDIOT", .....
» 17/01/2017 9:45:23 AM Actually BAGON, it is the stupidity that you & other like Paul produce ad nauseam that is .....
» 17/01/2017 9:36:31 AM Obviously Trump has a good private intelligence service, & a long memory. We would do wel.....
» 16/01/2017 8:11:00 PM Why anyone would pay any attention to a clapped out old harpy like Streep I really can't i.....
» 16/01/2017 9:21:00 AM Ask the idiots from the ship of fools if the Antarctic is cracking up......
» 15/01/2017 11:30:28 AM It is probably too late to save all of Oz, we probably need to remove NSW & Victoria, & tr.....
» 14/01/2017 10:39:15 PM My guess Dan is that there will be half a dozen bits of electrickery hidden in there, so t.....
» 14/01/2017 11:15:09 AM Don' worry Billyd, most thieves are cowards. They will chose a softer easier target......
» 14/01/2017 11:09:12 AM Aidan, the fact that he copied those lines from someone else simply proves he has none of .....
» 13/01/2017 3:16:47 PM Yep, here the shop owner would be in prison for defending himself, & the bleeding hearts w.....
» 13/01/2017 11:25:21 AM It looks like the socialists are dismayed at how resilient democracy really is, & how long.....
» 13/01/2017 10:50:53 AM This one little statement, "the promotion of collective interests over private ones&q.....
» 12/01/2017 3:23:57 PM What a lot of rot. Back in the early 70s, when Byron Bay was starting to be mentioned, bu.....
» 12/01/2017 2:32:00 PM Your wasting your time rehctub, these lefty bureaucratic types will never understand. My .....
» 11/01/2017 9:57:53 PM Obviously you don't know much VK3AUU. Time you did a bit of reading. You might just learn.....
» 11/01/2017 11:42:03 AM Rache there was consensus about what caused stomach ulcers, until it was proved wrong, as .....
» 11/01/2017 11:09:49 AM Do come off the grass dogline. None of these things you're bitching about can be all that.....
» 10/01/2017 6:45:50 PM Come on folks. They obviously have not thought too deeply about this. Only stupid people.....
» 10/01/2017 12:48:23 PM You need to see a doctor Paul, not only are you sick, you are in danger of disappearing in.....
» 10/01/2017 12:17:28 PM What with Bronwyn & now this one, it looks like a good argument to get these women out of .....
» 10/01/2017 12:11:40 PM Unlikely to get away with that Nick. I had to bridge between my home, & my grany flat for .....
» 9/01/2017 8:07:40 PM Anyone who wants to be alarmed about something, like VK3AUU, will find some concocted stor.....
» 9/01/2017 2:43:01 PM Don't worry plantagenet, the BOM are working on a justification to increase the rainfall r.....
» 9/01/2017 1:43:28 PM Wouldn't it be lovely if these people who want to pontificate in print had some idea of wh.....
» 9/01/2017 1:00:02 PM I don't know about this ttbn, But I do know that Turnbull, & Shorten for that matter, woul.....
» 9/01/2017 12:48:54 PM Now you are showing your utter lack of any knowledge, but a desire to shoot your mouth off.....
» 8/01/2017 11:35:07 AM Foxy sweetie, you are obviously looking a bit further for your information, than the lefty.....
» 8/01/2017 11:13:12 AM Bazz, if you want people to be able to live off a veggie patch, you had better hope we sti.....
» 7/01/2017 7:42:51 PM No not a planned development, just some tree change, some retirement & some prepared for a.....
» 7/01/2017 3:02:17 PM Hi Paul & welcome. You can still have a great community on acreage, I guess it depends on.....
» 5/01/2017 10:30:33 PM Paul, "should have a holiday on July 11th and call it Gough Day, more appropriate to .....
» 4/01/2017 12:48:23 PM How typically the bureaucrat is our Paul. So obvious he has no idea of the running of any.....
» 4/01/2017 12:01:39 PM Julian, as the senior CUO of a 3 platoon school cadet corps in the later 50s, I have a lit.....
» 4/01/2017 11:42:17 AM Actually employing some competent teachers would help as a start measure. At our large 1.....
» 4/01/2017 11:01:17 AM Has no one realised that extended trading hours are costing consumers a fortune. John Sl.....
» 3/01/2017 6:24:10 PM What garbage Julian. Those kids were a quickly raised militia, with no time for any decent.....
» 3/01/2017 5:57:47 PM Do you know anything EmperorJulian, or do you like telling stories. John Howard took the .....
» 2/01/2017 1:00:00 PM Wow Is Mise, I would have loved to be in on that. My real love is the oldies. I wonder why.....
» 2/01/2017 12:15:43 PM Yes Is Mise, I find those fireworks typical Green/Labor. Like the mobs of Rome, supply bre.....
» 1/01/2017 10:04:00 PM Thanks Graham, & the same to you, & all the other contributors. At least with Brexit, & T.....
» 1/01/2017 9:57:33 PM Of course it is Banjo, in fact it was back in Bob Hawke's time. However with Political cor.....
» 1/01/2017 12:22:00 PM About time we started charging those miserable kayakers for polluting our waterways with t.....
» 1/01/2017 10:16:29 AM How typical of a lefty. Paul tells us "The local community, was/is very much in favor.....
» 31/12/2016 3:17:15 PM Foxy I hesitated about this for quite a while. However it was Bathurst, Easter 1966. In .....
» 31/12/2016 2:29:32 PM Come off it Toni Lavis, time to wake up a bit. How many god dam football stadiums, velodr.....
» 30/12/2016 11:48:34 AM Right in all but one thing Big Nana. Testing was not eliminated to avoid hurting children'.....
» 29/12/2016 11:00:11 AM Any who are not prepared to stay, & fight to protect their homeland & people, are not wort.....
» 28/12/2016 8:14:30 PM Well said Graham. I have always felt that super contributions were a rip off. The wage ear.....
» 27/12/2016 6:01:14 PM Don't be silly Albie, it's Hillary who was in the pocket of the military industrial comple.....
» 23/12/2016 5:47:47 PM Quite a blast there Alan. But then you have admitted you are thick enough to actually beli.....
» 23/12/2016 11:10:35 AM Could these people actually lie straight in bed. In Queensland we have areas which 80 yea.....
» 23/12/2016 10:25:28 AM Agreed completely ttbn. I was thinking as I read this tripe, here we have someone studyin.....
» 22/12/2016 3:39:01 PM How could anyone, ever mix politic & Science in the same sentence, let alone combine the t.....
» 21/12/2016 11:09:54 PM Hi o sung wu, & a very merry Christmas to you. I know what you are talking about. I was al.....
» 21/12/2016 11:14:59 AM Whether a country is heaven or hell largely depends on the mental attitude of the populati.....
» 21/12/2016 11:01:47 AM You are right there Everald, Turnbull is past it, but mate, I think when it comes to Turnb.....
» 20/12/2016 4:16:45 PM Where do the feminists find these Uncle Toms to write this stuff?.....
» 20/12/2016 12:07:39 AM Thanks Foxy. No it's my 4Th, but by the way my lady is behaving you would think it was he.....
» 19/12/2016 6:59:59 PM My youngest daughter had her first baby last week, moved into her new house, 125 kilometre.....
» 19/12/2016 12:16:55 PM I do find it interesting that every time I read pieces like this they prove that Academics.....
» 17/12/2016 6:04:42 PM Not sure of his legacy yet. Won't really until they find all the mass graves......
» 14/12/2016 6:15:52 PM Alan it will horrify the greenies, but I felt hemmed in & oppressed in New Guinea. My high.....
» 14/12/2016 2:02:02 PM Wouldn't you think that in all this mess, there would be a good way for a smart lawyer to .....
» 14/12/2016 1:56:17 PM You've convinced me Alan, Parris would be one of the worst places on earth to live, I doub.....
» 14/12/2016 1:39:09 PM Obviously no thinking person could have voted for Hillary, but I will admit to having my d.....
» 13/12/2016 11:52:29 AM Valerie, Team ikOala <>, are selling a German engineere.....
» 12/12/2016 4:38:35 PM Oh god, come on Everald, the very last thing we need is yet another QUANGO with commission.....
» 11/12/2016 9:08:26 PM Nick they also reported that where the Murray river red gums are preserved as "VERGIN.....
» 11/12/2016 8:48:51 PM I'm surprised at you rehctub, there is no reason working people should help the bludgers r.....
» 11/12/2016 12:23:55 PM Paul, "dill" is simply me being kind, rather than a description, totally inadequ.....
» 11/12/2016 12:01:48 PM About 10 years ago someone published a peer reviewed study which showed that there are abo.....
» 10/12/2016 11:56:42 PM Around here Spotted gum, Stringybark, Ironbark & the local SE Queensland Red gum all coppi.....
» 10/12/2016 1:12:08 AM We sure don't need any more prisons Paul you dill, what we need is chain gangs in the old .....
» 10/12/2016 12:20:59 AM You sound like our outside cat Nick, it regularly presents us with half eaten snakes. Las.....
» 9/12/2016 10:41:30 AM What world do you people inhabit, it sure isn't this one. We have lots of dole bludgers .....
» 8/12/2016 6:44:52 PM FOXY, great to see you back. Hope you are well. Valerie, careful there, people will be su.....
» 8/12/2016 2:24:09 PM Actually nick that is quite wrong. The story that trees stop erosion is one of the greates.....
» 8/12/2016 1:28:14 PM Bugsy you have that exactly back to front. It is the job of highly paid Deans to find out.....
» 7/12/2016 12:05:00 PM Yes Is Mise, those trees are killers. I can only wonder how many have died when fleeing a.....
» 7/12/2016 11:32:59 AM Come on now Peter. Most of us have grown up, looked at the global warming scam, & know wh.....
» 7/12/2016 11:16:26 AM Where to for migrants and minorities? Well if you don't like the opportunities we offer, .....
» 6/12/2016 12:10:14 PM Saeed this piece is so bad, it could have been written by Hillary Clinton. We all know wh.....
» 6/12/2016 11:04:58 AM It is becoming increasingly obvious as time passes, that those fairies that inhabited the .....
» 5/12/2016 11:25:32 PM If you are going to own investment property, I suggest you buy industrial property. A sma.....
» 5/12/2016 7:58:09 PM You must be a school teacher Bugsy, & rather sensitive to your own incompetence. Just wha.....
» 5/12/2016 11:43:12 AM Oh god, here we go again. In the "good old days" when kids got a real education.....
» 5/12/2016 10:21:09 AM Don't believe a word of it Paul. Any one as deep into fantasy & bulldust as you, would ne.....
» 5/12/2016 10:13:10 AM Hi Jinxy, my advice is to talk to anyone but a "professional". My experience in .....
» 2/12/2016 12:49:13 PM In my lifetime the most violent attacks on political rallies have been those of the ratbag.....
» 2/12/2016 11:20:03 AM What a disgusting bit of rubbish. No thought at all for the thousands who are already str.....
» 1/12/2016 10:42:58 AM Paul those who forget their history, are bound to make the same mistakes in the future. O.....
» 30/11/2016 8:45:05 PM Got it all back to front as usual Paul. It's you & the likes of Shoebridge who are the ex.....
» 30/11/2016 8:31:48 PM I know exactly what you are talking about old man. In the tourist industry I found that f.....
» 29/11/2016 11:37:15 AM Great post Paul, your arrogance shines throughout it like a huge beacon on a mountain top......
» 28/11/2016 11:23:53 PM An example of our nanny state, & the worst of bureaucrats. In April 1974 I was sailing my.....
» 28/11/2016 8:24:40 PM Do you actually believe that Taswegian, or is it the green/left cover story you are adheri.....
» 28/11/2016 11:06:01 AM What a breath of fresh air. Thanks for some common sense Nicola. Come on Alan B, given y.....
» 28/11/2016 10:41:41 AM Of course public opinion should determine policy. Well, at least when I agree with it......
» 28/11/2016 10:38:27 AM This piece shows the depth of self delusion the left have to practice to be able to live w.....
» 28/11/2016 10:29:53 AM If this sort of rubbish is what passes for ethics by the academic left, it really is time .....
» 25/11/2016 8:26:36 PM What a wonderful idea. Lets waste more of the money we don't have, & have to borrow on su.....
» 24/11/2016 3:04:48 PM Nicola, are you sure those dairy regulations are to protect us from our poor choices, or t.....
» 24/11/2016 11:47:56 AM Whee, Kellie has invented a new pretend word. Post-truth for god's sake, what meaningless .....
» 24/11/2016 12:15:00 AM How typically lefty. So the ratbag socialists have found yet another way of getting their.....
» 22/11/2016 5:18:01 PM Now if Cassandra had left out the "domestic" bit & just called for tougher & mor.....
» 22/11/2016 4:55:54 PM Years ago I read the results of a laboratory experiment on overcrowding. They started ad.....
» 22/11/2016 1:29:24 PM What is this crazy love affair all these planners have with Copenhagen, could it be they l.....
» 22/11/2016 10:08:35 AM Could the good professor be worried that a reduction in the welfare budget could reduce th.....
» 22/11/2016 9:32:06 AM Joe do you recognise that your suggestion is acting as if we have already given just 3% of.....
» 21/11/2016 6:42:05 PM Jardine in her last few years in her home, at 95 my mother had help from one not for profi.....
» 21/11/2016 12:21:36 PM And minotaur probably wonders why the majority deplore the disgustingly arrogant minoritie.....
» 21/11/2016 9:12:06 AM Rather than add the word aborigine or Indigenous to the constitution, I would vote to remo.....
» 21/11/2016 9:02:20 AM Lyle by trying to be nice you are bordering on giving offence to some. Rainbows are beaut.....
» 21/11/2016 8:34:57 AM This piece is an example of everything wrong in Australia today. No not a failure that re.....
» 18/11/2016 3:20:44 PM This looks like Cassandra is trying to bend a few laws to make it even more one sided agai.....
» 16/11/2016 10:36:40 AM Obviously you have never been to a primary school P&C meeting david f......
» 16/11/2016 10:25:09 AM What a pile of garbage. How could any bureaucrat, or academic reasonably decide why I had.....
» 16/11/2016 10:04:52 AM It really is an indictment of our society that people like Evelyn have so little of intere.....
» 15/11/2016 2:34:31 PM Not one of our green blob contributors prepared to discuss the disgusting result of the Af.....
» 13/11/2016 6:53:30 PM Steely I agree with much of the above, but you are so totally wrong on one point it negate.....
» 13/11/2016 6:11:19 PM Hopefully he will maximise the US energy industries, coal, oil gas & nuclear, & develop it.....
» 12/11/2016 6:24:33 PM Steely, trying to rationalise away what you don't like is just another way of lying to you.....
» 12/11/2016 5:35:20 PM You are indulging in a fair bit of Wishful thinking there rache. If your right, you should.....
» 12/11/2016 5:22:24 PM That would help o sung wu, but it wouldn't do it for me. I can't believe that anyone who .....
» 12/11/2016 4:16:47 PM Watch it there ttbn, you'd better go & wash your mouth out. France never got even close t.....
» 11/11/2016 3:56:05 PM Don't bet on it for them Loudmouth. The Green/Left blob has been like a Tsunami, destroyin.....
» 11/11/2016 3:29:29 PM Hey o sung wu, you sound like you're only inches away from giving Turnbull to Labor, [bloo.....
» 11/11/2016 1:59:25 PM Wishful thinking is probably much to blame among many. Sure there was rigging by some, & o.....
» 11/11/2016 1:44:49 PM For gods sake grow up misanthrope. As kids we were taught to chant, "Sticks & stones.....
» 11/11/2016 11:18:10 AM Let me get this right Paul. You think US workers should give up their jobs to China, so w.....
» 11/11/2016 11:08:12 AM Well thank god this possible nightmare has been averted......
» 11/11/2016 11:05:43 AM Very true Loudmouth, but that was before the feminist take over of education. In those fa.....
» 11/11/2016 10:47:15 AM LisaM from your post, I don't think anyone could be much more bigoted than you. You show e.....
» 10/11/2016 5:04:42 PM Hi Steely, it is great to see we want many of the same outcomes, I hope we can in time bec.....
» 10/11/2016 2:08:25 PM When it comes to TV, I'd rather put up with a few minutes of advertising, than put up with.....
» 10/11/2016 1:51:21 PM And the best way to entrench poverty is to rip billions of those struggling to get by, so .....
» 10/11/2016 1:31:39 PM Hey Steely, what is not ridiculous about the Greens open border policy. As for increasing.....
» 10/11/2016 10:33:17 AM Steely, talk about only seeing what you want to see. You started out OK, but can't actual.....
» 9/11/2016 11:23:05 PM Oh, what a beautiful mornin', Oh, what a beautiful day. I got a beautiful feelin' Ev'eryth.....
» 9/11/2016 6:00:29 PM Thank god for small mercies. Trump will put a stop to the global warming scam, the waste.....
» 9/11/2016 12:34:52 PM Yes Justin, Vouchers might stop the feather bedding of teachers by the teachers union. It .....
» 9/11/2016 11:47:46 AM Andras Smith, the only people who can possibly be in favour of 18C are those who hate whit.....
» 9/11/2016 11:11:04 AM The only thing that is certain about TPP is that it will generate winners & losers. The w.....
» 8/11/2016 6:16:22 PM It is a common result everywhere. We had a nice little national park on the southern side.....
» 8/11/2016 11:24:56 AM What a pile of utter garbage. What are you doing Leon, trying to build a case to get thi.....
» 5/11/2016 11:47:50 PM Actually I can see a real advantage of this shutdown. Obviously both South Australia & Vi.....
» 5/11/2016 2:38:46 PM I'm not quite sure just what it says about us, but not one of the prime western English sp.....
» 5/11/2016 2:14:42 PM No Is Mise, he's sure to have a scam going somewhere, & be busy sucking on a taxpayer teat.....
» 4/11/2016 3:50:05 PM Thanks for confirming Paul, what I have always suspected, that you have half a brain. Stil.....
» 3/11/2016 6:30:28 PM It looks as if our illustrious Queensland Labor government has found yet another way to ri.....
» 3/11/2016 12:31:16 PM It looks like it is Hillary who is getting plucked now, & each feather removed reveals som.....
» 3/11/2016 12:11:41 PM Is he dumb enough to believe this crap, or just a lying conman? What ever the case, would.....
» 1/11/2016 11:59:40 AM The trouble with do-gooders & bleeding hearts is that they can only see good in their own .....
» 1/11/2016 11:26:29 AM The lefties know everything so they tell us. If they didn't know Trump would be great for.....
» 29/10/2016 11:00:30 PM And how many hours did you work running that backpackers Lefty one, heaps I'll bet. I work.....
» 29/10/2016 10:05:28 PM Are there really people so naďve that they believe any country could lay down it's nukes, .....
» 29/10/2016 9:56:00 PM Looks like they didn't manage to pluck that duck. Perhaps he might still have more feather.....
» 29/10/2016 9:49:27 PM Hey Shadow Minister, you mention the Looney left, & one pops up right on cue. Amazing are.....
» 29/10/2016 4:04:14 PM Garbage Luciferase, these people have tried to make forced entry to our country. As such t.....
» 29/10/2016 3:40:18 PM Yes I have Lefty One, I think New Guinea & the Solomons are about as third world as you ca.....
» 28/10/2016 4:32:03 PM Aidan the only profiteering that occurred in Queensland's power was that by the Beattie La.....
» 27/10/2016 12:38:08 PM The idea of globalisation, with each country producing the things where it has a competiti.....
» 27/10/2016 1:37:42 AM Wow! Has there ever been a more arrogant article here, or one that got everything so wrong.....
» 24/10/2016 3:45:04 PM I am not sure that even Hillary could be worse than Obama, but there is enough chance, tha.....
» 24/10/2016 9:29:52 AM Perhaps we could ask the Nauruans to send us some instructors to teach us how to treat gat.....
» 18/10/2016 4:05:18 PM Justin has got this partly right, Global warming, & the attendant alternate energy, cars &.....
» 15/10/2016 2:14:26 PM This article proves we need to keep the academics, & particularly the of philosophers down.....
» 13/10/2016 2:42:00 PM They might be queer ttbn, but they aren't all stupid. They know, just as well as we do, t.....
» 10/10/2016 6:59:36 PM I guess the fact that female politicians do not have to be physically attractive is an adv.....
» 10/10/2016 5:56:51 PM Cash offers the most simple & easy to manage private budgeting system there is. For over.....
» 10/10/2016 2:29:38 AM We should not need a sex offenders register. As far as I'm concerned anyone who has commit.....
» 8/10/2016 10:44:15 AM Did you read my post6 Craig? If you did, how are you going to get about without your bubb.....
» 8/10/2016 10:29:27 AM And the greenies will have rushed off down a false path, with unproven & obviously faulty .....
» 8/10/2016 10:03:16 AM Craig Minns you may not be part of the base load, but the real people are. If greenie ratb.....
» 7/10/2016 6:18:13 PM Renewables black out an entire state, & the ratbags come roaring out of the woodwork to sc.....
» 6/10/2016 12:09:13 AM Rubbish like this is the reason that so many have no respect left for academics. When mos.....
» 2/10/2016 12:39:37 PM Spent a lot of time on the Queensland & NSW coasts have you JF Aus. I have, both in Sydne.....
» 1/10/2016 12:39:52 PM Tristan, I don't think there is a lesser evil than another 4 years of the crazy policies o.....
» 1/10/2016 12:35:31 PM Hey o sung wu, how did some of the dainty little ladies coming into the force, direct from.....
» 30/09/2016 1:05:48 PM Nick, I was a top marksman. On a range, or hunting I rarely wasted a round, or even an arr.....
» 30/09/2016 12:51:41 PM Just assuming the yanks are not stupid enough to repeat their mistake in giving Obama a se.....
» 30/09/2016 12:35:30 PM Some of that is getting to be a bit of ancient history JF AUS. Even as a kid in the late.....
» 30/09/2016 11:51:58 AM Old timers disease is obviously alive & well with this one. The softening is obviously wi.....
» 29/09/2016 5:44:43 PM Will any of these people ever grow up. Obviously this clown, Basha Stasak has never seen t.....
» 28/09/2016 7:06:04 PM Pete, I agree we need shore based nuclear defence, but I still like cruise as an invasion .....
» 27/09/2016 8:35:55 PM I watched a little of "THE DEBATE", & was so bored I switched it off. I have a .....
» 27/09/2016 8:09:32 PM You are getting into scary territory now o sung wu......
» 26/09/2016 11:18:57 AM Gee Paul, it sounds like you are mixing with the wrong type of people, but then they do sa.....
» 25/09/2016 12:56:01 PM Alan Tesla is only viable while the long suffering US taxpayers continue to fund what is c.....
» 24/09/2016 7:53:51 PM Alan I have no use for electric cars. Usually when I get a car out it will have travelled .....
» 23/09/2016 3:27:33 PM Old Man, if you are in fact an old man, you should by now have some idea on our tax system.....
» 23/09/2016 12:32:12 PM What is it with these damn fool planners, & their fixation on public transport & bloody bi.....
» 21/09/2016 2:43:46 PM Wow LEGO, you really did hit a nerve there with Thomas O'Reilly. So much so he actually us.....
» 21/09/2016 2:11:44 PM Don't be silly Shadow Minister, They are all busy convincing themselves that it must someh.....
» 20/09/2016 3:39:25 PM The fact this one has succeeded academically does nothing to prove he is not a gang member.....
» 20/09/2016 11:53:31 AM Hi O sung. As one of the most gentlemanly & kind posters here I find your including yourse.....
» 16/09/2016 5:28:20 PM A serious question! Do any here think this kid will ever grow up enough to add two though.....
» 16/09/2016 2:01:29 PM "Donald Trump's absurd candidacy for the presidency has obscured the broad-based rese.....
» 16/09/2016 1:28:45 PM Wouldn't it be interesting if the global warming alarmist could actually discuss the scien.....
» 16/09/2016 12:23:07 PM Is it not true that there is sufficient low frequency radiation which CO2 can absorb, inco.....
» 15/09/2016 9:40:14 PM No thankyou. It does not appeal at all......
» 15/09/2016 11:01:50 AM TTBN let me assure the lack of sub crew is no fallacy. Half the problem is that the navy h.....
» 9/09/2016 3:31:53 PM Dastyari has proved beyond doubt that he is not to be trusted with anything of any value t.....
» 8/09/2016 10:17:16 AM It would be nice to think the yanks would see through Clinton, & elect Trump. However I do.....
» 6/09/2016 1:01:07 AM And the fools at the ABC all think he's the ants pants......
» 5/09/2016 1:52:29 PM Pretty much on the money there David, but perhaps you need to explain to those of Aiden's .....
» 5/09/2016 11:44:36 AM Talk about undergraduate type peeing in each others pockets. Steele & Craig, you remind me.....
» 4/09/2016 1:09:59 PM Do you realise Craig Minns, that posts & the attitude it displays is the reason most Ozzie.....
» 3/09/2016 11:55:46 PM Continued. Yes we need someone to do it, but unless we will pay twice the price for food,.....
» 3/09/2016 11:55:38 PM Yes Bazz if we get to that stage, but by then they will possibly just be taking it if they.....
» 2/09/2016 8:59:24 PM This land is just swamp, previously drained. it is not good farm land. There are thousand.....
» 2/09/2016 11:14:59 AM Alzheimer’s is a terrible disease, or is it just selective memory here Everald & interacti.....
» 1/09/2016 9:57:14 PM Anyone who grows food in Australia is a bloody idiot. Food production is not a profitable .....
» 1/09/2016 10:16:01 AM You probably have to go overseas if you want to behead someone too, & get away with it. W.....
» 31/08/2016 10:44:12 AM How much more space is this anti Australian twit going to be given to say exactly the same.....
» 29/08/2016 11:47:56 AM How much of this moralising is actually driven by jealousy of those better endowed. Most o.....
» 29/08/2016 10:34:40 AM Come on Banjo of course the lawyers want onshore detention. They make heaps more money, fu.....
» 26/08/2016 8:21:41 PM Remember The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the ship of all the useless sent to establi.....
» 23/08/2016 12:18:53 PM Utter garbage as usual Paul. Perhaps you could tell me what is socialist about wanting go.....
» 22/08/2016 11:47:42 PM You're right again Yuyutsu, a long time ago, & the population when we came was too damn we.....
» 22/08/2016 9:37:40 AM You're right o0f course Yuyutsu. Until they ask for asylum they are an invasion force, & s.....
» 22/08/2016 9:27:22 AM Real cruelty would be to make the illegals learn English, then force them to read the garb.....
» 22/08/2016 9:19:45 AM The problem with police today is, that rather than learning their trade from the ground up.....
» 21/08/2016 9:54:19 PM A prime example of rabid socialism is Juliar's NBN disaster which has effectively banned a.....
» 19/08/2016 2:55:19 PM Shadow, what you may not be aware of is government, once relied on these state owned enter.....
» 19/08/2016 2:33:52 PM What utter garbage from the depth of a pretend discipline. What we are giving these boatp.....
» 16/08/2016 2:45:17 PM Not abolishing 18c is what is immoral. A law which prevents anyone bringing injustice out.....
» 14/08/2016 3:54:25 PM "Beach, the biggest embarrassment to Australia are the racists comments of One Nation.....
» 14/08/2016 2:33:48 PM I'll have you know the Olympic Games are held to celebrate my birthday, leap year, so get .....
» 12/08/2016 10:56:40 PM Wow, just Wow. After 25 years of ABC only, they drove me away. In my experience ABC dram.....
» 12/08/2016 10:29:55 PM I do have a little idea onthebeach. One of my pit crew, when I was racing the Brabham was .....
» 12/08/2016 10:05:01 PM I saw this mob in New Guinea, & know a bloke who worked for them in Africa. They are abou.....
» 10/08/2016 9:38:00 PM The difference between the oppressed & the oppressor in these African & middle eastern cou.....
» 10/08/2016 11:50:54 AM It was only because in 1940 most of our country kids were competent with a gun, although n.....
» 10/08/2016 11:40:40 AM Garbage rache, all Hansen has done is to provide a coalescing place for those who are sick.....
» 10/08/2016 11:19:21 AM I think our whole response to crime & terrorism is all wrong. I am not interested in puni.....
» 8/08/2016 1:57:08 PM Many people have to serve a probation period simply when starting a new job. Surely for us.....
» 5/08/2016 3:09:56 PM South of Brisbane cato. We have in our rates, State Government emergency management levy.....
» 5/08/2016 2:38:52 PM As a horse & dog lover, & breeder in a very small way, I can see nothing much wrong with c.....
» 5/08/2016 12:19:18 PM The latter sounds like the best idea Banjo, but it will have to include the top bureaucrat.....
» 5/08/2016 11:10:11 AM It looks like Alan B is smoking the same stuff that Peter Bowden is smoking. I thought th.....
» 5/08/2016 11:03:01 AM Got my rates notice the other day. It is a totally ridiculous price for what I get from co.....
» 4/08/2016 2:05:58 PM No Aidan everyone should not tolerate everyone. Only those who show a suitable respect for.....
» 4/08/2016 10:59:03 AM If this woman is a refugee as she appears to claim, I find it objectionable that she presu.....
» 3/08/2016 2:41:17 PM AJ Philips, I don't know from what perspective you view our world from, but if you can not.....
» 3/08/2016 2:30:17 PM Wow Aidan, that's a good one. From what I have seen the only "moral basis of the Lef.....
» 3/08/2016 1:49:06 PM Pauline was of course right in her fear. We are being taken over by Asians, at least econo.....
» 2/08/2016 11:33:52 PM Ant, just a little advice. If you want to be taken seriously, don't ever quote the Guardi.....
» 2/08/2016 3:01:40 PM The only intelligent way to deradicalise Muslims is with the US air force. That way, if y.....
» 2/08/2016 2:47:02 PM You pair must be mad. Tropical air is pretty damn fresh, but at least doesn't try to blow.....
» 2/08/2016 2:39:18 PM Of the 6 members of my high school debating team, in the mid 1950s, 3 were the daughters o.....
» 2/08/2016 1:59:47 PM What a breath of fresh air. It is hard to believe that there are still thinking people, r.....
» 2/08/2016 1:19:55 PM What an absolutely dreadful idea. While OK for the young for a while, families need some p.....
» 2/08/2016 12:44:12 AM Wow I had better start watching more TV. Or do I have to go to the movies to see all this .....
» 2/08/2016 12:21:47 AM Yes Killarney, it really is getting ridiculous. Primary school teachers did a 2 year teach.....
» 31/07/2016 5:37:14 PM I have mate with a copra plantation north of Bougainville. He is always looking for worker.....
» 31/07/2016 4:05:28 PM Actually it really is about gender. There is no doubt that girls & boys have different apt.....
» 30/07/2016 9:46:28 PM Well thank god for small mercies. The sensible ministers stopped this fool Turnbull making.....
» 30/07/2016 9:36:24 PM I am fortunate in coming from a more enlightened time, when we did not keep kids at school.....
» 30/07/2016 12:20:41 AM I didn't see any injuries, his make up artist must be very good. Surely there must be some.....
» 29/07/2016 2:03:56 PM Spent a lot of time on the reef have you JF Aus? No I thought not. The natural habitat of .....
» 29/07/2016 12:59:46 AM It is not that Rudd is a totally useless leach on society, but the fact that Turnbull want.....
» 28/07/2016 6:03:18 PM I suggest Rivka, you go do you preaching to the people of Nice. With any luck they will b.....
» 26/07/2016 11:25:42 PM Is he totally crazy, thinking of supporting Rudd for UN Secretary General or just wanting .....
» 26/07/2016 4:24:23 PM Ian I find it amazing that anyone can load a piece with so much unconscious arrogance. So .....
» 26/07/2016 2:40:21 PM The Australian people must be pretty gullible, to the point of stupidity, if they find Tur.....
» 25/07/2016 1:30:11 PM After over 25 years when my radio, & TV when with in range, were rusted on to the ABC, I f.....
» 25/07/2016 12:36:08 AM Yep, & thanks to the little time bombs bequeathed to us by Rudd & Gillard, like the NBN, G.....
» 24/07/2016 12:14:21 AM Come off the grass Aidan. My power bill 10 years ago was $250 a quarter, with 3 kids at h.....
» 23/07/2016 1:42:53 PM I wouldn't expect too much from that club Crackcup, they must have a new management in pla.....
» 23/07/2016 12:52:40 PM Graham we really do need a few less articles by special, & vested interest people, with fu.....
» 22/07/2016 10:12:02 PM The re4al worry is that we are paying this clown to teach LAW to our kids. Talk about naďv.....
» 22/07/2016 2:45:12 PM The green dream is actually coming true. They always wanted to use this scam to drive us b.....
» 22/07/2016 2:28:31 PM So not only does oil give us the opportunity for a great life, rather than the short harsh.....
» 22/07/2016 1:56:04 PM Alan B, why do you insist in living in the 20Th century, then trying to apply 21st century.....
» 21/07/2016 7:35:09 PM The manning doesn't matter too much Pete, they can never get any 2 of them actually going .....
» 21/07/2016 6:56:09 PM Well' thank you Alan B. I guess you will be happy walking up to 10 kilometres to your loca.....
» 21/07/2016 12:39:51 PM HSR is not much use for generating increased land values, particularly today. The old lan.....
» 21/07/2016 4:33:01 AM We had better all start hoping that Abbott is a better destroyer than he was PM. His mild .....
» 20/07/2016 1:23:19 PM "What we must not loose sight of is we live in a civilized society governed by the ru.....
» 19/07/2016 12:40:06 PM Hi Foxy, glad to see you are on deck again. One thing, you say, Pauline is entitled to he.....
» 19/07/2016 12:06:16 PM To me it looks like a number of religious denominations are running scared of the result o.....
» 16/07/2016 11:23:38 PM "You forgot about being able to have four wives and quickie divorce (see how well tha.....
» 16/07/2016 3:29:55 PM I don't know what you boys are going crook about. With Sharia Law in Oz, Suse & Poirot, &.....
» 16/07/2016 3:08:10 PM Ross talks about social services, health care & education as being the largest & fastest g.....
» 14/07/2016 12:52:42 PM Oh god, another one. The elitist academics who can only see the world in a series of patt.....
» 14/07/2016 11:53:59 AM Only someone who's math never went past primary school could write such a fool article. W.....
» 13/07/2016 1:29:10 PM The only people who will suffer are the elitists. They are the ones who profit from the EU.....
» 13/07/2016 1:08:24 PM Could this fool Bowden really believe the rubbish in this article, or is he just supportin.....
» 11/07/2016 6:36:52 PM "Meanwhile the roll call of prodominately black men and boys being shot by police in .....
» 11/07/2016 6:26:01 PM I can't agree Brendon, that this is an ill-considered action. I think it has been very ca.....
» 9/07/2016 9:31:42 PM From the stuff I've seen it appears that this is a bit like our black deaths in custody sy.....
» 9/07/2016 4:50:22 PM With the drug culture in the USA, where cops get shot & killed just carrying out an ordina.....
» 9/07/2016 3:00:39 PM Cobber the hound said, "Angela Merkel has been Chancellor of Germany since 2005 and n.....
» 8/07/2016 5:29:18 PM In fact they know they are more likely to lose than win. They & their ABC have been using .....
» 8/07/2016 4:04:56 PM Come on girls, please. Annastacia Palaszczuk is premier of Queensland for 3 reasons. 1/ .....
» 8/07/2016 3:49:28 PM I've never been into dog racing or horse racing for that matter, but I think if a dog, I'd.....
» 8/07/2016 3:25:01 PM The concept of "the law of the land" is an atrocity. Laws may only legitimately .....
» 8/07/2016 3:17:21 PM Don while I agree anything is better than having Turnbull with his kooky brand of Chardonn.....
» 6/07/2016 4:48:07 PM Anyone who heard her on TV last night would have no doubt that the Queensland Premier is j.....
» 5/07/2016 10:32:42 PM You clowns just can't see it can you. Turnbull & Rudd are as alike as 2 peas in a pod. Any.....
» 5/07/2016 10:10:43 PM Could it be that all this crowing by Paul about an increase in votes is to try to prevent .....
» 5/07/2016 3:01:22 PM Thinking Liberals realise that it was only about 10% of those who wanted to vote against t.....
» 4/07/2016 8:54:25 PM Lyn go back to your airy fairy psychology. This stuff is far too deep for you to understa.....
» 4/07/2016 12:16:52 AM Well there you have it. Two people who are not afraid to call it as it is. The lefties hat.....
» 2/07/2016 9:48:18 PM Well I guess it is fair to say, the electorate has left the liberal party in no doubt of w.....
» 2/07/2016 8:58:23 PM Granted Roses we are not knee deep in horse manurer. However after reading your posts I n.....
» 1/07/2016 12:16:33 AM Alan B, please give just one good, & real reason why we should get out of coal, the cheape.....
» 30/06/2016 6:14:22 PM Not a waste AJ, but a real chance to save. I believe the only reason homosexuals want to .....
» 30/06/2016 5:36:26 PM What utter garbage you activists talk. That is putting it nicely too. There are other word.....
» 29/06/2016 12:47:51 PM I hope Paul goes to see a doctor very soon. He is becoming increasingly more rabid as thi.....
» 28/06/2016 11:46:25 PM Hey graham, you have "Spoken like a true neo-liberal", & I hope you are suitably.....
» 28/06/2016 12:27:08 AM Keep it up Steely, digging a hole to bury your Greens. You are confirming everything that.....
» 27/06/2016 6:18:15 PM This vote does seem to indicate that people are sick of leadership. Well what passes for l.....
» 27/06/2016 5:57:42 PM Yes plantagenet the silent majority have had a ball swinging their new found baseball bat,.....
» 27/06/2016 5:39:29 PM Rubbish Agronomist. It is the silent & ignored majority that has spoken in Brexit result. .....
» 27/06/2016 5:21:24 PM Yuyutsu every business can deduct the interest on borrowings used to fiancé that business .....
» 27/06/2016 4:31:23 PM Have you only just caught on to that mikk? Any smart person has known for years that it .....
» 27/06/2016 12:21:30 PM Thanks Paul, it is nice to have ones judgement confirmed. That post is dripping more arro.....
» 27/06/2016 12:07:11 PM It is not only trolley collectors rehctub, it's everywhere. Once upon a time, nice mother.....
» 26/06/2016 10:53:34 PM Keep up the goading Onthebeach, the arrogance that pours our of Paul's posts will remind e.....
» 25/06/2016 5:29:42 PM Written like a true, overpaid bureaucrat Steely. What a great system , the poms can send .....
» 25/06/2016 4:38:47 PM Great article Keith. You put the case logically & only someone ideologically opposed to th.....
» 25/06/2016 4:02:02 PM I wonder if this bloke even has a right arm, so biased his thinking. Only a fully qualifie.....
» 25/06/2016 3:19:05 PM Now would not be a good time to buy a house in Brussels. With so much less money the EU is.....
» 24/06/2016 9:39:54 PM Yep I'll certainly have a beer on it Graham. A great result, which will ultimately lead t.....
» 24/06/2016 8:41:54 PM That doesn't surprise me Rhian, it is the same in my town. Of course, we pay for our docto.....
» 24/06/2016 7:54:10 PM Brendan you did miss the fact that women compete at the very highest level at 3 day eventi.....
» 23/06/2016 5:35:19 PM One thought on 570s idea that the NBN will be good for small town business. I reckon he'.....
» 23/06/2016 4:42:03 PM I had a perfect example of the detriment to Ozzies of this flood of immigrants, particular.....
» 23/06/2016 8:45:19 AM If you had read my other posts on matters politic Paul, you would have noticed me saying, .....
» 23/06/2016 12:31:39 AM Hey everyone, come & look. Paul just cracked a funny. Yes that's right Paul. He actually .....
» 23/06/2016 12:21:17 AM Come off it plantagenet. Any increase in GDP is in the housing required to house this floo.....
» 22/06/2016 11:28:34 PM I was treasurer of the P&C of a little [100 students] country primary school when Labor, [.....
» 21/06/2016 2:04:29 PM If more city folk had a clue about the bush, many of these towns could become prosperous p.....
» 21/06/2016 1:19:42 AM It wouldn't want to be much of an accident Cossomby, if the ambulance was coming from 100K.....
» 20/06/2016 1:52:29 PM Unfortunately Everald could be right. The national parliament could become as dysfunction.....
» 19/06/2016 6:00:24 PM Just how naďve do you think we are Simon. Don't forget mate, many of us were educated year.....
» 14/06/2016 11:02:45 PM And Yabby, about half the conservatives I know will cheer if Turnbull loses. The last thin.....
» 13/06/2016 5:49:47 PM The problem with work for the dole schemes is of course the design of them. It is obviousl.....
» 13/06/2016 5:24:30 PM Yes ttbn, the only thing that will keep these people out of trouble of their own making, i.....
» 10/06/2016 10:51:49 PM If Hillary gets in, I suggest you liquefy any & all assets you have, & start having a big .....
» 9/06/2016 6:13:44 PM Yep, you got a few different planes mixed up there o sung wu. As Jayb says it was the Gann.....
» 9/06/2016 3:55:23 PM Suse nothing wrong with having an education. The main problem with education today is that.....
» 8/06/2016 10:34:35 PM Hey Foxy, go pull that bucket out of the well kid, read the list you'll find in it, & star.....
» 8/06/2016 10:08:36 PM Well doesn't this article say it all. It highlights most that has gone wrong with the US &.....
» 7/06/2016 2:11:07 AM The problem is that the housing sector is such a huge employer. Our politicians have not.....
» 7/06/2016 1:40:48 AM Come on Kate, if you are going to preach from the ridiculous Global warming hymn book, at .....
» 3/06/2016 8:43:31 PM I didn't bother reading past the bit where these fools tell us that climate science is set.....
» 2/06/2016 1:32:43 PM I'm not so sure Armchair Critic that the coming Islamic take over of Oz will be such a bad.....
» 2/06/2016 12:36:54 PM Yes there is no reason to preserve clapped out old houses, just because someone built them.....
» 2/06/2016 12:18:24 PM Is this bloke just a ratbag greenie? Is he a full communist? Is there any difference bet.....
» 2/06/2016 12:08:46 AM You people don't have a clue about the real world do you? You must be bureaucrats, academi.....
» 1/06/2016 1:16:16 PM Rehctub you are too kind. The only sight of Turnbull I will ever welcome is the sight of .....
» 1/06/2016 12:13:16 PM If the greenies like the things so much, we should relocate every problem crock trapped, &.....
» 1/06/2016 11:13:05 AM If these business are so profitable, would you blokes explain why very few owners are stil.....
» 31/05/2016 4:05:02 PM Graham this activist tripe has no place on any serious forum. I am surprised this junk wa.....
» 23/05/2016 1:40:57 PM Hard love will not work every time, but too much kind love is definitely not the answer. A.....
» 23/05/2016 1:16:26 PM All this bleeding heart stuff is great. I do wonder how many of the bleeding hearts are ma.....
» 21/05/2016 2:10:53 PM The other night, on a TV news we had him questioning Turnbull's integrity. Surely someon.....
» 19/05/2016 12:45:04 PM "Renewables have the great advantage of not needing fuel", Aidan. Don't be so s.....
» 18/05/2016 4:11:05 PM Continued. 3/ Education now controlled by the feminist movement has been dumbed down to t.....
» 18/05/2016 4:10:12 PM Thanks Don, you outlined my quandary well, but appear to have no more answers than the res.....
» 17/05/2016 1:25:57 PM Vested interests for god's sake. Nothing could be more vested than those who funded Obama.....
» 17/05/2016 1:59:32 AM The latest study by a couple of German universities have both proved that both solar, & wi.....
» 17/05/2016 1:45:09 AM Tests set for an individual class, come on Woolly, you've got to be kidding. Half the re.....
» 11/05/2016 11:27:18 AM Yep another teacher trying to avoid their lack of ability being highlighted by the results.....
» 10/05/2016 11:46:38 AM Do enjoy the fishing rehctub. Where are you going? Back to the old stamping grounds in th.....
» 10/05/2016 11:38:20 AM Armchair Critic once upon a time, retailing was 5 days, 9 to 5, plus Saturday morning. Mos.....
» 9/05/2016 10:54:16 AM I wouldn't expect anything else. After all, Turnbull is more RRG, [radical ratbag green] .....
» 7/05/2016 1:10:34 PM Do Australians really believe that every single one of these people face an imminent and s.....
» 7/05/2016 12:52:48 PM Jayb, graziers in western regions of NSW & Qld are fighting kangaroo wars with plague prop.....
» 6/05/2016 7:14:54 PM NathanJ, any number of studies have found the solid fact that there are more trees in Oz t.....
» 6/05/2016 5:24:27 PM Both Sanders and Trump would be dangerous in office, you say Shadow Minister, & I am incli.....
» 6/05/2016 5:12:15 PM The thing that worries me is that this ratbag was employed in our diplomatic service, when.....
» 6/05/2016 1:36:00 AM Referundemdrivensocienty if 8 years of Obama has not destroyed the electorate's confidence.....
» 5/05/2016 5:08:19 PM Foxy you have to stop believing things just because it is published in some newspaper. Mos.....
» 5/05/2016 2:50:54 PM "I guess that Gary like every other left whinger doesn't like Trump" says Shadow.....
» 5/05/2016 9:51:52 AM Bazz I agree with the first part of your post, but please tell us "why it is urgent f.....
» 5/05/2016 1:15:17 AM I was pleasantly if mildly surprised that it is a reasonable effort. However they are nev.....
» 5/05/2016 1:09:47 AM Wow! I never realised how important it is, [to some plastic people], whether an audience o.....
» 4/05/2016 12:48:06 AM CHERFUL you may be interested to know that a very large research project by Swiss & German.....
» 3/05/2016 11:55:03 PM Turnbull is like a deer caught in the headlights of a speeding truck. He is frozen solid, .....
» 2/05/2016 12:27:31 PM Emotive claptrap. If anything is to be "targeted" is should be Anica & her fool.....
» 30/04/2016 10:02:38 PM Appeals to authority Poirot, are the last resort of an impoverished mind. That goes doubl.....
» 30/04/2016 9:30:14 PM God there is some garbage on the forum today. Armchair Critic the Palestinians have been g.....
» 30/04/2016 9:18:12 PM Garbage Alan B., & even more garbage Those who worked for the Zinc smelter were part of t.....
» 29/04/2016 7:21:03 PM As you think you know all about it Referundemdrivensocienty, how about you writing an alte.....
» 28/04/2016 6:16:32 PM Tomw, they say there is one born every minute, & posts like yours prove it. Bet you think .....
» 28/04/2016 12:45:39 PM Wow! If a single senator with few staff, & a small party backing him can produce such a de.....
» 27/04/2016 12:43:22 PM It would be interesting to look at the Greens financial expenditures. We all know that PN.....
» 27/04/2016 12:21:43 PM Do wake up Poirot! Applying the legitimate costs of earning a profit against that profit .....
» 26/04/2016 7:48:01 PM Not quite right on negative gearing Joe. You can not get tax deductibility on any of the.....
» 23/04/2016 12:58:45 PM The way we are going it is a race between the Chinese, & the Muslims to take over Oz. It .....
» 22/04/2016 8:58:54 PM If they are that disabled Aidan, they won't be swanning around universities. If they are s.....
» 22/04/2016 7:41:32 PM I don't know if they believe that the world owes them a living onthebeach, but they know o.....
» 22/04/2016 1:52:46 PM Yep, a fair go Aidan. However it is not a fair go to expect a checkout chick on less than.....
» 21/04/2016 4:42:09 PM My sympathies too Poirot. Mine went 3 years ago. If I'm like her I'll be happy. She was fu.....
» 21/04/2016 3:49:29 PM Perhaps if the support offered to these disabled was a reasonable figure, this would not h.....
» 20/04/2016 8:44:37 PM Rhrosty, please. “one does get tired of wasting time with folks with locked and bolted min.....
» 19/04/2016 8:36:22 PM Yep Turnbull got his wish. He's got his election before even more people wake up to his ho.....
» 19/04/2016 6:45:19 PM In the current employment climate, thanks to our lefty & green mates, it can be a very exp.....
» 18/04/2016 8:00:13 PM Sorry onthebeach, but I can't agree with your statement, "I say that the many thousan.....
» 18/04/2016 10:43:56 AM From memory, & it was a while back, I thought it was more simple than that. A growing shor.....
» 18/04/2016 10:32:35 AM What's not to like Luciferase, just about everything. With this clown, if actually electe.....
» 17/04/2016 12:53:44 AM The global warming scam crowd must be getting desperate. They are screaming in the media u.....
» 17/04/2016 12:34:38 AM Not offended by your bare-headedness Yuyutsu, but I am offended by your riding your bicycl.....
» 16/04/2016 12:36:33 PM My only interest is in how much one I put in my piggy bank today will buy in 10 years. An.....
» 15/04/2016 12:35:30 PM I hope that made you feel better Don, But it didn't help me. You've expressed my feelings.....
» 14/04/2016 1:38:04 PM Well well, don't these posters prove the old adage. There is none so blind as those who r.....
» 12/04/2016 4:56:46 PM The last thing we need is autonomous schools. In this day & age, when the adult population.....
» 12/04/2016 1:30:00 PM If we are going to destroy what is left of the Australian economy after Rudd & Gillard, wi.....
» 11/04/2016 5:25:51 PM Of course the politicians love the global warming scam, it has proved an excellent means o.....
» 11/04/2016 12:59:39 PM You know John, if you try being honest, & you may gain some credibility. Spinning as hard .....
» 10/04/2016 5:07:56 PM First we should send back all those Kiwis over here costing us a fortune. Then deport anyo.....
» 10/04/2016 12:07:31 PM Come on Mr Opinion, people do arts degrees when they are not capable of doing anything els.....
» 9/04/2016 12:58:30 PM So the Greens/Labor had a little win catching silly old Bronwyn's inflated idea of her val.....
» 8/04/2016 11:52:17 PM Of course if you were Is Mise Paul1405, you wouldn't be such an insufferable dill, & would.....
» 8/04/2016 8:04:22 PM The EU is dying. It is not if but when it will collapse. The only real question is whether.....
» 8/04/2016 1:26:08 PM The greens become more disgusting & irrelevant by the day......
» 7/04/2016 10:28:44 PM Come on Yabby, I doubt Turnbull ever crunched a number himself, & probably if his current .....
» 6/04/2016 4:08:06 PM You had better worm that dog Jayb, most wallabies & roos are full of tapeworm, as well as .....
» 6/04/2016 3:22:03 PM You obviously never taught any Math Syd, or perhaps you did, & that explains the complete .....
» 5/04/2016 8:54:39 PM It is pretty obvious that political strategy is not your strong point either Yabby, if you.....
» 5/04/2016 8:13:03 PM Armchair Critic it has recently been found that about 20% of us have some Neanderthal DNA .....
» 5/04/2016 7:55:34 PM If where they are coming from is as bad as our bleeding hearts would have us believe, the .....
» 5/04/2016 7:12:55 PM "Despite the reasonable distress at such results from decent and ordinary Britons and.....
» 4/04/2016 10:39:13 PM If the PR system elects the European parliament, that is one we must avoid at all costs. .....
» 4/04/2016 1:02:26 PM Oh come on folks! Does anyone really believe that this kind of behaviour has not been par.....
» 4/04/2016 12:51:18 PM So here again we have the blundering fool knowing NOT what he says. His proud announcemen.....
» 4/04/2016 12:34:47 PM Did you actually read rehctub's post Poirot? He is saying that all this waffle by Turnbul.....
» 3/04/2016 3:19:11 PM Yes Poirot, Malcolm had all the loony left on side. All hoping Turnbull would run a good n.....
» 3/04/2016 3:02:30 PM I'm right with you on that one Rhrosty. Every cent of education money, about half of what .....
» 3/04/2016 2:28:41 PM Yes CHERFUL, the reef has been trained to die on command, every time the academics in the .....
» 2/04/2016 10:53:17 PM The more the elites, & their lap dogs the media come out against Trump, the more attractiv.....
» 2/04/2016 1:45:21 PM o sung wu one thing I must correct is your impression I like speed. I am interested in con.....
» 2/04/2016 1:02:39 PM Talk about poor memories! Don't you people remember Rudd? He dropped billions into the ec.....
» 1/04/2016 11:43:56 PM First tell me Aidan, have you read any of those blogs recently, or are you one of the grea.....
» 1/04/2016 10:15:27 PM I have just had a thought. OK never mind that stuff! Foxy & a few others here may be ABC .....
» 1/04/2016 8:46:23 PM o sung wu, mate, I'm surprised at you. Why would you wish one of our more harebrained tech.....
» 1/04/2016 8:30:49 PM Foxy you show no logic. I can't believe you can be so smitten by a pretty face that you .....
» 1/04/2016 2:30:29 PM That is exactly my point Steely. It is the other cars that generate the emergency situatio.....
» 1/04/2016 2:14:10 PM Paul you greens will obviously vote for the clan, no matter how ridiculous their policies,.....
» 1/04/2016 1:50:01 PM Come on Jennie, you are singing from the wrong song book, to the wrong audience. Perhaps .....
» 31/03/2016 8:42:07 PM What I find so hard to understand is how many people could not see through Rudd, Turnbull .....
» 31/03/2016 7:23:04 PM Garbage thinkabit, there is an old adage in motor racing that goes, "to finish first,.....
» 30/03/2016 5:51:03 PM Thinkabit says, "Regarding insurance, it is the other way round. It will be considera.....
» 28/03/2016 9:58:08 PM Come on Steely, a green talking about ethics. What an oxymoron......
» 28/03/2016 9:49:14 PM JF Aus, everyone actually believed the weapons were there. Saddam Hussein had done everyth.....
» 28/03/2016 6:05:20 PM Foxy you forgot to mention killer of ambassadors by inaction, when you mentioned Hillary's.....
» 28/03/2016 5:48:55 PM Posted by Aidan. "So why, Beach, do you think the parties are so close in the polls?&.....
» 28/03/2016 2:39:56 AM Anyone who actually believes they will be able to program an autonomous car to chose which.....
» 27/03/2016 1:22:54 PM Oh god, grateful, "What he says is completely uncontroversial in scholarly circles.&q.....
» 27/03/2016 1:08:48 PM Perhaps East Timor would be well advised to remember that they only exist because of Austr.....
» 22/03/2016 11:54:45 AM Oh dear, Foxy has gone missing again. I do hope she has not had a relapse in the healing o.....
» 22/03/2016 11:06:23 AM And not before time that we started knocking some of this stupid diversity on the head, in.....
» 21/03/2016 5:52:29 PM Wow Divergence, that sounds like Arizona got it right. More money for those who do the wo.....
» 20/03/2016 11:22:37 PM Max perhaps you could justify your obvious belief that if I give you a job, you can leave .....
» 18/03/2016 4:41:25 PM Yep, when I heard Trump was running my first thought was, not that clown. However I now se.....
» 18/03/2016 11:41:13 AM "we all know that Mr Turnbull is an honourable person", says John Bennetts. Do y.....
» 17/03/2016 8:07:22 PM Come on Nathan, we know all that, & can see another pile of garbage, which greens have use.....
» 17/03/2016 2:11:50 PM Nathan when Charles Sturt and Hamilton Hume discovered the darling river, just a little be.....
» 15/03/2016 6:14:40 PM Robert LePage, pot, kettle, & the shades of black are darker in your corner. No amount of .....
» 15/03/2016 1:43:39 PM Just one major problem with your argument Poirot, your one eyed lefty ideology. The peak .....
» 15/03/2016 1:32:02 PM Philip is a fan of proportional representation, which is very similar to what we get in th.....
» 15/03/2016 1:19:10 PM Isn't it the global warming "research" that is being wound back. Governments ob.....
» 14/03/2016 12:31:00 PM "What is wrong with Gonski & the NDIS, Hasbeen?" McReal. Only a fan of even big.....
» 14/03/2016 9:31:25 AM The last thing we need is a self centred fool like Windsor pushing Barnaby out. Barnaby w.....
» 13/03/2016 9:02:57 PM It looks very much like that brilliant bit of British TV comedy Yes Prime Minister has mig.....
» 13/03/2016 8:46:30 PM No Aidan these are people who had report cards declaring they were very high achievers in .....
» 11/03/2016 9:39:41 PM Come on Aidan, why would we agree to Gonski ridiculous spending? We are spending hugely mo.....
» 11/03/2016 12:32:33 PM Sorry Syd, but you should give up commentary, if you can't learn to see past you left bias.....
» 11/03/2016 12:03:54 PM Graham if I had to give the last seat at a dinner party to Turnbull, I'd cancel the dinner.....
» 11/03/2016 2:49:35 AM Yuyutsu, if the stuff really hits the fan, & you can't get any of your money out of the ba.....
» 11/03/2016 1:57:09 AM Yes some do start working later, after education, but not many are retiring at all early. .....
» 10/03/2016 5:24:44 PM Is it really possible, but I get the impression that he is even worse than the first time......
» 10/03/2016 2:26:22 PM Mine, a very large Queensland financial institution, is bloody awful. I have arranged to .....
» 10/03/2016 1:19:58 PM You obviously miss the point David f. The problem is that no one was representing white .....
» 10/03/2016 1:16:25 PM Aidan I'll take Tony Abbott in preference to any others on offer at the moment. That goes .....
» 10/03/2016 1:11:20 PM Not too sure about that Mikk, it could backfire. More than half our population could not .....
» 10/03/2016 12:43:51 PM Only a total idiot, with tendencies to self flagellation could possibly vote for anyone wh.....
» 9/03/2016 3:45:49 PM It appears Brendan believes in taxing you for buying your own home, & living in it, with i.....
» 9/03/2016 12:24:05 PM Oh god NO. The last thing we need is a plan devised by all the ratbag, single interest gr.....
» 9/03/2016 12:11:55 PM It doesn't matter much really. Support china, & if it wins we would be no better than an .....
» 7/03/2016 11:53:13 AM Do a bit of your own research Ant, rather than uselessly spouting dogma. Aidan due to the.....
» 6/03/2016 2:24:45 PM Nathan you need to get over yourself a bit. Many of us have a few problems, which are onl.....
» 6/03/2016 1:23:50 PM What is the meaning of these reports, who are they for, & what do the hope to achieve? De.....
» 6/03/2016 11:37:13 AM I am surprised Rhrosty, that a usually logical thinker such as yourself can fall for the g.....
» 4/03/2016 2:21:27 PM Come on love, we all know the problem was a huge excess of fuel. This was caused by green.....
» 3/03/2016 11:20:49 AM Sorry NathanJ, I won't accept there are many people going hungry other than through their .....
» 2/03/2016 7:01:04 PM The Bahamas sounds great OTB, but not the rest. I only like warm, tropical, blue & turquoi.....
» 1/03/2016 9:51:08 PM I thought some of you might be wondering. Mangrove forests can be many square miles in are.....
» 1/03/2016 8:51:36 PM Gee Foxy, these birthdays aren't all that friendly are they? Glad you are on the mend now......
» 1/03/2016 11:36:29 AM Come on Old Man, you want to give a bunch of lawyers control of who becomes President/Gove.....
» 29/02/2016 2:12:39 PM I went to 17 different schools. Eight of these the first couple of years when dad came bac.....
» 29/02/2016 1:39:56 PM Hey it’s my birthday. Unlike most, mine only come around every 4 years, but they do hold t.....
» 27/02/2016 3:31:26 PM If you want to see our future, a quick look at Lebanon will give you a pretty good idea......
» 24/02/2016 12:26:34 PM I see your point Irena, but you are going too far. No amount of martial arts training wil.....
» 24/02/2016 11:39:54 AM Poirot you show your lack of understanding. I am not an Abbott man, & never have been. To.....
» 24/02/2016 11:22:21 AM Do try to wake up a bit Aidan, & not talk such garbage. Ford, GM, Toyota & the rest of th.....
» 23/02/2016 5:15:52 PM How can anyone not see what a self serving bit of garbage Turnbull is does show a great nu.....
» 21/02/2016 12:57:10 PM Tristan, I know I am probably wasting my time, talking to a closed mind, but a couple of t.....
» 19/02/2016 10:15:49 PM Of course Apple should not be forced to open the phone. However they should be banned fro.....
» 18/02/2016 3:52:53 PM What's up Duncan? Are some of your Indonesian mates finding things a bit tough, without .....
» 18/02/2016 3:47:05 PM Sounds to me as if Tristan is getting really worried that their won't be enough money bein.....
» 18/02/2016 12:46:37 PM Well wonders will never cease. I actually agree with Poirot on something. Yes Turnbull is .....
» 18/02/2016 12:22:46 PM If it happens, & it won't unless Ozzies are as stupid as the yanks, there will be a few hu.....
» 18/02/2016 10:54:25 AM Aidan the only disadvantaged group in Oz is white adult males in work. All the rest are a.....
» 17/02/2016 8:27:51 PM Affirmative action by definition a way of giving the job to a lower qualified applicant, w.....
» 16/02/2016 3:41:07 PM Mr Opinion, as a sociologist does not believe this is part of left social warfare. He is o.....
» 15/02/2016 11:45:24 AM Paul says, What we have here is too little votes with too much power, pushing the interest.....
» 12/02/2016 5:45:32 PM Turnbull had better be careful with Barnaby around. He doesn't suffer fools or bulldust re.....
» 10/02/2016 11:39:59 AM Quote; "About the Author Imogen Jubb is a communications advisor for the Climate Rea.....
» 9/02/2016 4:36:14 PM Just ignore it. He's only trying to curry some favour with his partner. I wonder what he .....
» 9/02/2016 4:23:25 PM Are you sure it's not working mhaze. As a way to have an undesirable element of society ex.....
» 9/02/2016 4:16:31 PM Why the hell are these people here? If the Nauru health system is inadequate, why are we .....
» 9/02/2016 4:05:59 PM A doctorate in climate change & the church. Enough said. The rest follows, as expected fr.....
» 9/02/2016 12:23:16 PM Yes let's have a republic. That way this disgusting Turnbull bloke could be our first pres.....
» 8/02/2016 2:06:19 AM Hi rehctub. Yes twin screw boats can be a lot of fun. I have driven a lot of boats, but mo.....
» 6/02/2016 1:46:10 PM Gees AJ Philips, why the hell didn't you tell me about all this earlier. I would have much.....
» 6/02/2016 12:55:32 PM In the islands, as in country areas of Oz, employers have difficulty finding good staff. M.....
» 5/02/2016 1:12:39 PM Marriage until recently did have real importance to me. It was an open & public commitmen.....
» 5/02/2016 12:42:00 AM Hey Suse, please explain just how, recognising the incompetence of the modern female domin.....
» 4/02/2016 1:06:19 PM Mrs Clinton gets people killed, then lies about it. She has also failed at everything she .....
» 4/02/2016 11:50:07 AM So Africa have a recipe for reducing the teaching standard. When ever gender or ethnicity.....
» 4/02/2016 11:18:12 AM For heavens sake Everald, the US currently has it's worst ever president right now. About .....
» 2/02/2016 8:49:45 PM One problem I have SteeleRedux, when doing these things is the wind. It always must be bl.....
» 2/02/2016 1:44:59 AM I had to put down my old stallion recently. He had a visible cancer that was not worrying .....
» 1/02/2016 3:18:36 PM Careful Robert LePage, I think your petticoat is hanging down. As in my other post on Mor.....
» 1/02/2016 2:57:36 PM Well CHERFUL, I'm not much of a fan of thongs myself, but I can assure you of one thing. .....
» 1/02/2016 1:24:18 PM Morrison reduced the effectiveness of our defence force by about 40%. In some instances he.....
» 31/01/2016 11:19:00 AM From my sons description of his training of navy officer cadets, It probably doesn't matte.....
» 31/01/2016 10:35:19 AM Foxy, "Dear Hassie, You seem to infer that Bogans are the Best Australia has to offe.....
» 30/01/2016 9:38:21 PM They must be great people. One was recently Australian of the year for god's sake......
» 30/01/2016 9:34:47 PM For god sake Suse, grow up. You say, "I would hope our police don't solve crimes by '.....
» 30/01/2016 2:00:39 PM Cobber says, "Neverwas I didn't bother to say anything because we have been over this.....
» 29/01/2016 11:13:43 AM Thank god there are an increasing number of scientists prepared to come out of the closet,.....
» 27/01/2016 4:36:03 PM What I find really objectionable is that this bit of garbage is quite happy accepting a pe.....
» 25/01/2016 7:46:18 PM Paul I guess you do read a bit of others posts, before running off at the keyboard. It is.....
» 25/01/2016 11:43:58 AM Don't be silly Foxy. The victims are never going to be aboriginal. The young criminals kno.....
» 25/01/2016 11:38:07 AM "No party today holds a mortgage on a particular class of worker any more. Our jobs n.....
» 25/01/2016 11:20:27 AM In the 60s I knew a bloke who had a part time job in a service station 3 nights a week doi.....
» 25/01/2016 10:49:02 AM A mate of mine, now gone, had a 60,000 acre property out from Walgett. He reckoned he used.....
» 25/01/2016 10:17:12 AM Oh my god! Surely this is just another push by a minority group, upset that they aren't g.....
» 24/01/2016 1:01:49 PM Do try to grow up a bit Wolly B. Only a fool or an idiot would believe anyone would use a .....
» 23/01/2016 7:28:26 PM Sorry Foxy. If you want to make that claim, you'll have to name at least one UN Secretary.....
» 23/01/2016 6:24:11 PM You're kidding me Aidan. From the coverage leading up to the election, I was sure he was .....
» 23/01/2016 6:09:40 PM You are joking aren't you Foxy, when you say, "There will be interesting times ahead .....
» 23/01/2016 5:54:48 PM Yep that's what the UN needs. A totally incompetent fool, with a huge ego & dreams of gra.....
» 23/01/2016 5:34:10 PM Well, what a surprise. Here we have Paul1405, eyes wide shut, fingers in ears, mouth flap.....
» 22/01/2016 2:14:31 PM The other one yodels fellers. I guess you are telling us the Muslims have finally underst.....
» 21/01/2016 11:55:25 PM A bucket of water Suse? To put out the fires of envy no doubt!.....
» 20/01/2016 3:45:16 PM I must have missed it too Prompete. I first started going to the reef in 47. It was only.....
» 20/01/2016 3:04:18 PM Keep up the good work Viv, if you can. It is obviously a hard task trying to educate those.....
» 20/01/2016 2:21:35 PM You've got to be joking Robert LePage. Hell I wouldn't even wish Jeremy Corbyn on my wor.....
» 20/01/2016 1:23:21 PM Aidan, Hillary Clinton is a proven failure. She has stuffed up at everything she has done......
» 19/01/2016 12:25:17 PM Sorry Bob, but being a Red Dwarf fan has not immunised you from fuzzy thinking, or simply .....
» 19/01/2016 11:39:35 AM Yep! These figures tell us when it became advantageous to be from a "disadvantaged&q.....
» 19/01/2016 11:15:55 AM Well Toni Lavis, I did say I was not too sure about his personal life......
» 18/01/2016 11:25:55 PM Divergence in my district alone, we could bring a hundred thousand good farming acres into.....
» 18/01/2016 7:33:47 PM I feel the world would be a better place, if those Muslim terrorists had stuffed up their .....
» 16/01/2016 12:38:59 PM So Turnbull has announced that he will be attending the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. He had.....
» 16/01/2016 12:03:25 PM Dead wrong sonofgloin, if someone has a trade certificate, they must be capable of doing a.....
» 15/01/2016 11:17:07 AM The cops already do their job Toni Lavis, as best they can, & we know that, as they catch .....
» 15/01/2016 11:03:57 AM There are some large boat building firms who do the same thing. Their apprentices qualify.....
» 14/01/2016 1:22:35 PM Yes Foxy Julie Bishop had done a great job of hiding her mean & nasty streak, which we now.....
» 14/01/2016 12:03:42 PM Foxy, I'm sorry to say I have to question the judgement of anyone who can apply "trus.....
» 13/01/2016 6:30:29 PM webbrowan, Turnbull knows much of his support is actually from people who will never vote .....
» 13/01/2016 6:22:11 PM So Aidan, what you are actually saying is, "now is a good time for those with a few b.....
» 13/01/2016 1:06:33 PM One thing you have to remember about tax exemptions rehctub, & things like drought subsidi.....
» 13/01/2016 12:56:48 PM Tell the Greeks that debt is great. As for solar panels being a good investment, I though.....
» 11/01/2016 6:56:11 PM Yes you're being had Foxy. Some of these aged care business are preying on aged with asset.....
» 11/01/2016 3:10:34 PM I'm sure you are right Yuyutsu, & I'm sure I could find doctors who would do whatever they.....
» 11/01/2016 2:20:20 PM Mr Opinion, I will have had 19 birthdays this 29Th of February. Counting actual years that.....
» 11/01/2016 1:07:10 AM Or is it just how life is? After waiting for 3 years to see a specialists about my worsen.....
» 11/01/2016 12:09:14 AM Foxy sweetie, you do worry me. I do wish you would accidently sit on those rose coloured g.....
» 10/01/2016 11:50:09 PM I don't think an influx of Chinese, particularly wealthy, well educated ones is really too.....
» 10/01/2016 11:43:04 PM Continued Neither is my dairy farmer mate. Another born on his farm, at 85 he still works.....
» 10/01/2016 11:42:49 PM Rehctub, one of my neighbours, on the other side of my river boundary was born on his 1800.....
» 10/01/2016 6:02:21 PM Continued. Smaller properties become capital gains tax exempt after they have been part o.....
» 10/01/2016 6:00:01 PM I am surprised at you rehctub, getting it so wrong, or back to front. We have no hole on .....
» 10/01/2016 4:57:57 PM Obviously Tony Abbott was too smart, too honest, & tried too hard to do what the countries.....
» 10/01/2016 4:43:19 PM Well much as you may hate it, folks had better start hoping Trump wins. It appears he is .....
» 8/01/2016 4:59:45 PM The main thing wrong with Australia today is that far too many lefty ratbags like Everald .....
» 31/12/2015 12:07:23 PM What analysts Aidan? Where did you find these dills. Most thinking people today realise oi.....
» 31/12/2015 11:09:07 AM Great idea Mr Opinion, they would have to be better than voting for the coalition, if it's.....
» 31/12/2015 10:48:38 AM Come on Sid, take off those inch thick rose coloured glasses, & have a real look at Turnbu.....
» 24/12/2015 2:53:22 PM When or if these mythical peace loving Muslims sit on their militant brethren, & control t.....
» 24/12/2015 10:08:07 AM A very large percentage of the people who support Turnbull around here would never vote Li.....
» 24/12/2015 9:55:30 AM How utterly ridiculous. Sydney for me was always somewhere to get away from, if one had t.....
» 24/12/2015 9:53:00 AM Hi Foxy, good to hear from you again. I'd been wondering about your absence, & had missed .....
» 21/12/2015 9:36:38 PM No! You've got that completely wrong plantagenet. We should be using all these animal rig.....
» 15/12/2015 8:53:23 PM Yes Robert, but the too stupid to know when they are being scammed were in first......
» 14/12/2015 5:03:38 PM And of course Bazz he is right. Any culture that wipes it's butt with a finger, then wip.....
» 12/12/2015 9:39:27 PM Cronulla was a simple expression of Ozzies being very slow to real anger. Slow to respond .....
» 11/12/2015 11:38:47 AM Just how many pairs of rose coloured glasses do you have to wear Max, to get Turnbull to s.....
» 9/12/2015 8:30:38 PM Multiculturalism was never anything more than paying off the leaders of ethnic groups to b.....
» 9/12/2015 8:10:53 PM Come on Syd, open your eyes a bit. Turnbull is a catastrophe. Running around the world bl.....
» 3/12/2015 5:12:05 PM This piece proves nothing else but that there are far too many people, paid far too much t.....
» 2/12/2015 1:45:32 PM Well there will be some pain. Our idiot PM has already made the grandiose gesture of giv.....
» 25/11/2015 9:42:51 PM Wow our Sid must have found another dimension to inhabit, if he has found one that can &qu.....
» 25/11/2015 2:14:44 PM Try the other side of the picture Geoff. Life is more pleasant when you hate the Muslims, .....
» 24/11/2015 11:52:28 AM Contrary to Toni Lavis opinion, I think verbal diarrhoea Turnbull is Labors greatest hope......
» 23/11/2015 3:51:38 PM "God we're a bunch of idiots"! you say o sung wu. Well we sure as hell proved t.....
» 23/11/2015 11:35:16 AM Oh god! If a GP can prattle such garbage it makes you wonder just what they are teaching .....
» 23/11/2015 11:11:35 AM This bloke has been in the entertainment industry, the fantasy world, all his life. This.....
» 23/11/2015 11:06:26 AM Haven't heard that one Is Mise. How do we find out if it is true? Could it be that our le.....
» 21/11/2015 11:21:52 AM Talk about greens & the left wanting continual handouts. Now the poor bloody farmer, [& th.....
» 16/11/2015 4:23:39 PM A pile of useless academic waffle, & utterly pointless. These clowns will probably still b.....
» 15/11/2015 11:52:59 AM Hi o sung wu, you say "As a firm believer in the rule of law, and urge for a moderate.....
» 14/11/2015 5:25:09 PM If just 10% of the people in that Parris stadium had been armed, particularly ex serviceme.....
» 14/11/2015 5:06:38 PM Time to start getting really worried again folks. The Cheshire Cat grinning slime ball Tu.....
» 13/11/2015 5:00:02 PM I was expecting a different article. I expected an exposé of the current system of applica.....
» 11/11/2015 11:33:54 PM I built a granny flat for my mum, & she lived in it for 20 years after dad died. She lived.....
» 10/11/2015 10:04:13 PM I do have a worry. My youngest daughter, married 12 months, is about to build her first h.....
» 10/11/2015 1:10:13 PM We have the solution. We applied it, & it worked. The trick now is to ignore the bleedin.....
» 9/11/2015 1:08:12 AM I'm afraid I have misled you o sung wu. The carbide "gun" does not emit projecti.....
» 7/11/2015 2:27:02 PM Of course they can't. Slime ball Turnbull just wants some more money to buy votes from the.....
» 7/11/2015 2:08:39 PM Let's damn well hope so o sung wu, with fools like Paul & company, intent on disarming all.....
» 7/11/2015 2:50:50 AM Yes it was tough, but then in other ways it was damn good. I was lucky, dad came back from.....
» 5/11/2015 9:04:18 PM I agree completely. Most young folk I know, including my kids, would be much better off w.....
» 4/11/2015 1:27:26 PM What garbage Steely. For decades Qld WA & to a minor extent Tasmania & South Australia we.....
» 3/11/2015 7:28:38 PM Hey you know, Peter King is right about one thing. Many of these Muslim gate crashers have.....
» 3/11/2015 7:11:31 PM Taswegian German fighters put up a pretty damn good show flying on petrol produced from co.....
» 3/11/2015 6:57:07 PM Aidan, Foyle, the Labor South Australian governments have made the exploitation of it's ur.....
» 3/11/2015 10:18:14 AM Well thank you Robert, for confirming what a dill you are. Just what is it you don't unde.....
» 2/11/2015 1:36:24 PM Could our naďve new chum Labor government be even more stupid than it has been so far. Ob.....
» 2/11/2015 11:48:06 AM Thank god we had a man with some guts in Canberra for a while. Without him this clown auth.....
» 2/11/2015 11:40:09 AM Oh Poirot, wouldn't it be wonderful if we could get back to such a system. It would cut o.....
» 2/11/2015 11:31:54 AM From what I have seen on a couple of pensioner/self funded retirees sites I have tried, th.....
» 30/10/2015 4:19:12 PM Hi O sung, I can understand your love of NSW & Sydney. I was a Sydney boy from when I fini.....
» 28/10/2015 7:07:38 PM In the same vane as the song, Oh Lord it's hard to be humble, those of us lucky/smart enou.....
» 26/10/2015 12:59:28 PM Of course we are going to go broke. Australians, who ever the hell that describes today, h.....
» 26/10/2015 12:08:39 PM Well the feminists have got their result. The girls club up here, called the Queensland g.....
» 24/10/2015 5:17:46 PM Well what do you know. That idiot Turnbull had a silly smug grin on his face, as he declar.....
» 23/10/2015 4:09:45 PM Everald if these old British Colonies are such great republics, & you so desperately want .....
» 22/10/2015 11:42:35 AM Well there you have it folks. According to Suse, we have to feel sorry for "the many.....
» 21/10/2015 12:07:10 PM I can see your problem rehctub, & it must be a real problem for those on low margins like .....
» 20/10/2015 12:24:17 PM Well I don't know for sure, but I think it is probably too good. I do know I have been wa.....
» 19/10/2015 1:39:18 PM The very first action should be to close down the UN, sack all it's tens of thousands of o.....
» 19/10/2015 1:27:24 PM Paul1405 if you want to through your own money at useless projects, like trams & football .....
» 19/10/2015 12:58:18 PM Yes mate, I miss them too, but for the other reason. When it was quite legal to do any spe.....
» 19/10/2015 1:05:05 AM I sailed through a fair bit of the Solomon islands, in the decade after they gained self g.....
» 19/10/2015 12:39:51 AM o sung those 327 Monaros, [the 1400 Bathurst Monaros built] were the sweetest handling car.....
» 17/10/2015 2:40:08 PM "It's time Australia grew up and stopped being a 'colony'", what utter claptrap .....
» 17/10/2015 2:00:50 PM No o sung wu, I've only driven a couple of early Porsche, back when they were just a VW wi.....
» 15/10/2015 9:08:10 PM Hi Rehctub, I've never been much interested in acceleration times. Hard standing starts ar.....
» 15/10/2015 8:26:43 PM Wow plantagenet, can I have the name of that doctor. I've personally found a couple who ca.....
» 15/10/2015 8:02:34 PM Yuyutsu, seeing as I can no longer vote liberal, I'm considering voting for the first part.....
» 14/10/2015 5:06:21 PM Doog you would be a joke if your stupidity did not actually make you dangerous. Did you n.....
» 14/10/2015 12:00:56 PM So dreadfully true Don. I had to get my old 22 out last week. A car had hit a cat in the .....
» 14/10/2015 10:38:53 AM Yet more bumph from another gravy train rider, this one an "environment consultant&qu.....
» 12/10/2015 7:03:17 PM Oh I forgot to mention my first car. A 1934 Morris 8/40 tourer. It was really slow, partic.....
» 12/10/2015 6:45:18 PM Hi o sung, My father actually had one of those Wolseleys which was his pride & joy, but co.....
» 10/10/2015 3:56:42 PM Without the foreign exchange earned by WA & Queensland mining, NSW & Victoria would not ha.....
» 8/10/2015 3:30:24 PM Don you offer considerable praise of these authors, despite admitting their reasoning is v.....
» 6/10/2015 9:00:37 PM You've got this just about right LEGO, but there is one important point to add to your &qu.....
» 6/10/2015 8:07:28 PM Raycom, Turnbull makes me feel dirty. I only have to see him on TV for less than a minute.....
» 6/10/2015 12:08:15 PM Did anyone really think Turnbull was any less a slut than those in the Labor party, who ha.....
» 4/10/2015 4:15:34 PM For god sake Agnostic, & the rest of you fools, go read JoNova's blog for just 5 minutes, .....
» 2/10/2015 6:03:18 PM Careful there Jaime, it sounds like a bad case of over servicing there. We should cut the .....
» 2/10/2015 11:45:54 AM Don't be silly Nathan, you are trying to reinvent the wheel. The kids have already got th.....
» 2/10/2015 11:32:31 AM You're right of course Harriet, but you'll have a huge fight with the ratbag greens, [Hi C.....
» 1/10/2015 11:35:48 AM Oh god, Paul has found another mob he can act as dictate to, & try to enforce his opinions.....
» 30/09/2015 5:28:08 PM Of course it will be the hottest year on record, no matter how cold it is. Well it will if.....
» 29/09/2015 9:24:14 PM We should all remember how hard it was for Howard, in the early years. He had a rather urb.....
» 28/09/2015 11:30:16 AM What a crazy title for this thread. Turnbull, like his slimy clone Rudd, would not recogn.....
» 26/09/2015 6:30:48 PM I can't agree with you on this rehctub. I have absolutely no intention of getting, & even .....
» 22/09/2015 8:08:21 PM Nah Plantagenet & Foxy, I'm afraid you both have it wrong. The pretty clown will, just li.....
» 22/09/2015 7:50:27 PM Hi o sung wu, how are you mate? I hope you are having fun. I agree with your forecast. I .....
» 21/09/2015 5:09:25 PM OK, so Tony is not the true hard man he would like to be, & we need, but to go to another .....
» 18/09/2015 8:47:11 PM An inner city greenie bit of tripe Aidan. I guess you don't realise that farm produce doe.....
» 16/09/2015 3:42:18 AM Garbage CHERFUL, of the men I know well, only a couple, about 5% really wanted to be a fat.....
» 15/09/2015 6:05:59 PM Rail freight will only work properly if we can get control of the unions. Demarcation disp.....
» 15/09/2015 4:35:17 PM Yes the “public has been shielded from an understanding of the real cause of the economic .....
» 15/09/2015 3:45:35 PM I used to wonder how a successful society could quite quickly collapse. How for example, c.....
» 15/09/2015 3:05:41 PM I guess the only thing the creators of Yes Prime Minister missed in forecasting the future.....
» 15/09/2015 1:09:50 PM I know exactly how you feel Loudmouth, no one I can vote for. There is no way I could vot.....
» 14/09/2015 6:20:01 PM And here I was thinking K Rudd was the only person I knew stupid enough to think you could.....
» 14/09/2015 6:08:20 PM If they are stupid enough to make Turnbull leader, that is the end of the liberal party. N.....
» 14/09/2015 5:59:57 PM Agnostic, you'd be funny, if you weren't dangerous with your propaganda, that some fools m.....
» 14/09/2015 12:45:06 PM Oh god. It is these lefty fools, who consider themselves our elite thinkers who desperatel.....
» 14/09/2015 12:27:15 PM Don't be silly Peter, you've got this one by the tail, not the handle. The reason for the.....
» 14/09/2015 11:12:26 AM You are right for once Robert LePage, our living standards are going to decline. With the .....
» 13/09/2015 2:26:24 PM If it is viable the oil companies will be all over it to maintain their business of supply.....
» 13/09/2015 2:10:58 PM Rubbish Aidan, If they are doing it t6o save CO2, & if it saves CO2, surely they should us.....
» 13/09/2015 12:22:17 PM What utter garbage Warmy. If that were true ethanol factories would be stand alone facili.....
» 12/09/2015 5:53:35 PM Where do you get this garbage Agnostic? Arctic ice has expanded rapidly in the last 2 yea.....
» 12/09/2015 1:41:01 PM Loudmouth there is one real problem in the Pacific atoll communities, & that is population.....
» 11/09/2015 3:58:26 PM The only ignorance to be found on this thread so far Cobber is coming from you. Tell me, .....
» 10/09/2015 4:29:09 PM Tony Tony Tony, you really are becoming a bit of a dill. Spending a billion of our dollar.....
» 10/09/2015 3:58:54 PM When we look at the illicit drug trade, we consider the addicted the victim. It is the sel.....
» 9/09/2015 2:09:56 PM Public transport is a disaster for public health. Being jammed into close contact with tho.....
» 8/09/2015 5:28:16 PM I presume most of the people posting here read the article. If so I am amazed. I didn't g.....
» 7/09/2015 12:14:15 PM My first really solid memories are of hunting goats on Castle Hill, Townsville. A bunch of.....
» 5/09/2015 1:59:20 PM I guess it helps to be stupid, if you want to hold a lefty point of view. It is obviously .....
» 5/09/2015 12:20:55 AM God it's time you lefties grew up. We are putting ourselves out of business, & damn quickl.....
» 4/09/2015 10:12:23 PM What a pile of fluff. How to say nothing in a lot of words, but apply for another grant/j.....
» 2/09/2015 11:18:45 PM I find it very revealing that open borders is exactly what you are advocating Suse, but ei.....
» 2/09/2015 10:28:06 PM Bruno is just another in a long line of misguided fools, with too much book & not enough p.....
» 2/09/2015 10:19:41 AM Sorry Suse, I thought your question was simply rhetorical. Obviously I don't have the answ.....
» 2/09/2015 9:46:51 AM NathanJ no wonder you have so many diseases, if you are sickened by people wanting to chos.....
» 2/09/2015 12:01:38 AM Is Mise, I don't believe you have ever tried to eat a wood duck. My advice from a once ve.....
» 1/09/2015 11:54:55 PM Oh god NO! Not another independent authority. Is Everald looking for a job? What the hel.....
» 1/09/2015 9:57:57 PM The bleeding hearts, & the left/green dreamers are the 2015s Neville Chamberlain. When w.....
» 1/09/2015 9:22:03 PM Only an idiot would want to see our politicians voting according to their conscience. Th.....
» 1/09/2015 9:13:12 PM Onthebeach, those damn native bees used to give me a hard time when I was hybridising dayl.....
» 31/08/2015 11:06:32 PM Your are a bit late with your prediction Shockadelic, it is already happening. Just a quic.....
» 31/08/2015 10:36:30 PM It is a matter of plantings I believe. I hate Cootamundra wattles, their brambly prunings.....
» 31/08/2015 10:35:23 AM Just how far have we sunk when the lefties on here want to protect the illegals in our mid.....
» 28/08/2015 7:44:45 PM Don't be so silly Aidan. You say "Peter McCloy's doing the same sort of hatchet job o.....
» 28/08/2015 7:03:32 PM The entire population of Africa, the middle east & eastern Europe are basically a waste of.....
» 27/08/2015 5:12:52 PM I feel very sorry for the cigar smokers having to put up with such a disease riddled body .....
» 27/08/2015 4:39:46 PM It is the very act of covering, that makes tits titivating. When I spent some years worki.....
» 26/08/2015 11:20:07 AM Foxy that is exactly what is wrong with the whole pay rate system. What we should be focu.....
» 25/08/2015 7:11:53 PM Na Poirot, I'd never make it with the green left. I can't spin fast enough, or lie with a.....
» 25/08/2015 1:56:00 PM Having paid my taxes, & having thus paid to patch up the drugos, the drunks, the self caus.....
» 25/08/2015 12:36:20 PM Actually rehctub, that is not true, in fact many unskilled "woman's" work areas .....
» 25/08/2015 12:09:36 PM No wonder defence force recruitment is becoming much harder. Even an idiot can see most o.....
» 23/08/2015 9:07:16 PM I think the lefties are going to get us. I'm dizzy just from watching them spin. I must a.....
» 23/08/2015 6:04:47 PM Well we can see warmair has dodged my challenge. His religion would never stand a dose of.....
» 21/08/2015 10:58:03 AM This bit of garbage shows there is no morality left in the Labor party. Everyone knows th.....
» 20/08/2015 6:40:12 PM Wouldn't it be wonderful if we had judges who had grown up before being appointed......
» 20/08/2015 6:34:53 PM Ever buried a horse? It takes a pretty big hole, an expensive hole. I've just buried my da.....
» 20/08/2015 4:08:31 PM Aint it the truth o sung wu, only an idiot, or a Labor voter, synonymous really, would tru.....
» 19/08/2015 6:56:14 PM There you are Graham, the perfect poll for you. Do one on who would vote for collation if.....
» 19/08/2015 2:58:16 PM Warmair here's a challenge for you. I know it is against your religion, but slip over to.....
» 19/08/2015 1:12:03 PM Part of their problem Bazz is their ratbag green governments contracted to pay for all tha.....
» 19/08/2015 1:00:41 PM Robert, now we no longer have F111s & as we don't have nuclear armed cruise or surface to .....
» 19/08/2015 12:52:36 PM Binoy there is nothing like believing your own wishful thinking, then prattling on as if i.....
» 18/08/2015 11:25:32 PM Rhrosty, the reason we couldn't man the Collins class subs is because they were pieces of .....
» 18/08/2015 10:48:26 PM Warmair if you really believe that garbage, do come & see me. I've got this bridge across .....
» 18/08/2015 3:40:43 PM What an emotive bit of claptrap, by someone who obviously hates our country, & probably ha.....
» 16/08/2015 9:31:27 PM Rhrosty some times you really get it so wrong. The only places wealth & prosperity has be.....
» 15/08/2015 9:48:53 PM There is always the horrifying prospect that warmair could be right, & Labor/Greens could .....
» 13/08/2015 1:51:10 PM Rhrosty, when a company wish to build one of your solar thermal plants, & sell their power.....
» 12/08/2015 2:07:14 PM Where do they come from. Like most authors, & speakers Peter McCloy obviously never did a.....
» 12/08/2015 1:45:40 PM Talk about an apologist for the unacceptable. Looking to curry a bit of favour in your cu.....
» 12/08/2015 10:54:11 AM The rubbish you get from the inner city chattering classes. Aboriginals on settlements, a.....
» 11/08/2015 6:48:28 PM Poirot, either you know it is Shorten & company refusing to vote for necessary cuts in spe.....
» 11/08/2015 5:43:39 PM It is not the question of "Is the Green dream crashing in Europe?', it is really comp.....
» 11/08/2015 5:24:37 PM Here's a better idea. Only second generation Ozzies can be eligible for election to any p.....
» 7/08/2015 1:02:05 PM Evaggelos epitomises the attitude that got the Greeks where they are today. They had thei.....
» 6/08/2015 11:35:09 AM Where do you get this stuff NathanJ. You must frequent those propaganda sites that put out.....
» 4/08/2015 1:12:12 PM What utter rubbish you lefties go on with. Does this bulldust make you feel superior? It c.....
» 4/08/2015 12:57:19 AM Yes Aidan, the technology has moved on, making those eyesores bigger & much more expensive.....
» 4/08/2015 12:53:04 AM chrisgaff1000 I'll go along with you there, provided I'm not restricted by some greenie ra.....
» 3/08/2015 12:47:14 PM Foxy the "experts" also told us it would never rain again, or at least not enoug.....
» 3/08/2015 12:19:34 PM I am a BSc, mechanical engineering. When I was involved in supplying, installing & commis.....
» 3/08/2015 11:33:37 AM I guess these free trade agreements will achieve their purpose, However I see their purpos.....
» 3/08/2015 10:51:56 AM Nature works on the survival of the fittest principle. It is not a very fit species that i.....
» 1/08/2015 11:08:49 PM Simplistic garbage warmair. There are thousand of broken down useless windmill eyesores i.....
» 31/07/2015 2:37:44 PM You wouldn't be Greek by any chance would you Aidan?.....
» 31/07/2015 2:32:36 PM I had seen Goodes a few times in clips of AFL games. He always gave the same impression as.....
» 31/07/2015 12:06:50 PM I agree completely with Bren, the last thing we need is any more hand outs. We need to red.....
» 31/07/2015 11:08:17 AM "It's possible that I'm crediting our media with too much collective intelligence her.....
» 31/07/2015 10:52:59 AM When the return on cash is barely equal to inflation, people are always going to look for .....
» 30/07/2015 6:27:56 PM Peter I would suggest you keep quiet about how well looked after you are. I know many age .....
» 30/07/2015 4:39:58 PM Garbage Barbara. I eat one small meal a day. It is the same food, but less than half of wh.....
» 29/07/2015 10:14:38 PM You're a bit brave trying to talk facts to the warmists that infest this blog Gary. Facts .....
» 29/07/2015 9:13:49 PM Cobber the Beattie Labor government in Queensland ripped a quarter of a billion, yes billi.....
» 29/07/2015 8:57:02 PM What on earth is a Bachelor of Health? It sounds a bit airy fairy to me, something you do .....
» 29/07/2015 7:13:54 PM Foxy said, "Labor has said its goal would be achieved through a variety of policy mec.....
» 28/07/2015 6:00:50 PM Shadow Minister, "the 50% RET target is unachievable without" changing the laws .....
» 28/07/2015 5:40:00 PM Plantagenet, when you have some of those batteries, with a minimum of 10 years satisfactor.....
» 28/07/2015 1:59:55 AM Aidan even our great Ozzie stock whips are not frightening enough to drive the current ref.....
» 27/07/2015 11:24:53 AM Yep, the only reason politicians are interested in "service" industries is that .....
» 27/07/2015 10:53:45 AM So here we have a lady who proclaims her loyalty to a Muslim country, that actually bombs .....
» 27/07/2015 10:40:13 AM "The European land area easily fits inside the continent of Australia with a fair bit.....
» 26/07/2015 4:07:32 PM I must be buying from the wrong places, or the wrong stuff. Last night I was placing an o.....
» 25/07/2015 1:52:51 PM Come on Joe, stop monkeying about & call it as it is. We all know the unions want some bi.....
» 25/07/2015 1:29:14 PM It will be really interesting if a few of the more important policies do get the nod at th.....
» 24/07/2015 8:32:15 PM Oh god doog, have you any financial sense. It is only a job if it is self supporting, & .....
» 24/07/2015 11:19:13 AM Great news. The ABC would have run their shops like their stations. Over staffed, by over .....
» 23/07/2015 11:33:59 PM Hi rehctub. I do a reasonable amount of Oz online, or phone shopping, as with reliable sup.....
» 23/07/2015 5:38:51 PM Time to grow up Duncan, you've been living down the bottom of the garden with the fairies .....
» 23/07/2015 4:58:23 PM Damn good thing we didn't have these fool gun laws back in 1940. If the general male pop.....
» 23/07/2015 2:17:01 AM Come on Suse. You lot paid me to learn how to shoot big cannons at things, with considerab.....
» 23/07/2015 2:00:38 AM Queenslanders in particular, along with WA would be mad to agree with any increase in GST......
» 23/07/2015 12:25:11 AM There are a lot of over educated, over paid, but underworked people in this country, & a l.....
» 21/07/2015 6:04:30 PM If you really believe that bit of garbage Aidan, you'd be well advised to keep very quiet .....
» 20/07/2015 1:26:37 PM So here we have South Australia, the Greece of Australia, waffling along down there living.....
» 20/07/2015 12:34:11 PM Within a decade or two Paul, these protesters you now consider extreme will be the mainstr.....
» 18/07/2015 10:03:35 PM Don't be silly Richard, it has nothing to do with democracy or any6 other high ideals. T.....
» 17/07/2015 11:11:19 AM I really hope you don't actually believe that garbage Poirot, if you do I feel sorry for y.....
» 17/07/2015 12:33:40 AM I certainly hope they is not true Rehctub, I will be similarly disgusted if it is. If we a.....
» 16/07/2015 2:18:50 PM By the time the ordinary European wakes up to what is happening, it will probably be too l.....
» 15/07/2015 11:33:42 PM Hey AJ, I think you have now grabbed at every straw left to the warmist brigade. I don't .....
» 11/07/2015 7:07:04 PM Do you really believe this stuff doog, or does your living depend on you convincing the gu.....
» 11/07/2015 1:45:48 PM Oh god! Can you imagine doog & his mates if we were to have a real climate disaster. Just.....
» 10/07/2015 4:34:45 PM Public housing is totally immoral. It is just another way of taking money from those who .....
» 9/07/2015 9:02:12 PM Doog since 1985 Antarctic sea ice has increased by 1.8 million square kilometres, more tha.....
» 9/07/2015 5:10:56 PM Come on doog, the ice has been melting since the little ice age. It does appear to have st.....
» 9/07/2015 1:32:08 PM All so true, & so damning, & you have not mentioned that many not in a green straightjacke.....
» 9/07/2015 12:26:23 PM Well you can see why this bloke was a politician, he'd swear black was white, for a quid o.....
» 8/07/2015 3:45:43 PM I paid for those roads, & I am not about to have some clown planner take my access to them.....
» 8/07/2015 10:14:49 AM Do wake up Suse. Aboriginals were migrants, just like my great grandfather, just they cam.....
» 8/07/2015 10:06:36 AM I can only wonder just how much of the current kerfuffle about domestic violence is genera.....
» 8/07/2015 12:33:06 AM Time to get up to date Suse. Southerners stopped flocking to Queensland when our housing r.....
» 8/07/2015 12:02:08 AM What does it say about us? It says we are a bunch of weak kneed fool, who have allowed ou.....
» 7/07/2015 6:53:53 PM Sorry Graham, You've got that completely wrong, when you say, "And it is inequitable......
» 7/07/2015 5:20:38 PM Well there was "Have Gun will travel" back in the 50s, & Maverick in the 60s, wh.....
» 6/07/2015 11:28:17 AM It already costs thousands to put a kid through government schooling. Add the cost of priv.....
» 5/07/2015 6:31:21 PM We don't need any robotics to kill us off sonofgloin, warmair & his idiotic mates will do .....
» 4/07/2015 1:44:20 PM I have never had a hero. I have modelled my driving & sailing on people I admired very mu.....
» 4/07/2015 12:59:37 PM Sorry Foxy, but your last post was very pot, kettle, shade of black. Of course you have a.....
» 4/07/2015 12:38:16 PM - Plantagenet "The odd coincidence that Aboriginal land is chosen for waste dumps su.....
» 4/07/2015 1:23:09 AM So Jay, Who is the butt of the joke, us or them? To me the whole thing is about as import.....
» 4/07/2015 1:15:28 AM Oh God. Toni Lavis, global warming is bullshyt. Tony said so, as do any people with any s.....
» 4/07/2015 12:08:18 AM Has anyone ever met an activist who could lie straight in bed? Please let me know, I'm in.....
» 2/07/2015 6:55:14 PM What do you reckon? Will it take 5, 10, or perhaps 15 years before Oz is in the same boat.....
» 2/07/2015 2:04:22 AM As far as I can see the rule of law has nothing to do with rule by the people, or the peop.....
» 29/06/2015 11:37:01 PM Wobbles the ABC needs our taxpayer money to survive. We need the ABC like a hole in the he.....
» 28/06/2015 9:57:49 PM Sorry peter, I did not read your piece. You see you used the code word for wanting to spen.....
» 26/06/2015 8:54:55 PM It is somewhat annoying to see all that taxpayer money being paid to thousands of the self.....
» 24/06/2015 10:40:21 PM A nice life style? Come on onthebeach, where the hell are you going to put the boat & the .....
» 24/06/2015 10:14:40 PM Garbage Yuyutsu. They are free to leave any time they like, & stupid us will pay to repatr.....
» 24/06/2015 10:08:34 PM Come off the raw prawn love, if you think we are silly enough to fall for this garbage you.....
» 24/06/2015 11:29:56 AM Tell us love, how did you get off that duct tape they were using across your mouth to cens.....
» 24/06/2015 11:24:00 AM Come on Graham. We really don't need any more articles by gravy train riding academics pu.....
» 23/06/2015 11:17:00 AM ConservativeHippie, I'm not too sure who has a problem with the truth. Perhaps you have a .....
» 21/06/2015 10:19:53 PM For once we agree Yuyutsu. Yes I HATE PLANNERS too. I have never yet seen any of their foo.....
» 14/06/2015 11:55:42 PM Yep loudmouth, you can bet the Europeans have a fact finding team over here right now, try.....
» 14/06/2015 11:19:34 AM I would say, that as it is going to cost Oz taxpayers at least $50,000 each, up front for .....
» 13/06/2015 1:21:23 PM What garbage Loudmouth, Do you have the $40,000 or more each, to support people for the re.....
» 13/06/2015 1:04:04 PM The only thing more costly & inefficient than shareholder owned companies Aussieboy, are g.....
» 12/06/2015 12:48:56 PM Continued I went to school with 2 brothers. One read Greek mythology under his desk durin.....
» 12/06/2015 12:48:18 PM Perhaps you had better define nerd Toni. I have always assumed, without any great thought.....
» 12/06/2015 11:40:26 AM Yes Rehctub, I saw exactly the same thing happen in Gladstone, first with the Alumina plan.....
» 10/06/2015 11:30:16 PM I was not commenting because I disagree with you david f, but because of the total foolish.....
» 10/06/2015 11:19:31 PM Continued. My 5 Ft 2 inch 24 year old daughter went to the cop station & roared the hell .....
» 10/06/2015 11:19:19 PM Forget the stick Toni Lavis, the moment an unskilled person picks up any hand weapon, they.....
» 10/06/2015 10:36:47 PM Why am I not surprised at your ignorance of financial matters david f. You would of cours.....
» 7/06/2015 6:06:43 PM God help us & protect us from idiots. It sounds like Craig Minns is one of the most dange.....
» 6/06/2015 5:48:46 PM In those days Foxy, I had access to the Ciba-Geigy lab at the time, & organised them doing.....
» 6/06/2015 12:34:44 PM Greenies are such cheerful souls. Here we have Craig Minns, who may have privately realis.....
» 6/06/2015 11:37:42 AM It appears that most great civilisations lose their morals & moral fortitude as their grea.....
» 6/06/2015 12:19:43 AM Yes it was a pretty momentous occasion for us yachties. I was pretty friendly with Bob Mi.....
» 5/06/2015 10:23:15 PM Yes Aristocrat, I suppose we should be disgusted by their supercilious attitude, but they .....
» 5/06/2015 10:54:14 AM I am surprised that a science teacher does not have enough math, or is too lazy to use the.....
» 4/06/2015 9:08:48 PM Perhaps to get back on topic, no, the media have not a clew about seniors. I know dozens .....
» 4/06/2015 8:26:53 PM It is obvious that over the millennia much of the world's CO2 which fed the abundant flora.....
» 1/06/2015 10:38:55 PM Wow! You're probably right Toni Lavis, I'll bet those kids murdered themselves, while no o.....
» 1/06/2015 1:05:50 PM Yes Don, a great deal of the welfare budget, & bureaucratic pensions, hang on whether peop.....
» 1/06/2015 12:44:39 PM Definitely not while the aboriginal victim industry is so profitable for so many. The abo.....
» 1/06/2015 12:31:36 PM A problem isn't it, not having the death penalty for those who wish to be, or are mass mur.....
» 31/05/2015 6:20:21 PM Yes Banjo, kidney & liver transplants do seem to be highly successful, can use a live dono.....
» 31/05/2015 11:59:50 AM Banjo things like cancer treatment & Catheter ablation treatment of heart problems are sim.....
» 30/05/2015 1:40:59 PM Just because they can do it, does not mean it is ethical to do it. After 3 heart attacks.....
» 29/05/2015 6:15:26 PM Why make it so hard to fix, when the answer is so simple. Move the bureaucrats. There is .....
» 28/05/2015 3:15:50 PM Sorry Don, but I am in full agreement with the change after Whitlam. If one wishes to be p.....
» 28/05/2015 2:33:21 PM If this author wants leadership of & for Muslims she should go back to a Muslim country. .....
» 28/05/2015 12:40:03 AM Steady on there Craig Minns, you appear to be wearing rose coloured glasses. Solar panel .....
» 27/05/2015 11:47:10 PM That is so true, & says it all ConservativeHippie. For those of us who are happy with them.....
» 27/05/2015 4:20:28 PM I have no problem with organ transplants, particularly the more simple ones, like liver & .....
» 26/05/2015 8:52:39 PM "Talking about "real" Aussies is so yesterday and has no place in contempor.....
» 26/05/2015 7:02:27 PM What a great idea Rhrosty. Stick all the break & enter, & mugging lot in the same building.....
» 26/05/2015 1:01:10 PM Yep you sure have the idea of multiculturalism wrong there Nathan. It was never about acce.....
» 22/05/2015 6:28:32 PM Wow Rhrosty, I can't agree at all. I only saw a little of this bit of garbage. It was en.....
» 20/05/2015 12:12:19 PM Continued. Then of course we have the idiots of all idiots, the planners. If you want s.....
» 20/05/2015 12:10:44 PM The quickest & best way to get land prices down is to get all government the hell out of l.....
» 19/05/2015 2:14:18 PM What the hell was Monash university doing wasting our taxpayer funds on a convicted drug r.....
» 19/05/2015 10:15:56 AM Sorry ConservativeHippie, it doesn't work that way today. The last thing the defence force.....
» 19/05/2015 9:53:49 AM I was given my air rifle at the age of 10. Even at that age I had enough sense not to fire.....
» 18/05/2015 4:21:12 PM Foxy I'm sorry sweetie, I'm afraid SteeleRedux could not see the big picture if it walked .....
» 18/05/2015 1:35:31 PM SteeleRedux if anyone here has a real problem it is you old chap. Having such a high opin.....
» 16/05/2015 2:02:59 PM What is it with you ladies. This admission of all these refugees & middle eastern migrati.....
» 15/05/2015 8:04:39 PM Europe is in a massive decline. It is pitiful to see those that inherited such a great civ.....
» 15/05/2015 7:37:46 PM Sorry Foxy, there is no way I would wast my time rereading anything that starts with such .....
» 15/05/2015 4:44:05 PM What fairy land do you live in Robert? How do you think most of us have to spare after we.....
» 15/05/2015 4:32:33 PM Most of these people are so poor because they are too damn bone idle to get off the butt t.....
» 15/05/2015 4:03:11 PM Why do greenies have to make everything so hard. OK, yes I know it is the nature of the be.....
» 15/05/2015 1:22:29 PM Sorry Luciferase it doesn't work that way. Your new Mercs are still assets, well at least .....
» 14/05/2015 10:37:12 PM Continued It is not all peaches & cream though. I do have to hurry up & visit those old.....
» 14/05/2015 10:34:57 PM God what a lucky life I & most of my generation have had. We are just young enough to hav.....
» 14/05/2015 6:40:21 PM If only do-gooders would get the hell out these problems & places conditions would improve.....
» 14/05/2015 2:38:35 AM No Rhrosty, it was a full blown heart attack. They had put one stent in after the first, o.....
» 13/05/2015 2:54:12 PM What on earth does a society have to do to be free in your opinion David. The only thing i.....
» 13/05/2015 11:34:32 AM Yes Graham, I think you are right. They obviously want to be re-elected, & equally obviou.....
» 13/05/2015 10:19:05 AM Yep, I agree with spindoc. The way to get ahead is to maximise your earned income, just l.....
» 12/05/2015 9:42:20 PM If I had a kid today, I'd be driving them very hard to a plumbers or electricians apprenti.....
» 12/05/2015 9:28:11 PM That might be the trouble plantagenet, perhaps he has already drunk too much before he sit.....
» 12/05/2015 11:14:28 AM Yes Robert, & that should warn us we must stop all immigration of any people who will not .....
» 12/05/2015 10:24:14 AM Well you got that one very wrong didn't you. Trying to justify not big but huge government.....
» 11/05/2015 6:10:36 PM I think a few have the wrong idea here o sung wu, being against the death penalty even for.....
» 11/05/2015 10:59:57 AM Why is it that authors like this can't be honest? Do they really think twisting the facts .....
» 10/05/2015 6:07:21 PM It would appear warmair, that you restricted your reading to the whitewash that was writte.....
» 9/05/2015 10:48:36 PM Sorry warmair you've got your floods facts quite wrong. The really bad recent Brisbane fl.....
» 9/05/2015 1:13:08 PM Strange isn't it warmair that none of our recent floods in South East Queensland have appr.....
» 9/05/2015 11:57:14 AM Continued. The Hybrid is not much, if at all better. Toyota developed their thing to tak.....
» 9/05/2015 11:57:08 AM Bazz I really have no feeling about methods of propulsion or power. I use batteries for to.....
» 8/05/2015 1:46:14 PM Unfortunately Bazz it takes between $15,000 & $25,000 per car to bring any of these electr.....
» 8/05/2015 1:27:48 PM Yes it must be all my fault. I made these rotten bludgers try to run drugs, or rip of litt.....
» 8/05/2015 12:33:27 PM Just where do these wild dogs come from? They come from city people who buy a puppy, don'.....
» 8/05/2015 12:05:44 PM I would have been happy to do the job myself. Garbage like those two are better removed be.....
» 7/05/2015 7:24:25 PM You don't have to wonder Atlarak, I can tell you. The union would make damn sure all extr.....
» 7/05/2015 6:42:24 PM Only the control freaks after big government & big government pay packets are still pushin.....
» 6/05/2015 11:41:24 AM One can only wonder when, not if, we will have to do something similar to cure our growing.....
» 5/05/2015 12:31:02 PM So here Kellie, that well to do supporter of the downtrodden masses says it all. Is she s.....
» 2/05/2015 10:10:43 PM Yep you are right Runner. They don't even have the decency to be embarrassed by the lies .....
» 2/05/2015 10:05:34 PM One of these days Poirot, you will submit a post that actually says something. Well I do l.....
» 2/05/2015 6:20:53 PM Well what do you know. It is the warmist & greenie conmen who are changing their tune. Ev.....
» 2/05/2015 2:47:04 PM It aint gunna rain no more said the global warming shrills. We'll all die of thirst said.....
» 1/05/2015 3:19:15 PM Poirot, "I challenge otb to write a post without mentioning feminists, progressives, .....
» 1/05/2015 3:06:36 PM Poirot, I wonder if Jill Meagher & her family would agree with you that the more vicious c.....
» 1/05/2015 2:44:33 PM God what utter twaddle. If I, & many others, had even thought the GST distribution would .....
» 1/05/2015 2:04:27 PM If that garbage is a legacy, god help us. The mind that created the muck must be a terribl.....
» 1/05/2015 9:13:50 AM Sarah, you state, "Firefighters have far fewer non-English speakers, female or overse.....
» 30/04/2015 4:51:36 PM Craig Minns, I am not stupid enough to ride motorbikes fast on the public road, or even dr.....
» 30/04/2015 11:29:54 AM If this articles author, & this pair of now eliminated criminals are representative of wha.....
» 30/04/2015 11:12:43 AM Wouldn't it be wonderful if these silly children & bleeding hearts could actually grow up .....
» 29/04/2015 8:52:37 PM In this instance it rids the world Oz in particular of a couple of horrible thugs, who had.....
» 28/04/2015 10:43:58 PM I don't know what planet you live on Aidan, but this rubbish Ted is pushing yet again is s.....
» 28/04/2015 10:40:36 PM Paul we agree for once. Hold a referendum, implement the result, then forget it. However .....
» 28/04/2015 8:07:28 PM david f, when I vote for a member of a party, which is how most of us vote, I have no idea.....
» 28/04/2015 7:48:26 PM It is rather worrying that clowns like this bloke can actually get into our diplomatic ser.....
» 28/04/2015 11:34:05 AM I can only assume most homosexuals are public servants, & want to get married to take adva.....
» 27/04/2015 11:02:49 PM Communism does not work. How many times does the practice of central control have to prove.....
» 27/04/2015 11:28:55 AM Don't be so silly Bernie, you don't make treaties with people you have defeated, who have .....
» 25/04/2015 6:24:45 PM Well that's a relief. I was starting to get quite worried about you sweetie. You've got t.....
» 24/04/2015 11:10:26 AM Come on Suse, I don't know a single bloke who made a decision to have a baby. Mostly they .....
» 23/04/2015 1:24:40 PM Sounds to me like Greg failed in an attempt at an army career, & is all bitter & twisted b.....
» 23/04/2015 1:09:15 PM I can hear it now. All the conniving greenies blaming our energy use next time we get a se.....
» 22/04/2015 5:18:43 PM Watch out folks! Run for the hills. It's the attack of the bottom of the garden fairies.....
» 22/04/2015 2:24:08 PM Yes I also believe the more competent kids, or those with some help at home, get better at.....
» 22/04/2015 1:42:58 PM We could save a damn sight more by putting all those public servants on a super scheme the.....
» 22/04/2015 11:26:00 AM What disgusting crap NathanJ. In the 50s & 60s the hunter used to flood a couple of times .....
» 21/04/2015 4:10:33 PM McReal you must have been extremely lucky. My father was moved around a lot, so I went to .....
» 20/04/2015 8:21:31 PM You are pulling my leg aren't you BJelly? My lady is a librarian. When she was a city lib.....
» 20/04/2015 1:11:26 PM I guess all thinking people know that those who have no argument to use often start talkin.....
» 20/04/2015 1:06:17 PM Paul I may not agree with Foxy's posts all that often, but she is one of my favourite peop.....
» 20/04/2015 1:01:09 PM I like the under & over game when talking about school teachers. Primary school teachers,.....
» 20/04/2015 10:57:48 AM If aboriginals want to go back to communities to live their traditional life, rather than .....
» 19/04/2015 5:09:47 PM Wow! You have to be pretty far out there in the ratbag orbit, to be too radical for the r.....
» 18/04/2015 1:58:31 PM What are you Aidan, a uni student, who is not satisfied at having your living & education .....
» 17/04/2015 8:00:41 PM I'm doubtful that South Australia will survive, for there to be any RSL clubs there. I gu.....
» 17/04/2015 12:15:56 PM Taswegian do you really believe the authority claiming to state our emissions can be trust.....
» 17/04/2015 11:53:48 AM Yes Philip Howell on the academic point you are right. However in all things GST or simila.....
» 16/04/2015 12:11:15 PM Anyone know where or how Foxy is. She has not appeared for a while now. I hope her health.....
» 15/04/2015 1:31:32 PM JF Aus we should be closing that failed state South Australia down, not wasting any perfec.....
» 14/04/2015 12:04:32 PM I find this great love of "The Reef" everyone professes rather funny. You see mo.....
» 14/04/2015 11:21:13 AM Solar & wind combined could not generate enough power to run the 12 volt lights on my yach.....
» 13/04/2015 2:09:09 PM I have never been too worried by fracking. The thousands of feet separation between any us.....
» 13/04/2015 9:00:58 AM Suse there may be another reason for that lack of acknowledgement by others. The other da.....
» 12/04/2015 9:52:22 PM Yes I can get annoyed at a group of people blocking a main thoroughfare in the shopping ce.....
» 11/04/2015 9:52:45 AM Well that certainly sounds like a Green policy. Lets triple handle all the stuff coming o.....
» 10/04/2015 12:44:57 PM Hi Rhrosty, I don't know much about porn, not an expert like some here. I won't name names.....
» 10/04/2015 12:33:52 PM You were obviously a government engineer Paul1405, or government consultant engineer, if y.....
» 10/04/2015 11:54:02 AM Come on Kay, for most of human history our sex lives, like that of all animals on the plan.....
» 10/04/2015 11:24:49 AM No wonder our economies are is such bad shape when any economist can actually get so far f.....
» 9/04/2015 11:48:41 PM You're wasting your time here Is Mise. There wouldn't be a single green supporter with en.....
» 9/04/2015 11:32:27 PM Homosexual marriage, I refuse to allow them to usurp a perfectly respectable word gay, is .....
» 9/04/2015 1:00:34 AM There's money in eco-charities, which I'm sure attracts many. When on the committee devel.....
» 8/04/2015 10:51:34 PM LEGO you have my admiration. How you can have the patience to bother to try to show the tr.....
» 7/04/2015 9:12:21 PM o sung wu they are wearing me down mate. I no longer care much. I am just old enough to k.....
» 7/04/2015 12:49:35 PM Graham, surely we get enough lefty idiot propaganda from the ABC SBS, & other media, witho.....
» 5/04/2015 1:19:11 AM That is about as silly an idea as I have read here NathanJ. Here is exactly the type of th.....
» 3/04/2015 8:28:51 AM Oh god! Here we are, with our economy in the process of collapsing. Deserts around the wo.....
» 2/04/2015 1:36:08 PM Give it a break Craig. Most visionaries have it wrong, & like Fraser are too pig headed, .....
» 2/04/2015 12:41:53 PM Aussieboy, we have a very unbalanced system. It would be easy to blame the unions. After a.....
» 2/04/2015 11:36:39 AM For those catholic haters, & the rabid unionists here, my only contact with catholic or ot.....
» 1/04/2015 2:55:53 PM Every kid, be thy the child of city or remote, dole bludger or billionaire parents should .....
» 1/04/2015 3:05:41 AM What utter garbage grumpy old man. Taxes never ever got any where near modern rates for .....
» 31/03/2015 11:27:09 AM The point missed entirely here is that there is no gender equity, or any other type of equ.....
» 31/03/2015 9:58:33 AM I don't have a credit card, only a debit card. I don't do net payments with my main accoun.....
» 30/03/2015 6:47:58 PM Well thank you Aidan, for your assurance that global warming is true. It must give you som.....
» 30/03/2015 1:40:26 PM Great poem John, thanks. I recall it was Mercedes who demonstrated their automatic brakin.....
» 30/03/2015 10:52:23 AM That must have been 70 years with your eyes shut ateday. Living on a yacht in Sydney harbo.....
» 30/03/2015 10:22:13 AM Aidan, are you old enough to have ever watched the Bobby Limb show? In that Dawn Lake ha.....
» 29/03/2015 9:12:06 PM What do you know. I had never thought of Anastasia as amusing, however the sight of the g.....
» 28/03/2015 11:41:43 AM Suse, judging by the thundering success, [?], of recent government policies & actions, I w.....
» 27/03/2015 3:08:52 PM I agree phanto, that there is less violence against women than in the past, when it was no.....
» 27/03/2015 2:52:23 PM Mal you said a great deal before getting down to the basics of this case in your last para.....
» 27/03/2015 2:18:04 PM Hear hear Rhrosty. Yes this sounds like a plan. Well a plan if you are trying to find job.....
» 26/03/2015 6:45:04 PM Cobber you don't have to be a cotton, or any other type of farmer, to see that supplying e.....
» 26/03/2015 1:30:55 PM I'm afraid someone with an ulterior motive has been cooking the figures on this study. I .....
» 26/03/2015 1:13:16 PM You probably are pretty right plantagenet, although I think the desire to keep her byline .....
» 25/03/2015 11:28:08 AM We have no vulnerable refugees in detention centres BJelly, just a diminishing bunch of ga.....
» 24/03/2015 10:28:17 PM Science was honest when research was the plaything of wealthy amateurs who just wanted to .....
» 24/03/2015 7:50:09 PM Come off it BJelly. We do treat vulnerable refugees as human beings with dignity, probabl.....
» 24/03/2015 12:29:21 AM God just how naive are some people. This whole push for homosexual marriage is simply abo.....
» 23/03/2015 6:15:16 PM Jay I don't know how you can be bothered with that arrogant fool, Craig Minns. What a per.....
» 22/03/2015 11:23:12 AM Just a bit of a kid then Hippie. Are you sure you're old enough to vote......
» 22/03/2015 11:09:21 AM Craig, if we could have got that three in a dunny, & nailed the door shut, a lot of people.....
» 22/03/2015 11:00:36 AM Rhrosty people can have "genuine humanity", & "Christian values", & st.....
» 21/03/2015 7:58:14 PM Do you think plantagenet that it was that heart that led him to make so many dreadful deci.....
» 21/03/2015 1:23:36 PM Yep you're right there Rhrosty, the CSIRO has a proud history, unfortunately it is now lar.....
» 21/03/2015 12:52:34 PM Craig Minns may god protect us from men with vision. Three of the most visionary men of t.....
» 21/03/2015 12:26:13 PM Yes definitely, at least on voting. Nathan career choices no longer have the same importa.....
» 21/03/2015 12:08:34 PM Yes a vexed question Suse. I have a neighbour sent home from emergency 3 times after a ga.....
» 21/03/2015 11:25:28 AM Foxy surely those figures make Abbotts leadership a more secure & more democratic than the.....
» 20/03/2015 9:55:19 PM Where, & when are you doing this Rehctub. Now I have my son basically settled, I was think.....
» 20/03/2015 9:39:41 PM Foxy I don't wear this sudden veneration of someone, just because they are dead. If they w.....
» 20/03/2015 6:56:53 PM Are you actually talking about the same arrogant fool, who couldn't keep his pants on, tha.....
» 20/03/2015 1:53:52 PM Syd in this political rant you missed one major point. Yes Oz has always been committed t.....
» 20/03/2015 1:34:04 PM Get used to it ponde, it is where we are, & will have to go. It is not unfair that people.....
» 20/03/2015 1:01:09 PM As usual we find another really important breakthrough coming from private enterprise, in .....
» 20/03/2015 12:55:57 PM Kellie what you appear incapable of understanding is that communism failed. It is a totall.....
» 19/03/2015 9:17:46 PM I guess I'm a simple soul. I have always wondered why all wastes, after some energy is e.....
» 19/03/2015 8:59:50 PM Back in the simpler days of the 60, I paid 3 shillings a week, [from about 20 quid], for f.....
» 19/03/2015 4:12:06 PM Good luck with it Rehctub, just be careful where you are located. I am also sick of our su.....
» 19/03/2015 12:47:08 PM Sweaty you started out looking like you were going to actually say something. Then you fad.....
» 19/03/2015 12:39:44 PM Well what do you know. Here we have a gold plated, card carrying, elite member of the bu.....
» 18/03/2015 11:07:12 PM Foxy I suggest you don't take your kindly attitude on a train from the Sydney city to Bank.....
» 18/03/2015 2:05:12 PM I doubt those you describe as "underdeveloped barbarians" are what I would consi.....
» 18/03/2015 1:41:36 PM Continued. Those of us oldies, who have paid our due, & bought our homes, from what was l.....
» 18/03/2015 1:41:31 PM I always know what to expect, when someone starts talking dinner party conversations. I kn.....
» 18/03/2015 12:17:32 PM I am really looking forward to the day that this useless bit of trash trips over his own e.....
» 17/03/2015 11:25:41 AM It would appear to me that the Ann Newland's of this country should stop complaining the t.....
» 17/03/2015 10:30:39 AM And some of our fool senators don't want to cut funding for these out of control universit.....
» 16/03/2015 4:49:07 PM Continued. I have noticed a recent huge improvement in weather girls. Not in Queensland o.....
» 16/03/2015 4:04:55 PM Surely no one expects other than a deteriorating media coverage of things other than fashi.....
» 16/03/2015 3:13:30 PM I think you misread me Old Man. Was my post that obtuse?.....
» 16/03/2015 2:52:33 PM Yes onthebeach, I noticed them at the bird bath, & lots of them on the outside of a cement.....
» 16/03/2015 1:56:12 PM I had a very large native bee nest/hive they had built on the outside of the trunk of one .....
» 16/03/2015 9:49:30 AM You beat me to it Agronomist. My first thought was that honeybees are a feral species, & .....
» 16/03/2015 9:20:03 AM When I read articles like this I have to wonder if the author actually studied any math in.....
» 15/03/2015 8:45:29 PM A thug is a thug is a thug, no matter what their heritage......
» 15/03/2015 12:02:27 PM Have you still not noticed Paul, after Yeppoon, a lot of people now know, not just suspect.....
» 15/03/2015 11:17:07 AM A reporter once asked me how I raised the courage to drive a formula 1 around Bathurst. I .....
» 15/03/2015 10:39:52 AM Yes Paul, & being Oz we will give them more help than we gave our own in Yeppoon. It also.....
» 14/03/2015 10:51:11 AM You poor humourless dill Paul. What a dreadful grey world you must live in......
» 14/03/2015 10:33:39 AM It would be nice for Peter to say thanks to all those who contribute taxes to his support,.....
» 13/03/2015 8:49:08 PM Peter Lang oil & gas may cease to be important as a fuel for electricity generation, & I a.....
» 13/03/2015 3:23:21 PM O sung wu having watched some of these real life cop shows, & seen the fear in which some .....
» 13/03/2015 1:59:23 PM Sounds good Bazz, but desperate governments, watching deficits climbing into the stratosph.....
» 13/03/2015 1:03:02 PM Wow I didn't realise the men folk of Fiji were so dumb. Must be the Indian influence. In .....
» 13/03/2015 12:27:24 PM Sorry Foxy, not quite right. After settlement people realised crows pick the eyes out of .....
» 12/03/2015 6:03:26 PM Yes Bazz, I'm afraid I'm with you. My place could easily fund a nice little highset in a .....
» 12/03/2015 5:30:26 PM Isn't retirement where you drive around in an old sports car, top down, waving to the poor.....
» 12/03/2015 5:18:17 PM Well I don't know about you lot, but it sure as hell would make me safer. But then I alwa.....
» 12/03/2015 4:50:52 PM Way back in the 70s I was friends with a Yankee couple. Both psychologists, they had been .....
» 12/03/2015 4:12:41 PM Just over 10 years ago a friend of mine was employed as a tradesman working on a "mod.....
» 12/03/2015 12:23:43 AM Foxy sweetie, you say, "I'm not worried about my grandchildren". "We've got.....
» 11/03/2015 1:02:36 PM Hey Aidan, they tell me those solar arrays make for the interesting sight of birds burstin.....
» 11/03/2015 12:05:49 PM Yes Lego, the only way to stop a murdered doing it again in Oz is to put them down No mat.....
» 10/03/2015 3:39:34 PM Yes Graham, I agree, & my kids also agree. I have always thought it ridiculous that at th.....
» 10/03/2015 3:10:55 PM Rubbish Aidan. The design for the Sydney opera house was a competition. The winner was a h.....
» 10/03/2015 2:19:55 PM "The Australian government, media and people seldom speak with one voice. With the im.....
» 9/03/2015 11:05:54 PM God I hope not. We wouldn't want to pollute the Parramatta river again, not after we fina.....
» 9/03/2015 4:26:08 PM Yes I'm with you Foxy, although I reckon we have been a bit lucky with our timing. My scho.....
» 9/03/2015 3:26:32 PM Probably because you are an out of date bleeding heart, who has not yet, [probably never w.....
» 9/03/2015 2:04:32 PM Patents are a waste of space for most. We had a patent on a new type of heat exchanger. A.....
» 9/03/2015 12:08:24 PM Michael I think you have had too long in government & large NGOs, & are therefor missing t.....
» 8/03/2015 10:24:32 PM Josephus, "If they [aborigines] want to supply fish to the local markets they must de.....
» 8/03/2015 5:53:20 PM I have always found actors & actresses are rather thick people, when not spouting words pr.....
» 7/03/2015 12:07:02 AM Thanks for the good wishes Suse & Foxy. I hope you can get your knee in reasonable time Su.....
» 6/03/2015 2:34:38 PM Wow! Some people don't see Obama as the most anti US leader ever, & the king of crony capi.....
» 5/03/2015 9:23:41 PM Yes Foxy, isn't it interesting that we can use a host of technology, & a small fortune to .....
» 5/03/2015 8:34:33 PM Rhrosty mate, the last thing we need is pollies with imagination. Far too many have imagin.....
» 4/03/2015 12:33:47 PM Oh god Craig Minns, you do carry on. Bet you believe wind farms grow wind. When I was at .....
» 4/03/2015 12:01:12 PM So here speaks a clown with a PhD, so bow down & give praise. He is a scientists, so knows.....
» 4/03/2015 11:51:38 AM Gee I don't know! If they want to put women back in the kitchen, barefoot & pregnant they.....
» 3/03/2015 10:30:47 AM Do grow up a bit 579. A parliament of independents, which is really what you are advocati.....
» 3/03/2015 2:58:07 AM Rhrosty when I said commercially worthless I meant it. Much of it is light sandy loam whic.....
» 2/03/2015 6:51:24 PM I must be a racist, I got an aboriginal houseboy sacked once, in Townsville, in about 1948.....
» 2/03/2015 6:26:12 PM Can't stand the stuff. It is of course down to our bleeding heart magistrates & judges, .....
» 2/03/2015 6:18:49 PM I think Tony would make a great first president of Oz. Not so sure you would like it Foxy.....
» 2/03/2015 5:54:23 PM When you think about it white adult males in work are a minority group, & a shrink one at .....
» 28/02/2015 1:50:57 PM Chris I consider it communistic to try to force people to live where they don't want to li.....
» 28/02/2015 11:37:03 AM Rhrosty our present zoning laws are nothing but a rort, overseen by a bunch of town planni.....
» 27/02/2015 11:57:14 PM Poirot it is not our fault you left it too late to do anything interesting in your life. .....
» 27/02/2015 3:54:56 PM Hell yes we need to save democracy from the extremists. The extremists like Junaid who wan.....
» 27/02/2015 3:49:09 PM Careful there Chris, your communistic streak is showing. The last thing we need is idiots .....
» 27/02/2015 1:26:53 PM In her last few months my mother could no longer stand or walk at all, & had to go into a .....
» 27/02/2015 12:53:14 PM While young people are marrying later, & staying childless longer, these units can have a .....
» 27/02/2015 12:04:11 PM A lovely picture you paint o sung wu, but you know, I never found the Pacific all that bal.....
» 27/02/2015 11:06:05 AM You must be a Muslim immigrant Yuyutsu. No real Ozzie would consider they had any right to.....
» 27/02/2015 1:18:16 AM Steele you wouldn't know a fact even if it jumped up & bit you on the ass. This dreadful .....
» 27/02/2015 1:03:56 AM Both families should be shipped back to wherever they came from. They are not fit to live.....
» 27/02/2015 12:54:55 AM Life is different now platypus. Where we once stayed in the same town/city, that is no lon.....
» 26/02/2015 6:43:39 PM A minor operation on your head o sung wu, I'm surprised at you. I thought you old enough .....
» 26/02/2015 12:34:47 PM Sonofgloin of course you aren't going anywhere with Pericles, she is simply an attack dog .....
» 26/02/2015 11:13:39 AM The left are continually screaming at us we must apply the precautionary principle to the .....
» 26/02/2015 1:03:54 AM I think Aidan must have been one of the old Soviet Union economic advisers. His advise sou.....
» 25/02/2015 3:57:36 PM Why on earth would we want to be a major player on the world stage. Not only is that very .....
» 25/02/2015 3:32:56 PM What disgusting tripe. The "arts" meeds a good kick in the bum for continually .....
» 25/02/2015 2:57:20 PM A large part of the problem with the power is the greenies. In many cases they have area m.....
» 25/02/2015 10:09:03 AM Poirot "The difference being that you're talking out of the top of your r.....
» 24/02/2015 11:33:31 PM RObert, & others interested in the facts, Jennifer now has the missing figures for Middle .....
» 24/02/2015 10:30:41 PM She has shown she is prepared to use her taxpayer funded office for political purposes, & .....
» 24/02/2015 10:26:38 PM I think that is your answer RObert. The reason they have gone is to minimise the BOM embar.....
» 24/02/2015 4:18:53 PM All this has nothing to do with the fact that this was nothing like a cat 5 cyclone, & you.....
» 24/02/2015 1:12:58 PM I guess you may be right onthebeach. Thinking about it, I guess most of the people I mix w.....
» 24/02/2015 10:07:54 AM Onthebeach you are short selling a lot of people, who can happily run small petrol engined.....
» 23/02/2015 10:07:12 PM No Rhrosty, I was watching the radar picture, which showed the eye most distinctly. In fac.....
» 23/02/2015 5:46:37 PM You know WTF, I have found that it is common for someone who accuses others of lying is us.....
» 23/02/2015 2:25:50 PM Rhrosty please get your facts straight before arguing mate. The eye passed over the full .....
» 23/02/2015 11:40:07 AM Suse another fool post. The station on middle Percy is an official station, as is or was t.....
» 23/02/2015 10:16:32 AM Lots of experience with cyclones have you Cobber? I have sailed through three in small bo.....
» 22/02/2015 11:18:57 PM Just what the hell Poirot, does your post have to do with the weather bureau telling strai.....
» 22/02/2015 11:14:01 PM Warmair without Russian gas, particularly in this very cold winter, Europe freezes. They w.....
» 21/02/2015 10:38:30 PM Well we've had another cyclone, & this time the Bureau of Meteorology got their landfall t.....
» 21/02/2015 10:24:39 AM Obviously what we need is some nice sharp scimitars, so we can dispatch our enemies in the.....
» 20/02/2015 2:35:43 PM Just what I was thinking Rhrosty, but you put it so succinctly. First we paid for her to .....
» 20/02/2015 12:50:27 PM Yes our legal system is in trouble, when the academic twits who actually instruct in our l.....
» 17/02/2015 11:21:34 PM Yes Foxy, & it is that very "security of tenure" that is the problem. The whole.....
» 17/02/2015 10:15:06 AM I did find the report on a recent study on knowledge of the theory of global warming very .....
» 17/02/2015 9:58:33 AM Are you a fool, a smart ass, or just poorly informed Aidan? Which ever, you must know that.....
» 16/02/2015 5:15:45 PM No Foxy, it is about ridding our society of some very nasty useless scum, permanently. If .....
» 16/02/2015 5:02:25 PM Beaucoupbob if you were to legalise all drugs, & give the government, [read bureaucracy], .....
» 14/02/2015 2:47:22 PM Paul you are searching for the opposite to a 'Do-gooder' I believe. That would be do sens.....
» 14/02/2015 1:50:20 PM Thank you 579 for demonstrating the stupidity of the Greenie. The production & use of eth.....
» 13/02/2015 2:59:05 PM Yep, god help us now. They are both prepared to indulge in lousy policy, shades of Gillard.....
» 13/02/2015 1:26:24 PM Yes DreamOn as I mentioned at the very beginning of the thread, the bleeding hearts & the .....
» 13/02/2015 12:42:54 PM Good schools, or more importantly good teachers can do heaps. For 2 out of 3 years a whil.....
» 13/02/2015 10:59:15 AM Sorry Kevin, this is only partly true. I had 3 kids go through the same large near city h.....
» 11/02/2015 5:33:06 PM No Foxy, that is totally wrong. The cops are trained to protect the public, not the nut ca.....
» 11/02/2015 3:42:46 PM Foxy my sweet, you can't expect any cop to take the chance of serious injury, because the .....
» 11/02/2015 11:47:50 AM Even with the continual doctoring of the old data, & South America has come in for it's sh.....
» 10/02/2015 11:30:33 PM Foxy if you can't read an intended insult in this peanuts every word, you are much less pe.....
» 10/02/2015 8:50:10 PM Oh dear o sung wu, top marks for patience. I have given up bothering with the fairies fr.....
» 10/02/2015 5:52:04 PM Ok Tony. Now is the time for all good men as the saying goes, TO GROW A BACKBONE. Stop fu.....
» 10/02/2015 4:59:58 PM Houellebecq you then talk about getting the parents involved. Which planet would that be o.....
» 10/02/2015 4:27:41 PM A recipe for increasing failure Houellebecq. Why on earth would you want to interfere with.....
» 10/02/2015 10:56:30 AM AJ Philips those posts could only have come from an academic, trying to cover up academic .....
» 10/02/2015 10:43:33 AM You got that wrong Runner. They didn't need driving, & they were already way over the edg.....
» 9/02/2015 10:26:02 PM Don't we all decide things from our own world view AJ Philips. I think it's fair to say I .....
» 9/02/2015 7:37:39 PM I can't see much point in more than 3 subs, unless we want to stick them in dry dock somew.....
» 9/02/2015 3:37:06 PM Craig I twice walked out of the Mooloolaba yacht club change rooms, after shaving off a fe.....
» 9/02/2015 2:01:11 PM Come off the grass 570. The Labor leader was only elected, against the majority, because t.....
» 9/02/2015 1:55:51 PM Foxy my sweet, I am sorry if I gave the impression I was complaining about the cop on the .....
» 9/02/2015 12:47:04 PM Once upon a time, in a land far far from here, I had an uncle complaining he had paid over.....
» 9/02/2015 12:17:01 PM Is this bloke still around? Hell, I thought he would have drowned in the growing pool of h.....
» 8/02/2015 11:58:45 AM I really don't know enough about Morrison rehctub to know if he would be a good leader, bu.....
» 8/02/2015 11:32:11 AM David nothing will improve public schools while they are run by the unions. They are on a .....
» 7/02/2015 8:40:37 PM How many saw the disgusting effort yesterday, when the whole Queensland police force sat b.....
» 7/02/2015 8:22:46 PM I wouldn't care if Turnbull was going to donate 25 billion to buy/build the subs out of hi.....
» 7/02/2015 3:59:15 PM Now I'd agree with you on that one Aidan, apart from a few little problems. 1/ As soon as.....
» 7/02/2015 2:41:03 PM O sung wu "when will somebody start to govern Australia?". Sorry old mate, no .....
» 7/02/2015 2:16:52 PM What utter garbage David f. My wife I spent 15 years establishing & then running a schoo.....
» 6/02/2015 5:47:14 PM Rehctub there is only one problem with your post. You did not mention who you would have r.....
» 5/02/2015 12:15:47 PM Rhrosty, going by our present fleet, & what else can you go by, if we were to build Nuclea.....
» 5/02/2015 12:03:16 PM This has got to be a spoof, no sane adult human being could produce such waffle in a serio.....
» 4/02/2015 4:31:54 PM It is based on the understanding that those who don't do everything possible to pull their.....
» 4/02/2015 1:29:41 PM Is rail actually any more economical in diesel fuel than road? When you consider the truck.....
» 4/02/2015 1:16:26 PM What I want david, is a whole lot less given to everyone, me included, so those who put in.....
» 4/02/2015 12:43:26 PM That is just so wrong Mac. Where do you live, Tasmania or the moon? Where ever it is it ca.....
» 4/02/2015 11:27:05 AM We need to get government, particularly government by union the hell out of business. It .....
» 4/02/2015 11:19:04 AM You are obviously a teacher david f, but what do you teach. It sure can't be math. With yo.....
» 4/02/2015 11:02:10 AM Don I know you must feel it is a pretty thankless task, trying to impart just a few basic .....
» 4/02/2015 10:14:41 AM I would give them the same consideration they gave their intended victims, those who were .....
» 3/02/2015 9:53:56 PM Squeers, Suse, that is exactly where you are wrong. Turnbull is a dirty word to many Liber.....
» 3/02/2015 4:13:02 PM What everyone seems to be missing is that this was not some great swing against the coalit.....
» 3/02/2015 10:23:35 AM That is most interesting Foxy. You say you know the cuts to essential services were unpop.....
» 2/02/2015 3:03:39 PM I think those of us who are interested may be placing too much expectation of rationality .....
» 2/02/2015 12:52:46 PM What I find so disgusting with this stuff is that there are people like Dan who think it i.....
» 2/02/2015 12:24:46 PM Ant you must be a fellow traveler, if not a fully funded passenger on the gravy train. If .....
» 2/02/2015 10:14:07 AM I don't give a damn if stupid women are prepared to, or even want to wear the horrible thi.....
» 1/02/2015 9:08:05 PM The critical thing we must resist at any cost, is letting the fairies escape from the bott.....
» 30/01/2015 2:15:09 PM Another great sensible article Don. Thanks. Aidan, don't make a fool of yourself. With th.....
» 29/01/2015 8:35:43 PM No Aidan, it is they who must miss understand. Yes I know they said land ice, but they al.....
» 29/01/2015 8:14:19 PM Tristan what we need to do is get rid of 45 billion from the budget, not add it. That is b.....
» 29/01/2015 5:08:59 PM You do need to check who is showing you those images sonofgloin. It is definitely best if .....
» 29/01/2015 4:50:39 PM Chris I get so sick of this disadvantage garbage. Your idea of disadvantage is I'm sure en.....
» 29/01/2015 4:16:53 PM Apparently Tristan is not the only socialists bleeding heart who failed arithmetic 101 in .....
» 29/01/2015 12:10:50 AM Steele my problem was because I listened to the BOM, not disregarded it. If they can get.....
» 28/01/2015 7:52:28 PM Yep ConservativeHippie, we've had a bit of rain up here this month, 6 inches, after a fair.....
» 28/01/2015 7:29:53 PM Yep catastrophe spelt debt. Beattie/Bly up here left us 10 times more debt than we had ev.....
» 28/01/2015 7:11:16 PM Would you believe the UK bureau has even come out & declared 2014 was not the hottest year.....
» 28/01/2015 4:54:07 PM If you can't predict the weather a few hours out, even with satellites, you should go back.....
» 28/01/2015 4:09:42 PM Continued. We get the yachts as close to their facility as possible, & get them to drop t.....
» 28/01/2015 4:09:34 PM 10 AM it is getting quite rough at the jetty, I tell the island the last ferry will leave .....
» 28/01/2015 4:09:19 PM I thought you might be interested in my experience with weather bureau forecasting. It wa.....
» 28/01/2015 11:56:37 AM This may just be our modern salvation. At Kokoda it was only the fact that our country ki.....
» 28/01/2015 11:34:17 AM Craig I think you will find a lot more people are slightly dyslexic than is realised, & th.....
» 28/01/2015 10:40:15 AM Don't be unkind Suse. It is probably some slooow old fart haaaas just gooot a new keyboar.....
» 27/01/2015 9:08:47 PM Only one problem there Aidan, that would mean either a Labor government, or even worse, an.....
» 27/01/2015 3:50:43 PM I don't know Foxy, it worked for some of the Popes didn't it. I recall some information t.....
» 27/01/2015 1:30:05 PM Sorry Foxy, I was thinking of the bad joke the Australia Day council, with their choice of.....
» 27/01/2015 11:26:33 AM Whee listen to the lefties rant. Who the hell cares who is given a knighthood, it has abs.....
» 25/01/2015 3:14:24 PM Poirot, much as I don't want them here, there is not a Muslim on earth I am frightened of......
» 25/01/2015 3:03:24 PM No Foxy. I think I must have led a sheltered life. What do they say about men with small.....
» 25/01/2015 1:40:00 PM That has problems too Craig. Almost 15 years ago now I tried to help my daughter, & one o.....
» 25/01/2015 12:43:59 PM Oh Foxy, & me with small feet. All the easier to put in some would say. And what is wrong.....
» 25/01/2015 11:49:39 AM Having read all the above I have come to the conclusion we definitely should change the da.....
» 25/01/2015 11:29:37 AM Don't talk rot Poirot, with this "I have a huge problem knowing that Australia runs w.....
» 25/01/2015 11:02:30 AM We all know polls usefulness & accuracy depends on who wrote the questions, who conducted .....
» 25/01/2015 10:08:21 AM France wants to leave the EU, you must be kidding Arjay. Without the EU farm subsidies, F.....
» 24/01/2015 9:47:42 PM With typical generosity of spirit our Oz government will happily fly any of these gatecras.....
» 24/01/2015 3:11:51 PM Craig perhaps if they set a higher entrance standard, rather than lowering the standard to.....
» 24/01/2015 12:52:54 PM Many years back a migrant when I asked why he chose Australia said; "We came here bec.....
» 24/01/2015 11:55:34 AM You do kid don't you Poirot. I surfed as a young bloke. The number of the boobs hanging a.....
» 24/01/2015 10:54:46 AM Come off it Suse. If life is that unpleasant for them, why the hell don't they migrate to.....
» 24/01/2015 10:40:44 AM An interesting little story indicating just how mixed up many ladies are about their boobs.....
» 23/01/2015 7:06:16 PM They can't make up whatever it is that passes for a mind can they. It was the feminists t.....
» 23/01/2015 3:28:03 PM God I get sick of PC garbage. Even in the worst most alcohol full rotting aboriginal sett.....
» 23/01/2015 2:57:59 PM "Fifth, attendance rates at lectures are woeful. At times less than 10%. I sit on ou.....
» 23/01/2015 2:32:07 PM Triple J. Does anyone really listen to that triple tripe?.....
» 23/01/2015 2:26:53 PM Actually rereading this, I'm not so sure Evelyn is concerned about exploitation, or is jea.....
» 23/01/2015 2:09:09 PM Yes Constance that is true, but the modern world increases the alienation. When people ten.....
» 23/01/2015 11:10:06 AM Stezza, If the cap fits! A neighbours daughter, at the start of her second year of a BSc/.....
» 23/01/2015 10:47:21 AM Come on Suse, there are thousands of photos of topless men in papers every day. How many d.....
» 22/01/2015 10:01:04 PM Haven't you read Aidan, that the bureau have now admitted they are only 35% sure it was th.....
» 22/01/2015 8:16:11 PM What is needed is to get Campbell Newman to take charge of the whole sector. He managed .....
» 22/01/2015 8:00:54 PM Yep, you can prove your point around here any afternoon LEGO. The lorikeets chase everythi.....
» 21/01/2015 4:35:23 PM Pericles, the only thing random about the attack on my son, was that victim was random. It.....
» 21/01/2015 11:34:10 AM It really is time that public servants, like those people who staff psychiatric facilities.....
» 21/01/2015 11:02:29 AM Guy you seem to be getting your fiction mixed up in your article writing. Drop the climat.....
» 20/01/2015 6:03:25 PM Which part of Sydney Pericles? My son could not walk home from the railway station in ful.....
» 20/01/2015 5:42:41 PM What a dreadful article Don. Far too true, too close to the bone, & offering so little hop.....
» 20/01/2015 12:55:50 AM It is too late now. We will not do a damn thing, until we are faced with a situation like .....
» 20/01/2015 12:25:03 AM I think I would have just left myself Runner. If a business doesn't bother to control beh.....
» 18/01/2015 10:55:34 AM The last thing we need is for something else to be added to the curriculum in schools. As .....
» 16/01/2015 4:53:55 PM That's just what we need here, more people who run away from their debts. Who the hell ve.....
» 16/01/2015 3:25:20 PM God it's a worry. I thought the Democrats had gone back down the garden path with the res.....
» 16/01/2015 1:24:51 PM Continued Yes, you've guessed it, we got the boats back out on the first of March, & I'd .....
» 16/01/2015 1:23:52 PM Here's what it means so be an Ozzie if you live in certain parts of it, & are a leap year .....
» 15/01/2015 6:20:36 PM Ah, a South Australian Aidan, one of the states that only exist by bludging on the rest. .....
» 15/01/2015 6:08:13 PM Whatever you may call it, pensions paid to bureaucrats, academia, & other government emplo.....
» 15/01/2015 1:44:50 AM Aidan you would do better generating your cheap energy with something more practical than .....
» 15/01/2015 1:26:52 AM Yahoo, I can actually agree with Suse! Of course contraception should be a 2 way street, .....
» 15/01/2015 12:17:31 AM I do find it interesting that the same people who believe, [have fallen for], the global w.....
» 14/01/2015 12:13:30 PM Wouldn't it be great if lefty, greenie people tried arguing with the truth. Wouldn't it b.....
» 13/01/2015 2:46:38 PM What a mealy mouth bit of pacifist clap trap. Yes Tristan. you can have all the meaningfu.....
» 12/01/2015 8:53:47 PM Aidan Africa & Asia can mine copper, zinc, coal, & iron ore cheaper than we can, & damn so.....
» 12/01/2015 4:07:57 PM It may not be as good as first past the post, but thank god for our electoral system. If .....
» 12/01/2015 3:55:28 PM If some of you people had any idea of the world, it would help. I have mentioned the facts.....
» 12/01/2015 1:25:12 PM I'm afraid Rehctub, I just can't see how your idea of reducing tax so dramatically could w.....
» 12/01/2015 1:01:45 PM Well lets hope so plantagenet. Beattie & Bligh were both catastrophes, going somewhere to .....
» 12/01/2015 12:14:34 PM Tariffs are without doubt the most efficient, easiest & cheapest to collect & police form .....
» 12/01/2015 12:01:28 PM I'm not much into religious stuff, but I must admit the Muslims have finally convinced me......
» 11/01/2015 1:42:25 PM So true Crowie, use it or lose it is a real fact. When I did my flying training, we had t.....
» 11/01/2015 1:19:26 PM Yep, anyone with even half a brain, who considered the last 2 Labor Commonwealth governmen.....
» 10/01/2015 2:08:14 AM Sorry onthebeach, I'm afraid I can't accept your assurance that Annastacia is smart. Of co.....
» 9/01/2015 8:53:25 PM I was the only male member of my high school debating team. The other 4 were all daughters.....
» 9/01/2015 4:55:49 PM Once upon a time, we had the old copy boy/girl system. Kids had to work their way up from .....
» 9/01/2015 4:11:01 PM Angus has missed one very important point, inheritance. Provided I can stop their mother s.....
» 9/01/2015 2:49:37 PM Yes I can understand how you army types would be fond of choppers. The Navy had those ol.....
» 9/01/2015 12:57:40 PM Jayb, it was probably those very people who stopped the Japs at Kokoda. You don't have to.....
» 9/01/2015 12:48:43 PM Yes it should be interesting. Newman was brave to take on a safe Labor seat to become pr.....
» 9/01/2015 10:50:36 AM Three heart attacks in 3 years. Didn't make me start asking for help from any being, real .....
» 8/01/2015 8:41:10 PM Bazz, I know Rundle oil shale project was producing oil, profitable at $70 a barrel. I w.....
» 8/01/2015 1:13:26 PM 0 dear. To my mind it would be much better if the average TV reporter, for whom the main .....
» 7/01/2015 5:45:02 PM I can't fully agree with that Rhrosty, in my experience a large number of de facto relatio.....
» 7/01/2015 12:26:05 PM I think it would be a much better idea if we made English a compulsory language in our sch.....
» 7/01/2015 12:05:52 PM Nice sensible article Viv, but you sure have to give the greens one thing. They are great.....
» 6/01/2015 8:41:00 PM Not for me thanks Foxy. I had enough trouble picking up pigeon in New Guinea. That has o.....
» 5/01/2015 10:31:57 PM Hi o sung wu, I am right with you on snakes. The ones on my walking sticks are wooden old .....
» 5/01/2015 9:33:34 PM I think someone must have put in a call to the hippy kooks commune to post on this thread......
» 5/01/2015 12:19:49 PM Is Mise way off topic, but you might find interesting. I have 2 walking sticks, both pick.....
» 5/01/2015 11:37:54 AM Sorry Marko, you missed the communist revolution by about a hundred years. It's been, gon.....
» 4/01/2015 7:51:09 PM I see we can agree on one thing at least Ojnab, these ridiculous fireworks. We are bombar.....
» 4/01/2015 5:48:02 PM o sung wu I am surprised you, who must have considerable unarmed combat training should me.....
» 4/01/2015 1:25:12 PM I think the government should have to give all us ex defence force personal our weapons to.....
» 4/01/2015 1:19:38 PM I find it interesting that the people who want free university education are the very peop.....
» 3/01/2015 8:27:37 PM Squeers, Craig Minns, time to come out of the kindergarten & into the real world kids. Per.....
» 2/01/2015 11:30:19 PM Good for you Is Mise, but for me, my knee would make any attempt at self defence pretty us.....
» 2/01/2015 10:34:56 PM Hasbeen, "Schooling must be conducted in English only, & all foreign language TV & n.....
» 2/01/2015 10:23:50 PM I don't give a damn about the security council, our entering it was a vanity thing for the.....
» 2/01/2015 12:23:36 PM I see as usual the "ladies" could not argue against the first topic, it was just.....
» 1/01/2015 12:28:33 PM And may what ever god there may be, protect us from people with vision, including the Hill.....
» 1/01/2015 10:31:10 AM One act that could help the country would be to eliminate all language other than English,.....
» 1/01/2015 10:18:20 AM Reality is the enemy of all lefties, particularly for dills like Paul......
» 1/01/2015 12:47:20 AM Compulsory adoption would solve a couple of evils here. It might make some women not have.....
» 31/12/2014 11:26:26 AM Well the poms would have been a damn sight better off if the thing still stood. They woul.....
» 30/12/2014 11:58:17 PM By all means Yuyutsu, turn your other cheek, along with your god, any time you like. Some.....
» 30/12/2014 5:43:49 PM "And shooting pigs in pig-sties and taking selfies with road-kill suggest to me that .....
» 30/12/2014 12:09:14 AM Yes wantok & Is Mise, they can scan, or see the rego label colour, but they don't bother u.....
» 29/12/2014 11:46:12 PM About 15 years ago I made one, & have succeeded in keeping it all these years. It was to .....
» 29/12/2014 11:42:56 PM Garbage Suse, if we had not been a nation of shooters, the japs would have walked straight.....
» 29/12/2014 2:58:57 PM Roses1 the road transport does pay the same taxes on their fuel as the motorist. It is onl.....
» 29/12/2014 12:07:18 PM I'm not sure we can blame the media completely LEGO, there has always been violence in mov.....
» 29/12/2014 10:56:49 AM Only a lefty academic could have written this bit of bumph. You do seem to be good at pic.....
» 28/12/2014 2:47:42 PM Yes o sung wu, those two long streaks of misery, with their heads in the clouds, Whitlam &.....
» 28/12/2014 10:34:45 AM Rhrosty old mate, you picked a bad example there. Holding up a racist AFL playing thug as.....
» 27/12/2014 7:32:31 PM Yes Paul, & I believe it has more to do with the parents than anything else, at least in t.....
» 27/12/2014 5:37:47 PM Could be Paul, I never had much knowledge of the area. I saw the school a couple of times,.....
» 27/12/2014 4:49:47 PM Do grow up Nathan, & stop talking garbage. I was trained in all forms of unarmed combat, .....
» 27/12/2014 1:58:32 PM That's interesting Rehctub. I don't read any of the bumph that lands in my mailbox, & don'.....
» 27/12/2014 1:19:00 PM Watch it Paul, your own racism is showing. At no point did I mention aboriginals in my po.....
» 27/12/2014 1:05:39 PM Come on NC, no one has to “demonise Muslims” . They do a damn good job of doing it for th.....
» 27/12/2014 12:57:01 PM George, I also feel a little sorry for those who are so lacking in the ability to form the.....
» 27/12/2014 12:31:59 PM Arjay, unless very competent, it is hard enough to disable an attacker with a gun. Trying .....
» 26/12/2014 9:44:35 PM Hi, o sung wu, Newtown up market, wow, how things change. One of my girlfriends was head .....
» 26/12/2014 8:20:25 PM "Now that makes sense [?] and Australia is one of the few countries that requires fli.....
» 26/12/2014 11:03:55 AM I can't help feeling a little sorry for those who need the crutch of belief in the man mad.....
» 26/12/2014 10:48:02 AM Rhrosty your posts are much better when you don't cut & paste garbage. If anyone in this w.....
» 25/12/2014 12:51:29 PM Your country towns must be pretty big Roses1. All the towns I know, even near the cities h.....
» 25/12/2014 9:32:17 AM Yes it is interesting that the US is criticised for being corporation friendly, but they h.....
» 24/12/2014 5:08:32 PM Yes Lego, our cadets had rifle range shooting a sessions about 5 times a year, always on a.....
» 24/12/2014 4:36:51 PM I think it's a great idea. I have 3 vehicles, which most years would not do 3000 kilometre.....
» 24/12/2014 9:40:11 AM You reckon the extreme right is dangerous Paul. They are tail wagging lap dogs, compared .....
» 23/12/2014 2:32:40 PM Hi, o sung. Motor racing was a gentleman's sport in my day. Nothing so crude as advertisin.....
» 23/12/2014 12:56:46 PM 2 minds with a single thought Rehctub......
» 23/12/2014 10:09:47 AM Yep the main requirement is an injection of guts into Tony & the crew to allow them to mak.....
» 23/12/2014 9:50:30 AM Yes I'm afraid our fire in the belly, belt 'em up prime minister is becoming a bit of a di.....
» 23/12/2014 9:42:57 AM While I can agree with most of your piece Brendan, I can't let you get away with this bit,.....
» 22/12/2014 9:52:20 PM Hi o sung wu, I have one that was a bit of fun. Many years ago as a young racing driver, .....
» 22/12/2014 9:35:01 AM So when we get a few Muslims deciding it might be better to try to become one of us, rathe.....
» 22/12/2014 9:22:47 AM Sorry Duncan, time to grow up little man. As Rhrosty says, if you do the crime, you accept.....
» 21/12/2014 10:37:52 PM Hey Jay, if that is right, & all Monis really wanted to do was get rid of David Koch, perh.....
» 21/12/2014 12:39:03 PM A bit one sided there Nick, you have missed at least half your target. Yes some of these .....
» 21/12/2014 11:01:01 AM NC you must be the perfect cherry picker, or do you simply prefer to select the writings o.....
» 19/12/2014 11:35:32 PM Jay my son was attacked by a gang of 4 Lebs, who jumped out of a passing car, in a Sydney .....
» 19/12/2014 6:43:21 PM Armchair Critic I have no doubt we are heading for Beirut type warfare in at least some of.....
» 19/12/2014 4:12:03 PM Come on Jay, the cops, giving this bloke all that time to grandstand, & depending on a &qu.....
» 19/12/2014 3:47:10 PM Do stop being so damn stupid Yuyutsu, it takes no force at all to get Ozzie workers to tak.....
» 19/12/2014 12:22:55 PM Armchair Critic, If you are going to roll over, with your gutless belly exposed, & give th.....
» 19/12/2014 11:37:18 AM Obviously living for any length of time in Pakistan and Afghanistan can send anyone mad. .....
» 18/12/2014 11:44:58 PM Garbage Yuyutsu. They didn't shoot him because the deputy police commissioner boasted on.....
» 18/12/2014 8:15:55 PM Yes plantagenet, we are going to have to arm our defence forces, even while in Oz. Having .....
» 18/12/2014 8:01:55 PM o sung wu, you mention the Coroner, & some worry about their finding. I have recently bee.....
» 18/12/2014 2:31:39 PM Don't be silly jvisions, university graduates aren't qualified to work in business. They a.....
» 18/12/2014 2:15:47 PM Yep Rhrosty, I never could understand how we could be so stupid as to develop extended sho.....
» 17/12/2014 7:04:00 PM Sorry Is Mise, that is rationalising to try to cover the fact that they stuffed up. They t.....
» 17/12/2014 12:17:23 PM Garbage Jay, just an excuse for not doing what was necessary. Even if you were worried ab.....
» 17/12/2014 11:12:09 AM Yes plantagenet, that is the important point to come out of this, You can't reason with a.....
» 16/12/2014 3:51:37 PM Don't worry Bazz, Tony knows there is no point having refinery capacity, while we have a f.....
» 16/12/2014 11:49:03 AM Continued I don't think it is the average unionist, I don't think they can see what they .....
» 16/12/2014 11:48:46 AM Oh yes please Yuyutsu, that would get rid of half the ratbags in the senate, & a few in th.....
» 16/12/2014 10:32:34 AM What we need is a senate reshuffle. If we could get rid of the lefty lot, who refuse to pa.....
» 16/12/2014 10:25:27 AM That is just the point Bugsy, we should be listening to the real data, not some model, des.....
» 14/12/2014 6:56:49 PM Pete I don't see China as a threat, unless something is precipitated by US China rivalry. .....
» 14/12/2014 5:46:11 PM Rhrosty thanks for proving once & for all you are an idiot. Suse I'm surprised at you. I.....
» 14/12/2014 1:15:53 AM Yes a really true depiction. A couple of examples. A mate & I built what was for a coupl.....
» 13/12/2014 6:14:53 PM You have to wonder about the disingenuous bleeding hearts who blather on about black death.....
» 13/12/2014 1:15:40 PM Rhrosty, sorry mate, but you have to open the other eye too, if you actually want to see t.....
» 13/12/2014 1:11:41 PM Well thank you miss know it all Suse. My recent experience with university trained nurses.....
» 12/12/2014 1:24:25 PM You are right of course Foxy. What is it about us Ozzies, that we celebrate, & become fam.....
» 12/12/2014 1:18:49 PM You are aware aren't you Rhrosty, that Ireland is now the biggest basket case in Europe, &.....
» 12/12/2014 12:54:25 PM Foxy, the most incompetent thing industrial management have ever done was pay process work.....
» 12/12/2014 12:34:50 PM For once I can't agree with you Don. I think the university sector needs not just hands on.....
» 12/12/2014 11:33:26 AM I am sure there are honest people in the building & construction industries Foxy, but they.....
» 12/12/2014 11:22:20 AM You're right of course Paul about Guantanamo Bay. The US should have used the Islamic stat.....
» 11/12/2014 6:18:53 PM The opera House is a catastrophe. A miserable little singing hall, with lousy acoustics, c.....
» 11/12/2014 12:27:05 PM Anything less than full nuclear subs would be a bad joke on our navy, & the men who we exp.....
» 11/12/2014 11:46:13 AM Foxy I'm surprised at your loose use of language. You say, "Professionals in the buil.....
» 10/12/2014 10:22:27 PM Garbage Ojnab, there is not a single minute left on any ABC station that is watchable, unl.....
» 10/12/2014 8:32:07 PM Hi Foxy! Looks like it's just you & me kid. No one appears to want to talk to us......
» 10/12/2014 8:29:04 PM Sometimes shooting an animal can be a bit hard as you've found o sung wu. I had to put do.....
» 10/12/2014 8:12:49 PM Don't believe a word of that Is Mise. I'll bet the calendar collection on the wall went i.....
» 10/12/2014 8:08:23 PM I can't fault any of that Don, it is all simple logic, particularly to those of us who hav.....
» 10/12/2014 7:37:32 PM James, are you really suggesting you could possibly want Annastacia Palaszczuk as the prem.....
» 10/12/2014 11:21:42 AM Oops! And a merry Christmas to all......
» 10/12/2014 11:18:22 AM Christmas is a dish served cold here. Ham, chicken prawns etc. with salad & lots of icy wa.....
» 10/12/2014 10:52:23 AM Why on earth is this bit of bumph here Graham? Is it to show us just how far the ABC supp.....
» 9/12/2014 1:03:07 PM Oh god, here we go again. Don't you people ever follow the actual facts? Germany is going.....
» 8/12/2014 11:11:40 PM AJ Philips, if you wish to be taken seriously by real people, you will have to learn how t.....
» 8/12/2014 4:12:17 PM Bazz I have no doubt we are headed that way. If we don't damn soon get over our aversion t.....
» 8/12/2014 3:54:02 PM A J Phillips you are quite right, I have no faith in your reported research into crime sta.....
» 8/12/2014 3:23:27 PM Abbott only had to do 4 things to be a winner for me. Get rid of that disgusting red head.....
» 8/12/2014 2:55:32 PM This bloke really does sound like Hanrahan. If oil prices go up "We'll all be rooned&.....
» 8/12/2014 2:40:23 PM Oh God! Tell me Conrad, just how many times do you socialists have to get it wrong before .....
» 8/12/2014 12:34:24 AM I only have one pet o sung wu, my now 28 year old stallion. He has been a lovely horse. Or.....
» 5/12/2014 11:19:42 AM Hey Paul, now you are telling us that your not only seditious, but you can't handle math e.....
» 4/12/2014 10:58:16 PM "At least men of the Right are more honest about their entrenched belief in the innat.....
» 4/12/2014 7:53:13 PM Hey o sung wu, I am surprised at you. I only ever got the cane once, & never again. I real.....
» 4/12/2014 7:31:55 PM Aidan ocean acidification is the biggest con yet. There are a dozen reasons why it just ca.....
» 4/12/2014 1:50:47 PM Oh come off it AJ Philips, please don't quote those massaged academic figures to me, I'm a.....
» 4/12/2014 1:28:45 PM My mother was still living in her granny flat beside my house, with a lot of help, into he.....
» 3/12/2014 4:10:55 PM AJ Philips, your confidence in your arguments, when you have absolutely no practical tests.....
» 3/12/2014 2:02:26 PM AJ Philips your post surely justifies either deportation [roll on moon settlement], or the.....
» 3/12/2014 1:40:44 PM Quite the contrary Bren, I see the woman who continues with a pregnancy, despite knowing t.....
» 2/12/2014 10:10:18 PM Oh I can see it happening all right DarthSeditous, but I can also see it failing, & doing .....
» 2/12/2014 4:28:00 PM Geoff do you really think there would still be a functioning society as unemployment went .....
» 2/12/2014 4:09:39 PM Where have you fellers been, it can't have been on this earth. Communist Russia & China b.....
» 2/12/2014 11:10:16 AM Am I too hard hearted, or just sensible? It is unfortunate for the bloke & his family, but.....
» 2/12/2014 12:13:13 AM No Aidan, I have no idea which state supplied those trouble maker non workers. I think the.....
» 1/12/2014 4:11:10 PM Yes Aidan, I had a vessel being built at NQEA, & the 2 catamarans under warranty while the.....
» 1/12/2014 2:55:30 PM Encyclopaedia Britannica! God I hate this auto spell correction......
» 1/12/2014 2:52:23 PM Another interesting thread Don. I used to find most science fiction very good on the yach.....
» 1/12/2014 2:38:07 PM Get a grip ybgirp, we will use them to store water in of course, after all we need more da.....
» 1/12/2014 2:34:43 PM Yes o sung wu, I see the danger. I want the right to help me out of here, if I get beyond .....
» 1/12/2014 2:01:19 PM Expertise, you're kidding Aidan, aren't you. Rather than turn South Australia into a shel.....
» 1/12/2014 1:29:01 PM Quick shut the gate, the fairies are getting out again. Tristan, have you actually notice.....
» 1/12/2014 12:48:29 PM It really does say it all, that Defence Minister, David Johnston is under attack for telli.....
» 29/11/2014 6:58:49 AM Desperate my foot byork. The only thing they are desperate for is to rip off our welfare. .....
» 28/11/2014 10:06:06 PM That would be hard to take old mate, but you can't blame yourself for others actions. You .....
» 28/11/2014 7:04:20 PM Yes Linda, we have many teachers struggling because they do not have the ability to do sen.....
» 28/11/2014 6:20:24 PM It's why they chucked me out of the navy o sung wu, a back injury in a bit of a crash mean.....
» 28/11/2014 2:40:43 PM Continued Come out here some time, & I'll show you the negative effect most parks have on.....
» 28/11/2014 2:40:35 PM No Foxy, it is the defence against insects, 2, 4 & 8 legged, where ever they try to infilt.....
» 28/11/2014 1:19:49 PM I know you'll hate me for it NathanJ, but I've been killing the ants that are invading my .....
» 28/11/2014 1:03:59 PM Three kids recently gone through the math A, B & C, & Physics farce at a 1700 student stat.....
» 28/11/2014 11:47:17 AM Wow, watch out Noel. It looks like you might be having a detrimental effect on some long .....
» 28/11/2014 11:32:46 AM Yes got it in a nutshell Lego. The only answer for the elitists to your post, is to prete.....
» 28/11/2014 11:25:32 AM I have periods of a week or more, where the pain is pretty unrelenting. Getting to sleep c.....
» 27/11/2014 10:50:24 PM Wow! I'm impressed. Called to the bar. Was that god calling, or just the voices in your .....
» 27/11/2014 7:11:59 PM Are you suggesting John, that we can improve it on current hopeless practice, or actually .....
» 27/11/2014 6:10:18 PM So now we know why James O'Neill talks so much garbage. An international human rights lawy.....
» 27/11/2014 1:49:32 PM Well what do you know the Education union has found a reason to spend more money on teache.....
» 27/11/2014 1:33:42 PM Yes growing industrial quantity of tomatoes does tend to produce industrial quality too. .....
» 26/11/2014 9:57:03 PM Now that is not very kind Joe. To destroy the poor dears whole belief system with a singl.....
» 26/11/2014 9:51:42 PM Yes Bazz, Rome degenerated to a complete welfare society, with most of the citizens being .....
» 26/11/2014 5:28:01 PM Hi Is Mise, I know exactly what you mean. I was in the Whitsundays on my yacht. I really .....
» 26/11/2014 12:39:36 PM Crackcup you were hitting the poor Woolworths lady where it probably hurts. I have spoken .....
» 26/11/2014 11:58:35 AM I wonder how much less unemployment & misery of native born Americans there would be, if t.....
» 26/11/2014 11:46:22 AM Thanks Patrick, it is nice to occasionally read the voice of reason. It also proves that .....
» 25/11/2014 9:01:50 PM Doesn't matter which war you were involved in Boer war to WW11, Churchill would be there, .....
» 25/11/2014 6:16:59 PM Got a lot of experience of the reef have you JF Aus? Lots of experience of our & other cou.....
» 25/11/2014 6:08:27 PM Yes Gallipoli was a ridicules action, thanks to that dreadful fool Churchill. I wonder who.....
» 25/11/2014 12:00:09 PM Yuyutsu, you are obviously not one of us. You have been allowed to come here, & now want .....
» 25/11/2014 11:45:28 AM We use the secret Santa system, so just one present for adults in the family, & usually so.....
» 25/11/2014 1:59:55 AM Rhrosty the reef is fine, it really is. It has developed with & lived with huge loads of .....
» 24/11/2014 2:20:31 PM Abbott already is looking like a genius, at least compared to the last couple of tenants i.....
» 24/11/2014 1:15:16 PM Time to grow up David G, your wish of ostrich like head in the sand is a recipe for loss o.....
» 24/11/2014 12:59:49 PM This piece of pixie dust tells us what is most wrong with the USA. They let in clowns lik.....
» 24/11/2014 12:13:35 PM Is New York already bankrupt, like that other hotbed of progressive thinking, [what ever t.....
» 23/11/2014 9:43:47 PM Now there is one of the main problems. People who think we are here to serve the environme.....
» 23/11/2014 7:51:15 PM Bruce there is only one thing we could do to defend Oz. Acquire nuclear armed cruise missi.....
» 23/11/2014 3:03:59 PM Hey plantagenet, what about those lovely private yachts, oops, I mean patrol boats, oops, .....
» 23/11/2014 2:46:09 PM Agreed Divergence, we only need growth because we have become locked it to it. I hate th.....
» 23/11/2014 1:59:09 PM Only just noticed the last line of your post Beachy. Are you mad? Those motor bikes are .....
» 23/11/2014 1:49:36 PM I have never had a horse that was vicious with people, but have had a couple that took a d.....
» 23/11/2014 12:16:14 PM Sorry boys it's not government's job to provide jobs, that is communism, & a command econo.....
» 22/11/2014 4:42:13 PM Sorry sonofgloin I'm afraid you have that one very wrong. Many horses take personal likes .....
» 22/11/2014 3:55:54 PM All this is rather naďve. Yes to me Sydney, so the rest of the country, was overpopulated.....
» 21/11/2014 8:05:04 PM Grow up dreamer. If you were genuinely in fear for your life, & someone gave you a safe f.....
» 21/11/2014 3:32:41 PM Sorry o sung wu that relationship fell into a hole when they effectively withdrew from the.....
» 21/11/2014 3:16:18 PM Rhrosty, Yuyutsu it matters not a damn what you think Mohammed was, it is what his ratbag .....
» 20/11/2014 9:26:22 PM Are you really that naďve Suse to believe that you couldn't buy your way out of Afghanista.....
» 20/11/2014 3:24:49 PM That is interesting. We currently have a war going on in a number of southern Brisbane su.....
» 20/11/2014 10:52:28 AM Wow, another example of the great job Tony is doing. He has put at rest the minds of 20 +.....
» 20/11/2014 10:18:16 AM Come on Paul, compared to your harpies from the south, Pauline is all sweetness & light. S.....
» 20/11/2014 10:12:14 AM Yes ConservativeHippie, it most definitely must include Kiwis. One of our big problems in.....
» 19/11/2014 11:54:58 PM Yep it's been a fine earner for our & the US lefty conmen. Obama has used the thing to tr.....
» 19/11/2014 9:06:08 PM Interesting post SteeleRedux. You sere that is exactly how I feel about those who are simp.....
» 19/11/2014 2:00:10 PM Rhrosty, under the global warming scenario, the polls are supposed to heat up first & to a.....
» 19/11/2014 1:03:49 PM What we need to do is close the humanities departments of all universities, plaster over t.....
» 19/11/2014 11:20:43 AM You know the answer don't you o sung wu? You're only asking this to see how many others do.....
» 19/11/2014 10:16:48 AM Come off it love, that is utter twaddle. Have you ever walked into any of the national pa.....
» 16/11/2014 10:16:31 PM From a lefty newspaper in a lefty state, that elected Arnie Schwarzenegger governor, not j.....
» 16/11/2014 9:00:12 PM The yanks did not elect Obama, they elected a dream, they hopefully projected onto a man w.....
» 16/11/2014 6:33:59 PM Where on earth do you get this stuff Aidan? High government debt forces up the price of e.....
» 16/11/2014 12:47:05 PM Come off it thatintopen, I was 11 years old before my family could afford a 25 year old mo.....
» 16/11/2014 12:08:16 PM Our feminists are getting very close to tripping themselves. They need to be very careful .....
» 16/11/2014 11:43:15 AM Stop worrying folks. Aidan is going to sprinkle some pixie dust around the place, & every.....
» 15/11/2014 6:13:00 PM Did you just miss my point Foxy, or was it intentional. I was pointing out these people A.....
» 15/11/2014 5:11:23 PM That is patently not true Foxy. Just ask the police who have to deal with them. When my s.....
» 15/11/2014 2:58:11 PM Yep Suse, just what I'd like. Fill the place up with noisy smelly brats, no way......
» 15/11/2014 12:24:16 PM That's right, at last you've got it Suse. The only trouble is, they are too thick to see .....
» 15/11/2014 12:01:30 PM AJ Philips you wouldn't perhaps be an academic now would you? I don't suppose you would h.....
» 14/11/2014 3:38:06 PM Well I certainly get it now Yvonne. We have a man hating troll, interested only in punishi.....
» 14/11/2014 3:12:48 PM Poirot your dishonesty is overwhelming, but then we are used to it. You know that thread .....
» 14/11/2014 2:33:08 PM Sorry Pete, but you & the rest of the current population may have little say in it. Perha.....
» 14/11/2014 1:45:01 PM This piece is just so obviously a job application, it isn't funny. What job are you apply.....
» 14/11/2014 12:41:35 PM We will find a new, better & cheaper source of energy. Of course we will. Like all major.....
» 14/11/2014 12:03:49 PM That should have been buy of course. As for food getting dearer, that is a bit doubtful t.....
» 14/11/2014 9:37:55 AM This is one claim I just can't take seriously Yuyutsu. In my experience it is cheaper to .....
» 14/11/2014 8:13:47 AM You know Paul, I almost think you are dumb enough to believe your last post Paul. Almost,.....
» 13/11/2014 7:25:26 PM Oh come on Is Mise, with no luxury limousines, or penthouse suites full of hot & cold danc.....
» 13/11/2014 5:41:56 PM Good on you Foxy. Hope it wasn't too exhausting for you, or the mum......
» 13/11/2014 5:36:14 PM O sung sometimes great plans are defeated by a small unforeseen circumstance. There is so.....
» 13/11/2014 1:04:03 PM Well said as usual Don, & yes far too many today expect a cosy comfortable living, no matt.....
» 13/11/2014 12:10:30 PM You had better hope you are wrong there Pauly. If you are right, you lot & Labor are goi.....
» 13/11/2014 12:00:43 PM Do you think that kind of stupidity, [or intentional damage], Obama is displaying just mig.....
» 12/11/2014 6:07:08 PM Oh Foxy, I am surprised at you being so cruel. Now all I have to do is work out if it th.....
» 12/11/2014 5:53:27 PM Only from single mothers who got there by choice, or carelessness Yvonne, but otherwise I .....
» 12/11/2014 5:22:58 PM Actually Goss did the right thing in stopping the Wolffdene damn, even if he only did it f.....
» 12/11/2014 2:43:37 PM From what I have read o sung wu, the society in Spain, when they ran the place, was basica.....
» 12/11/2014 2:26:36 PM My youngest daughter voted for him, "because he's a businessman, & we need more of th.....
» 12/11/2014 2:18:47 PM I didn't even know they existed Is Mise. The only times I have been back to Bathurst since.....
» 12/11/2014 1:57:13 PM More bleeding heart rubbish. Solve the problem the easy, & best way. Eliminate all benefi.....
» 12/11/2014 1:05:52 PM What the hell else would you expect when most taxpayer research funding is thrown at globa.....
» 12/11/2014 12:37:46 PM How interesting. I remember a different Wane Goss. Goss may have been a winner, but most .....
» 11/11/2014 8:43:30 PM How would you know how much empathy I have for real people Rhrosty? My characteristic is I.....
» 11/11/2014 6:46:59 PM Would that be the Light car Club Is Mise? If so I had dinner there once at a Morgan Club R.....
» 10/11/2014 11:12:27 PM Well it should give lots of lovely overtime for casual hotel & convention centre staff. No.....
» 10/11/2014 8:11:18 PM Continued. Fortunately money has never interested me. I could have earned much more money.....
» 10/11/2014 8:10:38 PM Rhrosty you have the totally wrong idea about me. The most I have ever earned is the avera.....
» 10/11/2014 2:08:38 PM Rhrosty I'm not really disagreeing with you, just pointing out why the old ways don't work.....
» 10/11/2014 1:39:41 PM Rhrosty do step back from your ideology & take a proper look at things. While I agree comp.....
» 10/11/2014 12:40:09 PM Total fail Peter. First we definitely don't need more expert advice, particularly if this.....
» 10/11/2014 11:02:39 AM After we get our guns back, yes......
» 9/11/2014 8:18:49 PM Suse please print off this last post of yours, & put it away carefully for a decade or 2. .....
» 9/11/2014 6:33:37 PM Yes SM, they are hilarious aren't they. They'll say anything that might suit their bitch .....
» 9/11/2014 6:29:31 PM I think you miss one point Joe. It is the only thing that stops me being disgusted at the .....
» 9/11/2014 12:34:57 PM Sit down money had destroyed more aboriginals than anything else but Whitlam. Between thes.....
» 8/11/2014 9:51:37 PM Hi o sung wu, good post. Nice to see you still on deck. The thing I find most interesting.....
» 8/11/2014 10:55:38 AM I'm sure buying direct from a factory is great for painters who live & work close to that .....
» 8/11/2014 10:11:24 AM Yes JF Aus I agree we have allowed the banks to run wild, & they should be tamed. When I w.....
» 7/11/2014 8:38:29 PM Rehctub, just who are these underprivileged, & how much do you think they should be paid o.....
» 7/11/2014 7:52:20 PM Thank you for the kind words Rhrosty, misery will always find a friend, & failure an excus.....
» 7/11/2014 12:28:18 PM Come on Rhrosty old mate, time to stop bleating about the poor/underprivileged, every time.....
» 7/11/2014 12:09:58 PM Just on one little point. I have referred to Foxy many times as Sweetie, & meant in the .....
» 7/11/2014 12:03:12 PM God don't we get some twaddle on here. My father spent 2 years during the depression clea.....
» 6/11/2014 8:58:20 PM "The current system alienates people". Rubbish Foxy. These people were given eve.....
» 6/11/2014 4:53:50 PM Was it 30,000, 32,000, or 39,000 scientists that signed that partition to say they did not.....
» 6/11/2014 4:40:08 PM How about those that have made numerous areas of Sydney no go areas for white Ozzies, & th.....
» 6/11/2014 1:43:34 PM Yep they're alarmed all right. Alarmed that their carefully built house of cards, built to.....
» 6/11/2014 10:48:11 AM That was my whole point Foxy. Who selects the Board of the National Australia Day Council......
» 6/11/2014 10:41:35 AM If you really want to face facts, we have become far too soft for the species good. Al.....
» 6/11/2014 10:20:41 AM Yes Foxy, Bishop is doing well, & would probably take twits like Shorten apart, but she is.....
» 5/11/2014 2:58:37 PM God what desperation. To claim Whitlam as one of your greats, you must be very short of a.....
» 5/11/2014 10:28:14 AM Thanks for that, I'd never watch such rubbish. Never the less, such behaviour says it all.....
» 4/11/2014 12:31:12 PM plerdsus, we would go broke building prisons......
» 4/11/2014 12:25:10 PM This article really proves that if many people have nothing to worry about, they will find.....
» 4/11/2014 11:24:05 AM Come off it Wolly B, there can be no worse way to chose a Prime minister than by their abi.....
» 4/11/2014 11:06:26 AM Who the hell chooses the recipients of The Australian of the Year, & how the hell did they.....
» 3/11/2014 2:43:13 PM Thanks for your condolences Wolly. Yes I am a bit raw & sensitive about it......
» 3/11/2014 1:14:42 PM "Perhaps we're a biological error". You go too far Poirot. Yes there are some b.....
» 3/11/2014 12:57:46 PM Foxy, about the only good thing about the yanks electing an idiot like Obama president, wa.....
» 2/11/2014 10:47:00 PM Continued Beattie spent billions on pipe infrastructure to pinch country & Gold Coast wat.....
» 2/11/2014 10:46:49 PM You have no idea do you JF Aus. To start with our neighbourhood watch area has 880 homes .....
» 2/11/2014 10:19:45 PM Wolly, "It is extremely clear that in privatised nursing homes, the elderly are being.....
» 2/11/2014 11:05:50 AM Come on Halduell, I supply my own water at considerable investment in tanks, pumps & under.....
» 1/11/2014 4:43:19 PM So you haven't been to Cabramatta then wobbly? If you had you would know those fears were .....
» 31/10/2014 7:22:30 PM Yep Is Mise, If we are ever again stupid enough to elect a redhead, we deserve what we get.....
» 31/10/2014 5:37:43 PM Come off it Halduell, shove them through a TAFE, rather than a BA, & they will not only co.....
» 31/10/2014 12:43:16 PM Graham you appear to forget that without public service membership, unions almost cease to.....
» 31/10/2014 11:55:55 AM Yep all Ozzies should be allowed to go anywhere they desire, provided they take full perso.....
» 31/10/2014 11:42:13 AM Yes rabbits have been, & could again, be a major pest. We should hang draw & quarter the d.....
» 31/10/2014 11:34:34 AM Isn't it interesting that one of the US "do-gooder" nurses, who has been off hel.....
» 30/10/2014 5:17:35 PM You know I can't figure it out. Is this Kellie's application for a job in academia. She s.....
» 30/10/2014 1:04:27 PM It must be hard for members of a dying organisation to be struggling to find some relevanc.....
» 30/10/2014 12:53:44 PM Paul it is you who has a problem. You appear to have this blind faith in what you call pro.....
» 29/10/2014 4:39:22 PM I could get to hate greenies. If this growth of mosquito born diseases is true, I would ha.....
» 29/10/2014 4:06:40 PM What a pile. When 4 "Lebs", Muslim thugs, leapt out of a car in the peaceful Sy.....
» 29/10/2014 12:33:37 PM Well said David F, at last something we can agree on. My lady has always been something o.....
» 29/10/2014 12:19:18 PM Continued The police girls vowed to find out who owned the paddock & horses, & get things.....
» 29/10/2014 12:17:01 PM Sorry Jayb, but you miss the point. I have my rifle to protect my young stock from the pa.....
» 29/10/2014 11:10:08 AM Paul says, "Feral animal control by all means, but keep the "Weekend Rambo's&quo.....
» 28/10/2014 10:41:44 AM Come on CHERFUL, the sex industry is so like the drug industry. In the sex industry it is .....
» 28/10/2014 10:18:53 AM It would be interesting to know how much of this expenditure was committed to the previous.....
» 28/10/2014 8:52:12 AM Was this whole piece just to get to the last paragraph, or was the last paragraph just add.....
» 27/10/2014 12:02:11 PM lillian, like the old match thing, if we reverse your ramble it just might strike. You on.....
» 27/10/2014 10:28:18 AM Foxy sweetie, as a school boy in Bathurst, I used to make quite a bit of money, by schoolb.....
» 27/10/2014 10:12:16 AM The WHO, part of that illustrious organisation, the UN, has just provided us with another .....
» 26/10/2014 7:33:30 PM He had some other pretty wrong headed ideas too, didn't he......
» 26/10/2014 9:10:24 AM I have a wonderful idea. Lets give permission for those members of the AMA, & other loudm.....
» 25/10/2014 4:03:49 PM Neither did Gorton. When are you going to swoon over him......
» 25/10/2014 11:02:15 AM Come off it Poirot, if all it takes to win your long lasting admiration is a bit of defenc.....
» 24/10/2014 7:08:31 PM Where does it hurt most Killarney? You are obviously sick......
» 24/10/2014 6:05:40 PM I strongly object to these groups claiming exclusive use of perfectly good English words. .....
» 24/10/2014 3:43:00 PM What a pile of utter garbage. Ten thousand men across the Asia-Pacific region, Andee says.....
» 24/10/2014 1:15:44 PM Paul says, "Obviously you believe cuckoo's can run the country", & wants to have.....
» 24/10/2014 11:57:20 AM Toby time to grow up mate. If these people ever were refugees they would be jumping for j.....
» 23/10/2014 10:37:24 PM You need to wash that crystal ball of yours Paul, although born in gods own country, I onl.....
» 23/10/2014 7:19:26 PM From my reading on the things it was not the hydrogen that was the main problem, but struc.....
» 23/10/2014 6:37:43 PM Sounds like the clown Rudd is writing an application for gentle treatment of his total stu.....
» 23/10/2014 1:23:34 PM Well we can only hope the pessimism is well founded. If half the office space, & a quarte.....
» 23/10/2014 1:07:56 PM Hey Foxy, I was out of Oz, sailing during most of Whitlam's time, so I had the advantage o.....
» 23/10/2014 11:42:58 AM "Australians can almost feel flattered that the main global players went to so much t.....
» 22/10/2014 3:01:15 PM Whitlam's dismissal did prove there is much truth in the lucky country description of Oz. .....
» 22/10/2014 2:49:46 PM I think he was an arrogant fool. His heart was in the right place, but his arrogance made .....
» 22/10/2014 2:19:53 PM Of course life has no intrinsic meaning, even your conception was merely a race between sp.....
» 22/10/2014 1:13:43 PM Cossomby I lived with a school teacher for a number of years. She went on to be a very sen.....
» 21/10/2014 6:27:56 PM Poirot we have had free hospital treatment here in Qld since before Whitlam wore long pant.....
» 21/10/2014 4:40:28 PM Cossomby, your list just reinforces how many stupid & expensive, for no return, things he .....
» 21/10/2014 11:59:18 AM Come on fellers, the man was a walking catastrophe, all good intentions, & stupid policies.....
» 21/10/2014 11:26:24 AM Farm! You've got to be kidding Paul. Hell I discovered years ago that trying to do anythi.....
» 20/10/2014 8:10:00 PM Daffy, like most people, a few years back I simply accepted the global warming dogma, as I.....
» 20/10/2014 4:10:38 PM Of course climate change researchers/conmen believe. Well they certainly believe in holdin.....
» 20/10/2014 2:25:22 PM What on earth is Social Ecology, some sort of fairy floss dreamed up in our ivory towers I.....
» 20/10/2014 1:35:46 PM Gee I'm really with it these days, I had to Google it to find out what the hell a fascinat.....
» 20/10/2014 1:25:10 PM Now this is a matter of great importance, so I hope you'll all take it seriously. I want .....
» 20/10/2014 12:44:33 PM Thanks for that Jayb, & here I was thinking it was because they like the sluty/sexy look o.....
» 18/10/2014 6:16:06 PM Rhrosty I thought exactly the same thing, when they did not go straight through Baghdad. T.....
» 18/10/2014 5:29:35 PM Agro, At what rate did the earths temperature increase in the previous century old mate. .....
» 18/10/2014 5:01:56 PM I just glanced at photos of some of the ladies competing in the "fashions on the fiel.....
» 18/10/2014 12:50:38 PM Agronomist, "Oh dear. Someone has confused weather with climate again." It is a.....
» 17/10/2014 8:51:48 PM Hi o sung wu, my lady came home with a present today, from one of her clients, a success s.....
» 17/10/2014 11:43:37 AM One of the main problems with migration, & particularly with taking in refugees is that yo.....
» 16/10/2014 11:22:35 PM That definitely makes sense to me Philip Howell, so much of what was good & successful has.....
» 16/10/2014 10:49:28 PM Rubbish Lyn, my wife deals with the long term unemployed in our district. Many of them are.....
» 16/10/2014 5:26:15 PM Yep that's the latest one Poirot climate disruption, having failed with Global Warming, & .....
» 16/10/2014 12:22:18 AM My 2 oldest were both reading, writing & arithmeticing before they started school. The you.....
» 15/10/2014 11:15:38 PM The Sydney to the blue mountains roads cut by snow, --- In spring for gods sake......
» 15/10/2014 1:39:46 PM When you read articles like this, & realise it is by a professor of a fairy floss discipli.....
» 15/10/2014 1:25:06 PM Come back & see us some time Foxy lady......
» 14/10/2014 4:53:31 PM David G as you feel that way, do feel free to top yourself to start the trend. Such an ac.....
» 13/10/2014 10:00:21 PM You should be pleased May May, hell we could judge you by the beauty of your mind. If tha.....
» 13/10/2014 4:10:15 PM Hi o sung wu, they work for me too. The first time I saw my youngest, the only one to wea.....
» 13/10/2014 3:28:11 PM Well Verlyn didn't get far before the garbage started. Has anyone actually proved sufficie.....
» 13/10/2014 2:37:44 PM Surely the article has it the wrong way round, The burqa was not designed to protect women.....
» 13/10/2014 12:53:42 PM Wow, now that really is a long winded motherhood statement. It could it be how to say noth.....
» 12/10/2014 8:47:40 PM Only if they themselves are charming Suse, only then......
» 12/10/2014 5:08:29 PM Yes high heels may give ladies a posture that is bad for them, but it sure is sexy, if the.....
» 12/10/2014 12:02:33 AM I can't imagine wanting to be a "good" atheist, or a "good" anything e.....
» 11/10/2014 11:42:41 PM o sung wu, onthebeach, what you need is adrenalin, rather than pot. I have direct experie.....
» 11/10/2014 11:14:00 PM Come on Luciferase, the taxpayers of the developed world are spending a billion dollars a .....
» 10/10/2014 5:27:03 PM Can children really require the services of social workers BEFORE they are conceived. Sure.....
» 10/10/2014 3:42:39 PM Wood, trees & useful idiots all spring to mind......
» 10/10/2014 12:48:44 PM Hey David G, I was listening to your theme song just the other day, & I'm sure you live by.....
» 9/10/2014 3:51:11 PM Just my thought SM. I was wondering if they had hired the dreaded trio, Rudd, Gillard & .....
» 9/10/2014 3:44:42 PM Oh do grow up & do a bit of reading Squeers, there is no way our oceans can go acidic, the.....
» 9/10/2014 3:20:26 PM Well what do you know, David G has come up with a good idea. Then add Rhrosty's ideas of .....
» 9/10/2014 2:27:24 PM I'm not too sure about this stuff. God knows, I'd love something that fixed pain, but only.....
» 8/10/2014 12:49:15 PM Nice one Don, keep after them. Agronomist referencing this stuff, which we all know is pr.....
» 7/10/2014 11:25:38 PM Come off it Aidan. Our socialists congregate in the public service, universities, schools,.....
» 7/10/2014 12:21:57 PM God aren't there a lot of nothing people in the world. Interesting that so many of them c.....
» 3/10/2014 5:13:26 PM Now you're talking plantagenet, apart from the Efficient bit, the SA workforce has been fe.....
» 3/10/2014 2:09:38 PM There might just be a little wishful counting on how many actually marched. Be that as it.....
» 3/10/2014 1:56:47 PM OK Malcolm, that's the easy bit. You've enunciated the situation. So now how about the rea.....
» 2/10/2014 5:36:12 PM The Queensland government, [Labor variety] built a biomass power station at the Rocky poin.....
» 2/10/2014 3:12:24 PM I don't give a damn what Abbott does with the rules, goal posts or anything else, provided.....
» 2/10/2014 1:26:28 PM Hey Joe, if those women were wearing burqas, please tell me how you discerned they were be.....
» 2/10/2014 9:34:23 AM There was an instance recently where some young traffic cop was under attack for demanding.....
» 30/09/2014 9:15:56 PM Dean Ashenden if you are serious about improving educational results in schools, forget Go.....
» 30/09/2014 4:02:31 PM In the US, the home of big business, they have anti monopoly laws. I can't remember the pe.....
» 30/09/2014 10:42:58 AM I'm totally against all this, I Think. I only think I'm against it as David never really .....
» 29/09/2014 8:02:05 PM Suseonline please go to & check out a thread, Classic from the .....
» 29/09/2014 3:46:57 PM I saw some figures the other day Armchair, that said all the PAYE tax collected was not qu.....
» 29/09/2014 11:48:33 AM Sorry Poirot, I'm one of those unfortunate people who can't see bull droppings. I see stra.....
» 29/09/2014 11:33:57 AM What a pile of waffle. In an attempt to justify a rise in the GST rate Richard goes on w.....
» 29/09/2014 10:47:41 AM Don't worry Binoy, the general public will know pretty soon, when ASIO come to get disside.....
» 29/09/2014 10:24:48 AM That idea might have been right once Paul, but today, with so many of the kids who may be .....
» 29/09/2014 10:03:47 AM Oh wouldn't it be bliss. Peace & quiet, without the continual squabbling of ruckus women .....
» 29/09/2014 12:05:23 AM Surely that tells you everything about pay rates Suse. In government award situations, af.....
» 28/09/2014 6:20:04 PM Yes o sung wu, the David HICKS of this world, who chose to go off to be trained as terrori.....
» 27/09/2014 5:35:29 PM What has to be shown to you Suse, to get you to see the facts. There are now suburbs in S.....
» 27/09/2014 1:08:58 PM Suseonline, this was not criminal, but deliberate intimidation, & actually bordering on te.....
» 27/09/2014 12:57:25 PM Sorry individual I meant to respond. I did say net. By the time owners have paid all the .....
» 27/09/2014 12:43:07 PM Yes rehctub, not many of todays kids would live in my first house, a one & a half bedroom .....
» 27/09/2014 12:07:55 PM Don't be so silly Jon J, how do you think we are going to employ all those nice arts gradu.....
» 27/09/2014 11:33:29 AM Luciferase I do hope your son is OK, however kowtowing to this scum is not the answer. Yo.....
» 27/09/2014 10:57:49 AM The arrogance of clowns like DreamOn is breathtaking isn't it. They have trotted off to s.....
» 26/09/2014 3:26:06 PM Rhrosty you obviously have not done the math mate. In SE Queensland you would be very luc.....
» 26/09/2014 2:56:33 PM Don't worry halduell, they won't be much of a problem here. We've all seen them play at w.....
» 26/09/2014 10:42:01 AM Bruce you need to go see a chiropractor. Perhaps if you had your neck straightened you wou.....
» 25/09/2014 3:50:21 PM Ah yes, I remember it well. Centennial park in June, to adapt the old song, was a wonderf.....
» 24/09/2014 9:50:07 PM Yes Joe, I can see their problem. They mostly never had cleaned up in their lives before .....
» 24/09/2014 4:21:40 PM Joe I spent a lot of time in Melanesian & Polynesian communities, on both atolls, & larger.....
» 24/09/2014 1:06:50 PM It may be too many people, but it's more too many in the wrong place. I remember Bondi & .....
» 23/09/2014 9:11:11 PM You sound more like the one who wants to rip off people Paul. I have found that those who .....
» 23/09/2014 1:41:48 PM Oh god, another frustrated fiction writer. Why is it that almost exclusively dills like th.....
» 23/09/2014 1:24:16 PM Come off it Yvonne, time to grow up kiddo. We have dozens of races here, tens of religion.....
» 23/09/2014 1:09:03 PM What a miserable bludger you are Paul. Your whining would drown out any intelligence you e.....
» 23/09/2014 12:56:06 PM I have a 2000 acre paddock across the river from me Bazz, but I doubt they would give fire.....
» 22/09/2014 11:45:29 PM Agronomist if the press are kinder to Gillard in future, it will only be because like this.....
» 22/09/2014 11:20:27 PM Bazz a 5 horse power motor has to be in good condition to drive a fire pump well enough to.....
» 22/09/2014 3:39:36 PM Bazz I have 6 acres of black soil flats by the river, & an irrigation licence. However the.....
» 22/09/2014 3:19:52 PM Foxy be very careful of apartments on the gold coast sweetie. There are a number of specia.....
» 22/09/2014 2:44:39 PM Yes snake, you left out distribution costs. A case study. I had an article made to my sp.....
» 22/09/2014 1:58:41 PM Self delusion is a dreadful thing. It can get people actually believing garbage like this......
» 21/09/2014 4:46:31 PM I'm with you there Bruce, but I was thinking of Kosovo when deciding it's usefulness. Fox.....
» 19/09/2014 11:27:52 PM NathanJ that is stupid. What we have today is merely a snapshot of Oz, as of this moment......
» 19/09/2014 8:59:48 PM No o sung wu, I didn't own a TV until the late 70s early 80s, so only occasionally saw ban.....
» 19/09/2014 1:19:24 PM Don't be silly warmair, china & India aren't stupid enough to ruin their economies by seri.....
» 19/09/2014 1:00:54 PM Yes halduell, I think some of us might be becoming a little precious about beheadings. Aft.....
» 19/09/2014 12:40:14 PM Foxy you may find this hard to believe, but I used to teach the hula. Way back in the dim.....
» 19/09/2014 11:49:42 AM Oh god! Ever heard of Bosnia Richard? This sounds like a rerun of the UN policy there, whi.....
» 19/09/2014 11:30:02 AM What a useless bit of fluff. Peter has been pounding away on his keyboard, just for the sa.....
» 19/09/2014 10:34:29 AM Come on folks, you seem to be forgetting that the Oz we inherited is not in any way natura.....
» 18/09/2014 11:45:54 PM Good on you Foxy, do it & enjoy it. I'm afraid I'm with you o sung wu, I do remember danc.....
» 18/09/2014 3:54:13 PM Foxy you are wrong on this one sweetie. There are large numbers of these people who are re.....
» 18/09/2014 3:28:37 PM Wow Graham, I did not realise you were suicidal. To post this article here I can only assu.....
» 18/09/2014 2:30:32 PM A bill of rights, don't be so silly Rhrosty, such things were never meant for us peasants......
» 17/09/2014 5:50:25 PM Where have you been all these years Tony? You say, 5. Query 1: how many people involved .....
» 17/09/2014 5:37:32 PM Let me take a guess here Phil, you're a lefty academic, now working in, or as an adviser t.....
» 17/09/2014 11:42:05 AM I can see it now. A 15Ft high razor wire, electrified fence, going up on the top of Hadri.....
» 17/09/2014 11:20:50 AM My first thought on reading this was, what is this bloke smoking? Then, was he advising R.....
» 17/09/2014 10:15:57 AM Agronomist your position on climate change is obviously one of a card carrying member of t.....
» 16/09/2014 5:52:38 PM It is now pretty obvious that only those with complementary tickets on the global warming .....
» 15/09/2014 7:00:43 PM Rhrosty you do realise don't you, that the current area covered by ice in the arctic is a .....
» 15/09/2014 1:25:23 PM I can't believe anyone is too dumb to see that all the smoke from the continual "adju.....
» 15/09/2014 1:03:39 PM It does seem all wrong to me. Rather than the Scots voting to stay in or go, surely it sh.....
» 15/09/2014 12:13:56 PM Sorry Luddy, it is a con job in my experience. Yes it can work if whole but infertile mal.....
» 15/09/2014 1:47:59 AM Good one o sung. I'm a bit surprised at you being such a low brow Luddy, I guess we are m.....
» 14/09/2014 5:51:27 PM With our population there is no defense other than nuclear. All this talk of subs is garba.....
» 12/09/2014 9:46:14 PM Sorry Suse & Foxy. As I see it the bleeding hearts are guilty of murder when they compas.....
» 12/09/2014 5:34:49 PM o sung wu mate, the one who gains most from capital punishment is the next victim. The one.....
» 12/09/2014 12:37:47 PM Well the last thing we needed was a researcher in public policy to tell us the welfare sta.....
» 12/09/2014 11:43:04 AM This bloke is so far past his use by date he is just a painful joke......
» 12/09/2014 11:32:35 AM Well the first choice should be what we need. Rhrosty's first statement is correct. If we .....
» 12/09/2014 11:07:04 AM Hi o sung wu, most definitely, not considered, but implemented, & quickly. The west becom.....
» 11/09/2014 5:41:52 PM Garbage Chris! We were prepared to drive 100 Kilometers a day so our 2 oldest kids could g.....
» 11/09/2014 4:10:37 PM Ross you do seemingly miss one point. All this money doesn't have to come from developers .....
» 11/09/2014 3:29:05 PM Obviously Yuyutsu you want more Muslims here, to add to your mosques congregation, so you .....
» 10/09/2014 4:00:26 PM I'm a fiscal conservative. Rudd. There will be no carbon tax under the government I lead......
» 10/09/2014 3:54:55 PM Rhrosty it is not that easy to do it by your own hand these days mate. Howard pinched our.....
» 10/09/2014 3:11:06 PM Yuyutsu says "you have no valid reason to deny them entry into the whole of this cont.....
» 10/09/2014 11:04:27 AM Talk about the bleating of conmen! No one is locked up, at least not against their will. .....
» 9/09/2014 5:39:48 PM Bazz, it was a fridge freezer, with 2 separate compressors. To start with I did not realis.....
» 9/09/2014 3:54:15 PM Wolly I think the idea was we would by now be swamped under a flood of global warming refu.....
» 9/09/2014 3:45:35 PM Bazz I wish you luck. I used to supply the plastic raw materials for Telecom batteries. Th.....
» 9/09/2014 3:16:48 PM Wow, didn't that bring out the tenured brigade. Yep, all those who believe they are supe.....
» 9/09/2014 12:23:32 PM Luddy mate, I still don't get it. Why the hell, if the supply is going to stop in a few y.....
» 9/09/2014 11:53:12 AM If there is anything to be ashamed of about Australia, it is our education system. Only a.....
» 8/09/2014 5:12:06 PM Yes Prompete,. I can only agree. If China, India & some other countries were wealthy enou.....
» 8/09/2014 3:40:08 PM I'd love to introduce some of you to my brother in law. Having lived with solar & batter.....
» 8/09/2014 3:19:06 PM So Luddy please explain in simple terms, what is wrong with using our fossil fuels for the.....
» 8/09/2014 3:17:14 PM Walter thanks for a great article. I wonder if simple facts can convince any indoctrinated.....
» 6/09/2014 9:43:55 PM Bruce if she was the creator of the universe a rabid lefty like you would not be able to s.....
» 6/09/2014 11:59:17 AM From where I sit, I see an extremely competent Julie Bishop doing a great job at foreign a.....
» 5/09/2014 4:43:25 PM Luddy I don't know why you talk to that poster. It is obvious that she, & a few others, a.....
» 5/09/2014 4:00:01 PM Luddy, even the Germans are running away from wind. It is just too unreliable to be practi.....
» 5/09/2014 3:40:44 PM Jardine K. Jardine that young ladies ideas on contraception would most certainly have frig.....
» 5/09/2014 12:49:19 PM Bazz 7 dollars a visit would have been a good thing, even if all it did was reduce the ent.....
» 5/09/2014 12:18:03 PM Well you started out alright Alan, but then you went right off the rails. Yes of course p.....
» 5/09/2014 11:11:29 AM In our district school busses are more dangerous than crossings at schools. Now this may .....
» 4/09/2014 1:40:07 PM If we were a bit quicker with gunboat diplomacy, & employed it with a much heavier hand, t.....
» 4/09/2014 12:40:36 PM This didn't do much for me. I've never been one to ask for instruction in how to live my l.....
» 4/09/2014 11:44:36 AM While I agree with the flashing lights idea, I can't agree with the 7AM to 4PM idea at all.....
» 4/09/2014 10:52:48 AM I'm glad it's not my taxes being wasted on this stuff. Some people need to camouflage the.....
» 3/09/2014 10:07:35 PM Luddy I have no objection to trying to find some useful alternate energy, but to my mind &.....
» 3/09/2014 9:10:25 PM Of course we need a Royal Commission into asylum seeker 'policy'. It is a good way to give.....
» 3/09/2014 12:55:59 PM It is articles like this, from very dumb people, that tell us what is wrong with our forei.....
» 3/09/2014 12:45:55 PM Continued. Most of these disappeared into suburbia, fenced in by kids & mortgages, rarely.....
» 3/09/2014 12:45:44 PM Hi o sung wu, how ya going mate? I'm with you on this one mate. To me sex is an extension.....
» 2/09/2014 5:18:06 PM Why should he leave Yvonne. In most instances he has put up most of the money for the hous.....
» 2/09/2014 12:09:03 PM Tasman, if you want to be taken seriously by real people, a little advice. A few less ap.....
» 1/09/2014 10:13:54 PM Which class do you teach Woolly? Only a teacher could claim, "We have the best trai.....
» 1/09/2014 11:56:09 AM For a farmer's writing, this piece sounds very much aimed for academic consumption. Not a .....
» 1/09/2014 1:23:31 AM I wouldn't expect you to understand warmair, most of the costs of alternative generation s.....
» 30/08/2014 9:33:35 PM Luddy old mate, where you think you're jumping on a sustainability band wagon, what you ar.....
» 29/08/2014 6:00:26 PM David you have to stop doing this. No politician is supposed to talk so much sense so ofte.....
» 29/08/2014 3:01:19 PM Come on lady, do you ever think about what you are saying? Do you think all of us are as .....
» 29/08/2014 8:03:24 AM Sick, depraved, delusional & disgusting......
» 28/08/2014 8:56:46 PM Yvonne you had better suggest to those medicos that they do plumbing. In my experience ve.....
» 28/08/2014 4:56:12 PM Yes teachers hate anything that can highlight so quickly their incompetence. The union in.....
» 28/08/2014 4:38:31 PM Rehctub & others, I agree that we desperately need to cut spending. That Labor black hole .....
» 28/08/2014 2:16:55 PM "For example four mines proposed in Queensland are said to possibley drop the wter le.....
» 28/08/2014 2:07:05 PM Killarney if people are being saddled with big debts, it is more to do with the high remun.....
» 28/08/2014 1:19:00 PM Rehctub I have one problem with your system. If government is to continue to pay for all .....
» 27/08/2014 11:22:51 PM Not right there SHRODE. Germany now has a completely schizophrenic power industry. They w.....
» 27/08/2014 4:26:22 PM I certainly hope this is true. It just might reduce the number of girls doing pretend dis.....
» 26/08/2014 9:14:49 PM Joe I guess the men who have been murdered in premeditated cold blood, can't answer your q.....
» 26/08/2014 8:43:20 PM Plantagenet come on mate, no straw men please. We have so much totally useless land area,.....
» 26/08/2014 8:22:24 PM Yvonne my medical center has a nurse practitioner, & it is she I see for my monitoring. I .....
» 26/08/2014 4:09:25 PM On the doctors visit front Yvonne, it is so bad around here it can take 3 days to get an a.....
» 26/08/2014 3:41:17 PM Another great article David. It is so nice to see a clear thinking politician, telling it .....
» 26/08/2014 2:55:00 PM One has to wonder if people like Helen regret the particular hobbyhorse they climbed on ye.....
» 26/08/2014 9:44:43 AM Let me assure you Poirot, should you find me talking down to you, it most certainly won't .....
» 25/08/2014 8:21:44 PM Let me assure you Poirot, you don't have to fear me ever addressing you as sweetie. You s.....
» 25/08/2014 2:33:28 PM Mining companies will do almost anything to buy a bit of good publicity, & pacify some gre.....
» 25/08/2014 2:18:30 PM Foxy sweetie to have talent, first you have to have understanding. If you don't understand.....
» 25/08/2014 1:51:34 PM Paul you miss the important point, in fact the only one. It is just as well the idiot inn.....
» 25/08/2014 1:31:14 PM Foxy sweetie, you do your argument no good by mentioning our experiments with lady politic.....
» 24/08/2014 11:46:15 PM Tony, you do really do need to change your dinner party guest list. Your current ones are.....
» 24/08/2014 5:48:08 PM I wonder where all these down trodden & battered women are. As a kid I watched my father .....
» 22/08/2014 4:52:03 PM That is going a bit far Pete. I don't find any less urge for horizontal sex, although I m.....
» 22/08/2014 3:48:27 PM Agronomist says "The research is quite clear, the Earth is warming and human emission.....
» 22/08/2014 11:42:54 AM In my experience, not all that much I'll admit, the ladies really liked a man who could da.....
» 22/08/2014 11:28:32 AM Luddy, mate that is garbage I'm afraid. The whole reason for Palmer united is that the LN.....
» 21/08/2014 10:58:20 PM The thing that has come out of this budget is very interesting. It was in fact a very gen.....
» 21/08/2014 10:34:02 PM Hi Pete. I was racing cars, up to Formula 2 & formula 1. This was in the days when there.....
» 21/08/2014 9:51:29 PM You've got that wrong too Pete. Turnbull will never be PM of Oz, unless he switches to th.....
» 21/08/2014 1:44:26 PM Interesting Jardine, I never got to Indonesia, too many pirates around there for me, but I.....
» 21/08/2014 1:03:14 PM Malcolm has got this completely wrong. Ladies are not judging the quality of a bloke by th.....
» 21/08/2014 11:23:54 AM It looks here as if Guy was a pretty bad door knocker, so his anointed bunch didn't win. N.....
» 20/08/2014 8:31:16 PM So we have our privileged academics coming out in favor of full communistic policies. I c.....
» 20/08/2014 8:02:53 PM Pete & Max, I have no doubt we can avoid war without wasting another hundred million on a .....
» 20/08/2014 7:43:15 PM Well sorry plantagenet, but I'm afraid that looks more suitable for the hairdressers assoc.....
» 20/08/2014 2:56:38 AM Bruce I see we can agree about government only setting conditions for business to do the j.....
» 20/08/2014 2:17:52 AM Thanks for that Banjo. I am not going completely, just I find it a waste of time & energy .....
» 20/08/2014 2:01:31 AM I can't understand how it can take so long for people to see through some of these politic.....
» 19/08/2014 9:06:25 PM And that is your real mistake G'dayBruce, you & all the other lefties. Governments don't .....
» 19/08/2014 8:48:20 PM Well I don't care either. There is so little left on TV that I can be bothered watching, t.....
» 19/08/2014 8:30:21 PM Foxy sweetie, I'm afraid I have to return your words to you. I will say to the smarter o.....
» 19/08/2014 5:24:51 PM Andrew is right of course. How on earth is a decent Muslim Jihadists going to cover his c.....
» 19/08/2014 4:45:57 PM Ponder says, "Restore the indexation of excise, but remove that same fuel excise comp.....
» 19/08/2014 11:31:14 AM And this bloke is an economist. Alan low income earners, particularly welfare recipients .....
» 18/08/2014 9:29:05 PM Yep Paul. You would definitely be one of those who would shut their eyes just before you s.....
» 18/08/2014 2:28:46 PM Yep Rehctub, the age of entitlement is coming to an end. The only question is how soon, &.....
» 18/08/2014 1:29:19 PM Paul you tell us that some people are not mentally equipped to have a gun. Then you go on .....
» 17/08/2014 10:49:51 AM Iftikhar, has it ever occurred to you, that if Muslims don't like the mainstream British i.....
» 16/08/2014 1:02:33 PM Tony153 your posts in praise of group think say nothing except tell us you want to keep th.....
» 16/08/2014 12:48:29 PM I find it very interesting Agronomist, that tax payer funded research literature can find .....
» 16/08/2014 12:19:50 PM Moderate Muslim. The greatest oxymoron of all time......
» 16/08/2014 12:06:05 AM This article can only be understood, if it is considered to be an application to the Labor.....
» 15/08/2014 3:54:52 PM I'm surprised at you Bazz, speaking ill of the Greens, Democrats, & past independents, par.....
» 15/08/2014 2:22:56 PM Rhrosty old mate, in this now cooling world, the chances of that are about the same as the.....
» 15/08/2014 2:12:34 PM I agree with you completely there o sung wu. A bunch of disparate independents would be a .....
» 12/08/2014 4:34:38 PM Oh God. The invitro solution was great. Then dump the stuff back the hole it came from. .....
» 12/08/2014 3:59:18 PM It is obvious to any who watch that Muslim terrorists are very good at sorting out the Poi.....
» 12/08/2014 11:10:11 AM What a great ideas. Well a great idea if you think we need yet another multi million doll.....
» 12/08/2014 11:01:56 AM Interesting Is Mise, & I can see the point. That should save a lot of travel time, althoug.....
» 12/08/2014 10:43:32 AM Come on now Paul, you "consider ALL religions to be dangerous" you tell us, mean.....
» 11/08/2014 2:29:03 PM Continued. I see nothing wrong with a reverse mortgage system. I have no objection to usi.....
» 11/08/2014 2:28:17 PM Continued. After 22+ years here it does feel like home, why should I move? My 34 year old.....
» 11/08/2014 2:28:09 PM You do come up with some rubbish sometimes Rhrosty, but this is some of your best. The ide.....
» 11/08/2014 12:06:32 AM Hi o sung wu, nice to see you back. When you do come back, you do so with a real thump don.....
» 10/08/2014 11:46:27 PM I can see your point Is Mise, but can't necessarily agree with you. I lived near Howard/T.....
» 10/08/2014 11:17:21 PM Don't be so silly Paul. There will be an evidence trail to those who have used these con .....
» 10/08/2014 4:19:39 PM Agronomist if you wish anyone to pay any attention to these wild statements you claim are .....
» 9/08/2014 2:12:16 PM Foxy sweetie, please don't bring that disgusting bit of slime Philip Adams into the discus.....
» 9/08/2014 2:07:02 PM If any Reconciliation is required, it is to reconcile the tax payer with the spending of $.....
» 8/08/2014 11:48:30 AM It is depressing to read this garbage from a naive brainwashed kid. Like MWPOYNTER I could.....
» 8/08/2014 11:09:12 AM Good article Don. Keep up the good work, at least for as long as you can. I know it gets .....
» 6/08/2014 7:52:22 PM I wonder how many realise we are the ant farm of some god's kids......
» 6/08/2014 3:34:19 PM There are 2 sides to everything Foxy, & there is another side to your hardly done by migra.....
» 5/08/2014 10:41:55 PM So the UK is now a third world nation, benk? They are the ones that beat us. Well I guess.....
» 5/08/2014 11:26:20 AM It is pretty obvious Chris. There are 2 reasons, money & hybrid vigor. First the Poms hav.....
» 4/08/2014 10:33:47 PM No way Yvonne, mine came out with the governor. Could they have been guarding yours?.....
» 4/08/2014 5:09:41 PM Suse, I have no idea what Turkey is really like to live in. Most places are much different.....
» 4/08/2014 1:06:50 PM That sounds like a sound practice to me Pericles. Haven't you noticed that the world has .....
» 4/08/2014 12:58:14 PM When I was living in Queensland north from MacKay it was always cheaper to fly than train .....
» 3/08/2014 9:43:51 PM Come on folks, lets not get too precious about racial abuse. In most instances it has noth.....
» 2/08/2014 11:29:25 AM "Of the recent migrants who had obtained a non-school qualification before arrival in.....
» 2/08/2014 10:28:47 AM Just try getting any attention in casualty at Logan hospital, note the appearance of those.....
» 1/08/2014 8:35:57 PM Yvonne you've got that completely wrong love. I'm a very happy little vegemite, totally .....
» 1/08/2014 8:20:30 PM Now you are talking Vision. That has some chance, if you get lucky with your choice of re.....
» 1/08/2014 5:34:11 PM Wake up Vision. You want tax payer money thrown at some nebulous garbage. Governments hav.....
» 1/08/2014 3:45:45 PM I think this girl actually expects some fools will believe her statistics. Come on Carla, .....
» 1/08/2014 12:22:16 PM And this was a multicultural affairs commissioner, being paid by Oz taxpayers. God help .....
» 1/08/2014 12:08:00 PM Yvonne, been there done that love. I spent years in the Pacific islands. Some of my frien.....
» 1/08/2014 11:57:13 AM Bazz, they use the salt water to cool the fresh. They use large volumes to avoid making t.....
» 1/08/2014 12:40:55 AM Bazz the trouble with building power plants at coal mines is water. I know the story, a ma.....
» 31/07/2014 8:08:50 PM Mikk what we have to do is stop relating to Sydney & Melbourne as if they have to be the c.....
» 31/07/2014 7:51:41 PM Bazz I think a modern coal fired steam engine, using powdered coal, as in modern power pla.....
» 31/07/2014 7:26:09 PM One a day branch lines Is Mise, I lived near Howard, on the main line Brisbane to Cairns. .....
» 31/07/2014 5:48:14 PM You could also try reading other posts Warmair. The coral growth is increasing the amount.....
» 31/07/2014 1:00:45 PM Hay I've got a great idea. Lets put windmills on the top of that high speed train, to gen.....
» 31/07/2014 12:37:03 PM Paul, "Gough Whitlem was one of Australia's truly great Prime Ministers" Thanks.....
» 31/07/2014 12:14:57 PM I wonder if Thistlethwaite actually believes this bit of trash, or if he is just politicki.....
» 30/07/2014 6:00:07 PM Immigration may have had some positives in the days when we practiced integration. Now wit.....
» 30/07/2014 12:33:17 PM Come on now fancynancy, it is the taxpayer, my kids, who pay this ladies salary, so it is .....
» 29/07/2014 3:39:47 PM This is exactly what is wrong with our refugee policies. Here we have someone who has bee.....
» 29/07/2014 11:59:42 AM He joins a long list of Labor senior MPs & leaders who served time in parliament, then pri.....
» 27/07/2014 9:20:06 PM I think a big part of relationship failure is a lack of sharing in todays world. When my .....
» 27/07/2014 2:52:20 PM Come on Agronomist, you have to get your TV & radio off the ABC, then look at some of the .....
» 27/07/2014 11:30:26 AM Cherful while I agree with you that Islam is disgusting, the rest is utter tripe. Men go.....
» 26/07/2014 11:03:50 PM You have a fair point there Jay Of Melbourne. The biggest problem with this is that they .....
» 26/07/2014 10:49:00 PM Ant if it was in the Guardian, you know it is garbage......
» 26/07/2014 10:36:18 PM Absolutely dreadful Is Mise. this one costs me about 1.2 liters of diesel an hour for norm.....
» 26/07/2014 10:12:24 PM Oh wouldn't it be wonderful. That would be the end of the second most corrupt organisatio.....
» 26/07/2014 6:14:08 PM After having no power for 5 days during the last flood, & being flood in I got sick of my .....
» 26/07/2014 12:18:16 PM Where on earth do you get this garbage ant, some less than honest academic, looking for gr.....
» 26/07/2014 11:55:44 AM warmair why the hell would we want to reduce our output of CO2. Here we have the populatio.....
» 26/07/2014 11:29:45 AM rehctub I should introduce you to my brother in law, an engineer, but of the practical typ.....
» 26/07/2014 10:52:02 AM Indy, what is a low wage sweat shop to you is still a happy escape from rural subsistence .....
» 25/07/2014 6:26:08 PM What a garbled article apart from the bit about real estate being over priced. Much of tha.....
» 25/07/2014 5:57:21 PM I have to say that Robert LePage come across as a paid flack for {big mining}, for the sol.....
» 25/07/2014 11:39:15 AM I don't think it is baloney Bazz. At this present moment we are terribly vulnerable to any.....
» 25/07/2014 11:24:03 AM My last on the matter. You people made a fetish of "peer review", then so scamme.....
» 24/07/2014 5:31:27 PM Bazz, mate. Please don't wish trailers on us. One of the ladies in my family just might be.....
» 24/07/2014 3:33:20 PM It is so hard warmair to know if any of you people still actually believe this tripe. Many.....
» 23/07/2014 10:18:04 PM Well well DavidK has admitted to being one of the scammers, with a very real vested intere.....
» 23/07/2014 2:10:44 PM G'dayBruce, trying to do that got a hell of a lot of our airman killed in WW11. We killed.....
» 23/07/2014 1:39:56 PM Do these clowns really earn a living writing this crap? I guess it is a bit like anthropo.....
» 22/07/2014 4:58:08 PM Now Yuyutsu, how do you think the hydrocarbons on that moon of Jupiter, or is it Saturn, [.....
» 22/07/2014 4:09:03 PM Don I give thanks that someone who can get published, & has some authority can both think .....
» 22/07/2014 2:56:03 PM What you have to remember Bazz is that these new ocean currents just happened to coincide .....
» 21/07/2014 10:02:30 PM Oh god. What this does to all of us is to return the right to chose to fund a bunch of fo.....
» 21/07/2014 9:36:44 PM One thing I have never been Jealous of is an arrogant, opinionated peanut. Boy was I righ.....
» 21/07/2014 9:14:36 PM It probably doesn't matter much what we buy/build, they will not operate successfully for .....
» 21/07/2014 7:51:02 PM Make sure you keep up the good work "Mr Morrison" in my name, & in that of all s.....
» 21/07/2014 7:42:10 PM Thank you DavidK, your last post proves my point completely. You're not quite right there.....
» 21/07/2014 5:29:34 PM DavidK it is pretty obvious you are a gravy train rider. It would appear you are one of a.....
» 21/07/2014 12:59:27 PM Just a couple of posts away some are predicting Australia becoming petroleum free in the n.....
» 21/07/2014 12:57:51 PM Taswegian, Cobber, Rhrosty, that is just the sort of thinking that gets our defense force .....
» 21/07/2014 11:54:33 AM Now that says it all about the Greens Paul1405. I've seen the light about them & you. You.....
» 20/07/2014 8:52:44 PM Careful there DavidK, your arrogance is showing. You talk of the "uninformed or uned.....
» 19/07/2014 6:24:18 PM Bazz methane clathrate is a form of methane & water ice. They have recently found it is mu.....
» 19/07/2014 2:56:52 PM Bazz the subsidy on electric[erry] things in Norway is about 45% at last information. Inc.....
» 19/07/2014 12:14:05 PM "I wish more people could see it the way me and my friends do. Which is basically wh.....
» 19/07/2014 11:59:27 AM Why would anyone want one of those in Oz? There is no way they can get a decent V8 into on.....
» 19/07/2014 11:04:29 AM Can anyone who is not still trying to use the global warming fraud to promote one world go.....
» 18/07/2014 3:04:44 PM This stuff is pretty small cheese. In Samarai, a very small PNG Island, once the center o.....
» 18/07/2014 1:04:15 PM Yes women should keep their own name, it being more practical, & them marrying mostly for .....
» 18/07/2014 12:39:46 PM Yes Clive Palmer is a ratbag, & will do nothing good for Oz, or it's people. However he is.....
» 18/07/2014 12:01:53 PM Sounds to me that there is someone around here, who the cap fits, & is struggling with tha.....
» 17/07/2014 8:05:46 PM If you people were better drivers, like me, you would be watching the road, & not even see.....
» 17/07/2014 11:56:21 AM Foxy my sweet, I think you'll find I said country. It is highly unlikely that those rocke.....
» 17/07/2014 11:48:22 AM Roses1, when I worked in the Sydney CBD I loved rail. I could catch a train in Cronulla, r.....
» 17/07/2014 10:50:39 AM Come off it love. You should be glad to see that those who choose to be the aggressor are.....
» 16/07/2014 11:57:53 AM I have emergency & general aviation helicopters flying over my place a few times a day, an.....
» 15/07/2014 8:41:32 PM If the future Bazz predicts comes to pass, public transport of any type will be something .....
» 15/07/2014 12:56:01 PM He is a dangerous ratbag, trying to force his ideas on everyone else. As such he should b.....
» 15/07/2014 12:43:05 PM If I had to wonder if everyone crossing my border was carrying a bomb, I might become a li.....
» 15/07/2014 12:29:20 PM You've got to get away from this self hatred guilt trip Nathan. This is how progress happ.....
» 15/07/2014 11:47:29 AM God it must be dreadful to be so desperate for attention & celebrity that you have to &quo.....
» 14/07/2014 4:37:21 PM I don't know where you live Killarney, but it must be a bad place. There are plenty of jo.....
» 14/07/2014 11:33:53 AM It just won't work Everald, the cost of transshipment at each end make rail impractical. .....
» 14/07/2014 10:47:59 AM You have that all ass about David. We for various reasons have developed the version of m.....
» 13/07/2014 9:41:54 PM Hi o sung wu, yes I think you are right there. When I was a kid, if you were out too late,.....
» 13/07/2014 9:13:47 PM You really are a bit of work aren't you Killarney, the only hate I see here on this thread.....
» 12/07/2014 4:01:37 PM A friend sold a 3 bed high set quite pleasant house near Beenleigh just 15 years ago for $.....
» 12/07/2014 9:31:29 AM I get into Beauy fairly regularly. I'm the bloke who drives the funny little sports cars......
» 11/07/2014 9:16:44 PM I was at the auto electricians today. While I was waiting for my car, I was chatting to a .....
» 11/07/2014 10:01:37 AM Come off it Paul. Quoting Obama, what next. He is as guilty at Labor of pandering to undes.....
» 10/07/2014 3:22:57 PM They are the physical scars that these Palestinian neighbourhoods have to bear from the la.....
» 10/07/2014 3:04:37 PM Come on James, real people don't read Crikey......
» 9/07/2014 10:49:51 PM Ant says, Skeptical scientists, there are not that many of them, but he forgets that 31,48.....
» 9/07/2014 5:25:29 PM Boy you are a cynic Pericles, but have to agree with that. However I can't agree with you.....
» 9/07/2014 3:05:01 PM Come on Rhrosty, rapid rail is a long range form of transport. It's not much use if it has.....
» 9/07/2014 2:48:00 PM I still need to have it explained to me why women on supporting parents benefits, that is,.....
» 9/07/2014 11:12:37 AM Tell him Poirot, that our government is trying to do their best to stop his kids becoming .....
» 9/07/2014 10:26:09 AM Wow, after years of lefty appointments to the judiciary, Sheenal doesn't like the idea of .....
» 9/07/2014 10:11:01 AM Why does this woman love the UN more than Oz. Is there still a personal financial reason f.....
» 9/07/2014 9:50:20 AM I blame the greens. If they hadn't got every damn thing on earth protected, [except the w.....
» 8/07/2014 5:58:29 PM Some here should understand it is my, & my countries human right to defend my home, & my c.....
» 8/07/2014 10:38:54 AM At one time a sister in law was a "Family Daycare" lady. They & their homes we.....
» 8/07/2014 10:19:47 AM So true JBowyer. The lawyers all got their knickers in a knot when it was not one of the o.....
» 7/07/2014 5:51:55 PM As long as they don't get here, he's got my vote......
» 7/07/2014 3:31:21 PM Chas, I can see nothing in your resume to indicate you would be any more likely to be corr.....
» 7/07/2014 3:11:57 PM In the old days the British would have sent in the gunboats, & all would be back quiet. T.....
» 7/07/2014 3:03:41 PM Graham, very brave of you to speak truth on this forum. You knew the envious would be out .....
» 6/07/2014 9:35:06 PM It does depend what you are looking for. Whenever I advertised for an administrative assi.....
» 6/07/2014 9:07:15 PM Talk about a control freak, I suggest you worry about yourself, mind your own business, & .....
» 6/07/2014 6:11:02 PM My post was in sympathy Fenzink, not criticism......
» 6/07/2014 2:21:17 PM You're probably over 35 now FENZINK, so too old & past it......
» 4/07/2014 5:35:40 PM I see your math is about as good as the rest of your thinking steelie, if you think 20 yea.....
» 4/07/2014 9:43:39 AM What don't you understand SteeleRedux. In an earlier post I explained that small country.....
» 3/07/2014 6:04:02 PM So now Chris C is telling us the Howard model is perfect. In that case, why the hell did w.....
» 3/07/2014 9:53:41 AM Luddy you are on the wrong [cycle] track there. If you're interested in health you should.....
» 2/07/2014 11:46:06 PM That is where we disagree Diver. Every one is offered the opportunity to gain an educatio.....
» 2/07/2014 9:27:09 PM All they are doing Luddy, is pinching our roadways, & giving them to cyclists. If cyclist.....
» 2/07/2014 7:46:59 PM Yep those were the days. Everyone went to town Saturday morning, & walked up & down the st.....
» 2/07/2014 5:31:56 PM Steely the last thing we can afford is keeping overpaid public servants doing pretend work.....
» 2/07/2014 5:28:09 PM Foxy you've got that all wrong my sweet. Most "post offices" in smaller country .....
» 2/07/2014 4:07:34 PM Albie I am one of those who want to see this incredibly expensive stupidity of bikeways st.....
» 1/07/2014 1:33:50 PM I'm afraid the author is displaying his suburban mentality. I suppose some Five Dock ladie.....
» 30/06/2014 9:29:36 PM You've had a couple of nice cars there Is Mise. I just missed out on a 2.5L 2 seater conve.....
» 30/06/2014 3:12:37 PM Luddy my perspective on motoring comes of course from my youth. In the early 60s I regul.....
» 30/06/2014 2:28:18 PM Yes Guy, things change. My mother used to bake blackberry pie with the blackberries we pi.....
» 30/06/2014 1:23:53 AM Actually I complain about exactly the opposite behavior. Cars drive around town about 50 t.....
» 29/06/2014 5:25:44 PM My you are argumentative to day Foxy my sweet. Flying fish don't actually fly, they glide.....
» 29/06/2014 10:55:42 AM It would be the answer to promote road rage. Vigilantism is not a good idea on the roads, .....
» 28/06/2014 11:20:59 AM The more you think about it, the attitude & actual rather than fictional behavior of women.....
» 27/06/2014 12:57:54 PM Careful there 579, your envy is not just showing but screaming at the top of it's voice......
» 27/06/2014 10:58:35 AM Raffael if that is where your interest lies, you should be there, not in sleepy Adelaide. .....
» 25/06/2014 11:15:11 PM I have magpies who land at my feet, demanding to be fed when I feed the dog & cats, mornin.....
» 25/06/2014 12:16:08 PM Still got that math problem, or is it a reasoning problem, Poirot. The cost of keeping a .....
» 24/06/2014 11:07:26 PM In 12 years I had 3 different solar instillations on my yacht. None ever did the full job,.....
» 24/06/2014 7:28:37 PM I wouldn't expect you to understand Poirot, but it is the science that proves it's a scam......
» 23/06/2014 10:11:29 AM For years the feminists & women's libbers banged away at the childcare industry. They reck.....
» 23/06/2014 9:40:17 AM Ho hum, JBowyer beat me to it. Please don't tell me what you are "gunna do" tel.....
» 22/06/2014 6:20:46 PM The lawyers are still at it in the media. Isn't it strange that they don't seem to unders.....
» 21/06/2014 11:45:22 AM God there are so many examples it would take weeks. However with all that taxpayer money .....
» 21/06/2014 11:38:04 AM They lost the plot by eliminating the "class" they were promoting. After years .....
» 21/06/2014 11:10:12 AM Yes Albie Manton in Darwin, some of us do know. They were never meant to be used as tugs,.....
» 20/06/2014 10:04:20 PM Wow! Doesn't a little home truth stir up the boys. Gets them off the teat long enough for.....
» 20/06/2014 4:42:27 PM Don't be silly Mac. This noisy rabble are the academics, unionists & dole bludgers, nothi.....
» 20/06/2014 11:49:10 AM I would suggest Bugsy, you take a glance in any university, where you will find thousands .....
» 20/06/2014 11:34:40 AM Just what are you talking about Is Mise? A life boat is a thing you use to abandon a sink.....
» 19/06/2014 8:46:06 PM One of these days Poirot might actually say something, rather than just snipe with nastine.....
» 19/06/2014 9:29:57 AM Nice to see you are such an expert Poirot. Yes the reef is miles away, about 35 nautical .....
» 18/06/2014 6:32:24 PM What utter rot. Try crashing into Fraser Island, Smokey cape or Cape Morton, & see how mu.....
» 18/06/2014 10:23:41 AM Hey Kellie, always had a bit of a problem with arithmetic have you love? Not unusual wit.....
» 17/06/2014 9:36:56 AM Can this clown, Angelo, not know that government schools are run by the states, not the Co.....
» 17/06/2014 9:19:56 AM God aren't these lawyers disgusting people. Now one of these fire engine chasers, has org.....
» 16/06/2014 10:20:32 PM Duxy, yes we want some distance between the parliament & the legal eagles. To start with i.....
» 16/06/2014 9:08:09 PM Come on Paul. From way out there left of Khrushchev, you're too far away to know where a.....
» 16/06/2014 5:25:16 PM Come on Nathan, with the dills we have teaching schools today, the kids are lucky to know .....
» 16/06/2014 12:31:39 PM More interesting is trying to understand how all these people can be entertained by a bit .....
» 16/06/2014 12:23:09 PM Well I guess Rhrosty, your plan is at least likely to stop too many of the Iraqi regular a.....
» 16/06/2014 10:39:37 AM Boy don't the Queensland legal fraternity have their knickers in a knot. All those smooth.....
» 16/06/2014 9:51:11 AM As we are seeing in Iraq, when Muslims win territory, they have a tendency to eliminate al.....
» 15/06/2014 11:14:18 PM Gold is portable. It's value escalates in an emergency......
» 15/06/2014 5:12:30 PM Isn't it interesting that Obama lost all interest in discussing the global warming scam wi.....
» 13/06/2014 9:43:14 PM Adam Blanch when people like you grow out of their feeling of superiority, there will be s.....
» 13/06/2014 1:22:53 PM Yes Rhrosty, doctors used to bleed people when they were sick, & stomach ulcers are caused.....
» 12/06/2014 8:52:09 PM Yep Shadow, every time he goes off shore he hits sixes everywhere he goes, without making .....
» 12/06/2014 8:43:24 PM Bazz I would never consider having a bit of paper actually meant I owned any gold. That is.....
» 12/06/2014 1:19:43 PM Why are we being sold the story that men are more violent than women? Why because it mean.....
» 12/06/2014 1:02:05 PM A long time ago I saw a cartoon. A personal officer was talking to a pimply faced youth. .....
» 12/06/2014 12:39:42 PM This really says it all about our modern city society, when people have nothing better to .....
» 12/06/2014 11:01:28 AM Rhrosty are you really not aware that Labor under Keating tried many of those simplistic i.....
» 12/06/2014 10:26:05 AM Met a lot of anthropologists have you Poirot? Known some of the people they have fantasiz.....
» 12/06/2014 10:13:46 AM What fun we have, & how simplistic have the greens become. They have wrapped Palmer in a .....
» 11/06/2014 11:36:07 PM I am always amused when someone refers to walking around nude, throwing rocks & sticks at .....
» 11/06/2014 8:09:57 PM ORIGINS OF MAN you must be joking. When I wanted to do an installation on the outer reef,.....
» 11/06/2014 7:29:30 PM I was told you can claim it back, but the bank could not give me a time limit to how long .....
» 11/06/2014 5:49:55 PM What a pretentious bit of tripe. Do you think yourself peter, or do you always defer to a.....
» 11/06/2014 5:46:33 PM The only thing government should have to do with the media is nothing. They should get t.....
» 11/06/2014 10:50:18 AM Reading a report on how much of our money the government had snaffled from "inactive .....
» 10/06/2014 5:49:52 PM warmair who told you the reef is suffering. The people who are out there daily, the academ.....
» 10/06/2014 5:12:27 PM Yep, that piece of paper absolves the "B" grade personal officer, or what ever g.....
» 10/06/2014 1:01:13 PM My youngest, told me after the election she had voted for Palmer, because he was a success.....
» 10/06/2014 12:33:16 PM Suse if she is talking about prepubescent children she should say so, rather than try to m.....
» 10/06/2014 9:49:03 AM Has that fool Obama ever got anything right? Hopefully the next administration will grow .....
» 10/06/2014 9:38:43 AM Time to grow to & look at the bigger picture Terri. What do you reckon? Better pregnant a.....
» 9/06/2014 8:54:59 PM You won't get me on Fraser Island nutter, I hate sand flies......
» 9/06/2014 8:52:32 PM Come on ant, for gods sake. Was it people driving SUVs that turned the Sahara from jungle .....
» 9/06/2014 5:20:58 PM Just as well we didn't have climate scientists, [or shonks for short], when the Sahara tur.....
» 9/06/2014 2:45:14 PM Hi imajulianutter. One of the products I used to produce included a small heat exchanger. .....
» 9/06/2014 2:12:40 PM Paul you would evidentially be amazed at what goes on aircraft in the less commercial worl.....
» 9/06/2014 1:53:26 PM Yes Hobarts can be exciting, & a bit easier with a fully crewed yacht. I once averaged 14.....
» 9/06/2014 11:00:29 AM Great story Rhrosty, I set my first spinnaker that way, just outside Sydney heads on a nic.....
» 8/06/2014 11:35:33 PM Hi Jayb, & o sung, it is the feminists in control of education these days you can blame fo.....
» 8/06/2014 10:49:34 PM Yea, 3 slices of bread, & a liter of water a day is too much for this scum......
» 8/06/2014 10:47:41 PM Obviously you are going on ideology, warmair. The average load for a bus is more like 6 th.....
» 8/06/2014 7:38:16 PM Ant a couple of years ago I did a Google earth trip around some of my old stamping grounds.....
» 8/06/2014 1:54:50 PM Where do you get this stuff warmair, you must pull it out of that air. That high rise or .....
» 8/06/2014 1:34:37 PM Yes Poirot our kids are in a bit of a catch 22. They want the best. My eldest daughters .....
» 8/06/2014 1:06:12 PM Hope your son enjoys the defense force BOOMER, what branch is he going into? I enjoyed my.....
» 8/06/2014 10:12:02 AM Producer says "Has been – If I was to stop thinking about worn out clichés, I wouldn’.....
» 7/06/2014 8:03:47 PM Producer you really should stop thinking in worn out clichés. The rich do appear to be ge.....
» 7/06/2014 10:55:18 AM The other day there was a post here by a single mother who had studied for her masters in .....
» 7/06/2014 10:36:45 AM Thank you Poirot, high praise indeed, from one of the most abrasive of OLOs posters. Jott.....
» 6/06/2014 3:30:58 PM Of course they won't when the government, courtesy of the checkout chick pays for it. Whe.....
» 6/06/2014 12:06:39 PM Agnostic would you please point to somewhere, other than in a computer, that the temperatu.....
» 6/06/2014 11:56:00 AM It would be nice if people like Sharon could do at least a little math. Yes I know such a .....
» 6/06/2014 11:33:00 AM Allison we had engineers long before we had free or subsidised university education. Compa.....
» 6/06/2014 10:51:36 AM Careful there Nhoj, your ignorance is showing again. All those handouts you mention were .....
» 6/06/2014 1:00:39 AM Yes worldwatcher, they haven't got a clue. When I was 10, a few years after dad came back.....
» 5/06/2014 9:22:55 PM This is the rubbish with which our disgusting universities are filling innocent young mind.....
» 5/06/2014 9:05:50 PM Yuyutsu & Producer, It really is frightening that there are people with your attitude in t.....
» 5/06/2014 5:29:05 PM The best way for Oz to reduce its footprint would be to stamp out all the NGOs bleeding th.....
» 5/06/2014 2:51:19 PM I find it very interesting to compare Turnbull & Obama. Both are successful orators, as w.....
» 5/06/2014 2:25:58 PM 579 I should damn well hope that those receiving the dole are living in poverty. Unemploy.....
» 5/06/2014 1:48:13 PM Where on earth do you live Jottiikii, It can't be in Oz. Send your poor who want to work .....
» 5/06/2014 12:56:31 PM Yes rawlo, there is a great deal that needs streamlining between State & Commonwealth, whi.....
» 5/06/2014 10:34:55 AM I basically agree with Suse. The last thing I would want would to be governed by a governm.....
» 4/06/2014 10:44:29 AM Where do you live Individual? In Queensland registrations are charged on the number of c.....
» 3/06/2014 8:10:36 PM I think you missed the point there RawMustard. Part of his pay was a couple of ounces of t.....
» 3/06/2014 5:32:21 PM Robert the blue mountains are past their use by date. Once a glittering weekend destinati.....
» 3/06/2014 4:25:09 PM "Ask yourselves this: why did the same class of now "dole bludgers" ALL hav.....
» 3/06/2014 4:03:44 PM Bad idea! Stop paying them cash and they will take their cash and/or goods any criminal wa.....
» 3/06/2014 12:05:50 PM As far as I am concerned, everyone has a right to free air to breath. After that, everyon.....
» 3/06/2014 10:57:46 AM I used to have a similar experience with hiring staff in the less touristy area of the Gol.....
» 2/06/2014 10:03:57 PM Hey chrisgaff1000, I've often wondered why they make such a meal of getting these idiots o.....
» 2/06/2014 9:31:05 PM Luddy most of the car park accidents around here are cars from each side of a laneway back.....
» 2/06/2014 9:08:41 PM Don't be silly Suse. The Libs know full well they would never get elected with Turnbull as.....
» 2/06/2014 10:40:28 AM Yuyutsu I hope you are right, but I doubt it. Your kid thief will soon get onto grog or dr.....
» 2/06/2014 10:03:20 AM Interesting responses. Listening to the various news broadcasts over the weekend, it soun.....
» 1/06/2014 11:10:59 PM If we want to talk about rights, I'll give the right to do anything necessary to the cops,.....
» 1/06/2014 11:04:10 PM Yes Luddy, I think they are safer. You only have to see what happens to small cars, when a.....
» 1/06/2014 10:33:41 PM Yuyutsu you are training those kids to believe that stealing is a good way to get what you.....
» 1/06/2014 5:10:57 PM So 579 tells us there are lots of unemployed youth in Vic. He quotes,"As Paul Bird fr.....
» 1/06/2014 2:24:42 PM mikk, I really do feel sorry for you. To be so filled with hate must make it impossible .....
» 1/06/2014 1:36:32 PM Don't be silly Luddy, the last thing we need is people we are fond of, driving around in t.....
» 1/06/2014 10:37:26 AM Garbage 579. Oh & the post is about bludgers, not the conmen/women, who scam the system. W.....
» 31/05/2014 6:29:08 PM Anyone who protests about a handout they receive should have it removed immediately. If t.....
» 31/05/2014 3:26:45 PM Congratulations Graham, & well done. It is great to have you back. It felt a bit like an .....
» 30/05/2014 9:25:37 AM Well the logical follow up to your joke Rhrosty would be the definition of pregnancy. So.....
» 29/05/2014 9:06:35 PM It is also taking quite a while to get connected, & about 5 times as long as usual to chan.....
» 29/05/2014 6:31:11 PM How did they restart them Is Mise. The electric starter was invented I believe in 1911, bu.....
» 28/05/2014 5:11:46 PM Sorry WmTrevor, I can't agree with that. It was only after the introduction of the 'no-fa.....
» 28/05/2014 4:07:58 PM Yes I can agree o sung, these owners manuals are getting ridiculous these days. 25 pages o.....
» 28/05/2014 1:26:31 PM Sorry Ross, I have to disagree with some of your theory, & agree with Big Nana. My first .....
» 28/05/2014 12:19:55 PM Dennis I will pay more attention to your complaints, when I hear your equal complaint abou.....
» 28/05/2014 11:40:23 AM Yep you are right about one thing 579. Labor can count all those too dumb to see the trap .....
» 27/05/2014 3:25:35 PM halduell do the ABC, or the left ever do anything else? One of their big mistakes is that.....
» 27/05/2014 3:09:10 PM Graham you missed one bunch of liars, the media. We expect it from the ABC, but they hav.....
» 27/05/2014 10:41:40 AM Oh god! Another "B" grade academic lefty, with ideas of grandeur, who wants to s.....
» 27/05/2014 10:34:40 AM This thread really define the difference between the left & the right. Any left here have.....
» 27/05/2014 9:54:08 AM While kids still have punch-ups in the school playground, adults will continue to fight, &.....
» 27/05/2014 12:33:46 AM Thanks for that raw mustard, a very sweet & simple technique I suppose with the computer p.....
» 26/05/2014 8:02:17 PM We didn't need any of this garbage in the Australia I grew up in, & it was awash with Poms.....
» 26/05/2014 6:22:10 PM The current bunch of Labor clowns are as bad, or even worse than the abominable Rudd & Gil.....
» 26/05/2014 6:13:02 PM Yes I find the Bolt report highly amusing. I particularly like it now Labor have decided .....
» 26/05/2014 5:54:43 PM Sorry o sung, I really don't know what system they use. I certainly hope it is not the old.....
» 26/05/2014 1:49:43 PM No one needed to produce anything as an alternative to Rudd. You could find one in any cow.....
» 26/05/2014 11:29:13 AM Oh, & don't take my previous post seriously, it was meant as fun. Sort of. Do enjoy wafti.....
» 26/05/2014 11:24:55 AM Gee o sung wu, a Hitler's revenge. I'm surprised at you. Just kidding mate, they build som.....
» 26/05/2014 10:17:05 AM Turnbull! Come on Luddy. Then you would have another party led by some one as stupid as .....
» 25/05/2014 10:20:25 PM Rhrosty yes it was tough, for many of us. Fortunately my barefoot school going was in Town.....
» 25/05/2014 11:50:08 AM For god's sake mikk, what on earth do you need to be happy. We are born in a hospital pai.....
» 25/05/2014 11:13:26 AM Was that lemon a bit sour Rhrosty? If so your last post reflects it. Please explain just .....
» 23/05/2014 2:49:56 PM Producer the only decent electoral system is first past the post. That gets rid of all the.....
» 23/05/2014 9:35:51 AM Salty I agree that public schools are very important & need much remedial action. However.....
» 23/05/2014 9:04:43 AM Well thank you Dean Ashenden, so nice of you to point out so clearly that the Gonski repor.....
» 23/05/2014 12:27:55 AM Thanks for that information o sung wu, I have no objection to being corrected, in fact & a.....
» 23/05/2014 12:15:50 AM Killarney says, So GMH ‘fully funded' your engineering degree, huh? AND no doubt paid you.....
» 22/05/2014 10:37:01 PM I used to profit from gambling. My father was a gambler & generous with it. When ever he .....
» 22/05/2014 10:19:33 PM A proportional system allows a small segment of the vote to gain the balance of power. A .....
» 22/05/2014 3:20:21 PM It does seem that confessing to having been sexually abused as a child can be a lucrative .....
» 22/05/2014 3:07:07 PM I have never been able to understand people who ride pushbikes in peak hour traffic, & cla.....
» 22/05/2014 2:00:58 PM Michael I did not see any reference to your kids going to a public school. Perhaps your ex.....
» 22/05/2014 1:15:40 PM Don another great article. I don't expect such worldly sense from academics, more the arro.....
» 21/05/2014 5:13:11 PM Where do you get this fundamentalist Muslim for me Producer. They are the ones with multip.....
» 21/05/2014 2:00:50 PM Hey Jayb, that water is dangerous stuff isn't it. We sure can't live without it, but it ca.....
» 21/05/2014 1:42:52 PM Thanks for the warning, I'll keep well clear of Sweden. And to think it used to be the hom.....
» 21/05/2014 12:57:05 PM If you want to ban smoking on health grounds, you have to immediately ban at least 90% of .....
» 21/05/2014 12:07:17 PM Good analysis Spindoc. I wonder how many of our lefty organisations still think he's a di.....
» 21/05/2014 11:45:05 AM Yes Producer I got your drift, & was in some danger of biting my tongue when I replied. G.....
» 20/05/2014 11:25:48 PM Continued It does appear that the need is growing as our lives become more safe & boring.....
» 20/05/2014 11:24:13 PM I have an entirely different take on it producer, & may I suggest you don't try cuddling m.....
» 20/05/2014 5:44:45 PM Who is doing these things Jayb? Who ever it is, they should get an academy award......
» 20/05/2014 3:03:06 PM "Hasbeen- I have never heard a story quite like yours it sounds like you live in anot.....
» 20/05/2014 1:24:17 PM As a very young bloke, I was a life saver, & of course we needed our weekends off. Then I .....
» 20/05/2014 12:23:55 PM Well you have to give them points for guts, the same type of guts that Howard showed when .....
» 20/05/2014 11:28:32 AM Currently Salty it is 2.5 acres including the home which is free of the asset test for the.....
» 19/05/2014 10:12:31 PM Saltpetre I have a big problem with your scenario. It is not only the long term wealthy th.....
» 19/05/2014 5:06:34 PM I agree Shockadelic. Luddy the only difference between a refugee & an oppressor, is who w.....
» 19/05/2014 11:41:16 AM Tristan Tristan, where do you get your thinking. A first year apprentice, in most organis.....
» 19/05/2014 11:23:16 AM Hey Big Nana, I think you will find Kellie is a bit worried some of these changes will lim.....
» 18/05/2014 11:07:09 PM Actually o sung wu I think bulk billing for most people is a ridiculous extravagance. Peop.....
» 18/05/2014 10:06:31 PM My clock radio is still set to the ABC, as it is the strongest station out here. The morn.....
» 18/05/2014 4:19:45 PM I can't agree with you on Medicare policy o sung wu. It will be free medicine that will se.....
» 16/05/2014 11:49:23 PM Tristan you do talk so much twaddle. No one wants to be on new start you say. Most of the.....
» 16/05/2014 4:03:53 PM Do grow up Steve. If we don't go back to using this country to generate some wealth, & som.....
» 16/05/2014 10:28:37 AM For gods sake, the budget has not cut anything. All it is trying to do is reduce the rate .....
» 15/05/2014 11:19:01 AM I am disgusted at Killarney's attitude. If you chose to have kids, that does not entitle y.....
» 14/05/2014 10:15:07 PM Well no wonder you like illegal boat people James O'Neill, you must have done quite well o.....
» 14/05/2014 7:03:53 PM Obviously the instruction has come down to the Labor party faithful to call Abbott a liar .....
» 14/05/2014 1:11:43 PM James O'Neill what the budget, & the boat people policy indicate is that there is a sane &.....
» 14/05/2014 12:49:00 PM You've got to be kidding Jon. Why would anyone retire to Adelaide, it must have one of the.....
» 14/05/2014 12:08:51 AM Now come on Salty, that was a cut & paste, & about half of it is proven garbage. Just how .....
» 13/05/2014 11:55:34 PM You should be in bed Nhoj, it's much too late for you to be up. You have you done your ho.....
» 13/05/2014 11:47:56 PM o sung wu you would have loved it. Much better than crawling through the jungle waiting fo.....
» 13/05/2014 11:20:13 PM I couldn't find much to shoot at Producer, it was full of holes already. About the only on.....
» 13/05/2014 6:57:58 PM A proportional system is nothing but a way for the smarties, with no chance of ever gainin.....
» 13/05/2014 4:52:35 PM So true Taswegian, & at the same time Tasmania has a huge wealth standing cellulose reinfo.....
» 13/05/2014 3:47:06 PM I think you are very lucky Saltpetre. Lucky you didn't have a meeting with one of those d.....
» 13/05/2014 3:38:07 PM Producer there will always be the lucky & the unlucky. If the bomb lands on your house, un.....
» 13/05/2014 12:19:38 PM The big difference SHRODE is that your city can't stick it's hand out for billions of doll.....
» 13/05/2014 11:48:00 AM The problem is governments are trying to do too much. Rather than supply a few laws, & def.....
» 12/05/2014 9:44:20 PM Saltpetre of course the Chinese are using DDT, they are not as stupid as us. They know the.....
» 12/05/2014 3:19:47 PM w ch if you actually do something useful with money, & earn a dividend, that's one thing, .....
» 12/05/2014 3:07:15 PM What utter rubbish Justice for Disabled, you are only interested in yourself, & it shows. .....
» 12/05/2014 2:13:35 PM Saltpetre where I live most of the good roads are not wide enough for small trucks or utes.....
» 11/05/2014 9:37:33 PM Sorry Nathan, I meant to ask in my last post if Nhoj is in your class. I hope not for your.....
» 11/05/2014 9:33:48 PM NathanJ, did your school teacher brain wash you with all this rubbish? I hope your father.....
» 11/05/2014 9:27:57 PM I don't see many taxis out here Luddy, & I desperately avoid going into the city, so I can.....
» 10/05/2014 10:11:23 PM Luddy I'm hurt. I am on side with you, & was defending you with that post. Hell, in respe.....
» 10/05/2014 9:38:20 PM I have lived & worked with & know many more who live on isolated islands. Most live on loc.....
» 9/05/2014 10:56:34 PM You must sit on your brains, if you have any Nhoj. Do you ever read any of the posts or ju.....
» 9/05/2014 1:22:39 PM 579 there is a very strict process to go through to be certified organic. Growers really d.....
» 9/05/2014 12:17:10 PM What a self-righteous bit of bumph David, you poor dear. Here is the other side of the s.....
» 9/05/2014 11:24:35 AM Well Tristan, you've finally proved Maggi wrong. She reckoned the problem with socialists .....
» 9/05/2014 11:08:48 AM Well said ChrisPer, my only disagreement is with the percentage of the lowest performing t.....
» 8/05/2014 3:56:19 PM Really Rhrosty, a computer produces brail from OLO posts for you to read. Wonderful......
» 8/05/2014 10:54:35 AM The worst to me are those who drive 10/15Km/H under the limit in 100 zones, then at 10/15K.....
» 7/05/2014 11:01:10 AM Careful there 579, I think your IQ is showing. You had better cover it up, before you bec.....
» 7/05/2014 10:58:30 AM Fortunately, around here at least, most of our slow drivers avoid peak hour. Unfortunately.....
» 6/05/2014 4:39:37 PM God you lot! You are really desperate to find someone in the government as lying, immora.....
» 6/05/2014 4:35:28 PM Come off it Justice for Disabled, this bloke has a Masters of Laws Degree from the Austral.....
» 6/05/2014 2:56:48 PM Sounds like discrimination to me......
» 6/05/2014 11:12:09 AM Well what do you know. Another welfare recipient more interested in maximising the amount.....
» 6/05/2014 10:50:27 AM What ever happened to "children should be seen but not heard". Why on earth wou.....
» 6/05/2014 10:30:54 AM Well lets hope so. The last thing we need in Oz is an organisation teaching recent arriva.....
» 6/05/2014 10:25:56 AM I am a quick driver. I wouldn't have managed to set a number of Bathurst lap records if I .....
» 5/05/2014 1:06:36 PM What on earth has it to do with governments what people put into their mouths & suck. If t.....
» 5/05/2014 12:48:57 PM Come off the highfalutin garbage Roddy, we didn't come down in the last shower. We know d.....
» 5/05/2014 12:31:43 PM Where are the French when you need them? They know how to handle hoons in ships, which th.....
» 5/05/2014 11:32:34 AM Oh come on rehctub & Luddy, roundabouts are about the only place left for a driver to have.....
» 3/05/2014 5:31:53 PM Are there really people who weren't ashamed for the world to see we, or at least a high mi.....
» 3/05/2014 1:26:37 AM Well if the sun doesn't start growing spots some time damn soon, we are going to get the p.....
» 2/05/2014 3:04:31 PM This sort of stuff is pretty much what we got about the F111 when we ordered them. Some o.....
» 2/05/2014 2:39:36 PM Come on Is Mise, this is a bit of a storm in a drain pipe isn't it. Hell even Gillard had.....
» 2/05/2014 2:13:42 PM Superficial answer Yuyutsu, you won't have the choice of letting everyone do their own thi.....
» 2/05/2014 12:34:23 PM Wow, thanks for that Guy, a very timely article. It most certainly is a great warning tha.....
» 2/05/2014 12:26:57 PM Oh God, yes lets have an Australian head of state. Perhaps we could be so lucky to get an.....
» 2/05/2014 11:46:08 AM Yuyutsu I detect an impending problem for you. AS a supporter of our Muslims & now homose.....
» 2/05/2014 11:28:53 AM What a myth, Arjay. The GFC was a product of a lefty US president making the banks extend.....
» 1/05/2014 2:38:42 PM Thank you for that confirmation Brian of Buderim, I have long suspected from your posts th.....
» 30/04/2014 5:36:23 PM Chek LING you came here at our invitation & expense, to study as a Colombo Plan student. .....
» 30/04/2014 11:44:54 AM The worst thing is the proliferation of damn fool bike lanes. There is an example of the .....
» 30/04/2014 11:04:48 AM Who ever turned over that rock that Nhoj lives under, please turn it back over. It may be.....
» 30/04/2014 10:46:32 AM When is a tax not a tax? When it is used to pay for some ratbag Green/Labor scheme. Lik.....
» 29/04/2014 9:12:25 PM Back on topic. Reports tonight that the pup/fox has been offering inducements to serving .....
» 29/04/2014 2:05:46 PM I suppose it is possible for Nhoj to actually believe that utter garbage in his last post,.....
» 28/04/2014 10:23:46 PM Luddy, mate! I don't think there has ever been anyone in federal parliament who would have.....
» 28/04/2014 10:06:23 PM "The last 3 posts are a good example of how backward, radically right wing and pre 19.....
» 28/04/2014 9:18:40 PM Of course Ludwig owns the road you fool Nhoj, who do you think paid for them. It certainly.....
» 28/04/2014 9:02:01 PM But Luddy, you were once a green, so I'm afraid we can't take your recommendation of anyth.....
» 28/04/2014 5:41:05 PM That must make Newman the ten thousandth that Palmer has sued. probably our new troll Nhoj.....
» 28/04/2014 5:35:25 PM It really doesn't matter what works, as long as we don't become stupid enough to become a .....
» 28/04/2014 9:33:11 AM The main thing Nhoj is, are they good enough to keep those damn reffos out of the place. .....
» 27/04/2014 8:06:12 PM Too dangerous Bazz. I'll ride a horse almost anywhere, but not a damn cart or anything els.....
» 27/04/2014 7:54:15 PM If you run over them Luddy, they are unlikely to get a picture of you......
» 27/04/2014 12:24:18 PM "This garbage is written in an attempt to discredit the good name of The Greens and i.....
» 26/04/2014 10:50:06 AM Only if you look at it superficially rehctub. It is the sort of thing some say in order to.....
» 26/04/2014 12:13:04 AM You would have to be pretty good to do 20 acres a day Bazz, particularly with todays horse.....
» 25/04/2014 4:17:36 PM I reckon the only safe place is back in the ground, where it came from. That is of course .....
» 25/04/2014 11:58:47 AM Thanks ant! Anzac day is a sad day for me. It is nice of you to provide a little laugh .....
» 25/04/2014 11:42:55 AM From a distance he certainly appeared to be a much better proposition than the other long .....
» 25/04/2014 11:39:10 AM So true of a green. It is only us that are supposed to go back to living in caves, not th.....
» 24/04/2014 3:30:12 PM Ok Nathan on topic. First get your damn bikes off the arterial roads paid for by my fuel .....
» 24/04/2014 11:55:22 AM Don't be silly Killarney. It is because in the now very socialist UK the yobos all know t.....
» 24/04/2014 11:38:26 AM Don't be so naive Cossomby. That was before we started letting in undesirables. Once our.....
» 24/04/2014 11:32:41 AM A boat is better Luddy. If you go off in a vehicle, unless it is a rugged 4WD & you go hi.....
» 24/04/2014 11:03:26 AM Out of the mouths of babes. A neighbors high teens son wants to know why we don't reclock.....
» 23/04/2014 11:26:10 PM I can remember a small Turkish contingent marching at Young in the late 50s. They were w.....
» 23/04/2014 5:02:54 PM Hi imajulianutter, I agree with you, it's a fairly clean way of living. I've done a few mi.....
» 23/04/2014 3:53:33 PM Judy we are outraged at defectors to the UN, the most corrupt organisation ever seen on th.....
» 23/04/2014 3:10:22 PM I have never been able to understand why it is that economists are the easiest people on t.....
» 22/04/2014 10:54:58 PM Where do you people live. It sure can't be in the real world. Both Russia & China starved.....
» 22/04/2014 2:50:54 PM Great article, with the added attraction one can take, that the UN, & the IPCC in particul.....
» 22/04/2014 2:14:44 PM When I was 14 I was a schoolboy cadet, standing proudly with my fully functioning WW11 303.....
» 22/04/2014 10:47:08 AM Just so true. Socialism, the creed of the lazy & the incompetent......
» 21/04/2014 4:38:11 PM Come on now, enough kerfuffle. We all know she did it, because it was the only way she co.....
» 21/04/2014 4:31:32 PM When it comes to usefulness Suse, the greens wouldn't even make the little league, let alo.....
» 21/04/2014 10:52:59 AM You posted the bit of slime Poirot, so that must be the garbage you read......
» 20/04/2014 11:47:26 PM You really should be more careful Poirot, that first link of yours will be counterproducti.....
» 20/04/2014 11:30:08 PM Wolly B, in the tourist industry, other than perhaps the small owner operated business nea.....
» 20/04/2014 4:00:56 PM Hi o sung wu, my take on librarian qualifications. Like nursing, it was one of those qual.....
» 20/04/2014 12:40:59 PM Oh god, here we have Killarney proving she has not a single clue, just a nasty streak. She.....
» 19/04/2014 4:31:40 PM Sorry plantagenet, you are not paying enough old chap. We have bitumen roads, just south .....
» 19/04/2014 11:57:59 AM In that case Aussieboy it is time to forget the "dignity" of those welfare recip.....
» 18/04/2014 1:00:06 PM A research fellow suffering from overwork, god give me strength. I would love to give the.....
» 18/04/2014 12:24:48 PM Rather than becoming more accommodating, this thread has highlighted one thing. We have be.....
» 18/04/2014 12:14:29 PM Yep, it is a bit much individual. They have to sit silently through their people ripping .....
» 18/04/2014 11:58:48 AM Well done Yuyutsu, you have just shown us you are prepared to sell your religion for a few.....
» 18/04/2014 11:38:57 AM I can't agree with you on this one rehctub. I'm a pensioner, & I think the pension is quit.....
» 17/04/2014 10:16:14 PM Tristan I realise you are only a bit of a kid, & did not live it, but that is no excuse fo.....
» 17/04/2014 12:43:56 PM Oh god, you've caught me. Steely says "No you demonstrably do not. You read it, you d.....
» 17/04/2014 12:38:00 PM Max doesn't seem to realise there is a good reason most, [well the intelligent ones], vote.....
» 17/04/2014 12:21:57 PM "Eventually there will be a Royal Commission into the deliberate harm done to asylum .....
» 17/04/2014 11:02:24 AM Oh god, what is wrong with our young men today. Air heads like Laura should be protected .....
» 17/04/2014 10:37:29 AM "I have on many occasions railed against the poisonous rhetoric toward our Muslim cit.....
» 16/04/2014 12:27:06 PM Of course the ABC has a business plan. It is to throw indecently large amounts of taxpaye.....
» 16/04/2014 12:06:10 PM Hey Sid, do you have a particularly big nose, or is there some other reason you can't see .....
» 15/04/2014 8:31:43 PM Too right Yuyutsu. Time to get back on the path of truth. Oh, & get rid of all those &quo.....
» 15/04/2014 8:26:20 PM Yes Tristan, but to make those long term private investments, & pay back the borrowings, w.....
» 15/04/2014 6:14:02 PM It is good seeing Abbott try to keep a promise. However it was a silly promise, & we shoul.....
» 15/04/2014 1:24:04 PM Oh Foxy, Foxy, Foxy, how are we going to wean you off this dreadful propaganda machine you.....
» 15/04/2014 1:01:41 PM Continued. In the Whitsundays we had many small operators paid a cash in hand daily rate,.....
» 15/04/2014 1:01:35 PM I could not believe when we were stupid enough to allow all weekend & most night trading b.....
» 15/04/2014 1:24:51 AM Tristan what do you think we are doing. Right now, thanks to Ruddy & Gillard, we are spen.....
» 15/04/2014 12:44:55 AM Rehctub I can't agree with your $500K idea. That is a recipe for seeing all our farms beco.....
» 15/04/2014 12:15:05 AM What utter garbage Karl. May be a few of our silver spoons are lucky to have inherited pro.....
» 14/04/2014 3:14:12 PM Tristan it is pretty obvious you were not a math teacher. Did you do any? It is also pret.....
» 14/04/2014 2:53:37 PM Foxy sweetie, you've got that wrong, most nursing homes make a very poor return on investm.....
» 13/04/2014 4:13:02 PM Rhrosty you have it totally wrong, back to front in fact. The last thing we should be cons.....
» 13/04/2014 12:37:04 PM "Get real, the undisputable fact is 54.45%, a majority of voters didn’t want the curr.....
» 13/04/2014 11:59:22 AM Sorry Karl, you are having an apples & oranges problem here. While some special cases can .....
» 12/04/2014 12:53:28 AM Yep rehctub a pretty huge increase, but there are others much larger, in the same time fra.....
» 11/04/2014 11:52:11 PM I wonder what type of failed brain surgery, [actually did they find one], is required to m.....
» 11/04/2014 4:33:46 PM Poirot, if you want to play that stupid tit for tat game you so love, just answer how many.....
» 11/04/2014 4:27:48 PM Would you suggest Producer, that any of that useless bunch I listed earlier, would be good.....
» 11/04/2014 4:17:12 PM Hi Spindoc, sorry I have to disagree with you. Main roads & bridges are 2 things governmen.....
» 11/04/2014 12:03:52 PM I find it pretty hard to argue against Karl's logic here. What a novel suggestion, that th.....
» 11/04/2014 10:56:51 AM Do you think Raise the Dust, that if the once too proud Iraq had not invaded it's much sma.....
» 10/04/2014 11:24:05 PM Well put Captain Col. The fool can't distinguish a good prime minister from a no hoper, w.....
» 10/04/2014 10:03:12 PM Banjo I think he is a Rudd, with the difference that he has earned his own money. I don't.....
» 10/04/2014 9:48:14 PM Of course you haven't been around long enough Producer, or you would have often heard me w.....
» 10/04/2014 9:17:54 PM Don't worry too much about them chrisgaff1000, between them they will be ripping a couple .....
» 10/04/2014 3:24:13 PM This bloke can't be an Ozzie, & think this way. If he is, he's a perfect example of academ.....
» 10/04/2014 2:20:35 PM "Experts have pointed out that over the next few decades Australians will need to be .....
» 9/04/2014 5:46:42 PM Oh Producer, Kirner, Keneally, Lawrence, Bligh, Gillard. Surely that is enough to correct .....
» 9/04/2014 5:35:53 PM Sorry Producer, I can't hack your idea of representation. In New Zealand it generated that.....
» 9/04/2014 3:42:49 PM Oh God[s] messenger, for heavens sake. Labour have tried that 5 or is it 6 times, & every.....
» 9/04/2014 1:17:13 PM Yes LEGO, so true, but there is another problem with apprentice training. So many trades .....
» 9/04/2014 12:26:42 PM Yes Paul, we know you are married to one, so can't expect any balance from you. Yes Kiwis .....
» 9/04/2014 10:54:52 AM Foxy I'm surprised at you. We expect Robert LePage, Poirot, & now Producer to simply snip.....
» 9/04/2014 10:42:55 AM Palmers policy is to get back at the LNP. Here in Qld, they refused to give him everythin.....
» 8/04/2014 10:35:56 PM Talk about the fairies escaping from the bottom of the garden, this bloke must be their ki.....
» 8/04/2014 8:36:05 PM Here we go again Producer. Tasmania in particular, & NZ to a large extent are basket cases.....
» 8/04/2014 1:50:25 PM Now we can agree on something Producer. Bad management is totally destructive. That is w.....
» 8/04/2014 11:18:46 AM Eyes tight shut, fingers in ears, no wonder dills like Paul have no idea of the facts of l.....
» 7/04/2014 10:00:36 PM Now you are being silly Producer, most workers are not poor, in fact they are often doing .....
» 7/04/2014 6:54:54 PM Producer & too many others appear to have no idea of the importance of management. They co.....
» 7/04/2014 2:59:57 PM If you stay in the large company world, you can expect award pay rates. Get out into the s.....
» 6/04/2014 9:07:34 PM Oh God! To eat, drink, & be merry, because damn soon we die. Not a damn thing we co will .....
» 5/04/2014 6:54:05 PM Yes Raycom, but then Minister Turnbull also naively believes in the global warming fraud, .....
» 3/04/2014 3:21:00 PM Yes Shadow Minister, & he should be given the guts award for doing what had to be done dec.....
» 3/04/2014 3:03:45 PM I wouldn't worry too much Crackcup a lot of the current noise is window dressing so most w.....
» 3/04/2014 10:30:46 AM Come on Agronomist, you can't quote from one half of the warmest bull dust, without recogn.....
» 2/04/2014 7:44:59 PM As a lawyer and human rights activist, Kellie has a great affinity to the United Nations. .....
» 31/03/2014 11:26:14 AM Oh god, another one. Xue it is great that some students have a "wider knowledge, spo.....
» 31/03/2014 11:05:13 AM O sung old mate, you amaze me. No not with your purchase of a book, but with your claim to.....
» 31/03/2014 10:20:39 AM While I agree the increases are excessive, don't forget it is an independent tribunal, jus.....
» 30/03/2014 8:00:40 PM Great stir Shadow Minister. Now I've seen your trick with weasels, tell me what is your t.....
» 29/03/2014 1:22:23 PM Oh god Ojnab, who the hell cares about a few twits with letters before or after their name.....
» 29/03/2014 1:06:34 PM What a pile of garbage. Perhaps this is designed for teachers who can't do mental arithmet.....
» 29/03/2014 12:25:24 PM Foxy my sweet, who gives a damn about being criticized around the world, Putin certainly d.....
» 28/03/2014 12:41:14 PM So here we have a probably still runny nose kid, referring to the ministers of the crown, .....
» 28/03/2014 11:55:34 AM Steely doesn't know how he is still standing after being shot down & destroyed by Spindoc......
» 28/03/2014 11:36:37 AM I am not the least surprised you would have been one of those hate filled lefties Paul, pa.....
» 27/03/2014 10:32:22 PM O sung, I was back at Uni, finishing my engineering, [at my own expense too], when Vietnam.....
» 27/03/2014 8:01:46 PM Yea, lets have a Bill of Rights, it's just what we need. Yep another bit of paper passed .....
» 27/03/2014 7:32:14 PM Fortunately Lord O sung, not many in Oz really care. I had an art who was into all the bu.....
» 27/03/2014 12:21:57 PM I know Abbott is good, but I don't think he's good enough to get us back to the wellbeing .....
» 27/03/2014 8:59:06 AM Yuyutsu, "However, Abbott never promised that he would stop the boats for this long o.....
» 26/03/2014 10:58:01 PM Don't be so damn silly wobbles, to be registered a thing has to be roadworthy. There are v.....
» 26/03/2014 10:22:17 PM I wonder if the 10 billion a year we are paying in interest on the debts the last 2 ratbag.....
» 26/03/2014 2:53:37 PM There are some pretty dreadful people in this world. People who steal little old ladies h.....
» 26/03/2014 9:49:18 AM One little flaw in your argument YEBIGA, it doesn't work. I must be a racist, & quite hap.....
» 26/03/2014 9:31:58 AM It must be dreadful to go through life, always feeling sorry for your, & jealously hating .....
» 24/03/2014 8:32:27 PM Well Agronomist, if we did encourage people from the rest of Oz to move to Sydney, we migh.....
» 24/03/2014 12:24:38 PM I will guarantee we would have no racism in Oz, if we hadn't let in a whole heap of odd ra.....
» 22/03/2014 10:57:54 PM Luddy how are people going to mow the road verge, or in more extreme cases, like some of m.....
» 22/03/2014 8:39:28 PM Foxy my sweet, Employees are only worth a percentage of what they can earn an employer. Wi.....
» 22/03/2014 12:24:40 PM I can't think of anything more resembling the old "bread and circuses" routine o.....
» 22/03/2014 12:00:01 PM Banjo, I always saw multiculturalism as a way to stick some ethnic leaders snouts into the.....
» 22/03/2014 9:55:19 AM Hey rehctub, is this some new law, or one we've had for years, that sensible coppers just .....
» 21/03/2014 11:17:27 AM Probably what it has always meant. A huge waste of money on divisive policies, featherbed.....
» 20/03/2014 5:34:50 PM Hey Foxy sweaty, what the hell is the Brisbane Times. I live here & have never heard of it.....
» 19/03/2014 10:28:09 PM Careful there love, your penis envy is becoming all too obvious. Having that idiot Carr t.....
» 19/03/2014 10:16:17 PM Actually Foxy my sweet, Queenslanders are quite happy with Newman & company. Public serva.....
» 19/03/2014 4:37:06 PM Hi O Sung Wu, I'm not sure you are right there. A bunch of us hicks agreed that punishment.....
» 19/03/2014 4:19:10 PM Tasmanian election. Liberals 14 Labor 6, Green? That tells us what the people want, not.....
» 19/03/2014 11:27:21 AM Well what do you know, Matt flew into Port Vila for a few hours & knows all about the coun.....
» 18/03/2014 7:20:45 PM Perhaps too much of the message & posters, was just too crude for the MSM, even the ABC to.....
» 18/03/2014 12:54:13 PM Surely Foxy, the result in Tasmania, the only poll or demonstration that actually counts, .....
» 18/03/2014 10:49:18 AM In their homeland these & the Melanesians, are some of the nicest people you would ever me.....
» 18/03/2014 10:34:59 AM Yes Luddy, I have a very strong aversion to other people trying to dictate what one may do.....
» 17/03/2014 8:10:58 PM Hey Foxy sweetie, I reckon those marches had just one objective. That was to try to take t.....
» 17/03/2014 12:13:24 PM OK lets fight. You say " at 70% the vegetation is more akin to a natural ecosystem th.....
» 17/03/2014 11:30:57 AM Don't be silly snake, he will never do 20 years. Long before that some bleeding hearts wi.....
» 17/03/2014 11:21:25 AM Another joke! Kids under about 25 minimum are nothing but what some parent, teacher or pr.....
» 17/03/2014 11:16:04 AM Paul you would be a joke, if you weren't serious. Tell me lad, when did you first discove.....
» 16/03/2014 11:56:58 PM Luddy we have plenty of coal, & no rational reason not to use it. The yanks have been bui.....
» 16/03/2014 9:53:06 PM Luddy I've been hearing all this gloom & doom about peak oil since the 70s. Now as a blok.....
» 16/03/2014 6:04:55 PM Hey Foxy, where have you been, I missed you, & was starting to worry. The ones I feel mos.....
» 16/03/2014 1:06:33 PM Knew I should not have trusted WikiAnswers for spelling, but you know, I believe it is onl.....
» 16/03/2014 11:08:27 AM Luddy old mate, you are too pessimistic. The old cleshay applies here. The stone age didn.....
» 14/03/2014 3:32:06 PM Na old hound, we don't want to burn the tree, they are too useful. No, what we want to do.....
» 14/03/2014 12:19:59 PM Hey Steele have the US broken 3000 all time cold records this winter? Yep, I can talk sup.....
» 14/03/2014 12:10:48 PM Rehctub I agree with you that all should be treated equally in this matter. To do that ho.....
» 14/03/2014 11:50:12 AM Luddy old mate, you are at least a warmist worth talking to. Sorry I missed that point. H.....
» 14/03/2014 10:57:24 AM NathanJ welcome to the club. Now you know how most of us feel when we somehow get onto an.....
» 13/03/2014 5:43:33 PM Bit of an orator is he Poirot? So is Obama. So was Hitler. That is definitely a good enoug.....
» 13/03/2014 5:35:39 PM Yes 579, we should be training our own......
» 13/03/2014 12:09:12 PM one under god, I know it is a waste of effort. Most of this lot are a mix of gravy train r.....
» 13/03/2014 11:58:42 AM Bazz, I hope you are right about peak oil. I don't think you are, but I can still hope. I .....
» 12/03/2014 11:38:41 PM Aussieboy for once were on the same song sheet. Decentralization is the answer. Small citi.....
» 12/03/2014 11:13:27 PM Oh for gods sake SteeleRedux, of course the temperature is increasing, we are still coming.....
» 12/03/2014 12:36:16 PM Yes Is Mise, we chose not to expand basically because of the problem of getting rid of bad.....
» 12/03/2014 12:01:51 PM Sorry Clem, but I don't think it will work. I was running just such a company making high.....
» 12/03/2014 11:20:25 AM The site won't let me post the graph, & I can't get a link to work. However if you are gam.....
» 11/03/2014 5:25:49 PM Yuyutsu you are of course right. I stand corrected......
» 11/03/2014 5:22:28 PM There is no viable form of public transport on earth which could accommodate my daughter d.....
» 11/03/2014 4:42:42 PM Yep Catalina. I absolutely loved it, even when it rained, which was more often than not. .....
» 11/03/2014 12:16:15 PM Oh god. A historian lecturing us on something that requires math to understand! What nex.....
» 11/03/2014 12:11:53 PM Hey, what do you know? I never thought I'd ever be in agreement with the greens on anythin.....
» 11/03/2014 11:16:30 AM Oh Killarney I would have loved to have a HECS debt. I was one of the few lucky ones in m.....
» 11/03/2014 10:57:08 AM Ant your sidestepping answer confirms my expectation. No you never read any of the evide.....
» 11/03/2014 10:51:55 AM God you lefties are incredible. I just reported facts, yes FACTS, put out by the IPCC fa.....
» 11/03/2014 2:56:29 AM A bit of fun on the news tonight. We haven't quite gone back to a man with a red flag walk.....
» 11/03/2014 2:42:54 AM Yes JBowyer, it's quite a rort. A mate of mine was quite embarrassed by his public servan.....
» 11/03/2014 2:29:35 AM Just thought this should be brought to the attention of those previously taken in by the u.....
» 11/03/2014 12:24:30 AM Mark Duffett, perhaps you have never heard of fuel tax? We motorists, & the road transpor.....
» 11/03/2014 12:01:49 AM Ant you studiously avoided ever reading any of the "climategate" emails, didn't .....
» 10/03/2014 5:53:24 PM Yes Chris, they were great fun. The engine was based on the small Coventry Climax engine......
» 10/03/2014 3:47:21 PM Has he got the guts Bazz? We sure need him to, but I am not too sure. As the Chinese pro.....
» 10/03/2014 3:42:22 PM Sounds a bit like here Poirot. I don't know who closed the Gold Coast railway line, but it.....
» 10/03/2014 3:19:07 PM So true EQ. Oh & Taswegian, give us back our CO2 plant food. It is far too valuable as a .....
» 10/03/2014 3:10:40 PM Yuyutsu have you been sneaking around listening in to my conversations? Having been upset.....
» 10/03/2014 2:13:24 PM Agronomist was that paper written before or after we stopped bleeding people as a standard.....
» 10/03/2014 1:24:41 PM "Turnbull does indeed appear to be attempting to “demolish” the NBN." Well let.....
» 10/03/2014 1:12:20 PM Germany was paying much lower wages at this time, & still do to some extent. Even when the.....
» 10/03/2014 1:03:03 PM Rootes gave a mate & I an IMP to run in the Bathurst 500 in 1964. The car had driven only .....
» 10/03/2014 1:02:57 PM Where do you get this stuff Paul? It appears that the agreements Ford Holden & Toyota were.....
» 9/03/2014 11:22:43 PM I am very anti drugs, legal & illegal, if you can possibly avoid them. My doctor has convi.....
» 9/03/2014 7:10:49 PM Wow o sung wu, that is something to be really proud of. I never ever made it to anything .....
» 9/03/2014 6:58:54 PM Poirot, did you intentionally misunderstand? I was referring to the fact that the UK union.....
» 9/03/2014 1:39:33 PM Hey Joe, I would reckon any Russian who tried to be as helpful as you, just might disappea.....
» 9/03/2014 1:33:58 PM Why is it that lefties are so damn destructive of their own best interests? This hate of e.....
» 9/03/2014 12:20:32 PM sonofgloin yep, but not only destructive by accident or incompetence. The vindictive Gill.....
» 9/03/2014 1:37:46 AM Ozboy they are not just bad taxes they are destructive taxes. Together they will cost us.....
» 8/03/2014 11:13:20 PM Ok, lets try. Admit the errors of the last couple of terms, & vote down the carbon & mini.....
» 7/03/2014 2:51:46 PM Actually fellers, the Sarich Orbital Engine was very good, as was the Split Cycle engine. .....
» 7/03/2014 1:52:11 PM Yes the author has highlighted the problem quite correctly, but fails to see the true reas.....
» 7/03/2014 12:32:11 PM Today I have 3 aging sports cars, 12, 20 & 34 years old. They along with my kids & an old .....
» 7/03/2014 12:30:23 PM o sung wu I think we are similar people, but I have never experienced your black dog. To b.....
» 6/03/2014 3:11:29 PM Yep we will be struggling with gender equality until we get rid of feminist control of edu.....
» 6/03/2014 11:14:06 AM You do remember James O'Neill, that Bjelke Petersen had merely picked up the gerrymander t.....
» 5/03/2014 11:09:52 PM Oh god, another war in the Balkans. I wonder if we could rustle up enough horses for anot.....
» 5/03/2014 10:41:04 PM Can Newman have any chance of personal reelection? He stood in a previously safe labor se.....
» 5/03/2014 12:24:55 PM No one who really compared the Newman government to the Bligh or Beattie bunch could possi.....
» 4/03/2014 3:11:52 PM Who cares, it's only Sydney, which is really no longer part of the real Oz. Tell me someo.....
» 4/03/2014 3:09:48 PM Too true o sung. I have advocated on a number of occasions that we should make it a condit.....
» 3/03/2014 10:27:58 PM Yes Is Mise I do see your point......
» 3/03/2014 10:10:21 PM Isn't it interesting. Russia went with a market economy in fact if not in name. They rede.....
» 3/03/2014 9:34:00 PM Too right Bazz. I reckon we should offer the damn place to them. I'm sure China could mak.....
» 3/03/2014 9:12:32 PM For someone who sucks at the taxpayer teat, that is a bit rich. I am just so sick of thes.....
» 3/03/2014 9:04:38 PM I'm a bit different here. 1/ Stop monopolies. No company to control more than 20% of a ma.....
» 3/03/2014 8:25:29 PM Sorry Is Mise, that just won't work. Even as a horse lover, & breeder, I would not wish th.....
» 3/03/2014 10:27:04 AM Why would Ozzies want to pay a "carbon" tax on a fraud? Why would Ozzies want t.....
» 3/03/2014 9:57:03 AM Killarney just what did your last post have to do with recruitment. Do the left/green org.....
» 2/03/2014 9:00:22 PM Tristan by all means, gaze at your navel all you like, just do it in your own time. Your.....
» 2/03/2014 2:18:43 PM YEBIGA you really don't like people who study something useful do you? Something that migh.....
» 2/03/2014 2:02:17 PM One girl, 20 years old, had never had a job since school. The paid for her to do a renta.....
» 2/03/2014 1:57:31 PM Sorry Killarney, but most of that post was ideological claptrap. Yes the "job seeker.....
» 1/03/2014 5:28:16 PM A mate was recently in Perth for 6 days. A bunch of them had flown their Jetstar, on indiv.....
» 1/03/2014 9:29:46 AM Killarney, mac, my wife works for one of those "Centrelink's 'recruitment consultants.....
» 28/02/2014 11:22:25 AM You must be an academic old zygote, only a fool could put your interpretation on things. .....
» 28/02/2014 10:38:34 AM YEBIGA says, "What makes Marx revolutionary and unique was not his specific theories .....
» 27/02/2014 10:12:43 PM Paul it is a pity that people who are too thick to know which way is up, come on a forum &.....
» 27/02/2014 12:55:59 PM Paul, it is time to grow up buddy, fairyland is overflowing. I know it is difficult for so.....
» 27/02/2014 11:25:02 AM Ian you claim "I'm not naive", then write this fairyland stuff. Ludwig gives yo.....
» 27/02/2014 10:49:41 AM FOTIS, "Muslims have been here since the first fleet, when did you blow in?" B.....
» 26/02/2014 11:35:29 PM FOTIS we know quite enough to be quite sure the only good place for one, is back where the.....
» 26/02/2014 11:31:51 PM Lexi sweetie, perhaps it could be that my son has announced he is to have yet another oper.....
» 26/02/2014 11:15:53 PM Obviously Paul you are lucky enough not to live where any of the vermin Rudd encouraged ha.....
» 26/02/2014 3:49:03 PM Foxy you are too much of a softy, wanting to believe the best in everyone. I am totally s.....
» 26/02/2014 1:12:17 PM Come on Tristan, your problem with Bolt, & what frightens the daylights out of you is he u.....
» 26/02/2014 10:33:27 AM They are good aren't they, these lefties. They stuff the system. Send us broke. Then tr.....
» 25/02/2014 5:49:19 PM Hi there old dinosaur, wots up? I do have a mobile, the kids insisted I carry. I think it.....
» 25/02/2014 2:38:38 PM Yes rehctub, it is going on all over Oz. The people of much of Logan, {Brisbane] are not.....
» 25/02/2014 10:25:27 AM All these lefties screeching this garbage about the rich getting richer, & the poor poorer.....
» 24/02/2014 8:08:12 PM Hi Shaggy. Didn't their ABC studiously avoid mentioning that these attackers were Sudanes.....
» 24/02/2014 6:33:28 PM God the arrogance is not just dripping off these Marxists/Communists, it pouring off so ha.....
» 24/02/2014 4:56:24 PM I find all talk of tax system changes a bit meaningless really. It doesn't matter at all .....
» 24/02/2014 3:47:12 PM Sorry Banjo, it was I think in Melbourne. The kid was escorting a girl home from a private.....
» 24/02/2014 1:58:23 PM How many have noticed a teenager is in hospital after being attacked & stabbed just last n.....
» 23/02/2014 11:35:57 AM Shaggy what we need to do is carry the biggest stick on the block. Sure nothing could mak.....
» 22/02/2014 12:49:59 PM We really should find those dreadful people who went out & captured all these nice Muslims.....
» 21/02/2014 3:44:46 PM So true onthebeach. Unfortunately I have never been far enough left to get a job on a qu.....
» 21/02/2014 3:33:46 PM Shaggy that will depend who owns Oz by then. If it is the Chinese, it will be of no inter.....
» 21/02/2014 3:04:59 PM Come off it Brian. These people are supposed to be seeking refuge. That why they claim to.....
» 21/02/2014 11:59:19 AM Hi onthebeach, it is always the jealous lefty mob, who never do anything, bitching if some.....
» 21/02/2014 11:30:37 AM How is it that these academics can get it so far wrong, & still be teaching our kids. Well.....
» 21/02/2014 10:57:33 AM Bruce old feller, perhaps no one has told you, people retire when they are past it. Mate.....
» 21/02/2014 10:34:54 AM Isn't it interesting, it is these academics, who have managed to get their hands deep into.....
» 20/02/2014 1:20:59 PM Paul & company. My son has a misshapen skull. He got it because that idiot Hawke had one o.....
» 20/02/2014 12:37:26 PM Andrew I suppose it has never occurred to someone like you, that the government's job is t.....
» 19/02/2014 11:14:46 PM Yep, but why would any company hang around to lose money. When energy got too dear, they .....
» 19/02/2014 11:00:56 PM And so many of our lefties on here scoff at boat people being referred to as an unarmed in.....
» 19/02/2014 11:18:47 AM Does anyone need the ABC? Of course not. Sensible people can see through the dreadful job.....
» 19/02/2014 10:26:27 AM Wow, up there for courage Mishka, & so true. Tell me, do you have many female friends?.....
» 18/02/2014 11:01:35 PM In the 60s I was technical manager for the Oz branch of a very large international plastic.....
» 18/02/2014 9:51:46 PM It never ceases to amaze me that people who are pretty bright can be very stupid. You can.....
» 18/02/2014 9:50:16 AM I got the garbled version of economies of scale, [it took a paragraph], allow the US to ma.....
» 17/02/2014 11:31:52 AM Yes Pericles, let the Darwin principal apply. The last thing we should do is waste money o.....
» 17/02/2014 10:58:22 AM I gave up trying to predict housing bubbles about 15 years ago. You see there was exactly.....
» 16/02/2014 1:51:40 PM Hi Foxy, great to see you back. However I have to disagree with some of your thoughts. 1/.....
» 16/02/2014 10:30:39 AM The important differences to me are. Labor run up debt, the Libs pay it off. Labor incre.....
» 15/02/2014 11:56:54 AM Individual on this one you have the wrong end of the stick, or the bull by the horns. Rat.....
» 15/02/2014 11:01:51 AM It doesn't take much study of the Global warming scam to see that a quite large number of .....
» 15/02/2014 10:10:59 AM Everyone seems to forget that without investors, no rental housing. Thanks Belly, I do f.....
» 14/02/2014 8:06:52 PM I can't agree with you rehctub, that in school apprenticeships are a waste of time. My wif.....
» 14/02/2014 7:17:47 PM Belly, not a dig, but I'm never sure what anyone is talking about when they mention low & .....
» 13/02/2014 7:28:07 PM Luddy old mate, the balls in your court. If you want to decrease demand you have to stop.....
» 13/02/2014 6:34:59 PM You to o sung. I had a really great post, [my opinion anyway] on another topic, & did not.....
» 13/02/2014 4:06:52 PM This must be the most dishonest article I've read for a long time. Come on Binoy, we all .....
» 13/02/2014 3:35:32 PM o sung wu, don't forget the Germans own their car companies. All profits generated anywher.....
» 12/02/2014 3:45:17 PM Robert LePage we have plenty of our own oil, & more gas than most, all we have to do is ta.....
» 11/02/2014 5:27:50 PM Rhrosty it is cheaper having them on the dole. We were paying up to $50,000 each, taxpaye.....
» 11/02/2014 4:24:59 PM Come on Noel, "South Australia is already Australia's renewable energy leader, loweri.....
» 11/02/2014 11:44:17 AM Apart from a little wine, & dairy products, there is not much use for South Australia. Let.....
» 11/02/2014 11:03:57 AM If we are going to emasculate the ABC, one of the things we must do, if we are to survive,.....
» 11/02/2014 10:36:26 AM Do we really employ & pay people like this bloke?.....
» 11/02/2014 12:00:33 AM I don't think this can become a factor in Oz Bazz, even in the medium term. Unlike the ol.....
» 10/02/2014 6:19:15 PM Toyota had to go. Even if they had been building a suitable car, which they aren't, with t.....
» 10/02/2014 5:13:13 PM Sorry Luddy, you've got that one completely wrong. What we need is more marked cars on th.....
» 10/02/2014 4:42:49 PM Oh dear, here we have a poor silly kid, who has made a big mistake in his choice of studie.....
» 10/02/2014 1:17:26 PM Prompete says, "Funding for 'emergency service' announcements on radio is worthwhile&.....
» 10/02/2014 12:30:17 PM I think you are missing one thing Graham. It is some time since I lived in the electorate,.....
» 9/02/2014 3:28:23 PM Belly it was not needless, but with real purpose, that I mention this bumph. I am heartil.....
» 8/02/2014 12:13:06 PM Oh yes please, if we can find someone stupid enough to buy the ABC lets grab any money we .....
» 8/02/2014 11:51:36 AM I am just so sick of Schapelle Corby. What is all this hoo-hah about a cheap drug smuggler.....
» 6/02/2014 11:09:49 PM Better idea. Get rid of half the bureaucrats, & ALL the NGOs, & we will be able to cut ta.....
» 6/02/2014 3:56:49 PM What on earth makes you think ABC management has anything to do with what goes to air Suse.....
» 5/02/2014 4:08:54 PM Suse, if "no one believes our Navy personnel would torture asylum seekers", why .....
» 5/02/2014 3:07:51 PM After inflicting Gillard on the country, I am absolutely amazed that there is a single lef.....
» 5/02/2014 11:05:50 AM Come off it Belly, you have to face facts. I don't know a single person who is not happy .....
» 4/02/2014 11:27:12 AM What a great article. Straight simple factual accounts of the rampant bias that has driven.....
» 4/02/2014 11:00:57 AM Lyn is writing her first novel! She should do well, if this work of fiction is any indicat.....
» 3/02/2014 7:27:11 PM Belly, if the truth hurts, it is not much use sticking your fingers in your ears & running.....
» 3/02/2014 7:12:38 PM Josephus, perhaps those who were happy to take the money when they sold the original Co-op.....
» 3/02/2014 12:19:20 PM Come off it Dani, sitting in an air conditioned office in some university, pontificating a.....
» 3/02/2014 11:23:07 AM There should never be a single cent ever go to support any company paying over award wages.....
» 1/02/2014 12:04:30 PM JMCC you tell us, "In 1855 when the Sydney Railway Company went belly up NSW’s first .....
» 31/01/2014 10:47:59 PM Shaggy, I too was a life long ABC listener, & viewer. I used to tune in from even places l.....
» 31/01/2014 1:09:36 PM I hope our logistical people have corrected the ratings for various items getting to the f.....
» 30/01/2014 1:03:33 PM Perhaps the better question is not can, but why would we want to save manufacturing in Aus.....
» 29/01/2014 10:23:25 PM As a couple have said, an army in Indonesia is about as dangerous to Oz, as a bunch of fuz.....
» 28/01/2014 2:33:32 PM Obviously Australia giving aid to Indonesia is about as stupid as it can get. They are muc.....
» 28/01/2014 10:46:33 AM If this bloke is an example of the people in our diplomatic service, no wonder we fail in .....
» 28/01/2014 12:38:48 AM The main reason for work for the dole is to get people to decide they might as well go to .....
» 27/01/2014 9:23:04 AM You will never catch me warning other drivers, they deserve to be caught, says 579. Why am.....
» 26/01/2014 11:42:27 AM That is why rehctub, governments of all colours now collect more in GST, licensing fees, s.....
» 26/01/2014 11:17:07 AM Oh I don't know Shaggy. I am sure that marriage counseling could work very well, provided .....
» 25/01/2014 11:22:29 AM An oversupply of housing can not bring the price of housing down, without causing a huge f.....
» 24/01/2014 10:42:30 AM So true Grim. I was headhunted at 53 to run a manufacturing business, because the main sha.....
» 24/01/2014 9:47:06 AM Thank you Paul1405, you really are an unpleasant bit of rubbish aren't you? Ever thought .....
» 24/01/2014 9:35:42 AM Foxy my sweet, you have got all this quite wrong. Respect for national borders is a two wa.....
» 24/01/2014 9:13:02 AM I'm madly reexamining my reasoning here, you see I am totally in agreement with Suse. Can .....
» 23/01/2014 9:33:03 PM o sung wu my mother used to tell me that there were none so slow to learn, as those who di.....
» 23/01/2014 2:50:55 PM Sorry fellers, I deleted the email. Got to be careful your computer is not contaminated by.....
» 23/01/2014 10:52:02 AM Sorry Suse, I'm not that into computing, that I could do that, even if I wanted to......
» 23/01/2014 10:49:48 AM Thank god. As I have do desire to ever move in "feminist circles", or in fact e.....
» 23/01/2014 9:42:51 AM You know, I think poor little Nicola actually believes some of this garbage......
» 23/01/2014 9:28:23 AM Thanks jodelie, I hadn't heard this latest concoction. I stopped watching the ABC when the.....
» 23/01/2014 12:43:02 AM One area of welfare we are going to have to cut back is medical. I wondered about a hip r.....
» 23/01/2014 12:17:41 AM I have known a few women. I've known those who wanted a father figure, & those who wanted .....
» 22/01/2014 11:25:25 PM If any ever doubted the immorality of greenie organisations, I suggest you take a look at .....
» 22/01/2014 10:22:38 PM I rest my case......
» 22/01/2014 10:20:32 PM No Yvonne, the fact is that we are sick to death of a bunch of the legal profession, who h.....
» 22/01/2014 10:21:55 AM Brian of Buderim, whenever one of your posts appears on my computer, the arrogance drips o.....
» 21/01/2014 11:59:17 PM What is really dangerous James O'Neill, is that unelected judges, & other members of the l.....
» 21/01/2014 1:56:48 PM Should we teach more religion in schools? God no, but it would be nice if they taught a .....
» 21/01/2014 1:53:58 PM Yep Philip S, they are a bit like academia, & the bureaucrats in that aren't they?.....
» 21/01/2014 1:48:31 PM Sorry Graham, you've got this one wrong. Sure your poll may be telling you we are a little.....
» 21/01/2014 1:16:04 PM This article is the best reason I have yet seen for closing down the Social Sciences, Depa.....
» 21/01/2014 10:19:19 AM Steely, we know people like you, & your fellow travelers would ditch their papers, lie, ch.....
» 21/01/2014 10:05:23 AM I have had 3 acquaintances die of "smoking related cancer", & none of them ever .....
» 20/01/2014 6:40:44 PM Belly sometimes you do get things very wrong. Smokers have been paying huge taxes for dec.....
» 20/01/2014 10:06:30 AM So what do you know, we have a couple of drunks on here. They want to ban tobacco, they .....
» 19/01/2014 5:46:14 PM Great Idea. They should announce that over 5 million have been made & supplied to the lad.....
» 19/01/2014 5:39:47 PM I reckon alcohol & other drugs kill more than tobacco ever did. However I will go along w.....
» 19/01/2014 5:26:36 PM Suse you can say it backwards, forwards or sideways, but if you are pro letting these gate.....
» 19/01/2014 5:22:58 PM Hay Reduxy, I don't have to trot out anything for you. Some are just not worth the effort......
» 19/01/2014 11:14:28 AM pelican I'm afraid you have it wrong there. It might work if there was no international tr.....
» 18/01/2014 5:38:57 PM So Reduxy you believe there was a good reason to suddenly correct the temperature at Darwi.....
» 18/01/2014 10:22:16 AM Haven't you noticed SteeleRedux, that the BOM, & the CSIRO keep correcting those records ,.....
» 18/01/2014 10:09:52 AM Don't worry Robert, Let me assure you, any Indonesian ships sent out to intercept any Oz o.....
» 17/01/2014 10:07:56 PM Steele you profess not to like the people who post on this site. The feeling is entirely m.....
» 17/01/2014 9:48:48 PM If you think Abbott needs protecting Kippy, I suggest you go pick a fight with him. We sa.....
» 17/01/2014 9:32:20 PM Steele, Noel, how many years of the only true, trustable climate record, the satellite rec.....
» 17/01/2014 10:26:16 AM What ever happened to climate change in Australia? People wised up. They realised that t.....
» 17/01/2014 10:17:08 AM Just for you Murray, I promise to die before 2056. There does that make you feel better s.....
» 17/01/2014 10:12:14 AM If Tony Abbott is a dud, what the hell would you call Rudd & the redhead. If he is a dud,.....
» 17/01/2014 10:05:42 AM This is just so true. Today we have B Sc graduates who would have real trouble with high .....
» 17/01/2014 9:01:06 AM Australian warships are undertaking humanitarian missions, in rescuing Indonesian crew & p.....
» 16/01/2014 1:04:20 PM I can only assume Robert, you are talking about those who deny the scam is dead. Haven't .....
» 16/01/2014 10:58:20 AM What is it about Tasmania? Wasn't it just yesterday we had another Taswegian rabbiting on .....
» 15/01/2014 1:57:25 PM Oh god, another one. Not only is this one a ratbag lefty, she comes from Tasmania, the fa.....
» 14/01/2014 10:29:59 PM I am not the least interested in the lords prayer, but I do find the greens offensive. C.....
» 14/01/2014 10:26:10 PM Actually, if we could depend on our judges to apply suitable sentencing for proven crimina.....
» 14/01/2014 4:28:45 PM So true o sung wu, of course Fraser was already half way round the bend by that time. Like.....
» 14/01/2014 4:09:49 PM Tristan it is time to grow up a bit mate. I have yet to see anything from you that doesn't.....
» 14/01/2014 11:26:13 AM I wonder, do people like Tristan ever come out of the inner city chattering zone, & have a.....
» 14/01/2014 11:02:45 AM Come on Suse, don't be a piker. Shut them at 10, like in the old days. When I was a boy t.....
» 13/01/2014 2:31:24 PM I'll go with your voluntary taxation plerdsus. I'll happily pay triple the licensing & reg.....
» 13/01/2014 1:30:34 PM Yep cancel their passports. The same should apply to any who return to the country they c.....
» 13/01/2014 1:20:20 PM Sorry individual, you've got No 6 wrong. There is no such thing as carbon pollution, in t.....
» 12/01/2014 7:02:01 PM Oh & Suse, jealousy is a curse. You should resist it......
» 12/01/2014 7:00:19 PM God Suse, with your math, perhaps we do need to go back to the 50s. When even my youngest .....
» 12/01/2014 6:29:37 PM You can always tell the gravy train riders. No scientific argument, just bland statements.....
» 12/01/2014 6:08:59 PM Foxy I know you can't see it my sweet, perhaps as a result of your history. Let me assure .....
» 12/01/2014 5:48:42 PM Sorry Foxy my sweet, I don't watch Eddie McGuire's anything, but I'm not surprised. Those .....
» 12/01/2014 1:39:38 PM Foxy I can tell you, from the horses mouth, what most of our sailors on the ships dealing .....
» 12/01/2014 1:29:27 PM No 579, Indonesia let them in, planning to make a profit from them, charging them a fortun.....
» 12/01/2014 1:17:05 PM Hell it might be even worse than they thought. They might actually introduce some real ed.....
» 11/01/2014 11:18:28 PM Gee Luddy, it was 1976 or there about, how good a memory do you think an old fart has? It.....
» 11/01/2014 4:15:27 PM It's about time the truckies went back to heavy steel bull bars, rather than the pretty po.....
» 11/01/2014 9:20:53 AM It really is time to tell the UN to go jump. The hide of some UN monkeys in Indonesia to .....
» 10/01/2014 9:15:07 PM You never know with books. I carried a book, "The Ant World" around on the boat.....
» 10/01/2014 3:18:31 PM Don't you listen to him o sung, the first two are OK, but that song stuff can be bad for y.....
» 9/01/2014 3:10:36 PM Stevenlmeyer what a mean thing to say, but oh so true. Unfortunately many of todays peopl.....
» 9/01/2014 2:52:14 PM Judy get out of the city the university, & away from the chattering classes, & try some ob.....
» 8/01/2014 10:23:07 PM I don't give a damn about the boats. They can turn them around, tow them, sink them, throw.....
» 8/01/2014 4:32:45 PM How do you figure that Josephus, already this year north America has set 5000 records for .....
» 8/01/2014 4:24:46 PM That Stevenlmeyer, is one of the things I love about OLO, the threads develop a life of th.....
» 8/01/2014 2:42:44 PM Good for you Foxy. Do a few kilometers for me too please sweetie. I'm trying to get some.....
» 8/01/2014 2:34:18 PM And Ducky, socialists/communists try to use intentional misunderstanding to get people to .....
» 8/01/2014 12:40:49 PM Paul while I agree with you about the Tiger tank, & the 88 as antiaircraft & tank guns, th.....
» 8/01/2014 12:25:50 PM A funny little aside on my daughters walk racing. At her last high school athletics carn.....
» 8/01/2014 11:55:17 AM I have never read such a bit of rationalised tripe in my life. Teachers don't like NAPLAN,.....
» 8/01/2014 11:33:50 AM James O'Neill as usual your post is meaningless, as you continue to use catch phrases, whi.....
» 7/01/2014 8:56:08 PM Come on Bugsy, we all know it had no effect on the ozone hole. We also know it had a very.....
» 7/01/2014 6:55:43 PM For sure o sung, I said it was possible, not easy. Becoming a high achiever at anything is.....
» 7/01/2014 4:56:08 PM Foxy, o sung, equestrian doesn't have to be that expensive. My 20 acres is of no more valu.....
» 7/01/2014 3:49:21 PM What a bit of pot boiling rubbish. Publishing for publishings sake. An utterly meaningles.....
» 7/01/2014 12:52:31 PM And if you believe that garbage ozdoc, I know which one is stupid. This was a typical glo.....
» 6/01/2014 11:12:10 PM PLANET3 just to help you a little with some reality. I am all for spending a little on st.....
» 6/01/2014 10:49:32 PM When councils move to whole of electorate, rather than wards for elections, they always en.....
» 6/01/2014 10:29:40 PM Well Suse, you had better wait for a conservative. Every lefty female PM, or state premier.....
» 6/01/2014 5:07:05 PM That is an interesting way of deciding what to believe Ojnab, to prefer to believe somethi.....
» 6/01/2014 3:53:49 PM Wow, I can't get it below about ten or a dozen. I do like Maggie, but she only sorted out.....
» 6/01/2014 3:45:43 PM Hay o sung wu, that comment was not aimed at you old mate, but at some posters, or more at.....
» 6/01/2014 1:56:56 PM No PLANET3, the Greens are there to teach our kids how to tell barefaced lies, with a tota.....
» 6/01/2014 9:25:30 AM Every time you, or the do gooders want to restrict someone else in what they can chose to .....
» 5/01/2014 7:39:40 PM Becoming independent would be the quickest way possible to become subjected. We wouldn't .....
» 5/01/2014 3:01:15 PM Just perhaps, if the people of the earth, mostly the west of course, were not wasting a bi.....
» 5/01/2014 10:48:20 AM Yep, I agree Belly & Indy. The thing I find most interesting about these people is that t.....
» 5/01/2014 10:35:08 AM If we are going to avoid catastrophe we are going to have to get rid of all the bleeding h.....
» 5/01/2014 10:27:55 AM What is all the fuss about. Did this woman ever do anything other than screw a prince, [&.....
» 5/01/2014 10:03:26 AM I think it is poetic justice that this little jaunt has probable sealed the fate of global.....
» 4/01/2014 10:00:34 AM To be fair Nutter, I probably only recall the figures on that sail, because I was really s.....
» 3/01/2014 11:44:54 PM What a wonderful idea. Just like Italy, & France at some periods, we could have a new gove.....
» 3/01/2014 11:39:43 PM Sorry nutter. but the east coast current has often averaged 5 knots, & above. In January .....
» 2/01/2014 10:44:59 PM Articles like this, & the posts that follow them always make me sick. At no stage do these.....
» 1/01/2014 10:14:51 PM Come on Suse, are you trying to make me waste money. Where the hell else am I going to ge.....
» 1/01/2014 10:09:43 PM Belly you got me. An oil company pays me a hundred million a year to tell lies. Almost as .....
» 1/01/2014 10:05:40 PM What worries me is that in this day, with so much evidence to prove the warmers are shonks.....
» 1/01/2014 4:39:55 PM o sung wu I have seen on some of these cops shows, the fear, & danger to cop & offender in.....
» 1/01/2014 12:41:02 PM Adelaide's problem is the huge success of their con job on the Murray Darling water flow. .....
» 1/01/2014 12:27:59 PM And the same to you Graham, & every one here. It would be nice to live in less interestin.....
» 1/01/2014 12:23:28 PM Belly currently the spend by governments on global warming is one BILLION a DAY. Add in w.....
» 31/12/2013 10:05:43 PM Fooled again Suse. If you believe the cops telling you that we are safer unarmed, you are .....
» 31/12/2013 4:33:50 PM Well david f, what would you call the lawyers who attempted the twenty cases mentioned in .....
» 31/12/2013 11:38:16 AM But Glen C, perhaps slavery is only wrong at this time, because some consider it so. It do.....
» 31/12/2013 10:44:27 AM While I agree with you about pubs closing at say 10 PM would have a great effect Suse, it .....
» 31/12/2013 1:09:01 AM Suse how would you suggest I should defend myself. I'm over 70, have trouble walking a hu.....
» 31/12/2013 12:19:02 AM Luddy, surely you haven't taken to reading those propaganda rags now. If not I can't imagi.....
» 30/12/2013 9:57:25 AM Hay 579, please expand your theory on this thaw you mention. Satellite records show one m.....
» 29/12/2013 3:16:25 PM Jay Of Melbourne for gods sake stop whinging. Just what do you think the baby boomers got .....
» 28/12/2013 11:56:30 PM What is it about "negative gearing" that so upsets some people? It is exactly th.....
» 28/12/2013 11:33:07 PM What is it about water that makes ladies want to get their gear off. Just wander down the .....
» 28/12/2013 4:46:09 PM Ah thanks Arjay, you've put my mind at rest. If that fool David Suzuki says it, you know.....
» 28/12/2013 1:44:14 PM PS. For those who may not understand the above post, the bunkers were about 8Ft undergroun.....
» 28/12/2013 12:44:34 PM No Suse, they scare the whatnot out of me. When I was racing cars a mate used to let me &.....
» 28/12/2013 10:40:22 AM There was still quite a bit still in the 70s Shaggy. They had a backhoe digging foundatio.....
» 28/12/2013 10:24:14 AM Almost makes me want a Motorbike Suse......
» 27/12/2013 12:30:13 PM Continued. David pushes this bit about the loss of skills. Come on mate, it was girls, wh.....
» 27/12/2013 12:19:26 PM I wonder if this bloke, David Long did any research for this article. If he did, it sure d.....
» 27/12/2013 1:55:41 AM I mentioned the Duke of York’s Ball in another thread. There would be very few people on e.....
» 27/12/2013 1:49:54 AM Magnificent place wasn't it shaggy? I wonder how much is left after the volcano. I know th.....
» 27/12/2013 12:09:32 AM The common thread appears that that regardless of ideology or background, those of us who .....
» 26/12/2013 6:59:05 PM The truth of the matter is that some races are vile. It matters not if this is genetic, cu.....
» 26/12/2013 6:52:09 PM A few more of these type of appointments, & retiring of some old ones, & we could actually.....
» 26/12/2013 6:18:15 PM I wonder if Bob Wallace goes back to sleep with the fairies down the bottom of the garden,.....
» 25/12/2013 12:09:42 PM Robert LePage that would be one of the most dishonest posts I have seen on OLO. It is what.....
» 24/12/2013 10:59:21 PM Come off it fellers. I remember that screw-up Beattie taking a couple of quarter billion .....
» 24/12/2013 3:51:34 PM I wonder how much longer & how many more failures it will take before people stop lauding .....
» 24/12/2013 10:11:10 AM Oh god! For as long as I can remember economists have been preaching "economies of s.....
» 23/12/2013 1:26:48 PM He died 25 years ago, of a heart attack, while mowing. My mum found him dead. By most sta.....
» 23/12/2013 12:09:07 PM It was worse than I thought. I haven't been keeping up with all the goings on. My ladies .....
» 23/12/2013 10:46:52 AM Yep this bloke must have a doctorate in cherry picking. Mr. Green is horrified the ".....
» 23/12/2013 9:55:01 AM Six years, & Labor did nothing about the high dollar, but now the clowns want to tell Abbo.....
» 23/12/2013 9:36:49 AM And destroying some things, such as criminal gangs, is a positive contribution. Taking dr.....
» 22/12/2013 4:08:41 PM I'll second that......
» 22/12/2013 2:22:31 PM I did look at airline flying o sung wu, but was told to forget it. Ansett reckoned an airl.....
» 21/12/2013 10:33:03 PM Continued. It was the same with the stallion. During the cattle breeding phase, we were m.....
» 21/12/2013 9:59:02 PM Yes o sung wu, I've had an interesting life, but not really by choice. It has sort of driv.....
» 21/12/2013 9:05:14 PM Hi o sung. Dressage is that bit where they wear formal attire, & compete in a 20 by 60 met.....
» 21/12/2013 3:47:48 PM I don't know much about campdrafting Belly. Rodeo is an entirely different thing to what I.....
» 21/12/2013 11:52:22 AM I have tinnitus. I hear reasonably well, & have no trouble in a one to one conversation. H.....
» 21/12/2013 10:51:48 AM Thinking about the thread & it's title, I think the best sport, so the best one to excel a.....
» 20/12/2013 8:36:34 PM John Pilger, work! Go wash your mouth out individual......
» 20/12/2013 12:57:15 PM This bloke really is like a mouse on a treadmill. He long since exhausted anything he had.....
» 19/12/2013 5:01:41 PM Onthebeach I think courage is going too far with motor sport. I don't know anyone who ever.....
» 18/12/2013 10:34:36 PM Suse I suppose a slip of a girl like you is too young to remember, but back in the day we .....
» 18/12/2013 7:15:32 PM Hi Foxy, glad to hear you plan on going hiking, I assume that means your health has come g.....
» 18/12/2013 6:21:14 PM Ah o sung wu you find "there appears to be no real dichotomy with the Sydney Hobart Y.....
» 18/12/2013 2:49:43 PM When the greenies did a deal with the Beattie government to call removing regrowth on prev.....
» 18/12/2013 1:45:17 PM Andrew that is a hell of a trick, spinning that hard & fast, without getting giddy, & fall.....
» 18/12/2013 12:04:14 PM Oh, & Hi o sung wu, welcome back. Great to see you......
» 18/12/2013 12:00:41 PM Rugby league, cricket, & a bit of show jumping at school. After school I bought a nice sp.....
» 18/12/2013 10:44:50 AM Yes thanks for that Robert LePage, as Bazz says, you must have some good access to assembl.....
» 17/12/2013 4:56:20 PM Nice to see you know all about farming Foyle. People really should learn to keep their mou.....
» 17/12/2013 3:37:13 PM Belly we all know you lefties all want Malcolm Turnbull, Or Clive Palmer to lead Labor, al.....
» 17/12/2013 1:20:40 PM Belly mate, how many boats are arriving? Even with the ABC committing a treasonous act, t.....
» 17/12/2013 9:55:08 AM How does that movie go, the one about when Lennon met Ono? Was Lennon's brain already tota.....
» 17/12/2013 9:34:14 AM Sorry rehctub, that doesn't work for me. Why on earth should someone's wealth be wasted o.....
» 17/12/2013 1:26:08 AM Don't be so silly Luddy, GlenC is just a smug twit looking for a putdown when he couldn't .....
» 16/12/2013 3:32:06 PM Belly old mate I don't think you're mad, in fact I agree completely that the UN wants to c.....
» 16/12/2013 11:32:21 AM Way back in the early 70s I had a mate with the perfect life. He was a sparky, [radio ope.....
» 16/12/2013 11:06:31 AM Rather than judges getting it right most of the time, they in fact rarely get it right in .....
» 15/12/2013 5:51:21 PM I've given up on cricket at present. I must have missed it for a while as I turned the rad.....
» 15/12/2013 2:41:59 PM It looks to me that the FECCA can see lots of lovely high paying gravy train seats being l.....
» 15/12/2013 2:29:14 PM Can't agree with you about the technology OTB, in fact I think much of the new technology .....
» 15/12/2013 1:28:00 PM Actually JF AUS it is the slowing down & reduction on sunspots, which is matching the curr.....
» 14/12/2013 11:18:15 PM What if it is the logical thing, that place where all our warmth comes from, the sun? Hav.....
» 14/12/2013 11:42:04 AM Foxy my sweet, I'm afraid it just doesn't work that way any more. The days of welding up a.....
» 13/12/2013 3:58:51 PM Come on mate, its ancient history, & not worth getting your knickers in a knot over. What.....
» 13/12/2013 3:51:21 PM I suppose we have to be sorry for those people who are not enough to live their own lives .....
» 13/12/2013 2:42:27 PM What is it with economists, almost to a man/woman, they pronounce belief in global warming.....
» 13/12/2013 9:31:22 AM If anyone needs any evidence that the judiciary in Oz is not only out of control, but has .....
» 12/12/2013 8:36:04 PM Come off the grass curious, that one won't wash. Are you really expecting anyone to believ.....
» 12/12/2013 8:13:04 PM It gets worse Belly. The geese & your "favorite" people, the greenies destroyed.....
» 12/12/2013 11:58:28 AM Oh come off it Grim. What an imagination you must have. "Abbott has 3 years to live .....
» 12/12/2013 11:35:29 AM What do you believe the government should do about the ABC?.....
» 12/12/2013 11:16:17 AM Yep you would expect complaints from all those who clean their conscience of eating by buy.....
» 11/12/2013 3:16:34 PM Thanks for the list of authors & book titles Ducky, the titles make them sound like a good.....
» 11/12/2013 2:06:13 PM A good question would be in the area of peoples surprise at Abbotts softly softly approach.....
» 11/12/2013 1:32:41 PM Our car industry was very unlucky. They all chose to develop a new car platform at just th.....
» 11/12/2013 1:28:50 PM Rhrosty, if you know it all, & want to "change the world", for god sake do it, r.....
» 10/12/2013 4:17:56 PM Oh god, who let the fairies out again. The 2 most popular cars in Oz are the Toyota Hilux.....
» 10/12/2013 11:12:32 AM Stop making a fool of yourself Robert. We shoved that gravy train into a siding & took th.....
» 10/12/2013 11:06:24 AM Sorry Foxy, but a very large part of our problems today is precisely because for too long .....
» 9/12/2013 10:33:26 PM Foxy my sweet, it is not sensible to try to justify a horrible little bitch being a horrib.....
» 9/12/2013 2:38:33 PM Curious I'm sure your family of gardeners in the US know all about the auto industry, just.....
» 9/12/2013 12:05:03 PM Sorry OTB, you've got this wrong. You say "The rules of evidence have evolved through.....
» 8/12/2013 3:55:47 PM Belly old mate, you've got to stop it. You've been predicting the end of Abbott in the ne.....
» 7/12/2013 9:54:51 PM Oh god, don't some people talk so much garbage. The reason for all this pretend high mind.....
» 7/12/2013 12:20:47 PM The problem with the Judiciary is that they are more interested in protecting the legal sy.....
» 7/12/2013 12:02:19 PM There is one very good possibility from this. We could now close South Australia down. W.....
» 6/12/2013 11:08:40 AM Why do people make such a meal of things. Instead of looking for lessons from other countr.....
» 6/12/2013 10:22:14 AM Come on 579, no matter how much you pay, you still get school teachers, so you are stuck w.....
» 6/12/2013 10:11:47 AM I think this is exciting news. It is virtually a mirror image of the disappearance of the .....
» 5/12/2013 2:11:18 PM The ABC is the perfect example of why we need voter initiated referenda in Oz. The ABC wo.....
» 5/12/2013 11:12:04 AM Nutter, better to be paying them unemployment benefits than $200,000+ a year, & all the ad.....
» 5/12/2013 10:47:57 AM Valerie I am surprised at you. "the shops are full of stuff which will pause only bri.....
» 5/12/2013 10:12:47 AM Can anyone tell me if there are any men employed in the ABC newsrooms? From what we see a .....
» 4/12/2013 11:13:10 AM It's not fair! There I've said everything this piece said, & did not take up 3 pages doin.....
» 4/12/2013 10:46:33 AM Yes Belly you are right to a certain extent. Instead of the macho knight in shining armor.....
» 3/12/2013 4:57:19 PM Sorry Belly, but if assembly line workers at GMH, not exactly the most demanding of employ.....
» 3/12/2013 9:37:32 AM Sorry Jed, you have too much interest in your words, & not enough in the point I assume yo.....
» 2/12/2013 1:20:21 PM I like trains. As a kid I did a Townsville to Sydney trip, & as a young man the Sydney to .....
» 2/12/2013 9:16:09 AM Somebody sit on this bloke quick. He can't be allowed to get away with talking so much se.....
» 1/12/2013 12:03:01 AM Yep you hit it in one Bazz. I don't think it will be politically difficult to drill the ba.....
» 30/11/2013 11:34:51 PM Foxy Foxy Foxy, you are letting yourself be fooled my sweet. In my early years I went to .....
» 30/11/2013 11:06:18 PM Thanks Is Mise, that gave me a laugh, perhaps because it is so true. It could be dangerous.....
» 30/11/2013 4:17:56 PM JF you sound like an academic, & that is no compliment......
» 30/11/2013 4:04:34 PM What a kafuffle. We should just pay teachers what they are worth. We'd save billions!.....
» 30/11/2013 11:54:22 AM JF Aus says, "I think anyone who believes Australian indigenous people deliberately b.....
» 29/11/2013 12:40:57 PM Oh, must be getting old, I forgot to mention a few hundred years supply of methane clathra.....
» 29/11/2013 12:30:22 PM Talk about wishful thinking getting in the way of real thought, here it's pipe dreams. Pa.....
» 29/11/2013 11:10:23 AM If you are really serious about preventing phone caused accidents, a better idea would be .....
» 28/11/2013 10:18:54 AM John Wright is a philosopher who publishes on "ethical issues of economic rationalism.....
» 28/11/2013 9:43:30 AM Oh god, another Global Warming 101, by one who has profited well from the scam. I wonder i.....
» 27/11/2013 3:29:08 PM At least I'll bet they aren't peroxide blonds, wearing pastel suits that are about 35 year.....
» 27/11/2013 11:25:07 AM No warmair the first requirement for any severe weather is the potential between the tropi.....
» 26/11/2013 10:19:18 AM Well said Aspley, I'll have to take your word for it, I gave up reading the garbage your t.....
» 25/11/2013 10:14:09 AM Don't worry kids of the left. In a dozen years or so there'll probably be enough immigran.....
» 25/11/2013 10:08:28 AM Come off it Poirot. I have as much respect for the current office holder, as you lefties .....
» 24/11/2013 10:42:59 AM JF Aus, what do you think the ARGO ocean buoys have been measuring these many years. Your.....
» 23/11/2013 12:04:58 PM Sorry Tombee, but when youth, or a youth, makes a fool of itself, trying to pontificate on.....
» 22/11/2013 11:56:44 AM No wonder we are filling the bureaucracy with increasing numbers of totally useless gradua.....
» 22/11/2013 11:37:30 AM Oh god, another one from the Fairyland disciplines, talking about things way beyond their .....
» 21/11/2013 9:46:07 PM Karl if you want to house the multitude, go for it, provided you do it with your own prope.....
» 21/11/2013 6:08:00 PM Belly I'm talking fact, not opinion. The countries of the EU are waking up to the fact tha.....
» 21/11/2013 12:27:08 PM I presume SPQR, the idea of TPVs is no family reunion, & thus no little Ali to get in the .....
» 21/11/2013 10:40:43 AM Wow! The global warming mob are really scraping the bottom of the barrel. Forced to admit.....
» 21/11/2013 10:23:58 AM David G says, "Struth, it's a wonder that most men aren't dead by 30". Well on .....
» 21/11/2013 9:58:06 AM Come off it Kerri. You say "A major problem for the refugees on TPVs was they could n.....
» 21/11/2013 12:33:47 AM Sorry Foxy my sweet, I know you believe what you say, but I can't possibly agree. I'm afra.....
» 20/11/2013 5:51:52 PM Careful there Tony Lavis, I think that horse might be too high for you. When you fall off,.....
» 20/11/2013 4:56:29 PM It is tough being a conservative PM on a site full of left leaning posters, in a country w.....
» 20/11/2013 4:30:58 PM Be careful of that there foreign stuff Foxy, it can have some unexpected consequences. Mo.....
» 20/11/2013 3:53:48 PM It certainly is stranger than fiction, & you wouldn't believe it, if we didn't see it nigh.....
» 20/11/2013 10:34:12 AM Hey foxy my sweet, have you found any good designs for a burqa yet? Do you think they will.....
» 20/11/2013 10:22:58 AM Yes there is some sense here, but unfortunately Tom misses one thing. Most grown-ups with.....
» 19/11/2013 7:38:10 PM That's all very well Ducky, but we do have to keep them in their place, at the bottom of t.....
» 19/11/2013 2:13:36 PM Na Sparkyq, there wouldn't be enough left after the first year or so to need any extra inf.....
» 19/11/2013 12:43:27 PM What an oxymoron. Ethics & academia, in the same article for gods sake......
» 19/11/2013 12:28:07 PM Oh Sparkyq, you started out OK, but then you went totally off the rails. What we should d.....
» 19/11/2013 12:05:30 PM Oh god, the fairies have escaped again. kcbill13 if this is the answer, heaven knows what.....
» 18/11/2013 5:36:29 PM Some of our long haired radical ratbags have referenced some utter garbage, but that bit o.....
» 18/11/2013 4:28:21 PM Foxy my sweet, I'm sorry, [well I'm not really] to shatter your illusions, but I just hear.....
» 18/11/2013 12:11:52 PM Come on now Shadow Minister, you listen to Poirot, she knows everything. I'm sure she rem.....
» 18/11/2013 11:49:49 AM A true bustard to the end, KRudd is not officially resigning until the end of the week. T.....
» 17/11/2013 5:52:38 PM I do find this discussion interesting, particularly in who holds what opinion. It is amus.....
» 17/11/2013 5:39:48 PM Yes Foxy, you may be embarrassed, but as the election showed, most Ozzies don't agree with.....
» 17/11/2013 5:11:13 PM Hay Shockadelic, I reckon there are more than a few entrepreneurs who could make convicted.....
» 17/11/2013 3:56:09 PM You're right of course LEGO, that damn Abbott probably fed the multitude with them. Inter.....
» 17/11/2013 10:50:41 AM Continued. In fact the whole fiasco can be laid squarely at the feet of Wayne Goss, as ca.....
» 17/11/2013 10:50:25 AM It has been the wrong people in the dock over Patel's incompetence, right from the start. .....
» 17/11/2013 9:50:19 AM Oh for heavens sake JF Aus, grow up, recognise you've been conned, & walk away......
» 17/11/2013 7:55:49 AM Gee the desperation is thick here. I suppose our lefties have to kid themselves, or spend.....
» 16/11/2013 7:11:09 PM Yep, you can't help but feel sorry for the people of the UK can you Kipp, with a damn fool.....
» 16/11/2013 7:08:08 PM Do get some balance in this Kilmouski. PAYE tax barely covers the welfare bill. Most of.....
» 16/11/2013 11:39:06 AM You've got it quite wrong there JF Aus. There is no requirement for Abbott, or any Ozzie t.....
» 15/11/2013 10:58:25 PM So true Captain Col, it really is time people like Mr. Tatz grew up & faced the facts as t.....
» 15/11/2013 9:55:16 PM Yes Jay Of Melbourne, & that is why multiculturalism is a crock of the smelly stuff, promo.....
» 15/11/2013 3:45:05 PM Mac don't forger that 2% unemployment in the 60s did not include aboriginal unemployment. .....
» 15/11/2013 11:28:24 AM Come off it mac. When I bought my first house in the 60s, I was paying 7.25% tax on my $5.....
» 15/11/2013 10:09:23 AM Lyn if you think the average Ozzie is prepared to pay an extra $30.00 a week, so your hand.....
» 14/11/2013 5:15:24 PM Bazz growth must go on, as long as we are silly enough to keep increasing the population. .....
» 14/11/2013 12:10:00 PM I'm sure you are right Foyle. Which one Howard or Costello had the gun at KRuddy's back f.....
» 14/11/2013 11:41:46 AM What an incredible article. It highlights almost everything that is wrong with education t.....
» 14/11/2013 10:16:09 AM Banning them is not a good idea. It just sends them underground, where they are harder to .....
» 14/11/2013 9:46:02 AM Well thank god for that. It is a pity he didn't do it 15 years ago. A huge number of Oz pe.....
» 13/11/2013 7:07:35 PM It wasn't Mabo's fault chrisgaff1000. It was those judges again, applying what was genuin.....
» 13/11/2013 2:45:15 PM Why is it that so many lefties mistake wishful thinking for serious forecasting? Do they l.....
» 13/11/2013 2:35:18 PM Rationalise rationalise......
» 13/11/2013 2:34:23 PM Give this bloke another couple of articles, & he'll nationalize himself out of existence......
» 13/11/2013 12:46:14 PM What utter garbage. It is this attitude that leads to dozens of innocent people being maim.....
» 13/11/2013 12:33:45 AM Just one little question Force. Would you please explain how all these people who have fl.....
» 12/11/2013 3:31:11 PM Well Scribe, that is interesting. These now clapped out tubs they use for the illegal peop.....
» 12/11/2013 12:08:49 PM I have a wonderful idea. Lets give all lefties a calculator. Then lessons in how to use.....
» 12/11/2013 11:59:19 AM Time for our radio operators to start relaying any calls of distress received from vessels.....
» 12/11/2013 11:20:00 AM This bloke again. Question. Have any of his fearless forecasts ever come to pass. QED......
» 12/11/2013 11:12:35 AM Oh god, where do they find them? Jess wants us "expanding, constructed natural syste.....
» 12/11/2013 11:00:54 AM Shorten sharpen the debate, you are kidding aren't you? The only thing he has to throw in.....
» 11/11/2013 2:42:04 PM Graham, I am not too happy at having some of my post "deleted for abuse", when.....
» 10/11/2013 9:48:35 PM Suse that is not right, & that is putting it nicely. We moved to Townsville straight afte.....
» 10/11/2013 4:31:06 PM The greenies have been pretty successful at hiding the fact that there are more trees in O.....
» 10/11/2013 9:36:46 AM Thanks Poirot, you've answered my question. I will not bother with you, or [deleted for .....
» 10/11/2013 9:26:14 AM Come on rehctub, to do that we would have to unlock much of Tasmania, just as the Greens h.....
» 9/11/2013 11:16:56 PM Luciferase what extreme warming? Do you mean like the Medieval Warm Period, current temper.....
» 9/11/2013 4:28:57 PM If all you've got is the ABC, you might as well be in silence & blackout. There is not a d.....
» 8/11/2013 9:38:38 PM A liberal voter at Monash University! Pull the other one Andrew, it yodels......
» 8/11/2013 9:32:08 PM Time to order our boats to stop at the border of Indonesian search & rescue territory. If.....
» 8/11/2013 6:49:59 PM No hatred here Candide, I simply despise waste & incompetence paid for by the taxpayer, he.....
» 8/11/2013 3:22:31 PM Why do these lefty fools write publicly, articles like this? Anyone with half a brain can .....
» 8/11/2013 2:39:42 PM These lefties are just so obvious aren't they, while congratulating themselves on their cl.....
» 8/11/2013 11:50:06 AM Sorry JF Aus, you're going the wrong way with European building materials & cash. Around .....
» 8/11/2013 10:57:30 AM Contrary to that Jaime, Palmer has all ready shown us what a bunch of dills we have workin.....
» 8/11/2013 10:31:07 AM May god protect us from daring and courageous governments. Reinterpreted that would be f.....
» 7/11/2013 3:03:15 PM Thanks for confirming my argument Poirot. Your scientific discussion tells us that well d.....
» 7/11/2013 12:12:27 PM I agree JF Aus, the Solomon Island people are great people. I also think the Poms did a m.....
» 7/11/2013 11:50:16 AM "Hasbeen...if the hard questions are not will we learn?" Planet3 .....
» 7/11/2013 11:16:43 AM Well now we know why people bother with Honors Degree in Philosophy. It imparts a super a.....
» 7/11/2013 10:59:19 AM Oh come on david f, are you trying to tell us many unions don't leak money like a bucket w.....
» 6/11/2013 3:15:56 PM You are right Robert LePage, OLO is not the place for people like you, Poirot, & gravy tra.....
» 6/11/2013 3:01:51 PM Oh god. Poirot talking about someone elses scientific ignorance. That has to take the c.....
» 5/11/2013 6:59:39 PM You highlight my point JF Aus. Before independence, the plantation your local gathered 40 .....
» 5/11/2013 6:26:20 PM Now what I'd really like to know is what set Lyn off on this crusade, on a subject she is .....
» 5/11/2013 4:13:15 PM Sorry JF Aus, you've got that all wrong, although I'm not sure lazy is the right descripti.....
» 5/11/2013 1:37:56 PM Hay Rhrosty, you say "Now there's something we used to build. And done on a large eno.....
» 4/11/2013 12:56:59 PM The most important thing to be done to the education system is to wrench it out of the han.....
» 3/11/2013 10:45:41 PM Homosexuality & dignity, surely an oxymoron. Have none seen the Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi.....
» 3/11/2013 10:37:54 PM Poor old JFK, I'll bet he wishes he'd drowned the night the Japs got his PT boat in the So.....
» 3/11/2013 1:55:35 PM Hey Luddy, where are you getting all this tailgating, you get so upset about? I used to re.....
» 2/11/2013 3:44:06 PM You would know all about the Antarctic sea ice then wouldn't you? I'm still waiting for th.....
» 2/11/2013 11:56:25 AM Poirot, Poirot, are you ever going to read anything but propaganda? Repeating this same .....
» 2/11/2013 11:31:06 AM Spent a lot of time in the Solomons, or PNG then have you Ron H? I'm sure you know all abo.....
» 2/11/2013 10:59:51 AM This is an issue only for the elites, & I personally am quite glad it gets up their collec.....
» 1/11/2013 7:37:03 PM Don't hold your breath waiting for him to die mikk, you will be a very long time dead, bef.....
» 1/11/2013 4:19:09 PM Tim you're not listening. The public are screaming at you, we don't give a damn what the .....
» 1/11/2013 1:15:01 AM Yes Paul it was a joke, but let me assure throwing someone like you in there would cause e.....
» 1/11/2013 1:04:53 AM Luddy old mate, in your quest for your "sustainability" you are loosing contact .....
» 1/11/2013 12:17:12 AM I really don't think it would be too hard Raian, to fine enough people, more moral than mo.....
» 31/10/2013 6:09:59 PM Thank god we have got rid of those narcissistic fools Rudd & Gillard who had to have their.....
» 31/10/2013 5:51:53 PM Rhian the lawyers, judges & the civil libertarians have been abusing our justice system, t.....
» 31/10/2013 4:59:04 PM You Paul have obviously not been to Logan, with your eyes open, where islander problems ar.....
» 31/10/2013 12:57:16 PM What is it with lefties, & feminists, Don't they want their kids to get a decent education.....
» 31/10/2013 12:23:38 PM Bruce, take your ideology out, lock it in your bottom draw, nail that draw shut for ever, .....
» 30/10/2013 2:46:16 PM Don't you consider Paul, that we should send all these Tongans back to where they come fro.....
» 29/10/2013 1:22:33 PM I have never heard anything said by one of the civil rights mob, all of whom appear to be .....
» 29/10/2013 9:39:48 AM Don't be so silly Paul, they are trying to buy the feminist vote, & the general women's vo.....
» 29/10/2013 12:21:23 AM Of course they were both immoral Suse, by the rules of the day. I was merely pointing out .....
» 29/10/2013 12:00:19 AM Sorry Shaggy, but if Suse finds it middle of the road, it is obviously so far left, it is .....
» 28/10/2013 1:22:01 PM would say Shaggy, that the ABC misinforms you on more things than it informs you. If you .....
» 28/10/2013 12:39:04 PM Indy just as there are 6 furlong & 3 mile horse races, for different horses, so goes motor.....
» 28/10/2013 12:05:36 PM We all know that what anything is worth, is what someone will pay for it. If we stuck a lo.....
» 28/10/2013 11:09:25 AM The only place for criminals is behind bars, long term. While they are there the only ones.....
» 26/10/2013 5:48:48 PM Sorry Malcolm one doesn't need a degree in urban geography or economics to recognise a pil.....
» 26/10/2013 5:01:58 PM I don't have a problem with bikes. My next door neighbor has a collection of a dozen or so.....
» 26/10/2013 4:30:02 PM Yep our speed limits are ridiculous. They should be set at the median speed of the traffic.....
» 26/10/2013 11:21:15 AM Don't be so silly JF Aus. Throughout history, once a people have succeeded in the struggl.....
» 26/10/2013 11:10:13 AM The worst thing about this sort of claptrap is that it is usually funded by taxpayers with.....
» 25/10/2013 6:45:27 PM Sorry Edward, I'm afraid your piece just doesn't make it, even as a high school project. .....
» 25/10/2013 4:33:48 PM [Deleted for abuse.].....
» 25/10/2013 1:49:44 PM That is the whole point of the cunning thing Belly. He bought the green vote with those u.....
» 25/10/2013 2:51:18 AM Come on Suse, admit it, you do believe in god. If you don't, why are you forsaking Darwin.....
» 24/10/2013 10:45:52 PM If it had been Rudd, he would have had 3 make up artists suitably charcoaling his face, & .....
» 24/10/2013 9:22:25 PM Sorry Liz, We don't see the UN from your elite position. We see it from side on, & we see.....
» 24/10/2013 9:14:03 PM That is the point GYM-FISH, Tony has been doing it for 10 years, un heralded or promoted, .....
» 24/10/2013 6:19:16 PM Well I guess GYM-FISH would prefer Tony went to dinner with friends, than got out to have .....
» 24/10/2013 5:45:03 PM "Not splitting hairs at all, cars and guns are not on the same scalp." Yes you.....
» 24/10/2013 5:33:34 PM Suse, why is someone a bigot, just because they don't approve of what homosexuals do to ea.....
» 24/10/2013 9:53:01 AM If they are putting him on a pedestal Belly, they must be damn short of heroes. It will ha.....
» 23/10/2013 10:47:54 PM Luddy old mate, I think our council is one of the less bad of those around, but having sai.....
» 23/10/2013 10:08:51 PM Come on Luddy, I don't think he has ever said or done anything not worthy of criticism by .....
» 23/10/2013 5:49:58 PM You are right Suse, men should & can deal with female cops. Unfortunately so can the male .....
» 23/10/2013 5:38:58 PM Some of the above disappeared into the ether. The last sentence should have read. Hopefu.....
» 23/10/2013 4:09:03 PM Yes Foxy my sweet, all reputable sources, with a high & growing record of extreme failure .....
» 23/10/2013 3:49:44 PM You would have to say that is a pretty fair admission that the cops are no longer up to th.....
» 23/10/2013 3:22:47 PM Hay Luddy, do you still think Carr is a good one. He doesn't think labor was cunning enou.....
» 23/10/2013 1:14:10 PM Good article. I have wondered about the ridiculously increasing rates we pay for not very.....
» 23/10/2013 12:43:18 PM So true Belly, but it does get worse. With the bureaucracy loving bits of paper, we have .....
» 22/10/2013 8:58:53 PM Foxy my sweet, would that forecast by any chance be by the same bunch who a few years back.....
» 22/10/2013 4:02:52 PM Belly Belly Belly, mate have a real look. Germany, Spain, France, Belgium & Denmark are .....
» 22/10/2013 2:42:56 PM Leslie currently there is one million square kilometers more sea ice in Antarctica, than t.....
» 22/10/2013 2:18:51 PM Foxy my sweet, we have spent tens of billions, yes billions, of public money trying to pro.....
» 22/10/2013 1:40:39 PM The most dangerous thing about the now defunct climate change theory was it gave clowns li.....
» 22/10/2013 1:30:19 PM Just who the hell do Terri Kelleher & Dr Mark Hobart think they are, god or something? Wh.....
» 22/10/2013 1:02:10 PM Come on fellers, the national park service is, & always has been a joke. Anything useful t.....
» 22/10/2013 11:00:02 AM The news tells us UN climate chief Christiana Figueres has attacked Tony Abbott's carbon p.....
» 22/10/2013 1:07:20 AM God you talk so much crap Paul. You must trying top all the twits we have ever had on here.....
» 22/10/2013 12:27:57 AM Yep Pericles, I've already done that, but what a hassle acquiring a bit of metal is, compa.....
» 21/10/2013 6:33:36 PM Poirot we have now had 2 consecutive years where we have had rain exceeding our annual ave.....
» 21/10/2013 2:53:59 PM Pericles, you say, "We have a banking system. Yes, it has its flaws. Yes, it could co.....
» 21/10/2013 1:58:07 PM Now you have really upset me Suse. I can handle most things, but accusing me of being an .....
» 21/10/2013 1:50:32 PM Nah, underground homes or underground anything else will never catch on, particularly for .....
» 21/10/2013 1:36:53 PM Remember the bloke who was fined $50,000 I think it was, for clearing the bush around his .....
» 20/10/2013 10:04:01 PM Saltpetre I am surprised. I thought you had been here long enough to realise Poirot is t.....
» 20/10/2013 9:36:06 PM Suse you have a very different idea of academia to the one I was taught, & to the belief o.....
» 20/10/2013 1:17:15 PM Continued During this I ran into my favorite professor from my uni. days, & excitedly sta.....
» 20/10/2013 1:16:04 PM Paul I'll tell you a little story, of why many of us have no time for academics. In the 6.....
» 19/10/2013 8:44:10 PM It must be dreadful to realise you have been sold a pup, backed the wrong horse, been tota.....
» 18/10/2013 11:13:34 AM Don't be so silly david f. In 2023, with a full 10 years successful prime ministership be.....
» 17/10/2013 11:55:25 PM One amusing thing in all this is the fact that the more successful Ms. Tranter is in impos.....
» 17/10/2013 11:43:59 PM Yes Tristan, but that is of such minor bit in the scheme of things. There is probably mor.....
» 17/10/2013 11:16:18 PM Stop worrying Suse, if it's sold off, just like Telecom/Telstra, they will get rid of the .....
» 17/10/2013 11:04:52 PM Well Houellie in the words of the Everly Brothers, all I can say is, Bye bye love Bye by.....
» 17/10/2013 10:50:01 PM What is wrong with these people, except perhaps that they exist. These idiots want humane.....
» 16/10/2013 10:40:52 PM A large coal mining drag line could easily be powered by a sealed nuclear power unit, very.....
» 16/10/2013 5:20:31 PM I would so love to be able to make the Kellie Tranter's of this world go & live in the mid.....
» 16/10/2013 11:45:54 AM Actually it is a pity the strange lottery that was the senate preference deals in this las.....
» 16/10/2013 2:34:14 AM Agreed completely Prompete, but I consider that as part of the damage done by the global w.....
» 15/10/2013 5:44:44 PM Run run a wolf......
» 14/10/2013 7:10:52 PM Has it outlived it's usefulness, it had done that by the end of it's first day. It is pro.....
» 14/10/2013 6:50:52 PM Come on David G, like Dr. William McBride, Pilger once did something right, & can't stand .....
» 14/10/2013 6:24:03 PM Who is this kid, & what is he studying? It really is horrifying to think that this garbag.....
» 14/10/2013 4:11:01 PM Ever heard of Tasmania Rhrosty? If not have a little look at Italy or France to see what .....
» 14/10/2013 3:03:29 PM Belly until your party, & it's supporters come out of the Global Warming dark age, you are.....
» 14/10/2013 11:14:40 AM How he was voted in is totally immaterial, as is how Abbott was voted in. It is what & ho.....
» 13/10/2013 10:22:21 PM And at his first interview he says "they" believe in global warming, & a carbon .....
» 12/10/2013 9:36:34 AM Wow Paul, you sure must have spent a lot of time watching bad television. Still better th.....
» 12/10/2013 12:42:26 AM Foxy my sweet, don't forget that everyone in Switzerland has an army rifle by law. They ki.....
» 12/10/2013 12:20:00 AM I'm afraid you may be right Belly, if only about the western world & our fellow travelers......
» 11/10/2013 11:48:08 PM Thank you Paul, you prove my point completely. If the damn fools interfering busybodies h.....
» 11/10/2013 2:25:32 PM One of the good things the US has going for it is that the citizenry is too well armed, & .....
» 11/10/2013 2:07:20 PM As Belly says, "And even more important ignoring the attempt to destroy Obarma care w.....
» 11/10/2013 12:02:21 PM Continued Then we get Paul. He wants us to educate them. What a fool. They have all the e.....
» 11/10/2013 12:02:13 PM Poirot if you had even a trace of analytical ability you would have understood the true me.....
» 10/10/2013 11:46:02 PM Yep he probably is the best Labor have to offer, pity he's so dumb. His IQ is probably a .....
» 10/10/2013 8:24:57 PM Better buy some ear plugs Peter, I'm afraid you are going to have to learn to live with a .....
» 10/10/2013 7:47:27 PM Only $200,000? In that case it has been well worth it. Government looks much better with .....
» 10/10/2013 12:19:46 PM When I find a bunch of surgeons donating their time to do the transplant, I will donate th.....
» 10/10/2013 11:54:05 AM Hey Ducky, you wouldn't have one of those prissy little beards yourself would you? It cert.....
» 10/10/2013 11:31:54 AM Do stop fretting Randal, we have got rid of a few dills, & good Riddance. They were all to.....
» 10/10/2013 12:07:13 AM You actually do believe this rubbish about that poor harmless plant food CO2 causing dange.....
» 9/10/2013 11:11:56 PM I hope you are standing on concrete Poirot. You are spinning so hard & so fast, if you ar.....
» 9/10/2013 11:04:03 PM Once upon a time this country trusted me with a couple of million dollars worth of reasona.....
» 9/10/2013 1:28:44 PM No Foxy, in this one you are completely wrong. Most people think the illegal gate crasher.....
» 9/10/2013 12:53:05 PM I have watched a couple of these sensationalist "COP" shows on TV currently. Th.....
» 9/10/2013 12:30:24 PM John the banks are getting too greedy. Not content with paying stuff all interest on our .....
» 9/10/2013 11:57:19 AM Have you ever noticed there are many people in academia who are closer to the problems of .....
» 9/10/2013 10:04:25 AM Of course warmair. Illegals only want to get into Italy so they can move on to the UK or G.....
» 9/10/2013 9:10:04 AM There really is no other way to describe this bloke, & a few of his rabid lady friends tha.....
» 9/10/2013 1:36:26 AM How many people have been out there, & seen what a wasteland these places become, once the.....
» 9/10/2013 1:05:07 AM Fortunately OTB a bow is still legal, just a cross bow is treated as a fire arm. I still .....
» 9/10/2013 12:40:05 AM Oh Foxy what are we going to do with you. You're believing all the propaganda again. Hell.....
» 8/10/2013 1:41:43 PM The cashless society is yet another trap for the unwary. I recently received my new debit.....
» 8/10/2013 12:22:31 PM Come off it Killarney, there was never ant need to "portray" Labor as incompeten.....
» 8/10/2013 12:10:17 PM Foxy I think there is quite a bit of past tense in what you are seeing. From what I can s.....
» 7/10/2013 8:25:34 PM Foxy it is only a matter of time before our welfare system, & our free medical system will.....
» 7/10/2013 4:00:14 PM Luci you are such a joke, trying to help who? The gravy train riders, & the ratbag green f.....
» 7/10/2013 3:42:42 PM And how much did it cost, Paul1405 for what should have been one doctor & a couple of nurs.....
» 7/10/2013 2:12:22 PM Foxy sweetie, I have not read a newspaper for years. I buy the Saturday Gold Coast Bulleti.....
» 7/10/2013 1:49:36 PM Foxy my sweet, I know you believe that, & it would be a nice feeling to be able to agree w.....
» 7/10/2013 1:45:17 PM Don't be silly Foxy, much of the money being spent with the smugglers is syphoned off Oz f.....
» 7/10/2013 1:40:35 PM Looks like a few of the boys are getting worried the river of gold might be diverted into .....
» 7/10/2013 1:31:20 PM Stevenlmeyer trying "to forestall the usual crowd who claim global warming is a myth .....
» 7/10/2013 12:53:50 PM The house, [the republicans], voted the money to run the government, just no money for Oba.....
» 7/10/2013 12:13:59 PM Foreign aid should be cut to 0.03, not 0.3, & every cent wasted on that greatest of all ri.....
» 6/10/2013 3:59:47 PM Belly old mate that clean energy is a nice slogan, but you of all people should understand.....
» 6/10/2013 12:46:48 PM Luci your ideas do sound fair. There is just one problem. You start from the idea that CO2.....
» 6/10/2013 12:27:46 PM I'll back those sentiments on style OUG. As my eyes deteriorate I find I can only spend s.....
» 6/10/2013 12:10:32 PM Yes Individual, there are a lot of them, & not all in the public sector. I am a degree qua.....
» 5/10/2013 5:22:21 PM Foxy my sweet, what do you think Obama has been doing handing out billions of tax payer do.....
» 5/10/2013 4:21:38 PM Ladies, I think this is just a trial run for the argument coming up on credit limit. I th.....
» 5/10/2013 2:58:07 PM Actually I think that Fardon being released, then put back in prison is dreadful. Talk abo.....
» 4/10/2013 5:00:23 PM Obama is an American catastrophe. He is waging war on the very people he is supposed to fa.....
» 4/10/2013 4:42:35 PM Interesting to see some the posters here are taking this more seriously than I'm sure the .....
» 3/10/2013 4:31:25 PM I never saw any centrelink people out on the bay islands onthebeach, the folk out there we.....
» 3/10/2013 4:14:36 PM How much will you bet against the boats stopping? I could use a few easy quid......
» 3/10/2013 10:20:54 AM One of these days patience will run out & the only possible détente with Tehran will be di.....
» 3/10/2013 9:57:15 AM I once spent some time living on my yacht moored off my waterfront storage shed, & sort of.....
» 2/10/2013 10:00:31 PM For god sake Luci, despite billions spent trying they have still not been able to establis.....
» 2/10/2013 4:27:55 PM I think it is well documented, much of the current borrowings is to pay the interest bill .....
» 2/10/2013 1:17:52 PM Ah now I get it Chris Lewis. You took a poll of all the people who can't figure the chang.....
» 2/10/2013 1:01:41 PM Yep, nothing like a big stick applied to the backside of those who refuse to get it. Work.....
» 2/10/2013 12:57:55 PM Oh god, don't these people take themselves so seriously. Talk about airs & graces, you'd h.....
» 2/10/2013 12:39:06 PM Why oh why is it that these silly people, who have been off to university, & taken a cours.....
» 2/10/2013 12:08:30 PM I see some of the notorious Skaf rape gang have been released on parole 20 years earlier t.....
» 2/10/2013 12:18:49 AM Come on Plantagenet, we would do much better burning all the warmest academics. After the.....
» 2/10/2013 12:10:15 AM Yep you never do know. I remember one really dreadful PM who was married to a very slinky.....
» 2/10/2013 12:00:09 AM What sort of fool are you mikk. It is a wonder they let you out alone. I did not want to .....
» 1/10/2013 6:14:23 PM Yep definitely time we restricted OUR legal aid to OUR citizens. It should never be availa.....
» 1/10/2013 3:24:51 PM Kellie I'm sure there is something you know something about. Global warming sure is not i.....
» 1/10/2013 12:30:56 PM That is totally unfair & uncalled for Suse. Didn't you notice all the men are incensed at .....
» 30/09/2013 11:39:36 PM When I was a kid history was a series of dates to be learnt by rote, of who begat who & wh.....
» 30/09/2013 10:36:52 PM Come off it Luci. The moment someone starts on this ocean acidification, we know they are .....
» 30/09/2013 10:28:52 PM So now a judge has ordered the release of serial rapists Robert Fardon. He is described by.....
» 30/09/2013 7:01:42 PM So true Pericles. The only thing that matters when I am employing anyone, is whether I pre.....
» 30/09/2013 5:20:11 PM Luci do you actually believe that cr4p, or like some of the girls here, are you just repea.....
» 30/09/2013 12:28:55 PM Pericles I suggest you check just what access you can get from one account to another with.....
» 29/09/2013 10:27:10 PM Who is this "we" Luci. Are you part of this bunch who's models can't actually p.....
» 29/09/2013 5:03:03 PM But if you think that mis-xspelling names iws more improtant than AGW, or what to ddeo abo.....
» 29/09/2013 4:46:58 PM The problem is of course that first Rudd, then Gillard & the rest of Labor trained the pro.....
» 29/09/2013 4:16:30 PM Are you by chance a banker Pericles? You sound like on. I was already somewhat unhappy wi.....
» 29/09/2013 11:04:54 AM Labor don't appear to have caught up with the changing facts of life yet. The old days of.....
» 28/09/2013 3:50:12 PM Come on Foxy. Remember the misogyny speech? That was dripping either with hate, or feigne.....
» 28/09/2013 1:42:56 PM Foxy my sweet, Alan Austin is without one of the least qualified to speak on anything rega.....
» 28/09/2013 1:34:07 PM Pericles I think in large his complaint is that he can not stop the payment by giving the .....
» 28/09/2013 12:57:57 PM Pelican what you obviously fail to realise is that many people use the mirror defense when.....
» 28/09/2013 12:41:22 PM Luciferase is absolutely disgusted, but no where near as disgusted as I am at the stupidit.....
» 27/09/2013 10:13:47 PM Any government that is not aiding the enemy, will keep secret the effect of any invasion, .....
» 27/09/2013 9:54:17 PM Luddy mate, you can't really be that dumb. It never occurred to me that you would read suc.....
» 27/09/2013 1:36:55 PM I reckon that would have come from the contractors who made the 8 billion from those unnec.....
» 27/09/2013 12:53:43 PM Oh you are smart aren't you Phil. You wouldn't be an academic now would you. The elephant.....
» 27/09/2013 1:49:08 AM And ozdoc, tomorrow's man is exactly who pray tell?.....
» 27/09/2013 1:42:27 AM Well just for you Phil, unlike Hawke & Keating, who gave us huge interest rates, [I rememb.....
» 27/09/2013 1:18:25 AM Sorry Luddy, Hawke was a nothing. He abdicated from doing anything, leaving it to others t.....
» 26/09/2013 5:01:18 PM So here we have a lady who describes Gough Whitlam as legendary. Wow! Looking down the pa.....
» 26/09/2013 1:15:34 PM How do rags like that bit of garbage survive? Are there really enough people around silly.....
» 25/09/2013 4:01:56 PM Gee Cazza, & we used to think it was the Democrats that lived in their own fantasy world......
» 25/09/2013 11:50:08 AM Don please. In my lifetime Labor has always been a creature of the bosses, industry & unio.....
» 25/09/2013 11:08:41 AM Come off the grass Kellie. If you really mean "We need a truly independent public se.....
» 25/09/2013 10:44:46 AM Oh sorry about that Robert LePage, I got it slightly wrong, it is 4 desal plants mothballe.....
» 25/09/2013 3:25:43 AM One thing we all know, but some like to ignore Poirot, it that it was Tim's typically tota.....
» 24/09/2013 1:32:44 PM Of course the sexes are different, almost every child can tell this by about age 3. Men t.....
» 24/09/2013 12:35:24 PM "Rudd is very clever, possibly one of the smartest minds we've ever had in politics&q.....
» 24/09/2013 12:09:26 PM That's a pretty mean article Michael, psychology professors do not expect to have to expla.....
» 24/09/2013 11:38:31 AM The "Suicide rates go up under conservative governments" screams the headline. P.....
» 23/09/2013 6:35:12 PM You've won me Yuyutsu, but they don't have to be that modern for me. I'll take an original.....
» 23/09/2013 6:08:18 PM Well ozdoc, if you actually believe that, tell us how it got there. Robert, they are abou.....
» 23/09/2013 1:36:06 PM You've got that back to front there Grim. Why on earth would you want to wipe out all in.....
» 23/09/2013 1:31:24 PM Well Robert LePage, I do try to talk intelligently to people like you, so I guess I must b.....
» 23/09/2013 1:04:13 PM Note to Graham. The lefty garbage on threads like this is so puerile, it is making OLO ha.....
» 23/09/2013 12:32:45 PM Come on Poirot, stop making a fool of yourself. The election of a new & better government.....
» 22/09/2013 9:54:25 AM Individual, I'm with Loudmouth, keeping useless people on the public payroll is the worst .....
» 22/09/2013 9:43:04 AM Luddy you say we must "diversify our energy base and cure ourselves of our total addi.....
» 21/09/2013 9:35:12 PM Do you people ever bother with the facts before you go shooting your mouths off? The fact.....
» 21/09/2013 9:03:33 PM On that renewables front Luddy, I'm right offside. Now we definitely know CO2 is not a wa.....
» 21/09/2013 8:16:39 PM Luddy old mate, it is time for you to come out from behind your self imposed shield, the o.....
» 21/09/2013 2:57:56 PM Pericles, come on mate, just think of it. Transferring a hundred thousand public servants .....
» 21/09/2013 2:17:43 PM Rehctub while I agree with you totally, that Abbott is going to play the game fairly, tell.....
» 21/09/2013 1:45:17 PM UN IPCC Official Admits 'We Redistribute World's Wealth By Climate Policy' Read more: ht.....
» 20/09/2013 3:02:42 PM Unfortunately Foxy my sweet, our new government is going to have to borrow money for a few.....
» 20/09/2013 11:42:03 AM Belly old mate, I love it when you make these fearless forecasts. So far mate I can't reme.....
» 19/09/2013 1:18:16 PM Don't be so silly Rhrosty, quite obviously all the bright ones voted for the Liberal/Count.....
» 19/09/2013 1:06:19 PM Very good article, & so true. Ducky, most of us have a pretty fair knowledge of the ".....
» 18/09/2013 3:33:56 PM You know it is a funny thing Saltpetre, but in my experience those "who care about mo.....
» 18/09/2013 11:05:44 AM Come on kiddies, for god sake, try to talk about something a bit more important than MPs e.....
» 18/09/2013 10:55:46 AM Bazz I'm perfectly happy with you wanting to develop alternative energy schemes, just as l.....
» 17/09/2013 6:02:33 PM Yes Shadow Minister climate change is occurring, just as it always has done. But every day.....
» 17/09/2013 1:33:10 PM Roses I think you will find that 100 billion was investment paid for by the coal industry,.....
» 17/09/2013 1:08:17 PM Good article Gemma. You touched most of the problems, but not too many answers there. It i.....
» 17/09/2013 11:50:47 AM Since my first heart attack I have been unable to maintain my property the way I had for y.....
» 17/09/2013 10:14:47 AM Well, what do you know, A cabinet selected on ability, not affirmative action. Should be a.....
» 16/09/2013 8:20:27 PM The Lodge overhaul was ordered by Labor. Remember......
» 16/09/2013 6:26:00 PM Just one more foul up, from the business interests that took over the game. I started to .....
» 16/09/2013 4:09:15 PM Remember when Japanese uneducated "coolies" produced cheep goods for us, or when.....
» 16/09/2013 12:59:50 PM Come on Rhrosty, where did you cut & paste that bit of tripe from. With the total lack of.....
» 16/09/2013 11:54:53 AM God the catholic church got that wrong didn't they Paul1405. What they should have been t.....
» 16/09/2013 11:43:55 AM Where have you been Bazz, this is nothing new. In the mid 60s a bloke I knew had a retail.....
» 15/09/2013 5:25:38 PM Suse you really do start to sound sick. Parliament has a great gym, so perhaps he should .....
» 15/09/2013 5:13:42 PM Tony, the fly ins feed themselves house themselves, do pay tax if they have a proper job, .....
» 15/09/2013 4:23:02 PM Yep Suse, as Foxy says, it is only while they evict the possums, & it is only somewhere to.....
» 14/09/2013 8:10:16 PM Suse touched on it, & I'm sure Rob promotes the idea that homosexuality is passed on genet.....
» 14/09/2013 11:52:11 AM What the lefties need to get into their heads, the so called disunity is nothing. To any .....
» 13/09/2013 1:38:09 PM Hay Duck, do you have any thoughts of your own, or are you only able to regurgitate what h.....
» 13/09/2013 11:03:32 AM You silly boy Tim. Now, after this article, you will be excommunicated from academia, & r.....
» 13/09/2013 10:54:37 AM Why does everyone have to make very simple things so difficult. Fixing the problem of exc.....
» 13/09/2013 12:36:33 AM Mr. Anderson I believe in giving everyone exactly what they have earned, & therefore deser.....
» 12/09/2013 8:03:03 PM Marilyn, I was not talking about the unrepresentative swill. Shaggy I have also detected .....
» 12/09/2013 5:25:10 PM Shaggy, the country did not descend into a state of protest when the more than 50% which d.....
» 12/09/2013 4:37:41 PM Just as I said. Pilger brings the nut cases & the commos straight to the top. They can't h.....
» 12/09/2013 12:08:06 PM These blokes missed their calling. They should be teaching creative writing. You certainl.....
» 12/09/2013 11:42:50 AM It is years since I read anything this con man wrote. Even back then I could see that his .....
» 11/09/2013 10:00:55 PM DEN71, just a little friendly advice. It is much more hygienic to use a toilet, or even t.....
» 11/09/2013 9:47:14 PM Foyle, you are telling me I should study the opinions of those who either gave us the GFC,.....
» 11/09/2013 11:56:54 AM Time to grow up David. Obama inspired a whole mass of silly kids & lefties in the states,.....
» 11/09/2013 11:49:08 AM If this is the level of understand one gets from studying psychology in our universities i.....
» 11/09/2013 10:53:08 AM Wow, what a bunch of responses. The duck doesn't give an opinion, just a list of book tit.....
» 10/09/2013 11:50:08 PM Oh yes please Killarney, well about half of it anyway. Unfortunately, as usual, you are co.....
» 10/09/2013 11:25:13 PM Labor was never united in the old days 2cents, that was part of their strength. Don't you.....
» 10/09/2013 5:59:28 PM I am really worried that now that Treasury is free to tell the true story of our finances,.....
» 10/09/2013 5:34:24 PM That's where the difference is BAYGON. You want government to hold everyones hand from cra.....
» 10/09/2013 4:41:05 PM Brendon BSc Mech. Eng. & I paid for mine, full dollar. I was during the moratorium marche.....
» 10/09/2013 1:08:07 PM Gee Marilyn, was your morning lemon particularly sour today? I'd offer you some sugar for.....
» 10/09/2013 12:33:40 PM "So no Mr Abbott, you do not govern for me, you only temporarily push me around. And .....
» 9/09/2013 11:55:48 AM It really is amazing that anyone dumb enough to fall for the global warming, peak oil & ot.....
» 9/09/2013 11:14:33 AM And some of them, like the two we have just got rid of, could not put two words together, .....
» 8/09/2013 2:43:29 PM Oh come on Warmy, how could anything compare with that ridiculous grab for attention that .....
» 8/09/2013 2:29:53 PM Sorry you are not well Belly. Hope the new seasons blooms give you a lift. Mate we will k.....
» 8/09/2013 2:16:02 PM Give over you fool. You have at least 9 years in the wilderness. You'll have to wait unt.....
» 8/09/2013 2:12:09 PM You know, I think Rudd expects to be drafted back into Labor leadership. I think that incr.....
» 8/09/2013 11:53:07 AM Well thank god Rudd is gone, thank god. What a pity he doesn't have the decency to just p.....
» 7/09/2013 12:55:20 PM Yes Nutter, just like our red witch, that fool Obama has done a great deal of damage. It .....
» 7/09/2013 12:51:03 PM Foxy foreign leaders are not all stupid, unless they come from the EU. They, just like sw.....
» 7/09/2013 12:14:07 PM The headline of this thread goes too far. Rather than "Does Rudd think people are st.....
» 6/09/2013 9:12:06 PM Come on people, the whole idea was to pay back supporters & benefactors. That is why none .....
» 6/09/2013 9:02:59 PM What utter garbage this bloke tries to con everyone with. I recall a long period where no.....
» 6/09/2013 7:52:05 PM This article is quite rational & well reasoned, except for the fact that the author actual.....
» 6/09/2013 8:04:16 AM Well what do you know. Here we have an ex diplomat, who is so upset with Assad & his Syri.....
» 6/09/2013 7:36:17 AM Jon J, was your post supposed to be giving a reason why 2 poofters should be able to be le.....
» 5/09/2013 11:13:37 AM Wow David, didn't you notice all the articles by Alan Austin, one by Jo Coghlan, & another.....
» 4/09/2013 10:55:33 PM Oh come on rache, you can't expect anyone to pay attention to Alan Austin. Talk about the.....
» 4/09/2013 10:44:55 PM Oh god, can you imagine a political system designed by the academics? Just a couple of s.....
» 4/09/2013 4:38:17 PM I can see all the arguments both for & against voluntary euthanasia, but can not see any a.....
» 4/09/2013 4:17:52 PM I can't see much point in stress leave. It is the wrong approach. When someone finds they.....
» 4/09/2013 4:02:03 PM Belly, glad to see you back. I've been wondering if you still had net problems, or somethi.....
» 4/09/2013 1:14:00 PM Lyn time to grow up. It's over love. Global warming is finished & in it's death throes. .....
» 4/09/2013 12:59:51 PM Talk about wishful thinking. But Jo goes past mere wishful thinking, into the realm of sel.....
» 4/09/2013 12:27:23 PM I do find it interesting that at last the lefties have admitted to themselves, publicly, t.....
» 3/09/2013 7:56:06 PM Come on Julian, we all know that there are no journalists at Crikey, only spin doctors. H.....
» 3/09/2013 12:01:48 PM Grumbler you are so far off with your "I wonder if we would have ever built an electr.....
» 3/09/2013 11:42:09 AM Increasing the birth rate is merely kicking the can of aging population a bit further down.....
» 3/09/2013 11:33:31 AM I was not surprised find Judy teaches creative writing. This piece is pretty creative. So,.....
» 2/09/2013 11:51:58 PM Poirot don't you find it just a little amusing that one paper likes to think than another .....
» 2/09/2013 11:34:39 PM Ever heard of Methane clathrate. There's enough of that lying around the ocean to fuel u.....
» 2/09/2013 3:24:45 PM The whole population of Syria is not worth a scratch on any Oz serviceman. Journalists can.....
» 2/09/2013 2:55:11 PM As soon as I hear someone babbling on about global warming I know they are not up to it, o.....
» 1/09/2013 6:07:48 PM Oh dear, here we have yet another trained interpreter, come academic, who thinks how many .....
» 1/09/2013 11:27:33 AM Rhrosty, sometimes you do cut & post rubbish. If I borrow money for any business, be it f.....
» 31/08/2013 9:29:03 PM Jay, Killarney, who was it that forced you into subcontracting, rather than a PAYE wage ea.....
» 30/08/2013 4:48:05 PM One of my neighbors died a few years back. He was a soldier settler, with a square mile al.....
» 30/08/2013 4:18:39 PM I get so sick of envy. I was debt free well over 20, & watched friends investing in real .....
» 30/08/2013 3:50:04 PM Oh do stop it David G, lest my flood of tears wipe out a whole suburb. Labor's got a heart.....
» 30/08/2013 3:21:04 PM You should have been clearer in your article Sophie, & we would have known. Whose choice .....
» 30/08/2013 1:25:22 PM Well Sophie, love If KRuddy wins the election, your problems will all be over. There will .....
» 30/08/2013 1:05:46 PM What campus are you sitting on Foyle. Your theory obviously works well on a blackboard, or.....
» 29/08/2013 11:44:37 PM You bet it is. Turnbull got a shot & stuffed it up. He is too thick for any real job. As .....
» 29/08/2013 10:26:20 PM Pelican both Oz & the Labor party would perhaps not be in the deep doo doo we are now, if .....
» 29/08/2013 4:26:45 PM Kevin Rudd is telling us he has found a 10 billion black hole in Abbott's costings. He as.....
» 29/08/2013 12:29:12 AM One under god you are thinking from a false assumption. Oz is only likely to be hard to ho.....
» 29/08/2013 12:11:16 AM Chrisgaff1000, you are stealing my policies......
» 29/08/2013 12:00:55 AM Are you pair mad? You have just described a recipe for an Italian or French type parliame.....
» 28/08/2013 8:03:51 PM When I was a young bloke, the only free hospitals were in Queensland, paid for by the cask.....
» 28/08/2013 7:36:23 PM Misanthrope none of our northern ports are really suitable for a navy base. All of the Que.....
» 28/08/2013 3:30:53 PM What tripe. Nicely written, but still tripe. You should stop trying to project your though.....
» 28/08/2013 2:43:21 PM No Shaggy, it is not like at all. I hated it, but had to either go offshore, Taiwan, for .....
» 28/08/2013 10:53:27 AM Murdoch could never become biased enough to balance the ABC. Much prefer an honest "k.....
» 27/08/2013 11:31:37 PM Luddy there is one thing Gillard has taught us. Don't believe what they say, get inside th.....
» 27/08/2013 6:40:10 PM Stop Press! He's done it again. Now we're going to move the navy to Brisbane. That should.....
» 27/08/2013 6:26:46 PM Yes Shaggy, I'm way past my use by date. I joined the navy on, would you believe, April f.....
» 27/08/2013 6:18:00 PM Good one Poirot, nothing to be sorry about. It is not often a post actually has me laughi.....
» 27/08/2013 6:11:50 PM Come on Poirot, nothing could be worse than the wall to wall lefty/green propaganda. It w.....
» 27/08/2013 4:24:39 PM How typical of this clown, have a thought bubble, & go off not even quarter cocked. To st.....
» 27/08/2013 2:59:55 PM Glad to oblige Indy. Now all we have to do is instill a little verbal dexterity into Tony.....
» 27/08/2013 2:47:52 PM Lexi my sweet, if any government had been as bad as this last lot, I would expect it. I th.....
» 27/08/2013 12:23:22 PM I can't agree with you there onthebeach, calling it leave is just another name, when it is.....
» 27/08/2013 12:13:58 PM Luddy why on earth would you want change a fool, then elect him, when you have a smart blo.....
» 27/08/2013 11:52:49 AM Sorry individual, I can't agree with you there. Intelligence has nothing to do with flying.....
» 27/08/2013 10:54:49 AM No mediawatch will have any effect on anything. No one, who is not a far left type ever wa.....
» 27/08/2013 1:31:42 AM Hi Bec, those old Cressidas were pretty tough things. I still use that one around the padd.....
» 27/08/2013 1:02:10 AM Pelican a fast train is not a commuting means of transport. If they have to regularly stop.....
» 27/08/2013 12:34:44 AM It was my amusement at all three ladies absorbed with their phones, while sitting in front.....
» 26/08/2013 6:01:58 PM Have you noticed how slow women are to join in some technology, & how quickly they take to.....
» 26/08/2013 4:52:25 PM Yep Rudd's addiction to grandiose announcements that go no where, while costing billions i.....
» 26/08/2013 12:53:48 PM First of all, what garbage Shaggy Dog. All we have to do with genuine refugees is give th.....
» 25/08/2013 9:26:46 PM Lexi my sweet, I can assure you I have no fantasies about our Abbott, & never actually bel.....
» 25/08/2013 4:32:10 PM Wow, Lexi sweetie, you must have a really bad case of the Abbott attraction syndrome. That.....
» 25/08/2013 4:21:37 PM I think it's a great idea, as long as he follows through. A few hundred of these boats co.....
» 25/08/2013 2:47:58 PM My eldest explained to me last night, why so many feminists are so anti Abbott. She tells.....
» 25/08/2013 10:52:16 AM I like Katter too, it is a pity he is not smarter. He has really fallen for the global wa.....
» 24/08/2013 7:42:36 PM Wow, & here I was thinking all you lefties were committed to the cause, I'm shocked. I hav.....
» 24/08/2013 6:48:47 PM The real Rudd is back, well what the hell did you expect? How could he improve, he knows.....
» 24/08/2013 6:38:58 PM So now the biggest joke of all time. The world needs KRudd. He's got to call off his el.....
» 24/08/2013 11:31:30 AM Yep, the old 6 O'clock swill may not have been such a bad thing after all......
» 23/08/2013 1:37:22 PM Hi miacat, I think you made a little error there. You said the Australia's economy has gro.....
» 23/08/2013 1:07:28 PM We have all known that our betters, the bureaucrats in state & commonwealth public service.....
» 23/08/2013 12:56:48 PM Jay Of Melbourne I can not understand why you have not been struck down by lightning for e.....
» 23/08/2013 12:07:20 PM Individual you couldn't have been more wrong, could you? You say "they couldn't possi.....
» 22/08/2013 7:38:39 PM What do you reckon that cost Paul, one hundred thousand, two hundred thousand, or even mor.....
» 22/08/2013 5:40:37 PM I would support that pelican, if I thought it had ever happened. This clown is not intere.....
» 22/08/2013 4:29:00 PM No Luddy, I only love ratbags like Bob Katter, who have some basic logic as the foundation.....
» 22/08/2013 10:45:49 AM Now I start to see your plan Alan. You are spouting all this absolute rubbish to lure the.....
» 22/08/2013 10:31:48 AM Gee thanks Malcolm. I'd never paid any attention to this mob,or other minor parties/colle.....
» 22/08/2013 10:19:12 AM Surely there is something more important to think about, than some strange self obsessed b.....
» 22/08/2013 1:32:15 AM Hi Bec, I hope you enjoyed your chuckle. I have enjoyed your posts, since you joined us, .....
» 22/08/2013 1:18:25 AM Thank you Foyle. Don't coal fired power plants release quite high radiation? Not that I.....
» 21/08/2013 4:00:32 PM With planning like that PEST, no wonder they are all going broke......
» 21/08/2013 12:50:18 PM Suse canes are just that. They are made from Lawyer Cane, a tropical rainforest plant......
» 21/08/2013 12:20:49 PM I think it is a wonderful idea. Just what we need now we have run out of any other ways to.....
» 21/08/2013 12:09:54 PM Don't be so silly Suse, Lexi is a real lady, & she knows I admire her & her opinions, even.....
» 21/08/2013 10:58:13 AM That girlfriend thing is a myth Lexi, part of the one about the rich racing car driver, or.....
» 21/08/2013 10:43:41 AM I'm with Taswegian. There's at least 20,000 people who don't give a damn what the power s.....
» 21/08/2013 12:22:43 AM Ah yes Lexi I too knew Strathfield, but it was the sound of my Morgan +4s exhaust echoing .....
» 20/08/2013 11:46:45 PM Csteele, has it ever occurred to you that if your kids had been reasonably brought up & tr.....
» 20/08/2013 8:10:23 PM Lexi my sweet, that myth about the women now walking in front of their men, actually comes.....
» 20/08/2013 2:15:53 PM Picked it in one Babette, why do homosexuals want marriage, just like real people? It is .....
» 20/08/2013 1:53:40 PM There really should be a law that prevents silly little girls going to university, studdin.....
» 19/08/2013 2:38:09 PM Surely traveloz the only decent thing to do is cut back on our spending, & start paying of.....
» 19/08/2013 11:32:45 AM Hay Foyle, just as well Ruddy & Julia understand how money works. If they didn't we might .....
» 18/08/2013 10:58:51 PM Platypus1900 when a 60 year old faces a wild eyed 24 year old with a carving knife, I beli.....
» 18/08/2013 10:10:36 PM Yes they should be free to speak, but they should have to state they are public servants. .....
» 18/08/2013 10:06:19 PM Yep, it would be a great scheme, if capped at $30,000. This is one where Abbott has gone .....
» 18/08/2013 10:00:54 PM You are wasting your time fellers, trying to talk to women about their kids. A mate of mi.....
» 18/08/2013 5:17:54 PM Does anyone really believe Kevin Rudd can actually add more than 2 numbers, & get the righ.....
» 18/08/2013 12:58:59 PM I really have a problem with people who are more interested in process than result. If it .....
» 17/08/2013 8:41:17 PM I agree RObert that the loss of any form of adventure games & play for kids is one reason .....
» 17/08/2013 9:47:49 AM RObert one does not have to be an Einstein to be able to see an increase in antisocial beh.....
» 16/08/2013 8:43:26 PM Lexi my sweet, I most definitely hope that god, if there is one, spares us from politician.....
» 16/08/2013 8:19:46 PM Yep Indy, O'Gorman & the rest of them should really be known as the lawyers association in.....
» 16/08/2013 3:52:36 PM The fact is that the internet & blogs have rubbed a bit of the silver off the back of out .....
» 16/08/2013 3:21:30 PM I really am surprised anyone actually reads this bloke. The posts are at least interestin.....
» 16/08/2013 1:45:28 AM Yep Stezza, rolling down hill yelling Weeeeee is great fun, but the horse is much better f.....
» 15/08/2013 1:13:42 PM We sure do need nuclear subs, & surface vessels for that matter, but nuclear armed, not po.....
» 15/08/2013 12:34:16 PM Wow. I can see the delimer. It must be really hard for rusted on lefties who; 1/ know the.....
» 14/08/2013 11:40:09 PM Tristan, you say "ON Aged Care neither party has enough to say - I'm beginning to fee.....
» 14/08/2013 2:50:57 PM Thank you Tristan. I'm sure this couple of pages of spin & garbage will have helped yet a .....
» 14/08/2013 2:42:39 PM Now lets look at our mining industry. I'm sure you've noticed some pattern here. Good time.....
» 14/08/2013 2:10:59 PM Continued The reason for our car industry's problems is so similar to Detroit, & is now s.....
» 14/08/2013 2:08:05 PM Malcolm there never ever was a really good reason for South Australia's existence. Without.....
» 14/08/2013 1:03:30 PM Bazz importers can become manufacturers if they so wish. At the same time, importers emplo.....
» 14/08/2013 2:11:25 AM Sorry Stezza, but I can't let that go. Even as the local petrol head, I have to argue the .....
» 14/08/2013 12:55:32 AM Well said Saltpetre, it's the constitution thing that worries me. Not only unintended cons.....
» 14/08/2013 12:06:29 AM Even the title of this thread is an oxymoron, with absolutely no foundation in fact. They.....
» 13/08/2013 11:57:29 PM Lexi my sweet, I find it rather hard to believe that once the death penalty has been appli.....
» 13/08/2013 11:34:35 PM I think it is a bit late to avoid losing a generation. You only have to look at the behavi.....
» 13/08/2013 3:15:07 PM Platypus1900 if someone knocks off my TV, computer, or car, depriving me of the use of it .....
» 13/08/2013 12:32:14 PM Just a couple of questions/observations Roger. Where are the nutrient to produce this rat.....
» 13/08/2013 11:58:23 AM Lyn, love, you tell us climate change "seems to have disappeared in a puff of smoke&q.....
» 13/08/2013 11:36:30 AM Lexi my sweet, I am not interested in attempting to deter future murderers, that is a pipe.....
» 13/08/2013 11:16:19 AM History tells us that it is not pride, but diversity that comes before, or perhaps during .....
» 13/08/2013 11:03:17 AM Of course we will have to pay for it OUG. But what exactly will we be paying for. We will.....
» 13/08/2013 10:46:18 AM Wages are only a part of the problem, & even a fairly minor part at that, in many areas. .....
» 13/08/2013 10:16:17 AM In my opinion the penalty to the criminal for any crime should always be worse than the cr.....
» 12/08/2013 5:39:46 PM Belly I think you will find Rudd did not mention any 70 billion, because old mate there ai.....
» 11/08/2013 10:08:36 PM Luddy you've got no chance of getting that up old mate. Particularly as you think labor. .....
» 11/08/2013 5:17:08 PM Come on Anti, even you don't believe that rubbish. You are rationalizing because you want .....
» 10/08/2013 10:32:09 PM Antiseptic, just a few points. Global warming was the greatest moral issue of our time wh.....
» 10/08/2013 7:58:24 PM Yes Antiseptic I'm sure we could. However on the question of Rudd we have no meeting poin.....
» 10/08/2013 7:01:54 PM Lexi sweetie, I'm amazed at you quoting Swanny. Why on earth would you chose a fool, wit.....
» 10/08/2013 10:46:12 AM Yes Antiseptic there was a very large point. I find it incredible that any thinking person.....
» 10/08/2013 10:16:55 AM Lexi my sweet, they stick people in the funny farm for self inflicted injury. Do you think.....
» 10/08/2013 10:03:04 AM Belly you amaze me sometimes. Your idea appears to be leave the lousy road making mistak.....
» 9/08/2013 7:43:24 PM AR, hi Luddy, my computer has developed a case of automatic spell check, from somewhere, &.....
» 9/08/2013 2:34:35 PM Yes Antiseptic, & some are so thick they are still in bed, & asleep. Only those so indoc.....
» 9/08/2013 1:16:54 PM On the main road, between my home & local town there is a hill. It's not much of a hill, b.....
» 9/08/2013 11:06:51 AM I see you are still pontificating from cloud 9 David G. Perhaps you should come down & hav.....
» 8/08/2013 5:39:00 PM Now that's an idea imajulianutter, but why not bring back Fraser to be joint PM. He never .....
» 8/08/2013 12:23:25 PM We definitely should send all "refugee" children back to where they came from, t.....
» 8/08/2013 12:17:21 PM Well David G, if the Capitalist Titanic does sink, we, all except perhaps a few fools, kno.....
» 8/08/2013 11:27:29 AM Pity we don't have a time machine. If we could just get back to see, I'll bet those dinos.....
» 7/08/2013 3:51:26 PM Why would anyone want to save him? You'd have to be pretty gullible to believe Assange ev.....
» 6/08/2013 8:47:09 PM As someone who does not indulge in smoking, alcohol or illicit drugs, I can look on at thi.....
» 6/08/2013 6:29:01 PM I find it really amazing that there are people prepared to vote for this disgusting bit of.....
» 5/08/2013 8:03:59 PM Doctor Benjamin McLane Spock has a lot to answer for. In fact I'm quite sure we can trace .....
» 5/08/2013 3:22:55 PM It is definitely an either or for this article. Either Marko doesn't believe a word he ha.....
» 4/08/2013 11:38:32 PM Philip you should be in full favor of GST, fuel, alcohol & nicotine taxes, after all the l.....
» 4/08/2013 8:57:01 PM Do stop it Philip S, unless you can get it right. PAYE tax payers barely stump up enough .....
» 4/08/2013 8:44:10 PM Has it been raining much around your way? I can have all sorts of odd problems, often onl.....
» 2/08/2013 2:57:30 PM Sorry Luddy, I've been a bit busy, & not keeping up here. No mate, it would take a pretty.....
» 31/07/2013 1:15:04 PM I have often wondered if David Attenborough & his ilk should not be charged with animal cr.....
» 31/07/2013 11:30:29 AM TV drama! Isn't that the stuff on the box where the people run around & shout a lot. Afte.....
» 31/07/2013 11:21:53 AM doog surely aren't suggesting that high levels of Indonesian army & government aren't invo.....
» 30/07/2013 1:37:01 PM Time to grow up Bruce. You have obviously spent too much time in the privileged elite worl.....
» 30/07/2013 11:32:03 AM Does anyone still read this bloke? When I want fantasy I go pick up a Harry Potter, defi.....
» 29/07/2013 12:47:14 PM Back on topic for a moment. Does Rudd deserve to govern, lets put it another way. If you.....
» 29/07/2013 12:13:35 PM Definitely time to buy a bit more of the bright heavy shiny stuff, & put it back undergrou.....
» 28/07/2013 5:47:35 PM Luddy old mate, there is no such thing as renewable energy. There is just a boutique littl.....
» 28/07/2013 9:10:22 AM There can no longer be any doubt about Ruddy's principles, he hasn't any. His greatest mo.....
» 27/07/2013 8:28:51 AM Paul I don't know what planet you inhabit, but if you actually believe this garbage you sp.....
» 26/07/2013 3:11:22 PM Kenny, I would have thought people of the left would be avoiding that word "lie".....
» 26/07/2013 12:16:24 PM Who gives a stuff about what would or would not go down internationally. Apart from the .....
» 26/07/2013 11:17:22 AM What the hell is the defense of our borders if it is not a defense activity. God I'm sick .....
» 25/07/2013 9:04:21 AM Perhaps this nerds would be better off sticking to something they knows something about. .....
» 24/07/2013 10:47:11 PM Belly old mate, I'm sorry you can't see what Rudd is. It would be good for you to wake up,.....
» 23/07/2013 7:15:16 PM Speak for yourself Belly old mate. I have no requirement for you to speak for me. I find .....
» 23/07/2013 6:08:48 PM Come of the grass Moiteeki, if you want people to pay attention you'll have to stop spinni.....
» 23/07/2013 11:03:53 AM Poirot must be one of those green harpies from the south. No one else could be so dumb or.....
» 22/07/2013 8:11:13 PM Bob Smythe, you had better be careful if you go back to PNG. You don't appear to understan.....
» 22/07/2013 11:54:50 AM I'm not sure if you are right about Turnbull being a true Liberal Paul. If he is that is a.....
» 21/07/2013 4:02:47 PM Don't forget Lexi my sweet that Hewson was rejected because he was incompetent. A great te.....
» 20/07/2013 4:43:35 PM Belly old mate, if anyone doesn't understand Labor, it is those silly enough to think what.....
» 20/07/2013 4:35:11 PM Tristan you have to stop watching those W*s on the ABC. Too much will make you go blind, d.....
» 20/07/2013 1:44:25 PM Come off it Belly. Surely you have not looked at your mob recently A party controlled by.....
» 20/07/2013 1:35:21 PM Houellebecq please explain the ATAR system. OI Queensland we have the "OP score".....
» 20/07/2013 1:08:33 PM You obviously have a personal axe to grind Tristan, & it is getting boring. There is nothi.....
» 20/07/2013 12:28:59 PM David G, Rudd's New Guinea solution is just another pie in the sky bit of fluff, until he .....
» 19/07/2013 9:13:40 PM I reckon this New Guinea agreement means Rudd is going to an election soon. He must know t.....
» 19/07/2013 1:14:06 PM Divergence Tristan, we already take care of the disabled & the elderly, & I did mention my.....
» 19/07/2013 1:04:41 PM What a disgusting bit of tripe for a law professor to commit to paper, or the net. It was.....
» 19/07/2013 12:56:38 PM & you Poirot remind me of a couple of rat bag harpies from the south. Too damn dumb to kn.....
» 19/07/2013 12:47:16 PM Oh god, do wake up people. All it needs is to sink the next few boats that do not leave o.....
» 19/07/2013 12:39:21 PM Sooner or later we are going to have to treat these boats as part of the invading fleet th.....
» 19/07/2013 12:06:40 PM The way I see it Turnbull is just the liberal version of KRudd in the blue team. Good con.....
» 18/07/2013 3:30:50 PM Obviously Tristan you expect to be a beneficiary under any increased age care spending. Yo.....
» 17/07/2013 11:00:35 PM Yep, no trouble Poirot, & I'll bet some of mine were guarding yours......
» 17/07/2013 7:41:27 PM Better still Jay, withdraw from that most corrupt of organisations ever, the United Nation.....
» 17/07/2013 7:18:24 PM Tristan even if it was the only media on earth, I would not watch any of the garbage serve.....
» 17/07/2013 3:42:40 PM Luddy old mate, I've spent probably as much time in the bush as anyone, often at places on.....
» 17/07/2013 3:24:23 PM Well one thing we can be sure of, Tristan did not teach math. If he did he would know that.....
» 17/07/2013 1:41:27 PM Dean I think you & the report are missing the most important factor in education today. Th.....
» 16/07/2013 3:57:20 PM Funny isn't it Johnj, That's not what the satellites & weather balloons say. I wonder why.....
» 16/07/2013 11:59:10 AM A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Pity the person who gave this author the knowled.....
» 16/07/2013 11:52:31 AM Leaders, god help us. Remember the big three of the early/mid 20Th century Europe? One g.....
» 16/07/2013 11:29:20 AM Oh come on onthebeach, this is GOD KEVIN you're talking about. You know he never consults.....
» 15/07/2013 12:07:54 PM Belly, Poirot, your posts totally confirm what we have seen of Labor these past 5+ years. .....
» 14/07/2013 5:06:57 PM Well climate change/global warming was, when Ruddy wanted to use it as his passport to a/t.....
» 13/07/2013 12:35:58 PM When did Kevin Rudd change his view on asylum seekers, or anything else for that matter? .....
» 12/07/2013 3:37:02 PM Well you can all find out how good Ruddy's word is. Elect him & you'll find his deal with.....
» 11/07/2013 5:14:41 PM Not so anti-green. Ruddy only wants to be Ozzie PM until he gets the call up to run the U.....
» 11/07/2013 1:23:48 PM What a joke!.....
» 10/07/2013 5:12:32 PM It's old timers disease. Some have memory trouble, some just go dotty. Obviously Fraser is.....
» 8/07/2013 5:19:35 PM I could introduce you to half a dozen teachers, & a dozen public servants PJack, but I won.....
» 8/07/2013 3:52:32 PM Just how many more clapped out old buggers, [retirees] are there sucking the air out of th.....
» 8/07/2013 3:32:55 PM Luddy, please mate, "I can’t see why this wouldn’t be in Rudd’s interest, given that .....
» 6/07/2013 3:15:59 PM So Belly lets stop them all! I agree with Divergence, they should be only personal, & at a.....
» 6/07/2013 11:02:36 AM I'm not up on this Luddy, so tell me. Did this cap on political donations apply to the un.....
» 4/07/2013 1:21:12 PM John tells us of the national disability insurance scheme that "Ms Gillard should be .....
» 4/07/2013 12:10:43 AM Poirot for you to use the bigotry to describe anyone else on earth is absolutely ludicrous.....
» 3/07/2013 7:28:25 PM Belly, mate the Libs would rather lose than win with a dropkick for a leader. That mate .....
» 3/07/2013 7:22:53 PM Come on misanthrope, she believes that climate change is controlled by CO2, for gods sake......
» 3/07/2013 3:17:39 PM Rather than a Dr. No, Penny Wong [or is it Wrong] is more of a Dr. know nothing. Has she .....
» 3/07/2013 3:13:17 PM We have all heard how the Polynesians moved westward from island to island, until they fou.....
» 3/07/2013 10:38:31 AM Obviously Patrick must be referring to left handed pundits only. As bren says, most of th.....
» 3/07/2013 10:23:18 AM LeftOut, if we get either of them we should have kept the liar we knew, Julia......
» 2/07/2013 5:24:32 PM Time to turn the other cheek fellers. For too long we've been helping the ladies out of ca.....
» 2/07/2013 12:13:53 AM They already have individual. His name is Garrett, & we know how incompetent he is.....
» 2/07/2013 12:07:25 AM Perhaps pelican you are missing just one point. Even with some of the no hopers they had .....
» 1/07/2013 11:58:40 PM My brother in law, an engineer, has just moved into a property near Wyong, after living in.....
» 1/07/2013 4:28:00 PM Now you are talking important things Belly. I agree it is no use worrying about an electio.....
» 1/07/2013 12:15:24 PM Perhaps Sarah, you haven't noticed that the US has something approaching as practically as.....
» 1/07/2013 12:08:01 PM I can't think of a single linguist who could make change for a bus ticket. Our Ruddy is a .....
» 1/07/2013 11:36:09 AM Well Belly old mate, you have finally tumbled to what I've been telling you for years. I a.....
» 30/06/2013 1:37:43 PM You lefties are incredible. Not happy with pickling bl00dy awful people for your own lea.....
» 29/06/2013 8:09:13 PM Yep PJack Turnbull is the man who could assure a Rudd win. He would lose a high percenta.....
» 29/06/2013 7:59:33 PM Agree there Luddy. Self interest is the only thing I've ever found as a driving force in .....
» 29/06/2013 4:26:48 PM Vote for a local candidate, you've got to be kidding. For the last 3 elections, state & fe.....
» 29/06/2013 3:51:48 PM From the swamp to the cesspool, hardly a change for the better......
» 29/06/2013 3:50:22 PM Well, unlike "gunboat" Rudd & the red witch, who stand for spin, lies & freshly .....
» 29/06/2013 12:16:53 PM Has anyone else noticed that when ever you see the term "dog whistle" you know t.....
» 29/06/2013 12:02:19 PM SM Gillard was lying. Rudd is a lie. The whole persona he presents is a fabrication. It i.....
» 28/06/2013 10:08:34 PM Well thank god we never have to see the real Gillard, or any other Gillard ever again......
» 28/06/2013 5:00:36 PM Yep anything that would wear down Gillard, would make ten normal people flee the country......
» 28/06/2013 4:07:42 PM Luddy just what has sustainability got to do with garbage scrub, full of pigs & heaps of o.....
» 28/06/2013 12:01:59 PM xdope if kids fear NAPLAN it is only because teachers have trained them to fear it. Kids .....
» 28/06/2013 11:09:26 AM Rudd had better go to an election quickly, as the more people see of him, the more they wi.....
» 28/06/2013 1:45:39 AM Lexi sweetie, you say Australians need to know precisely why they should vote for Mr Abbot.....
» 27/06/2013 11:22:14 AM If teachers were to put even a quarter as much time into becoming better teachers, as they.....
» 27/06/2013 10:48:26 AM Wonders will never cease. It is nice the ex prime minister has at least one skill to fall.....
» 27/06/2013 10:43:13 AM Sorry David G, you got it just a little bit wrong. Australia has just got rid of the SECO.....
» 27/06/2013 10:19:32 AM You have the wrong words in your description of Rudd there PJack. The ones you were lookin.....
» 27/06/2013 1:57:21 AM Well Poirot after all the conniving, cheating, lying & vicious infighting, that really wou.....
» 26/06/2013 9:58:08 PM Antiseptic thank you. I have not had such a great laugh in years. Not at you, but with yo.....
» 26/06/2013 9:22:37 PM Well, I got my wish. Now for the public to do it's part......
» 26/06/2013 9:20:45 PM Out of the frying pan into the fire. At least now we can vote him out once & for all. The.....
» 26/06/2013 10:17:58 AM All those books on how to think, Jeremy. Pity he doesn't read them before he bursts into .....
» 25/06/2013 9:15:26 PM Thank god we have mind reader Paul to tell us what Abbott is thinking. I do find it intere.....
» 25/06/2013 9:04:51 PM Careful there Poirot, you're starting to rant. All this time you have resisted, & we have.....
» 25/06/2013 5:17:01 PM No Bazz I do not, & I doubt some of them, in some areas will be out of poverty in 50 years.....
» 25/06/2013 1:27:11 PM The other thing about the bad old days, it developed an "us against the nasty world&q.....
» 25/06/2013 12:57:27 PM Poirot as I said, it would be refreshing if many teachers actually taught something. This .....
» 25/06/2013 12:47:44 PM Just how dumb does this bloke think we are? Still I agree, military action would be count.....
» 25/06/2013 12:40:33 PM Lexi, my sweet, any one who gets any information from their ABC is bound to be misinformed.....
» 25/06/2013 12:18:50 PM People forget the facts of life, now & back in the bad old days. When I was a kid the cos.....
» 25/06/2013 12:21:45 AM Paul I'll thank you to mind your own damn business, & get the hell out of other peoples li.....
» 24/06/2013 9:40:33 PM Lexi my sweet, the opposition is in the minority in parliament, or they would be the gover.....
» 24/06/2013 5:06:07 PM Lovely thoughts Shira, but you neglect one point, who is going to pay? In days of yore onl.....
» 24/06/2013 4:35:28 PM Belly Rudd is the bloke who destroyed our boarder protection. That is costing us billions......
» 24/06/2013 4:09:27 PM Otokonoko I'm afraid you are showing your naivety. I did once put on post here the cost o.....
» 24/06/2013 3:44:04 PM Poirot you forget one thing, most of those sweet shop workers do have a choice, they could.....
» 24/06/2013 11:04:45 AM Has it ever occurred to you Poirot, that a kid has to be able to read & write, & do a bit .....
» 23/06/2013 6:20:59 PM Rehctub I missed your bit about the LNP changing to Turnbull. I believe that is very doubt.....
» 23/06/2013 5:25:46 PM Lexi my sweet, let me assure you if Abbott turns out to be even a quarter as bad as Gillar.....
» 23/06/2013 1:50:22 PM Good point Anthony P, much forgotten by these planners. Even into the 60s in Sydney, & ot.....
» 23/06/2013 1:22:29 PM Come off the high horse Poirot I have never seen you debate a single point yet. Your bag i.....
» 23/06/2013 1:14:49 PM Doesn't Gillard have to retire as PM, & not as a opposition leader or backbencher to get h.....
» 23/06/2013 12:44:01 PM Thanks for that Joe, it is much as I expected, but is much clearer now. I'm afraid many o.....
» 23/06/2013 11:56:21 AM Yep the main thing wrong with our society today is that the ideas of people like SWLiddle .....
» 21/06/2013 6:03:58 PM Sorry ax2503, you've got that a bit upside down. It was the unions that closed the Austral.....
» 21/06/2013 5:50:23 PM Now there is a great idea from PEST. You wouldn't be another humanities type would you PES.....
» 21/06/2013 2:24:09 PM What are they teaching then in Universities these days? It certainly looks like dogma rule.....
» 21/06/2013 1:56:24 PM Great post Belly. I do sometimes wonder, what if Beasley had not been rolled. That back st.....
» 21/06/2013 1:20:32 PM Oh wouldn't it be wonderful if some fool Indonesian were to kidnap her, & hold her for ran.....
» 21/06/2013 12:55:55 PM That's the way david f, you'll get us lots more criminals with that approach. Nothing like.....
» 21/06/2013 12:55:36 AM So true onthebeach, I can remember seeing my father, & my mates fathers in the 40s & 50s, .....
» 20/06/2013 11:55:36 PM O sung do come back & say hello from time to time old mate, on the good days. We do need .....
» 20/06/2013 11:50:51 PM Carr has proved himself an incompetent arrogant fool in every thing he has ever touched, &.....
» 20/06/2013 11:33:21 PM Hi SWLiddle & welcome to the forum. I'm afraid I could not disagree with you more. I thin.....
» 20/06/2013 6:14:33 PM At present I have no feelings regard Labor. After Fraser I was a swing voter, probably le.....
» 20/06/2013 5:36:13 PM I have a wonderful idea. Why doesn't Jodie & the World Society for the Protection of Anim.....
» 20/06/2013 1:28:18 PM People who have studied humanities, & psychologist in particular should be prevented from .....
» 20/06/2013 12:58:52 PM Poirot every carnivore on earth kills. The honest ones kill what they are going to eat the.....
» 20/06/2013 12:31:00 PM Poirot when training show jumpers we have a technique called "old hat". It real.....
» 19/06/2013 1:39:09 PM Adele, would the girls have been better off staying where they were?.....
» 19/06/2013 1:30:21 PM Chivalry for heavens sake! Lovely concept, & great in fairy stories, but there never was a.....
» 19/06/2013 12:34:08 PM No Poirot, we are not telling you "that individual teachers would not be aware whethe.....
» 19/06/2013 12:00:41 PM Well you've certainly convinced me david f, that we should cut funding to all university h.....
» 19/06/2013 11:39:07 AM The last poll showed a general election would leave Labor with only one seat from QLD. Pr.....
» 18/06/2013 10:07:53 PM David Gillard insults us daily by expecting us to believe the rubbish she spouts. You can'.....
» 18/06/2013 10:12:22 AM If Gillard is a feminist, & feminists are the modern woman, I'll join the priesthood. If.....
» 18/06/2013 1:44:03 AM Thank heaven there is at least a test the teachers can't manipulate, to avoid exposure of .....
» 17/06/2013 10:17:30 PM No o sung, he seamed perfectly OK, & she had no complaints there. He is a bumbling great o.....
» 17/06/2013 4:02:46 PM Yes o sung, it certainly shows the stupidity of helping your neighbor. The only people you.....
» 17/06/2013 3:36:32 PM O sung you have hit a nail right on the head. My youngest daughter has just come home fro.....
» 17/06/2013 2:52:04 PM Originally I wanted Gillard to stay around, so the people she has so badly treated could k.....
» 17/06/2013 12:42:28 PM Sorry Poirot I read that totally back to front......
» 17/06/2013 12:37:36 PM Praxidice wishful thinking, & self delusion are self defeating habits. If you live in Que.....
» 17/06/2013 11:55:33 AM Well Paul, you stick your head up, & LEGO gave you some facts in spades. I don't have exp.....
» 17/06/2013 11:24:47 AM Sorry Poirot, you say "Of course the fact that all the pieces which she played with i.....
» 17/06/2013 10:52:58 AM Praxidice are undischarged bankrupts allowed in parliament? There is a story doing the ro.....
» 16/06/2013 10:10:42 PM Poirot, if not a full production team I am led to believe many of those celebrates home se.....
» 16/06/2013 9:35:24 PM Can't agree with you here Luddy. Like Individual I want an equal tax, with stuff all deduc.....
» 16/06/2013 2:04:04 AM I am still waiting to hear how these girls are humiliated any more than the men. What the.....
» 15/06/2013 9:17:15 PM Come on fellers, you're being a bit rough on Lexi. She is a lady who just wants to see th.....
» 15/06/2013 8:15:01 PM Paul please. Anyone who is old enough to post on the net is definitely too bloody old to t.....
» 15/06/2013 8:08:49 PM Come on ladies, the girls are as likely as the blokes to initiate sexual relations. Many w.....
» 15/06/2013 1:03:03 PM I'm afraid you are about 500 years too early Antiseptic if you are hoping to find anything.....
» 15/06/2013 11:40:50 AM Well my chance to say, "I told you so". For gods sake, what the hell did you exp.....
» 15/06/2013 1:54:33 AM I reckon you have that completely wrong Antiseptic. Most of your druggies only contribut.....
» 14/06/2013 6:48:37 PM Banjo no one is entitled to anything but the air to breath. If someone wants respect, firs.....
» 14/06/2013 2:17:53 PM Wow, this one got the ladies knickers in a knot didn't it Must be uncomfortable, dependin.....
» 14/06/2013 2:08:31 PM The whole thing is a bit of a joke really. How could putting video, or picks women indul.....
» 14/06/2013 11:36:01 AM Chris perhaps my thinking on teachers is slanted a bit by experience. I was treasurer of .....
» 14/06/2013 10:52:53 AM Graham you are being mean. You must be publishing this bloke to show just how far from rea.....
» 14/06/2013 10:16:49 AM Fortunately just occasionally some people get what they deserve in this life. It doesn't h.....
» 14/06/2013 2:16:15 AM I don't know worldwatcher, I think she has well & truly proved herself incompetent enough .....
» 13/06/2013 10:45:07 PM I wonder who is going to profit from this one. It looks remarkably like a repeat of the d.....
» 13/06/2013 5:22:50 PM Absolute rubbish Wobbles. Companies don't close down & go out of business because they are.....
» 13/06/2013 4:39:40 PM Wishful thinking, or self delusion old mate. Which ever it is not good for you. Don't for.....
» 13/06/2013 2:41:21 PM Chris your hair splitting arguments in your posts has done a lot to convince me that most .....
» 13/06/2013 9:28:59 AM Of course you're right Belly, that many of us saw the mining boom as a bonus to be grabbed.....
» 13/06/2013 1:36:14 AM You know me o sung, As far as I'm concerned the whole point of law & law enforcement is pr.....
» 12/06/2013 3:11:29 PM The hell with lefty & dogooders Poirot, how many points do I get for long haired radical r.....
» 12/06/2013 3:00:08 PM Who the hell cares about who is the best cook. It is who is going to have to do the washi.....
» 12/06/2013 2:52:18 PM Wow Robert have you found some evidence the so called climate scientists have not been abl.....
» 12/06/2013 2:26:13 PM Could there be anything more racist than including one race & one race only in the constit.....
» 11/06/2013 11:51:17 PM Unfortunately rache judging by the problems they are causing throughout Europe, once their.....
» 11/06/2013 8:51:33 PM Lexi my sweet, I'd pay at least triple the going rate to any people smuggler who would tak.....
» 11/06/2013 3:53:08 PM Misanthrope glad to see you are so welcoming of uninvited gate crashers. I need some wher.....
» 11/06/2013 3:11:20 PM No no no, she must stay. No one has the right to deny the Oz people the opportunity to ki.....
» 11/06/2013 11:42:08 AM There is another common thread going through this Graham, that you have not mentioned, or .....
» 10/06/2013 10:18:28 PM Fortunately Otokonoko, I live a couple of kilometers up a quiet country road from a not ve.....
» 10/06/2013 5:33:19 PM You are a lib plant aren't you Alan. Your drastically over the top gilding Labor, & sugge.....
» 10/06/2013 5:17:40 PM Wouldn't stepping down cost her some pension benefits? It that's the case, fat chance, ou.....
» 10/06/2013 4:52:37 PM I doubt the Afghanistan government is changing it's stance on the states of women. I belie.....
» 10/06/2013 1:34:04 PM praxidice are you suggesting that the probability of deep financial problems ahead is a re.....
» 10/06/2013 12:49:42 PM Cheryl please explain, just what these environmental credentials you talk about are. I see.....
» 10/06/2013 11:41:22 AM Do be careful what you wish for pelican, You might actually get it. "How about getti.....
» 10/06/2013 2:02:57 AM We don't see many bike riders out here in the sticks, but this highlights Jay's comment. .....
» 9/06/2013 10:23:15 PM In the same vane, there is a boating safety regulation requiring a yacht going off shore t.....
» 9/06/2013 12:20:45 AM Don't be so silly onthebeach, editing is woman's work. You're not expected to do it......
» 8/06/2013 5:28:33 PM Alan I guess compared to where you are, Oz could almost seem OK. However I suggest you ask.....
» 8/06/2013 2:48:56 PM Lexi it is no good quoting propaganda sheets on here sweetie. We all know that Labor has b.....
» 8/06/2013 2:45:37 PM Actually I totally agree we, We, the yanks & followers that is, should get the hell out of.....
» 8/06/2013 2:26:16 PM Sorry Otokonoko, & Poirot you are talking rubbish here. Less than 20% of fuel tax goes to.....
» 8/06/2013 1:54:15 PM I hope you're as lucky as I was Antiseptic. I left to go fly fighters, & came back after .....
» 8/06/2013 10:47:11 AM Antiseptic may be you will fit in at Uni if you can talk such twaddle. Have you forgotten.....
» 8/06/2013 10:25:20 AM Good luck, you will have to be very strong to avoid becoming contaminated. Do remember, i.....
» 7/06/2013 9:51:00 PM Alan what on earth makes you believe your thoughts carry any more weight, when you add a f.....
» 7/06/2013 1:11:28 PM Come on mate, I'll bet if we got rid of three quarters of the psychologist, & all the rest.....
» 7/06/2013 12:59:43 PM Hell, I think I've bitten my tongue while posting that......
» 7/06/2013 12:58:33 PM This is all too cerebral. The problem is the speed limits. Just let the poor blokes go fo.....
» 7/06/2013 12:24:13 PM Yes we can stick a health label on lots of restrictive practices, where government & indus.....
» 7/06/2013 11:47:35 AM ybgirp it's called unions. Any entity that can very quickly loose millions, or elections .....
» 6/06/2013 9:22:47 PM Killarney what name you put on it really doesn't matter, but retiring public servants at 5.....
» 6/06/2013 2:58:52 PM Pelican something has to give. We are on our way to the Mediterranean but only their pro.....
» 6/06/2013 2:27:22 PM Tanveer unfortunately you are a prime part of the problem. You tell us of an explosion in.....
» 6/06/2013 1:30:54 PM Oh come on girl, a lawyer preaching about truth & honesty. Pull the other one lady, it yo.....
» 6/06/2013 1:25:14 PM Well, after careful thought, I have come to the conclusion that Alan must have applied for.....
» 6/06/2013 12:45:55 PM I'm sure there are quite a few Labor mates who no longer get government contracts. We all .....
» 6/06/2013 12:27:33 PM Voterland old chap, you can't cap the population of a region. Now if you suggest we stop .....
» 6/06/2013 12:22:33 PM Foyle says "I doubt is anyone in either party could have done a significantly better .....
» 5/06/2013 9:56:42 PM I think homosexual couples should be able to raise all the children they conceive naturall.....
» 5/06/2013 8:36:17 PM Lexi my sweet, I'm afraid you are now doing it. Of course it is not only you, but identify.....
» 5/06/2013 5:09:49 PM Yes praxidice it does seam that it is the managers in some businesses where it would be ha.....
» 5/06/2013 4:28:02 PM DreamOn, just where do you stop. Shouldn't public transport charge a viable ticket price......
» 5/06/2013 4:12:17 PM O sung, what I was getting at is that I believe the problem is being exaggerated beyond al.....
» 5/06/2013 2:03:24 PM O sung, to put your mind at rest, asbestos is perfectly safe in all it's forms, but dust. .....
» 5/06/2013 1:26:07 PM Come on Suse, you can never apologies enough for a twit like Gillard. The first woman PM .....
» 5/06/2013 12:46:09 PM I have never been rich. I have never been CEO of a large company either. I have however b.....
» 4/06/2013 2:32:10 PM Praxidice it was on the Labor party propaganda network news, the ABC, so it must be true, .....
» 4/06/2013 1:01:39 PM Poirot, I think your vantage point may turn out to be quicksand. Praxidice I don' know wh.....
» 4/06/2013 12:44:00 PM Yes rehctub, its wages, but in more ways than one. Our wages are too high for industry to.....
» 4/06/2013 11:51:10 AM Here we go again. If this fool government had not decided to kick Telstra for union reas.....
» 4/06/2013 11:24:58 AM Yes rehctub, & I was just reading that internal labor polling is saying Rudd will probably.....
» 3/06/2013 8:26:43 PM Oh come on Mitch@T4R, there are only two thing to learn from this article. 1/ We must st.....
» 3/06/2013 8:04:05 PM Hi Kipp. I think I might be a redneck, & if I was really sure just what it is, I think I m.....
» 3/06/2013 5:02:54 PM tomw that's fine for pen pushers, & perhaps teachers. There are a few of them around here .....
» 3/06/2013 4:02:06 PM chrisgaff1000, if you can't make Falcons in the plant, & make a profit from them, there is.....
» 3/06/2013 3:26:29 PM Well put mn. All the sporting codes promote this tribalism among their supporters. In Oz .....
» 3/06/2013 1:34:00 PM Come on folks, Ross had just shown that public transport doesn't & can't work, then Rhrost.....
» 3/06/2013 1:01:20 PM Obviously this bloke would be much happier living in a Muslim country. Well mate we are .....
» 3/06/2013 12:41:36 PM "Imagine it is you walking on the field under the gaze of some 40,000 or so spectator.....
» 3/06/2013 11:42:49 AM Hell, now I'm really worried. For me to be in agreement with Poirot must mean I've got it .....
» 2/06/2013 2:43:27 PM Come on people, open your eyes. A promise to the miners who HAVE lost their jobs would ha.....
» 2/06/2013 2:21:54 PM The only way we will get justice in Oz is to elect our judges, at the same time as federal.....
» 2/06/2013 12:25:25 AM Poirot where do you get this stuff, the New Matilda, or some other propaganda sheet? Do y.....
» 1/06/2013 11:58:51 AM Luddy I reckon you're think through your stamen there. Come out of the green house & look .....
» 1/06/2013 11:41:11 AM Garbage praxidice! Big business has jumped on the scam & is coining it thanks to the idea.....
» 1/06/2013 11:15:43 AM If Newman is a prototype for federal that will be a massive improvement. The only thing w.....
» 31/05/2013 11:13:44 PM Antiseptic when you do continue would you please address this fact along with your thermod.....
» 31/05/2013 10:33:19 PM Good stuff Paul1405, I'm glad to see you've got your TV watching priorities in order. Phi.....
» 31/05/2013 10:13:47 PM Arjay I'll settle for the boats stopped. The damn fool excesses in the NBN, & don't forge.....
» 31/05/2013 4:33:10 PM What we need to do is make sure they stay in their ghettoes as now. Then in a few years, w.....
» 31/05/2013 4:18:55 PM Yes Luddy, I sure am. Voting for the cowboy hat or the mining magnate is not on. Neither .....
» 31/05/2013 11:01:30 AM Yes chrisgaff1000, I can but agree. I could never quite figure out why people thought 24/7.....
» 31/05/2013 10:05:39 AM You people astound me. What do you expect if you vote for minor parties & independents? .....
» 30/05/2013 2:48:13 PM Great article Don. Like a good red, you are just getting better with age. Still I'll bet y.....
» 30/05/2013 2:05:16 PM Dale has it ever occurred that we give charities exactly what we believe they are worth. .....
» 30/05/2013 1:30:03 PM I was always honest in all the navy ones Candide, & I did hear that having qualified them .....
» 30/05/2013 1:16:09 PM Come on Bill, how could we not be aware of the billions of our dollars wasted by all the p.....
» 30/05/2013 11:08:47 AM What Rubbish. These tests have been validated by their use. I have usually got the job w.....
» 29/05/2013 8:59:47 PM Lexi my sweet, that is a silly post. I had a great friend, intelligent, well educated, af.....
» 29/05/2013 10:46:58 AM Come on Poirot, you have a game designed to be played by gentlemen, now being played by a .....
» 28/05/2013 9:34:50 PM Of course Julia & co have not put the time into working out the details of implementing th.....
» 28/05/2013 3:09:05 PM Oh so true. Yet anyone who speaks against the NBN, Gonski, Disability insurance scheme, hi.....
» 28/05/2013 11:13:57 AM Tell me Robert LePage, what cult did you belong to, before you found the global warming cu.....
» 28/05/2013 12:57:34 AM Rainier you turn out to be the very type who bring a great deal of dislike on your mob. Yo.....
» 27/05/2013 3:31:51 PM I do get a bit sick of some of the garbage that goes on, with some people looking for some.....
» 27/05/2013 2:08:26 PM Jayb I'm glad you enjoy history, may you do so for many years to come. I for one have had .....
» 26/05/2013 5:01:24 PM Time to grow up & move on Jansey. You can spend your entire life blighted by continually l.....
» 25/05/2013 4:43:16 PM Rhrosty you do realize that most early missionaries die a horrible death. Those that foll.....
» 25/05/2013 11:51:10 AM When you have introduced a barbaric element into your society with ridiculous immigration .....
» 25/05/2013 11:37:56 AM Yep rehctub, it is an interesting comparison, with Oz government funded benefits. The rea.....
» 24/05/2013 11:45:24 PM I don't think you're right there Rhian. I think there are very large numbers who would pre.....
» 24/05/2013 11:24:12 PM He is going to take quite a few votes of people who can't stand Gillard, & want her gone, .....
» 24/05/2013 10:45:27 AM I have to agree with Bob Katter on this one. It makes no sense at all for government to g.....
» 23/05/2013 4:07:13 PM Killarney what you & most others don't appear to realize, the UN & later the EU were actua.....
» 23/05/2013 10:26:57 AM MaomiMelb roads are built with a small part of the tax & excise charged on fuel. The rest .....
» 22/05/2013 11:48:56 PM Hi Antiseptic, they will have to drag my steering wheel out of my cold dead hands mate. Th.....
» 21/05/2013 8:35:27 PM I guess all we can do is hope that Abbott is a Newman X 2 or 3. If Palmer & his party is.....
» 21/05/2013 3:21:22 PM Luddy you know the answer to all your problems, you're just trying to avoid it. Go get yo.....
» 21/05/2013 2:37:36 PM Lexi my sweet, I can readily believe you enjoy watching Q & A, Media Watch & Insiders. You.....
» 20/05/2013 5:29:28 PM What we need Producer is a return to the UK system of first past the post voting. That way.....
» 20/05/2013 4:48:35 PM Peter King, which eye do you open in the morning, It certainly can't be both? Has it ever.....
» 20/05/2013 3:02:16 PM Belly I have a feeling you may be wrong about where Palmer will get his votes. Judging by .....
» 20/05/2013 2:29:38 PM Lexi my sweet, have you ever heard of the ABC. It is the best lefty propaganda Machine on.....
» 20/05/2013 12:46:51 PM I wonder how much Labor pay this bloke to produce this crap. What ever it is they should .....
» 19/05/2013 6:07:33 PM Yes praxidice, I understand the overqualified problem, & it is a real one. I guess little .....
» 19/05/2013 12:21:38 PM Thanks for your answer Chris. It helps to know where others are coming from. I would sugg.....
» 19/05/2013 11:59:50 AM Luddy old mate, I take people as I find them. In my experience, every rock you turn over .....
» 19/05/2013 2:04:41 AM With the work too heavy they closed the business, & went looking for some work. The older .....
» 19/05/2013 2:04:32 AM What world do you lot inhabit, It can't be the one I live in. I can understand, praxidice,.....
» 18/05/2013 1:33:56 PM Poirot do you ever read anything but propaganda? Do you ever think about a subject? Your.....
» 18/05/2013 1:20:36 PM Chris Lewis I have a real problem with some of your reasoning. You obviously understand t.....
» 18/05/2013 11:47:30 AM Luddy the fact that the cops don't enforce roadwork speed limits highlights the bl00dy awf.....
» 18/05/2013 11:12:23 AM Chris I think you are genuine in that belief, but if so, you need to get out more mate. Yo.....
» 17/05/2013 11:09:16 PM And Killarney, There is no universal or natural law that says humans were put on this eart.....
» 17/05/2013 10:49:12 PM Hay o sung, I've got this theory about Dementia. I reckon the best thing to do, if you've.....
» 17/05/2013 3:57:30 PM Ok, great stuff again. Now please write me a history that has me become king of somewhere.....
» 17/05/2013 3:45:46 PM Tombee the physics I'm seeing is the fact that CO2 is displacing water vapor in the upper .....
» 17/05/2013 3:31:23 PM Actually Luddy I agree with you, with my heart, but my head says all you really want to do.....
» 17/05/2013 12:36:11 PM Houellebecq Like you, I'm OK mate. I had enough sense to go & get a bit of paper, even whe.....
» 17/05/2013 12:07:33 PM What a great article. Two in the one day, it's probably a record. It does my heart good t.....
» 17/05/2013 11:30:47 AM Great article Don, it really is about time that the world came to it's senses. We have s.....
» 16/05/2013 9:49:33 PM I don't think it has anything to do with treasury. What's more I don't think the last 12 m.....
» 16/05/2013 9:37:54 PM There is still one problem. If they did start listening, it would be an absolute catastro.....
» 16/05/2013 9:17:58 PM Lexi my sweet, you are reading from the wrong book. That New Matilda lot will lead you ast.....
» 16/05/2013 1:40:55 PM Come on folks, Susan is only trying to promote some jobs for her graduates. Lets face it, .....
» 16/05/2013 1:28:46 PM Great article Ben, don't pay any attention to Rhrosty & his communistic ideas. For god sak.....
» 16/05/2013 12:33:39 PM Careful there Brian, your prejudice is showing. I'm prepared to bet that fool walking aro.....
» 16/05/2013 11:26:00 AM Why on earth would some hot shot RMIT lecturer be interested in the Jolie boobs. It looks.....
» 16/05/2013 10:56:08 AM Do come off the grass Luciferase. We have seen this lot spend 10s of billions, & get not .....
» 15/05/2013 3:14:48 PM Garbage Luciferase, the only effect Gonski will have is to put more money in the education.....
» 15/05/2013 10:44:50 AM This bloke is so far gone, I think he may be actually certifiable......
» 14/05/2013 11:14:27 PM The outrage is real Kenny but it is a faux government......
» 14/05/2013 5:05:26 PM Oh & where are we going when the mines shut? Glug glug glug. I hope you can swim......
» 14/05/2013 5:03:51 PM Come on folks, make up your minds. One minute you're attacking Gina and Clive, & want to .....
» 14/05/2013 10:57:22 AM I am looking for the catch. There is no way I am ever likely to vote for any change in ou.....
» 13/05/2013 11:32:29 PM Continued. Some years back, when I could still see very well, there was a particularly be.....
» 13/05/2013 11:17:32 PM Killarney for what it's worth, if I am in my lounge chair watching TV, I will be reading s.....
» 13/05/2013 3:40:29 PM Yuyutsu if orthodox Jews are so stupid as to believe that a 2+thousand year old religion m.....
» 13/05/2013 11:59:24 AM Come on Rhrosty, don't lack talent, you've got to be kidding. Take the latest move by the.....
» 12/05/2013 9:42:28 PM Not so quick in those days o sung, don't forget these were stock standard production cars .....
» 12/05/2013 4:50:41 PM Yes belly, I think we all have our doubts. My main one comes from seeing him tone down on .....
» 12/05/2013 4:02:05 PM O sung, through the 60s I was in the plastics industry, & racing as a hobby. We supplied m.....
» 12/05/2013 1:29:02 PM Well praxidice, thank god you don't like Abbott. That does help my confidence in him. Tha.....
» 11/05/2013 9:39:14 PM O sung, you do flatter me, but actually the facts were quite different. At Uranquinty we .....
» 11/05/2013 9:07:19 PM Kind of proves my post on another thread. You have to stand back for a while, [a few year.....
» 11/05/2013 1:16:24 PM Lexi my sweet, may I suggest you don't buy a Morgan, most of the others would be fine. I t.....
» 10/05/2013 5:40:09 PM Dyslexic as usual, that Morris was an 8 40. Yep right at last. After that there was a go.....
» 10/05/2013 12:23:45 PM Yes I got that half wrong onthebeach, it should actually have read 8 48, meaning rated at .....
» 10/05/2013 12:10:39 PM Continued When my mother broke her hip at 94, the hospital therapist told us she had orde.....
» 10/05/2013 12:09:45 PM Suse my sweet, I all ready do. After my 3Rd heart attack, with damage to my heart & lungs,.....
» 10/05/2013 10:46:31 AM Hi o sung, glad to see you back on the air. It does look as if you've been ferreting in my.....
» 9/05/2013 11:43:25 AM I was rereading an interview with a disabled person last night. If what he is expecting co.....
» 7/05/2013 1:36:24 PM Yes that's right Poirot, middle aged, middle class men.. You know the type. They have dev.....
» 6/05/2013 12:44:04 PM Yes Bazz, read all that on those sites. However it doesn't seem to be working. Perhaps th.....
» 6/05/2013 12:37:16 PM Rhrosty your non combatant civilians are my invasion force. They are an invasion force in.....
» 6/05/2013 12:09:46 PM Yes Luddy, do it all the time, & there is no reason we can't have it. All my classic car f.....
» 6/05/2013 11:24:46 AM When a woman sells her body it is called prostitution. And she only sells it for one use. .....
» 6/05/2013 12:58:06 AM Our public servants are so bl00dy incompetent that we should sack the lot of them. I was .....
» 6/05/2013 12:28:17 AM Continued OH & the only time I have ever seen one of those photos, it was photos of my la.....
» 6/05/2013 12:24:18 AM Actually Luddy & Mustard I was on a Pommy motoring site recently. The populous were up in .....
» 5/05/2013 8:19:40 PM No Belly, it was not a joke. If this ruling stands, it will be only a very short time befo.....
» 5/05/2013 7:41:04 PM Yes Producer, the name suits me, But please don't bother trying to join the Royal Order o.....
» 5/05/2013 8:31:47 AM If they are going to turn off street cameras, they will have to turn off speed cameras, & .....
» 4/05/2013 7:47:49 PM Oh yes it is communism Producer, & as soon as you start waffling on that someone who provi.....
» 4/05/2013 6:55:43 PM misanthrope, you bring me the four Leb thugs who used a fence picket to fracture my sons s.....
» 4/05/2013 6:45:23 PM Yes I have been, mostly, although not exclusively sweetie. But only because they are usual.....
» 4/05/2013 12:45:04 PM Lexi my sweet, I have never heard anything on Media Watch, which was in any way accurate. .....
» 4/05/2013 12:40:03 PM Well if any of them really want to go somewhere, they have a model to follow. The UKIP, U.....
» 3/05/2013 6:17:41 PM I wouldn't touch either of them for quite some time. Give them a couple of elections, & se.....
» 3/05/2013 5:30:26 PM Pity you were too dumb to absorb that education Daffy. If you had managed to, you might ev.....
» 3/05/2013 10:20:01 AM That sounds like a plan Molly. A plan that is to encourage more Bludgers. First of all I .....
» 2/05/2013 4:03:44 PM Great stuff Yuyutsu, I grant you the right to do what ever you like with your earnings, pr.....
» 2/05/2013 11:14:18 AM Good swerve there Yuyutsu, you managed to avoid answering with all that gobbledygook. I k.....
» 1/05/2013 10:18:50 PM Where on earth do you find a Francis Drake, when you need one? He has proved he knows wha.....
» 30/04/2013 5:21:25 PM Amen to that Lexi. How does a 70% cut sound?.....
» 30/04/2013 5:16:47 PM Wow, I can see it now. The whole population of Asia & the EU rushing around telling each o.....
» 30/04/2013 4:48:13 PM I am really surprised people are still reading this blokes output. From what I read a whi.....
» 30/04/2013 4:41:50 PM Well Yuyutsu, sounds like you are an expert in methods of avoiding pulling your weight. M.....
» 30/04/2013 12:23:43 PM Come on o sung, lift your game there soldier. You may be getting a bit wheezy these days.....
» 30/04/2013 12:06:51 PM Belly as usual your love of Labor mean you can't see anything straight. It was Howard who.....
» 30/04/2013 11:10:25 AM Suse if you think it is not illegal to enter Oz waters without permission, just check out .....
» 29/04/2013 7:49:16 PM Lexi my sweet you I'm sure you don't describe the attack my son suffered, by a bunch of 4 .....
» 29/04/2013 12:39:29 PM I think "Australia" is all ready past tense. With the first wave of post war m.....
» 29/04/2013 12:00:42 PM You must be a city boy david f, or you would understand the whole award wages thing is lar.....
» 28/04/2013 7:44:12 PM Things were different in the 60s. That might be why there was much less unemployment. Rem.....
» 28/04/2013 7:20:33 PM My wife is a counselor with a not for profit job network organisations. As a counselor she.....
» 28/04/2013 5:52:06 PM Belly mate it is not the tax we have paid, but the tax we & our kids are going to have to .....
» 28/04/2013 12:22:27 PM Producer you miss the point entirely. Even minor state premiers do not travel alone. To do.....
» 27/04/2013 2:09:33 PM Well Poirot, your most convincing argument yet in your promotion of the fraud. Come to th.....
» 27/04/2013 10:53:25 AM Poirot I thought this was a discussion regarding climate change, not social policy in Indi.....
» 26/04/2013 3:03:27 PM Producer you bitch about a few bucks worth of jet fuel, which would have saved hundreds of.....
» 26/04/2013 2:44:10 PM Great article, well researched, although I wonder how many of our more recent graduates wo.....
» 25/04/2013 6:03:21 PM I don't know if you did any arithmetic at school Producer, if you did, you damn know well .....
» 25/04/2013 11:40:14 AM The only thing I have ever had to do with private schools, is to help a state school footb.....
» 24/04/2013 12:21:11 PM I have often wondered just what our solar system could be part of. It appears to be an ato.....
» 24/04/2013 10:57:46 AM Belly old mate, if you have a good look around the world, you might just decide "worl.....
» 23/04/2013 8:18:47 PM Julian I'd be very careful quoting Obama funding as a positive. Just like his billion give.....
» 23/04/2013 7:49:06 PM Glen I had great teachers, mostly. A very good friend is a teacher, but is now teaching T.....
» 23/04/2013 5:18:28 PM Well I don't know folks. We had lots of people wanting to "FIX" ours, for huge p.....
» 23/04/2013 4:15:52 PM Yes Foyle, big business can be as bad, Newcastle Steel works were like Telecom. Small bus.....
» 23/04/2013 11:38:04 AM Foyle, I could only agree with you re government owned business if some way was found to s.....
» 23/04/2013 11:14:03 AM Perhaps if you don't know the answer to that Poirot, that explains why you still believe i.....
» 23/04/2013 10:35:33 AM Well Murray convinced me. Convinced me that imagination is a bloody dangerous thing. With.....
» 23/04/2013 10:21:10 AM Good choice of words there JohnBennetts, "Untrained zealots and Anthony, take note&qu.....
» 22/04/2013 6:08:05 PM Rubbish David, it has nothing to do with money. What it has to do with is discipline. Bet.....
» 22/04/2013 1:31:08 PM A mate of mine is a retired wheat farmer, from out Dolby way. Great country on the old tre.....
» 22/04/2013 12:57:00 PM I'm with you on this one Houellebecq. Only when they leave the druggies & drunken bums in .....
» 22/04/2013 11:47:37 AM Houell I'm a bit sick of this sympathy for the offender. It is this very attitude that has.....
» 22/04/2013 12:22:57 AM Loudmouth this is one of the things that used to really annoy me in New Guinea. With only .....
» 21/04/2013 6:18:58 PM I don't think parents have all that much effect on their lids attitudes to education. Mine.....
» 21/04/2013 2:47:41 PM Success to some extent. After 2 hours, with a 3 hour break in the middle for paint to dry,.....
» 20/04/2013 2:44:16 PM Unfortunately where industry is concerned I think the horse has bolted. When I came out o.....
» 20/04/2013 12:43:44 PM Great article, & just so true. Otokonoko I can't say the same for your suggestion. Althou.....
» 20/04/2013 11:58:49 AM Good article, with strong facts. SM I really doubt Gillard can think that deeply. Sure so.....
» 20/04/2013 11:03:31 AM A smart one WmTrevor, but unless explained to the perpetrator would probably not be notice.....
» 20/04/2013 3:03:37 AM Drivers door Philip, & I know it was the same car, it was white & had my rather unusual 19.....
» 20/04/2013 1:10:43 AM The Kiwis really should have been more careful about just what they were electing to their.....
» 20/04/2013 12:49:25 AM Lexi my sweet, I know you are a kind & trusting soul, but really it is time to open your e.....
» 20/04/2013 12:26:36 AM I must admit I was surprised & somewhat disappointed to realise I am just a bit too civili.....
» 19/04/2013 5:51:47 PM As some of you know, I have an old sports car. Its 33 birthday is in just a couple of week.....
» 19/04/2013 11:13:49 AM Well thanks for a sensible article. Thank god that this particular bubble has burst. This.....
» 18/04/2013 4:42:32 PM Thanks Belfast. Old Jock is no longer with us, but I'm sure he would have enjoyed it. He .....
» 18/04/2013 1:38:55 PM Steven one thing is for sure, Abbott is bound to look very good, in comparison to Gillard .....
» 18/04/2013 1:10:33 PM Mr. O you are certainly a very good argument to convince us that Julia is right. Yes righ.....
» 18/04/2013 1:04:52 PM Oh god Mr. O, you do go on. Would those anthropologists you talk of be the ones who prosti.....
» 18/04/2013 12:49:10 PM Well we've all heard about the Kiwis & their sheep. Is it true? Well, where ever there is .....
» 18/04/2013 12:36:41 PM Yes o sung, bombs the ultimate cowards weapon, but what can we do about it? Then the gun .....
» 18/04/2013 3:25:25 AM Mr Opinion says "Hasbeen, you and John Howard have two things in common: you both onl.....
» 17/04/2013 1:48:05 PM Continued As a parent & the P&C treasurer I discussed this with the head master, one of t.....
» 17/04/2013 1:47:08 PM The politics of envy! What a disgusting article. Funding has little to do with anything. .....
» 17/04/2013 12:41:40 PM Rhrosty I think you will like this one. I mentioned recently an old mate, a fitter, & a h.....
» 17/04/2013 12:01:49 PM The most frustrating thing I have ever done was oversee the introduction of "Quality .....
» 17/04/2013 11:22:19 AM Mr Opinion says, "I'm still waiting for John Howard to say he's sorry. PS Did you kn.....
» 16/04/2013 3:44:33 PM Unfair Jayb! Now you've really pricked my baloon......
» 16/04/2013 12:47:29 PM Poirot, Runner, how do these kids get into Uni without all the OP scores & such, or are th.....
» 16/04/2013 12:29:08 PM Come on fellers, do you really think young trainee nurses would be better off in the ward,.....
» 16/04/2013 12:19:47 PM Gee Farquhar, I've always been against any change to our law, but when you put it that way.....
» 16/04/2013 10:40:19 AM Poirot, a lovely, but fool sentiment. It is that thinking that did away with streaming, so.....
» 15/04/2013 2:58:47 PM That must be why no one pays any attention in academic research. Too much bull......
» 15/04/2013 1:16:38 PM Yuyutsu, sorry old chap, you've got that wrong. What motivates people is the desire to eat.....
» 15/04/2013 12:26:42 PM Come on Jardine, stop mucking about. Yes the ABC must go, but 10% of the bureaucrats, su.....
» 15/04/2013 10:45:42 AM This is one area where old Winston Churchill would have given good advice. He knew damn w.....
» 15/04/2013 10:00:54 AM Josephus have you ever been in the area? If so how on earth could you say anything had bee.....
» 14/04/2013 2:31:25 PM One problem with the drivers licence bit Saltpetre, many of our kids have enough problem g.....
» 14/04/2013 10:25:31 AM There is one reason Atlarak. In my experience all too many of those kids don't want the ed.....
» 14/04/2013 10:09:32 AM Of course only a minority of Brits are doing well Rhrosty. They got rid of Maggy, & they'v.....
» 14/04/2013 10:01:24 AM I had exactly the opposite rehctub. I had an old bloke, probably only 10 years younger t.....
» 13/04/2013 11:48:38 PM O sung, it was even worse than that, some of those kids could not even drive a car. Some o.....
» 13/04/2013 4:16:32 PM Lexi my sweet I think he is complaining to her reaction to the announcement, rather than b.....
» 13/04/2013 4:08:33 PM Hi o sung yes qualifications & youth are one thing, being able to do the job is an entirel.....
» 13/04/2013 11:50:23 AM Yes Grim, I agree in some areas. Motor mechanics working in a dealership are not well rewa.....
» 13/04/2013 11:35:53 AM Sorry folks, too much motherhood, & mot enough real information in either paper, particula.....
» 12/04/2013 11:59:52 PM Luddy old mate I agree with you, population growth should stop until we have proof that no.....
» 12/04/2013 7:43:59 PM Come on Rhrosty, even in Japan the damn things have had to be bailed out financially a cou.....
» 12/04/2013 1:34:30 PM I would like to see the math that can some how get a cost of 20 million for a few horses, .....
» 12/04/2013 1:14:15 PM That's pretty amusing Q&A, Pity the Argo buoys can't find any evidence of it, but then the.....
» 11/04/2013 11:10:45 PM Yes Jay, us too, but we were more rural, & cherry picking. Many of the kids in 3Rd 4Th & 5.....
» 11/04/2013 9:04:33 PM Yes Houely, I have noticed some like you appearing in the land of men. Obviously a mutatio.....
» 11/04/2013 8:21:57 PM Don't be silly Rhys, no one should even think about starting a war with North Korea. The .....
» 11/04/2013 2:04:30 PM Sorry SM you are wrong there. $94bn of debt is a pretty good way to be remembered, & we'l.....
» 11/04/2013 1:45:16 PM What a huge problem for the left. Russian scientists are warning, & the countries officia.....
» 11/04/2013 1:26:55 PM The difference between woman & man is in womens lack of imagination. Women write romance .....
» 10/04/2013 4:25:30 PM You really think so Wobbley? Thacher saved & rebuilt a country, not destroyed a country &.....
» 10/04/2013 11:29:00 AM You pay peanuts, you get monkeys......
» 10/04/2013 11:14:21 AM Belly I have an internet mate who was a mechanic at a UK Morris dealer from just before Ma.....
» 9/04/2013 9:42:02 PM Grow up Luciferase, the whole idea of super is to put food in the mouths of babies, by red.....
» 9/04/2013 5:37:24 PM Has anyone else seen the reports that suggest fiber has a shorter service life than copper.....
» 8/04/2013 10:57:01 PM You would have to hogtie every one of them & chain each one to their own 5 ton cement bloc.....
» 8/04/2013 3:36:49 PM JF Aus, you wouldn't be as Green by any chance would you? I don't believe anyone but a Gr.....
» 7/04/2013 11:16:53 AM I think there was one of these places at Sydney Uni when I was there. I think it was one o.....
» 6/04/2013 12:27:52 PM Poirot the gulf stream has not diminished, so the current cold has nothing to do with that.....
» 5/04/2013 1:51:34 PM Have you been around Cheryl, it sure doesn't sound like it? If you had you would know how .....
» 5/04/2013 1:03:25 PM My son doesn't like "girls" on navy ships. He also hates stupidity. During an o.....
» 5/04/2013 12:30:26 PM What it is time to do is up the fight against people who get paid far too much of our mone.....
» 5/04/2013 11:23:25 AM Onthebeach, I don't see much criticism of medical staff here. I think the criticism is di.....
» 5/04/2013 11:08:09 AM How could anyone quote the met office, or any of their people? They have not got a foreca.....
» 4/04/2013 8:39:13 PM Poirot says "I suppose it's nice to have a hobby, but hunting down and thrashing hock.....
» 4/04/2013 7:25:38 PM Well if that's the type who frequent uni cafes, we should ban them forth with. I wonder .....
» 4/04/2013 4:42:04 PM You do keep sticking your foot in it. You should try somewhere where there is not so much .....
» 4/04/2013 12:28:49 PM Surely Tristan, getting rid of all the proven no-hoper & brain dead teachers who continue .....
» 4/04/2013 11:10:08 AM Poirot, It has become q2uite clear you are a gravy train rider. I would like to know how .....
» 3/04/2013 8:36:15 PM Yes Lexi my dear I can most definitely see the danger you suggest. It would be nice to thi.....
» 3/04/2013 8:15:24 PM Luddy, I read all that thread, & even the Wikipedia waffle referenced there, but I still h.....
» 3/04/2013 6:26:38 PM Lexi my sweet, there are conditions as bad as respiration, which are entirely as synthetic.....
» 3/04/2013 5:35:53 PM We gave, or sold, the TV companies too much band width, & they are desperate to fill it wi.....
» 3/04/2013 4:00:55 PM Oh come on Poirot, you quote a propaganda site as if anything on there was likely to be an.....
» 3/04/2013 12:01:55 PM Better idea, reduce the foreign aid budget by 5.i billion, then it won’t matter who runs t.....
» 2/04/2013 11:28:53 PM Guess I'm lucky, or is it wise, or perhaps stupid Rhrosty? Of my 20 acres 6 are deep black.....
» 2/04/2013 4:02:08 PM Really it doesn't matter. The only kind thing is euthanasia; put the poor thing out of it.....
» 2/04/2013 3:32:31 PM Continued I have no doubt something will come along, from private enterprise, or possibly.....
» 2/04/2013 3:30:26 PM OK Luddy, you've convinced. Carr is much worse than I thought. Give me what you see as su.....
» 2/04/2013 2:24:49 PM You probably got it in one Phillip, but most of them are bringing hard currency to pay the.....
» 2/04/2013 2:19:01 PM Belly you can't rebuild the current labor party, it is too slimy to work with. Like all sl.....
» 2/04/2013 12:26:20 AM Paul strangely pie in the sky noble principles, attempted by twits gets you into a bankrup.....
» 1/04/2013 4:15:24 PM o sung I think I would have liked being a detective. I don't like anyone who rips off othe.....
» 1/04/2013 2:38:11 PM Bazz if we are talking very bad, land is only any good if you can hold it. That would mean.....
» 1/04/2013 12:57:18 PM Interesting sonofG, did you learn to see what they were aiming for with each question, & g.....
» 1/04/2013 11:49:23 AM Lexi instead of reading the propaganda sheets, do read what is happening in Europe. Those.....
» 1/04/2013 11:35:59 AM Lexi my sweet, history says they are better managers. Every Labor government since Menzies.....
» 1/04/2013 12:28:36 AM You started to get there Saltpetre, then you got lost. The problem is of elites & bludgers.....
» 1/04/2013 12:27:57 AM Continued. But how to fix it? Truth is it is probably too late. How the hell do you stop .....
» 31/03/2013 10:58:41 PM Well Rhrosty, yet another reason to get some of the pretty yellow metal, & bury it in the .....
» 31/03/2013 12:42:55 PM & they weren't all that new when I knew them......
» 31/03/2013 12:40:50 PM Paul an interesting sidelight on that housing we wouldn't live in. More fool us. Many of.....
» 31/03/2013 12:15:30 PM Yes Paul, I spent some years up there myself. It looks good at a quick glance, but has som.....
» 31/03/2013 11:20:40 AM Suse posts, "I wish I was like you though, and owned everything, and owed nothing.&qu.....
» 31/03/2013 11:05:06 AM Na Belly old mate. It won't effect the election. All those who still believe in global w.....
» 30/03/2013 11:21:56 PM Suse, I don't give a damn about house prices personally. When you own everything, owe noth.....
» 30/03/2013 7:02:31 PM May be grounded in green economics, Tristan, but that has nothing to do with sound economi.....
» 30/03/2013 6:32:29 PM B Sc Mr O, what are you? Obviously nothing with any math, or you wouldn't be so easily con.....
» 30/03/2013 3:14:27 PM Lexi my sweet, the fact that others have got into a worse pickle than us is no reason to c.....
» 30/03/2013 2:20:21 PM What twaddle Mr O. Only an idiot could equate a sure knowledge that CO2 is not in any way .....
» 29/03/2013 5:27:18 PM Hope you got paid, Belly, for your enforced few days off. Must have been a while back mat.....
» 29/03/2013 3:31:32 PM Poirot Lexi, perhaps you had not heard, it's a national body that sets the price of power,.....
» 29/03/2013 12:22:38 PM Just want to register my gratitude to our illustrious leaders in Canberra. Thanks to them .....
» 29/03/2013 11:47:54 AM Lexi around here it is rarely the counselors who have an idea, hell a large number of our .....
» 29/03/2013 11:11:22 AM Lexi my sweet we realise a very nasty woman has intentionally made it hard to get rid of t.....
» 28/03/2013 6:00:37 PM We all know that the reason we have all those bicycles rusting away in Brisbane is because.....
» 28/03/2013 4:36:27 PM moucheninette you ain't seen nothing yet, when it comes to cuts to the Public service. Wh.....
» 28/03/2013 2:18:02 PM Yuyutsu, you really should post this stuff in the toilet, because that is where it belongs.....
» 28/03/2013 2:03:02 PM estelles is praising the passing of the disability insurance scheme. I wonder what she wil.....
» 28/03/2013 10:10:39 AM If this were a speech it would have been given because the speaker likes the sound of his .....
» 28/03/2013 12:40:36 AM Yuyutsu, what an indictment of their Arab neighbours, that the Israelis have to live that .....
» 27/03/2013 5:04:45 PM At some stage while in the navy, I went through the army methods of instruction course. On.....
» 27/03/2013 11:32:14 AM So there we are. They know it will waste resources to have such a scheme, but don't care. .....
» 27/03/2013 12:10:06 AM Don't be so silly Poirot, Mrs B is on the dole, so doesn't report the income, as she would.....
» 26/03/2013 11:20:06 PM JF have you learnt to count? Do you realise they count the votes in parliament? That's ho.....
» 26/03/2013 11:14:15 PM Typical rubbish from the Australian Conservation Foundation. It is highly doubtful that .....
» 26/03/2013 9:50:01 PM Nah o sung, can't be Alzheimer's, my careful study & consideration of the subject is that .....
» 26/03/2013 7:46:08 PM Luddy if you want to get some policies, which are most likely to be unpopular, with a huge.....
» 26/03/2013 6:18:06 PM Gee Pericles, get out of bed on the wrong side did you lovey. Never mind we love you, & yo.....
» 26/03/2013 4:10:58 PM No Poirot, that's lefty/green economics. They want every one in service industries. Can't .....
» 26/03/2013 11:38:44 AM Your problem o sung wu is that you are just a slack old bugger, nothing to do with IQ, or .....
» 26/03/2013 10:52:13 AM Poirot we don't pay people to clean their teeth, or wipe their backsides, but I gather you.....
» 26/03/2013 12:47:49 AM Steely old chap you must be confused. Gillard could never raise such a strong emotion in .....
» 25/03/2013 5:29:40 PM You people talk so much garbage. My wife is a councilor with a job network charity. Not a.....
» 25/03/2013 2:29:34 PM Belly, I'll bite old mate. Give us a list of what you consider the Labor government's cur.....
» 25/03/2013 1:12:43 PM We don't have a water problem. We have a lack of dams problem, easily fixed by telling gr.....
» 25/03/2013 12:59:30 PM This article, with some others seen recently, is one of the best bits of evidence of why w.....
» 25/03/2013 12:21:56 PM Shadow how could Labor ever deliver value for money? Ever since Richardson found stupid p.....
» 25/03/2013 12:11:54 PM Luddy just because Carr & you are on the same page on "sustainability", does not.....
» 24/03/2013 11:16:10 PM Be careful what you wish for Jay Of Melbourne, Some of them are running enterprises of the.....
» 24/03/2013 10:49:59 PM No Yuyutsu, just not hold their hands out for taxpayer money. I am a great believer in peo.....
» 24/03/2013 8:40:55 PM Yuyutsu, that is an obtuse argument. You are well aware that Crackcup is complaining about.....
» 24/03/2013 8:03:06 PM Onthebeach, you do go on. In my experience, in the day, it was not only those less well t.....
» 24/03/2013 11:46:42 AM Seamus anyone who suggests a dammed river mouth can flush salt out to sea is nothing but a.....
» 23/03/2013 1:42:16 PM When I read this bit, "It’s indicative that hope for action on climate change is grow.....
» 23/03/2013 12:56:13 PM Rhrosty you degrade your posts when you tell that obvious lie about school funding. You w.....
» 23/03/2013 12:43:43 PM Lexi kiddo, I can't let that lot go. Obviously you don't want to remember the Asian ".....
» 23/03/2013 11:50:50 AM Lexi my sweet, what are we to do about it? If giving these ladies money will overcome the.....
» 22/03/2013 10:47:27 PM Sorry Luddy old mate, anything run by Carr would be a greater catastrophe than even Gillar.....
» 22/03/2013 4:17:56 PM Poirot, whatever you do, don't read the major German, yes German newspapers. It would real.....
» 22/03/2013 10:50:12 AM Come on Suse, "After the fathers of these children had their fun and ran a mile after.....
» 22/03/2013 10:07:17 AM Mr O I'm not quite sure just what Rudd would have to do to qualify as a turkey, & I sure d.....
» 21/03/2013 11:06:06 PM Sorry Alan, I stopped reading tripe, when I gave up soothsaying......
» 21/03/2013 10:52:21 PM Come on Taurus, the only thing heart felt by Gillard was the chance of loosing the keys to.....
» 21/03/2013 9:15:34 PM Wow Alan, we knew you wrote, but did not realise your talents were in fantasy. When did yo.....
» 21/03/2013 4:38:32 PM Just the sort of muddled tripe you'd expect from am anthropologists who has got too close .....
» 21/03/2013 4:16:20 PM Who the hell cares? They have been sending their unemployed over here to be looked after .....
» 21/03/2013 4:08:19 PM Boy has the red witch put Ruddy on the point of the sword. If he doesn't challenge he's a.....
» 20/03/2013 5:06:35 PM Belly, mate, we are talking about EU bureaucrats. Of course we're talking about lefty crim.....
» 20/03/2013 11:28:54 AM Pericles, I did have my tongue sneaking into my cheek just a little with this topic, but o.....
» 20/03/2013 10:46:36 AM Yep, I'll drink to that banjo. They both appoint judges that will not up set the chatterin.....
» 20/03/2013 10:33:18 AM I have never been able to understand how anyone can believe in a deity of any kind. Lookin.....
» 20/03/2013 9:35:37 AM Oh come on Robert, it's the lefties who want to spend every one else's money, with out hav.....
» 20/03/2013 12:38:36 AM Yep that's right, it's your money I'm talking about. Now Swanny has seen the Cyprus soluti.....
» 19/03/2013 10:09:14 PM Well it is not only the judges, but the whole damn system. I'm still trying to get my jaw.....
» 19/03/2013 1:00:58 PM Thanks Don, great article again. You continue to prove that not all academics are not egot.....
» 19/03/2013 12:06:12 PM We really do need a new law. No don't scream yet. A prime minister must be a member of th.....
» 18/03/2013 9:52:39 PM Gravy train rider, or just fellow traveler Leslie Graham?.....
» 18/03/2013 9:55:04 AM Sorry Graham, I missed the point. After reading yet another pile of tripe in the article .....
» 18/03/2013 9:42:59 AM Ho Ho HO. Nice one Alan, when did you decide to join the comedy circuit?.....
» 18/03/2013 9:33:26 AM Graham you will need to include a recommend for deletion button on articles if you continu.....
» 17/03/2013 8:51:51 PM David the carrying of knives had been introduced by importation with the new cultures you .....
» 17/03/2013 1:12:46 PM Why thank you for the compliment Mr Opinion, I got out 40 years ago. My business was in Be.....
» 17/03/2013 12:40:51 PM David, where have you been all these years? Haven't you noticed we have spent a few hundr.....
» 17/03/2013 11:48:45 AM Cont. In my shire the council had been spending most of our money developing its northern .....
» 17/03/2013 11:46:53 AM Queensland's forced council amalgamations are not down to Labor, or any policy. They are a.....
» 16/03/2013 11:47:32 AM David you say "Multiculturalism is a government policy that many Australians support&.....
» 16/03/2013 10:42:49 AM Why oh why won't any of you supposedly wise & educated people explain to this supposedly s.....
» 15/03/2013 3:47:53 PM And let you & your com man mates a free run,no way Bugsy. We will bug you & the other co.....
» 15/03/2013 3:41:59 PM Who said anything about punishing them Marilyn. All I want to do is sort out those who ar.....
» 15/03/2013 12:15:04 PM So Poirot you fully approve of "hiding the decline" do you? You feel it is not .....
» 15/03/2013 11:59:10 AM I'd let them in, on the condition that every one of them spend 2 years in work camps in ou.....
» 15/03/2013 11:02:44 AM Bugsy if you can't find fault with "hiding the decline", & many other such activ.....
» 14/03/2013 9:03:21 PM Stop Press. Climategate Mk 3 has hit the air. This time, instead of hundreds of incrimin.....
» 14/03/2013 8:33:07 PM Don't you believe it Belly. In my experience the enthusiastic amateur often knows more tha.....
» 14/03/2013 1:17:14 PM Hay warmy, ain't you heard mate. CO2 is replacing water vapor in the upper atmosphere. Str.....
» 14/03/2013 1:00:23 PM I reckon Murdock is too damn far left, & needs to be straightened out. These cleaver Labo.....
» 14/03/2013 12:55:22 PM Baygon, I would put 4 of your choices in not the no hoper, but the probably dangerous to t.....
» 14/03/2013 11:18:19 AM I agree mustard. It is not harassing Yuyutsu, it is providing a useful service. With out t.....
» 14/03/2013 11:08:38 AM Tony Lavis, now here's a useful little side topic. As a clumsy old bugger, with a new [& .....
» 14/03/2013 10:51:31 AM You might be right salty, but there would be a few less ratbags, & a lot less inner city C.....
» 14/03/2013 2:19:25 AM Yep, real well off Suse, I'm on the age pension. As a pensioner I'm not against welfare, .....
» 13/03/2013 7:26:34 PM Salty, I believe that anyone who refers to people as pollution should top them selves imme.....
» 13/03/2013 6:50:17 PM The main thing is to get rid of all the political correctness & bring back streaming. My.....
» 13/03/2013 6:09:32 PM Belly in that post you are making that standard Labor mistake. You are telling others why .....
» 13/03/2013 5:27:34 PM Yes o sung, you only have to pass through the city late Saturday night to see this, must b.....
» 13/03/2013 4:46:58 PM Belly mate ship is when you through a bloke the keys to your car, so he can drive to a job.....
» 13/03/2013 4:10:15 PM Belly old mate, my only dislike of the Fitzgerald inquiry was the man himself. Nasty littl.....
» 13/03/2013 2:04:44 PM Yes DIS, a blundering buffoon of the highest order. I presume specifically chosen by Julia.....
» 13/03/2013 1:52:07 PM It really is time for a new name Dan. How about DICTATOR Dan. that has to be a lot closer.....
» 13/03/2013 1:18:29 PM What I can't understand is why they would want to upset the major press, who by & large ha.....
» 13/03/2013 12:57:01 PM Wow, reading this it sounds like there are some of you who DON"T have a couple of gol.....
» 13/03/2013 11:30:47 AM I have often wondered who writes these things. Must be retired public servants living off .....
» 13/03/2013 10:54:28 AM No thanks mate. Queensland has one too. It is a sheltered workshop for those who have earn.....
» 13/03/2013 10:48:00 AM Why on earth would they want to buy the yobbo's vote, they already own that. In fact have .....
» 13/03/2013 12:11:02 AM Cherries anyone. While quoting stuff, how about, "It ain't gonna rain no more no m.....
» 13/03/2013 12:02:03 AM ybgirp, Candide, If you believe that, you'll believe anything. Now I've got a couple of b.....
» 12/03/2013 11:25:47 PM Sorry Chris, I can't agree with any of that. To start with I do not need, or want to be l.....
» 12/03/2013 6:41:29 PM Probably Philip because the idiots in Canberra, with their massive cuts to defence spendin.....
» 12/03/2013 6:33:17 PM We know that if you want grown men to lift their game, you treat them like school kids. Wh.....
» 12/03/2013 1:25:53 PM Oh, & less lies would be nice please......
» 12/03/2013 1:23:13 PM All I want from government is a whole lot less. Less interference in our lives. Less taxe.....
» 12/03/2013 12:47:11 AM Oh god, listen to the girl will you. A few twopenny halfpenny towns in oz, getting a bit h.....
» 12/03/2013 12:33:21 AM RObert where have you been hiding mate? The unions, particularly the public service ones h.....
» 11/03/2013 11:37:48 PM Lexi my sweet, Gillard could have got away with a lie or two. The carbon tax one was a bit.....
» 11/03/2013 3:25:59 PM Robinson/opinion yes it is because of tax, but you don't go far enough. Many are way past .....
» 11/03/2013 11:48:34 AM Yes o sung, I have been fond of women ever since I met my first one. I called her mum. Fe.....
» 11/03/2013 11:18:44 AM Belly take heart, I don't think the end result was quite as bad for your lot, as it looked.....
» 10/03/2013 9:21:44 PM Hi Lexi, glad they have done the job for you. Do keep us updated on your progress, which h.....
» 10/03/2013 4:41:23 PM What is it they say about birds of a feather? Obviously it works with fools, & socialists.....
» 10/03/2013 4:35:23 PM Oh & I think you're a sweetie too Kate 08. Fortunately I have not met too many as twisted.....
» 10/03/2013 4:25:02 PM People who spend their entire life with in spitting distance of a CBD somewhere, are bound.....
» 10/03/2013 11:54:17 AM Does anyone else find the lefty habit of telling others what they mean annoyingly condesce.....
» 10/03/2013 11:30:03 AM Yes so true Yuyutsu, if ever you see a pot of taxpayer money, get the hell out of there, q.....
» 10/03/2013 10:54:05 AM WA election anyone?.....
» 9/03/2013 4:28:18 PM Yep, saw her once, in Parramatta Rd Petersham. No air con, central locking, or electric w.....
» 9/03/2013 1:12:06 PM Come on Rhrosty, where do you get this stuff. My most outstanding experience of disabled .....
» 9/03/2013 12:54:46 PM Must look more closely at how many of these rat bags there are in the Libs. Katter looks .....
» 9/03/2013 12:47:10 PM "Jealousy Is A Curse", or so they say. That must be what's been afflicting the .....
» 9/03/2013 12:38:55 PM I told them they should have selected Jiminy, Cricket that is......
» 9/03/2013 12:36:12 PM What we have to do is get rid of all these silly little girls in the police force. Back i.....
» 9/03/2013 12:25:37 PM Luddy old mate, I had an accident on the public road in 1959, & another on the race track .....
» 8/03/2013 9:13:31 PM Luddy old mate, unless you are one of these damn fools who drive around at 70Km/H in 80 & .....
» 8/03/2013 8:32:21 PM plerdsus you might like mucking around with keyboards, great. As a one finger typist, it i.....
» 8/03/2013 3:08:51 PM No wonder we get such dreadful governments when anyone feels sorry for Obama, the fool des.....
» 8/03/2013 1:40:22 PM Plerdsus I have never bitched about paying for what I get. I will happily pay a little ext.....
» 8/03/2013 1:10:09 PM Come on Nareen, just how greedy are woman allowed to be? Women want a year or 2 off when .....
» 7/03/2013 3:33:58 PM After 30 years my account is no longer with Telstra, after a similar bit of rubbish with s.....
» 6/03/2013 8:10:13 PM You don't have to agree with me Bazz, it is a tested fact. A number of studies, have been .....
» 6/03/2013 12:31:45 PM Katie kid, just think a little more deeply. You don’t have to be an Einstein to realise .....
» 6/03/2013 12:15:39 PM Oh come on Alan, you've got to stop talking tripe. You live in a country that gets its po.....
» 6/03/2013 10:01:54 AM Oh I don't know James, I find size is quite important. I used to buy the Saturday Courier.....
» 6/03/2013 9:42:09 AM Don't worry about them Bazz. They're only likely to attack you if they outnumber you 10 to.....
» 5/03/2013 8:53:16 PM Do tell me, does it hurt, & is it possible for you to sit down?.....
» 5/03/2013 8:39:15 PM Thank you Poirot. Bluster is the surest sign of defeat a lefty can give......
» 5/03/2013 7:47:47 PM Yes Producer, it is silly & extreme, it is the same as saying if no one ever planted a cro.....
» 5/03/2013 7:23:37 PM Poirot let me assure you, the feeling is entirely mutual. Originally I thought you were i.....
» 5/03/2013 7:00:32 PM Yes steelie, we will catch up with these peddlers of poison. All the promoters of the glo.....
» 5/03/2013 10:56:19 AM Unfortunately Poirot, you have to follow things to their logical conclusion to find the tr.....
» 5/03/2013 10:07:53 AM Sorry nanabev, I can't agree with that at all. We got a much better education in my day, t.....
» 5/03/2013 9:16:09 AM Wouldn't it be nice, if someone would just take this bloke in hand & show him how to GET A.....
» 4/03/2013 9:41:56 PM Wow Steven, what a good argument to do a lot of car driving, motor boating, off roading & .....
» 4/03/2013 12:18:09 PM Only a fool would not realise that the MAD, mutually assured destruction, policy of the co.....
» 4/03/2013 11:48:09 AM Of course they are lying. With Gillard running the show, it's mandatory......
» 4/03/2013 11:46:02 AM Katie which would you prefer, Gillard, with no workplace agreement, because you have no jo.....
» 4/03/2013 11:33:29 AM Belly old mate, while Indonesia, and Malaysia continue aiding people smugglers in transiti.....
» 3/03/2013 10:36:30 PM Luddy old mate, get with the strength. "Everybody" KNOWS Gillard lies. 60% of t.....
» 2/03/2013 7:54:17 PM One new area which I'm sure you'd approve of nannabev, is the in school apprenticeship sch.....
» 2/03/2013 10:25:22 AM Actually I think the extension of schooling for all was a device to hide the huge number o.....
» 1/03/2013 11:47:49 PM Yes a good article, & definitely on the right track, as far as it goes. I know those I wen.....
» 1/03/2013 11:26:53 PM This is one instance where the onus of proof should be placed upon the asylum seeker, to p.....
» 1/03/2013 9:38:54 AM Typical of those who want to control everything. As with the global warming crowd, all yo.....
» 1/03/2013 9:23:36 AM When you have a bad law it is time to change it. Even Gillard might become popular, if she.....
» 28/02/2013 3:20:58 PM Now that wouldn't be cautious of me ybgirp, not while you have the floor. We're still wai.....
» 28/02/2013 9:25:24 AM Graham surely having exclusive use of our ABC should be enough for the lefty propagandists.....
» 28/02/2013 9:11:53 AM Well well, the vice chancellors have finally realised the lefties are gone. They are getti.....
» 27/02/2013 8:09:26 PM Paul my Grannie only spoke true. She warned us that a lack of protene would atrophe your .....
» 27/02/2013 8:04:25 PM Yes, nothing to do with race. All too often, not always of course, the best sports people.....
» 27/02/2013 7:43:36 PM Hay Ybgirp, I'm still waiting for that list of jobs mate. Don't tell me they were just a .....
» 26/02/2013 1:31:15 PM Hay Ybgirp, how about a run down in those "useful employment in ecologically sustaina.....
» 26/02/2013 9:59:12 AM Thanks Paul & Ygbrip for that. It is nice to have this clarification of green policy. So .....
» 25/02/2013 5:55:28 PM It is not the screwing around I mind Candide, its screwing a bloke who had nothing to do w.....
» 25/02/2013 9:50:51 AM It would appear that even an academic, even one previously responsible for finding funding.....
» 24/02/2013 10:52:06 PM Cherful, I'm sure you're right about women talking from 14 sites. I'll bet they are talkin.....
» 24/02/2013 12:48:03 PM How is our future being compromised? God what stupidity. You only have to look at the hate.....
» 24/02/2013 12:17:52 PM Yuyutsu, "The root of the problem is using the money which the government prints/issu.....
» 24/02/2013 11:32:33 AM Are mining billionaires determining Australia’s future? Oh god lets hope so. With their r.....
» 22/02/2013 5:20:46 PM No mate, I've not seen much in books about them. I've lost a few of the more delicate one.....
» 22/02/2013 5:04:09 PM Are you sure Indi? I can get pretty sideways, & pretty fast on dirt roads. In fact a coupl.....
» 22/02/2013 3:33:03 PM Yuyutsu I'm all in favor of people teaching those wonderful things to their kids. I am not.....
» 22/02/2013 3:17:39 PM Oh Goody. I have always liked getting things......
» 22/02/2013 10:42:48 AM Obviously this law doesn’t go far enough. It requires a sunset clause. After 3 years on p.....
» 22/02/2013 10:01:27 AM Don’t waste your time Belly. He’s an arts graduate. He spent years learning how to use lo.....
» 21/02/2013 9:23:51 PM Marilyn you are a sick lady. Whatever gave you the idea that you have some right to decid.....
» 21/02/2013 3:05:22 PM Shira we can definitely do without the likes of your Chaman here in Oz. He is exactly the.....
» 21/02/2013 11:05:47 AM It is the feeling of entitlement that comes from this article that gets up my nose. As a .....
» 21/02/2013 9:47:30 AM David your last post is absolute confirmation that we should shut down, at least half the .....
» 20/02/2013 10:32:04 PM Because chrisgaff1000, it costs more to pull them apart & get them out, in labour, & delay.....
» 20/02/2013 10:05:09 PM The simple answer is getting the public servants, who no longer have any reason at all to .....
» 20/02/2013 2:26:21 PM Steven the thing you are forgetting in all this is that AGW is nothing to get excited abou.....
» 19/02/2013 2:46:05 PM It probably depends how pedantic you are being in what you call food. An example of a wat.....
» 19/02/2013 10:14:04 AM My dear Mr Opinion, how typical of a humanities type. You let them up from the bottom of t.....
» 18/02/2013 9:39:40 PM Mr Opinion just try using the wrong grade of steel in your building, car or ship, & you’ll.....
» 18/02/2013 9:19:28 PM It’s not just the interest rate Belly, although I expect that has an effect. Much of that .....
» 18/02/2013 5:43:50 PM Marilyn, when did disposal of ones garbage become murder? Here we have the sort of bloke.....
» 18/02/2013 3:28:56 PM Yep, peer review has proved very good at protecting the not too bright from having to abso.....
» 18/02/2013 3:19:23 PM On Sung perhaps he is staying there, because he has found some ladies in there, who don't .....
» 18/02/2013 3:09:20 PM Of course there is only one truth. However if you study humanities at most of our univers.....
» 18/02/2013 12:19:27 PM Csteele when I was in uni at least 25% of the female students did not shave their armpits......
» 18/02/2013 11:43:31 AM I can see nothing wrong in requiring any company granted a mining lease, or any other perm.....
» 17/02/2013 5:38:09 PM DreamOn, DreamOn tell me you jest. Nationalise the Banks & the insurance industries, God h.....
» 16/02/2013 4:40:38 PM Paul, I know they don’t teach you lot much down there, but have you ever done any geograph.....
» 16/02/2013 1:22:53 PM I think it's pretty funny, that anyone did not expect it was happening. That being the cas.....
» 15/02/2013 12:13:20 PM It must be the oppositions fault Lee, Swanny is not smart enough to make a big mistake, he.....
» 15/02/2013 11:39:23 AM Lexi I told you up front, I watched this thing pretending to be a man, night after night, .....
» 14/02/2013 5:18:50 PM Yes OSW, apart from foot sloggers, the services have little where a 2 year service would b.....
» 14/02/2013 4:58:57 PM No Lexi my sweet, I see either of them as a threat to the wellbeing of most Ozzies, not to.....
» 14/02/2013 11:20:38 AM No wonder so many women end up in unhappy abusive marriages, when the usually very percept.....
» 14/02/2013 11:01:40 AM Yep. But the answer is simple. Let’s step the whole thing back to the 50/60s, & all will b.....
» 14/02/2013 10:04:52 AM Don't worry Sukrit, each time Labor get into power, they sweep up all those over educated .....
» 14/02/2013 9:27:21 AM What are you trying to do to me Rehctub? If I were to put my honest opinion of that greas.....
» 13/02/2013 12:55:50 PM The only people in any fear are the elites, who can't understand how they let the peasants.....
» 13/02/2013 8:55:27 AM Belly you easily forget the old import duty, & import quotas of not that long ago. These .....
» 12/02/2013 1:07:04 PM Belly do you ever read a post, before you reply to it? From many of your posts, I have som.....
» 12/02/2013 11:10:03 AM Where have you been Bugsy, we had this advice hammered into us, from the best scientists m.....
» 11/02/2013 5:17:26 PM It appears Paul has not noticed that there are on ramps to go south, & on ramps to go nort.....
» 11/02/2013 10:47:27 AM Yes a total idiot, just as I thought......
» 11/02/2013 10:05:38 AM Hay, if we can find another Falklands I'd happily send our Julia off to it. I'd even pay t.....
» 11/02/2013 9:55:24 AM Luddy old mate, we nearly agree. Fortunately I don't drink, so don't have a personal prob.....
» 11/02/2013 9:30:55 AM Give up individual, you're wasting your time. It does get worse with this stupidity. When.....
» 10/02/2013 3:26:38 PM JohnBennetts, Candide, you people are disgusting. Tell me one lefty who had the guts of H.....
» 10/02/2013 3:12:26 PM Yes Julia is tough. But only tough in the same way an old Northern Territory drought maste.....
» 9/02/2013 2:08:50 PM I'll drink to that Suse, but only if it goes both ways. The whole no fault system with the.....
» 7/02/2013 3:42:09 PM Come on Rhrosty, you bring up an example of the rhorts practised by labour, all its life, .....
» 7/02/2013 3:16:26 PM Well reading Andrews background it is obvious he is all for talk. All talk & no action, if.....
» 4/02/2013 10:36:24 PM The choice of Red Cross was a mistake. A large number of people, obviously me included, w.....
» 4/02/2013 10:27:23 PM You have to wonder about many of these polls. When it comes down to counting the actual vo.....
» 4/02/2013 10:14:16 PM Onthebeach old mate, I am not interested in having flood insurance on my house & contents......
» 4/02/2013 5:37:46 PM Yes onthebeach, Suncorp cover flood on all their policies. I presume that is why I had to .....
» 4/02/2013 9:54:04 AM This article to me offers a very good reason for the surgical removal of belly buttons at .....
» 3/02/2013 9:11:58 PM Poirot don't talk garbage, there have been less extreme events in the last 10 years than a.....
» 3/02/2013 1:04:26 PM Rhrosty, much better to loose than be led by a peanut like Turnbull. Personally I think ma.....
» 2/02/2013 8:09:00 PM It really is a pity. Mundine had the ability to become a much loved Rugby League great. H.....
» 2/02/2013 7:45:25 PM How can you lefties have the hide to talk about an Abbott make over. The fool red head ha.....
» 2/02/2013 11:06:35 AM Keep it up 579, the more you squeal, the more it convinces people that Abbott is the right.....
» 2/02/2013 10:45:54 AM Well now we can all see how well this bit of control freak garbage has gone down. The min.....
» 2/02/2013 10:32:59 AM Wow imajulianutter, Wayne Swan. Do you really believe that even the Labour party could be .....
» 2/02/2013 10:12:12 AM Do you think Julia will want him to run for parliament in her team?.....
» 2/02/2013 10:09:20 AM Paul1405, I almost choked on my coffee at that one. Wonderful leadership, you're kidding......
» 2/02/2013 12:18:38 AM Luddy old mate, none of that works. There is nothing on earth that could offend me as muc.....
» 1/02/2013 11:49:49 PM Of course the left like Turnbull. He is a copy of Rudd. An arrogant incompetent actor, wi.....
» 31/01/2013 9:42:06 PM I do find it rather amazing that after the constant string of lies coming from Gillard, so.....
» 31/01/2013 12:06:08 PM Can't be good at everything Kippy, what else are you good at? To my mind it is better to .....
» 31/01/2013 10:46:36 AM I wonder just how long it will taker for people like Malcolm to realise that an economy ca.....
» 31/01/2013 10:15:21 AM Obviously France is just too far away from Oz for a writer living there to be well enough .....
» 31/01/2013 10:09:58 AM I have always found most orators are idiots, just look at Obama, Churchill & Hitler as exa.....
» 30/01/2013 10:47:10 PM Malcolm if Bob Hawke & Gough Whitlam are what you get if you want heroes, I hope we can se.....
» 30/01/2013 10:27:58 PM God how precious we are all getting. I was about 5 years old when I was taught that old d.....
» 30/01/2013 10:49:42 AM Almost anyone calling the shots would be better than a couple of harpies from Tasmania......
» 30/01/2013 10:43:21 AM Good luck with it old mate, hope you've got a good electrician doing the work for you. It.....
» 30/01/2013 9:10:03 AM More to above. Ice at our service station ran out before fuel. None got in even yesterda.....
» 30/01/2013 8:59:22 AM It would be very good for any power debate for everyone to have the experience I have had,.....
» 29/01/2013 11:29:11 PM I have nothing against any of my organs that may be of use, being put to use. However I do.....
» 29/01/2013 11:11:41 PM For decades one of our "natural advantages" in industry was our cheap power. Our.....
» 29/01/2013 4:21:34 PM Yes Lexi my sweet, she's in a class all her own. I won't tell you what class that is, as .....
» 29/01/2013 12:38:47 PM Only one problem there Lexi, no one has taught her you need to put the damn thing in gear .....
» 29/01/2013 9:30:36 AM Nah Poirot, it just proves you haven't seen our Julia from the right angles......
» 29/01/2013 8:58:55 AM Well net is back up, even if the power isn't. Well Poirot, if you haven't laughed at it, .....
» 26/01/2013 4:18:01 PM AH! You got me Suse. I was going to say it was better in Howards day, when we knew we wou.....
» 26/01/2013 9:50:14 AM With the last couple one could be mistaken the award was for the ego of the year. Perhaps .....
» 25/01/2013 9:04:24 PM Who ever it is, it's time for a change. The last few years I have found our Australians o.....
» 25/01/2013 3:57:25 PM Perhaps we could send this twit to keep the peace in Woodridge, between some of that thriv.....
» 25/01/2013 3:40:48 PM For gods sake Poirot, be thankful you aren't a mother in PNG. No trouble getting your boob.....
» 24/01/2013 8:49:12 PM I would much rather no Senate, or a major party controlling the whole thing, than this rid.....
» 24/01/2013 5:31:27 PM Any one who watched the medical show RPA last night would have seen that something once ir.....
» 24/01/2013 5:17:17 PM Faulkner Belly, now that really frightens me. If he is the best you have, I'm afraid Labor.....
» 24/01/2013 2:44:10 PM Yes a few more "rest" areas, & off road perking areas would be useful. I had a r.....
» 24/01/2013 1:36:18 PM Come on mate, Julia, priorities? You must be kidding. The only thought the twit ever has .....
» 24/01/2013 1:30:36 PM The program Dirty Business, as with this article must be some of the most disgusting lefty.....
» 23/01/2013 6:24:04 PM We do seem to have chased each other about the place o sung. When were you in Kapooka? T.....
» 23/01/2013 11:29:50 AM Luddy old mate, I think you'll find those signs are merely an insurance policy, & a money .....
» 23/01/2013 11:13:31 AM o sung I find my past is of much more interest to me, the further I get away from it. It i.....
» 23/01/2013 10:40:10 AM 579 why wouldn't Tony Abbott encourage the fool Gillard in her making yet another blunder......
» 23/01/2013 9:02:05 AM Why would anyone believe that someone who can run fast, & hit a ball, would make a good se.....
» 22/01/2013 4:23:23 PM I'm not sure what you're saying Lexi. Do you think your lot weren't welcome, or were treat.....
» 22/01/2013 4:05:26 PM Interesting isn't it that Obama made no mention of global warming during the election. Now.....
» 22/01/2013 11:06:48 AM Watch out folks. Tinkerbell & her mob have escaped from the foot of the garden, & they've.....
» 22/01/2013 10:57:52 AM Do be careful folks. Local government is the most inefficient, incompetent & corrupt of t.....
» 22/01/2013 12:38:38 AM Yes Blayney was cold, we played football against them & Millthorpe. o sung, now I'll real.....
» 21/01/2013 9:14:41 PM I don't think many "real" Ozzies minded the WW11 influx of migrants Lexi, althou.....
» 21/01/2013 1:29:35 PM Continued. Yes o sung, violence is a real problem. To stop it, we will have to make punis.....
» 21/01/2013 1:29:10 PM Great topic o sung, so off with the rose coloured glasses, & look at the real story. The .....
» 20/01/2013 6:48:21 PM Hi o sung, my stamping grounds too., through the 60s. My first house was in Fairfield He.....
» 20/01/2013 1:06:16 PM Too right "Public service sackings will effect services" 579, getting rid of 40,.....
» 20/01/2013 10:30:57 AM I wonder if this, as with Poirot, will be the result with all warmists? Will they all ju.....
» 20/01/2013 10:11:55 AM Ever heard of the USSR 579? They nationalised everything & look where that got them. We a.....
» 19/01/2013 11:05:47 AM Just a couple of hours driving through Melbourne should tell any sane person that trams ar.....
» 18/01/2013 1:56:34 PM Lexi my sweet, I'm afraid that post is in out of date language. The morals you & I & many.....
» 18/01/2013 11:47:29 AM Well our ABC is at it again. Their environmental reporter last night, [I think she was co.....
» 18/01/2013 11:14:37 AM As in oils ain't oils, rape isn't rape. There are more than a few types of rape. The drea.....
» 17/01/2013 4:31:18 PM Lexi SOG I can not see how expecting welfare recipients to do a bit of work for their mone.....
» 17/01/2013 1:07:22 PM Shane warn is the reason I stopped watching, or being interested in cricket. I would not .....
» 17/01/2013 12:56:46 PM Gee, you must be pretty old Rhrosty, or have a rose coloured memory. While I do agree tha.....
» 17/01/2013 12:00:59 PM Belly did you actually read rehctub's post. In saying you disagree with every thing he sa.....
» 17/01/2013 11:47:43 AM Wow! That's really great David Leigh. I always did want to keep the boat at the foot of t.....
» 17/01/2013 2:30:17 AM I really can't see why the tax payer should be providing expensive city housing for long t.....
» 16/01/2013 9:55:15 PM Oh god. Now we have the mystics, & the fairies from the bottom of the garden getting toget.....
» 16/01/2013 11:43:05 AM Hay piper you forgot a couple of things. You want that bloke to have a couple of kids, & a.....
» 16/01/2013 9:53:54 AM Hope it all goes nicely for you today Lexi. Take it easy today, & we'll see you tomorrow......
» 15/01/2013 4:39:56 PM I have a daughter who's pretty good at photo shop SOG. Perhaps she could sell them as wel.....
» 15/01/2013 4:00:16 PM Don't forget all that methane clathrate lying around the ocean deep, just waiting for us t.....
» 15/01/2013 3:46:13 PM Well about the only intelligent place is to tip it down the drain. Oh sorry the greenies .....
» 15/01/2013 3:40:34 PM I have often wondered about a society that worries about someone being endangered by passi.....
» 15/01/2013 3:30:53 PM Yep, a few of the blokes who've had a tour or two in Afghanistan, wandering down the Woodr.....
» 15/01/2013 12:51:11 PM I only got as far as "most of the time, the loudest noises we hear will be the sounds.....
» 15/01/2013 12:10:48 PM Halduell the Chinese could burn coal, with out putting all those pollutants into the air. .....
» 15/01/2013 12:00:53 PM Best OLO article in years. Thank you John. Of course the anti any & every thing mob surfa.....
» 15/01/2013 1:38:02 AM I don't remember The Source all that well, so must not have been all that impressed, or at.....
» 15/01/2013 12:47:51 AM Lets hope the Kimberley can be saved the ravages of a greenie future. It is a tough bit .....
» 15/01/2013 12:44:14 AM I really do hope that the twits defending this bloke have superannuation schemes. As sup.....
» 14/01/2013 8:11:54 PM Rhrosty where do you live, the moon. That is a highly uninformed attack on private land de.....
» 14/01/2013 7:12:19 PM Alas Lexi, I am going to have to disband some of my collection. Buying them in poor condit.....
» 14/01/2013 11:14:13 AM Rhrosty it is our high exchange rate that is destroying our industries that are import com.....
» 13/01/2013 10:57:37 PM You & he are probably right Arjay. I can't remember now who it was that suggested that a .....
» 13/01/2013 10:31:55 PM Lexi I am hurt. All my cars are sports cars. One has gone 3 years without it's top being u.....
» 13/01/2013 9:46:27 PM I had not thought it through that deeply. I am trying to avoid thinking of Gillard, Swan &.....
» 13/01/2013 9:42:02 PM I have always felt public housing is immoral. It is always those who won't put the effort.....
» 13/01/2013 9:27:00 PM I would guess it must be because they used to last reasonable well, so older ones are avai.....
» 13/01/2013 4:59:23 PM Poirot your posts are becoming rather radical. More than a few are some what left of Khrus.....
» 12/01/2013 11:44:34 AM David G, if your homestead is that fire prone, it should never have been built in the Oz b.....
» 12/01/2013 11:32:49 AM It is those mobile devices, & multi tasking that worries me. Two of my female kids in par.....
» 12/01/2013 11:10:40 AM It says a lot about our society that there are enough with the time energy, money & inclin.....
» 11/01/2013 8:56:49 PM Yes. Of course......
» 11/01/2013 3:50:44 PM I do wish you global warming useful idiots would keep up. The latest details published by.....
» 11/01/2013 12:42:56 PM You have my sympathy onthebeach, being flooded out must be almost as bad as being burnt ou.....
» 11/01/2013 12:00:05 PM God these activists are disgusting cherry pickers, aren't they? I even notice some of the.....
» 11/01/2013 11:48:30 AM Why don't you call it as it is 579. What you are trying to say, nicely, is that she is a .....
» 11/01/2013 11:45:50 AM Don't worry about biodiversity Paul, we have plenty of pretty strange biology here in Oz. .....
» 10/01/2013 9:48:45 PM sonofgloin, not reading you having a go at me, I agree with most of what you have said. I.....
» 10/01/2013 12:43:23 PM Of course it doesn't work, just as it doesn't work for the horrible young white & brindle .....
» 10/01/2013 12:15:34 PM Some good arguments there Chas, but you avoid the major one. Even when we do do somethin.....
» 10/01/2013 11:44:21 AM We all know there are lies, damn lies & statistics. Academics write most of the stuff, so.....
» 10/01/2013 10:36:29 AM Careful there Chrissy, the ratbagery is showing through. Most of us knew it was there, but.....
» 9/01/2013 10:40:06 PM Son they were not Polynesian, they were Melanesian, mostly from the Solomons. There was a.....
» 9/01/2013 10:18:07 PM Well thank you 579, for that small glimpse of honesty. Obviously you prefer Turnbull as y.....
» 9/01/2013 4:45:40 PM While you were up in gods country, did you notice any of the Kanakas, or their mixed race .....
» 9/01/2013 4:24:44 PM Sorry sonofgloin, that is nothing particularly to do with aboriginal culture old mate. In.....
» 9/01/2013 3:51:12 PM I am sick of aboriginals. Perhaps I am more sick of the aboriginal industry than of the pe.....
» 9/01/2013 3:14:31 PM I think it is time we told those who like to daub a bit of paint, or take a few chips off .....
» 9/01/2013 12:10:57 PM Why thank you Brenton, you have proved my point so succinctly for me. Your obvious attrac.....
» 9/01/2013 11:52:45 AM Surely a world that had any kindness at all would put the EU, & it's poor long suffering c.....
» 8/01/2013 11:52:40 PM Rehctub I don't believe all TAFEs are as bad as you suggest. Yes sure some of them have b.....
» 8/01/2013 11:07:47 PM How typical. The author doesn't like the facts of a survey, telling him what yanks actual.....
» 8/01/2013 10:47:32 PM Oh god! I believe in the right to safety of all women, & men for that matter anywhere, &.....
» 8/01/2013 1:00:26 PM There is obviously an edict from the top of the labor party to attempt to undermine Abbott.....
» 7/01/2013 11:31:58 PM Make arts degrees compulsory sandwich, you've got to be kidding. Make them illegal would b.....
» 7/01/2013 10:43:13 PM I agree Lexi, we can only take people as we find them. I personally have never had a probl.....
» 7/01/2013 9:49:54 PM Jay that just means our judges are are bleeding hearts, or on instructions not to give cus.....
» 7/01/2013 3:52:42 PM Clem, ybgirp, this thread is meant to be a joke. isn't it?.....
» 7/01/2013 3:40:57 PM Continued. Many years ago an acquaintance had a furniture store in Petersham Sydney. Not a.....
» 7/01/2013 3:39:45 PM Lexi my sweet, you say "As Australian society has become more diverse with continuing.....
» 7/01/2013 12:47:39 PM Bazz I agree we need to revamp all public services, dramatically downward. That does not .....
» 7/01/2013 12:27:39 PM Bob Car for god's sake, a blithering idiot. Obviously you 2 didn't live in NSW during his .....
» 7/01/2013 12:20:16 PM ybgirp, I see your point, but I don't like it very much. You are suggesting we pay ".....
» 7/01/2013 11:42:25 AM That breakdown in voters is what you would expect Belly. Apart from a few, like you, who c.....
» 6/01/2013 5:10:45 PM You're doing a lot of betting there Suse. Perhaps you should try getting some statistics,.....
» 6/01/2013 4:47:57 PM If any thing Rhrosty, it would probably be better to abolish the commonwealth, rather than.....
» 5/01/2013 11:13:14 PM Valley Guy you miss the whole point, I presume unintentionally. If you have borrowed mone.....
» 5/01/2013 10:53:16 PM Bit of a marksman are you Phillip? You'll need to be if you want to give the crooks every .....
» 5/01/2013 5:11:41 PM I do find something similar rehctub, with Belly's belief in his political judgement. On th.....
» 5/01/2013 4:41:58 PM By the sounds of it, she needs a bigger gun. One of my neighbours has a sign on the gate.....
» 5/01/2013 10:41:22 AM Yes onthebeach we had gaps in the curriculum. With only 16 kids in 5Th year, a full curric.....
» 4/01/2013 1:57:45 PM As if that clown Beattie has not done enough damage to Queensland. Remember his wife ran f.....
» 3/01/2013 11:59:51 PM Yes Poirot, I think there was some of that, but there was also more respect for perhaps th.....
» 3/01/2013 9:21:28 PM Yes onthebeach, I can relate to much of that. I remember the Navy auto maintenance depot, .....
» 3/01/2013 8:34:29 PM WW I don't know that I had any feelings about it, it was just the way it was. A bit of a .....
» 3/01/2013 4:35:58 PM Shockadelic I guess I'm just lucky to have come from such a brilliant generation. We weren.....
» 3/01/2013 4:01:11 PM Can't agree with you there LePage old chap. You see if Cohenite did have scientific crede.....
» 3/01/2013 3:17:26 PM Foyle says, "One other comment stated that Julia Gillard should be kept in a windowle.....
» 3/01/2013 2:41:47 PM Suse we have played the softly softly games for over 30 years, & young criminals continue .....
» 3/01/2013 11:09:04 AM Worldwatcher there is a guaranteed cure for lazy horses. All you need is an old rusty nail.....
» 2/01/2013 3:45:23 PM I guess I was lucky with my mother. Dad had a heart attack & died on the spot almost 30 ye.....
» 2/01/2013 12:17:08 PM Sorry fellers. Do be careful what you wish for, it may not be what you really want. I wou.....
» 2/01/2013 12:04:00 PM Hay I do have a favourite, & it just came to mind. It comes from Michener's Hawaii, talki.....
» 2/01/2013 11:55:48 AM Hay Phil, tell me more about this $45 billion tax benefit extended to owner occupiers. I'v.....
» 2/01/2013 11:17:19 AM You've won me Moira. The whole thing is a crock of something very smelly, forced upon us b.....
» 2/01/2013 10:47:43 AM Wow, this site, & particularly this thread, highlights just how far the average city type .....
» 1/01/2013 9:07:36 PM Lexi I think you will find most of us believe there can be other intelligent life, & proba.....
» 31/12/2012 10:39:43 PM You know warmair, you almost had me convinced you actually believed this bulldust. But no.....
» 31/12/2012 10:23:33 PM Hay thinker, let me know if you need help buying a ticket to anywhere else, I'll gladly pu.....
» 31/12/2012 1:58:34 PM Any one who can call this planet small doesn't have much empathy with it. A rather common .....
» 31/12/2012 1:22:07 PM Worldwatcher I have also had a "could it be aliens" experience. I was single ha.....
» 31/12/2012 12:37:47 PM Come to think of it, I might just settle for a resolution, rather than a revolution. Surpr.....
» 31/12/2012 12:18:10 PM Yes time is going fast. That's why my revolution is to spend more time driving my car, bef.....
» 31/12/2012 9:53:28 AM We must remember that Belly is still a fan of Rudd, so is drawn to Turnbull. You don't ha.....
» 30/12/2012 1:27:10 PM Well perhaps there is alien life after all Poirot. We see everything so differently, it is.....
» 30/12/2012 10:15:21 AM Yes WW if I were younger I'd want to be an astronaut, & go explore. However, perhaps we s.....
» 29/12/2012 8:43:17 PM Belly you are highlighting the one thing Labor are unfailingly good at. Picking dreadful .....
» 29/12/2012 12:34:28 PM Oh god. Does a duck quack? Even Richardson, who perfected the policy of buying greenie v.....
» 29/12/2012 12:24:10 PM Thanks for the chuckle WW. That would be similar to that horse designed by a committee, .....
» 28/12/2012 10:55:32 PM I don't have any sayings, but I have always believed, & lived my life to the belief, that .....
» 28/12/2012 1:14:16 PM Poirot I am in full agreement with all basic health care being provided, although I do bel.....
» 28/12/2012 12:50:45 PM Lexi my sweet, this judgement is far from swift. It has taken over 4 years to mature, as h.....
» 28/12/2012 10:59:00 AM David Leigh wants TV stations to stop profit "gouging". Me I just want potentia.....
» 28/12/2012 10:16:48 AM The elephant in the room is the extreme cost of many recently developed treatments. Many o.....
» 28/12/2012 9:38:19 AM And that attitude 579, is precisely why Oz can no longer run abattoirs, or many other indu.....
» 28/12/2012 9:28:24 AM Pearls of wisdome! Who canm afford pearls of any kind, with this government spending like .....
» 28/12/2012 12:37:02 AM You amaze me Luddy old mate, to believe Gillard was genuine. I doubt even she doesn't kno.....
» 27/12/2012 10:30:49 AM I am also an atheist, who wants his, & his kids Christmas back. It is not however the des.....
» 27/12/2012 10:00:26 AM Jenny while it is easy to agree with your main argument, that we must curb our ridiculous .....
» 27/12/2012 9:14:26 AM That surprises me rehctub. It is some time since I was in meat works country, if any meat.....
» 25/12/2012 9:28:07 PM For years I had hospital & medical insurance paid straight from my pay by my employer to t.....
» 25/12/2012 12:40:25 PM No Jayb, JF Aus wants a bunch of Oz public servants & do gooders, paid to go & support the.....
» 25/12/2012 11:55:06 AM So true Suse. The difference is the Christians grew out of that form of stupidity. As i.....
» 24/12/2012 11:13:47 PM JF Aus what utter garbage. Most of the people of PNG & the Solomons have very little need.....
» 24/12/2012 2:16:30 PM Just for the record Rebecca, pray tell us if it is OK for Save the Children, & other such .....
» 23/12/2012 3:35:01 PM Individual, the majority of us thought education was doing fine, & paid it no attention. .....
» 22/12/2012 4:17:24 PM Yes Poirot, & I had a kid at school with me who, used to hide a Greek mythology book insid.....
» 22/12/2012 2:08:36 PM Come on Rhrosty "While the connection between class sizes and outcomes is incontestab.....
» 22/12/2012 1:30:29 PM Well I can't afford to buy any more meg than I currently buy. I gather it will cost more,.....
» 21/12/2012 6:57:55 PM I can't imagine anything more useless than pouring more money into education. With our un.....
» 21/12/2012 9:04:08 AM Wow! Piper you are even harsher than me. I just thought they had stopped doing the right t.....
» 20/12/2012 11:27:14 PM What a meaningless question, & none of us will be around to see. I do find the arrogance.....
» 20/12/2012 10:50:18 PM Geoff your arrogance says it all. A totally closed mind, with just enough doubt creeping i.....
» 20/12/2012 10:46:16 PM You could be right there Piper. However I think it shows how easy it is to brain wash hum.....
» 20/12/2012 4:09:25 PM Geoff of Perth, from your posts I gather the horrifying impression that you may be a paid .....
» 20/12/2012 3:39:56 PM Garbage Lexi, I'm sorry to say. Punishment worked when I was a kid. I was a bit of a good.....
» 20/12/2012 11:01:59 AM You actually believe this stuff don't you warmair? You poor sod......
» 20/12/2012 10:56:53 AM Well that explains a lot about your posts, thanks Squeers. Much worse, & more immoral tha.....
» 20/12/2012 10:21:03 AM Just a thought. WE would only have to sink a couple of these boats, & post vidio of this .....
» 19/12/2012 10:41:18 PM Lexi we are not talking about parents here, we are talking about academic results. Where .....
» 19/12/2012 6:13:46 PM Sorry Lexi my sweet, but I'm afraid that thought "There are better ways to discipline.....
» 19/12/2012 11:49:37 AM Aspley I think he's been written out of the story......
» 19/12/2012 11:45:14 AM It is really simple. Bring back the teacher training from the 40s & 50s. Bring back the .....
» 19/12/2012 11:28:29 AM Thanks for the history lesson Shally. Incidentally have you ever read any? It might give y.....
» 19/12/2012 11:06:28 AM It really is frightening that a law lecturer & a PhD candidate can talk such garbage. 6 de.....
» 19/12/2012 10:48:33 AM Never a truer word & all that. This explains why OUR ABC was so enthusiastic about this l.....
» 19/12/2012 10:04:26 AM Of course disarming the population will not prevent, or even reduce massacres, but it will.....
» 19/12/2012 9:41:50 AM Yes a news item, but perhaps reinforcing the now widely held opinion, that oil is not actu.....
» 18/12/2012 3:03:31 PM That was very brave David. Do be careful now, the anti gun lobby will be gunning for you......
» 18/12/2012 2:32:01 PM Worldwatcher from his posts, I think shadow minister is a he, who spends most of his time .....
» 17/12/2012 2:42:08 PM Yes James, we do realise this leaked stuff is the product of the paid for science, & as su.....
» 17/12/2012 2:31:07 PM Perhaps Bruce, you would care to give me some reason why the Oz government, IE taxpayer sh.....
» 17/12/2012 2:12:38 PM You must be a bit of a kid worldwatcher, if you only had 30 in your class. When I started,.....
» 17/12/2012 9:53:15 AM Geoff could this be the start of a change of direction for you. Have you read the draft IP.....
» 16/12/2012 9:45:42 PM Thanks Lexi. Merry Xmas to you, & every one else on here. When I think of Christmas, & wh.....
» 16/12/2012 9:58:30 AM Warmair, we couldn't even build the factories to produce all the "alternate" pow.....
» 16/12/2012 9:37:35 AM There are reports that this bloke had mental problems. All of these mass killers have men.....
» 16/12/2012 9:12:07 AM Belly sometimes you worry me. I am talking about the new process of people, not investing.....
» 15/12/2012 8:46:41 PM Warmair have you ever lived with solar, or any other alternate power? I very much doubt it.....
» 15/12/2012 10:14:09 AM Ironic isn't it. For most of my life Oz has been chasing foreign investment. We have gone.....
» 15/12/2012 9:02:15 AM Geoff your last post has exactly what to do with oil production? All it tells us is that y.....
» 14/12/2012 11:06:21 PM Correction, it is Mon Tisa, I thought I'd corrected that......
» 14/12/2012 11:02:58 PM My favourites with their ABC is on the weather forcast, they always tell us about Non Tisa.....
» 14/12/2012 9:50:16 AM Poirot, surely the main reason for schools & education is to enable the student to operate.....
» 14/12/2012 12:53:42 AM It is something they brought on themselves. They pushed until they got all the extra chan.....
» 13/12/2012 3:24:08 PM o sung, you would not support them if you saw how they operate around here. They swooped,.....
» 13/12/2012 12:07:02 PM My answer to a few of your questions Houllie. 1/ No childcare should be means tested, but.....
» 13/12/2012 11:19:56 AM I can remember a while back some Labor minister spruiking on TV about the wonderful new re.....
» 13/12/2012 10:44:51 AM The once respected RSPCA is one of the most disgusting organisations in Oz. They have twi.....
» 12/12/2012 11:46:38 AM I don't know these days Damian, although I doubt it. I gather it doesn't matter much. From.....
» 12/12/2012 10:37:41 AM CatMack haven't you noticed the three articles, written by students attending the Do Ha Ha.....
» 12/12/2012 12:30:42 AM You should worry Tony. Come the revolution, when those who built this country decide to t.....
» 12/12/2012 12:10:40 AM If this author, & his thinking is an example of what our higher education system is produc.....
» 11/12/2012 2:43:29 PM Warmair what garbage. Even the ratbags at the IPCC have claimed that if you double the CO.....
» 11/12/2012 10:48:12 AM What a sorrowful episode all round. First a couple of empty headed smart asses, who go a .....
» 11/12/2012 10:31:01 AM Yes for god sake lets avoid any external testing. Lets make sure we keep all assessment in.....
» 11/12/2012 10:06:06 AM Bugger putting them on planes SM, by the time they have been assessed, they have cost us e.....
» 10/12/2012 9:30:59 PM You know, when I was indulging in "collective" showering, they always took much .....
» 10/12/2012 2:34:55 PM Hi Marilyn, nice to see the sisterhood sticking together. I suppose I should have expecte.....
» 10/12/2012 1:16:29 PM Jo I have to ask just what level of math you did. Did you do any past junior high? ".....
» 10/12/2012 12:24:54 PM Loudmouth, don't be envious, many are not driving them for fun, or to impress the neighbou.....
» 10/12/2012 11:52:56 AM Isn't it interesting how some can see what they want to see in any situation. We usually c.....
» 9/12/2012 5:26:01 PM Of course we're not exempt Lexi, but why would you import future population with known dif.....
» 9/12/2012 2:22:20 PM Welcome back Lexi, we've missed you. How have you been? Of course I'm glad to see you, bu.....
» 9/12/2012 11:38:40 AM May be I'm not all that smart. Yes all right, no need to shout so loud. However I would n.....
» 9/12/2012 11:28:36 AM Is there any chance of getting a filter on OLO, which removes weasel words, like the one t.....
» 9/12/2012 11:18:45 AM Rhrosty the only people serious about climate change are. 1/ The greenie ratbags, who wan.....
» 8/12/2012 8:00:09 PM Well Warmair, good luck with trying to get any dams built in western countries, even the w.....
» 8/12/2012 11:43:15 AM Why would we need an inquiry into Union Corruption, we all know they are corrupt. Many kn.....
» 8/12/2012 11:33:05 AM Warmair, the only reason some want a variable mix of power supplies is that their favoured.....
» 8/12/2012 11:11:41 AM Julia Gillard wants to reduce our electricity prices. There's another squadron of pigs fl.....
» 8/12/2012 10:46:22 AM The real irony is that for us, most of what was worth having in our world came to an end w.....
» 7/12/2012 12:40:43 PM Wm Trevor I think you are missing one thing here. The paternal instinct has only infested .....
» 7/12/2012 12:09:57 PM Rhrosty No, No & No. The tundra is not melting, the planet is not in any kind of do do, .....
» 7/12/2012 10:20:31 AM Looked as if it might be an interesting article, until the author went off into la la land.....
» 7/12/2012 9:39:30 AM Wow! An academic who can actually think, see through the bull dust & get to the facts. Th.....
» 6/12/2012 6:58:03 PM Phil just what is all this urban economic production? I'm afraid I can't see very much of .....
» 5/12/2012 12:15:41 PM "Carbon markets have long been a tool to reduce emissions that contribute to climate .....
» 4/12/2012 9:25:38 PM Poirot I did say it was the news, or the 730 report, & I wasn't sure which. It must have b.....
» 4/12/2012 3:12:27 PM Yes I remember Kapooka well, particularly the narrow right angle railway bridge in the roa.....
» 4/12/2012 1:22:07 PM I wonder if this bloke has ever met a man. Probably not in his line of work. He wouldn't k.....
» 4/12/2012 12:53:28 PM Oh dear here's another one. Why is it that anyone who has anything to do with the UN & its.....
» 4/12/2012 11:55:40 AM Yes o sung, remember it well, I was there through winter, & helped replace a few radiators.....
» 3/12/2012 6:12:15 PM JF I didn't say the system was not stuffed, I said there was plenty of food, & enough capa.....
» 3/12/2012 5:11:55 PM Hi o sung wu, we must be of an age. I was navy, joined in 58, but the first guard duty I s.....
» 3/12/2012 12:51:28 PM Don't talk rubbish folks. Not enough affordable food my ass. The problem is, people don't .....
» 3/12/2012 11:42:02 AM I'll bet there's another of those fly in global warming conferences, in some lovely resort.....
» 3/12/2012 10:50:24 AM It must be so miserable to be defensive all the time. Is Labor that bad, that you expect i.....
» 2/12/2012 1:32:26 PM Well I guess that makes us equal Poirot, as I am no closer to understanding women, even af.....
» 2/12/2012 10:36:37 AM Continued Like me, the kids liked horses. We ended up with our own little showjumping tea.....
» 2/12/2012 10:34:18 AM Poirot, sorry, you still have no idea on men. You are sounding like a bad case of feminist.....
» 1/12/2012 11:07:30 PM Fightingmum, Our local hospital was without any maternity services of any description for .....
» 1/12/2012 3:29:05 PM As you should recall Luddy, I don't think Howard did too bad a job. I don't think it is t.....
» 1/12/2012 2:31:55 PM Yep, sounds just like a whine from vested interests, who do not want to have to change to .....
» 1/12/2012 2:03:54 PM No Luddy I most definitely will not agree. As with our constitution, any change suggested.....
» 1/12/2012 11:24:03 AM A royal commission for gods sake. Has one of these ever done anything good. You get a bun.....
» 30/11/2012 5:57:58 PM Ever wonder how the navy, & other services, look after their weapons in this politically c.....
» 30/11/2012 4:18:46 PM Well I'll agree with you there Rhrosty. Never have liked a bunch of Keating's "non re.....
» 30/11/2012 1:48:53 PM I see your point Phil, but perhaps the best thing Huston could do for the UK people, is dr.....
» 30/11/2012 1:29:11 PM What a pile of! This is just another instance of Labor buying the vote of another special.....
» 30/11/2012 11:35:58 AM Sorry Herbert, I can't wear that. Obama is using the Environment protection authority to .....
» 30/11/2012 11:25:25 AM Lots of nice trips to New York Luddy, what the hell else do you think they spent out 30 mi.....
» 30/11/2012 11:18:55 AM Yes J Bowyer I agree. I never read past it myself. The moment I see "dog whistle".....
» 30/11/2012 11:05:48 AM Belly old mate, the tsunami that is the carbon tax, & the mining tax for that matter, is m.....
» 30/11/2012 10:52:59 AM You're a brave, or foolish man david f. To start with few politicians even try to show u.....
» 29/11/2012 9:30:56 PM Phil, I'm not sure your annalise quite works. You suggest that the UK's loss of a motor i.....
» 29/11/2012 8:37:07 PM Yep Rehctub over night or over to years, there is no way renewables could carry all but a .....
» 29/11/2012 8:20:16 PM The way I see it, an MP has no right to simply change parties. I believe they should have .....
» 29/11/2012 7:47:52 PM No Poirot, in a long career in management I have only had to sack one person. When I foun.....
» 29/11/2012 7:13:07 PM So now we know. That's how Labor got elected......
» 29/11/2012 3:57:36 PM Bazz, it might also be that that idiot Obama has been attacking coal mining so hard, & wit.....
» 29/11/2012 1:01:59 PM Gee eyes, is that what they are Arjay? When I saw them on TV last night, something I usual.....
» 29/11/2012 12:55:27 PM Gee Cheryl, thanks for the warning. I'd best go do those couple of round Oz trips in my 1.....
» 28/11/2012 3:24:29 PM What utter garbage Rhrosty. The main management the indigenous populations indulged in w.....
» 28/11/2012 1:20:11 PM Personally my experience of cycling leads me to believe that no one can produce the effort.....
» 28/11/2012 1:03:57 PM No one who has ever lived in north Queensland, or probably north WA would ever agree to ab.....
» 28/11/2012 12:54:07 PM Come on Folks. We all know what she is. We all know you would never take someone like he.....
» 28/11/2012 11:05:36 AM Well well, what do you know. After finally, totally destroying their states economy, so t.....
» 27/11/2012 10:46:41 PM Poirot, you still just don't understand. Contributors here know more about me than people .....
» 27/11/2012 11:45:37 AM Poirot, why do you hate men? Is it all men, or are you just worried about manly men? You k.....
» 27/11/2012 11:10:03 AM I actually thought Ross was going to touch the answer when he said 90% of jobs are actuall.....
» 27/11/2012 10:37:25 AM Do catch up Julian, you are sounding like a cracked record, stuck in the groove, & you kno.....
» 27/11/2012 12:24:09 AM Well you didn't have to look to the bottom of the article to see it was penned by a naive .....
» 26/11/2012 12:51:13 PM What an excuse for having a bunch of crooks & con men in Labor leadership. The other lot a.....
» 26/11/2012 12:42:55 PM So here we have a woman, leading a life of privilege, complaining that others such as her .....
» 24/11/2012 2:02:11 PM I'm not quiet sure, who I would consider the most stupid. Would it be those who think th.....
» 24/11/2012 12:34:50 PM You know, I saw on a TV show that some experts believe that some desperate spinsters will .....
» 23/11/2012 11:01:46 AM Yep time Amnesty was banned as a subversive organisation, along with the Greens......
» 23/11/2012 10:54:12 AM You must be just a bit of a kid Pete, [lucky you], that or your memory ain't too hot. You .....
» 22/11/2012 10:32:47 PM I have always found it interesting that in the drug trade it is the "poor addicted us.....
» 22/11/2012 8:12:24 PM Sorry Belly old mate. I can see where you're going, & why, but there is no chance of me wa.....
» 21/11/2012 10:02:37 PM Hay Luddy, thanks for the laugh old mate. I would called my self one of those things you c.....
» 21/11/2012 11:25:50 AM This from a mind that actually lectures our gullible uni students. Really, until we had g.....
» 21/11/2012 12:09:43 AM Geoff for an odd ball, [& I approve of odd balls], particularly one who likes playing game.....
» 20/11/2012 10:53:08 AM Now that's a good idea. Get the pair of them together to form a party of the pretenders. W.....
» 19/11/2012 4:24:32 PM Surely in a democracy the children of all citizens should receive the same level of govern.....
» 19/11/2012 1:37:44 PM Interestingly, about the time that OLO stopped mucking around, at least for me, Yahoo7 sta.....
» 19/11/2012 1:29:02 PM I have to agree with John on this. Some people here reckon I'm full of it, but even I am n.....
» 19/11/2012 10:28:13 AM Make up your mind citizen. For the last couple of thousand years war has been the most su.....
» 18/11/2012 4:06:38 PM You'll be out of a job too old mate. Bullock wagons don't go fast enough to require good r.....
» 18/11/2012 4:06:13 PM Belly old mate, good on you. We only got 20mm, pour Brisbane CBD got more than they wanted.....
» 18/11/2012 10:33:41 AM Don't be silly Bazz. Warmists don't read What's up with that, too much chance of finding a.....
» 17/11/2012 10:40:35 AM Poirot it is simple really. For some years I believed what I was told. Then I saw some hol.....
» 17/11/2012 9:20:47 AM That would of course David, be the same type of consensus that agreed that stomach ulcers .....
» 16/11/2012 11:05:00 AM Any fair minded person has to wonder if the poor circumstances of aboriginals is despite 5.....
» 16/11/2012 10:51:09 AM Come on Kellie, come off the grass. We hire the cops to protect us from the criminals, & .....
» 16/11/2012 10:24:26 AM Bazz I really do find it amazing that someone who talks so loudly, knows so little about t.....
» 15/11/2012 6:00:01 PM Geoff come on mate. I agree with you completely that we don't need any more mouths to fee.....
» 15/11/2012 5:45:21 PM Come on folks, we all know climate changes. There are 2 questions, as Belly says. 1/ Woul.....
» 14/11/2012 8:38:38 AM Isn't it interesting that our labour supporters are so desperate to have their belief in t.....
» 13/11/2012 11:49:38 PM Alan please. That is by far the greatest pot kettle shad of black statement I've ever hea.....
» 13/11/2012 7:26:23 PM Belly that is a cheap shot & not worthy of you. You know I was not doing that......
» 13/11/2012 6:25:06 PM Belly, mate, I'd love to leave politics out of such things. Unfortunately that is all it .....
» 13/11/2012 5:14:51 PM voxUnius, glad you enjoyed it. Don't be jealous, but I bought a Morgan +4 brand new in 196.....
» 13/11/2012 1:17:38 PM Glad to oblige Piper. If opening your eyes to a few facts ruins your day, it is about tim.....
» 13/11/2012 1:10:54 PM Brian to start with anyone who can actually own & drive a 1997 Magna, now, or in it's day,.....
» 13/11/2012 12:23:21 PM While I can agree Geoff that prices will continue down for some time, I don't think it wil.....
» 13/11/2012 11:37:21 AM Belly, drop into "Tallbloke's Talkshop". Do a bit of reading of some of the rea.....
» 13/11/2012 11:06:36 AM Just how many red herrings will you people chase. It would appear our redhead has a whole.....
» 12/11/2012 3:23:20 PM & David the corollary then would be that a very tainted business political, & private life.....
» 12/11/2012 1:21:09 PM David F Tony Abbott would love to be able to agree with any good policies the Labor govern.....
» 11/11/2012 10:22:53 PM Yep thanks Belly, we hit the jackpot this time. 18mm yesterday, & another 6mm to this morn.....
» 11/11/2012 9:34:13 AM I really can't believe people can be as obtuse as you mac. Israel is of course fighting f.....
» 9/11/2012 6:32:40 PM Yep a bully, that's me, but a happy one. Better a live happy bully, than a slave, or a de.....
» 9/11/2012 1:48:31 PM Great post Steven, thank you. However I have to try to tear it apart. I'm afraid the whol.....
» 9/11/2012 1:09:10 PM halduell, I deplore the day we let the do gooders push us into dropping the old "gun .....
» 9/11/2012 12:48:45 PM Hi Belly, great stuff, I hope you can send us some. My daylilies have mostly dropped their.....
» 9/11/2012 11:54:10 AM When the contract was finished the company announced the withdrawal of all the crazy new c.....
» 9/11/2012 11:53:59 AM Yes SM something is very wrong, when we can't build a little sub for the price of a large .....
» 8/11/2012 10:36:35 PM Wow, Acacia Luddy! On my impoverished sandy, but neutral PH soil, I have used them a pion.....
» 8/11/2012 10:25:26 PM Luddy, tell him to try holding the shift key down as he clicks on the page he wants. This .....
» 8/11/2012 8:48:08 PM Houelly, you must have too much concrete. The leaves & flowers of the Jacaranda only requi.....
» 8/11/2012 12:51:17 PM Mine is bright purple. It appears this year, in which we had received more than our avera.....
» 8/11/2012 12:26:16 PM Thanks Forrest. The pool still has the old pool ladder in it, but this one hadn't found it.....
» 8/11/2012 11:54:26 AM Silly damn birds. My pesky kookaburra finally got dry, & strong enough to take off. Fortu.....
» 8/11/2012 11:35:11 AM Yes Steven the republicans will win the White house, if it is still there. With his record.....
» 8/11/2012 11:21:33 AM Playing god again here, but this is an unusual one. It is not often that a kookaburra need.....
» 7/11/2012 10:42:36 AM Well Poirot, give us some substance, rather than just smart chat......
» 6/11/2012 11:16:08 PM Unfortunately the current RBA board has too many bankers. They are far too interested in t.....
» 6/11/2012 10:58:17 PM I do find much of this rather funny. No one has ever handed out so much tax payer money to.....
» 6/11/2012 10:16:48 PM Thanks cohenite. I was going to mention the facts about Sandy & water temperature. It is .....
» 6/11/2012 12:15:51 PM Even as a late starter, I don't have kids in child care, but I have 2 of my kids that do. .....
» 6/11/2012 11:16:53 AM Steven how can you possibly say "But the reality of AGW, for good or ill, is not seri.....
» 6/11/2012 11:00:47 AM Leslie true the Collins is stealthy, but it doesn't need much stealth to get from Perth to.....
» 5/11/2012 12:17:47 PM I must give Julian some due here. I have always felt [a studied opinion actually] that hy.....
» 5/11/2012 12:07:13 PM Yep those damn bats. How times have changed Luddy. We were there just after the war. There.....
» 5/11/2012 11:52:51 AM On your currawongs Luddy, I'm not a fan of them either. I was chatting to a big rough tou.....
» 5/11/2012 11:04:49 AM Just in case some don't remember, the Collins class sub was another of those brilliant Lab.....
» 5/11/2012 8:43:15 AM Luddy, I am starting to doubt your story of living in Townsville. That or you are a very v.....
» 5/11/2012 2:16:47 AM My horses don't like lorikeets. I planted a couple of apple trees 20 years ago. They were .....
» 4/11/2012 11:19:44 AM I'm sure the loony warmists have something 579. It is probably a new virus. What ever it .....
» 3/11/2012 1:33:55 PM You really know your stuff don't you 579? In Gillard we have a known shonky lawyer, with .....
» 3/11/2012 12:36:42 AM Come on Cody. Stop beating about the bush. You should come straight out T tell us what you.....
» 2/11/2012 5:22:32 PM Belly why do you people always look for a messiah? You gave us that drop kick Rudd by look.....
» 2/11/2012 5:12:03 PM I do find it interesting that the left/green mob have been captured by the most shonky cap.....
» 1/11/2012 1:15:41 PM Pericles, there is one other path you neglected, that of failed, very bad, state premier. .....
» 1/11/2012 1:02:21 PM Wishful thinking is a dreadful thing. It can cause you to believe all sorts of fallacies,.....
» 31/10/2012 10:14:15 PM Do stop worrying wobbles, if we run out of oil & gas, we'll just go back to all that coal .....
» 31/10/2012 1:39:08 PM Come off it Daffy, "Until we all awaken to the Situation and purpose of human existen.....
» 31/10/2012 1:03:42 PM Rhrosty I have had quite a bit to do with islands. Some where people just lived, some wher.....
» 31/10/2012 12:23:27 PM If I had stayed in New Guinea, on an island plantation, only 50 nautical miles from a majo.....
» 31/10/2012 11:49:06 AM Thanks for the answers, however none have given any answer to the original question. Why .....
» 31/10/2012 12:57:55 AM Poirot, just a few facts. There are a couple of very good papers, [no I don't have a refer.....
» 31/10/2012 12:00:35 AM Steven, Poirot, Sandy was not even much of a cyclone. Yes it was large & slow moving, but .....
» 30/10/2012 1:12:31 PM If Obama is the answer, god help us all......
» 30/10/2012 1:08:48 PM I have been through a number of cyclones at least as large, & much stronger than Sandy, in.....
» 29/10/2012 11:43:01 AM Obviously it would be better to send them back to where they came from. They should be sa.....
» 29/10/2012 11:14:56 AM Rainier Rudd is a ratbag, & Swan is a dumb ox. How either got where they did/are is down t.....
» 29/10/2012 11:00:02 AM Bazz, dislike of muslims in their country of origin may, just may be racism. Dislike of M.....
» 27/10/2012 11:27:20 AM For the work shy, in danger of being made to go to work for a living, give me a call. My .....
» 27/10/2012 11:08:25 AM Luddy, & here I was thinking you were a reasonably smart bloke. "Gillard and her gov.....
» 27/10/2012 1:03:42 AM Apart from imajulianutter's little list Abby he's pretty good. Pretty good that is at giv.....
» 26/10/2012 5:59:10 PM My favourite is the drug council. They don't even approve of any action to get rid of dru.....
» 26/10/2012 4:01:49 PM I say Yabby, have you looked at their deficit, or more importantly the rate of growth of t.....
» 26/10/2012 3:18:18 PM Pete you know, I don't think the planet really cares if it's iron oxide is still in a moun.....
» 26/10/2012 12:37:01 PM It is a lot like Oz really. The drovers dog would be better than Obama, who is a real cat.....
» 25/10/2012 1:21:25 PM Talking about welfare organisations, my wife is a councilor with one. She deals with the l.....
» 25/10/2012 12:35:46 PM This reads like an application for more tax payers money to me. Oh how I wish those who wa.....
» 25/10/2012 11:46:25 AM Not before time in my opinion. If people want to be funded as experts, they should have t.....
» 24/10/2012 10:34:55 AM Hi RObert! I guess you'd be one who would agree with a mates description of marriage as th.....
» 24/10/2012 10:21:11 AM Just so true......
» 24/10/2012 9:44:16 AM Dear Labor, please take Turnbull, we don't want him. Besides you are the champions of bull.....
» 23/10/2012 7:12:31 PM People who are likely to want to kill themselves, if they find they are to be held account.....
» 23/10/2012 5:48:49 PM Bugsy as you say polls don't really matter. What does matter is that when it comes time t.....
» 23/10/2012 5:26:16 PM Pericles, no wonder we don't agree on much, if you can place Sydney 3 places higher than 7.....
» 23/10/2012 1:35:58 PM Hay Luddy, fair go mate. "In fact, a lot of your presumably genuinely held criticism.....
» 23/10/2012 1:04:25 PM So here we have a green trying to destabilize the libs. Good try Robert, if typically well.....
» 23/10/2012 12:34:15 AM Welfare is destroying marriage, in one way or another. The taxes paid to maintain the wel.....
» 22/10/2012 11:11:35 PM God what a bunch! Molly I think you'll find Curmudgeon has read somewhat more deeply then.....
» 22/10/2012 10:03:39 PM Belly I can not agree with your idea of councils employing the incompetent. We have common.....
» 22/10/2012 11:47:27 AM Gees Luddy, now you can't even get my jokes, & you feel able to pick a leader. Of course .....
» 22/10/2012 11:42:10 AM Strange attitude Houelly. If OLO want to attract users, which attract the advertising that.....
» 22/10/2012 11:32:12 AM Unfortunately VK3AUU the economics of production in Oz, & the US, plus the minimal cost of.....
» 22/10/2012 11:04:05 AM Perhaps your responses says more about those attracted to the left, than anything else. I.....
» 22/10/2012 10:17:13 AM Luddy will you never learn old mate? If you still believe in that twit Carr, you can not .....
» 22/10/2012 9:56:18 AM I have the same problem Yabby, so don't feel all alone. I advised OLO a couple of weeks ag.....
» 20/10/2012 12:03:28 PM I think we can blame universities, their journalism courses, & perhaps the type of people .....
» 20/10/2012 1:47:12 AM Your showing a bit of that prejudice there yourself Wobbles. You only have to take a litt.....
» 19/10/2012 4:18:01 PM Yep, another disaster. Bad enough that these fools have done so much to Oz detriment. Now.....
» 19/10/2012 1:49:18 PM So I gather you are saying, the only happy Muslim is an unhappy one. Well that makes sens.....
» 19/10/2012 12:46:47 PM I got a fantastic education at a government school, in a moderate sized country town. At .....
» 18/10/2012 1:43:23 AM I have never found an article by this bloke worth reading. Nothing has changed with this .....
» 17/10/2012 8:42:07 PM Come off the grass Hoully, Gillard wanting to achieve something for someone other than her.....
» 17/10/2012 5:49:59 PM I'm with Houelly & Poirot on this one. Yes perhaps things were a little better in the 60s .....
» 17/10/2012 5:14:00 PM Houelly, yes I'm sure I could do better, & yes I am bl00dy sure I would never compromise m.....
» 17/10/2012 1:06:20 PM Houelly if you, or a PM want respect from me, they are going to have top earn it. They sta.....
» 17/10/2012 12:38:19 PM Belly I think you'll find it is only the women who have attended that Labor womens leaders.....
» 16/10/2012 4:54:08 PM Telstra are defending their decision to offshore hundreds of jobs from local centers I hea.....
» 16/10/2012 3:56:34 PM Tony Abbott has to be tough,with a couple of the nastiest people in the country after his .....
» 16/10/2012 1:01:50 PM Peter Lang's first paragraph said most of it. The last thing we need is yet another World .....
» 16/10/2012 12:41:17 PM Must be "get Luddy day" so here I come too mate. A case study on government loc.....
» 16/10/2012 11:58:31 AM Pelican it is a lie when you emphatically state something , & then do the other. You can'.....
» 16/10/2012 12:08:08 AM Yebiga in the same vane, have any westerners blown up trains full of passengers, or crashe.....
» 15/10/2012 1:50:38 PM Glad you liked it Luddy. I wrote it just for you, oh, & a few lefties......
» 15/10/2012 12:58:12 PM While it is true that gold does seem to simply hold its value against currency in the long.....
» 15/10/2012 12:29:41 PM What a pile of codswallop. Did Gillard lie? Of course she did. Was it intentional? Of cou.....
» 14/10/2012 12:34:47 PM I think you are mad if you don't. However only buy the real stuff, & carry it yourself to.....
» 14/10/2012 10:39:59 AM I think it is fair to say Rudd & now Julia were playing around with this long enough for e.....
» 13/10/2012 3:36:38 PM Yes that is right I'm sure. Let's face it, detained terrorists would never lie, now would.....
» 13/10/2012 2:48:11 PM Rehctub that was probably the sub, [coral viewing thing], crashing into the reef & trying .....
» 13/10/2012 11:24:55 AM It really must be soul destroying for our lefties, wanting to have a party, or even a sing.....
» 13/10/2012 10:55:51 AM What do you think rehctub; Unintended consequence of fools not being bright enough to se.....
» 12/10/2012 7:06:05 PM Bony, if the world like her they can have her. We'll even gift wrap her. We'd have too, ju.....
» 12/10/2012 6:54:36 PM Hay Pete, I believe I'm, about as flexible as you mate. Do you think we can change your op.....
» 12/10/2012 6:44:07 PM Continued One of the expert bodies decided that tourists walking on the reef must damage .....
» 12/10/2012 6:40:33 PM Sorry individual, you're wrong on this one. I used to average 900 tourists a week all tak.....
» 12/10/2012 3:58:17 PM To hell with international concern, we have to stop this rot. I don't think there would .....
» 12/10/2012 12:55:01 PM Where do you get this rubbish Rhrosty, that old furphy was debunked years ago, just anothe.....
» 12/10/2012 12:44:12 PM Yes those dreadful 50s, when women were punching bags. I don't know how much of the 50s mo.....
» 11/10/2012 11:32:29 PM csteele do you really believe there would be more than a few hundred people would listen t.....
» 11/10/2012 7:24:26 PM Scratch any Turnbull supporter & you'll find a Labor supporter under there. What is it w.....
» 11/10/2012 6:51:47 PM Yuyutsu in those same good old days the average family could not aspire to home ownership......
» 11/10/2012 2:27:20 PM Sorry Yuyutsu, I don't want to be unkind, but what planet have you just descended from. Yo.....
» 11/10/2012 2:03:11 PM So here we have yet another lefty tyro, determined to make the same mistakes that so many .....
» 11/10/2012 12:45:01 PM Well I guess that means most Ozzies know what Gillard is, where your teenager, & the yank .....
» 10/10/2012 3:58:38 PM Squeers, how could you accuse the author of misogyny, when he has described Ms Brice as gl.....
» 9/10/2012 3:42:37 PM It is so easy for those who want to stop the live export trade to do so. All they have to .....
» 8/10/2012 2:13:08 PM Live in an inner city somewhere do you elizann. I find inner cities the stronghold of mean.....
» 8/10/2012 1:35:25 PM Why do we always make simple things so hard? All we need is a couple of simple laws. No .....
» 8/10/2012 1:39:09 AM RObert, apart from those who loose the family farm, I think you're right. Most men who do,.....
» 7/10/2012 6:31:59 PM It really is time that the public were given a method of both Veto on the appointment of j.....
» 6/10/2012 11:43:18 AM You really do have to feel sorry for the ABC & its people. It must be difficult to be so t.....
» 6/10/2012 11:30:10 AM If we want to improve educational outcomes, rather than add jobs for teachers & education .....
» 5/10/2012 11:22:27 AM Actually this looks like a fair system. After all the wind/solar alternative industry is .....
» 4/10/2012 10:24:29 PM You know, I'm sure the NWF would only publish something after they made sure it was correc.....
» 4/10/2012 1:17:12 PM Rehctub, that might be all right, if we could trust the cops to be reasonable. My car clu.....
» 3/10/2012 10:22:03 PM Jimmy Jones, the issue has been dealt with quite admirably, & according to the majority of.....
» 3/10/2012 5:51:05 PM Oh come on Rhrosty, How could any one, even you, use the words Gillard, & integrity in the.....
» 3/10/2012 4:03:24 PM The Arctic has often had thin ice. USS Skate surfaced at the North Pole, March 17, 1959. .....
» 3/10/2012 3:43:56 PM I have never listened to Jones, & I find it interesting that so many who hate him, know so.....
» 3/10/2012 12:55:11 PM Wow, Tasmania finally got something right. Could this mean they will get rid of the ratba.....
» 2/10/2012 1:19:51 AM We learnt that with cattle breading, hybrid vigor is a major asset, achieved by introducin.....
» 2/10/2012 12:59:31 AM Can't agree with you on this one Ludwig old mate. I think one of the danger factors is our.....
» 2/10/2012 12:07:34 AM Agree with most of that Crackcup. I have no desire to return to the 50s, when it took my f.....
» 1/10/2012 3:55:35 PM Come on now fellers, you're getting a bit precious aren't you? I don't know about you othe.....
» 27/09/2012 12:05:40 PM [Deleted for abuse.].....
» 27/09/2012 11:43:12 AM Individual, you evil man. Love it!.....
» 25/09/2012 5:19:50 PM If you lot are right about the Republicans making all the rich people richer, then I suppo.....
» 24/09/2012 7:18:07 PM Come on Diamond Pete old boy, try to grow up a bit. Please explain how, if they were so e.....
» 24/09/2012 3:58:33 PM Geoff do you really believe that garbage, or do you have something to gain from those stup.....
» 23/09/2012 5:00:10 PM I sure won't argue with you there, EQ. There is far too much politically correct rubbish .....
» 22/09/2012 1:21:48 PM I can see your point there EQ. Of course grammar was part of learning English some years b.....
» 21/09/2012 11:00:35 PM What a bunch of old farts. I'm over 70, so can I join the circle? At 18 I was in the navy,.....
» 21/09/2012 5:14:49 PM Chloe says "The Muslims who took to the streets over the weekend, however, acted in w.....
» 20/09/2012 2:56:37 PM Isn't it always the same. To be kind, you give these fringe dwellers an inch or to, & let.....
» 19/09/2012 9:39:51 PM I'm not sure about any of this. My wife is a councilor, & I often hear her discussing with.....
» 18/09/2012 11:26:37 PM Hi o sung. This story is from before the current work practices, & I don't think the chang.....
» 18/09/2012 6:00:22 PM Suse there is something you forget to mention when you use, Abbott's no sex before marriag.....
» 18/09/2012 5:03:26 PM Now it gets worse. Some smarty in the US likes our product. He gets a cheep Chinese copy m.....
» 18/09/2012 5:00:16 PM Just to put things in perspective. My last job was among other things, running a company .....
» 18/09/2012 1:55:02 PM I would hate to think what the result would be if anything serious were to happen with thi.....
» 18/09/2012 12:31:40 PM Dream on fellers. The next polls will show this was a hick up, probably manufactured by la.....
» 17/09/2012 2:20:26 PM Don't worry VK3AUU, these Muslim curs only attack when in vastly superior numbers, or when.....
» 17/09/2012 9:30:08 AM [Deleted. Off topic.].....
» 16/09/2012 11:31:08 PM Must be nice being a young bloke Yabby. Most of my old girlfriends need help getting out .....
» 16/09/2012 12:49:41 PM Can't agree with you there diver, it just needs organising. Sure it is not a great idea .....
» 16/09/2012 10:18:55 AM Lexi my sweet, it really is time to grow up. Hiding your head in the sand so as not to se.....
» 16/09/2012 1:18:46 AM Well rehctub, if they want to be martyrs they should start this cr4p out of the city. Try .....
» 14/09/2012 10:23:50 PM I agree individual, from both the cruelty & the point of view of good eating, any fish you.....
» 14/09/2012 3:54:19 PM Well said Garry. As a boy with a rifle, I supplied many a rabbit for a baked dinner, or st.....
» 14/09/2012 10:49:04 AM Cheryl perhaps you did not notice that when our Brisbane greens were worried about their o.....
» 12/09/2012 6:24:13 PM I would guess a razor wire enclosed tent city would be the way, just as it is in other pla.....
» 12/09/2012 6:08:36 PM The problem is the welfare system. Yes all of it. It doesn't matter if it is a dole bludg.....
» 12/09/2012 5:36:54 PM Probably about half of what they should have cut. We can see by the public servants reacti.....
» 12/09/2012 4:55:44 PM Bull Belly. they bought themselves another month in power by kowtowing to the greens yet a.....
» 12/09/2012 12:56:06 PM You know I think it's wonderful. Great that independent community organisation will in fu.....
» 12/09/2012 11:00:10 AM Perhaps you don't realise Pericles, that the same economic activity would occur if we were.....
» 12/09/2012 10:03:25 AM Does anyone actually read this blokes garbage. That goes double for those who hand out awa.....
» 12/09/2012 10:00:35 AM Mac what on earth makes you think the pre-european "natural" environment was a g.....
» 11/09/2012 4:08:27 PM Anthy old boy, I don't think anyone gives a damn what you do. What you do is so unimportan.....
» 10/09/2012 4:23:32 PM When we first started our stud, I was a house husband, as well as a farmer. The position o.....
» 10/09/2012 11:05:09 AM You do like to got a bit over the top don't you o sung? You first get willies mixed up wit.....
» 10/09/2012 10:11:50 AM I'm right with you on this one Belly. Robert it is some of the PC legislation under which.....
» 8/09/2012 1:39:35 PM Yep StG, those who have done, do have to feel a bit sorry for those who can't. Poirot you.....
» 7/09/2012 7:57:08 PM O sung, go back & read your first two paragraphs & tell me just who started with the offen.....
» 7/09/2012 10:10:12 AM So you were once a cop o sung, bully for you. I suppose you think that gives you some righ.....
» 7/09/2012 9:40:58 AM Well thanks fellers, obviously you can't fault my feelings on Ruddy. Thanks for the educa.....
» 7/09/2012 12:07:47 AM What a joke, I'm sure many of you Queenslanders would have heard it, still it is hard to b.....
» 5/09/2012 6:16:44 PM Typical left, with a pincer movement to make sure I'm wrong, what ever I do. Kipp reckons.....
» 5/09/2012 3:29:00 PM Well done Roses, but do take care. You'll pull a muscle with all that reaching around to p.....
» 4/09/2012 10:49:17 PM Don't worry about it Luddy. We'll sell them the farm now, then come the revolution, we wil.....
» 4/09/2012 11:45:05 AM When it comes to the legal profession, from the lowest solicitor, to the highest judge the.....
» 4/09/2012 12:51:23 AM I'm afraid I can't agree with you on the push bike thing Valley Guy. I once rode one 6 mil.....
» 3/09/2012 1:36:27 PM Can't agree with you there Sammy, The only reason I can imagine for driving in Sydney, wou.....
» 2/09/2012 3:43:11 PM Anyone who thinks taking guns of honest citizens, & not the criminals is a good idea, must.....
» 2/09/2012 11:02:10 AM I can't imagine anything more stupid than to disarm the honest citizenry, but then not do .....
» 29/08/2012 10:54:36 AM I wonder why it is that I have the impression that all historians are actually frustrated .....
» 28/08/2012 9:33:14 AM Ian you failed to mention the source of this shouting match. It was our ABC. Lacking all.....
» 27/08/2012 7:26:43 PM Isn't this interesting. One of the very few good things Gillard, & Garrett have done, & pr.....
» 27/08/2012 5:42:21 PM Spoken like a true greenie twit David. You must be a public servant in the Dept of Environ.....
» 27/08/2012 1:28:54 PM It does appear to me that there is a witch, [or Armstrong} hunt going on here. It appears.....
» 27/08/2012 10:00:21 AM Care to show me where Bonny?.....
» 26/08/2012 10:10:58 PM Csteel the thing that all the global warming effect of CO2 founders on is the fact that wa.....
» 26/08/2012 11:05:49 AM Yes Luddy, I was thinking this morning that it must be open season on Armstrongs.....
» 25/08/2012 1:13:04 AM Lexi perhaps you'd better come up here to the warm. We have some pretty good cardiologists.....
» 24/08/2012 2:55:15 PM Interesting that a couple of comments on the article linked to, tore the whole thing, & it.....
» 24/08/2012 2:45:29 PM Hi Lexi, where have you been? Actually it works the other way. NZ lets them in, gives the.....
» 24/08/2012 2:40:31 PM Luddy, I'm a product of my times. A paddock full of woody weeds where once was good pastur.....
» 24/08/2012 2:08:04 PM Yes, I had a rather hilarious night in Melbourne for a Sandown motor race meeting one time.....
» 24/08/2012 11:53:58 AM Now I'm really starting to get worried. From Andrews article it would appear he actually .....
» 24/08/2012 11:16:15 AM Sounds like par for the course to me. Just in passing Bruce, would you like to try to nam.....
» 24/08/2012 10:55:50 AM Easy there Luddy old mate, with out the kiwis you'd have no tourist industry up your way. .....
» 24/08/2012 10:45:44 AM Bet it's a nice clean brain you have too, Anthonyve. After all you've submitted it for bra.....
» 24/08/2012 1:37:40 AM Michael the reason BHP has written down it's shale gas assets is that it is so cheap & eas.....
» 23/08/2012 11:04:27 PM I guess Julia has a problem. When you prove to be a lying conniving cheat in a couple of .....
» 23/08/2012 2:39:07 PM Michael & Geoff, the US is currently moving towards being an oil exporter again, & would b.....
» 23/08/2012 11:29:56 AM As a lawyer she was happy to assist in ripping off thousands of unionists. As a polly she.....
» 22/08/2012 11:37:35 AM Suicide has always appeared to me to be a rather elegant way nature has developed to corre.....
» 21/08/2012 4:35:18 PM I would have been moved away from unaccompanied kids long before some officious cabin crew.....
» 21/08/2012 10:32:28 AM Wishful thinking is self delusion, & self delusion is always the most convincing lie......
» 20/08/2012 6:31:59 PM I think I would like your father Pericles. Pity he got his decades wrong. It was the ".....
» 20/08/2012 5:57:20 PM Come on Pericles, some jokes never go out of date, & French military expertise, at least i.....
» 20/08/2012 5:48:21 PM Anyone else seen his latest bit of posing? Drama queen for sure, but with a very good eye .....
» 20/08/2012 2:39:31 PM Oh dear, & here I thought this was going to be an expose on our little Julia's plan to get.....
» 20/08/2012 2:19:25 PM The enemy of my enemy is my friend would sum up our trusty professors little rant. Highlig.....
» 20/08/2012 1:54:49 PM I would be amazed if Israel did not have a plan to attack every country in its region. The.....
» 20/08/2012 1:39:51 PM If there isn't a que Kerry there damn sure should be, starting on the other side of the wo.....
» 18/08/2012 9:16:27 PM Luddy you should drop the sustainability bit mate. It frightens people. It brings to mind.....
» 18/08/2012 9:05:17 PM Give over Roses, praising NZ, & I expect Tasmania for their electoral system is rather cou.....
» 18/08/2012 8:47:27 PM Good for you PEST, did they give you a pat on the head too. If they did, it obviously wasn.....
» 18/08/2012 5:26:38 PM Do be quiet there PEST, you're only encouraging the buggers. Keep up this sort of thing, &.....
» 18/08/2012 4:50:36 PM I think China will probably break up. She has been great before, but could not maintain c.....
» 18/08/2012 1:10:05 PM You forgot to mention that it should help bring down the cost of AIDS drugs. You know, ec.....
» 18/08/2012 1:05:16 PM Where did you get that lot Rhrosty? It is airy fairy enough to be from a green policy docu.....
» 17/08/2012 4:40:18 PM I think he's nothing but a smarty, with no interest in anything or anyone but himself & a .....
» 17/08/2012 2:59:28 PM Roses just googling greenie sights doesn't give you much true information it would seem. .....
» 17/08/2012 1:55:10 PM Ethan, would you advise just what renewable energy industry you are talking about? To sta.....
» 17/08/2012 1:19:50 PM Sorry Luddy, got to disagree with you on the speed bumps. Have a chat to an ambulance driv.....
» 17/08/2012 10:38:56 AM What on earth are you studying at Griffith Ethan? It certainly can't be anything requiring.....
» 16/08/2012 9:59:45 PM Wouldn't I love a gold plated network, that didn't fail every time we get a strongish thun.....
» 16/08/2012 9:47:05 PM Come on Rehctub, that is garbage, & you know it. My main car is a 35 years old sports car,.....
» 16/08/2012 11:12:09 AM The combined ho hum is deafening. There is a consensus all right, just it's not about Glo.....
» 16/08/2012 8:52:18 AM David if you love them so much, you support them. I have no interest in being ripped of b.....
» 15/08/2012 8:19:57 PM Many immigrants worked for a couple of years on the Snowy project, before moving into civi.....
» 15/08/2012 11:59:26 AM Thanks for that Luddy, an interesting read. My first "BIG" bar crossing was als.....
» 14/08/2012 3:53:50 PM What universe do you live in Rhrosty? Do you really get all this stuff wrong, or are you .....
» 14/08/2012 3:34:47 PM You've got to be kidding Rhrosty. Just how damn stupid do you think we are, or perhaps, ho.....
» 14/08/2012 2:47:20 PM Would this worlds best treasurer be anything like the last one. He was the "LAW law&.....
» 14/08/2012 2:39:20 PM The next day, on our way through Hinchinbrook channel, we came across a couple of tourists.....
» 14/08/2012 2:36:47 PM Would that be at Scagary point, on the western side, in site of Cardwell old mate? I don'.....
» 14/08/2012 10:55:38 AM Belly, I have no reason, but have just assumed that, like me, you would be on tank water. .....
» 14/08/2012 10:35:52 AM Luddy, coconut milk is of course the white creamy stuff, expressed from the grated flesh o.....
» 14/08/2012 12:09:47 AM Luddy, I work on the KISS principle old mate. Just some nice {salted} butter to cook the .....
» 13/08/2012 11:49:11 PM I seem to recall a certain Ozzie lady 400 Meters runner winning gold in a full body suit, .....
» 13/08/2012 4:38:02 PM Well we will soon know if the mighty USA is to survive. Even with all their advantages som.....
» 13/08/2012 4:27:37 PM I would not have picked you as one who had destroyed their taste buds with too much pepper.....
» 13/08/2012 3:25:54 PM I think we aught to be thankful for what we are getting now. Look at the history of track.....
» 10/08/2012 2:29:06 PM Well at least the "girls" could make an effort to fit in. All those lady swimme.....
» 10/08/2012 1:35:32 PM God help us! Mark's idea of success is to have "progressed" from a nation of pe.....
» 9/08/2012 7:21:22 PM Well it's now obvious what we need to do, if we want to win more gold at the Olympics. Fi.....
» 9/08/2012 12:20:50 PM Wm I think you have a slightly wrong handle on some of your elites. Your sporting, music &.....
» 9/08/2012 11:43:36 AM Just a bit of a kid are you Chan. Perhaps you're a bit short of time to do a bit of resear.....
» 9/08/2012 11:16:29 AM What a sorry lot. You do have my sympathy, it must be dreadful to have never managed to be.....
» 8/08/2012 8:27:42 PM Anty the Greens & the greenies are basically interchangeable. Yes I do mean like China, wi.....
» 8/08/2012 4:25:46 PM Well that's sure true Anthonyve. China was a basket case, before they effectively the pri.....
» 8/08/2012 11:29:08 AM Do shut up while you're in front Jocelynne, or you may annoy us blokes enough to do someth.....
» 7/08/2012 11:32:03 AM Oh god! The main thing wrong with life today, in our western society is it is too easy. .....
» 7/08/2012 10:09:44 AM Tristan we are collecting plenty of tax, just spending it in the wrong areas. Your lot th.....
» 6/08/2012 11:49:37 PM Yes well I won't disagree with you there Jayb, we should be spending what we can afford in.....
» 6/08/2012 3:52:21 PM I think you miss read me Belly. I said all we can ask is their best on the day. You'd be .....
» 6/08/2012 3:31:10 PM Every where you look there is someone else who wants just another couple of billion to hel.....
» 6/08/2012 3:10:39 PM I see your point Pat, but glance at the other side of the large pond, & you'll see another.....
» 6/08/2012 2:22:32 PM What a dishonest article! No mention of the real problem with New Orleans. That it was bu.....
» 5/08/2012 7:38:34 PM Some of our people are past it. Some are still coming, & may still be champions. Some wer.....
» 4/08/2012 10:54:19 AM Poirot, as I said in my thread on the subject, I loved the march of the athletes. If anyth.....
» 3/08/2012 10:22:26 PM With our doubt the worst of it's kind in many years. It says a great deal about the fundi.....
» 1/08/2012 10:30:38 AM Well, I always knew an injured animal was most vicious, but this is the first time I have .....
» 31/07/2012 9:33:29 PM The only time your global warming people will ever lie straight thinker, is after they hav.....
» 30/07/2012 7:36:08 PM Yes Danielle, the first thing we need is to be saved FROM great leaders. They kill million.....
» 30/07/2012 6:42:35 PM I really can't believe it. It never occured that legal advice paid for by me & my fellow .....
» 30/07/2012 4:57:44 PM It really is a pity but Ford is probably a lost cause, & GM Holden is probably not that mu.....
» 30/07/2012 4:34:19 PM Austin I'm not that far removed from being a pom that I don't feel able to call it as I se.....
» 28/07/2012 3:47:36 PM It is pretty rare that I can feel sorry for the poms. It is also pretty rare that I would .....
» 28/07/2012 10:48:49 AM There are a lot of people in the US navy, who are not particularly bright, but have succes.....
» 26/07/2012 12:53:56 AM Yes grim, & it cost a days wages for a 5 minute call to Melbourne. An over seas call was a.....
» 25/07/2012 5:52:31 PM Have you got your rates bill yet? If so can you believe it? Is there any other organisat.....
» 25/07/2012 3:44:09 PM No Bazz, no more, & no more bureaucrats either, I'd just like them spread around a bit, & .....
» 25/07/2012 1:12:53 PM Yes it was luck, a bit of geography & history, but US settlement caused their wealth, & ou.....
» 25/07/2012 12:53:01 PM The time we watched it take 6 men, with 3 vehicles 2 days to paint a twin public phone box.....
» 24/07/2012 3:51:22 PM Yes Mary received sweet FA support when she arrived, which is as it should be. If all th.....
» 24/07/2012 3:34:00 PM Steely I don't know where your statistics come from, no doubt some fine academic establish.....
» 24/07/2012 11:41:15 AM No, no way Kathy. The dumb school teachers have moved to the greens. The smart school te.....
» 24/07/2012 11:31:18 AM Lexi mate, that is not true. I was given my first gun at about 10. All my mates had rifle.....
» 24/07/2012 11:10:13 AM Conversely, I do feel sorry for so many your customers, sold the dream of acreage living. .....
» 24/07/2012 11:09:31 AM Ross I am quite happy to consign your industry to the dump of history, particularly if it .....
» 23/07/2012 9:45:36 PM My main complaint about women is that in their foolishness they have stolen from me a way .....
» 23/07/2012 8:56:03 PM Luddy old mate, I thought you wanted to keep the population down......
» 23/07/2012 4:03:45 PM Proportional representation is the equivalent to giving the lunatics the keys to the gun c.....
» 23/07/2012 3:52:11 PM I don't know Belly. Aren't our friendly greens trying to do just that. I thought they wan.....
» 22/07/2012 6:05:21 PM To our lefties, I recall a few years ago much gnashing of teeth among the welfare lobby, w.....
» 22/07/2012 5:50:26 PM Lexi do you actually read that stuff? You should not be polluting your pretty little head.....
» 22/07/2012 12:52:48 PM Grim I see your point, but who do you think is making the money. It sure isn't the farmer.....
» 22/07/2012 12:33:22 PM I go further than rehctub. I have always felt public housing is immoral. We get people wh.....
» 22/07/2012 11:54:07 AM Lexi I think you will find there is no political down side for anyone who doesn't require .....
» 21/07/2012 5:03:08 PM I for one had no opinion of Gillard. I was pleased to see the erratic Rudd gone, & hoped f.....
» 20/07/2012 12:25:13 PM God isn't it something when so many people have so little of importance in their lives tha.....
» 20/07/2012 12:01:52 PM Are you really that dumb Paul? Or do you just think it's smart to misrepresent something s.....
» 20/07/2012 11:53:56 AM So true Shadow M. I am probably an early mover, it was Keating, the left & the greens tha.....
» 20/07/2012 11:10:56 AM Spindoc says, "as for me, I just call my son in law and ask when I can get another ha.....
» 19/07/2012 4:43:33 PM David G, the main thing wrong with the western mind is that it has become too kind for it'.....
» 19/07/2012 12:23:37 AM Paul if your father in-law is living in his own home, tell him to get on to the mature age.....
» 18/07/2012 11:23:59 PM Poirot I don't know what world you live in, but it must be a different one to me. Out here.....
» 18/07/2012 4:57:27 PM Oh I do hope not. The world would be a much better place with even just one less huge inc.....
» 18/07/2012 4:47:06 PM Reg you tell us that Ruddy could understand the words, but not the meaning of the sentence.....
» 18/07/2012 3:41:40 PM Careful there Ozzie, if you start to apply that policy to race, you'll end up having to ap.....
» 18/07/2012 3:21:16 PM Anty that's only if you use the figres that have beem hamonogised tortured, corrected & ot.....
» 18/07/2012 12:27:25 PM csteele, I studied this stuff for a couple of years. I had real trouble getting my head a.....
» 17/07/2012 10:15:32 PM Poirot, is that something like the people employed to pick up the bird & rare eagle carcas.....
» 17/07/2012 5:26:51 PM Oh yes Lexi, I had an older mechanic, working for me in the 60s. One of those great blokes.....
» 17/07/2012 5:19:24 PM Yes I remember a bloke telling me a funny story about all the aircraft the yanks lost, bef.....
» 17/07/2012 1:21:34 PM Thanks for the excellent article Steven. It will take some digesting before I could commen.....
» 17/07/2012 12:47:48 PM A large part of the problem is ACOSS itself. It it's policies are very similar to the pol.....
» 16/07/2012 6:52:12 PM The only good shark is the one in the frying pan......
» 16/07/2012 6:41:13 PM Daffy, what do you think the IPCC is, a conservative think tank? Then how about Obama & t.....
» 16/07/2012 5:52:20 PM Thank you so much Patric, for explaining why Ruddy & Julia have been so boat people friend.....
» 16/07/2012 5:07:09 PM Hay Wobbley, I thought that was supposed to be big oil that paid the dissenters. Ludwig o.....
» 16/07/2012 4:40:02 PM Haven't you woken up yet daffy, that is exactly what the greens want to reintroduce, excep.....
» 16/07/2012 12:20:47 PM Humanity overboard! Now if we can just get the humanities to go after them, it would sure.....
» 16/07/2012 12:16:55 PM When a toilet overflows, you call in a plumber, & get the thing fixed. Of course a seldom .....
» 16/07/2012 11:50:27 AM Fortunately for all of us Paul1405, the greens are a self limiting mob. As you gain number.....
» 16/07/2012 11:12:08 AM Yes Cossomby, I can remember my mother taking some time to realise what out pommy baker, [.....
» 16/07/2012 11:05:10 AM Wm Trevor, I find it worse than that. I want to know how one can "win" third pla.....
» 15/07/2012 10:38:14 AM Belly did you miss the subject matter of this thread. Now if I were to listen to either Bo.....
» 14/07/2012 8:58:36 PM Steely I want you to take the word of your gods. The words they wrote in those emails. The.....
» 14/07/2012 8:52:23 PM I wonder what will happen when they vote him out. Will he go quietly, or make another exe.....
» 14/07/2012 4:02:16 PM csteele, I wasn't going to say it, but I'm afraid I must. You see mate, you need help. You.....
» 13/07/2012 9:02:39 PM If that feller Faine is still working for the ABC next Monday, we will know it is official.....
» 13/07/2012 11:05:05 AM Actually Poirot, when I hear academics, pronouncing on a subject with which I have experie.....
» 13/07/2012 10:48:23 AM Wonders will never cease. Yes it's official, the scam is over. I almost dropped my coffee.....
» 12/07/2012 3:27:11 PM Well currently the US & Oz [& the EU for that matter], have government leaders about as ba.....
» 12/07/2012 2:44:43 PM Anty if you ever read anything other that from those shonks at the IPCC you would be able .....
» 12/07/2012 11:28:13 AM Actually Cossomby we are having less wild weather than average, & this has applied for at .....
» 12/07/2012 11:14:05 AM Poirot, I don't know of a single person who claims to understand the science better than t.....
» 11/07/2012 10:28:57 PM Well I'm not happy that we have a totally incompetent government. I'm not happy that the .....
» 11/07/2012 4:16:42 PM Poirot, Anty, Lexi, you are all obviously praying that that fool Turnbull does get a chanc.....
» 10/07/2012 10:57:45 PM Hay Ludwig, I just can't hack that fool Carr. I wonder if The Higgs Boson would be able t.....
» 10/07/2012 2:13:35 PM What else would you expect? Management can't tell these fools what to write, the lefties .....
» 10/07/2012 1:31:52 PM Well you have to admit, Labor are pretty quick on the uptake. It has only taken some of t.....
» 9/07/2012 5:45:56 PM Peter is it by accident that you promote a third gender, when you separate people in the m.....
» 9/07/2012 5:22:12 PM I have always had nothing but disgust for those people, who's only claim to fame is their .....
» 9/07/2012 9:20:35 AM I think we should reduce the weight on this PMs shoulders, but only as long as we do it in.....
» 7/07/2012 7:54:49 PM In that case JF you know how most of our so called marine research is conducted in a tank .....
» 7/07/2012 7:10:11 PM Come to think of it, a couple of good ones, Three Men in a Boat, a fabulous tale of 3 men'.....
» 7/07/2012 1:33:27 AM JF Aus, have you ever seen the reef? If so how much. You sound as if you think it's someth.....
» 7/07/2012 12:10:43 AM Belly good on you mate. I don't have many daylilies flowering. It's been so wet this yea.....
» 6/07/2012 11:46:32 PM Chris I agree Albury-Wodonga is a lovely place, just a damn fool place to try to develop i.....
» 6/07/2012 11:23:08 PM I wish I could see the logic of shipping our bauxite & coal to China, just to have them bu.....
» 6/07/2012 10:48:47 AM If all these planners were worth having, instead of trying to dictate how others must live.....
» 6/07/2012 10:17:51 AM I am continually amazed at the way "researchers" can find almost anything you wa.....
» 6/07/2012 10:07:14 AM Do stop blathering Anty, & try to answer my arguments. You always go off into this assumed.....
» 6/07/2012 12:55:15 AM Anty baby, if ever I decide to abuse you, believe me you will know it. So far all I've eve.....
» 6/07/2012 12:24:18 AM It is starting to look to me as if the navy, & the Immigration department have orders to g.....
» 5/07/2012 7:16:39 PM Oh don't talk such rubbish Anthony. Remember that quote of Gillard's opinion of increase.....
» 5/07/2012 3:18:27 PM So true Scott. The only thing that smaller class sizes does, is make the ride easier for t.....
» 5/07/2012 2:57:42 PM ROB p with this current Oz government, I definitely don't want us to have influence on wor.....
» 5/07/2012 10:06:24 AM Belly the worst lie you ever tell is the one you tell yourself. Yes I know that Labor in .....
» 5/07/2012 1:30:21 AM Bazz I don't know where you've read good reports on the thing, in motoring circles in the .....
» 5/07/2012 12:49:27 AM Yes, & the fool woman thinks that once we get used to her rip off carbon dioxide tax, all .....
» 5/07/2012 12:39:37 AM That goes for me too Ludwig. I'm not one for the product of other peoples imaginations, mo.....
» 4/07/2012 11:56:10 PM Cherful the UN has not done anything useful in the world since 1952 & the Korean war. Even.....
» 4/07/2012 3:13:43 PM I'm, with you Lexi, I think I enjoyed the Potter books more than the kids. Then there was.....
» 4/07/2012 2:32:19 PM Lexi my dear, I think you're going too far at that, there would be just you & me voting. B.....
» 4/07/2012 1:06:06 PM I had a green car once. Morgan +4, in British Racing green. The styling was so out of date.....
» 3/07/2012 11:01:05 PM I've now heard an add from GM Holden for their soon to arrive Volt electric car. I wonder .....
» 3/07/2012 6:40:53 PM Don't be silly Philip, Julia is totally deaf as well as blind & dumb. No one could tell he.....
» 3/07/2012 10:25:52 AM Oh Hell. The fairies are getting together. God knows what's likely to be going on down .....
» 3/07/2012 12:22:20 AM I'm with you Belly. As for some sort of proportional voting, that would give us, in the lo.....
» 2/07/2012 5:16:38 PM There are no "carbon polluters" here. Supplying our all important greenery with .....
» 2/07/2012 4:11:14 PM Of course flying plane loads of innocent passengers is legal I suppose. Most Of the probl.....
» 2/07/2012 4:00:31 PM Woof!.....
» 2/07/2012 12:18:50 PM Nobody, other than a barefaced liar could ever propose, or argue for a carbon tax, as some.....
» 2/07/2012 11:00:40 AM Perhaps Tom has been too busy with emergency cases to keep up with the world of oil discov.....
» 1/07/2012 3:33:01 PM Luddy old mate, if we want to overcome the problems of the world, first we have to shut do.....
» 1/07/2012 2:45:26 PM And you'll wonder why so many of us will enjoy seeing you balling into your lentils, after.....
» 1/07/2012 12:42:10 PM Oh come on love, we all know the whole Rio thing was just the usual tax payer funded annua.....
» 1/07/2012 12:23:15 PM Oh my god! Verbosity reigns supreme. This one must take the prize for bull sh1t dressed u.....
» 1/07/2012 11:35:14 AM Poirot, You are right, kin or the onetalk system in New Guinea, was a cultural asset in t.....
» 30/06/2012 9:51:04 PM Who ever said it was the Democrats, were down the garden path, frolicking with the fairies.....
» 30/06/2012 9:39:52 PM Yes Poirot, Chloe is beautiful, & the painting is exquisite, quite different to Penthouse......
» 30/06/2012 12:51:58 PM Lexi, you naughty girl you. I am having a discussion with my self, trying to decide if you.....
» 30/06/2012 12:33:51 PM Squeers, I feel sorry for you, I really do. It must be really horrible to hate ones self,.....
» 29/06/2012 3:18:42 PM Do you speak English Squeers? If you do, it is strange you don't understand it. Please gi.....
» 29/06/2012 1:14:56 PM When I was a kid, in the days when we still had a "baker" with a horse & cart de.....
» 29/06/2012 12:39:23 PM Ludwig, I had no idea you were just a kid. Here I have been, all this time, thinking you w.....
» 29/06/2012 1:50:01 AM So we agree, the left is finished. Next all we have to do is to wait for the Muslim Broth.....
» 29/06/2012 1:44:10 AM Why would I be shocked Cherful? After all it is only common sense, & I can't see any rea.....
» 28/06/2012 3:30:23 PM Me thinks she protesteth too much, this author. This whole concoction is aimed not at us,.....
» 28/06/2012 9:37:10 AM Bruce is off his medication again! Best take a bex, a cuppa, & a quick lie down mate. Wh.....
» 27/06/2012 1:38:03 PM If Gina sells out the shares will fall like a stone. The company will become basically w.....
» 27/06/2012 1:15:10 PM The right thing to do is to supply these boats with food, fuel & water, tow them out of ou.....
» 26/06/2012 10:10:39 PM Catherine, it does not sound like your example folk are planning on getting a job any time.....
» 25/06/2012 1:29:51 PM Agree completely divine. We need to stop spending public money on boat people, who the pub.....
» 24/06/2012 10:50:33 PM Think your self very lucky Ludwig you old fart, that I'm a bit tired tonight, or this old .....
» 24/06/2012 3:06:39 PM Well I have a bit of information on that housing statistic. In some areas of Brisbane a lo.....
» 24/06/2012 2:53:22 PM Oto, I don't think push has anything to do with more than just a few boat arrivals. Even t.....
» 24/06/2012 12:10:37 AM I have a one make classic car site that I frequent where I have not seen a nasty word in t.....
» 23/06/2012 11:56:15 AM & so you should StG, rest your case that is. Don't forget it was todays old fuddy duddies.....
» 22/06/2012 10:55:58 PM My thought exactly Phillip S. As they were in the Indonesian zone, they should have been .....
» 21/06/2012 11:54:03 PM No problem Banjo, as Ludwig says, I'm only too pleased. I believe an original poster giv.....
» 20/06/2012 10:43:59 AM Come on Anthony. We're not allowed to sack them [you know, jobs for life & all that], so h.....
» 20/06/2012 10:27:25 AM No mate, I'd be perfectly safe. Your 1 million would have no chance of getting any where n.....
» 19/06/2012 10:17:07 PM So true JF. The media refuse to present all the growing evidence that the whole CO2 thing .....
» 19/06/2012 3:39:38 PM Good article Cassandra, but you need to go further. The real area of feminisation is in t.....
» 19/06/2012 1:33:58 PM I have not often read a major daily since I stopped catching a train from Cronulla to the .....
» 19/06/2012 12:30:05 PM You are a glutton for punishment old mate. First I would ban all immigration with no exce.....
» 19/06/2012 11:44:47 AM Anyhony, I only offer anyone what they have earned. My respect is something that has to be.....
» 18/06/2012 10:10:10 PM Gillard & Swan, how could they do it? Have they really fallen for their own spin. It made.....
» 18/06/2012 5:39:15 PM Thanks fellers, I needed a good laugh. & Diver mate, isn't a pity we make the working cla.....
» 18/06/2012 10:26:55 AM I can not see how any bloke who had been married for more than a couple of months, could e.....
» 16/06/2012 11:01:08 PM In WW11 the fact that a very large percentage of Ozzies had supplemented their diet with r.....
» 16/06/2012 10:43:38 PM A reasonable team mate. Just today we've had an environment minister idiot wanting to des.....
» 16/06/2012 7:06:55 PM So a bunch of lefties are pushing for special consideration for Joan Kirner. They want her.....
» 16/06/2012 12:28:44 PM People like this author should have enough sense to stay out of print. While we do not kno.....
» 16/06/2012 12:01:11 PM Well I certainly hope you are wrong James O'Neill. From my experience the last thing you w.....
» 15/06/2012 5:03:06 PM No mac we don't particularly love them, & we don't dislike them either, we simply admit th.....
» 13/06/2012 6:09:17 PM Yes they make every kilometer of road so expensive, that we can't afford enough of it. We.....
» 13/06/2012 11:49:27 AM Anthony I can see we are going to put the RSPCA onto you. It is even more unkind to flog .....
» 12/06/2012 10:31:15 PM Come on Steven, the whole ocean temperature thing is another concoction. All they have don.....
» 12/06/2012 5:33:36 PM Do you a deal Belly. I'll take the sex, you have the religion. That's fair isn't it?.....
» 12/06/2012 5:30:42 PM Hay Anthony, is that anything like the new hockey stick paper by Gergis? The one that cost.....
» 11/06/2012 1:42:59 PM To the contrary Roses1, when the crunch does come we will wish we had been smart enough no.....
» 11/06/2012 1:33:48 PM Just how long can we keep taking in each other's washing, before we all run out of money. .....
» 11/06/2012 2:46:22 AM I know just what you are talking about Lexi. I have 4 different towns all about 25Km from.....
» 10/06/2012 1:52:56 PM Don't forget the other side of the coin Voterland. That's where women have committed preme.....
» 10/06/2012 1:40:10 PM Yes I agree rehctub, we are loosing them at a rate of knots around here. The big 2 have go.....
» 10/06/2012 1:01:52 PM Ludwig old mate, big oil, & the Ruskies are forming partnerships to exploit shale oil depo.....
» 9/06/2012 12:23:15 AM I suggest you all get a nice strong chair somewhere, to sit on in times of trouble. The w.....
» 9/06/2012 12:02:05 AM Well he doesn't have much to worry about does he L'? It is hardy likely the greens will ev.....
» 8/06/2012 11:42:11 PM Qzandy, I was thinking more of landing an 800 man mercy mission to help out our own cyclon.....
» 8/06/2012 12:40:30 PM When we discovered the UK defense umbrella we thought we were sheltering under turned out .....
» 7/06/2012 1:44:58 PM My dear David Corbett, you wouldn't have a degree in a humanity would you? You do cone acr.....
» 6/06/2012 2:21:40 PM On the mining thing, I won't mind at all to see a slow down in China put a brake on develo.....
» 6/06/2012 2:20:08 PM Ludwig I am totally against bull sh1t. Peak oil is bull sh1t, as is the plastic story from.....
» 6/06/2012 1:22:25 PM Oh come on Duncan, instead of decrying some common sense shown by our little neighbour, fo.....
» 6/06/2012 1:05:06 PM On thing I find most interesting is that when ever we get an article by some one with qual.....
» 6/06/2012 12:01:13 PM I wonder if the dreamers, yes you too Anthonyve, will ever wake up that there is no viable.....
» 6/06/2012 10:49:33 AM Well said Banjo. Too many here are showing a lack of maturity. True maturity means one can.....
» 5/06/2012 12:39:35 PM Ludwig please explain why we should reduce our use of oil. From my reading on the subject.....
» 4/06/2012 8:17:39 PM For that visit I was lined up in Bathurst showground with thousands of kids from all round.....
» 4/06/2012 11:52:08 AM Unfortunately for you Tom, & your academic & NGO mates, the public have caught up with the.....
» 4/06/2012 11:34:58 AM Isn't it interesting, some expatriate, Alan in this case wants to lecture us about soverei.....
» 4/06/2012 10:53:35 AM Paul, if it's all so easy, why the hell don't you do it. Don't tell me, let me guess, it'.....
» 2/06/2012 5:28:57 PM Thinker perhaps you missed the bit where I said I have not had to sack many people. I did .....
» 2/06/2012 4:26:49 PM You people are a joke. You must be making a quid out of the welfare spend to be so happy w.....
» 2/06/2012 12:38:05 PM In the last company I ran we made a conscious decision to limit the number of employees du.....
» 2/06/2012 12:37:27 PM Thinker how can you people be so delusional. I agree with you that Howard went too far w.....
» 2/06/2012 10:57:52 AM Thank you Paul, you have taught me something. It had never before even occurred to me tha.....
» 2/06/2012 10:31:26 AM The last SMH I read was in 1977, & I have no idea what you are referring to. Still that w.....
» 1/06/2012 12:24:00 AM Poirot I am glad you are healthy enough for that lifestyle. I loved it 20 years ago, when .....
» 31/05/2012 8:25:35 PM Just like more than a few here, I am totally against imported semi skilled labor, like dum.....
» 31/05/2012 8:21:43 PM Naomi, how can anyone who claims 15 years in human resources have so little idea. What we.....
» 31/05/2012 5:45:58 PM PEST you people either kid yourselves, or you are as dishonest as our greenies, & warmists.....
» 30/05/2012 10:18:54 PM I use a barber in Beenleigh, a lower priced Brisbane suburb, on the southern outskirts of .....
» 30/05/2012 9:43:35 PM I really can't see any reason you would want the Aus Bureau of Statistics involved at all......
» 30/05/2012 5:37:09 PM Please whistler, putting thoughts of debauchery, & Gillard in the same post makes a man's .....
» 30/05/2012 5:24:16 PM Ludwig, you may recall we sent either HMAS Manoura, or Kanmmbla to Indonesia with both the.....
» 29/05/2012 9:45:41 PM Obviously we have given it more thought than your simple emotional response Marilyn. We h.....
» 29/05/2012 1:51:37 PM Come off the grass Jocelyn. It's the nasty, vindictive, spiteful, viscous, lying, untrust.....
» 29/05/2012 1:40:49 PM Ludwig, mate, the chances of getting any control over how our aid money, once the cheque i.....
» 29/05/2012 11:08:17 AM A better idea would be automatic & immediate repatriation, using as much force as necessar.....
» 29/05/2012 10:56:48 AM Ludwig you've got to be kidding. Give even more money to those monkeys in suits at the UN,.....
» 28/05/2012 11:20:54 AM Belly, my lady works for one of the large national charity employment agencies. She has do.....
» 28/05/2012 9:54:17 AM Ludwig, the other side of the coin. 36 years ago, I spent a bit of time in Bougainville. .....
» 28/05/2012 1:02:45 AM Ludwig why should miners pay special taxes, when they have done all the work to find the o.....
» 26/05/2012 6:44:21 PM I have never seen so many words used to try to rationalise an irrational ideology. Max mu.....
» 26/05/2012 6:16:44 PM This must be attack Ludwig day, so just to show it's not personal, I'll add Grim in mine. .....
» 26/05/2012 5:22:57 PM Oh god, more town planing. We would all be much better if wee had eradicated the breed 30 .....
» 25/05/2012 2:06:22 PM It is a long time since I even consulted the ABC section of the program, & I realised it h.....
» 25/05/2012 1:20:37 PM Ludwig, if oil & coal become too expensive for us, we will have to change our usage. There.....
» 24/05/2012 10:31:59 PM It really is a worry when you get this naive sort of rubbish from someone who should be re.....
» 24/05/2012 5:03:38 PM Come on you Labor supporters! If the opposition were to telegraph any of the ways they we.....
» 22/05/2012 12:16:04 AM I do wonder just why Labor supporters would be proud of the greens passing so much of thei.....
» 22/05/2012 12:05:07 AM Come on Lexi, Bob Carr, given any time at all, will simply become even more senile than he.....
» 20/05/2012 11:06:26 PM Steely, have you forgotten the melt down of the Asian tiger economies, which the coalition.....
» 20/05/2012 11:45:53 AM Well! Now I understand many more of the posts I've seen on here......
» 19/05/2012 6:07:07 PM Just as one swallow doesn't make a spring, one poll doesn't give an answer. The latest Qu.....
» 17/05/2012 4:23:24 PM Yep, all that alternative, & extremely expensive, energy has been great for Spain. Their.....
» 16/05/2012 4:40:02 PM Oh come on Anthy, send me an email when some of those projects get passed the promising, r.....
» 16/05/2012 3:36:40 PM Hay FP, I did not have to read far before I knew you were from the left, only the lefties .....
» 16/05/2012 1:39:08 PM Bazz what is coming down the road, & very damn soon now, is millions of Greeks, not bearin.....
» 16/05/2012 1:19:22 PM Lack of food production is a complete furphy. Just the old Beaudesert shire has enough unu.....
» 16/05/2012 12:52:15 PM Anthonyve, you gave the evidence, just came to the wrong conclusion. After 10s of billions.....
» 16/05/2012 12:01:22 PM Or that fools paradise these lefties inhabit......
» 16/05/2012 11:48:18 AM Many years ago now, the Rocky Point sugar mill, [on the broad water between the Gold coast.....
» 15/05/2012 4:17:59 PM Of course it's yes Whistler, but only if you want failure. Haven't you noticed that since.....
» 15/05/2012 12:07:35 PM Csteele, you are not just pushing the fraud are you? You actually believe this stuff, do.....
» 14/05/2012 11:10:15 PM & you believe that cr4p Steely, god help us......
» 14/05/2012 11:12:40 AM Isn't it interesting that our lefty/greenie allocated correspondents are not interested in.....
» 13/05/2012 5:08:18 PM NASA satellite data from the years 2000 through 2011 show the Earth's atmosphere is allowi.....
» 13/05/2012 11:29:18 AM Steely, now your turn. Did you see the facts that CO2 can give less than 1 C warming. That.....
» 13/05/2012 11:16:15 AM Hell it's so convenient, I can't imagine why you would do it any other way. When you are .....
» 12/05/2012 8:58:08 PM Steely baby, you know I would think that papers published by NASA telling us that all thos.....
» 12/05/2012 6:17:48 PM Oh come on Whistler, the worst government we have had in Queensland had women ministers co.....
» 12/05/2012 4:46:06 PM Gee that's interesting csteele, where do I find this dark CO2? Is it anything like the po.....
» 12/05/2012 11:33:45 AM Pray tell, all you greeny, lefties, are you on a roster? Is a couple of months on blogging.....
» 12/05/2012 1:23:52 AM Lexi my sweet, the one thing that you Labor supporters have definitely proven over the yea.....
» 11/05/2012 3:41:29 PM Well Jay, that would be right if you wanted someone to lead a pack of vipers, she'd be rig.....
» 11/05/2012 3:24:57 PM That's very interesting Peter. Perhaps you could tell us what the tax payer funding is, &.....
» 11/05/2012 11:05:25 AM Of course they are possible. They are also a great way to ensure any government that has .....
» 11/05/2012 10:42:35 AM Keating was an even bigger liar than Gillard. She just told lies like "no carbon tax.....
» 10/05/2012 6:33:07 PM Gee Houelly, I have always found ladies are always a little frightened of 12 inches, at le.....
» 10/05/2012 6:03:45 PM Yep, Keating was a star, but if I posted here what I think he was a star at, I'd cop a 2 m.....
» 10/05/2012 3:01:37 PM Csteele you don't need to dismiss any part of the physics of CO2 to stop worrying about it.....
» 10/05/2012 1:56:05 PM Herbert Stencil, I'll give you 50%. You've got the problem right, but failed completely on.....
» 10/05/2012 12:39:00 PM Yes rehctub, it is often mined after the gas is extracted, & isn't that a good idea. Shoul.....
» 10/05/2012 12:26:30 PM Oh dear Paul, how can you tell such porkies. "The US financial crises had nothing to .....
» 9/05/2012 6:42:13 PM Well that's good Rhian, pity they have to take it out of defence to be able to waste it. .....
» 9/05/2012 4:43:11 PM Interestingly it was the same people pushing harm minimisation, who wanted nicotine cigare.....
» 9/05/2012 4:25:32 PM Got a good job Rhian? Nice safe government guaranteed income like Jo perhaps. Such things .....
» 9/05/2012 2:25:14 PM Hay SPQR, have you ever thought of going into the theater? You have a aptitude there. But.....
» 8/05/2012 7:49:05 PM Yes Chris I'm sure class size matters. I know we learnt a damn sight more in classes of 40.....
» 8/05/2012 6:22:49 PM Not a problem round here rehctub, our little coastal rivers go up & down in hours. Even .....
» 8/05/2012 3:00:08 PM Careful there Steven, you haven't thought that one right through mate. Let the kids out, .....
» 8/05/2012 2:40:59 PM What a verbose pile of tripe. One can only assume from that rubbish, that Richard has ups.....
» 8/05/2012 9:14:48 AM Careful there rehctub, your are starting to sound like a communist. Who's land is it anywa.....
» 8/05/2012 12:44:43 AM Just wondering if any of you folk ever think things through to their logical conclusion. .....
» 8/05/2012 12:11:14 AM Bull dust Dreamer. If they can get money out, they can get ID out. In fact most of them fl.....
» 7/05/2012 11:59:17 PM Dream On, I don't think the power or size of your car has much effect on safety, except th.....
» 7/05/2012 6:33:50 PM Lexi, what is it with you galls, that makes you want to cavort naked in the Oggin. As yo.....
» 7/05/2012 11:07:55 AM I've got a few acres. I looked at how little people doing useful things, like growing food.....
» 7/05/2012 12:18:56 AM Hay warmest boys & girls, remember James Lovelock, the Gaia man, & one of the founders of .....
» 6/05/2012 7:57:11 PM Steele, Lexi, even the mob at the climate research unit, at the U of East Anglia, that bun.....
» 6/05/2012 1:01:10 PM Lexi do be careful of visiting "the old place", it can be disappointing. My fa.....
» 6/05/2012 1:53:23 AM Continued About 8 or 9PM it's mother found us, & was calling to the kid from the near dark.....
» 6/05/2012 1:52:11 AM Another great spot that all can enjoy is Henning Island in the Whitsundays. On the easter.....
» 6/05/2012 12:54:47 AM Oh do come off it. Just quote me one single paper that is not just a computer model con j.....
» 5/05/2012 10:40:00 PM Ludwig, you dirty old man you! My memories of Castle hill was goat hunting on it at about.....
» 5/05/2012 9:39:25 PM I don't have much sympathy with the nanny state. Our current speed limits are one obvious .....
» 4/05/2012 6:08:51 PM Steven what I find more disgusting than Squeers attraction to bestiality, is the attempt t.....
» 4/05/2012 5:51:31 PM Actually I think Ozzie banks are very good, ---- at ripping us off as long as they can get.....
» 4/05/2012 5:29:43 PM Come on Joe, what do you think the ladies talk about at all those hens parties they are al.....
» 4/05/2012 2:29:42 PM Lexi try Google earth. My first house in Sydney in 1960 was an old workers cottage in Fai.....
» 4/05/2012 12:43:43 PM Wow Lexi, that does explain a lot. We thought we were pretty adventurous moving from &quo.....
» 4/05/2012 12:12:39 PM I think we should resume the Bathurst track, & use it as a licencing test track. All appl.....
» 3/05/2012 7:17:08 PM Well what do you know? Yes it's another deep, well thought out scientific argument from B.....
» 3/05/2012 1:14:25 PM Ludwig, mate, there is no renewable energy that can service a modern city, if you don't ha.....
» 3/05/2012 12:59:50 PM Hay Lexi, I'm circumcised, so you know it must be the right thing to do. The only trouble.....
» 3/05/2012 12:31:22 PM Don't be so silly love, we've got you & Ruddy to do it for us......
» 3/05/2012 12:21:18 PM Margaret does have a bit of a problem. She wants public funding of education to be fair, j.....
» 2/05/2012 9:16:48 PM Oh come on Ludwig old mate, don't get desperate. Poor old NSW is still trying to recover .....
» 2/05/2012 12:33:38 PM Poper, some of us would like you to stop "solving" non existent problems, costin.....
» 2/05/2012 12:08:42 AM Oh come on poper, Germany fought WW11 with petrol produced from coal, & South Africa drive.....
» 1/05/2012 8:47:58 PM I have found that many staff in emergency departments are not very hard working at all. W.....
» 1/05/2012 7:55:31 PM What are we actually talking about. As I understand it, much of what is called porn is a.....
» 1/05/2012 2:06:36 PM After the climate change gravy train has been derailed, it will be time to get the big one.....
» 1/05/2012 1:32:46 PM Continued It all came out. She was his first real girlfriend, & the attraction, & the sex.....
» 1/05/2012 1:32:26 PM Well apart from the feminists who just hate men, the real problem is opposite sexes are lo.....
» 30/04/2012 11:13:21 AM Hay David G, where did Genghis khan get his oil from? Perhaps we could tap that source. T.....
» 30/04/2012 3:25:09 AM Steven I certainly hope you're right. However there are some strange things going on in ma.....
» 30/04/2012 2:49:52 AM I have had many arguments on this topic Miacat, when I say I believe that kids today have .....
» 29/04/2012 4:43:07 PM Miacat I have lived in quite a few places that I chose because of a financial advantage, r.....
» 29/04/2012 4:12:27 PM Tristan there comes a time with every pendulum, when it has swung as far as it can go, & i.....
» 29/04/2012 3:48:58 PM Siller/Rhrosty core drilling's of the corrals of the great barrier reef many years ago fou.....
» 29/04/2012 3:18:51 PM Come on Graham & others, you're talking about a few threads around the edges of developmen.....
» 29/04/2012 2:41:59 PM Miacat when I came back to Oz, with very little money, I worked in the resort industry. It.....
» 28/04/2012 9:14:36 PM Wow, that's pretty good Tony, what did they do for the rest of the month. If producing a b.....
» 28/04/2012 3:54:10 PM Sorry Tony, the bank notes are an application of a material. The material was developed b.....
» 28/04/2012 10:57:20 AM Graham, don't tell me you are now falling for this push for central planning. I can not t.....
» 27/04/2012 11:47:10 AM Tristan 10 years ago I had one bridge toll to pay as I drove around Brisbane, something I .....
» 27/04/2012 11:25:56 AM What a great article Mark, full of common sense & reason. Of course all these bureaucrats .....
» 27/04/2012 10:51:18 AM Isn't that interesting. We know this bloke had at least one good idea, & the determination.....
» 26/04/2012 6:05:47 PM I see you have not yet tweaked it Grim. We are actually the cockroach's work force. We bu.....
» 26/04/2012 3:15:13 PM Oh god! Am I in Greece? Is this the Greek OLO? Here we are in the middle of a mining boom,.....
» 26/04/2012 1:03:25 PM What a miserable bit of sour grapes by a national service defaulter, against those who gav.....
» 26/04/2012 10:07:42 AM SPQR your forgetting one thing mate. It doesn't matter how good that computer gets, if yo.....
» 25/04/2012 6:18:05 PM I reckon 579 is a staffer for some Labor polly. No one else but such could be so one eyed......
» 25/04/2012 10:54:46 AM David f please tell me just what you mean by "culturally deprived children". Are.....
» 24/04/2012 4:32:00 PM planet 3, like most greenies, there is no fun, & therefor no joy in your soul......
» 24/04/2012 1:29:20 PM Why do you want to spoil my day Graham? Surely it is bad enough watching the fool yanks ma.....
» 24/04/2012 11:54:38 AM We really do need to plaster over some peoples navels. All the time they are spending co.....
» 24/04/2012 11:52:10 AM The main thing wrong with society today is all the teaching of "humanities". All.....
» 24/04/2012 1:59:00 AM We have to be mad if we don't have a few. It only takes a single nuclear cruise missile, .....
» 23/04/2012 6:59:14 PM Lucky you Stephen. Every pilot course before mine had done 3 jumps. However by the time I.....
» 23/04/2012 5:28:11 PM I think they change the climate around here katydid. They make me so hot under the collar.....
» 23/04/2012 5:22:52 PM Tell me James, which part of the Afghan government were trying to improve the rights of wo.....
» 23/04/2012 5:05:38 PM Of course not, but we are much more fun than trees, & we can play hide & seek. Try to get .....
» 23/04/2012 4:41:14 PM Yes Stephen, I do remember those air conditioned girls, the ones who drove the old compute.....
» 23/04/2012 11:07:58 AM What a lot about nothing, as I believe it was intended to be. However if you are serious .....
» 23/04/2012 10:48:55 AM Kellie, would you please document just what the Afghanistan adventure has cost you. I won'.....
» 23/04/2012 10:36:52 AM Steven, very interesting, but I think I read the same thing, as your last post, about 30 y.....
» 22/04/2012 4:37:53 PM It really is a bit hard to deny evolution, if you look at the history of our antibiotics. .....
» 21/04/2012 9:39:27 AM I must be bad, Ludwig, this afternoon I will do both. My computer is in the family room, .....
» 20/04/2012 4:14:39 PM Just reading through others posts again, & thinking of mine, I wonder how much our work & .....
» 20/04/2012 3:32:01 PM My take on refugees is that our problem is one on extreme generosity. So many Ozzies would.....
» 19/04/2012 2:36:24 PM I think you have some of that wrong Houelly. My lady has kids entering your commercial TV.....
» 19/04/2012 10:32:38 AM Ever heard of glass houses 579. Judgement of the character of ministers is not a discussio.....
» 19/04/2012 10:17:29 AM What utter rubbish David, you may be too immature to know who, or what, you are, but most .....
» 18/04/2012 2:27:48 PM Boylesy you sound like a public servant, [yes what a joke], to me. That's a worry, because.....
» 18/04/2012 1:48:11 PM What an interesting article Andrew. Interesting in what it says, but even more so, in what.....
» 17/04/2012 11:57:39 PM Ludwig I am finding TV most annoying these days. All the good stuff, mostly documentaries.....
» 17/04/2012 11:31:42 PM Kipp I suppose I am one you refer to as a right winger. A bit strange that, when I spent m.....
» 17/04/2012 11:12:01 PM Oh I don't doubt the west is in decline, on it's way to history. What I doubt is that thi.....
» 17/04/2012 2:56:50 PM Rhrosty when the entire left combined in Queensland can't man/womam a net ball team, let a.....
» 17/04/2012 2:24:46 PM 579 you people are unbelievable. Have you ever heard of the Soviet Union, if not, perhaps.....
» 17/04/2012 10:39:45 AM Thanks Jon J, that says it all about the morality of the greens. You believe there is not.....
» 16/04/2012 11:01:02 PM Careful Boylesy, that greenie arrogance is showing, along with the claws.....
» 16/04/2012 6:40:04 PM Boylesy, has it ever occurred to you that what you believe is "collective common sens.....
» 16/04/2012 10:28:57 AM Paul it is the fervent wish of the greens, to force your ideas, [those of a very small min.....
» 16/04/2012 10:00:12 AM I am about as sick of journalists & others, with out the math, physics or chemistry, to ha.....
» 15/04/2012 10:08:50 PM I've been doing a bit of reading too. From a Psychiatric text; But there is in society t.....
» 15/04/2012 4:45:00 PM I think you have Milne in one Otokonoko. A thoroughly nasty bit of work, who, with just a.....
» 15/04/2012 1:19:27 PM I think there are 5 still working Bazz......
» 15/04/2012 1:13:04 PM Yes you are right about Turnbull. If past history is any indication, provided it was a b.....
» 15/04/2012 12:32:34 PM Can't count, as well as can't think straight 579? If all Labor & Greens want Turnbull, [b.....
» 15/04/2012 12:24:11 PM Ludwig, while I agree with you completely on limiting or in fact reducing Oz population, I.....
» 14/04/2012 11:15:38 PM OK Ludwig, you asked. I don't support anyone, but here's my take on some. Brown is an arr.....
» 14/04/2012 6:56:20 PM I suppose the Greens have one saving grace. It gives us somewhere to file all the nuts, s.....
» 14/04/2012 9:07:14 AM You people are strange. 579, I would not congratulate Hitler, or Starlin for their time i.....
» 13/04/2012 9:58:01 PM Well that's another ratbag gone, just another couple to go, & we may get back to some stab.....
» 13/04/2012 3:41:09 PM Sorry mate, it is happening, or it ain't. Having decided that, we then have to figure out .....
» 13/04/2012 1:40:16 PM Pat if you are right, it would be much better to let the seat go. An even better idea woul.....
» 12/04/2012 7:19:22 PM Poirot, please do tell, how you can suggest that government interference if farming system.....
» 12/04/2012 12:20:40 AM Lexi mate, we've had just about enough thoughts of Turnbull. Any more of him & half the ke.....
» 10/04/2012 4:55:33 PM Belly, & the rest of you, if we want bad policy we can elect the Labor party. We don't hav.....
» 10/04/2012 2:28:02 PM It's a pity those world trade centre bombers weren't a bit worse with their navigation. I.....
» 10/04/2012 1:41:08 PM Lexi my sweet, the coalition turning from Abbott to Turnbull would be very similar to labo.....
» 9/04/2012 7:13:20 PM I can see I'm going to have to live to a ripe old age. You see I want to be around on the.....
» 7/04/2012 9:11:24 PM Yabby I'm almost positive that I said she'd be a breath of fresh air, I really don't remem.....
» 7/04/2012 2:10:28 PM Yabby, I think even Gillard would be less bad than Obama, & that's saying something, comin.....
» 7/04/2012 12:00:49 PM Lexi, when describing Turnbull, if you substitute con man for communicator, I could agree .....
» 7/04/2012 9:40:05 AM Banjo I have the same concern about water. I do think contamination is more likely from sh.....
» 6/04/2012 10:28:50 PM Do stop fretting Producer. After the next election, with a result something like Qld, & NS.....
» 6/04/2012 10:03:40 PM The other irony of coal seam gas is it appears to be the only thing that actually allows y.....
» 6/04/2012 1:35:50 PM You may have socialist potatoes in WA, but we have globe trotting tomatoes in Qld. Bundab.....
» 5/04/2012 4:19:45 PM My impression is that we have a huge volume of super funds, sloshing around, looking for a.....
» 5/04/2012 12:58:01 PM Save UNESCO! Why would anyone want to save UNESCO, or it's bastard parent body, the UN its.....
» 5/04/2012 12:35:15 PM Belly we did have a mozzie zapping plan, it was called DDT, & saved millions around the wo.....
» 5/04/2012 12:22:03 PM Sorry Yabby, some of that is garbage, particularly the bit about cost of local funds. Our .....
» 4/04/2012 6:54:00 PM I see in a speech, Phil Chronican, the operations manager of the ANZ has just stated that .....
» 4/04/2012 1:13:54 PM Yes, you're right Producer, it's a good thing that humanity do get a few lucky brakes from.....
» 4/04/2012 12:59:34 PM Hay nutter, I think you should stop beating about the bush, stop pulling your punches & st.....
» 4/04/2012 10:27:34 AM Sorry Paul, you've got a lot of that wrong, at least for most of the people in my area, on.....
» 4/04/2012 9:47:09 AM No wonder academia is in such a mess when even one of its members can show such a capacity.....
» 4/04/2012 9:19:29 AM Come on mate! They brought in weasel words like "client" & "customer".....
» 3/04/2012 3:12:40 PM Does anyone else think the reserve bank thing is becoming a bad joke. I did not approve B.....
» 3/04/2012 2:24:32 PM Continuing Aka's post on the Joh era; Hospitals that work; Hospitals that are free, & ser.....
» 3/04/2012 1:57:18 PM Bugger science! In the interest of self preservation, vote for Tony, we can't afford any .....
» 3/04/2012 1:54:03 PM Sorry Ludwig, I can't agree with much of that. There is a large difference. Labor is for b.....
» 3/04/2012 9:37:12 AM And they want to run the world. God help us......
» 3/04/2012 9:35:33 AM OK Ludwig, I think it was very novel, giving Anna's old man the opportunity to work at tea.....
» 2/04/2012 7:03:52 PM Nah Belly, he doesn't need re potting, some fertilizer will do the job. What do you recko.....
» 2/04/2012 3:25:11 PM Belly, perhaps you should give some thought to migrating. I have heard Afghanistan is nice.....
» 2/04/2012 3:07:49 PM James the one thing we want in an electoral system is one that gives us good government. T.....
» 2/04/2012 2:37:35 PM I was expecting one or 2 posts from knockers, who would site some 5mm long invertebrate in.....
» 2/04/2012 10:52:53 AM I'm a bit bored, it's too peaceful, so I thought I'd ask the question. How many more ladi.....
» 31/03/2012 1:02:37 AM Sorry Boylesy I think you're indulging in wishful thinking there. I think it is highly unl.....
» 31/03/2012 12:32:22 AM Hay bonny, perhaps if you spent less time waffling on here, you'd have time to keep up wit.....
» 31/03/2012 12:17:38 AM Paul that is the type of small minded reply I should have expected from a green. Is it too.....
» 30/03/2012 4:28:58 PM Lexi great, your earlier post gave a different impression. I'm sorry, but you are showin.....
» 30/03/2012 4:02:44 PM Paul, you agree with one world government do you? Who do you want to hold sovereignty ov.....
» 30/03/2012 3:50:15 PM Geoff of Perth, no broadside mate, just a mild little shot across your bow. No less an in.....
» 30/03/2012 12:08:18 PM How's your math Poirot?.....
» 30/03/2012 12:05:32 PM Joe I don't think in Queensland, it makes any difference if a government has a majority of.....
» 30/03/2012 10:59:53 AM Hay folks, I'm right with you on stop the immigration, I reckon we have all, or more than,.....
» 30/03/2012 10:43:41 AM Perhaps our greatest excess, Valerie, is that of the fools, who can't understand the math,.....
» 30/03/2012 10:14:10 AM Lexi on this one you miss the point entirely. Yes your kids can sit for ever on a big cha.....
» 29/03/2012 8:23:16 PM Ben Courtice that was the most dishonest post I have ever seen on the net. Are you a eithe.....
» 29/03/2012 1:29:44 PM My condolences to the kids family & friends. I won't even presume to imagine how his famil.....
» 29/03/2012 12:46:24 PM Yep, it is time we confined the use of wind to parliament, it's natural habitat. For gen.....
» 29/03/2012 12:19:13 PM Continued In the 60s, I courted a young lady who lived in Sutherland, [down Cronulla way].....
» 29/03/2012 12:14:35 PM While I agree with voxUnis that a rail line should be a requirement of these satellite cit.....
» 29/03/2012 12:08:14 AM Darthseditious I agree Borbidge & co were a bit of a bad joke, not because of who they wer.....
» 28/03/2012 3:14:26 PM Luciferase tell me, do you reckon a comment as anti left, as your comment is pro left, wou.....
» 28/03/2012 11:33:39 AM Don't you just love it when some academic presumes to tell you what you think, & why you t.....
» 28/03/2012 10:47:31 AM Well put Julie, & yes Newman is going to have trouble trimming the public service & the us.....
» 27/03/2012 10:57:41 PM Squeers the main reason we don't want leaders educated in the humanities, or law for that .....
» 27/03/2012 3:32:19 PM Lexi we agree with you, mostly anyway. We want a pretty similar style of Oz to what you d.....
» 27/03/2012 3:21:04 PM You still don't get it do you Anty. Won't allow yourself is probably closer to the truth. .....
» 27/03/2012 9:48:01 AM Gee that is a good idea Chrys. Labor can try to move into the fairy territory, now occupi.....
» 26/03/2012 5:06:10 PM Have you ever noticed that each year, when we turn out more humanities graduates, we have .....
» 26/03/2012 4:47:46 PM Bonmot, you weren't home schooled were you, or is it just a natural lack of comprehension?.....
» 26/03/2012 3:03:25 PM Any of you noticed the BOM have been rewriting history again. New "corrections" .....
» 26/03/2012 2:54:11 PM Belly I don't think you have that quite righty mate. The poll for preferred PM I saw, dur.....
» 26/03/2012 2:38:53 PM 579, it is so nice of you to tell us why we voted as we did, obviously we couldn't figure .....
» 26/03/2012 11:40:16 AM Sorry Michael. Fingers must be becoming dyslexic......
» 26/03/2012 11:37:34 AM So true Michale. I have noticed that all these "climate scientists" are very go.....
» 26/03/2012 11:29:50 AM Yes Mark, definitely time to defund the ABC. Perhaps it should be sold to Gina Rinehart, s.....
» 26/03/2012 11:09:14 AM Top marks Producer, you are learning. No, those ratbags are mostly not tax payers, they a.....
» 26/03/2012 10:49:14 AM Yes Lexi, you do confirm, unfortunately, that these days, only the most stupid of our comm.....
» 26/03/2012 10:28:28 AM Yep, the baseball bats are being cleaned & oiled, ready for Julia & her lying bunch of idi.....
» 26/03/2012 12:04:00 AM Cheap at twice the price Cheryl, if it meant we could again believe the bits of paper, giv.....
» 25/03/2012 11:52:34 PM What we need Producer is to go back to a sensible system. First past the post eliminates .....
» 25/03/2012 11:44:03 AM While I have sympathy for the Brazilians family, he may have done us a great service. If .....
» 24/03/2012 8:59:22 PM I could not believe my ears just a little while ago, as I watched the result of another La.....
» 24/03/2012 9:40:54 AM Belly, if you can smell a fake, how come you gave us both Rudd & Gillard. Did you have a c.....
» 23/03/2012 5:00:32 PM Come on Helen love, why don't you bring out some of your big guns. You can prove that wom.....
» 23/03/2012 11:48:26 AM Daniel says "critics of the Obama administration are painting the Keystone XL oil pip.....
» 23/03/2012 11:08:04 AM Ted & his mates must be longing for Hitlers Germany. There the education system was totall.....
» 21/03/2012 3:31:36 PM Stop press, dkit, you may be right. So may Dan, it would appear. As we all believed, the e.....
» 21/03/2012 11:28:02 AM Continued To be fair to the Wivenhoe engineers, I don't know how you become a flood exper.....
» 21/03/2012 11:25:02 AM Well here we have the perfect apologist for our B & C grade public servants. Yes those bu.....
» 20/03/2012 7:24:36 PM Come off it Bugsy, the bloke spends his first three paragraphs call the tune of the global.....
» 20/03/2012 11:52:56 AM Oh god, it is not just the universities led by the ANU, telling staff to fill the press wi.....
» 20/03/2012 11:34:34 AM Houellebecq, a well educated, confident & competent mate of mine, who had successfully hel.....
» 20/03/2012 9:25:13 AM Come on Wattle, we all know the problem is the union, & that's not the answer Chris wants .....
» 19/03/2012 10:50:16 PM We have to disable 579s google, before it sends him mad. All this global warming fraud is.....
» 19/03/2012 1:04:02 PM Lexi, you're right, I was unfaithful. And worse than that, the other woman in my life kept.....
» 19/03/2012 12:44:59 PM Applying the Singapore method of assessment would be a great plus for our kids, & in the l.....
» 18/03/2012 10:18:37 PM Now you're talking nutter, I had a great relationship with my boat, & she was more reliabl.....
» 18/03/2012 1:56:00 PM Producer, I spent quite a bit of time on pacific islands, in the 70s. In fact I built sma.....
» 18/03/2012 9:40:55 AM I'll agree with that. Let the public fund the arts they want to, by stopping all governme.....
» 16/03/2012 9:13:44 PM And proud of it. Better than a never was......
» 16/03/2012 8:13:28 PM Fighting words Ludwig. Drop in some time, & I'll take you on at a lap of Bathurst, the Co.....
» 16/03/2012 8:02:26 PM For me it is not whether music is good or bad, but the context. Peer Gynt for me is schoo.....
» 16/03/2012 7:15:26 PM Belly you have just given me a reason to believe there is a god in heaven. If it weren't .....
» 16/03/2012 6:31:29 PM I object to the push to prevent me using the word that comes to mind when ever I hear abou.....
» 16/03/2012 10:32:09 AM I really am shocked that no one has offered any consideration for the Family Court in all .....
» 15/03/2012 9:55:32 PM In that case Kipp, you should condemn Smith for denigrating an officer who is prevented by.....
» 15/03/2012 8:02:15 PM Kipp, the mere fact of existence does not entitle anyone to "respect", at least .....
» 15/03/2012 2:44:34 PM I can't believe this garbage. Please correct me if I am wrong, but as I get it, we have a.....
» 15/03/2012 2:13:20 PM A much better idea would be a simple law, that any mining company in Oz has to source all .....
» 15/03/2012 9:59:09 AM Laugh till you cry buddy, the planet has decided to show you lot up for what you are. I s.....
» 15/03/2012 9:49:23 AM Taswegian please inform us what "clean" energy you are talking about. Unless it.....
» 14/03/2012 10:27:59 PM Yes DEN71, climate people have never been in a position to collect & access information. I.....
» 14/03/2012 4:30:36 PM How absolutely typical. Here we have Squeers attacking people who have a totally sensible .....
» 14/03/2012 4:14:26 PM Anthonyve, you seem to forget the millions transferred from the west Qld, & even little Ta.....
» 14/03/2012 1:21:09 PM The moment someone refers to aboriginal tribes as "nations" you know all their s.....
» 14/03/2012 1:11:12 PM Hope you've got your underwater breathing gear Chris. You'll probably need it, when they.....
» 14/03/2012 11:30:28 AM "When they reached the mountain summit,even Clancy took a pull". The immortal li.....
» 14/03/2012 10:35:37 AM Well it is true that many of our academics are becoming more odd as time goes by, but it g.....
» 12/03/2012 11:13:45 PM Steven, that is beautiful......
» 12/03/2012 2:00:15 PM Anthonyve, slip over to & check out just why many of us are getting s.....
» 12/03/2012 9:55:13 AM Sorry Ludwig, I'm afraid you are suffering a "the friend of my friend is my friends&q.....
» 11/03/2012 4:47:34 PM Yes, that's right Yabby, we need engineers, but as I pointed out in my earlier post, the k.....
» 11/03/2012 9:56:34 AM Yabby, don't you believe it. As our patent had expired, Burnings were having a very simila.....
» 11/03/2012 9:03:27 AM Hay Anthy, please explain in detail why you thing the ABC site is more creditable, than an.....
» 11/03/2012 12:17:38 AM When you go back up the chain a step, the story is no better. I had no choice but to have .....
» 9/03/2012 5:54:37 PM Do we still have a problem? Of course we do, & will have until we defeminize the education.....
» 9/03/2012 4:04:27 PM The bimbo should be consigned back to MacDonald's or the hairdressers she came from, & cou.....
» 7/03/2012 3:20:57 PM Do come off it Anthonyve. If it had been Julia or Swanny, who had won that race, they wou.....
» 7/03/2012 12:53:26 PM Perhaps it's time to bite the bullet & decide that South Australia is just not a suitable .....
» 7/03/2012 12:31:13 PM I am no great lover of mining magnates, in fact I find some of them rather distasteful, ho.....
» 6/03/2012 11:42:14 PM This is one subject where it is probably quite fair to ask, in the words of the song, &quo.....
» 6/03/2012 4:10:57 PM csteele it seems that bleeding hearts, radicals, ratbags, & greenies hate being confronted.....
» 6/03/2012 2:57:08 PM Poirot the story as I read it was that by having different fathers to her brood, the woman.....
» 6/03/2012 12:59:08 PM When you get right down to it, monogamy is the problem, it doesn't suit women at all. Sh.....
» 6/03/2012 12:03:15 PM Anyone notices Syria recently? Now that definitely is innocents......
» 6/03/2012 11:54:53 AM Yes, a great idea for folk to work as long as they want, & even perhaps need to, but we ha.....
» 6/03/2012 10:58:00 AM John it seems to me that you have just described a [dole] bludger mate, yourself. First o.....
» 6/03/2012 12:30:44 AM I don't give a cent to charities supporting the "underprivileged" as I have seen.....
» 6/03/2012 12:06:06 AM Are you by any chance old nutter, trying to suggest the old cliche is true? That's the o.....
» 5/03/2012 1:44:19 PM I agree Curmudgeon, it sure makes sense to harvest much of the energy from this coal, with.....
» 5/03/2012 1:29:30 PM Continued A couple of the more adventurous ladies, who were already topless, were soon bo.....
» 5/03/2012 1:28:20 PM Perhaps Petra & Bella should get off their keyboards, & get on their bikes. Not to ride ou.....
» 5/03/2012 10:49:09 AM Yes Yabby, I think anyone investing in the wests offshore gas, or Queensland's coal seam g.....
» 4/03/2012 9:34:57 AM I don't know about that Runner. However as they are so in love with Turnbull, I wish they.....
» 4/03/2012 9:24:30 AM Belly I think you are right in one way, as far as the Labor party are concerned he governe.....
» 3/03/2012 11:54:43 AM Hay Belly, don't forget Carr can't drive, [a car], so he wouldn't know how bad that pogo s.....
» 3/03/2012 11:46:11 AM Pelican why would a bloke who is responsible for much of the problems in NSW today, with n.....
» 3/03/2012 9:12:37 AM Is the Labor Party really so bereft of talent that there is not a single member, [other th.....
» 2/03/2012 6:19:29 PM Such a realistic description of Maggy's place in the destruction of things British, & Arge.....
» 2/03/2012 6:04:30 PM Blue you amaze me. Suggesting we should trust that bunch of ratbags with weapons. A bit mu.....
» 2/03/2012 11:01:02 AM If this lady is comparing the make believe of Hollywood, to the make believe of the curren.....
» 2/03/2012 10:47:20 AM Paul, please go & protect your family, & leave the rest of us alone. If I want your prote.....
» 2/03/2012 10:42:48 AM Yes RObert, I don't think the muck raking by labor in QLD is doing them any good. Their ru.....
» 2/03/2012 10:30:14 AM Yes Blue, like like Gillard, Carr can think on his feet, & come up with a quick answer. H.....
» 2/03/2012 12:27:09 AM Well Ludwig that word is one of the best I can think of to apply to nothings like George w.....
» 1/03/2012 5:02:42 PM Sorry Poirot, I have no idea of that which you speak. I have never been short enough of s.....
» 1/03/2012 2:53:06 PM Suse I can't go with you there. If you go Green you are approving of one world government.....
» 1/03/2012 11:55:41 AM Our socialists just don't get it. Not wanting a Julia has nothing to do with gender, or e.....
» 29/02/2012 11:43:28 AM Don't waste your time Leo, the fool wouldn't know what day it is. What an arrogant peanut.....
» 29/02/2012 11:21:48 AM Suse, I'm right with you. I couldn't believe that the ALP would make Rudd leader, althoug.....
» 28/02/2012 9:14:05 PM I see Julia is trying a new image. She's talking tough all over the place, but I'm afraid .....
» 28/02/2012 4:19:20 PM Radical ratbag greenies, & academics who suck at the fools teat, if you like Poirot. No o.....
» 28/02/2012 3:49:34 PM Sorry Geoff, but when ever warmists start talking about tobacco companies when they try to.....
» 28/02/2012 2:02:22 PM Rainier you have got it all wrong. Schools are not a place for teachers to indulge in thei.....
» 28/02/2012 1:22:23 PM Well I hope you're all very proud of yourselves. You have totally destroyed my dream of s.....
» 28/02/2012 1:18:05 PM Come on Blue. Faulkner, the Hindmarsh island man. The bloke who wanted a sealed envelop o.....
» 27/02/2012 4:45:21 PM I was treasurer of a P&C when our old mate Goss came into power. He had promised teachers .....
» 27/02/2012 4:03:26 PM Lexi, do you like getting lied to? If not why are you suggesting Labor should tell yet ano.....
» 27/02/2012 1:52:41 PM You know ybgirp I've never had much time for religion, any of them. However if those Chris.....
» 27/02/2012 1:45:30 PM Oh god, isn't that typical? Labor count 102 bits of paper, & first get 73-29, then count.....
» 27/02/2012 1:28:18 PM I don't think it will be too long before even leftist academia will be bracketing Rudd & M.....
» 26/02/2012 1:13:45 PM If I were a kind person, I might feel sorry for Rudd. He must be putting himself under tre.....
» 26/02/2012 12:56:47 PM Steven I hope you are right. The universe will be a much better place if we & any other l.....
» 26/02/2012 10:50:22 AM Wasn't there there some belief that man would die if he attempted to travel at over 60 mil.....
» 24/02/2012 9:31:33 PM Yes Steven, an exciting idea, for a little while.....
» 24/02/2012 5:33:15 PM Just to help you see the wood that you don't appear to find in the trees. The economy is .....
» 24/02/2012 4:54:26 PM Anthonyve I can't see a single thing that Julia has done, other that is than take orders f.....
» 24/02/2012 3:08:25 PM Lexi I'm shattered, but good luck with all that complication. Have to be next year. You're.....
» 24/02/2012 2:45:07 PM halduell I don't think it's so much that he's on the nose with women, as his budgie smuggl.....
» 24/02/2012 2:03:42 PM Sorry Blue, about the only thing I have seen a humanities degree broaden is the backsides .....
» 24/02/2012 1:19:50 PM Hay Blue, I was one of those engineering students throwing eggs at the arts/ tiddlywinks s.....
» 24/02/2012 12:07:26 PM Don't be too sure you want that "new blood" in the Labor party Banjo, have you t.....
» 24/02/2012 11:49:00 AM Oh Lexi please. I don't know if I could stand much more of our electronics filled with the.....
» 24/02/2012 10:10:37 AM Wow rehctub, how can 2 people have such different perceptions. I heard Rudd's speech, for.....
» 23/02/2012 10:12:12 PM What is it with you lefties? How did all your taste descend to your posteriors? Just a wh.....
» 23/02/2012 8:19:15 PM What woulds be worse wobble. Giving control over our lives to the UN, & perhaps a world go.....
» 23/02/2012 5:51:02 PM Blue Cross you are so obviously a labor supporter. Your suggestion that the libs should ha.....
» 23/02/2012 3:41:52 PM Come on Phil. Julie could not get her foot down deep enough in the mud & slime, to find th.....
» 23/02/2012 1:08:54 AM Continued He is teaching boys leaving year 12, after studying math A & B, & being passed .....
» 23/02/2012 1:05:25 AM Great article John. I know you don't need it, but here is a bit of reinforcement. Careful.....
» 22/02/2012 11:32:03 PM Graham look at it the other way. What on earth have we done to deserve either of the twit.....
» 22/02/2012 11:18:03 PM Loudmouth I sure hope you are wrong with your predictions for university graduates by 2022.....
» 22/02/2012 10:45:38 PM Loudmouth, Rainier, anyone who took that on would be on a hiding to nothing. I don't think.....
» 22/02/2012 7:33:50 PM It's called communism Squeers, & it has failed. Yes your ideas are communistic, & proven f.....
» 21/02/2012 2:59:33 PM Geoff your Gandhi quote is right on for the global warming fraud, & this is becoming more .....
» 21/02/2012 1:38:44 PM 579 nobody, who was not employed in Julia's office could post this rubbish. All you do is.....
» 21/02/2012 10:48:18 AM Gee it must be great to be one of those rare & privileged people who can actually understa.....
» 20/02/2012 5:32:56 PM Be careful there 579, that stuff your smoking must be too strong for you, you're hallucina.....
» 20/02/2012 12:13:54 PM Alan tell me where I can get some of those glasses mate, it must be heaven wearing them. .....
» 19/02/2012 7:28:43 PM Has anyone noticed that Anna, is starting to sound as shrill, & viscous as Julia as her el.....
» 19/02/2012 7:15:42 PM Most of our incompetent governments have given private public partnership companies the ri.....
» 19/02/2012 6:17:21 PM Can you imagine a sacked Rudd voting with the government? The recent video has exposed a .....
» 19/02/2012 11:19:17 AM Actually it's the government that's the problem with car imports. Only a small percentage.....
» 18/02/2012 6:20:41 PM I'll second that Suse, in fact I have found very, [if not mega],rich yanks were some of th.....
» 18/02/2012 2:32:48 PM Don't be so silly 56flood. The reserve bank is under bad management right now, & is doing .....
» 18/02/2012 12:51:54 PM Poirot, if I tried to turn up in those pants I doubt I'd get there. If they did not cut of.....
» 18/02/2012 11:20:24 AM Well, it is not just in the human population that these women cause trouble. I have an ol.....
» 18/02/2012 12:40:23 AM Haven't you heard the last one Alan. The ABC, who are promoting KRudd, for a chalange, ha.....
» 17/02/2012 11:40:59 PM Driving into town the other day I caught an interview on our ABC, of a couple traveling on.....
» 17/02/2012 10:45:24 PM How long have you been away Alan? It must be at least 5 years for you to make this stateme.....
» 17/02/2012 10:22:36 PM Mine still are Poirot. I still have a black shirt & white flared pants from the early 60s......
» 17/02/2012 3:40:45 PM So a Parramatta boy Belly. They probably still spoke English around there then. I was in .....
» 16/02/2012 10:37:54 PM Beautifully rationalised AJ, you wouldn't be a psychologist would you? That is certainly .....
» 16/02/2012 5:46:56 PM Yes Poirot, & Obama proved to have feet of clay. All that inspiration was just smoke & mir.....
» 16/02/2012 4:25:35 PM Sorry Bazz, but I read a report on those a couple of days ago, & a couple of Chinese even .....
» 16/02/2012 12:46:17 PM Poirot, just because some horrible village was a suitable defensive form for vulnerable pe.....
» 16/02/2012 12:01:18 PM Why would anyone want to increase public transport, when its cost in dollars & fuel consum.....
» 16/02/2012 11:35:03 AM Alan my only knowledge of France is one drive through it, trying to get to somewhere nicer.....
» 16/02/2012 11:08:40 AM What is it you can't understand Killarney? The whole point of mild corporal punishment is.....
» 16/02/2012 10:45:08 AM Perhaps if our pollies had not bought half a dozen votes by diverting far too much water b.....
» 15/02/2012 10:03:03 PM I have never heard a woman use that phrase, but I have, on a number of occasions heard one.....
» 15/02/2012 6:25:35 PM Sam your problem seems to be a belief in government, & what it will do about all this. We.....
» 15/02/2012 4:20:07 PM I really don't know why most marriages don't work better, after all we have 2 people both .....
» 15/02/2012 4:02:24 PM Wow, you've really got me this time 579. Here I was thinking all these extra costs, & the .....
» 15/02/2012 1:20:56 PM Belly that is rather unfair of you. Getting some of our hopes up, that you were going to g.....
» 15/02/2012 1:08:44 PM Thank snake, & thank heavens I don't drink. If they treat their speedsters the same way, .....
» 15/02/2012 12:59:53 PM Dream on 579. I'll dance on the grave of global warming, & I hope the gravy train is in i.....
» 15/02/2012 11:49:24 AM Don't worry Sam there is plenty of Methane lying on the bottom of the oceans, just waiting.....
» 15/02/2012 11:28:41 AM Senior Victorian, it must be nice for you, & Julia Brown to take the broad picture, ".....
» 15/02/2012 10:30:49 AM It is time to get these ratbags, out of our lives, & definitely out of our homes. Apparen.....
» 14/02/2012 10:28:18 AM It is a good thing that our mechanics are better at their job than are our doctors, otherw.....
» 14/02/2012 10:01:12 AM What is your title, in Julius media core 579?.....
» 13/02/2012 9:30:55 PM Kenny, as a sailor, with commercial masters tickets, & a bloke who breed horses for fun, I.....
» 13/02/2012 8:51:19 PM Why?.....
» 13/02/2012 8:50:04 PM Thanks for that StG, it is that close up information we needed. I wonder why they have no.....
» 13/02/2012 3:12:06 PM A lot better to pay them the dole to do nothing, then pay them top money to do nothing, th.....
» 13/02/2012 3:02:11 PM You're probably right Pericles, but isn't it a delicious picture of all those EU bureaucra.....
» 13/02/2012 2:37:52 PM How does everyone know Abbott's a better economic manager than Julia? They know no country.....
» 13/02/2012 2:25:46 PM Bazz that is pretty good spin there mate. The reason for the slowdown in exploitation of .....
» 13/02/2012 1:57:02 PM No thinking person, unless one of the gravy train passengers, could possibly believe in gl.....
» 13/02/2012 11:40:16 AM Poirot the fact that Obama is a ratbag greenie, who has been preventing the US exploiting .....
» 13/02/2012 11:18:53 AM I think you have it a bit ass up Paul. In this case it was the socialists habit of paying.....
» 13/02/2012 11:00:41 AM I agree Houelle, it was better when it was sport. In the country on Monday you would buy .....
» 12/02/2012 10:22:38 AM I'll drink to that individual, but definitely not in hot beer......
» 12/02/2012 10:17:09 AM Thanks for that StG. When was it that the large volumes started coming down the river? It.....
» 10/02/2012 11:25:40 AM Well said Joe. Yes the families should do more. Many years ago, in the days of pay packe.....
» 10/02/2012 11:00:05 AM Well it smells like another cover up to me. First it was all over, before one of the MSM .....
» 10/02/2012 12:17:24 AM Hi Poirot I've never been able to understand people who want to go & fight, except to prot.....
» 9/02/2012 1:54:22 PM I think teachers are taken far too seriously, particularly by themselves. Up to junior hi.....
» 9/02/2012 10:54:01 AM My wife & I have a standing joke. She says she has an appointment, & I ask if it is mumbo .....
» 9/02/2012 10:23:47 AM [Deleted for abuse.].....
» 9/02/2012 10:05:28 AM Good. Anything that kills all, or any part of that corrupt body, the UN will be to the adv.....
» 9/02/2012 10:02:12 AM Don't be such a fool 579, interest rates stayed where they are to keep bank profits high, .....
» 8/02/2012 8:22:07 PM Henry why is it that you, & it would seam most economists are not seeing the wood for the .....
» 8/02/2012 5:13:59 PM Marilyn please stop exposing this information about Julia. You will increase her populari.....
» 7/02/2012 10:59:40 PM I do find these polls interesting Lexi. When Yahoo!7 ran a poll last Friday, asking who w.....
» 7/02/2012 8:40:36 PM It's probably an old joke, but a mate of mine reckons elections are always stacked. No m.....
» 7/02/2012 3:27:37 PM 579, thank god for that if she managed to get a job running a school tuck shop, we'll all .....
» 7/02/2012 3:17:56 PM Actually Suse I'm right with you. The "Aboriginal" problem is actually a bleedi.....
» 7/02/2012 11:26:00 AM Tim, when an isolated mine closes, the town that services that mine often turns into a gho.....
» 7/02/2012 11:01:36 AM Geoff, if a lack of fossil fuel ever does force the population back to an agrarian life st.....
» 7/02/2012 10:31:37 AM Go on, just admit it Tess, you don't really like Julia do you......
» 7/02/2012 10:18:20 AM Some of you people are a joke. I was staying out of this, I really did not want to bring t.....
» 6/02/2012 5:04:26 PM I doubt it will be Hockey sbr, he was with Turnbull in the global warming camp. Once the .....
» 6/02/2012 2:02:19 PM Paul 1405, you must think the conservatives are very smart. It would appear from your pos.....
» 5/02/2012 8:16:37 PM Yes Alan, as was said of the stupidity of signing onto a dying Kyoto protocol, trust Oz to.....
» 5/02/2012 4:55:49 PM We have to cut government spending almost as drastically as Europe. We have to get our in.....
» 5/02/2012 3:50:42 PM Alan we can not survive a mining downturn as we are. Unless we develop other ways of earni.....
» 5/02/2012 12:42:50 PM Lexi perhaps we should get together, I have an extremely slow heart rate, & very low blood.....
» 4/02/2012 10:13:42 PM Alan please, it took Swan 2 years to learn to read a speech written for him well enough fo.....
» 4/02/2012 1:44:07 PM Your right 579, I should have said you. Believe me I only saw a few seconds of the disgus.....
» 4/02/2012 1:26:07 PM Lexi that really is garbage. Straight after the war [early 46], we went to Townsville. Af.....
» 4/02/2012 11:00:33 AM Well Alan, thanks for giving us a snapshot of just why Europe is collapsing, if of course .....
» 3/02/2012 6:51:58 PM I am so sick of doctors. They go off & spend a bit of time studying chemistry anatomy & a.....
» 3/02/2012 4:55:50 PM Valerie you're not too strong on math are you. It is all about cost of production, where t.....
» 3/02/2012 1:58:17 PM Gee Ted, it must be tough, having planned your whole future at big earnings in cases invol.....
» 2/02/2012 11:45:28 PM Cone on Alan, you've been listening to the ABC again, haven't you......
» 2/02/2012 4:20:24 PM Yes Cherful A nice peace offering, but I still must take you to task for the earlier asser.....
» 2/02/2012 3:52:23 PM Yuyutsu, perhaps you should think of the name of a famous dam busters black dog......
» 2/02/2012 11:55:57 AM I have often wondered just what qualifications are required to become an ALP ministerial a.....
» 1/02/2012 8:55:02 PM One can't help but wonder about smoking "related" deaths. It is a bit like so ma.....
» 1/02/2012 8:47:09 PM Some are hasbeens, & proud of it. The other side of hasbeen is never was, & it doesn't ta.....
» 1/02/2012 3:28:25 PM It would appear that the labor mob at Fair Work have decided that all is lost. Just to ma.....
» 1/02/2012 3:22:26 PM Well Pericles, we can't have you getting off that easily, so here's another image that wou.....
» 1/02/2012 10:52:42 AM Careful of the unintended consequences there David. I have never been able to see the att.....
» 1/02/2012 10:42:55 AM Come on Lexi, a damn sight more people have suffered because of a car or an implement, con.....
» 1/02/2012 10:30:04 AM Labour must be getting even more worried about Abbott after his impressive performance at .....
» 1/02/2012 12:13:57 AM The only other sites of this nature I frequent regularly, although rarely contributing are.....
» 31/01/2012 11:21:10 PM So true RObert. Of course these people can lie to themselves almost as well as Julia can l.....
» 31/01/2012 11:16:15 PM So right Divergence. Lack of a private property is one of the main reasons that places lik.....
» 31/01/2012 4:35:04 PM Alan Austin your posts highlight just why no thinking person should vote ALP. You can ra.....
» 31/01/2012 4:00:38 PM Gee Poirot, I did expect a bit better than that, after all it was a bit outrageous. Hope .....
» 31/01/2012 3:54:56 PM 579, wasn't it when what Abbott said, translated, second hand & spun by a Labor apparatchi.....
» 31/01/2012 1:48:53 PM You could look out the back of course. That's where you'll find them, in the kitchen, bar.....
» 31/01/2012 1:43:18 PM Rehctub, having a choice of just that 2 would be a recipe for armed rebellion for me, & I .....
» 31/01/2012 12:27:34 PM I smoked while a navy pilot,it helped stop the hands shaking, but had to give it up. Too e.....
» 31/01/2012 11:21:54 AM I don't spend much time on other opinion sites, this one's enough for me. I do spend quite.....
» 30/01/2012 12:04:09 PM Don't be so silly Bazz, if we do get the technology to tap geothermal, the greenies will s.....
» 30/01/2012 11:40:38 AM We have to shut down all arts departments, it's the only way to save the country......
» 30/01/2012 11:35:47 AM Please Mirko, bring back Rudd, you've got to be kidding. While I realise it must be hard .....
» 28/01/2012 8:01:51 PM Lexi there are some authors who's writings should be viewed with a huge dose of scepticism.....
» 28/01/2012 11:45:55 AM We are continually being told by those of the aboriginal industry that we should learn how.....
» 28/01/2012 3:06:24 AM Mitchell that's a fail old boy, couldn't be more wrong actually. My grandfather on my fat.....
» 28/01/2012 2:27:20 AM Gypsy you have my sympathy. I know that doesn't help with the house repayments, but you do.....
» 28/01/2012 1:27:32 AM Very interesting. Yes pink is powerful. When I was a very naive sweet 16 & never been kis.....
» 27/01/2012 9:36:45 AM Don't you worry OUG, the little lady filling in on the ABC morning session, & their AM pro.....
» 27/01/2012 9:17:36 AM Thank you Mitchell, your last post highlights what is wrong with our higher education sect.....
» 26/01/2012 8:55:51 PM Belly I have often thought the same way, but we have virtually made it impossible. To &qu.....
» 26/01/2012 8:32:10 PM Thank you Mitchel for the advice, it won't be taken. Self deception is something that brin.....
» 26/01/2012 11:48:38 AM Bonmot you really are the pits aren't you? Just for you, I am a B Sc Mech Eng. However I.....
» 26/01/2012 11:08:58 AM Naughty RObert! That's a fail for English. Not however for ideas & opinions, keep them co.....
» 26/01/2012 10:59:28 AM Do you remember when that group of African UN & civil rites people were brought to Oz by t.....
» 26/01/2012 10:48:58 AM Vanna that was way back in the 70s, when she shot through while I was in PNG. She got my O.....
» 26/01/2012 10:16:50 AM Herbert if the US want energy security it only has to issue the drilling permits. They hav.....
» 26/01/2012 9:51:37 AM RObert I agree that for many parents the cost of child care can be a real problem for a wo.....
» 25/01/2012 9:25:07 PM Wow, lifestyles of the rich & famous. My mother lived as a single pensioner, with virtual.....
» 25/01/2012 6:55:55 PM Divergence I'm sure those producing your figures for such an august greenie body have craw.....
» 25/01/2012 6:30:12 PM Yes I agree something, almost anything, must be done to stop the rip off by welfare cheats.....
» 25/01/2012 5:01:20 PM To me this reeks of the old adage that "attack is the best form of defence. Many kno.....
» 25/01/2012 9:45:05 AM Oh come on Vic mate, feeling a bit sorry for ourselves today are we? I am pro Israel, & .....
» 25/01/2012 12:18:01 AM I have a better idea love. A nice simple law, requiring any organisation,public service, .....
» 24/01/2012 11:58:58 PM Now even more twaddle coming from academia. Some fool West Australian female professor wi.....
» 24/01/2012 11:42:09 PM He never could get anything really right could he Lexi. That gift of agility was of cours.....
» 24/01/2012 5:47:46 PM I do wish all these bleeding heart do gooders would just go jump of the Sydney harbour bri.....
» 24/01/2012 10:40:37 AM Continued His other complaint was about personnel managers with no idea of assessing the .....
» 24/01/2012 10:38:57 AM So true Brian, but it has been going on for a long time now. I'm an engineer, but I becam.....
» 24/01/2012 8:58:27 AM I have always wondered if there was some validity in the thought that women should be kept.....
» 24/01/2012 8:48:04 AM Agree completely. I have changed my supplier of a number of products & services after fin.....
» 23/01/2012 9:11:29 PM Yes rehctub, I can vouch for that. I am just 6 weeks off 20 years in my current home. I b.....
» 23/01/2012 2:28:42 PM Well said Pepper, I regularly used to average well over 70 miles/hour, & occasionally up t.....
» 23/01/2012 1:56:47 PM Belly did you read my post? I clearly remember talking about Bob Brown, & the UN. I did .....
» 23/01/2012 8:53:55 AM Hell is the place the greens, Bob Brown & the UN, & their obedient servant, Julia are tryi.....
» 22/01/2012 12:30:38 AM CEOs, good ones, are worth much more than one or two hundred times the average wage, witho.....
» 20/01/2012 6:02:30 PM So there you are folks. I have no idea what bonmot has invested in global warming, career.....
» 20/01/2012 5:14:37 PM Continued They were polished, & black, with plenty of tread, due to the small mileage old.....
» 20/01/2012 5:12:23 PM Do roads kill, no they don't. It's drivers & vehicle owners that kill. Anyone can drive .....
» 19/01/2012 1:41:27 PM Am I the only one who has noticed a striking similarity between the ideas of the euro, & g.....
» 19/01/2012 12:57:09 PM One of the real advantages of being the "big man", of an organisation in a primi.....
» 18/01/2012 2:37:48 PM So down a black hole then 579, for that idiot Swan to play with before Gillard wastes it......
» 18/01/2012 2:32:05 PM Even Maggy got some things wrong when she tried to be cute. Something like your post in fa.....
» 18/01/2012 11:56:58 AM So true LEGO. Did Fraser ever have a good idea? If he did, I've not heard of it. Fraser h.....
» 18/01/2012 10:40:52 AM Catch 22 was probably the most tedious book I never finished. Great idea, dreadfully done.....
» 18/01/2012 10:31:20 AM Belly I agree with just about all of that. I have never been able to see how anyone could .....
» 18/01/2012 9:35:04 AM Continued So Belly, the new mining tax will make mining states poorer, while being used f.....
» 18/01/2012 9:34:09 AM Sorry Belly, I can't agree with you on this. For years the imposition of import duties & .....
» 17/01/2012 3:13:55 PM Good on you Cheryl, don't you fall for it. I could take you to a thousand places more beau.....
» 17/01/2012 2:32:43 PM You could be right Daffy, but I look at this stuff as a bloke who has feasted on duck at t.....
» 17/01/2012 10:38:39 AM Yes I know Bonmot, I promised myself I would not bother with you, but I can't help myself,.....
» 17/01/2012 10:25:00 AM The cost of fetching these cowboys should be deducted from all future welfare benefits the.....
» 17/01/2012 10:05:26 AM Well that was the longest advertisement I have read on OLO, & not even for a book. I supp.....
» 17/01/2012 9:51:12 AM Well it looks like it is not just Greece, but the Greeks, & definitely this one, who are e.....
» 16/01/2012 5:53:25 PM Good thing your mother had you done, Kingsley, or you would have no one but your self for .....
» 16/01/2012 12:32:02 PM How can so many spend so much time worrying about something so little, & of so little impo.....
» 16/01/2012 11:46:27 AM Bonmot the most serious "assault" on climate science has been made by those so c.....
» 16/01/2012 10:22:50 AM This bit of political fluff has got to be one of the worst yet. Not only do we get the di.....
» 16/01/2012 9:43:43 AM Another one. I don't get paid enough for what I want to do, or, I don't get paid enough fo.....
» 14/01/2012 5:22:48 PM Don't worry Individual, Islamic law will fix that, when they take over. Shouldn't be too l.....
» 14/01/2012 5:16:08 PM Yes Individual, I'm sure Maxime is an older & much wiser lady, after a term in Canberra, t.....
» 14/01/2012 4:53:22 PM Pleased there is not too much holier than thou in these posts. I was a pilot. Nice clean .....
» 12/01/2012 5:27:06 PM Sarnian, if your plan was to come to pass there would be a very great number of animals li.....
» 12/01/2012 10:58:01 AM Environmentalism was invented by overpaid public sector staff & academics. You know the ty.....
» 12/01/2012 10:19:14 AM Peter is obviously right, we can't go on with this exponential expansion forever. Governm.....
» 11/01/2012 2:21:05 PM Marilyn, just go sail into Indonesia, or Hong Kong, among many other countries, without a .....
» 11/01/2012 11:10:09 AM Tell me your just joking Rhrosty! If not tell me about your methods in getting something t.....
» 11/01/2012 10:37:27 AM My father in law was a bit of a cantankerous old bloke. He drank a bit much some times, ga.....
» 11/01/2012 10:10:49 AM Quite the contrary, we all ready have far too much of special interest people in the minor.....
» 11/01/2012 10:00:39 AM There are 2 simple answers. 1/ No person who comes in without prior approval, & correct p.....
» 10/01/2012 12:55:04 PM Well now we have it. The Oz tax payer is going to spend a couple of hundred thousand to b.....
» 6/01/2012 6:12:19 PM Lexi my dear, you have missed perhaps the most important thing that keeps us free. We hav.....
» 6/01/2012 6:00:00 PM Who is worse? The hopelessly incompetent Obama, or the hopeless inaccurate commentator?.....
» 5/01/2012 7:10:45 PM Yes RObert, we have lost so much capacity, & experience in manufacturing techniques we did.....
» 5/01/2012 11:05:05 AM What tripe thinker, the post of a would be bludger. What responsibility for your living s.....
» 5/01/2012 10:15:36 AM OUG, I think you must have finally lost it completely. Only a fool would elect a national.....
» 5/01/2012 9:58:15 AM You can keep your leadership thanks, I'll do without it. My favourite PM John Howard only.....
» 4/01/2012 2:09:44 PM Diver, come up for air mate, you've been down for too long. When your brain becomes starve.....
» 4/01/2012 1:48:47 PM Come on Aka, every civil libertarian I have ever heard has been a lawyer, using their civi.....
» 3/01/2012 10:07:00 PM Yes Banjo, my wife & I actually discussed this tonight, & agreed to take all Heinz product.....
» 3/01/2012 9:47:11 PM For those who have forgotten, or perhaps are trying hard not to remember, Howard's nick na.....
» 3/01/2012 12:41:53 PM Nice to be able to agree completely......
» 3/01/2012 12:36:35 PM For god's sake 579, workers, employers, mums, dads, kids & terrorists are entitled to noth.....
» 3/01/2012 11:36:39 AM My Glen C you do know some big words, don't you? Like to show them off a bit too, don't yo.....
» 3/01/2012 9:34:04 AM Andreas, I'll bet you believe in the fear of global warming. About the only things Howard.....
» 3/01/2012 9:16:50 AM Belly, mate, when you have nothing to sell, except a history of failure & stuff ups, what .....
» 1/01/2012 2:47:15 PM Hay 579, it's great to be able to agree with you on something. A home loan public owned ba.....
» 1/01/2012 2:32:39 PM So true LEGO. My wife & I started & ran the P&C textbook hire scheme, at our local high s.....
» 30/12/2011 10:49:51 AM While I agree with Ross that planners are one of the lowest forms of animal life, being mu.....
» 29/12/2011 10:23:50 PM While I agree that vaccination is a very good thing for the vast majority, & the small ris.....
» 28/12/2011 7:13:30 PM Some people can only be happy when they are bitching about something......
» 28/12/2011 9:25:55 AM How interesting. Here we have another youthful poster, one so naive that they used the wor.....
» 25/12/2011 4:33:20 PM Isn't it interesting Skeptic, that it is the most stupid who we find are most "up the.....
» 24/12/2011 5:58:37 PM Merry Christmas every one. Eat drink & be joyous, & recharge your batteries for a cracker .....
» 24/12/2011 8:43:25 AM So some clown wants to explain skeptics reasoning. Surely it would be better, & much more.....
» 23/12/2011 11:55:01 PM Don't be so silly Banjo, you must realise that all earth quakes are caused by elevated CO2.....
» 23/12/2011 3:28:22 PM I like that idea Runner, then with a big fence, we could make Canberra the biggest detenti.....
» 23/12/2011 3:02:30 PM Pull the other one mate. We don't fall for this garbage any more!.....
» 23/12/2011 11:14:43 AM If there is any blame to be laid anywhere but the illegal boat people themselves, it is Du.....
» 20/12/2011 9:35:47 PM Sounds like self deception to me T2. Have any of you lot of ever read any of the climate .....
» 20/12/2011 4:08:51 PM Anthonyve & T2, please stay around for a decade or two. You should be happy to, as you hav.....
» 20/12/2011 9:17:28 AM Pelican you do surprise me, I never thought you were so naive. The only way anyone could .....
» 20/12/2011 9:05:03 AM Bazz, go wash your mouth out. Do you want to give our illustrious prime minister a heart .....
» 20/12/2011 8:58:03 AM Thank you Anthonyve, now I understand. Anyone who could be impressed by that pile of trip.....
» 20/12/2011 8:39:51 AM Is it rationalisation, or merely spin? What ever it is T2 is about the best at it that we.....
» 20/12/2011 8:25:24 AM What a hell of a long winded way of saying, Gillard is a totally incompetent catastrophe, .....
» 19/12/2011 10:33:22 PM Do grow up skeptic, self hate is not pretty. India & China, South Africa, Indochina, Indo.....
» 19/12/2011 1:41:05 PM If I was going to hire a woman, I sure wouldn't be paying a top price for an apprentice, l.....
» 19/12/2011 8:42:33 AM You don't have to be too smart to understand what happens to the population of a country t.....
» 18/12/2011 7:31:22 PM They wouldn't have happened under Howard either, Bono. You are starting to sound somewhat.....
» 18/12/2011 6:07:52 PM Of course Labor has some responsibility for the boats starting up again, but it was mostly.....
» 18/12/2011 5:34:39 PM I have never had a credit card, & never will. I do have a debit card to use when buying th.....
» 16/12/2011 4:13:43 PM Yuyutsu that's fine, provided you fund your laid back life style yourselves. While you wa.....
» 15/12/2011 8:20:02 PM Talk about pot kettle black, a TV commentator complaining about pollies salaries. Wow! And.....
» 15/12/2011 7:47:04 PM As a city that appears to only want to be a parasite on the eastern states, the smugness d.....
» 15/12/2011 12:44:40 PM Lexi, A little story for your brother. I have twice sailed into Mooloolaba, in the old da.....
» 15/12/2011 11:33:01 AM I think I've got it! We should give every bogan an academic w#nker to play with, for a ye.....
» 15/12/2011 11:05:38 AM Martin's plan is still a bit wild, calling as it does for 40% renewable generation. It is .....
» 15/12/2011 9:22:43 AM Most of the problems in aboriginal communities started with Whittlam, & his fool policies,.....
» 14/12/2011 5:57:47 PM I think appearances, as distinct from beauty are very important. To me, someone who takes.....
» 14/12/2011 11:31:33 AM Stop boasting Diver, you're not half the w#nker that this twit is, wanting "balanced .....
» 14/12/2011 7:38:02 AM You are a disingenuous twit bonmot. I told you where to find the link, but you don't want.....
» 13/12/2011 11:55:59 AM Don't worry about it Peter, that's only the ratbag left kids talking. When they grow up t.....
» 13/12/2011 11:44:11 AM They never learn either do they? A quick look at Queensland would have shown what happens.....
» 13/12/2011 10:56:16 AM Copenhagen through to Durban, it's almost enough to make me believe in god, or santa claus.....
» 13/12/2011 9:58:40 AM Talk about blood everywhere! You're a brave man Stephen, shooting down half a dozen sacred.....
» 13/12/2011 9:39:15 AM I'm not a smoker, but I have always felt that the whole thing about smoking was just a smo.....
» 12/12/2011 3:49:14 PM I know it would be painful for you bonmot, but try JoNava. Her blog should be required re.....
» 12/12/2011 10:39:03 AM And now we have newly released satellite based research showing that the excess CO2 is com.....
» 12/12/2011 10:06:09 AM Yes Pepper, people are so dumb, paying for cigarettes. When all you have to do is follow .....
» 12/12/2011 12:17:05 AM I do recall it was not the LNP in power, & I don't recall any mandate being sort for the C.....
» 11/12/2011 5:41:10 PM David with all the recent research showing that higher levels of CO2 allow plants to be mo.....
» 11/12/2011 1:23:37 PM What a compliant memory you have Thinker. The worst ever bit of privatisation from the pu.....
» 11/12/2011 10:45:25 AM Pericles I too like looking at others opinions. That is when those expressing them, are ex.....
» 10/12/2011 7:09:34 PM Lexi my dear, I'm surprised at you. I thought you knew me well enough to recognize my jo.....
» 10/12/2011 5:15:19 PM Yes they can get a bit rude at times Lexi, can't they. Of course I should have mentioned .....
» 10/12/2011 10:43:03 AM Yes Bonmot, led unfortunately by our academics, who's opinions are the best money can buy......
» 10/12/2011 10:35:42 AM Well you may be pleased to know Anthonyve that I am one who does not own a mobile, of any .....
» 10/12/2011 10:15:47 AM Are you a public servant RObert? Why on earth would, or should any company pick up a liab.....
» 9/12/2011 11:40:06 PM Geoff, I really do hope you're right, but I have a deja-vu feeling about it all. They were.....
» 9/12/2011 11:21:46 PM I agree JBowyer that the Pacific Islanders can & should look after themselves. I do not a.....
» 9/12/2011 10:45:45 PM Come on Yuyutsu, you know he's right about the bicycle riders. Most of them are town plann.....
» 9/12/2011 10:34:17 PM Is an open boarder really a "Labor" policy. It certainly is for the ratbag left,.....
» 9/12/2011 10:11:34 PM And that Lexi was the point I was making. I have no way of reading the conscience of a can.....
» 9/12/2011 6:03:07 PM And this massive investment of yours is how old, Geoff? In my 20+ years here, using lots .....
» 9/12/2011 5:42:58 PM I'm sure you know it all 579, breed a lot have you? My old stallion still calls & comes a.....
» 9/12/2011 9:55:00 AM Hay Oz, I don't know what you're drinking, but I want some, & a few pairs of those rose co.....
» 9/12/2011 9:15:50 AM God I'd love to send all these fools out into the bush for a month, totally unaided, with .....
» 9/12/2011 8:50:55 AM Come on Graham, I thought this was a forum for grown ups......
» 9/12/2011 8:48:46 AM Hay little boy, I'd suggest that you, & all your other apprentice people, studying at our .....
» 8/12/2011 4:13:04 PM Lexi I have never voted for anyone else to assume any right to be my conscience, & neither.....
» 8/12/2011 11:56:22 AM Don't worry, within 50 years, Islam will fix it......
» 8/12/2011 11:53:34 AM Well I guess there is always a silver lining. When Islam takes over in Oz, it will elimin.....
» 7/12/2011 9:30:04 PM I never had a problem with doctors certificates or sickies. In mostly small companies, wh.....
» 7/12/2011 9:00:34 PM My son still gets double vision, & head aches when he gets really tired. This is almost 2.....
» 7/12/2011 1:06:59 PM Cactus, the fact you may have been brainwashed into believing as you do, & that I have res.....
» 7/12/2011 12:52:04 PM What we eat is socialised into us basically unconsciously. My kids could happily drink go.....
» 7/12/2011 11:51:49 AM Well I don't sympathise with this rubbish. It is about time we banned all NGOs, NPOs, & a.....
» 7/12/2011 11:28:49 AM Unfortunately for us, & our future, not enough Ozzies are racist enough!.....
» 7/12/2011 11:12:08 AM Yes the desperate Turnbull. He got so close, but fortunately he was kicked out before he c.....
» 5/12/2011 11:31:32 PM Perhaps I didn't make myself clear. The only time I have seen the twit is in promos. Tha.....
» 5/12/2011 11:54:54 AM Helen, please contact me to set a date. I will make a month available to you, for a cours.....
» 3/12/2011 9:46:25 AM I think the whole thing is governed by the universities, & their business model. They hav.....
» 1/12/2011 1:13:56 PM Don't tell me this is another one, swanning around the world, pumping out CO2, & telling u.....
» 1/12/2011 1:08:27 PM Getting a surplus is much less important than how it is achieved. I have no doubt that an.....
» 1/12/2011 1:55:44 AM I suppose some of you must have noticed some clown, a professor I think, making a fool of .....
» 29/11/2011 3:22:53 PM Don't worry eyejaw, I have been studying the posts of 579, & I have come to the conclusion.....
» 28/11/2011 1:52:48 PM I wonder if thousands of years ago there was some twit telling everyone to stop throwing r.....
» 28/11/2011 1:12:00 PM Thanks for such a good clear description of the stupidity they call planning today, Ross. .....
» 28/11/2011 12:02:27 PM Rehctub I also doubt those figures, he's probably charging them out at more than that. If .....
» 27/11/2011 7:28:51 PM RObert that is really pretty easy, it just requires 2 simple laws, to go with your tempora.....
» 26/11/2011 6:25:28 AM There is really only one possibility, you blokes have avoided reading climategate 2.0 emai.....
» 25/11/2011 9:50:15 PM Thinker, if ever I loose my car keys, I'll call you. Anyone who can find anything good do.....
» 25/11/2011 7:17:42 PM Did I hear right? I heard today that our Julia is opening the gates, & let the boat peop.....
» 25/11/2011 1:05:13 PM Phil I agree with you about those units. Planners who allow those in domestic areas do nee.....
» 25/11/2011 12:30:48 PM Picking sides just shows you are an idiot. Telling the truth as it really is, shows you a.....
» 25/11/2011 12:15:38 PM Wind farms, the new smoking, only this time the vice is government backed......
» 25/11/2011 12:06:26 PM Belly, I just wish you & your mates could take control of your party again. I wish we cou.....
» 25/11/2011 11:53:33 AM Just a little problem there Anthonyve, your peer review has broken down completely. Once .....
» 25/11/2011 11:14:23 AM I wonder how he has survived so long Arjay. I gave up manufacturing brass products, for t.....
» 25/11/2011 10:29:50 AM Houely, just who the hell do you think you are? You have no right to introduce the wholeso.....
» 25/11/2011 2:08:54 AM I really don't know what it is that makes some people think they have some wright to dicta.....
» 23/11/2011 9:48:52 PM Saltpeter we actually did a pretty damn good job in PNG. Granted it was not quite as good .....
» 23/11/2011 11:48:44 AM Come on Peter, out with it. I know you want to tell it as it is, so why mot. It's a woman.....
» 23/11/2011 11:09:12 AM God, we're so lucky aren't we? If it weren't for Stephen & his other planner mates we sti.....
» 23/11/2011 10:38:35 AM Two articles in a row. Why is it that those who live of charity, public or religious, alw.....
» 23/11/2011 10:16:01 AM This sounds like Peter is feeling guilty. Guilty of having nestled in the larges of tax pa.....
» 23/11/2011 9:42:58 AM Well I've read enough now to know, with absolutely no doubt, that many of the warmist &quo.....
» 23/11/2011 1:03:34 AM Check out Tallbloke. A whole new batch of EAU emails, even more damming than the first lot.....
» 22/11/2011 1:37:22 PM I often hear Oz described as an advanced nation, with an advanced economy. But hang on a m.....
» 22/11/2011 12:47:54 PM The trouble is Lexi, that old timers disease sets in, & the old farts can't find the on sw.....
» 22/11/2011 11:34:09 AM Agony I told you that the leaked IPCC report predicts no warming for 30 years, not none fo.....
» 22/11/2011 11:05:14 AM No way Hosay, it's disgraceful all the way for me, thanks. I had far too long in middle a.....
» 22/11/2011 9:39:27 AM If this Indozealander wants to be embarrassed, good on him, I really don't give a stuff. .....
» 22/11/2011 9:06:49 AM Nope!.....
» 21/11/2011 4:04:38 PM No Phil I married one, almost as bad. Then I had to deal with the buggers, but I had to g.....
» 21/11/2011 3:56:35 PM Come on Agnostic, the recently leaked/released IPCC report says that they do not expect an.....
» 21/11/2011 2:52:34 PM 579, it must be nice to be a greenie & all pie in the sky. You can believe what ever you .....
» 21/11/2011 2:37:07 PM Lexi, you do have to stop reading these lefty propaganda sheets, they are filling your hea.....
» 21/11/2011 2:33:15 PM Hay Pericles, I don't give a damn how many kids or people you want, just as long as you pa.....
» 21/11/2011 2:01:57 PM Kathleen, don't worry love, Darwin is a pretty tough place, somewhat different to the hall.....
» 21/11/2011 9:47:07 AM I was a bit before you Pelican, the 50s. Yeah, I have some great memories, but some aren'.....
» 21/11/2011 8:58:56 AM Probably the worst article OLO have published. I thought I was reading another of those .....
» 21/11/2011 8:47:38 AM Good article. The problem is of course, that the few boys, & many of the girls, who were .....
» 21/11/2011 8:23:49 AM Do come off it Bruce. Trust an ex diplomat to get it all wrong. Rudd anyone. This is jus.....
» 21/11/2011 8:10:06 AM 579 you didn't answer the question. Where do you get this rubbish, some some greenie prop.....
» 20/11/2011 9:32:12 PM Where do you get this stuff 579? Brewing ethanol is an industrial process, which requires.....
» 18/11/2011 10:34:42 PM Hay Phil, does that training include making a decision not to make any decision that might.....
» 18/11/2011 4:52:37 PM Banjo I'd like to see her step back & do something private & personal for a couple of year.....
» 18/11/2011 4:22:40 PM Thank TAR, I'll keep my ghostly ear pricked for your call. Meanwhile, Steven have you rea.....
» 18/11/2011 2:37:44 PM Steven you've got that back to front too mate. The change in the sensitivity doesn't & ne.....
» 18/11/2011 2:14:45 PM Are these young labor types trying to sell us a bill of goods, or is this tripe to try to .....
» 18/11/2011 11:50:20 AM Now if we had public service employment contracts, which limited consecutive employment to.....
» 18/11/2011 9:57:49 AM They should get on, they are each about as bad for their country as the other. Perhaps t.....
» 17/11/2011 10:02:59 PM Jon the first part of your post was describing a successful dictator, regardless of what t.....
» 17/11/2011 12:56:38 PM Stephen you've got to remove that rose coloured filter from your glasses mate. The fact t.....
» 17/11/2011 12:23:16 PM How about some Indonesian law enforcement. Then a few prisons run along their lines would.....
» 17/11/2011 12:19:53 PM I wonder how long it takes for the pain of an empty belly, [sorry mate] to over come the w.....
» 17/11/2011 11:57:54 AM I wonder if James wages come from the public purse? Where did you do your research James,.....
» 16/11/2011 7:16:11 PM Lexi, if we all lived in one of those little paradise in the sun, it might cure the popula.....
» 16/11/2011 4:40:16 PM We can live without base load power, I did for about 12 years, but it's a low level existe.....
» 16/11/2011 3:50:58 PM Belly, you know the one about the girl from Riga, who went for a ride on a tiger. Well mat.....
» 16/11/2011 2:42:53 PM Taswegian, have you ever been to the Barrier Reef? If so, how much of its 1500 nautical m.....
» 16/11/2011 11:34:10 AM Of course it will encourage global action. It will encourage much mirth, even belly laugh.....
» 16/11/2011 9:36:22 AM Sigh, another one!.....
» 16/11/2011 9:33:34 AM I find it passingly amusing that these people can argue one minute that the Gillard mob ar.....
» 15/11/2011 9:03:02 PM Steven your post makes it even worse. You tell us that the so called climate scientists a.....
» 15/11/2011 12:37:47 PM Do catch up Bugsy. I'm happy to admit that my first thought at the suggestion of cosmic r.....
» 15/11/2011 12:25:11 PM Lake Burley Griffin would have to be the perfect place. Mid way between the biggest power.....
» 15/11/2011 10:27:23 AM Is it something in their training? There must be some reason that economists are the mos.....
» 15/11/2011 9:58:12 AM Sorry Steven that's a pretty poor effort. First your appeal to authority, when that autho.....
» 15/11/2011 12:14:52 AM It would want to taste better than it looks. Yes Yabby, I come off the land. We used to h.....
» 14/11/2011 7:57:24 PM Nah, got it all wrong there Jonny, get out of that ugly Hummer, they're only any fun if yo.....
» 14/11/2011 4:38:20 PM Hay Suse, how old were you in the "Twiggy" era? I have always loved the ditty .....
» 14/11/2011 3:57:54 PM Exactly the opposite pelican. They are enough to show us that even a major nuclear accide.....
» 14/11/2011 3:50:44 PM Yes the world is changing. Hooray! Instead of fresh meat cut by the butcher while you wer.....
» 14/11/2011 2:20:08 PM 579, you actually do believe some of this garbage you write, don't you? For gods sake d.....
» 13/11/2011 3:36:58 PM Oh god yes! Put the damn thing down, put us out of our misery, & send these no Hoper poli.....
» 12/11/2011 11:01:38 AM I recently covered 74Km on a newly ripped up, ex bitumen, gravel road, into Tenterfield. .....
» 12/11/2011 10:55:56 AM Ulcers are caused by worry, & the world was built in 6 days by a man with a long beard, .....
» 12/11/2011 9:46:13 AM What a pile of waffle! Typical of academia in general, & Philosophy in particular. Is i.....
» 12/11/2011 9:20:13 AM That's interesting Andreas. What do you call the carpetbaggers, trying to rip us off wit.....
» 11/11/2011 4:59:45 PM Belly, I can see your point, but, how much can you pay a totally unskilled worker, who cle.....
» 11/11/2011 10:29:58 AM Belly, when my mum was in a nursing home, it cost me $900 a fortnight. That was stretching.....
» 10/11/2011 6:02:12 PM Gee James I hope that's not climate science you're studding, for your sake, that is going .....
» 10/11/2011 9:53:41 AM I do find it interesting that so many of you hate the wrong people. That love to hate fig.....
» 10/11/2011 9:27:13 AM Actually folks, I was talking about the relationship between the governments, & even more .....
» 10/11/2011 12:49:32 AM You are having a gray moment Lexi. We did discuss many moons ago that both you, & my lady .....
» 10/11/2011 12:30:07 AM Well Lexi, we let the poor Greeks off the hook, as we wandered off topic. From what I'm r.....
» 9/11/2011 7:15:02 PM There is a suggestion that the last Afghan gunman, theoretically an allay in their army, m.....
» 9/11/2011 7:03:02 PM Well I'll bite Lexi. Who is he, she or it, as the case may be......
» 9/11/2011 6:55:19 PM Come on Lexi, you know I live with one. She's bl00dy hopeless with math too, but she has n.....
» 9/11/2011 6:42:49 PM Pelican we have been dropping the top tax rates for years. At the same time we have been g.....
» 9/11/2011 5:14:20 PM Continued One of the main bitches with the mining tax is many believe thet a sweet heart d.....
» 9/11/2011 5:12:24 PM Blue I could be wrong, but I get the idea you don't understand how this profit thing works.....
» 9/11/2011 11:13:37 AM The only thing the cops did wrong was wait too long before they started, & perhaps use bat.....
» 9/11/2011 10:41:23 AM That just about says it all OUG, but unfortunately many people can only see fog, when ever.....
» 9/11/2011 10:34:53 AM Belly it would be great if you are right there, but I'm afraid it will prove to be wishful.....
» 8/11/2011 2:42:43 PM Squeers one of the main complaint about aboriginals is about their bludging. Most ozzies d.....
» 8/11/2011 1:48:50 PM That was entirely my point Pelican. Lets talk about what governments do, rather that att.....
» 8/11/2011 1:40:34 PM Yuyutsu, I live out of the big bad city, where perhaps people have less problem with backs.....
» 8/11/2011 12:35:43 PM You do carry on don't you? You sure know how to hate too. Saddam Hussein was pushing his .....
» 8/11/2011 2:18:16 AM You're in fine form today Lexi. But tell me, do the Welsh actually have an economy? I tho.....
» 8/11/2011 1:25:30 AM Tom I think you may have just lucked onto the "right" answer but for the wrong r.....
» 7/11/2011 7:40:58 PM Ah Welsh, thanks Lexi, is there much difference? Bet the Welsh are well pleased that we'v.....
» 7/11/2011 3:49:43 PM Wow! Tax the mining industry out of the country. Then send any other industry broke, by .....
» 7/11/2011 3:31:14 PM What utter garbage Michael. I'm a little before the boomers, but most of them, like me, st.....
» 7/11/2011 3:00:49 PM You're not talking about our, [or should it be their] Julia when you mention Irish jokes a.....
» 7/11/2011 2:49:10 PM Small world rehctub, we've probably met on a boat ride. For those thinking about that 15.....
» 7/11/2011 11:27:16 AM Had any of your focus group ever met a real aboriginal, or had their contact been limited .....
» 7/11/2011 10:49:31 AM Michael I'm so glad I don't live in your head, it must be a horrible place. That doesn't .....
» 7/11/2011 12:42:46 AM Yes Whitsundays rehctub, when Telford owned South Mole & Hook. I established the Corral Su.....
» 6/11/2011 11:27:50 PM Lexi old mate, as you well know, I'm terrified that they might not win it. Much more of o.....
» 6/11/2011 6:28:18 PM Yes Lexi, I'm not really a Qantas lover, & do not have a position on the current shenaniga.....
» 6/11/2011 5:24:28 PM Individual, it is much worse than that mate. I worked for the operating company that ran .....
» 6/11/2011 3:24:55 PM Yes Lexi, always another path or two. Unfortunately quite often there is only one that do.....
» 6/11/2011 3:15:59 PM Sorry, cactus not wobbles......
» 6/11/2011 3:14:04 PM My dear Lexi, there is no bigger picture. As wobbles put it in his monopoly reference, no .....
» 6/11/2011 2:49:36 PM We have many arguments here about wages, profits, & business, but I find myself thinking t.....
» 6/11/2011 1:34:25 PM Obviously we have quite a few people here who must have been fans of West Wing, [the TV sh.....
» 6/11/2011 10:20:09 AM Molly, We have watched the left at work for many years now, with all the encouragement. W.....
» 5/11/2011 4:07:39 PM Thinker, please. Our Julia has all ready proved conclusively that she could not manage a.....
» 5/11/2011 3:46:54 PM This thread was meant to be a light hearted bit of fun, but as it has been taken seriously.....
» 5/11/2011 12:21:52 PM Molly, they were probably just getting ready for the modern practice of mixed crews on our.....
» 5/11/2011 1:48:28 AM I can agree with most of that Banjo, particularly that mostly we want good managers, not l.....
» 5/11/2011 1:01:56 AM Brian when you gaze at your navel for long periods, does it appear to become a spinning sp.....
» 4/11/2011 7:27:10 PM I am so sick of Greece, Greek debt, the EU & the Euro crisis, in fact the whole catastroph.....
» 4/11/2011 5:43:20 PM Yes Blue, we got what we voted for, & what we deserve. Still it could have been worse, wit.....
» 4/11/2011 1:59:36 PM Turn right turn left, the moment anyone starts rabbiting on about the delicate balance of .....
» 4/11/2011 1:33:51 PM Come on Graham, please. Here we have the bloke who presided over the worst, most biased, .....
» 4/11/2011 12:52:38 PM No Banjo, I have not had much experience on the plains, all of mine is in bumpy country, w.....
» 4/11/2011 10:12:06 AM Thanks Noisy, no wonder I've never heard of her. My TV only goes on during the day if ther.....
» 3/11/2011 10:39:07 PM Sorry Rod, I don't think you're talking about leadership. In your Snowy experience you are.....
» 3/11/2011 1:23:04 PM Blue you disappoint me. Not in what you say, which is all too true, but in highlighting th.....
» 3/11/2011 12:32:43 PM Why oh why do these people all want us to have leaders. I'm quite capable of leasing myse.....
» 3/11/2011 12:10:48 PM Euthanasia is pretty easily organize, just admit your oldie to a Queensland hospital, they.....
» 3/11/2011 10:58:15 AM If I had any money in Qantas I'd be getting it out real quick like. Can anyone help? I'm .....
» 3/11/2011 10:33:22 AM Well you've got Ruddy right Blue, a more arrogant fool you would require a very long march.....
» 3/11/2011 10:19:37 AM Thanks for that Dan. Sorry to appear a bit out of it, but, who is Virginia Trioli. I am c.....
» 2/11/2011 11:38:39 PM Careful Bugsy, your arrogance is getting a bit thick there. By the way, have you seen wha.....
» 2/11/2011 5:30:22 PM Bugsy I don't know how you can suggest that a clear statement from 2003 “carbon dioxide fr.....
» 2/11/2011 3:35:29 PM Love women have a problem. To get to the top, first you have to figure out which way is .....
» 2/11/2011 2:48:34 PM Now seriously, I have kids in their 20s, [silly old bugger, late starter], & have given th.....
» 2/11/2011 1:42:20 PM Blue, I see your point, but think you might have picked the wrong religion, considering ou.....
» 2/11/2011 12:54:33 PM Rehctub, I am not too far south of Beenleigh, but behind the northern end of the Tamborine.....
» 2/11/2011 1:56:28 AM Yes Bazz, it's Mt Cootha we get our signal from. It was all done by the best bloke in the.....
» 2/11/2011 1:18:22 AM Interesting this bloke claiming to be a "Renowned Global Warming Skeptic". It t.....
» 2/11/2011 12:58:47 AM Don't you people manage to talk tripe. Just one question, would you rather be a Ozzie hor.....
» 1/11/2011 7:58:05 PM Bugsy, your incorrigible......
» 1/11/2011 6:16:22 PM No Bazz, reception is basically good, & my aerial is as high as any, & that is not very hi.....
» 1/11/2011 5:55:27 PM Shaggy you have obviously seen it from both sides, as I have. I have seen that the wages .....
» 1/11/2011 5:19:50 PM Belly, want it or not, we are going to have to work for Asian wages, there is no question .....
» 1/11/2011 4:10:27 PM Will someone please send this bloke a potted history of the British ship building industry.....
» 1/11/2011 12:07:44 PM Oh Thinker, Kerry O'Brien respected? Well I suppose if you are left of Khrushchev you migh.....
» 1/11/2011 2:13:22 AM Did that years ago. The reception has been getting worse, but only on them. Had it all che.....
» 1/11/2011 12:42:17 AM Sharnii, first I suggest you read my first post on this thread, the second post. Race ho.....
» 31/10/2011 9:36:48 PM I live on the outskirts of Brisbane. We have in Brisbane a little tuppenny ha'penny commun.....
» 31/10/2011 4:12:26 PM Jim, please cut the appeal to authority. All Gore & a heap of as near as dammit criminals .....
» 31/10/2011 4:04:21 PM Jim, I can't see that it is our responsibility to put too much effort into trying to get t.....
» 31/10/2011 1:40:54 PM Oh come on Suzieonline, I can't think of a worse criteria for a leader, than their public .....
» 31/10/2011 1:10:21 PM Belly, I hope you are breeding your own daylily new colours. It is easy. I have trouble w.....
» 31/10/2011 12:45:34 PM 579 just who is giving the guarantee on these solar panels? Do you really think the Chines.....
» 31/10/2011 11:51:35 AM Anthonyve no one can start telling others about global warming, or upholding the morality .....
» 31/10/2011 10:29:39 AM Anthony, if you wont to see some desperation I suggest you think of the quote, "hide .....
» 29/10/2011 11:55:24 AM As a farther of daughters, I hate the idea of Oz becoming a Muslim ruled country, but I be.....
» 28/10/2011 6:08:59 PM Hay, how about we reverse this rubbish. A law that makes it illegal for homosexuals to li.....
» 28/10/2011 6:03:47 PM Well Anthonyve, I'm not too sure about your language. I would hardly call the 30,000 scien.....
» 28/10/2011 1:52:37 PM I think we should give the cops a couple of snow plows to clean the rubbish of the public .....
» 27/10/2011 9:25:36 PM You know Thinker, fooling others can sometimes be profitable, but fooling yourself,---neve.....
» 27/10/2011 7:51:01 PM KeesB has it ever occurred to you that you have fallen for a pile of bulldust propaganda. .....
» 27/10/2011 6:48:54 PM Hay Kingy, perhaps you could explain to me why our wonderful Labor lot, & you it seams, ar.....
» 27/10/2011 5:15:48 PM Cactus old chap, if you read my post carefully I think you will see it is Penny Wong the p.....
» 27/10/2011 1:12:47 PM Rehctub, that last sentence was not directed at you. Sorry, it was only when I reread the.....
» 27/10/2011 1:10:15 PM Rehctub there is one major difference. All the European schemes gave 90% of the permits t.....
» 27/10/2011 12:48:41 PM Sorry Loudmouth, onshore processing does not lead to releasing into the community of those.....
» 27/10/2011 12:15:15 PM I don't give a damn if they are stupid enough to want to get married or not. They'll, well.....
» 26/10/2011 11:51:53 PM Trashy I can't believe that any, even half educated, person could possibly still believe t.....
» 26/10/2011 9:08:41 AM How on earth did our civilisation get to the stage where we fund people to produce this ga.....
» 26/10/2011 7:37:09 AM 579, it must be all the younger people who need protection from yourselves, that & those c.....
» 25/10/2011 9:23:13 PM A prime example of bureaucratic nanny state is the bit of road Gold Coast side of the Canu.....
» 25/10/2011 1:39:55 PM Agree with the rest RObert, but I can't handle your staggered start times. Imagine you ar.....
» 25/10/2011 1:09:07 PM So true Ross, & so wrong. Even worse, most of this garbage is driven by the thousands of t.....
» 25/10/2011 10:24:39 AM Unfortunately the experience is that geothermal will not work in Oz. Our rocks are not bei.....
» 24/10/2011 4:16:37 PM Trashy, I'll bet you like other attempts, it's not in commission in 18 months. How long i.....
» 24/10/2011 3:04:51 PM How I'd love to take the Planners bible off them. God knows who wrote it, but it must the .....
» 24/10/2011 2:24:48 PM Once upon a time. I could drive from Sydney to Brisbane, or Melbourne, sitting on 100 mile.....
» 24/10/2011 1:55:21 PM Thank you Lexi. I can't imagine actually hating anyone, which perhaps indicates I've had.....
» 24/10/2011 10:47:03 AM Wobbles I must have one, I find yours quite good, now you have chosen to show it. However.....
» 24/10/2011 10:33:00 AM 579, I only know one person who, due to lack of mains supply, tried to depend on solar pan.....
» 23/10/2011 11:21:22 PM Pelican I'm with individual, but would go further. It is about time we got rid of the kid .....
» 23/10/2011 10:50:44 PM Yes Anti, they have developed this wonderful system which suites the girls beautifully. R.....
» 23/10/2011 11:57:26 AM Problems for Ozzies in Bali will go on until people get enough sense to stop going there. .....
» 22/10/2011 10:03:13 AM Cynical old buggers, both you & G.K. Chesterton, Stevan......
» 22/10/2011 12:29:40 AM Wobbles being so unhappy must be hard, you have my sympathy......
» 22/10/2011 12:26:50 AM Sonofgloin I think it's a disappointment thing. I believe women have much higher expectat.....
» 21/10/2011 4:26:49 PM Good on you Donkey, well done......
» 21/10/2011 4:04:39 PM Perhaps the other thing 579. It may be showing that all the attempts to brain wash the kid.....
» 21/10/2011 9:58:17 AM What we need to do is stop propping up peoples who have overpopulated their bit of the wor.....
» 20/10/2011 11:03:05 PM Donkey, I'm sure you had fun spending it, but didn't it make you feel just a little dirty,.....
» 20/10/2011 10:50:12 PM So true Lexi, but with so much more class......
» 20/10/2011 10:43:54 PM Lexi I love it. I laughed so loud I scared the cat.....
» 20/10/2011 7:47:59 PM Luci, you know the old one that goes, you can fool all of the people some of the time, & s.....
» 20/10/2011 4:56:21 PM When we can have dreadful, badly designed & built buildings listed by the national trust, .....
» 20/10/2011 4:40:31 PM A good point Trashy. IVF for homosexuals is a sore point with many. It should not be made.....
» 20/10/2011 2:03:23 PM Lexi I agree with you that the programs like Today Tonight, & the other one are pure dross.....
» 20/10/2011 11:51:00 AM Deal of the century I reckon, for the Jews that is. To only have to pay 1000 Arabs for a .....
» 20/10/2011 12:48:54 AM Yes Bronte, those were the days. I loved the ABC for so long. I really loved how good th.....
» 20/10/2011 12:30:40 AM Howard, I wish you would say what you really mean. I kind of get the impression that our .....
» 19/10/2011 3:37:26 PM Settle down there Nutter, you paid stuff all for my B Sc. Half of it was done, with some e.....
» 19/10/2011 11:16:55 AM Nutter, there are always those annoying people, like your son, who could be thrown in to a.....
» 18/10/2011 11:03:33 PM The final straw for me, with the ABC was a couple of years back, when large areas were flo.....
» 18/10/2011 7:40:41 PM Not a house owner Blue? For many of us older folk, the home is our superannuation policy, .....
» 18/10/2011 4:05:12 PM The percentage of my TV watching time applied to the ABC has fallen from around 90% to les.....
» 18/10/2011 1:49:00 PM Continued So she was told, contact a math tutor, that should fix things for her. Great, o.....
» 18/10/2011 1:46:59 PM Firstly Godo there are plenty of math courses in high school for those who want a low [bus.....
» 18/10/2011 12:31:49 PM My house paddock is 1.5 acres, & heavily planted, so we feed a lot of birds, without effor.....
» 17/10/2011 6:07:52 PM Belly our kookaburras are totally aloof. Nothing I offer them tempts them in any way. The.....
» 17/10/2011 4:10:49 PM 19 years ago, when we moved in here, the place had been empty for about 18 months, & the w.....
» 17/10/2011 12:06:26 PM Meg1, I agree with you on almost all of that. I think it is most important that we those l.....
» 17/10/2011 11:24:56 AM Kellie, getting your knickers in a knot over some obscure bit of unpleasantness in a still.....
» 17/10/2011 11:10:28 AM Hush your mouth Graham, we do not need you giving good advice to this lot of twits in Canb.....
» 17/10/2011 10:40:20 AM Come on Diver, you're going a bit over the top mate. The only morality I have ever been .....
» 17/10/2011 1:58:22 AM Continued. To set the scale, Hardy lagoon is about 7500 acres in area, & the reef enclosi.....
» 17/10/2011 1:54:11 AM Meg1 I agree completely with most of your post. In these days of low returns, & high cost .....
» 16/10/2011 5:41:51 PM Bazz, Rehctub It doesn't work. I had an exchange auto components business in Sydney, many.....
» 16/10/2011 12:17:01 PM Well it is certainly just as reasonable to blame him, as it is to blame an innocent little.....
» 15/10/2011 9:26:01 PM I used to watch the TV add for tinned milk that went "Carnation milk from [MOO] conte.....
» 14/10/2011 5:12:43 PM How many times do unions have to make the same mistake? When the cost of a strike to the c.....
» 14/10/2011 3:41:38 PM It has been going wrong for a bit longer than that rehctub. In 92 I took over running a s.....
» 14/10/2011 3:13:08 PM Well that's OK Loudmouth, just as long as you recognise that it's that other lot, who are .....
» 14/10/2011 3:07:52 PM You really are a naive little fellow, aren't you qanda? I can't imagine how anyone could .....
» 14/10/2011 10:15:06 AM Typical jumped up stuffed shirt, with a far too high impression of his own importance & ab.....
» 13/10/2011 5:01:31 PM Belly, I like to pay people as much as they can earn for the company. I know it can't work.....
» 13/10/2011 3:52:57 PM Trashcan, what don't you get? Why can't you see there is no replacement available for tran.....
» 13/10/2011 1:10:58 PM Belly I can't agree with you on penalty rates. I can't imagine why we had to go to extende.....
» 13/10/2011 12:05:19 PM Houelle is right, there are 2 different sorts of women. However, RObert is also right. Ho.....
» 12/10/2011 10:12:09 PM Continued. He is devastated. He thought they were happy----ish. What happened, he never s.....
» 12/10/2011 10:10:34 PM Oh Diver, so poetic! Here's my take, & there's not much instinct in it. He was one of th.....
» 12/10/2011 5:24:28 PM Yes Trashcan, & 579, wind mills have proved to have a larger foot print than the current m.....
» 12/10/2011 3:13:05 PM Interestingly, that hot bed of global warming bull, the UK bureau of meteorology, yesterda.....
» 12/10/2011 1:41:45 PM 579 perhaps you can not see that it's illegitimate for your Julia to declare that all of h.....
» 12/10/2011 11:25:32 AM JF Aus, how can you compromise that which does not exist?.....
» 11/10/2011 11:01:01 AM Leaving Townsville are you Peter? I can't imagine it would be a comfortable place for some.....
» 11/10/2011 10:10:22 AM Well thanks for that David. I had no idea there were public servants with such good sense.....
» 10/10/2011 10:26:26 PM Runner my post was only very slightly tongue in cheek. Although I was even then a bit of .....
» 10/10/2011 6:14:39 PM So much twaddle. If women really want to eliminate pornography it is so simple. All they .....
» 10/10/2011 11:18:55 AM Bazz I hope you're right. I don't care where the power comes from, as long as it comes. Pe.....
» 10/10/2011 9:56:35 AM David, respect is something that must be earned. That goes for blue collar workers, academ.....
» 10/10/2011 1:44:50 AM TRTL, I think it is most unlikely that any form of land grown plant material can ever be u.....
» 9/10/2011 1:45:18 PM David, if you ever moved out of the latte set, you would realise most of the public place .....
» 9/10/2011 1:24:51 PM Hi noisy, I agree you should cut your cloth well, but some luck in timing can help. My el.....
» 9/10/2011 12:53:02 PM Hay Rehctub, what is land at Airlie worth these days? When I first sailed in there, Shute.....
» 9/10/2011 12:09:47 PM I wonder if now we will see a rush of parents, with troublesome teenagers, taking them to .....
» 9/10/2011 11:36:09 AM David f although I don't rule out that some pollies did quite well out of privatisation, t.....
» 7/10/2011 11:32:31 PM Lexi we all know that Melbourne is the largest Greek city, outside of Greece, but that doe.....
» 7/10/2011 7:41:50 PM My father had to guarantee my first home loan, as I was under 21. Since then I have always.....
» 7/10/2011 10:11:56 AM Come on Skeptic, you know universities are not places that teach philosophy. They are pla.....
» 6/10/2011 10:38:55 AM Sorry Pat, but when I think of Christianity, I have to have near the top of the list, the .....
» 5/10/2011 5:22:51 PM Qanda, apart from stand alone small systems, supplying isolated communities, the only reas.....
» 5/10/2011 3:49:11 PM A very proud old hasbeen, who has has much time to learn quite a lot. As someone might tel.....
» 5/10/2011 9:32:18 AM Unfortunately Foyle we are learning far too much far too quickly about modern monetary the.....
» 4/10/2011 11:03:50 PM Qanda you are obviously not a practical person, otherwise you would realise that the only .....
» 4/10/2011 10:45:00 PM I fully agree there individual. I have a number of friends in micro business, most one or.....
» 4/10/2011 3:34:59 PM TrashcanMan, have you by ant chance been studding economic principles recently, in Grease?.....
» 4/10/2011 12:51:02 PM I was head hunted when I was 52, to salvage a business in trouble, so some people want a k.....
» 2/10/2011 5:53:19 PM I suppose it's not the best to have outdated values, but just one minute. Who is choosing.....
» 2/10/2011 9:38:29 AM Some of you seemingly have some strange ideas of the behaviour of catholics. When I was a.....
» 1/10/2011 2:39:29 PM Come on Lucy, we all know the IPCC doesn't do predictions, well at least that what they te.....
» 1/10/2011 12:15:57 AM Lucifer have you ever considered that you may be a bit too close to the gravy to see the t.....
» 30/09/2011 4:17:01 PM When 48 percent of homosexuals are in the divorce courts getting ripped off by some stuffe.....
» 30/09/2011 4:01:02 PM Stephen is it possible that this will grow into an efficient synthetic method of harvestin.....
» 30/09/2011 3:52:59 PM Hay wobbles, what's this unsupported smear bit? Bolt stated a home truth, which some don'.....
» 30/09/2011 3:42:44 PM Thanks John, nice to have someone talking sense' We get so much from the doom ratbags her.....
» 30/09/2011 7:27:59 AM Nicole should return to the shallow end of the pool, & concentrate on her film making. Fa.....
» 28/09/2011 11:40:08 AM In the early 60s I had a lot of contact with a large company based near Frankston, Vic. A.....
» 28/09/2011 11:10:47 AM Don't be so silly 579, how could a nice lefty government survive with out a fuel tax? Hel.....
» 28/09/2011 11:00:15 AM When we actually get low on hydrocarbon fuels, in a century or more, if we haven't develop.....
» 28/09/2011 9:33:09 AM Good lord, I had no idea that there was anyone left on earth who actually believed the UN,.....
» 27/09/2011 2:06:08 PM Are you lot all mad? I most definitely don't want anyone to govern my life. Even more so,.....
» 27/09/2011 11:46:45 AM I do hate these pushes by "concerned citizens" to stop someone doing something, .....
» 27/09/2011 10:49:17 AM Come on now, only the ratbag greens, the gravy train riders, a few pollies, [in public onl.....
» 26/09/2011 2:05:31 PM Come on you lot, call it as it is. Anyone can dictate Gillard's policies, for the cost of.....
» 24/09/2011 10:10:25 PM The stern report! You must be joking Lexi......
» 24/09/2011 4:25:26 PM Bonmot spin folks. Attack the blogger, but avoid like crazy the peer reviewed research th.....
» 23/09/2011 3:28:11 PM Yes Bazz, & oh so quickly. Hence the rush to try to get some extra taxes, & greenie contro.....
» 23/09/2011 10:26:32 AM Really great stuff Steven, the sort of thing that could change the world, & our effect on .....
» 23/09/2011 10:17:24 AM More wan*er rubbish to rip money out of us, & employ more useless graduates in fairy floss.....
» 22/09/2011 11:49:05 PM The son of a mate of mine is now the fourth generation farming a property near Dalby. The.....
» 22/09/2011 4:10:06 PM Belly, do you ever read anything, & perhaps try to understand what you thought you read, b.....
» 22/09/2011 12:27:01 PM Have any of you wondered why our Julia is pushing her Malaysian solution in parliament rig.....
» 22/09/2011 11:58:56 AM What is wrong with you people? Why do you want to bite the teat that feeds you? Truth b.....
» 22/09/2011 11:06:52 AM I have done 13 thousand nautical miles, in a yacht single handed. I have, on a few occasi.....
» 21/09/2011 3:26:30 PM I threw the eggs, with the rest of the people doing some real study, rather than hocus poc.....
» 21/09/2011 3:14:50 PM Wow! Bl00dy amazing what the lefties can claim. If Abbott was pushing the Malaysia soluti.....
» 21/09/2011 11:49:45 AM Oh do come on Molly! University, & real life mutually exclusive, & should never be includ.....
» 21/09/2011 11:44:58 AM The legal profession is probably the most self serving of any, including used car salesmen.....
» 21/09/2011 9:21:41 AM Thanks for the proof David. As I said, without integration you have catastrophe. Should g.....
» 20/09/2011 7:33:45 PM Has anyone noticed our illustrious leader Gillard is screaming foul, that Abbott will not .....
» 20/09/2011 12:26:01 PM David & Sam, it is you who miss the point. If the Tamils were not there in the first place.....
» 20/09/2011 10:51:30 AM I find it interesting that you can tell to about 95% accuracy, the income source of the wr.....
» 20/09/2011 10:34:13 AM Sorry folks, they only have rights if they are asylum seekers, & I among 80% of the Oz pop.....
» 20/09/2011 8:18:13 AM Perhaps the greatest problem in Oz, & much of the western world today, Lexi, is far too ma.....
» 19/09/2011 10:14:30 PM I don't think it matters much, who owns it, it is for sure our younger generation is not b.....
» 19/09/2011 9:59:34 PM I'm with Gillard on this one. Nothing would stop the trade quicker than a few hundred fin.....
» 17/09/2011 9:38:09 AM Lexi, now write this 1000 times. CO2 is not pollution......
» 17/09/2011 9:01:24 AM Not their intention of course, but this is the best article I've read describing the catas.....
» 16/09/2011 9:00:46 PM Yes Lexi, puppets, & only sock puppets at that......
» 16/09/2011 2:41:12 PM Lexi it really is time to stop posting labor party propaganda as if it has some worthwhile.....
» 15/09/2011 5:13:06 PM Tell me Anthony, are you on the gravy train, or just admiring it from a far? You obviousl.....
» 15/09/2011 2:05:05 PM Houel, you must have an exquisite navel, that or some sort of complex. You lot, who's onl.....
» 15/09/2011 12:37:23 PM What we truly need today is some way of funding people having real world experiences. If .....
» 14/09/2011 8:51:38 AM You do go on 579, it's Bob Brown who pulls Julia's strings. He's the puppet master, she's .....
» 14/09/2011 8:42:41 AM Runner I am a great believer in giving people what they have earned. Unfortunately it is .....
» 14/09/2011 8:19:13 AM Oh god, the fairies have entered the "Age of Aquarius". Run for the trees befor.....
» 12/09/2011 10:03:26 PM Sorry Ludwig, although I agree about KRudd being even worse, I must say I reckon Abbott wi.....
» 12/09/2011 2:06:10 PM I’m sure you were even more outraged Kenny, when South Oz built a barrage/dam across the m.....
» 12/09/2011 1:50:52 PM Well I’m sure all our public servants will know in future what the correct procedure is fo.....
» 12/09/2011 9:30:29 AM Well she may be a total loss as a leader, but our Julia would have made a great card shark.....
» 12/09/2011 9:14:28 AM Well I guess Adelaide & higher education go well together. Just as higher education has b.....
» 11/09/2011 5:12:32 PM Dear Lexi, you should stop listening to Tony Jones & that idiot Turnbull, unless you like .....
» 11/09/2011 3:32:07 PM Did anyone else notice the irony of Lexi's joke? It would have been funny, if it weren't .....
» 10/09/2011 5:26:13 PM I am trying to decipher Pelican's post. Correct me if I'm wrong, but here's what I get. P.....
» 10/09/2011 1:24:51 AM Well said Donkey......
» 10/09/2011 12:38:50 AM Status can be a two edged sword. In my last job before retirement I was GM, & CEO of a sm.....
» 9/09/2011 4:08:59 PM It seems to me there are a couple of words missing from this topic title. What it should h.....
» 9/09/2011 3:54:47 PM How can people as naive as this bloke get to be academics, or is it mandatory for these et.....
» 9/09/2011 10:28:22 AM I'm not up with medical issues these days. Have they developed a pill for verbal diarrhoea.....
» 8/09/2011 5:39:33 PM Try the CLOUD1 experiment at CERN. Gives a whole new direction to cloud formation, & the .....
» 8/09/2011 2:54:03 PM Lucifer, Did you try that latest Nature. If not, Why not, if you want to make dogmatic sta.....
» 8/09/2011 2:06:27 PM I wonder just where, during his overseas service, that Bruce caught the disease that makes.....
» 8/09/2011 1:48:33 PM Sorry Bonmot, your talking past tense. Have a look at the latest Nature. Yes, that one th.....
» 8/09/2011 8:54:38 AM 579, I've got this bridge for sale you might like!.....
» 7/09/2011 8:50:04 PM Wobbles I long ago turned of Radio National, that's not the point. As it is a lefty rag, .....
» 7/09/2011 5:13:32 PM I have never seen anyone commit suicide. It is not something I have ever aspired to. It is.....
» 7/09/2011 3:34:33 PM Oh, & those who come in by plane disappear into the community, where they support & house .....
» 7/09/2011 1:47:18 AM Hay Lucifer how on earth do you manage to get to have such muddled thinking. From the fir.....
» 6/09/2011 11:10:52 PM One of the best things I have ever seen, on the ABC that is, was the election night show, .....
» 6/09/2011 9:54:31 PM Lexi, do you really think you can get any truth from a propaganda organisation like that? .....
» 6/09/2011 7:09:08 PM Bluey, I'd let these people in, but only under the same conditions as Malaysia does. No p.....
» 6/09/2011 4:42:39 PM If this slob, who was prepared to fight for Al Qaeda, against our troops is allowed to get.....
» 6/09/2011 12:31:59 PM Delusional, or wishful thinking! I'm not sure which, but does it really matter? Our author.....
» 6/09/2011 11:57:14 AM I don't know weather to cry or laugh. Julian no one wants to buy our power, or anything el.....
» 6/09/2011 10:48:26 AM Well what do you know? A bureaucrat/academic who actually comes out & says what we have al.....
» 5/09/2011 2:15:32 PM Well I won't be employing some old fool around here. Hell, I even have to occasionally em.....
» 5/09/2011 2:00:00 PM As I said in another thread, who would want Labor leadership? Well, I think I have detect.....
» 5/09/2011 10:39:52 AM Leadership is one thing I can sure do without. Leadership has got more people killed than.....
» 2/09/2011 7:19:03 PM Wow, the legal eagles are leaping to the defence of their control of "the law" &.....
» 2/09/2011 1:29:48 PM Well no one right now it would seem, no one but one lady of course, & no one wants her. T.....
» 1/09/2011 11:46:39 AM It sure wouldn't matter if the present Labor party was up to the armpits in talent, they'd.....
» 1/09/2011 11:20:44 AM Graham, do be careful, I just may be coming to get you. Why did you have to bring Beattie.....
» 1/09/2011 11:04:48 AM The best possible opportunity for little Julia to rehabilitate her self. First quickly ge.....
» 1/09/2011 10:31:58 AM Come on, it has to be a joke. Those names have to be pseudonyms. Green & Mudd writing a g.....
» 31/08/2011 2:21:48 PM Back on topic, rehctub, I'll see your 26 years, & raise you 9. No I don't think it's norm.....
» 31/08/2011 1:44:07 PM OUG, I can't imagine why anyone, other than a true US hater, would have watched either of .....
» 30/08/2011 8:57:47 PM I don't want a reset relationship with aborigines, in fact I don't want any relationship w.....
» 30/08/2011 5:55:18 PM Only an academic, & probably only a lefty academic at that, could possibly claim that Juli.....
» 29/08/2011 10:34:27 AM Typical lefty spin. If someone drives a thousand or two kilometers, to make a point with .....
» 28/08/2011 11:18:35 AM No Molly, reform comes from looking at what had been done, & sorting out what has caused t.....
» 27/08/2011 9:48:04 AM Well we can expect the problem to get much worse, if this lot have any say in things. Rec.....
» 26/08/2011 7:49:24 PM Philo you've got that exactly back to front. I should be able to vote as I want to. I sho.....
» 26/08/2011 7:27:15 PM Gee James, you've got to be desperate to hold up European governments as an ideal to aim f.....
» 26/08/2011 12:19:47 AM Catherine you leave me no choice bit to observe that it appears to me that you have an ext.....
» 26/08/2011 12:07:34 AM I wonder could it be that Labor in general, & Gillard specifically have perceived that tra.....
» 25/08/2011 11:43:03 PM Gee Dan, now you've got me worried you might have the wrong boat. I used to meet heaps of.....
» 25/08/2011 11:18:43 PM Noisy, I thought you liked the ABC. You've described that lot to a T. I don't know much .....
» 25/08/2011 12:12:21 PM Yes absolutely bats to have let the radical rat bag [batty] element of the greenie movemen.....
» 25/08/2011 10:09:11 AM I wondered what that sticky stuff running out the bottom of my monitor was. Turned out to.....
» 25/08/2011 9:54:24 AM Hay Bluey, you know I've never heard of anyone killing some innocent bloke in the street, .....
» 25/08/2011 9:48:27 AM You should buy another paper Belly. That one is feeding you regular doses of cow dung, & y.....
» 25/08/2011 9:32:18 AM Belly that takes the cake. Even the ABC does not go that far in justifying the unjustifiab.....
» 24/08/2011 10:08:10 PM When I left Oz, just before Whitlam, the economy was brilliant. Single income families pay.....
» 24/08/2011 7:06:39 PM King you have it so wrong. You only have to look at a bunch of our aging beauties to see t.....
» 24/08/2011 10:53:06 AM What we need to do is fund a trip to not Amsterdam, but to some British council housing es.....
» 24/08/2011 10:35:04 AM Are you ugly, deaf, or just not listening chandra? What have you got about beauty? Every .....
» 23/08/2011 1:54:19 PM Now I'm feeling deprived. All I've got is heart attacks, tinnitus, polymyalgia rheumatica.....
» 23/08/2011 1:02:30 PM Great article Tony, & one that needs to be heard. The current bunch of planners have got .....
» 23/08/2011 11:46:41 AM Come on love, we reward people for being smart, we make them professors & pay them twice w.....
» 23/08/2011 2:49:53 AM Continued Yes I call it as it is. Right now I have not decided about Abbott, except that .....
» 23/08/2011 2:42:57 AM Molly you may be right that the old Labor was as bad as this lot to day. I was a very busy.....
» 22/08/2011 10:33:35 AM Belly I know you can't believe it, but I don't have a side. I call it as I see it. Mate, .....
» 21/08/2011 9:29:49 PM Come on Belly, having foisted on us the worst, & before her, the second worst PMs in our h.....
» 21/08/2011 1:06:38 PM Only if they loose too often, & disappoint their fans too often. [or play soccer]......
» 21/08/2011 12:58:26 PM There is absolutely no chance of Labor ever again becoming anything worth saving, while al.....
» 21/08/2011 12:39:56 PM Now you are talking noisy! Sounds good to me. Hang on, I'm a stop the population growth .....
» 20/08/2011 6:32:11 PM Yes snag, I'll bet there are a lot more clearing a sensible area around their houses down .....
» 20/08/2011 1:03:52 PM Lexi mate, you really do worry me some times. Surely you don't want to make the same mista.....
» 20/08/2011 12:10:30 PM People forget that fences were developed to keep things out, as much as in. Perhaps our fe.....
» 20/08/2011 11:32:05 AM Don't kid yourself that Asian imports are all rubbish, & you don't have to relocate. I cou.....
» 19/08/2011 5:45:16 PM That's just sex Steven, AJR wants sexy......
» 19/08/2011 5:39:34 PM Malcolm while I agree with much of your article, I think you are missing the point with yo.....
» 19/08/2011 10:07:45 AM We don't need the media to tell us Julia is a drop kick. She does it every time she opens .....
» 18/08/2011 3:56:47 PM Neutral, I think that insurer I rejected may be the ones who's logo you mentioned. Perhaps.....
» 18/08/2011 3:02:02 PM When ever I see one of these pieces, I can't help thinking of a line from James Michener's.....
» 18/08/2011 11:06:26 AM Come on sarnian, why would you want to convert the oil & gas industries into loss making c.....
» 18/08/2011 10:38:22 AM Who the H*ll cares who the head of state is, it's a total irrelevance in todays world. It .....
» 18/08/2011 10:01:45 AM Well said Herbert. I am certainly getting very sick of this creeping socialist/communist a.....
» 17/08/2011 3:53:53 PM Well that was a waste of space Jo. No sense filling the net with what you reckon can't be .....
» 17/08/2011 10:10:55 AM A prime example of the problem was a WA steel fabricating company CO interviewed on radio .....
» 16/08/2011 4:25:21 PM They're not given enough, for gods sake. Come on Mat how much can you give a bunch of yo.....
» 16/08/2011 10:24:09 AM This is a ridiculous situation when the US could fix the problem with just a few strokes o.....
» 15/08/2011 12:00:38 PM So there you have it. We have the result of years of implementing the ideas of sociologis.....
» 15/08/2011 11:16:33 AM This article immediately had me thinking in technicolor. The colour that came to mind is .....
» 15/08/2011 10:46:56 AM With a bit more time, in the real world, this lady might actually see that the west has a .....
» 14/08/2011 11:05:47 AM SPQR it takes trust to listen to the ABC today. Unfortunately that trust is mostly misplac.....
» 13/08/2011 3:48:04 PM Lexi I have to say the woman is getting exactly what she deserves. She has fully earned t.....
» 13/08/2011 12:35:25 AM Thanks for thinking of me Lexi. I am of course retired, but my only boats today are a smal.....
» 12/08/2011 8:37:59 PM Rehctub, they are getting worse. In the old days, quite a few had worked in industry, in.....
» 12/08/2011 4:03:06 PM So there you have it. The public must be wrong if the academics think differently. What r.....
» 12/08/2011 3:21:09 PM Ah Diver, the old Country Women's Association , what magic we have lost! I was at a reuni.....
» 12/08/2011 2:55:58 PM Popnperish, I see that you are taking Phillip Adams at his own valuation of himself. I wo.....
» 12/08/2011 11:36:20 AM Eureka! Yes I've found it. Putting Stevens & OUG's posts together, with just a little bri.....
» 12/08/2011 11:13:56 AM Sorry Steven, you've got this one wrong mate. To start with we all ready have a damn sigh.....
» 12/08/2011 9:38:07 AM Doesn't Radio National have Phillip Adams? If so, only an idiot could listen to it......
» 11/08/2011 11:23:30 PM Gee Dan, when did you grow up, & get all that sense?.....
» 11/08/2011 12:31:27 PM You got one thing wrong there Houelle, with your spread them around idea. Yes it may make.....
» 11/08/2011 12:02:00 PM Well they were either bribed, or showing off for the camera. I wondered at the time, at m.....
» 11/08/2011 10:07:29 AM All the US really has to do is get out from under the weight of green oppression on enterp.....
» 10/08/2011 8:53:19 PM Jayb, much as all it would be a great idea, they could never do that. Some other party, &.....
» 10/08/2011 8:44:22 PM So true Banjo. I don't see how anyone, other than a greenie could think otherwise. Do I .....
» 10/08/2011 11:55:35 AM You're right there Individual. A politician who answers questions is either a pigeon, or .....
» 10/08/2011 11:45:31 AM Belly, you've got to be kidding mate. Let the UN into anything & it will cost twice as muc.....
» 9/08/2011 11:46:24 AM There, but for a few years, go us......
» 9/08/2011 11:35:59 AM Looks like the fairies have got out of the garden again! Have any of you people ever live.....
» 8/08/2011 6:47:34 PM No argument there Lexi, I'm sure I didn't limit the choice of public servants to use. I d.....
» 8/08/2011 5:11:02 PM Is it just me, but every time I see this headline, I can't help seeing 12000 public servan.....
» 8/08/2011 9:52:27 AM You could take this a bit further Steven. If they had waited until mid 2012 Obama would ha.....
» 7/08/2011 4:23:57 PM Lexi, I have no problem with the idea of reducing consumption. Remember I lived for some y.....
» 7/08/2011 4:06:36 PM Wow Noisy, so Fraser did get something right. I am surprised. Still, I've found glass jar.....
» 7/08/2011 3:42:10 PM Sorry Lexi, I have not seen any evidence that the awful woman is doing anything except fig.....
» 7/08/2011 3:15:40 PM Ammonite please do not expect anyone with a brain to be impressed by propaganda. Most of u.....
» 7/08/2011 10:00:36 AM Oh Belly, I forgot the boats. Mate, you'd better believe, the next government, of any col.....
» 7/08/2011 9:54:09 AM Hay quantum, the problem is that the warmers saw us coming, & decided to have a lend of us.....
» 6/08/2011 10:20:14 PM It is an old cliche that goes, the stone age did not end because they ran out of stones, t.....
» 6/08/2011 10:00:55 AM Sorry donkeygod, you've got some of that wrong. Quite often much of the population just .....
» 5/08/2011 10:23:47 AM Typical hate anyone better than you post Houelly. My mother did not have a house. When da.....
» 4/08/2011 7:50:20 PM Any oldies out there who aren't all ready broke, hide your wallets, & you'd better empty y.....
» 4/08/2011 10:48:43 AM Belly I'm sure private industry, as distinct from publicly funded institutions, will come .....
» 3/08/2011 11:06:52 PM I'm with Belly, this might be the first thing little Julia has tried to do, that may work......
» 3/08/2011 10:48:20 PM Well your post said it all for me Gadphil. The arrogance flows from your keyboard like a r.....
» 3/08/2011 10:43:07 PM Hay Kingy boy, you very quickly dodge the fact that 80% of the population disagreed with t.....
» 3/08/2011 11:58:20 AM Well now Gadphli I can see the probable reason that mental institutions are so notoriously.....
» 3/08/2011 11:33:19 AM Some years ago, before the ABC become quite as biased as it has recently, I was listening .....
» 2/08/2011 10:00:41 PM I agree completely Rhys. In fact, I'm quite sure that the prohibition on smoking in ordina.....
» 2/08/2011 3:30:46 PM Mollydukes you need to get out more, your social circle is far too restricted......
» 1/08/2011 9:57:57 AM Guess what Eclipse, the earth is not in a glass box, or wasn't the last time I looked, & n.....
» 1/08/2011 12:18:42 AM Poirot propaganda is not science......
» 30/07/2011 1:07:59 PM That's not the way I heard it halduel. I heard the local greenie was screaming that that .....
» 30/07/2011 11:41:46 AM Gee Gloin, you are worse than me, poor Ludwig won't know who is serious & who isn't. Jus.....
» 30/07/2011 11:35:49 AM Ludwig, it started out as a tongue in cheek bit, but half way through I started to see tha.....
» 30/07/2011 9:21:31 AM Now you've got them worried Antiseptic! More oil, more gas, & more coal burning with noth.....
» 29/07/2011 7:53:41 PM Halduell, when some enterprising company, generate at their own cost, without tax payer su.....
» 29/07/2011 4:07:37 PM Pelican, Adelaide as the Oz capital is without doubt the worst idea you have ever had. Wh.....
» 29/07/2011 3:38:58 PM Hay PEST, you make it sound like Lena does quite well out of the "aid " business.....
» 29/07/2011 11:54:47 AM Kerryanne, me thinks you had better be more careful in choosing your bed fellows. The AMI.....
» 29/07/2011 11:03:40 AM Great article, & just so true......
» 29/07/2011 8:32:24 AM Head of campaigning for who? Just what we need, more campaigners for more fringe operatio.....
» 28/07/2011 1:33:49 PM Ludwig, you are wrong about services mate. But to start with I have mentioned that my son.....
» 27/07/2011 11:04:50 PM Ciaran, while I agree with almost everything you have written here, I think you have one t.....
» 27/07/2011 10:56:18 PM Come on you people, you know it's a waste of time talking to greens. They can't see past t.....
» 27/07/2011 10:40:57 PM Hi Noisy. As a Queenslander I can well understand the desire of many in the west to divorc.....
» 26/07/2011 1:18:09 PM Gee, John must be busy. Too busy to keep up with things. Otherwise why would he be toutin.....
» 26/07/2011 12:42:13 PM Aren't all rule makers a nuisance Noisy. When I was in Rabaul PNG there was a Dragon there.....
» 25/07/2011 9:22:53 PM The thing that I wonder about with this type of mass killings, is that no one tries to fig.....
» 25/07/2011 9:03:59 PM If Obama wants to do anything useful he must first regain the trust of his own American pe.....
» 25/07/2011 11:37:08 AM Ok Nils an evaluation. One world parliament. That should be enough for any thinking perso.....
» 24/07/2011 5:47:34 PM High Noisy, although not quite as infamous as the Horn, & Good Hope, your area was feared .....
» 24/07/2011 11:59:07 AM Didn't bother reading it, after all it was more ABC, [Labor media arm] rubbish......
» 24/07/2011 11:57:00 AM Remember repetitive strain injury? That was one of the popular fads for trying to rip off.....
» 23/07/2011 2:33:56 PM I reckon renewable energy is going to make a huge climate change, especially in Canberra. .....
» 23/07/2011 2:17:25 PM You lot have all got it wrong. When I was nearing 30, I saw a joke somewhere. This person.....
» 22/07/2011 10:19:51 AM Well thanks bonmot, for giving us the directions to head off down the garden path, to join.....
» 22/07/2011 10:05:04 AM A few years back I watched a documentary on ABC, or SBS, in praise of one of these NGOs th.....
» 21/07/2011 3:48:15 PM What a pile of rubbish. Right wing press indeed. If the oz press was right wing they woul.....
» 21/07/2011 1:14:09 PM I wonder if there is any way to sever the painter that ties Tasmania on behind Oz, like a .....
» 21/07/2011 10:18:23 AM Tanel, we realise there are many in Europe who actually admire a good con man. Perhaps a r.....
» 21/07/2011 9:38:24 AM I guess we have different perspectives Kristian. Having watched my own kids, & their frie.....
» 20/07/2011 10:36:46 PM Vanna I always liked having an interesting job, which meant something in developing techno.....
» 20/07/2011 8:26:20 PM Pericles it is exactly the same for both sexes. After just a 2 month training period in th.....
» 19/07/2011 8:16:49 AM One world parliament! How could you possibly think they were extreme?.....
» 19/07/2011 8:10:50 AM Shut the gate to the bottom of the garden, the fairies are escaping. Anyone who is not ro.....
» 18/07/2011 1:53:22 PM Any time you get someone talking about needing a "MIX" of something, in this cas.....
» 17/07/2011 10:21:02 PM Kerryanne, although I agree with you about not funding single mothers, along with the many.....
» 17/07/2011 10:06:40 PM That sounds right Morgan,You have to be fluent in something to use it to best advantage. .....
» 17/07/2011 12:10:18 PM Otokonoko, thanks for the advice, but I'll probably leave it to watch on TV. Got to justif.....
» 16/07/2011 4:44:33 PM Until Harry Potter came along I had not read any fiction for years. There was always too m.....
» 16/07/2011 9:30:38 AM Neutral it's the Loony left who taught the rational libs about hate. In fact the libs don.....
» 15/07/2011 11:42:13 PM Morg old chap, thanks for the apology, nice to see you admit when you are wrong. Actually.....
» 15/07/2011 4:20:06 PM Lexi where is your research experience, when you have not found, or not admitted the exist.....
» 15/07/2011 10:28:05 AM This is a bit rich. For a junior recruit of the mob who have been throwing a negative sc.....
» 15/07/2011 3:46:45 AM Morgan, you people are unbelievable. You could rationalise mass murder as helping the plan.....
» 14/07/2011 5:05:57 PM Ludwig, I watched Brown, on an ABC news bulletin, promote one world government, with, & he.....
» 14/07/2011 4:52:17 PM Rstuart, can you remember a whole area of science who so completely lied to the public, to.....
» 14/07/2011 11:02:50 AM Sparkyq, haven't you ever seen a government workforce anywhere? Private enterprise would .....
» 14/07/2011 9:46:29 AM Lexy, I thought you were more clear thinking than that. You could say Gillard conned, or .....
» 14/07/2011 1:22:19 AM Ludwig, did you miss the one world government bit, or do you like the idea of the UN shovi.....
» 13/07/2011 5:51:39 PM Morgan, you are the one wanting to disrupt every one's life, with the bee in your bonnet, .....
» 13/07/2011 10:22:03 AM Belly, I almost feel sorry for you, but only almost. Any group of people, or party who ca.....
» 13/07/2011 9:54:10 AM The price is right. Wow, isn't that the name of a very light entertainment TV show? I kno.....
» 13/07/2011 9:48:16 AM Please tell us Morgan what clean green industries are you talking about? I have yet to hav.....
» 13/07/2011 9:23:27 AM Bonmot, these coal mines could be shut down, if we wanted to go to all our lovely new gas .....
» 13/07/2011 9:15:19 AM We all know that CO2 is plant food, & that is in low supply in the atmosphere at present, .....
» 12/07/2011 11:51:51 PM Hay Morgan, would you like to suggest what we should do to earn a living, & pay all those .....
» 12/07/2011 11:34:47 PM Sorry Morgan, I almost forgot you. Yes I'm well aware you want to shut down the coal ind.....
» 12/07/2011 11:09:55 PM Lexi, surely you're not talking about that woman who is prepared to break a promise made t.....
» 12/07/2011 6:50:32 PM Jo perhaps you haven't noticed that's its Obama, & his EPA policies that is weakening the .....
» 12/07/2011 5:59:29 PM Lexi please. In his second paragraph he's talking about Australia's excessively high poll.....
» 12/07/2011 5:49:19 PM It must be something that only a humanities could understand. What ever could someone exp.....
» 12/07/2011 10:38:18 AM Why is it that academics can never see the wood. I suppose it's their inclination to talk .....
» 12/07/2011 9:38:55 AM Grim, how can you expect to be taken seriously, when you throw out bland, unsupported stat.....
» 11/07/2011 11:01:37 PM Adelaide, I think it is you who miss the point. While none of us want to see innocents kil.....
» 11/07/2011 10:34:15 PM Come on Lexi mate, perhaps 12% of Ozzies showed their dissatisfaction with the 2 party sys.....
» 11/07/2011 10:11:45 PM When will you people do a bit of research on your beloved renewable energy? If you would o.....
» 11/07/2011 9:29:29 PM Bernie Fraser independent, now I've heard everything......
» 11/07/2011 9:59:07 AM I believe the greens are the best weapon the coalition has. I have seen the coalition in .....
» 10/07/2011 11:19:08 AM Some clown, on another topic, has suggested we should give them control of coal mining, & .....
» 10/07/2011 10:42:26 AM Morgan, you've got to be kidding. The reason many people have been drawn to vote for the .....
» 10/07/2011 7:59:32 AM Saltpetre, what did we do to make you hate us? Only someone who hates Oz could possibly c.....
» 9/07/2011 12:01:09 AM Strangely, the aim of just about every one I have known, who has defended this country is .....
» 8/07/2011 6:53:09 PM I don't think it matters a damn, how long the lady was dead. The thing that worries me is .....
» 8/07/2011 1:10:44 PM It really is funny, Ha Ha that is. There is an interest group of people who continually b.....
» 8/07/2011 12:12:12 PM You know, I did not see a single one there who is likely to have a HE round, or a mortar b.....
» 7/07/2011 1:09:49 PM [Deleted for abuse.].....
» 6/07/2011 10:48:43 PM Nothing like the threat of pictures of 3000 dead cattle, flashed up on all our TV screens .....
» 6/07/2011 2:35:08 PM I should have expected red herrings, shouldn't I. Typical greenie tactic, when you have no.....
» 6/07/2011 12:45:37 PM & you know how many yachties, who have actually been to sea, rstuart? I know dozens who ha.....
» 6/07/2011 10:45:59 AM Continued. Using photovoltaic generation [solar cells] has a similar problem to wind. Alt.....
» 6/07/2011 10:44:10 AM Lexi, mate, it is like this. Electricity is energy. It can only be produced by the expend.....
» 6/07/2011 9:31:21 AM Yes individual, my feelings exactly. I really get sick of these celebrities, whose lifest.....
» 6/07/2011 9:16:43 AM Aquarius we definitely do need to get people's workplaces out of the city, but, as a plann.....
» 5/07/2011 11:06:39 PM Lexi, much as it would be nice to think so, wind power can not deify physics. It is not go.....
» 5/07/2011 9:40:34 PM All Abbott is doing is holding up the mirror. It is all the disgusting sides of Gillard ar.....
» 5/07/2011 9:20:29 PM Kerryanne about 8 years ago a number of us contacted the RSPCA regarding a half a dozen ho.....
» 5/07/2011 12:21:41 PM You may be right about nutter & I joining up bonmot, at least we would both have our bulls.....
» 5/07/2011 11:50:02 AM Aquaris, don't you recall little Julia didn't want to give any more money to pensioners, s.....
» 5/07/2011 11:23:57 AM From what I have seen of the RSPCA in recent years I'd say they have taken on a similar ja.....
» 5/07/2011 11:11:22 AM Banjo, I'm surprised you have Brown so wrong. He won't tell you to lie down in front of i.....
» 5/07/2011 9:14:47 AM Careful there Jo, I think your bias is showing, or at least peeking through a little. Quo.....
» 5/07/2011 8:36:35 AM So now, not only can women who commit planned, calculated murder, carried out in completel.....
» 4/07/2011 7:17:36 PM Well that's OK with me. It was an invasion. Result, we won, they lost. Get over it, that's.....
» 4/07/2011 5:01:10 PM I find it tells you a great deal about a person, when they are more interested in the spel.....
» 4/07/2011 9:20:18 AM I would have thought that Brown standing up & spruiking a world government should be enoug.....
» 3/07/2011 5:18:31 PM Bonmot, you, & all your AGW mob sound far too much like the boy who cried, for any thinkin.....
» 3/07/2011 5:02:58 PM Did you really have to bring them into it vanna? I'm trying to avoid thinking about how ba.....
» 3/07/2011 9:30:48 AM Hay Gal, I only said Howard saw the problem, not that he, or anyone else including me, had.....
» 2/07/2011 10:37:25 AM Has anyone noticed that after years of deployment, we heard nothing of the finding of the .....
» 2/07/2011 10:00:21 AM Lexi at present the leading being done in Canberra is all by Brown. He has a ring in litt.....
» 2/07/2011 9:43:01 AM Yes I'm all for equality, so lets have, 1/ Equal intake of male & female students in all .....
» 1/07/2011 4:55:32 PM Lexi, mate, what some homosexuals do with their tongues, & other bits to whom, where, unde.....
» 1/07/2011 4:22:06 PM Aquarius, I'll go along with you, as long as we demand these couples breed naturally, & do.....
» 1/07/2011 4:07:13 PM Ian, were you a member of the Democrats by any chance? I don't want you to answer that, yo.....
» 1/07/2011 3:46:47 PM Yes indeed, it was the public sector with under worked, over payed, with youthful retired .....
» 30/06/2011 12:18:57 PM Morganz if you want to come that, "the shop sold it" bit, you had better get use.....
» 30/06/2011 10:15:38 AM Morganzola it's nice to be able to agree with you about something. My property is river .....
» 30/06/2011 9:33:57 AM Yea, lets all wear bike helmets, body armor, & carry a six gun on our hip. It should not b.....
» 30/06/2011 9:10:41 AM Aquarius, to use your analogy, if Gillard was leading a group the only destination you wou.....
» 29/06/2011 6:33:58 PM I don't recall talking about the mid 1800 Suze, it would appear you want to use a differen.....
» 29/06/2011 2:45:51 PM In most coastal areas there is little community of interest between those who inhabit the .....
» 29/06/2011 12:43:21 PM Continued. Then a cruise boat tried to operate as a floating hotel in a lagoon near by ou.....
» 29/06/2011 12:42:40 PM Myna's are not a problem for boats. With private yachts it's the swallows that are bad. Wh.....
» 28/06/2011 5:33:56 PM Do be careful of keeping that freezer full Lexi. When that carbon dioxide tax closes you.....
» 28/06/2011 4:53:07 PM Bazz don't fool your self, there is plenty of oil & gas available for a very long time, th.....
» 28/06/2011 4:09:24 PM Where have you people been, behind the door? The world you believe in does not, & never ha.....
» 27/06/2011 3:13:19 PM Morganzola, would you please detail for me the republics you admire, that you would most l.....
» 27/06/2011 3:01:41 PM Lexi, boredom I can handle no problem, never had a problem releaving it yet, Phillip Adams.....
» 27/06/2011 11:21:48 AM Also relevant Ammonite, is that if you add just a little of the wrong stuff to your mix in.....
» 27/06/2011 9:37:42 AM Wow! Claire must be a magician. Anyone who can find a "burgeoning refugee rights mov.....
» 26/06/2011 10:49:13 AM You may be correct that very many women feel let down, even cheated, in life. They have be.....
» 26/06/2011 10:47:37 AM Briar rose, has it ever occurred to you that all tertiary qualifications are not equal? Th.....
» 25/06/2011 2:42:57 PM Come on Poirot, you can't expect me to hold a serious train of thought for too long, now c.....
» 25/06/2011 11:27:44 AM Sorry morganzola, yours is the most unfair con of all. Sounds nice, but only works for the.....
» 25/06/2011 10:19:04 AM Continued. This change in attitude which most women undergo at childbirth is, in no way i.....
» 25/06/2011 10:02:30 AM Briar rose, if you haven't seen it, you haven't been looking very closely. There is somet.....
» 24/06/2011 3:39:37 PM Gee, I thought I must have accidentally got onto an ABC website, where I would expect to s.....
» 24/06/2011 3:31:47 PM Well said Kenny. I'm fully in favour of people managing their own income. I want total o.....
» 23/06/2011 11:40:42 AM So Roy doesn't find legal firms such a great place to work. I wonder if he would have pref.....
» 23/06/2011 10:50:41 AM I really can't imagine why anyone would want to use a heap of diesel fuel to grow a crop o.....
» 22/06/2011 1:23:25 PM There is another important point at issue here, & that is road safety. I don't believe it.....
» 22/06/2011 9:46:17 AM Jo the UN in all it's guises is even more removed from the ideals, & aims of the Australia.....
» 22/06/2011 9:32:37 AM Brian you are looking straight through the problem, but not seeing it, a typical fault in .....
» 21/06/2011 11:27:07 PM Country Gal, it works in a similar way at the other end too. Some time in the 70s an acqu.....
» 21/06/2011 4:02:56 PM Julienut, I was cruising almost 40 years ago, & even then a yachtie was no novelty. Most l.....
» 21/06/2011 3:38:35 PM Great article Peter, but it is hard to get home truths across to those who don't want to s.....
» 20/06/2011 4:25:44 PM Sorry Lexi, a rerun of Turnbull would be as bad for the Libs as one of Rudd would be for L.....
» 20/06/2011 2:46:04 PM Bonmot, if you are right the answer is as simple as ABC. All they have to do is release al.....
» 20/06/2011 10:40:26 AM Rich what would it take to get you to understand this flogging of the dead horse of ".....
» 19/06/2011 8:36:54 AM It must be rough when you're so bad at holding down a job, you have to change countries ev.....
» 18/06/2011 8:24:08 PM Lexi, I detect a preference for something solid & respectable there, rather than my more i.....
» 18/06/2011 4:45:21 PM Come on Arjay, Faulkner was the one who wanted to allow secret women's business evidence t.....
» 18/06/2011 1:59:43 PM Belly you're kidding yourself mate. You may want to think the opposition is incompetent, .....
» 18/06/2011 10:06:04 AM Good posts RPG, but I'm afraid you are wasting your time. These people are far too immatu.....
» 17/06/2011 9:15:47 PM Pelican it appears to me that many of those posts you didn't approve of were like a mirror.....
» 17/06/2011 12:45:20 PM Lexi it is obvious the bloke is a better liar. He managed to hold the fiction that he was .....
» 17/06/2011 9:18:04 AM Where have you been for the last year or 3 rexw? It has taken that long of the Oz public .....
» 16/06/2011 10:42:49 AM Yes Rich, & I believe in the tooth fairy......
» 15/06/2011 8:30:35 PM 'cause if we didn't tell them, some people may never realise how lucky they were to meet u.....
» 15/06/2011 4:05:04 PM Quantum how can we have equal opportunity when some want to send everyone to the poor hous.....
» 15/06/2011 1:59:49 PM Come on Is Mise, the farmers wife should yell csteele at the crook or the fox, that should.....
» 15/06/2011 1:23:30 PM Quantum, Rich, "hide the decline". Explain that one, then we might listen......
» 15/06/2011 1:16:50 PM Thanks chris, I assumed there would be a simple answer, but had not thought too deeply. S.....
» 15/06/2011 12:55:59 PM Hi Lexi, I've always been a bit of a sucker for lost causes & the underdog, so when the ki.....
» 15/06/2011 11:51:48 AM One question chris. Do you know why they are not using inertial navigation systems, or G.....
» 15/06/2011 11:36:47 AM Great stuff chris, I always wanted to do some gliding, it must be the purest form of flyin.....
» 15/06/2011 11:13:43 AM Belly, they grow up in the stuff......
» 15/06/2011 11:00:22 AM Well put John J. VK3AUU, David, if we could only harvest all the red herrings you warmest.....
» 15/06/2011 10:32:38 AM What is it about Arts/Law, [our Julia did it] that makes people incapable of smelling BS, .....
» 15/06/2011 2:05:27 AM What type of aircraft do you fly Chris? From your post I would guess it's little ones. I'.....
» 15/06/2011 1:18:25 AM What utter garbage csteele, all from an ideology of the whimp. It is a damn good thing it .....
» 14/06/2011 12:39:21 PM Lexi, you can't reclaim any moral high ground by trying to buy it from the rip off merchan.....
» 14/06/2011 9:54:00 AM Yes Poirot, some are. There are state, national & world champions, superior surgeons, arc.....
» 14/06/2011 12:53:06 AM Lexi when your folks came here migrants were accommodated in a migrant hostel of some desc.....
» 13/06/2011 11:57:09 AM You know, it was worth biting my tongue, [it was so far out in my cheek], to find out just.....
» 12/06/2011 8:21:07 PM Come on Suzie, these comparisons are totally unreasonable. You are comparing the behaviou.....
» 11/06/2011 10:39:19 AM I think we should apply a simple test Lock them in a room, & give them a very sharp knife.....
» 9/06/2011 7:29:12 PM Ammonite, there are no renewables capable of supplying anything bigger than a small villag.....
» 9/06/2011 3:46:15 PM I feel very sorry for those who feel a need to boost their self esteem by changing Oz from.....
» 9/06/2011 3:27:15 PM There is another side to this problem. Too many young ladies are graduating from the defe.....
» 9/06/2011 2:46:28 PM How far out of date do you want to go bonmot? That's 14 months, & is based on studies don.....
» 9/06/2011 7:58:06 AM Well Squeers, there is still some hope for the US after all. They are still having good i.....
» 9/06/2011 7:51:15 AM Where do you get your fingers Andrew? I like the one about the arctic ice mate. The US na.....
» 8/06/2011 7:06:35 PM Do come on you pair. How could you say the Oz voter is intelligent? over half of them vot.....
» 8/06/2011 6:31:35 PM I have always liked Katter, he always calls a spade a spade, & often talks sense. However.....
» 7/06/2011 9:58:33 AM Yes Houelly, the fools got rid of the best prospect for a good PM, who could have been lik.....
» 6/06/2011 10:00:21 PM Don't worry Saltpetre, by the next election, if little Julia holds on for the full term, e.....
» 6/06/2011 6:22:43 PM Come on Blue, you've got to be kidding. I don't know a single person who is feeling guilt.....
» 6/06/2011 1:29:15 PM Col, I was actually pointing out to Bonmot that I thought there was more than a little evi.....
» 6/06/2011 12:24:11 PM Don't be silly Belly. After you have tried a few more leaders you are going to co-opt Tur.....
» 6/06/2011 12:09:02 PM Lexi, I thought your post re the 3 stages of truth must have been about how Abbott will be.....
» 5/06/2011 8:35:15 PM It never did make much sense to me to take a large chunk of money off the top of young peo.....
» 5/06/2011 4:22:29 PM Csteele, I really don't care where criminals are sent, I just want then off the street, so.....
» 5/06/2011 2:24:33 PM A few more for you. "The only hope for the world is to make sure there is not anothe.....
» 5/06/2011 2:18:55 PM Bonmot what do you think of these quotes then? "We need to get some broad based sup.....
» 5/06/2011 10:55:58 AM Thanks for that SPQR, it does highlight just how often a consensus has proved to be wrong......
» 4/06/2011 3:58:32 PM Tristan, you've got to be kidding. Come on, tell us it was a joke. The press did not repo.....
» 4/06/2011 11:58:58 AM Pericles, reading your posts it is quite obvious that you hate somethings. That's OK, som.....
» 4/06/2011 11:35:36 AM Oh come on nicco, & the rest of you authority merchants. How long ago was it known that s.....
» 3/06/2011 10:09:56 AM Tristan has just admitted that a large section [the deep left] of the Labor party are main.....
» 3/06/2011 9:53:56 AM Interesting Kieran, but you missed a couple of points many voters have not. How, in such .....
» 3/06/2011 9:39:40 AM Come on Geoff, I don't think that particular senator is sufficiently sensitive to even not.....
» 2/06/2011 1:34:00 PM NSW, the new Sparta......
» 1/06/2011 11:47:49 AM Thanks Bob, great to read a sensible article . We had best put a large chalk mark on the .....
» 1/06/2011 11:38:20 AM This article says more, [& none of it good], about our writers than it does about Hicks, o.....
» 1/06/2011 11:27:28 AM Lexi, do be careful there, you are very close to committing, [unintentionally I'm sure], t.....
» 31/05/2011 11:30:03 AM Well after that one Pelican, it's now almost obligatory you post a picture. Thanks Quantu.....
» 31/05/2011 11:10:16 AM David f, you must admit that our prime minister is pretty damn barren, at least when it co.....
» 31/05/2011 11:01:59 AM Brian your DNA is in real trouble, having lost control. Having developed a model where th.....
» 31/05/2011 10:11:23 AM Wow, an academic making sense for a change. You had better have a chat to the education .....
» 31/05/2011 9:41:39 AM Are you really that stupid Quantum, or are you just backing the greenie ratbag catch call?.....
» 30/05/2011 5:24:18 PM There is only one reason for a carbon tax, it's the price we pay to buy little Julia the j.....
» 28/05/2011 1:41:02 PM Bugsy when the mathematics don't work, & they don't with AGW, then you don't have science .....
» 27/05/2011 10:11:36 PM Too right Belly, the way it's going around here these days, we are going to have to look a.....
» 27/05/2011 10:06:49 AM And when it is all said & done I would much rather go out planking on a high rise balcony,.....
» 27/05/2011 9:35:40 AM I see the lemmings are out in force today. Sorry Jocelynne, I won't be joining your Lemmi.....
» 26/05/2011 11:38:23 PM I predict that as it is mostly Labor types who are drawn to Malcolm Turnbull, [& why not a.....
» 26/05/2011 11:27:54 AM I have always detested tokenism. It makes my skin crawl when I see a bunch of people, wit.....
» 26/05/2011 8:22:01 AM Yet another fact free pep talk from one of the warmest brigade. When will they learn. Th.....
» 25/05/2011 9:45:36 PM Do women go through mid life crises, of course they do Jewely. What you need is a 150 mile.....
» 25/05/2011 6:24:30 PM It is not surprising that trainee fighter pilots indulge in dangerous games, but you might.....
» 25/05/2011 5:35:10 PM I might be able to agree with you diver dan, but only when we get to elect our judges, & t.....
» 25/05/2011 1:25:33 AM I guess it would depend on the religion. I reckon it might be pretty good with that Roman.....
» 25/05/2011 1:14:30 AM I agree there Ludwig, the punishment should be the same for the same crime. More important.....
» 25/05/2011 12:30:28 AM Hi csteele, my kids learned to drive down the paddock too, first in a front drive Renault,.....
» 24/05/2011 12:51:58 PM Yes that was a slip, but you must admit that all the middle east looks the same. With a bu.....
» 24/05/2011 9:27:58 AM That would be right Yassir, it would be foolish to try to respond to the "islamophobe.....
» 23/05/2011 3:30:30 PM Hay ShelO old mate, I'm quite prepared to help you with your education. I could introduce.....
» 23/05/2011 9:48:43 AM It must be hard for the authors to handle that Ozzies have picked up on just what a proble.....
» 23/05/2011 9:34:11 AM Ludwig I couldn't disagree with you more. Over recent years we have seen more & more ratb.....
» 22/05/2011 7:27:02 PM Yes, planking is a rather stupid thing to do, & can be dangerous. However, if my kids wer.....
» 2/05/2011 5:41:58 PM Come on Helen, talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Prostitutes are no different .....
» 2/05/2011 4:16:10 PM [Deleted for abuse.].....
» 1/05/2011 8:23:49 PM Belly, if you like daylily colour, try breading your own. It really is very easy, much eas.....
» 1/05/2011 2:26:39 PM My mum was a stay at home mum. The time I broke both my arms, falling out of a tree on my.....
» 1/05/2011 2:15:29 PM Yes Saoirse, I think the big 2 have a lot to do with it. They can buy cheep, locally, & ov.....
» 1/05/2011 1:27:43 PM Yes Belly, we have a few who grow stuff for markets, but it is just a hobby/pin money effo.....
» 30/04/2011 9:25:03 PM Jewely, the idea of "protecting" good agricultural land is a bit of a bad joke t.....
» 29/04/2011 8:01:08 PM Seems to me that any instance of self harm should also bring an automatic rejection of any.....
» 29/04/2011 11:20:17 AM Arjay, do you think this may be a ploy by the British royals to become more popular? Lest.....
» 29/04/2011 9:48:27 AM Hay Roses, have you got a good doctor, to sew up that hole you just shot in your foot. Rea.....
» 28/04/2011 4:32:47 PM Belly do try to read my post, & get what I said before you comment in future. Yes I said .....
» 28/04/2011 2:03:38 PM Jocelynne, you no doubt know that the "Civil Liberties" bloke up here in Qld has.....
» 28/04/2011 1:41:56 PM Well said Belly, great quote......
» 28/04/2011 1:33:21 PM Thinker, it must mean a lot to you, or you would not have started a thread on it. Could it.....
» 28/04/2011 1:13:09 AM Belly, there was never any extra turnover to be had by extended hours shopping, Australian.....
» 27/04/2011 7:09:25 PM Come on Suze, intimidate, you've got to be kidding. Try disgust, the feeling I have for o.....
» 26/04/2011 12:09:16 PM Don't worry, they have found a science for girls, but they are still not too good at apply.....
» 24/04/2011 8:33:38 PM Suze, the object of growing up is to recognise ones mistakes, & correct that behaviour. T.....
» 23/04/2011 11:13:29 AM Lexi, if you look back a bit in this thread, I think you'll find I am not too happy about .....
» 23/04/2011 10:39:56 AM Ludwig, surely you are aware that Labor will sell it's soul for a few votes. Obviously s.....
» 21/04/2011 1:24:39 AM Oh dear, talk about put your foot in it. Unfortunately Jocelynne, you have proved exactly.....
» 19/04/2011 3:23:17 PM Belly, there has never been anyone I have ever conversed with more biased than you. You'l.....
» 19/04/2011 11:10:55 AM Continued. How many nights should the staff have worked back, [free of course] to do the .....
» 19/04/2011 10:47:15 AM Belly, your last post says it all really. "If I worked for you, worked my guts out a.....
» 19/04/2011 9:13:24 AM Fitzgerald was an arrogant fool, so blinded by his vision of his own splendor, that he cou.....
» 18/04/2011 10:17:23 PM Pelican I guess we're all the product of our experience. I see a lot of the other side of .....
» 18/04/2011 9:14:43 PM Pelican I think you would be well advised to try a different course provider, or pay more .....
» 18/04/2011 12:01:32 PM Actually, I'm right with you Pelican. I actually believe that medical research is much bet.....
» 18/04/2011 10:58:08 AM I have to agree that many industries should not have penalty rates. If you chose to go int.....
» 17/04/2011 10:37:18 AM I do get a bit sick of academics who believe we owe then a comfortable living. Here's an .....
» 16/04/2011 4:35:05 PM I was looking for the punch line Blue, but when I couldn't find it I realised you must be .....
» 16/04/2011 4:23:12 PM So Rosie, not only misinformed, but by your last post, arrogant with it......
» 16/04/2011 2:28:30 PM Have you ever noticed how some creatures get locked together for a period after the moment.....
» 16/04/2011 9:37:00 AM Well, if Indians have small ones, that proves the point [Ha], doesn't it? They don't have.....
» 16/04/2011 9:32:23 AM Hay Bonmot, you know how that old one goes don't you? You can fool some of the people som.....
» 15/04/2011 2:18:55 PM I find this very interesting. All Ozzies are expected to pay high taxes because those wit.....
» 15/04/2011 9:30:30 AM I would like to know something of the politics involved in the Rundle oil production, & it.....
» 13/04/2011 1:21:48 PM Too right Yabby, the only games should be fun ones you play together. I had a lady who co.....
» 12/04/2011 2:03:35 PM Yes Morganzola, I'm sure you've got it right there. For me sex is something that grows out.....
» 11/04/2011 12:15:06 PM If most of those expressing so much sympathy were asked to crew a RIB, [inflatable boat] t.....
» 10/04/2011 11:04:01 AM I don't think the ladies morality is in question. I think everyone knows what her morals a.....
» 9/04/2011 9:05:41 PM Morganzola, perhaps you've forgotten that 2 ex leaders of Labor in Qld, one leader & one d.....
» 8/04/2011 9:50:18 AM Yes Belly, they left a few screws out of some brains. That's why people like Wobbles can .....
» 8/04/2011 9:21:37 AM Only one problem Occidental, it was people like you, bleeding hearts, that stopped the slo.....
» 5/04/2011 10:39:57 PM I don't know much about wave generating gear in Hawaii, but there is a multi billion dolla.....
» 5/04/2011 10:56:33 AM I wonder if car thieves are known to vote Labor? Have you noticed that Atkinson always so.....
» 4/04/2011 4:05:02 PM I'll take a whiff of tobacco smoke over the stink of the average council diesel bus any da.....
» 2/04/2011 10:21:20 PM Hay Thinker, I find it interesting that you have to justify the lousy performance of our L.....
» 2/04/2011 8:06:42 PM So Lexi, what you are telling us us that the Greens are a total rabble, with no idea what .....
» 1/04/2011 5:21:52 PM Graham I periodically have a problem with most of the websites that have any form of movin.....
» 1/04/2011 4:33:05 PM Well you wouldn't have got my vote, if you had expressed the sentiments you produced here,.....
» 1/04/2011 12:07:29 PM Lexi, all they have to do is loan me & a few old navy mates one of the old patrol boats fo.....
» 1/04/2011 11:58:48 AM Yabby, so many home buyers have very little equity. If that equity goes very far negative .....
» 1/04/2011 11:22:14 AM I was a member of our country town high school debating team. The other 3 members were a.....
» 1/04/2011 12:16:00 AM I agree that housing prices have got to ridiculous levels. In the 60s a reasonable house c.....
» 31/03/2011 9:26:06 PM Yes, what with peak oil & everything, I think we should go for sustainability. I really do.....
» 31/03/2011 8:55:19 PM Kerry suggests the Libs were saddled with the Nationals, & so labor won the green vote. Pr.....
» 31/03/2011 12:34:52 PM Cheryl, the reason very few people, [in fact none], understand the link between global war.....
» 31/03/2011 11:28:57 AM I would have thought Labor might have had about enough of affirmative action. Every tilt a.....
» 31/03/2011 10:08:20 AM Quantum, unlike it appears you do, I don't dislike anyone. I do however dislike some beha.....
» 30/03/2011 5:56:36 PM Paul, if you would like to translate your post to English, as distinct to jingoism I will .....
» 30/03/2011 4:11:27 PM One thing that all the so called educators today fail to realise, is that not all kids are.....
» 30/03/2011 2:37:12 PM Unfortunately not blue, there is nothing on earth that would get me to set foot in that de.....
» 30/03/2011 12:58:05 PM Utter twaddle about no work. We have dozens in our district who hate it, but have to pay d.....
» 30/03/2011 11:23:11 AM Lexi, CO2 does not, & in fact can not produce a greenhouse effect. In fact it is probable .....
» 30/03/2011 9:57:42 AM I'm with you RObert, the last thing we want is pollys with a vision. Those visions are alw.....
» 30/03/2011 9:06:29 AM Pauline will never be as plain nasty, vicious or hateful as that horrible red headed thing.....
» 29/03/2011 8:39:13 PM Lexi, I really can't believe you would pay any attention to anything that bought & paid fo.....
» 29/03/2011 4:38:44 PM Lexi you really are going overboard there. In the west we have reduced our pollution to an.....
» 28/03/2011 11:46:37 PM I really don't care what some people do to themselves with grog, or where they buy it. Tho.....
» 28/03/2011 8:04:47 PM Oh come on Aka, all she did was media talk, & photo opportunities. Not only that, she tur.....
» 28/03/2011 2:03:41 PM The Labor party can not fight the Greens, with out green preferences Labor would no longer.....
» 27/03/2011 5:10:51 PM Belly, for god sake, please stop trying to foist Turnbull onto the country. I can see wh.....
» 25/03/2011 3:16:34 PM It is a bit hard to be creative today, with 3 levels of government trying very hard, to ba.....
» 24/03/2011 3:22:51 PM Tony tells us that it is a widely held belief that we should have equal representation. W.....
» 21/03/2011 10:25:55 PM Perhaps you should be advocating that approach pelican, if the school staff are failing in.....
» 21/03/2011 9:34:11 PM Is Mise, how on earth did you manage to be always going down hill. That's the only way tha.....
» 21/03/2011 3:06:56 PM Lexi, how could you? Bergerac was not only more multiculturally challenged than Midsomer,.....
» 21/03/2011 10:23:53 AM I think Tim must be an anti feminist, in a big way. Why else would he have highlighted th.....
» 19/03/2011 4:47:35 PM Just who do you greenies think you are? What gives you some special right to tell others .....
» 18/03/2011 9:18:45 AM At a recent management meeting at our local high school, I overheard one of the department.....
» 17/03/2011 8:44:29 PM I think you may have blundered onto a plan there Squeers. I think we should also pay our .....
» 17/03/2011 9:18:55 AM [Deleted for abuse.].....
» 16/03/2011 10:30:33 AM Would someone please explain just what I, & most other humans, get from Biodiversity. I d.....
» 16/03/2011 10:07:08 AM Belly you are being too kind. It is always "literary" people who gravitate to j.....
» 16/03/2011 9:13:23 AM Wow, I can see it now. A national parliament as functional as that in our apple Isle, Tas.....
» 16/03/2011 9:03:24 AM Gillard has now admitted, or was it boasted, that when she promised she would not have a c.....
» 15/03/2011 10:39:05 PM I would really love to take all these greenies 5 kilometers int some real wilderness, & le.....
» 15/03/2011 12:30:01 AM I don't think the greens would be too happy becoming the next opposition. After all, they.....
» 14/03/2011 9:14:28 PM Hasn't anyone noticed there is no privatization of water in all this. Those water compani.....
» 14/03/2011 9:03:19 PM Is Mise, such a force today, would be about as much use against a trained & properly equip.....
» 14/03/2011 8:37:51 PM Not too hard to see this bloke writes fiction, just read his article, & you can see imagin.....
» 14/03/2011 12:16:04 AM Thanks for that Johnj, I really do love a good fairy story, & boy isn't that a good one. .....
» 12/03/2011 9:14:34 PM Why on earth would we want to use nuclear in Oz? With everything we now about the non exi.....
» 11/03/2011 11:37:39 AM Rehctub, your right, Anna did a fantastic job of stand in news reader/weather girl, during.....
» 10/03/2011 3:50:06 PM When are you people going to wake up. There is no money. We are borrowing a hundred + mi.....
» 10/03/2011 9:10:29 AM Wouldn't it be wonderful if some of these people found something useful to worry about. O.....
» 10/03/2011 9:04:25 AM So many so called "caring" people have a strange disability. It is a form of bli.....
» 9/03/2011 9:56:11 PM Thinker I believe I am entitled to have my call for service be answered by someone I can u.....
» 9/03/2011 10:34:52 AM Pericles, there are some stupid people in this world, & you appear to be one of them. Runn.....
» 9/03/2011 9:39:05 AM Rehctub, the argument is not that the dam controllers should have dumped any of the water .....
» 8/03/2011 8:57:01 AM That we don't like them sending our jobs overseas. The other day I rang an oil company. I.....
» 8/03/2011 12:23:38 AM Continued Our navy did a pretty good job of turning a couple of clapped out old US navy t.....
» 7/03/2011 11:25:15 PM I've mentioned this before, but I'll do it again. It is all so simple only bureaucrats, ac.....
» 7/03/2011 10:33:40 AM It is a strange phenomena so often seen, that those best suited to gaining strings of qual.....
» 7/03/2011 9:53:03 AM I do wish this bloke would find another hobby, golf, bolls, tiddlywinks, anything. Prefer.....
» 6/03/2011 9:02:28 PM This is a perfect example of the totally immoral incompetence of Julia & her mob. How can.....
» 5/03/2011 3:53:00 PM Just to follow Chris Shaw's post, if ever you are around here David, do drop in, I have le.....
» 3/03/2011 12:16:55 PM What a smug self satisfied peanut you must be David Jennings. Could not make the cut. With.....
» 3/03/2011 12:03:47 PM Jewely, I sure hope it doesn't occur here. She could not tell us if it is a local law, wi.....
» 3/03/2011 9:52:34 AM Jewely, I'll tell you where it came from. A friend of mine is a pom. Because of this his .....
» 2/03/2011 7:49:17 PM You have to feel for the poms. Now the poor UK has radical ratbag judges, appointed by &q.....
» 2/03/2011 3:36:49 PM & you will be doing your bit when Sir Vivor?.....
» 2/03/2011 3:31:40 PM Sorry I didn't answer before individual. Don't forget those patrol boats are now getting.....
» 2/03/2011 11:54:46 AM I think this is a wonderful idea, & will go along with it on just one condition. That is .....
» 2/03/2011 11:45:26 AM What a pile of twaddle some of you people talk. My son suffered a racist attack recently .....
» 2/03/2011 11:13:32 AM Can these people really believe the global warming con. Dumb as they obviously are, I can'.....
» 2/03/2011 10:57:00 AM Our Anna was sinking out of sight in the polls, until the floods, & the cyclones threw her.....
» 1/03/2011 1:44:42 PM Too right Flo, Kruddy kept the money circulating all right. The only trouble was it all c.....
» 28/02/2011 9:29:35 PM I have no time for academics. I am a B Sc. but have led a very different life to most. Du.....
» 28/02/2011 10:26:45 AM Paul 1405, fortunately for Oz & its real people, the Greens are in the process of doing a .....
» 28/02/2011 10:16:46 AM Sometimes lefties make me sick. This constant bring up of Howard's no GST is an example. .....
» 27/02/2011 11:30:37 AM When will you people do a bit of reading? It doesn't take too much to be able to see what.....
» 26/02/2011 1:22:03 PM I would have thought that anyone with decades of experience in aboriginal affairs, in Aust.....
» 26/02/2011 9:17:17 AM I'm surprised at you talking such rot Individual. The last time my son was called back fr.....
» 26/02/2011 12:48:01 AM Seems like a simple problem to me. Obviously, any bloke who wanted more than one wife, is.....
» 25/02/2011 1:07:28 PM Because if you didn't know they lie before, you now do. There is a forked tongue behind t.....
» 25/02/2011 9:50:42 AM What utter rubbish. Your swimming pool is just an example of the Oz culture evolving, & i.....
» 24/02/2011 6:58:10 PM Hay Rosey, remember the "LAW" law tax cuts? Didn't happen did they? Laws do chan.....
» 24/02/2011 12:55:29 PM Suze, it depends just what that bear is likely to bare. The sailors could get into even m.....
» 24/02/2011 12:34:48 PM As far as organisation of the rescue operations, I think you're kidding yourself. I was ta.....
» 24/02/2011 11:47:34 AM Some time back it rained a bit. No, not this year, when it rained a hell of a lot, but eno.....
» 24/02/2011 11:24:30 AM Graham, I'm sorry, but when I went looking for that US navy ice report I could not find it.....
» 24/02/2011 11:10:24 AM Perhaps it really is time to shut the universities, if this is what's coming out of them.....
» 24/02/2011 10:58:29 AM Jenny with air arrivals we have the paperwork. We know who they are, usually what they are.....
» 24/02/2011 9:23:02 AM Come on Brian! In 1944 my mother & I were living in a one room flattet in Ipswich, to be .....
» 23/02/2011 4:42:09 PM Rational-debate, you've got to be kidding when you ask can OLO do things as well as The Dr.....
» 23/02/2011 1:03:11 PM I don't mind smokers. I have an old neighbour who has a problem driving from time to time......
» 23/02/2011 12:45:44 PM Obviously none of you have any idea what it's like serving on a navy ship. Can you imagin.....
» 23/02/2011 10:47:01 AM Isn't it a pity that these multicultural types can't hear the dog whistles. That's the one.....
» 23/02/2011 10:14:28 AM Yes Crackcup, we have bequeathed our grand kids a whole lot of pain, with our "superi.....
» 23/02/2011 9:58:59 AM One thing I find interesting about the ABC is it's culture. Women's libbers, lefties & hom.....
» 22/02/2011 10:12:35 PM Careful there bonmot! Those who hang on to the con for too long, hoping to resurrect the .....
» 22/02/2011 2:22:57 PM Well you lot elected your pitiful government, so what do you deserve? Part of the problem.....
» 22/02/2011 12:04:52 PM Suze, you do carry on. The medical association have nothing to gain by spinning tobacco y.....
» 21/02/2011 3:17:35 PM Don't be silly Philo, Julia will turn the tides, & still the volcanoes, with just a wave o.....
» 21/02/2011 9:46:07 AM It is probably easy to have compassion for boat people, when one is in a secure, well fund.....
» 20/02/2011 11:36:03 AM Perhaps there is still some sense in the world. The US house has voted, 244 to 179, to st.....
» 19/02/2011 6:36:54 PM Suze, this bloke had no idea which way was up, when he was PM, why do you think he would h.....
» 18/02/2011 9:55:28 AM Come on Mal, you had a go, & sure didn't do too well. In fact your time in the top chair w.....
» 18/02/2011 12:13:45 AM Age gracefully! The hell with that. I'm going to have the hundredth birthday party, with .....
» 17/02/2011 12:41:02 PM Climb to the top of the Sydney harbour bridge, look around & you would not be surprised to.....
» 17/02/2011 9:53:08 AM Wow, did Gillard actually get something right at last? Wonders will never cease......
» 16/02/2011 10:41:05 AM A couple of things you will always see about visionaries, firstly they are always totally .....
» 15/02/2011 3:14:01 PM Now you've got me Chris. I don't mind at all, helping those who want to get into their own.....
» 15/02/2011 1:10:04 PM Totally disagree Chris. Even if you could, [& you didn't] make a case for housing assista.....
» 15/02/2011 12:09:10 PM So what comes after multiculturalism? War in the streets probably, or subjugation of the c.....
» 15/02/2011 11:53:59 AM Belly, rather than say "NO" it is often better from one's point of view, to say .....
» 15/02/2011 11:32:30 AM Public housing is totally immoral. Even this bloke, who makes his living touting for it, .....
» 15/02/2011 10:58:56 AM My illusions are all shattered. When I first saw Liz, all those years ago, in a cosmetics.....
» 15/02/2011 10:30:44 AM You're wasting your time King, some fools always think big brother is right, & some of the.....
» 14/02/2011 4:57:41 PM Yes 597, the lady has substance. Pity she carries it all below the hips......
» 14/02/2011 4:38:35 PM Out of the mouths of babes. Speeding is a crime! Drivers flouting the law! I wonder if the.....
» 12/02/2011 2:56:45 PM Unique, perhaps you did not notice the mention that it was who the ladies were, as much as.....
» 11/02/2011 6:26:39 PM Aboriginals would be much better off, if welfare did not exist. They are really only beha.....
» 11/02/2011 4:54:43 PM At least the Queen is grey headed. She is much more real than our peroxided old duck, in .....
» 11/02/2011 4:01:03 PM Sorry McReal, I can't agree with you on chiropractic, although I do believe many practitio.....
» 11/02/2011 2:30:15 PM Ant, the ozone hole is growing again, & new research is suggesting that CFCs had nothing t.....
» 11/02/2011 1:14:14 PM Did I really just hear the Queensland treasurer state that the failed commonwealth, state .....
» 11/02/2011 12:55:31 PM The worst thing about Homeopathy only becomes obvious when your wife believes, & you don't.....
» 11/02/2011 11:51:46 AM I was lucky. I went to read Andrews credentials, before the article, as I often do. Then .....
» 11/02/2011 12:53:22 AM Wind speed at sea is one thing, but when you get land involved, it can be something else e.....
» 10/02/2011 11:44:17 PM Great article Elizabeth, you obviously have a much better idea of how the world actually w.....
» 10/02/2011 1:16:01 PM That is absolute rubbish colinstt. All the research shows a reduction in the number & str.....
» 10/02/2011 12:08:14 PM Another one! Julian, why now? Why did your boiling pot not cause all this rain in the la.....
» 10/02/2011 11:36:06 AM To much hate can make you blind, & stupid......
» 10/02/2011 12:53:23 AM Danny boy, stop crying for yourself, & get out & have a go. The government's job is to s.....
» 9/02/2011 5:37:53 PM Dan, you do go on. Suggesting that landlords are self serving profiteers is not getting y.....
» 9/02/2011 12:12:48 PM Much as I don't like big business, & try to avoid it, you go too far with the blame of ret.....
» 9/02/2011 11:30:09 AM Merv09, to go even more off the track, it's not the mining industry destroying our jobs, y.....
» 8/02/2011 7:55:56 PM How can anyone talk about pseudo rational anything, while actually referring to Hansen as .....
» 8/02/2011 12:38:52 PM a597, you wouldn't be a school teacher would you. You are the first person I know, who ha.....
» 8/02/2011 11:27:37 AM Quote, "There is not a single economist in Australia, with any credibility who denies.....
» 8/02/2011 11:09:34 AM Belly, we agree again. I have never found any reason to shop at a big name store. A whil.....
» 8/02/2011 10:21:48 AM You southern lefties make me sick. We had people on Magnetic island, collecting water to .....
» 8/02/2011 9:53:43 AM Bazz, it's not just in the US that bitumen roads are being returned to gravel. In 2002 I .....
» 8/02/2011 9:33:02 AM You beat me to it Pericles. When any accolades are being handed out for morality, I'd put.....
» 7/02/2011 10:33:22 PM In the early 60s an uncle of mine was complaining that he had paid 9,000 pounds tax, which.....
» 7/02/2011 9:05:07 PM Suze, you've got to be kidding! There are only 3 reasons for Brisbane's existence. With o.....
» 7/02/2011 12:12:09 PM I reckon a597 is right, there are too many trees in the way. Chop those damn things down,.....
» 6/02/2011 10:15:08 AM Come on Lexi. These people fly back to Oz regularly to maintain their access to our pensio.....
» 6/02/2011 10:07:46 AM We have coastal communities who, in days after the event, have still received no help at a.....
» 4/02/2011 4:45:08 PM What the hell is the government doing? Waiting for someone to donate money I suppose. We .....
» 4/02/2011 11:53:00 AM I hate being lied to. I become annoyed that someone thinks I am dumb enough to be taken in.....
» 4/02/2011 10:13:34 AM Jeremy, it is probably reasonable to assume that Mark is writing about Oz. After all it is.....
» 4/02/2011 9:09:13 AM If it were only politics journalists have no idea about it wouldn't be so bad. Most of the.....
» 2/02/2011 8:52:05 PM Mate, it's not necessary to help this lot find new ways to increase the tax rip off. What.....
» 2/02/2011 11:40:50 AM Yes Garum, most of this stuff does nothing more than provide “work” for a few academics, s.....
» 1/02/2011 8:56:11 PM Peter it would appear that it is you who are unable to read, or understand what you have r.....
» 1/02/2011 4:47:39 PM Peter A, are you suggesting that we should flood peoples farms & homes, just so Melbourne .....
» 31/01/2011 9:13:11 PM Grim, please detail those subsidies for us. The last time someone made these claims it wa.....
» 30/01/2011 1:33:34 PM When I was a young bloke, I remember getting a rise to 29 pounds [$48] a week. When the bo.....
» 29/01/2011 10:50:44 AM I heard some of that interview, replayed I think, on the ABC. No it couldn't be, it must h.....
» 28/01/2011 5:14:17 PM a597 some of us were smart enough to choose a home, in an area where it would not be subje.....
» 28/01/2011 4:50:42 PM Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe this levy has nothing to do with helping individua.....
» 27/01/2011 5:21:55 PM A very large number of our feed lots are "opportunity feed lots". A number of my.....
» 27/01/2011 11:58:36 AM Bonmot "nothing will sway you from your mantra". Pot, kettle black......
» 27/01/2011 10:02:47 AM Oh dear, a few facts. Even if we don't have meat animals to eat it, & yabby's dried out g.....
» 24/01/2011 10:06:45 AM Come on Kenny, the only thing climate scientists are expert at is writing grant applicatio.....
» 24/01/2011 9:49:45 AM Graham, I never realised you were so cruel. Almost made me feel sorry fro the lady. Almos.....
» 24/01/2011 9:36:45 AM [Deleted for abuse.].....
» 24/01/2011 9:13:42 AM Interesting Chris, the truth of the claims are not important, just any political affiliati.....
» 22/01/2011 2:58:16 PM Careful there Andrew, your politics are showing. Those leaders of yours are not "enc.....
» 20/01/2011 5:08:12 PM You're right Shintaro, Bob Brown is definitely not a happy anything, he is a total misery......
» 20/01/2011 4:09:03 PM There is a lot of sense in this article. My lady has always had an implacable dislike of .....
» 20/01/2011 3:45:31 PM I have some sympathy with that problem 570. A friend of mine used to tell me that to prom.....
» 20/01/2011 3:30:34 PM Belly it is time you woke up. It is just at such times that our politicians chose to start.....
» 20/01/2011 10:57:26 AM Well, very interesting. If this is correct, & it is now the second source of similar info.....
» 19/01/2011 9:48:35 AM We pay our taxes to government, & councils to a lesser extent, so they do the community th.....
» 18/01/2011 5:48:00 PM Why can I feel a new rip off creeping up on me? Could it be the simple floating of the i.....
» 18/01/2011 3:39:11 PM Don't let blue's misery drag you down Susan. Just be glad you got lucky, & do what you can.....
» 18/01/2011 10:30:47 AM Bugsy, Blue if we did not question orthodoxy, among other things, we would still be worshi.....
» 18/01/2011 10:08:36 AM Sorry Forrest, I can't agree with you there. Stopping the Wolfdene dam was one of the few .....
» 17/01/2011 4:57:09 PM At it again sarnian, you've got the latest dogma from the warmest right. You know the stuf.....
» 17/01/2011 11:58:31 AM Shintaro, you must be a bit of a kid, lucky you. If you were getting on a bit, like me, yo.....
» 17/01/2011 11:28:23 AM Banjo stole my thunder. I was going to say that in cattle showing, most of the successful .....
» 17/01/2011 11:05:54 AM Come on Bluey, give it a bit of a rest. You must have been one of the fully paid up membe.....
» 16/01/2011 6:48:17 PM Sarnian, do you think that the stuff I used to install a tourist facility, on the outer ba.....
» 16/01/2011 11:56:50 AM Can you imagine the catastrophe as hundreds of cement pontoon mounted floating houses pile.....
» 14/01/2011 11:23:11 PM Buy outs do happen. My folks built their first house on the flood plain in Bathurst, in t.....
» 14/01/2011 10:30:37 PM I'm not known for having much time for bureaucrats, but I do have some sympathy for those .....
» 14/01/2011 5:11:25 PM 579 have you heard of the Onan company? They build reasonably well sound proofed demand s.....
» 13/01/2011 5:20:51 PM No wounds to lick here 579, as I told you, I was not a great fan of Joh in the day. Howeve.....
» 13/01/2011 12:18:05 PM At it again I see 579. The socialist way of dictating to everyone that they do as you say.....
» 13/01/2011 10:53:33 AM It is interesting that the countries who have been subsidising solar power for the longest.....
» 12/01/2011 9:17:02 AM Pericles, would you please justify your desire to take the simple life, & our hills hoist .....
» 12/01/2011 8:46:16 AM Yes 579, it must be global warming. Lets face it, this flood is almost as big as those co.....
» 11/01/2011 8:59:45 PM Pericles, 16 years ago my kids often attended a show jumping club at a pony club grounds, .....
» 11/01/2011 12:30:05 PM Now is the time for everyone in much of Brisbane to bury old enmities & give thanks to old.....
» 10/01/2011 12:30:43 PM Pelican, I'm not sure you would see the truth if it came up & kicked you in the shins. To.....
» 9/01/2011 8:41:08 PM No wonder we are badly governed when governments have to respond to such bone headed think.....
» 8/01/2011 10:23:08 AM The only way to stop these people is to make it a non profit activity to be one of the lea.....
» 5/01/2011 10:47:35 AM Yes I agree, we should try to reduce the load on the planet. However my method would be a.....
» 5/01/2011 10:30:24 AM Very succinctly put Taswegian. If you are correct on peak oil, your analisis makes it so .....
» 4/01/2011 4:16:10 PM Great article Katy, truly thoughtful, & so well reasoned. Hell, I was getting worried that.....
» 4/01/2011 3:14:23 PM Peter, it's hard enough to get people to support P&C associations now, without fighting, I.....
» 4/01/2011 1:02:04 PM This is exactly the class of academic who should never, under any circumstances, ever, hav.....
» 4/01/2011 12:51:06 PM I agree on the class size thing Vanna, my classes in prep, & primary school in Townsville .....
» 3/01/2011 8:42:54 PM PaulL, nah, I don't like that idea. I lived pretty close to some in PNG who's life style w.....
» 3/01/2011 2:52:21 PM What a strange article. First it suggests we are all selfish, indulging ourselves in &quo.....
» 3/01/2011 1:29:32 PM Got to agree there bonmot, the first one is a thing of beauty, the second is just a thing......
» 3/01/2011 9:57:15 AM You lot do carry on. Look on the positive side. We now have the biggest land fill sights .....
» 2/01/2011 2:29:10 PM Great you're a volunteer Belly, however that doesn't make you or your fellows, the font of.....
» 1/01/2011 4:15:39 PM Chris, perhaps vanna is a north Queenslander. They were always called report cards, when .....
» 1/01/2011 2:28:32 AM Sometime in the 70s, I'm not sure just when, I was in Kavieng, New Ireland, one of the lar.....
» 31/12/2010 9:23:49 PM I can't believe that flood evacuees were told they had to leave their pets behind. To sta.....
» 30/12/2010 1:25:03 PM I have never been a fan of weekend work, except where it is absolutely necessary. You can'.....
» 30/12/2010 11:49:39 AM [Deleted. Attacks the author, but nothing else. Essentially a flame.].....
» 29/12/2010 1:27:54 PM PeterA please explain, in your own words, to show your understanding, where one word of my.....
» 28/12/2010 10:55:12 PM Yes thinker 2, neither you or I, or anyone else can know if the US would come to our aid i.....
» 28/12/2010 2:22:10 PM Heaven help our history. Churchill was a idiot megalomaniac, all heroism & no sense, who .....
» 27/12/2010 11:17:50 PM ChrisC, & w a u, I lived with one teacher for 12 years, she was a head when we split up. S.....
» 27/12/2010 10:52:45 PM I wonder what ever happened to all that Nordic free love I heard about when I was a boy. .....
» 27/12/2010 10:34:04 PM Now you're making me feel guilty. I have never been in a Myers store, never bought anythi.....
» 27/12/2010 10:38:46 AM We even had our kids school refuse to let the year 11 & 12 kids take their math test paper.....
» 26/12/2010 5:19:40 PM Agnostic, in case you don't understand, a green house is a simple structure designed to mi.....
» 26/12/2010 1:36:10 AM Ludwig, I can not see how any reasonable intelligent, educated person can't see through th.....
» 26/12/2010 1:15:16 AM Great stuff Peter, I'll get the lady at centrelink to put you down for a job pushing the h.....
» 26/12/2010 12:42:37 AM Bluey, just what does the Franklin have to do with some hair brained idea of removing truc.....
» 24/12/2010 3:41:34 PM PeterA, if you actually succeeded in taking the trucks off the road, how long do you think.....
» 24/12/2010 2:27:15 PM Ludwig, just why should everyone have to conform to your ideas. You are obviously in the m.....
» 24/12/2010 12:33:00 PM That's a great idea Rosey, why don't you do that. I am sick to death of you, & your mates.....
» 24/12/2010 10:21:40 AM Come on John, you can't make bald statements, & expect to be taken seriously. You can't h.....
» 24/12/2010 9:31:04 AM No Flo, tests prove who has understood the information on the subject. It is very hard to .....
» 23/12/2010 4:58:09 PM It would make much more sense to chop down every tree in Oz, once every 20 to 200 years, d.....
» 22/12/2010 2:10:20 PM Malcolm, has it ever occurred to you that the old truism about what goes around comes arou.....
» 22/12/2010 1:27:52 PM Oh come on squeers, you do go on a bit. "Democracy (the tyranny of the herd)". .....
» 22/12/2010 10:12:19 AM Of course we're a minion, what else could a country of 20 million, who won't spend a decen.....
» 21/12/2010 12:26:40 PM Jewely, I owned one of those in the mid 60s. Fortunately it never stopped on me near the .....
» 21/12/2010 9:25:47 AM Didn't put much effort into that did you Gavin. I am quite sure you just pirated the next.....
» 20/12/2010 2:08:22 PM Yes Lexi, I'm sure those foot prints on the ceiling of the car are there for an entirely d.....
» 20/12/2010 12:56:00 PM Poor little judgy wudgy sounds like he might be worried his little toesy woesy, [& those o.....
» 20/12/2010 12:17:58 PM You have to feel sorry for people like Belly. Still, you have to give full marks to those.....
» 18/12/2010 6:33:25 PM Can't half you lot read? I am angry at being cheated. I have been charged for estimated m.....
» 18/12/2010 3:59:53 PM It seams to me that the only people who would condone welfare cheats would be those with a.....
» 18/12/2010 1:28:38 PM I have a little old Oz built Ford Capri, a 2+2 soft top. A week or 2 after I bought it, be.....
» 18/12/2010 11:28:07 AM Yes Johnny, I have a kind heart for animals, after all, they don't have much control over .....
» 18/12/2010 10:13:54 AM Yes Bazz, I know exactly what you are talking about. Due to the life I have led, I know a.....
» 17/12/2010 4:49:54 PM Great stuff Peter, it is really good to see an academic trying to tell the truth, as he se.....
» 17/12/2010 4:17:16 PM Out of the mouths of babes comes; Naive baby talk. It is not only the kids with guns th.....
» 17/12/2010 4:08:17 PM I don't know if I have any spirituality. I most certainly don't believe in any god, christ.....
» 17/12/2010 3:12:12 PM I have never been much on sending Christmas cards. That is perhaps why I have lost contac.....
» 17/12/2010 10:46:30 AM Not quite so fast Talisman. To start with I was left in no doubt that "the electrici.....
» 17/12/2010 1:51:49 AM We lost both our old dogs this year, both to snakes. How do you tell a dog that it's bette.....
» 16/12/2010 5:19:51 PM The stupid three mines uranium policy has had one good effect. It meant that there was mor.....
» 16/12/2010 2:40:14 PM Heaven help us. Save us from the idiots. There is probably no alternative to food ferment.....
» 16/12/2010 1:03:36 PM Yes Bronwyn, years teaching should qualify one to manage, just the same as years filling p.....
» 16/12/2010 12:28:08 PM I got an electricity bill for $80 bill for this month. Yes, I know, hard to believe, but i.....
» 15/12/2010 10:33:27 AM Good on you Jayne, you did the right thing. Perhaps the fact that you stopped your family .....
» 15/12/2010 9:49:49 AM You reckon school management id bad! Well what would you expect. It is well known that if.....
» 15/12/2010 9:26:11 AM What rot nairbe! By the time of any crisis all the excessive profits generated by the cur.....
» 13/12/2010 3:34:40 PM Hay Andy, who told you all this stuff. The worst thing for coral is fresh water, so this .....
» 13/12/2010 3:07:48 PM One little thing there, Michale. You seem to be talking as if coal were not available, & a.....
» 13/12/2010 10:32:21 AM Come on James, you really do know the answer. The majority of public servants vote labor......
» 13/12/2010 10:13:32 AM The only difference in the toxic waste between wind & nuclear is the huge volume generated.....
» 13/12/2010 9:14:50 AM That's interesting Geoff, perhaps you could tell us where one of these smartly managed gri.....
» 11/12/2010 1:33:41 PM Who was it said crime levels are falling? Must have been a politician, as it sure isn't tr.....
» 11/12/2010 10:03:43 AM Yes Spindoc, you are wrong, but only a little. That $100bn a year is not going to go to p.....
» 10/12/2010 4:15:18 PM Peter, you only require 2 references to know it all about global warming. One is "Hi.....
» 6/12/2010 10:12:42 PM & if you believe that Talisman, you are just the one I'm looking for. Mate I've got these.....
» 6/12/2010 2:25:42 PM Ken, do the words "hide the decline" sound like "deliberate intent" to.....
» 6/12/2010 1:39:27 PM Hang on a minute, espionage may be a problem, but is nothing compared to his present trans.....
» 6/12/2010 10:53:56 AM Could it be Tim, that the delegates "incredible push for action" you see could b.....
» 6/12/2010 12:47:38 AM A bit of socker came up on a TV channel I had been watching. Within a couple of minutes, .....
» 6/12/2010 12:38:23 AM I don't know about the west, but climate change has certainly hit the east. It's freezing.....
» 6/12/2010 12:21:20 AM Thanks for that bonmot, just another false profit, echoing the rubbish from the UN. If yo.....
» 5/12/2010 2:07:26 PM Bonmot, what would you expect. You come on here, declaring you are the new profit, here t.....
» 4/12/2010 7:04:33 PM Your wasting your time Shadow Minister. You are never going to get the elites to admit tha.....
» 4/12/2010 6:36:48 PM Funny isn't it RPG, these warmest types claim they have some understanding of physics, & t.....
» 3/12/2010 2:03:46 PM Yes we have been very lucky. We could have destroyed the education of half a generation w.....
» 3/12/2010 1:46:51 PM 579, that was after the figures were doctored, [sorry corrected] wasn't it?.....
» 3/12/2010 1:10:22 PM That really is frightening Loudmouth. That must mean the Aboriginal Affairs Department w.....
» 3/12/2010 12:50:19 PM Squeers, didn't you promise you had something better to do, about 10 pages ago. Only an a.....
» 2/12/2010 3:20:23 PM Come on rexw, how could current elections be about the leaders, when Labor went with the l.....
» 2/12/2010 2:54:15 PM Hay Ozandy, remember the warmest chant in 2000 in the UK. It goes something like, "It.....
» 2/12/2010 1:35:21 PM You must be a teacher rumrum4, only a teacher could think that way. Many of the schools i.....
» 2/12/2010 11:25:54 AM Perhaps Peter hasn't noticed, or has consciously kept his mind averted from, the very cool.....
» 1/12/2010 11:51:00 AM Talisman, no thank you. The last thing we need, in our parliament is a home for the ratba.....
» 1/12/2010 11:01:26 AM Rexw, you are missing the fact that quite a large percentage of people, particularly Liber.....
» 1/12/2010 10:37:19 AM Poirot just how many times do the purveyor of the global warming/climate disruption, [what.....
» 29/11/2010 2:53:28 PM I hope it is very bad, when it comes, it's the least they deserve. One of my daughters co.....
» 26/11/2010 3:30:19 PM So much garbage! Lexi, your Dr Ginott is the bloke who's advice you should avoid at all .....
» 26/11/2010 11:31:20 AM [Deleted for abuse.].....
» 26/11/2010 10:31:24 AM Yes, Michale got it entirely wrong as LB said, I guess he's a drinker, not a smoker. Mate.....
» 26/11/2010 10:05:32 AM Yes Pat, but only if you are fast enough to keep up with them, during the race. Runner, y.....
» 25/11/2010 9:35:17 AM Careful there Ludwig, you're starting to look as naive as an ABC science presenter. What'.....
» 25/11/2010 8:57:28 AM Yes Jeddi master, & if you stretch the ears of your pet pig, every morning, for enough yea.....
» 24/11/2010 11:07:29 PM Go easy there Diver, you'll have me bleeding all over my key board......
» 24/11/2010 10:41:21 PM Flexible work hours can be OK if you have nothing to do with customers, but it doesn't wor.....
» 24/11/2010 11:44:45 AM The worst thing about this add is that somebody in one of our universities is wasting time.....
» 24/11/2010 10:43:21 AM You know, it's a bit hard for an age pensioner to "correct" their problem. Likew.....
» 22/11/2010 6:14:42 PM Yabby, I had an uncle who bitched about paying 9,000 pounds tax, when my gross was 1,250. .....
» 22/11/2010 11:00:39 AM Lexi, you're gilding the lilly a bit claiming our wages are double that of the US. Howeve.....
» 22/11/2010 10:37:41 AM Yabby, you're talking, to a great extent, about inflation, not wealth creation. The Sydne.....
» 21/11/2010 11:42:08 AM I have always felt that public housing, as it works in Oz is immoral. Those who know the r.....
» 19/11/2010 10:52:12 PM Tom, you're wasting your time trying to use reason with these people. As the old one goes.....
» 18/11/2010 12:17:23 PM Sorry blue, I don't smoke, or drink alcohol, although a bit of coffee does pass my lips. .....
» 18/11/2010 10:54:54 AM Well said Dennis, it's nice to know there are some brains coming through our parliament. W.....
» 18/11/2010 10:23:58 AM I couldn't believe it when the democrats painted themselves into the corner, with just loo.....
» 18/11/2010 12:17:28 AM You really would have to say that things are getting worse by the day. Here are a few thou.....
» 17/11/2010 7:49:50 PM Otokonoko, what many of these people speak as english may be fine for you with a multi-lin.....
» 17/11/2010 3:30:48 PM Stephen, you stopped your physics a bit too soon mate. Yes before you got to the bit that .....
» 17/11/2010 1:11:51 PM When you think back it is a little surprising what was the "great" moment. I wa.....
» 17/11/2010 12:01:00 PM There is one thing I find amusing in the smoking debate. I find that a very large percent.....
» 16/11/2010 9:50:54 AM Radical ratbag feminism is alive & well, & thriving in our universities. Seems to get a p.....
» 16/11/2010 9:44:15 AM So we've finally found a use for those damn windmills. We can dismantle them for the rar.....
» 15/11/2010 3:36:02 PM Of course peak oil is inevitable. The only question is just when. This year, this decade,.....
» 15/11/2010 10:54:29 AM Yes, some sense at last. However don't expect this to get to any of the urban greenies, s.....
» 15/11/2010 9:27:42 AM This stupidity is a very good reason for us to start electing our judges. We could do with.....
» 15/11/2010 9:23:28 AM What we need is a nice quick 5 minute processing system, undertaken at sea, where boats ar.....
» 14/11/2010 11:02:03 AM I don’t want more people in Oz, particularly these people who are here because of our welf.....
» 14/11/2010 10:02:13 AM Common Belly. You say you only briefly flirted with communism, and then say “we”, & I supp.....
» 12/11/2010 7:50:18 PM Well, we can certainly hope it’s no better for the con men, in white coats than was Copenh.....
» 12/11/2010 3:31:00 PM A couple of years later, having re-signed many seaman, [& a few stokers], at great expense.....
» 12/11/2010 3:24:17 PM Tomw, you are still missing the whole point. As an old navy fly boy, I saw this same probl.....
» 12/11/2010 12:17:52 AM Tariffs were a means to extract the wealth from the smaller states, & transfer it to NSW, .....
» 10/11/2010 2:19:50 PM Hi CJ, nice to see you back. Mate I have to take issue with you on that comment, but what .....
» 10/11/2010 1:09:20 PM Interesting isn’t it? Things don’t change. It is always those sucking hardest on the publ.....
» 9/11/2010 2:46:39 PM Tomw, you didn’t have to tell me you had been to Staff College, your post told me. It also.....
» 9/11/2010 1:01:19 PM Incredible isn’t it? Here we have a bloke who worked for, & with Rudd, in the worst govern.....
» 9/11/2010 11:44:02 AM After the last disaster up there, we sent one of our amphibious ships, packed with lots of.....
» 9/11/2010 11:21:50 AM Get off that high horse blue cross, before you fall off, & hurt yourself. You certainly do.....
» 8/11/2010 7:38:57 PM Rexw, I suppose that USA Empire probably is evil, just not as evil as any other empire bef.....
» 8/11/2010 4:20:33 PM Tomw, you sound as if you should be in a position to know that our chances of defending ou.....
» 6/11/2010 8:01:42 PM They really only have two choices in the UK, after years of Labor’s make believe public se.....
» 6/11/2010 7:48:10 PM Piriot, I think your teacher may have been an early activist, using reverse phycology on y.....
» 6/11/2010 12:40:24 PM I think the main problem with most lives today is that they are too simple, safe, & plain .....
» 6/11/2010 11:48:47 AM Sorry Ken, but the only thing Swan will be able to claim is the prize for the thickest blo.....
» 6/11/2010 10:39:58 AM Saving the whales might prove very important. Just because it appears silly, does not mean.....
» 5/11/2010 8:08:06 AM I haven’t seen the first one, but if it had been my son, he would have been looking sheepi.....
» 3/11/2010 2:56:13 PM Well Yabby they are sure about to change their lack of profit from the home loans, this is.....
» 3/11/2010 2:31:14 PM Sorry Alan, you got that all wrong mate. What must happen is that the higher education se.....
» 3/11/2010 9:33:59 AM Graham, fair go mate. You can’t expect everyone to respond with anything better than the.....
» 3/11/2010 9:20:25 AM Mirko, interesting but you really should have gone a little further in finding the reason .....
» 2/11/2010 3:27:48 PM The Rundle shale oil pilot plant near Gladstone was producing crude oil equivalent viably .....
» 2/11/2010 12:18:47 PM Don't greenies hate facts......
» 2/11/2010 11:09:22 AM Matthew, you make me revise my thoughts on the youth of today. The fact that one so young.....
» 2/11/2010 10:21:59 AM Reading this ladies thumbnail resume, I have to wonder just what she was doing at a confer.....
» 2/11/2010 9:34:03 AM Yes I agree, mandatory detention should stop, immediately. Mandatory repatriation to the .....
» 2/11/2010 9:17:32 AM Good to see you can afford a nice modern car Belly, enjoy that beach mate, but don't forge.....
» 2/11/2010 1:01:06 AM I always loved that line from Michener’s Hawaii, which goes, “The missionary’s came to Haw.....
» 2/11/2010 12:42:23 AM I think the thing will be nothing but a disaster. With more investment in the net, firms a.....
» 1/11/2010 11:53:55 PM It really does my heart good to realise that we have so few real problems in our world tod.....
» 1/11/2010 11:24:56 PM Obviously GDP, productivity, & wealth production are three very different things. While .....
» 1/11/2010 10:29:27 AM Vanna, I’ve mentioned this before but! In the early 80s I was hired to establish local pr.....
» 31/10/2010 8:53:14 PM I am horrified at the amount of money 2 of my kids owe. Then, when I think about it, it is.....
» 31/10/2010 12:07:02 PM The third world has had far too much capital, given or loaned to them, rather than not eno.....
» 31/10/2010 11:01:18 AM Yabby, replaced by who mate? Back in the Howard’s early days as PM, there were a few good.....
» 30/10/2010 6:30:14 PM Wrong question Chris. What I would like to know is, does Australia have a plan A. We re.....
» 30/10/2010 6:21:36 PM Yes Belly, & some have blinkers that stop them seeing anything but what their ideology let.....
» 30/10/2010 8:15:04 AM Poirot, I guess the problem was that the Libs just weren't as practiced with the long kniv.....
» 29/10/2010 7:03:31 PM Sorry Bluey, I missed the Turnbull answer somehow. I'm afraid I see Turnbull as another R.....
» 29/10/2010 6:38:51 PM Bluey, that must be your TV watch list mate, I don't even know what you are talking about .....
» 29/10/2010 3:40:32 PM I could have guessed it Bluey, anyone who can sit through much of the tripe that passes fo.....
» 29/10/2010 10:01:59 AM Careful there Blue Cross, your vindictiveness is showing. Yes Howard should have gone & d.....
» 28/10/2010 1:41:02 PM Of course Howard should have stepped down, he was passed his use by date, & should have kn.....
» 27/10/2010 5:15:43 PM Candide, you had better get sick of the P&C associations then. Recently, I was asked to s.....
» 26/10/2010 11:22:16 AM A big no thank you for any "hare"-brained voting system. In fact for me, a retur.....
» 25/10/2010 12:55:35 PM WE recently had an Aldi open in our nearby town. I do like their range of stuff, & a numb.....
» 24/10/2010 11:36:16 PM Possibly the worst thing happening in Oz at the moment are the proliferation of environmen.....
» 24/10/2010 11:05:44 PM Sorry Ludwig, been busy.. OK, to start with, to make sure that more than half the hype ha.....
» 22/10/2010 10:39:12 AM I have a growing feeling that discussion of the Murray Darling as a basin is totally wrong.....
» 22/10/2010 9:48:03 AM Graham, he may not be a Labor man, but he should be. His thinking is far too muddled, & he.....
» 21/10/2010 6:50:27 PM Now you qualify your purchase of all the new office equipment, with the fact that the old .....
» 21/10/2010 6:29:45 PM OK Tom, thanks for coming back. I strongly object to articles like yours, glorifying thin.....
» 21/10/2010 11:29:13 AM lbbit came close, but was not cynical enough. It comes down to our education system again.....
» 21/10/2010 10:55:19 AM And while we're at it, lets cut back university budgets. I'm sick of seeing my hard earned.....
» 20/10/2010 8:25:54 PM What a pile of garbage. It is simply an advertising promotion, for a company in the global.....
» 19/10/2010 12:00:41 PM Rudy says it all really. Foreign borne minorities must be supported, at all costs. Loca.....
» 19/10/2010 11:51:27 AM Picked it in one Nairbe. We had better get used to a lot more signs in future. Every tree.....
» 19/10/2010 12:06:27 AM Steven, just where would you invest/park your future fund?.....
» 18/10/2010 2:25:50 PM Come on King, fair crack of the whip mate. Everyone knows Telstra got rid of 60% of the g.....
» 18/10/2010 10:05:25 AM It is a waste of time talking to those who will not see. No body can "save" a r.....
» 17/10/2010 10:00:40 AM Belly, you seem to believe all the crap mouthed by this dictatorial greenie lot, so here's.....
» 15/10/2010 10:56:18 PM Pericles, I can't help it if those blokes were a bit slow, & could not see the wood for th.....
» 15/10/2010 3:22:00 PM Belly you are talking emotive bull. The people living at the end of your river have, for .....
» 15/10/2010 2:39:27 PM If you want to see the result of excess diversity, you have to look no further than the Ro.....
» 15/10/2010 12:36:04 PM Agnostic, you must be a greenie. It is usual for greenies to make bland statements like &.....
» 15/10/2010 11:20:05 AM It is a bit sick to see people using their position to try to justify their ideology.. Ho.....
» 14/10/2010 11:51:27 PM We used to pull quite a bit of the stuff out of some fairly useless sand hills on Fraser, .....
» 14/10/2010 10:37:11 PM Agnostic, the gas you want to burn, instead of coal, is a much more valuable resource for .....
» 14/10/2010 3:53:20 PM Perhaps if we told the kids the truth, that the tests were actually testing the teacher, &.....
» 13/10/2010 2:55:39 PM This bloke just wants us to pay his wages. We could perhaps set up a condom factory, & s.....
» 13/10/2010 2:37:50 PM The worst thing about articles like this is that the mere fact that they are published giv.....
» 10/10/2010 1:05:45 PM 579, have a look at British Leyland, & the rest of the UK car industry, & you will see an .....
» 9/10/2010 11:14:58 AM Wow! We've got the Commonwealth Games in India, & now this. Our cup runneth over. What di.....
» 8/10/2010 9:29:06 AM Just how many of these "rapes" occurred many hours after the fact, is perhaps th.....
» 7/10/2010 3:23:36 PM With the total lack of evidence that CO2 has any detrimental effect on anything, anyone wh.....
» 7/10/2010 3:08:49 PM TLTR, go back to an exam based assessment system, & the boys will fly to the top again. W.....
» 6/10/2010 1:26:32 AM Gee, you can pick them Jolly, can't you? To start with I have never experienced this desi.....
» 5/10/2010 11:47:58 AM One of these blokes is an old soldier. They're usually pretty genuine blokes, but a smart .....
» 4/10/2010 11:08:30 AM Doesn't this woman have anything else to do, preferable something worthwhile. If she is g.....
» 4/10/2010 1:09:02 AM Are you sick of rude incompetent companies? I am. My lady was flying into the Gold Coast,.....
» 3/10/2010 2:38:39 PM I believe all welfare should be a one stop shop, & the same for all. It is wrong for some .....
» 2/10/2010 1:28:31 PM Continued As an employer on the mid Gold Coast, I could offer 15% lower wages than Brisba.....
» 2/10/2010 1:19:56 PM Did any of you lot ever do math? Flo, the motorists pays 8 times as much in taxes as is sp.....
» 2/10/2010 12:16:35 PM Foxy, that post is beneath you. Of all people, you, as a trained researcher, either know,.....
» 1/10/2010 5:57:24 PM Of course public transport should be full cost recovery, with no exceptions. I can see no.....
» 30/09/2010 11:26:38 PM Ludwig, I think all the problems I mentioned are caused by over rapid growth. You will be .....
» 30/09/2010 7:49:43 PM Yes Transki, I did not like the old bu**er, I was glad to see him gone. However it was on.....
» 30/09/2010 1:05:27 PM Yes David, you may be right, but then they would be a 600% improvement, so not great, but .....
» 30/09/2010 11:21:36 AM Belly, would you please tell me if it's the cling wrap, or the tar that makes a nurse cont.....
» 30/09/2010 2:42:17 AM One of these officious public servants went after an acquaintance of mine some years back......
» 30/09/2010 2:03:10 AM OK Ludwig, as you asked. First of all, everyone knows the only thing we have too much/man.....
» 29/09/2010 6:24:45 PM Belly, I don't quite know how you off shore an ambulance officers job, & no they have not .....
» 29/09/2010 6:00:12 PM Jinny, I sure hope that if you are selfish enough to expect to go to bead, & actually slee.....
» 29/09/2010 5:33:39 PM I am so sick of the stunts pulled by this incompetent Queensland government, to try to tak.....
» 29/09/2010 12:12:30 PM In a job where the take home pay is often over $100,000, I believe it would be hard to fin.....
» 28/09/2010 11:49:35 PM The last thing Tony Abbott should do is aid & abet Gillard in the policy directions she is.....
» 27/09/2010 10:55:55 PM Any fair minded person would have to admit that they never heard O'Brien interrupt or talk.....
» 27/09/2010 10:10:15 AM Democracy is not everything for all, weather they want it or not. Its of, by & for the maj.....
» 25/09/2010 2:25:38 PM I usually only turn my TV on for a little of the motor sport, & the odd news, & weather re.....
» 25/09/2010 2:19:52 PM Come on Foxy. I just want to get rid of some annoying hasbeens. I did not ask for Julia t.....
» 24/09/2010 4:32:45 PM We had better hope that global warming kicks in quick time. Looks like we are going to ne.....
» 24/09/2010 2:45:00 PM Hurrah, Red Kerry to disappear from the ABC screens, or at least that is the story. Believ.....
» 24/09/2010 2:33:39 PM No Cheryl, Unis won't have to put up their fees, what they may have to do is join the work.....
» 24/09/2010 10:51:41 AM I have seen some organisations where the staff were lazy, incompetent, smug & self satisfi.....
» 23/09/2010 2:25:31 PM Pericles, it was worse than that. It was the unintended consequences of poorly thought out.....
» 23/09/2010 1:15:19 PM Hay Ziaby You shouldn't hold your breath waiting for Israel to collapse, there's more back.....
» 23/09/2010 12:51:29 PM Oh god. A bloke makes a joke, & immediately we have animal lib covering the page. Go eas.....
» 22/09/2010 11:24:38 PM Belly, I know you won't believe me when I say, I am not a Liberal supporter. I have no re.....
» 22/09/2010 3:31:01 PM Never mind Austin, the government may not be able to afford to give you a livable pension,.....
» 22/09/2010 2:59:44 PM Pericles, I sure hope you're wrong, I'm not sure I like a future, for our kids of very low.....
» 22/09/2010 1:57:06 PM When my wife started talking about new carpet for the lounge & family room, I pointed out .....
» 22/09/2010 1:55:27 AM Sonofgloin, you should remember that those tariffs only supported the blue collar workers .....
» 22/09/2010 1:08:33 AM Continued I wish you would get someone like Beasley, or Hayden to lead you again. These w.....
» 22/09/2010 1:07:18 AM Belly I'll take you at your word, & give you my true feelings. To start with, get off the.....
» 21/09/2010 12:45:30 PM I wonder if most people wouldn't be better off, if we got rid of all the organisations, ri.....
» 21/09/2010 12:05:42 AM Belly, with your history of lack of success in the fortune telling business, you really au.....
» 19/09/2010 5:12:43 PM Transki, it will be a very long day before that little lady is a victim. I have no opinion.....
» 19/09/2010 4:29:32 PM Interesting Foxy, I was brought up in a house so strongly Labor that Menzies was very clos.....
» 19/09/2010 1:55:36 PM I'm surprised at you Foxy. You know that GST claim is a misuse of the truth. Howard went .....
» 19/09/2010 1:06:44 PM I have seen a number of young ladies, who were just being warm & friendly, to everyone in .....
» 19/09/2010 1:00:05 AM Foxy, no one twisted the ladies arm & forced her to stand for PM. She did it for her own d.....
» 18/09/2010 3:18:38 PM One would expect that the policies her ladyship, little Julie took to the election would b.....
» 18/09/2010 1:00:03 AM Come on you lot, stop trying to hide the ugly truth. You all know it's the only way most .....
» 17/09/2010 3:50:02 PM Cornflower, you do talk so much of it sometimes. To start with, farmers, [even sugar farm.....
» 17/09/2010 2:48:46 PM Diver dan, you are right about the inequitable distribution in Oz, you just have it all wr.....
» 15/09/2010 9:39:43 PM My dear Foxy, you worry me. People like you worry me. Most people of good heart, kind wel.....
» 15/09/2010 2:04:29 PM I skimmed some of this blokes rubbish, but skipped most of it. I am so sick of this stuff.....
» 14/09/2010 3:11:05 PM Rhian, what you get is a blithering idiot, who thinks they have some divine right to tell .....
» 14/09/2010 2:47:12 PM Are you lot all lawyers? The only people who will get anything out of constitutional chang.....
» 14/09/2010 2:36:39 PM Petej, a perfect example of Labor spin, & misinformation. I now start to under stand! You.....
» 11/09/2010 8:52:54 PM I don't know why you whipper snipers don't grow up, & have fun, like us old farts. I was .....
» 11/09/2010 6:49:04 PM Foxy, if he's interested in another lady, tell him to get involved in the horse world. 90%.....
» 9/09/2010 8:57:55 AM He would have been well advised to have kept it brief, & sharp. Something to the point, & .....
» 7/09/2010 7:43:56 PM You really believe that don't you David G? I find that incredible. Labor are closer to b.....
» 7/09/2010 12:04:01 AM An interesting thread. I have not been banned, just deleted a couple of times, & advised .....
» 6/09/2010 11:20:27 PM Hay Suzs, I'd like to see that......
» 6/09/2010 5:00:31 PM CJ, if the Libs can't win without Turnbull, I pray to Runners god, that they never win aga.....
» 6/09/2010 1:37:09 PM How come I've missed all the excitement? What did old stuffed shirt do to get himself ban.....
» 6/09/2010 11:40:15 AM Yes, it's like fly fishing, throw the bait on the water, & the loonies, rather than fish, .....
» 6/09/2010 11:16:57 AM Isn't it interesting that it's the lefties who want Turnbull. Why did he join the wrong pa.....
» 5/09/2010 12:59:27 PM How often have you stuffed up because you don't know what you are doing? I have mentioned.....
» 3/09/2010 11:44:18 PM Gee Foxy, how long does it take you to go to the shop to do your shopping?.....
» 3/09/2010 10:40:34 AM I wonder when this bloke became a conscientious objector? Would it have been before he jo.....
» 2/09/2010 5:08:47 PM Stop press. She's done it again! She would sell her sole for just one vote. If ever you.....
» 2/09/2010 11:14:35 AM I think it's a bit naive to expect that these blokes would jump into bed with either of th.....
» 2/09/2010 9:44:46 AM They had it all wrong, with the claim that a vote for the Greens was a vote for Labor. Wh.....
» 1/09/2010 12:44:03 PM Well it didn't take long for the real/real/real little Julie to show up. Gone are all the.....
» 1/09/2010 11:17:45 AM Here we can see why the labor party is in it's death throws. The Australian "workers.....
» 1/09/2010 10:45:24 AM Come on CJ, you're smarter than that. You can see just as well as I can, what a pile of r.....
» 31/08/2010 10:13:51 AM CJ, you are kidding,aren't you? You must be just looking for a bite, surely. Well, nip......
» 31/08/2010 9:54:10 AM Wow! I'm so glad I spent most of the 70s out in the Pacific Islands, where I could continu.....
» 31/08/2010 9:26:31 AM Foxy, I wish to assure you my intelligence is not artificial, even if some here may not ag.....
» 30/08/2010 4:47:20 PM Should we tolerate, tolerance. Isn't it funny that those who are always preaching toleran.....
» 30/08/2010 11:20:43 AM Has anyone noticed that our ABC continues to send lady correspondence to places where they.....
» 29/08/2010 9:55:24 PM Belly, you're showing nothing but good sense being worried about the greens. By the time .....
» 29/08/2010 9:20:33 PM Keith, you obviously don't like the bush. Why? Now that we manufacturer almost nothing ou.....
» 29/08/2010 9:02:51 PM CJ. it was a Monash study I read a while back. I must admit I was quite surprised that a p.....
» 29/08/2010 5:50:57 PM Pat S stop worrying about global warming, it, like the Y2K bug, is a non event. Unfortuna.....
» 28/08/2010 1:46:23 PM Pericles, it's fine for those who are well off to be generous with their money, it is not,.....
» 27/08/2010 8:49:11 PM Dream On, you really are a dreamer, aren't you? Good on you, enjoy, but we must hope other.....
» 27/08/2010 8:26:23 AM Nairbe, just to help with your amazement a little, I don't see a vote for the greens as ju.....
» 26/08/2010 4:19:26 PM Yes Geoff, you got me again. You know Graham doesn't like us treating these articles wit.....
» 26/08/2010 1:16:52 AM Pericles, if you can still balance twin carbs, move to the USA immediately. I am advised .....
» 25/08/2010 12:47:24 PM George is obviously not happy with a reduced roll for the academic left of the Labor party.....
» 25/08/2010 10:30:19 AM Well, Naill has done a great job of sitting on the fence, telling us all about what's wron.....
» 24/08/2010 11:28:05 PM Geoff, you had best jump on the phone, & send an ambulance around to Belly's quick like. H.....
» 24/08/2010 7:12:08 PM I'm with you there Belly. If some of these people spent a bit more time thinking about w.....
» 24/08/2010 4:06:53 PM Wouldn't it be great if all this gibberish meant something, unfortunately it means nothing.....
» 24/08/2010 3:43:09 PM Proffitts of doom, I'm sick of them. I first heard oil would all be gone by the early 80s.....
» 24/08/2010 2:05:40 PM The greens will be hoping like mad that labor get enough votes to get in with out the inde.....
» 24/08/2010 1:41:27 PM Geoff, you really should not permit articles such as this to be published on this forum [.....
» 23/08/2010 9:52:40 AM Thanks for the support RObert, but I don't need much to deal with dumo. About time Queens.....
» 22/08/2010 10:32:18 PM Hay big dumo, we'd be only too pleased to secede, & I expect WA would be happy to join us......
» 22/08/2010 3:10:33 PM It would be funny, if it weren't so hypocritical. Examinator, you have been touting the g.....
» 22/08/2010 12:31:28 PM CJ, the last people you should listen to are economists. Tell me just one thing they have .....
» 21/08/2010 11:14:24 PM We escaped Paul Keating's banana republic, although he did try hard to make us one. Some .....
» 20/08/2010 7:27:21 PM Hay thinker, I don't know who you pay your bill to, but I'm in Qld, where the taxpayer sti.....
» 20/08/2010 6:58:49 PM Thanks Irmin. That's one for Abbott. Sarah has no chance of smuggling budgies. With those.....
» 20/08/2010 4:37:02 PM What absolute twaddle. She is much prettier, & even with that twang, she is better spoken.....
» 20/08/2010 4:25:45 PM Ozandy, I'd never be so damn silly as to own a rental house. Perhaps a rental commercial p.....
» 20/08/2010 2:01:38 PM What a pile of lefty rubbish. Capital gains is there to entice private owners into the re.....
» 20/08/2010 1:14:15 PM Yes Amicus, it's all so easy, at least for those who can't add up. Foyle, that is quite r.....
» 19/08/2010 5:23:07 PM I can't understand anyone who is interested in the future of our country voting green in t.....
» 17/08/2010 4:17:12 PM Phil, so can bull sh1t......
» 17/08/2010 4:11:44 PM If Julia gets back in, & gets labors carbon trading scheme, & alternate power schemes in, .....
» 17/08/2010 3:59:20 PM I certainly believe that anyone who would want to see Rudd back should vote informal. Th.....
» 17/08/2010 8:57:24 AM Too true Individual. The banks are getting as stupidly bureaucratic as government. A mate.....
» 16/08/2010 8:47:59 PM csteel, that idea worries me no less than what is going on in the UK. How about some reff.....
» 16/08/2010 8:40:45 PM Pericles, unfortunately a bug ate my computer, just recently, so I no longer have the dire.....
» 16/08/2010 3:59:14 PM Belly your predictions do get up peoples nose. Why do you do it? If that's your wish just .....
» 16/08/2010 3:34:39 PM So now we have a Britain where an Anglo Saxon's application for a job at a council is refu.....
» 16/08/2010 3:16:46 PM Ya got me snake. Bl00dy good deal, with the rest of it the way it was. A few of those. H.....
» 16/08/2010 1:39:50 PM Come on Bondi, all the costs you mention are all ready required & spread over the public s.....
» 16/08/2010 12:45:18 PM The only time I have had anything to do with private schools is when I, or one of my kids .....
» 16/08/2010 11:50:58 AM As any reasonable person now knows, global warming is a myth. That being the case, why ar.....
» 14/08/2010 2:49:57 PM Our labor government is quite happy to pay thousands of less than useful desk driving admi.....
» 14/08/2010 1:36:17 PM Come on Amfortas, Julia & sex Appeal in the same post. That's going a bit too far mate......
» 13/08/2010 11:32:46 PM So true Individual. Little Julie has about as much in common with the majority of Ozzies, .....
» 13/08/2010 1:47:57 PM I can remember, on the Thursday before Anzac day, 1956, as the senior cadet under officer .....
» 13/08/2010 1:07:37 PM Ludwig, if you, & the others talking about peak oil are correct, we don't have to worry ab.....
» 13/08/2010 12:29:46 PM It is not only interesting, but telling that the chattering classes criticism of China's o.....
» 12/08/2010 10:32:59 PM How interesting active mind. I hope you chose your institution well. A couple of years .....
» 12/08/2010 2:21:17 PM Come on Ludwig mate. I'm sort of in agreement with you, but you do go on. You sound like .....
» 12/08/2010 2:00:46 PM Eric, your photo makes you look like the sort of bloke I would not want to meet on a dark .....
» 12/08/2010 1:28:54 PM Stern, the house sounds lovely. WOW! I spent many years living in the 20Ft by 7Ft 11 inch.....
» 12/08/2010 11:22:07 AM What are we to do? Once upon a time, we had the Domocrat's fairy commune down at the bott.....
» 12/08/2010 11:07:28 AM Spain was not nearly as stupid as this "Zero Carbon" rubbish, but has driven it .....
» 11/08/2010 6:14:42 PM Belly, when will you get it? I am not a liberal voter. My upbringing was probably similar .....
» 11/08/2010 3:59:48 PM Pull the right one Phillip, that yodels. Yes resistance can happen, but it had not when th.....
» 11/08/2010 3:27:05 PM Well, what do you know, there might be some reason to vote for little Julie after all. O.....
» 11/08/2010 11:27:04 AM Interestingly Gavin did not bother to tell us why we would want a carbon tax. Probably has.....
» 11/08/2010 11:08:16 AM The sooner, & the greater the downsizing of our university sector, the better. The ridicu.....
» 11/08/2010 10:41:39 AM Gilbert, spoken like a true "public servant" I suppose all bureaucrats must bel.....
» 11/08/2010 10:27:04 AM Belly, the fact that you set up a booth to try to elect Latham, as our PM is what is wrong.....
» 10/08/2010 9:03:34 PM Ross, the whole problem with your last post is the idea of social objectives. Just who d.....
» 10/08/2010 5:09:35 PM Well said Houelle, I was going to ask Lill something similar. I got married as a romantic.....
» 10/08/2010 3:40:29 PM Why do people talk so much bull dust. There are a few simple things to make all areas muc.....
» 10/08/2010 2:27:25 PM Grputland, if that were the case mate, Sydney would be a ghost town. It would be such a ho.....
» 10/08/2010 2:00:12 PM I often listen to the late night radio on the ABC, but not much more. This is a far cry to.....
» 10/08/2010 1:18:15 PM Come on love, you can't have it both ways. That air pollution driving your respiratory pr.....
» 10/08/2010 12:54:46 PM Don't be in a quandary Mikk. Bad public planning has ruined thousands of privately well pl.....
» 10/08/2010 9:53:56 AM Foxy, in a word, NO!.....
» 9/08/2010 6:16:59 PM Do you really think labors ability to pick leaders has improved? It appears they have go.....
» 9/08/2010 9:21:01 AM Hay King, once upon a time, this country used to trust me with a jet fighter, [not much of.....
» 8/08/2010 5:20:05 PM Nairbe, you may want to believe little Julie wont be just as bad, but you know you can't. .....
» 8/08/2010 9:46:42 AM Ludwig, we'd want to change the criteria we use to select our Governor General, if we want.....
» 8/08/2010 12:44:52 AM You are right Yabby, the drop out rate is very high, as for the first time the kids must g.....
» 6/08/2010 2:38:22 PM Ecy, you don't have to be too smart to understand the principal, just a little smarter tha.....
» 6/08/2010 1:23:58 PM Sonofgloin, you have made a major blunder in your above post. You infer that you would be .....
» 6/08/2010 1:04:05 PM So here we have the feminist Eileen, boasting her record. Perhaps it would be better to ke.....
» 6/08/2010 1:25:21 AM Little Julie would be better advised to get Rudd back under the blanket he's been hiding u.....
» 5/08/2010 6:52:01 PM When ever you see "Neo" something, you know it's going to be a rant by the poste.....
» 5/08/2010 2:53:23 PM Jos, I am one of the population stabilizers who begrudge the 13760 refugees coming here. .....
» 5/08/2010 11:17:17 AM I think you have your answer all ready Graham. Trying to get a panel which would not be a.....
» 5/08/2010 10:58:20 AM TrashcanMan, your post is typical of dumb young lefties, with little reasoning power. If,.....
» 4/08/2010 10:52:41 PM Yuyutsu, I'm with you. I have never owned a mobile phone, or a sat nav, & have no intentio.....
» 4/08/2010 10:07:18 PM Foxy, I suppose I'm lucky. I have made my choice, & have switched off. It really is a reli.....
» 4/08/2010 5:15:19 PM Exy, I'm not surprised that you would agree with Swan, someone has to believe all their ru.....
» 4/08/2010 9:15:42 AM This morning, on our ABC I actually heard our esteemed treasure Swan actually suggest that.....
» 2/08/2010 8:33:27 PM Well Leigh, it would appear that what to you & I is simple truth, is to some others, abuse.....
» 2/08/2010 5:29:56 PM What the islanders need to do is try working for a living. Surely we have enough people on.....
» 2/08/2010 12:49:59 PM Interesting isn't it. Both Jennifer in her article, & rexw in his post show that they kno.....
» 2/08/2010 12:17:52 PM [Deleted for abuse]......
» 2/08/2010 11:18:26 AM Belly, Severin, it's time to start really worrying. Little Julie is in big trouble, becau.....
» 31/07/2010 10:51:04 PM Paul, it would appear that a few more people are starting to see through the haze, seeing .....
» 30/07/2010 9:49:33 PM How do we get people off this public transport myth? Every public transport system, in th.....
» 30/07/2010 2:23:10 PM We have a pilot production plant sitting, in mothballs, [or perhaps rusting away], on the .....
» 30/07/2010 1:19:42 PM The last thing Oz, or any of us needless is a PM with "vision". I hope Runners .....
» 29/07/2010 11:16:42 AM Ludwig, how can you say that? So far Gillard has dodged every serious issue, with continu.....
» 29/07/2010 9:38:59 AM What rot. This was an attempt to stop some loss of votes from those who know that a carbo.....
» 26/07/2010 10:35:55 AM Here we have little Sophie, & nice, & sincere young lady, I'm sure. She's studding one of .....
» 26/07/2010 9:25:25 AM The problem is that Tony is just too nice. He obviously took one look at Julia & could se.....
» 25/07/2010 12:15:31 PM Sir Vivor, just like solar, & wind, co-generation is another joke. Alternate fuel works, [.....
» 24/07/2010 4:12:09 PM Loudmouth, I have never been able to understand this fixation with the eastern states havi.....
» 19/07/2010 12:10:50 PM When will we ever get through to dills like this one that Oz governments are elected to do.....
» 18/07/2010 3:07:58 PM Well said Forrest. I was lining up with the others in thinking he was too young. I don't k.....
» 18/07/2010 2:38:36 PM RObert, that sounds nice, but watch out for those frogs. A few years ago, a blood curdlin.....
» 17/07/2010 5:45:37 PM Isn't it a pity that the Oz reputation is not bad enough to STOP the damn boats coming? .....
» 17/07/2010 10:02:25 AM Ginx, that's decadent, almost. I like to spread it in fresh bread, & let it soak in for a.....
» 16/07/2010 4:37:47 PM David, it's your lefty mates that put everyone in the position of having no time to evalua.....
» 16/07/2010 12:42:58 PM It seems to me our Mr Cullen has had ample opportunity to put his ideas into practice. The.....
» 16/07/2010 11:04:53 AM Nah, just got a new computer......
» 16/07/2010 10:56:32 AM Why on earth would I want a leader? When you look at the record of most of our government.....
» 16/07/2010 12:00:20 AM You've told me about the things you love, but what about the things you love to do, in you.....
» 15/07/2010 1:46:33 PM Agreed, StG, at least on the expressway, where everyone else is on them too, but out here .....
» 15/07/2010 1:24:55 PM Examinator, so now the truth starts to come out. You've lost your goody goody image now. .....
» 15/07/2010 1:11:33 PM No blue, it's not one with a tractor engine. I bought a Morgan +4 new in 1962, which had.....
» 15/07/2010 12:10:12 PM Pitot, it should be fun, as long as you don't mind what you find. About 50 years ago an a.....
» 15/07/2010 11:52:29 AM I think that this idea was because the testing authority recognised that it is a damn site.....
» 14/07/2010 7:00:48 PM Foxy, I'm jealous of your night out. For some reason I've has The Swinging Safari, which .....
» 14/07/2010 6:47:49 PM Severin & Snake I know what you mean about the critters. I planted apples, grapes a coupl.....
» 14/07/2010 1:07:45 PM Blue cross that was the point. I did mean "things", as distinct from people, pla.....
» 14/07/2010 10:23:37 AM I think I've finally figured out why academia, & public servants, [both the same really] a.....
» 14/07/2010 9:26:27 AM Yes CJ, there sure are, me for one, but you knew that of course, & at least 90% of our bar.....
» 14/07/2010 12:40:03 AM I did love the yacht I lived on, & sailed over much of the Pacific for 19 years. I love .....
» 13/07/2010 11:19:11 PM OLO is the only discussion site I contribute to, although I do spend some time reading on .....
» 13/07/2010 10:37:41 PM Hay Foxy, you're singing my songs, with those bands. A string of pearls [& a few others] s.....
» 13/07/2010 7:23:15 PM Examinator. you have posted some garbage here, in the past but this one is a beaut. The on.....
» 13/07/2010 12:31:40 PM The only large employer in Oz today is the public service, including all three levels,ther.....
» 13/07/2010 11:09:51 AM Of course we should realise the good doctor has a UN axe to grind. This should make all Oz.....
» 12/07/2010 4:05:30 PM Severin have you heard of Rocky Point. That's where we Queensland taxpayers built, at grea.....
» 12/07/2010 3:50:19 PM David G, if ever you get some descent reason why we should take in the sharpies who arrive.....
» 12/07/2010 2:07:36 PM Well Severin, isn't it lucky that isn't what we've got. Of course it would be if we had to.....
» 12/07/2010 10:51:32 AM Yes Foxy much better over the hill, than under it, I like that. The only problem is that .....
» 12/07/2010 10:40:00 AM My problem with boat people is with Que jumping, but not in the sense that Graham mentions.....
» 11/07/2010 11:18:55 PM The majority of the waste is in the slack public service. If you ever get to see their eff.....
» 11/07/2010 10:55:37 PM Good luck with that system Belly. I have lived with a system that had solar, wind, & diese.....
» 9/07/2010 10:49:19 PM Well thank god for small mercies. I used to look over to NZ, see Helen Clarke, & feel sor.....
» 9/07/2010 10:28:52 PM Has it ever occurred to any one to wonder if this particular shrew is worth the effort. E.....
» 9/07/2010 6:58:50 PM I have sailed long distances, single handed, I have raced around Bathurst, I have flown je.....
» 9/07/2010 5:38:11 PM Well Ozandy, there is nuclear, which can supply all our domestic, & most of our industrial.....
» 9/07/2010 11:28:46 AM I wonder what it would take to show fools like this woman what they are suggesting. Perh.....
» 9/07/2010 11:13:43 AM On Wednesday my son had his skull cracked in 3 places, in hospital. This was to repair d.....
» 9/07/2010 9:57:24 AM And labor claim that the libs have no talent to chose from. If this is what labor believe.....
» 5/07/2010 8:52:21 PM Peter, I agree we do not want to limit those who want to go adventuring, but I also see no.....
» 5/07/2010 8:09:17 PM David, would you be in publicly funded employment, by any chance? It is my experience tha.....
» 5/07/2010 5:55:33 PM I don't want gate crashers at my party, or in my country. Any one without a visa should be.....
» 4/07/2010 8:00:38 AM I can't believe you lot. Having given us Whitlam & Latham, a couple of incredibly incompe.....
» 2/07/2010 8:31:02 PM I was a bit busy today, so only heard a bit of news. However, I think I caught that the su.....
» 1/07/2010 4:37:48 PM My degree got me my first big job, but very little of it was of much use, in that job. I .....
» 1/07/2010 4:13:56 PM Blue cross, if you reckon Julie is bad, what do you think of Swan? It's taken him two yea.....
» 1/07/2010 10:15:27 AM Renew, with the Denmark wind power industry, you could not have picked a better example of.....
» 1/07/2010 12:59:46 AM CJ, & Bugsy, I can see it all now. If you pair had been around 120 years ago you would hav.....
» 30/06/2010 8:05:05 PM CJ, the current crop of renewables are not going to get usable by inputs developed by tax .....
» 30/06/2010 5:21:10 PM I have just been listening to some commentator suggesting that the Patel case will go to t.....
» 30/06/2010 4:58:06 PM No cornflower, it doesn’t matter, at least not much. Labor are going to drive our living .....
» 30/06/2010 12:48:02 PM I don't think you got that quite right Jolyon. Gillard is no Maggie Thatcher. However, by.....
» 29/06/2010 8:37:28 AM Cornflower, I will be delighted if you are right, however adding a word to the name of a p.....
» 28/06/2010 1:21:41 PM Rexw, I don't know which planet you live on, but from that post, it can only be in an ivor.....
» 28/06/2010 12:38:16 PM I am sick of people who ran away from their own country, came to Oz for thier own advantag.....
» 28/06/2010 11:04:32 AM Wow, we really are in trouble aren't we? We elected Rudd, because he wasn't Howard. Now .....
» 28/06/2010 10:15:39 AM The last thing I want in a PM is a "leader". I know who I am, what I want, & wh.....
» 26/06/2010 1:48:25 PM Qanda, did you attend physics lectures? Were any of them after you left junior high? If.....
» 25/06/2010 7:07:55 PM Just in passing Phil, I have some idea of costs, & effort. I am secretary of our Horse & p.....
» 25/06/2010 6:30:36 PM That's all right Squeers, I'm not all that taken with it myself, when one of the neighbour.....
» 25/06/2010 4:01:54 PM Now you have me worried. We had better start building lots of small patrol boats, with bi.....
» 25/06/2010 4:00:05 PM Foxy, as I've said before, you are too nice. You liked Rudd, your choice, but many think h.....
» 25/06/2010 1:43:07 PM Squeers, I agree completely. I am sick of seeing money wasted on stadiums, institutes, & .....
» 25/06/2010 12:30:42 PM Well, if ever anyone needed proof that you can fool some of the people, all of the time, t.....
» 25/06/2010 10:38:44 AM I wonder if Julia is a magacian? Last night I'm pretty sure I heard her promis to return t.....
» 25/06/2010 10:19:08 AM I was just think that at least we are now safe, & that we won't be seeing our Ruddy in a l.....
» 25/06/2010 7:56:06 AM Belly, I can now see why you live the global warming crowd so much.. They are the only pe.....
» 24/06/2010 4:15:08 PM Belly, you triggered a thought that disproves all this racial prejudice rubbish, by the ma.....
» 24/06/2010 3:43:59 PM I reckon you've got that right CJ, but the style may not be so hard to take. Custard, you.....
» 24/06/2010 3:20:53 PM Once upon a time, those who had income to spare, & leisure time to spend supported the art.....
» 24/06/2010 2:56:53 PM Belly is off trying to buy a new crystal ball. He discovered his dosen't receive digital......
» 24/06/2010 12:16:29 PM Just listened to Julia's acceptance speach. I must say, it filled me with as much confide.....
» 24/06/2010 11:49:33 AM Well, not now he wont, & good riddance to the dill. Yes minister is alive, & well, & playi.....
» 23/06/2010 10:13:30 PM Belly, it looks like a few of those up the top of your totem are not as sure as you, that .....
» 23/06/2010 9:37:17 AM I suppose it is possible that Ozies could be stupid enough to re-elect this idiot Rudd aga.....
» 22/06/2010 7:18:18 PM At our saturday night bar-b-que one of the blokes wondered, out loud, [very brave of hin],.....
» 22/06/2010 10:18:09 AM Hay Tony, you are only there because you resisted the Emissions trading scam. Now is not .....
» 22/06/2010 12:52:51 AM Pelican, I have never seen it happen in the way you mention, although I've heard of it, & .....
» 21/06/2010 11:46:11 PM You know, my lady scoffed at me & told me I was becomming paranoid just the other day, whe.....
» 21/06/2010 11:33:15 PM Sorry about that Cherful, I have always have been hopeless about medical stuff. I always .....
» 21/06/2010 10:39:40 PM Pelican, if you have not seen what Billy is talking about, you've had your eyes closed, or.....
» 21/06/2010 2:19:08 PM When I lived in the burbs, I walked a damn sight further to & from the railway station, bo.....
» 21/06/2010 1:43:47 PM Why would anyone, not a doom sayer, ever read any article that starts with a completely un.....
» 21/06/2010 12:43:07 PM The trouble with most things, like weather forcasting is that the meteorologists learnt th.....
» 19/06/2010 11:38:57 PM Good one Cherful, but you missed one thing, the definition of pregnancy. That is "so.....
» 19/06/2010 4:06:41 PM I have never been able to understand bike riders. They are a marvellous bit of machinery, .....
» 19/06/2010 1:46:58 AM Thanks Cornflower. Mum lived in a granny flat, next to my home, for 22 years, after dad di.....
» 19/06/2010 1:25:07 AM Hi CJ, I have a soft spot for the Triumph saloons. You might like this tale from back then.....
» 18/06/2010 11:04:43 PM Thanks for the thought CJ. I've been struggling with an upgrade to the old Triumph TR8 I .....
» 18/06/2010 7:21:46 PM Yes RObert, I got to page 3, but had to stop there, before so much BS made me throw up. I.....
» 18/06/2010 6:28:47 PM Severin, you've got to be kidding. Bring us your handbag, & I'll dance around the CBD of .....
» 18/06/2010 3:13:43 PM Sorry Kris, it doesn't weork that way. Just ask the farmers who have coal seem gas mining.....
» 18/06/2010 9:33:13 AM Hay Karin, was that before or after the unexplained, or justified "corrections",.....
» 17/06/2010 11:30:28 PM Come on Cherful, what a crock. We all know how it goes, & it aint like that. We all know .....
» 17/06/2010 11:02:53 PM I wonder how long it's going to take for our feminists to wake up to the muslim challenge......
» 16/06/2010 7:30:28 PM Yes Grant, I'm sure you're right. This bunch of twits have made a habit of assuming thing.....
» 15/06/2010 5:52:38 PM Yep, that's right, scientists should not be muzzled. However, more than a few of them sho.....
» 15/06/2010 9:26:51 AM Has anyone ever heard anyone from that the ANU say something anti the labor party, Ruddy, .....
» 15/06/2010 9:10:44 AM Way back in the mid 70s, I watched the service manager of an auto company in Rabaul PNG ra.....
» 12/06/2010 8:55:21 AM Oh dear, yet another thing we have to disagree about CJ. It's bad enough that I can only .....
» 11/06/2010 12:35:54 PM Sonofgloin, although I can agree completely with your voting principles, & apply a similar.....
» 11/06/2010 11:56:33 AM Gorufus, I am quiet baffled that anyone, even a hard left supporter, could ever think that.....
» 9/06/2010 3:32:24 PM Hay Pelican, pot & kettle again. Why did you only read the first 5 words of my post, then.....
» 9/06/2010 1:30:58 PM Custard, I am definately a hoon, probably a racist, & have no problem with boat people, as.....
» 9/06/2010 12:57:18 PM Al, I don't scream about the GST, I just don't like the bastardised version of it that we .....
» 9/06/2010 10:33:41 AM Has anyone else ever noticed that it is almost always those sitting on the top of the pyra.....
» 9/06/2010 10:09:12 AM Did any of you Rudd lovers notice how much the mining royalties put directly into the Quee.....
» 9/06/2010 9:40:18 AM All this stuff about independents, & minor parties will, I hope, die when the acid test, t.....
» 7/06/2010 5:36:32 PM I wonder if it could be because we have ethnic gangs roaming the streets, in some areas, b.....
» 7/06/2010 10:55:10 AM You have to feel a bit sorry for the Leigh's of this world. They pick a nice trendy area.....
» 7/06/2010 10:27:15 AM When will these women get over themselves? They write this rubbish, then complain when peo.....
» 7/06/2010 9:36:31 AM Don't be so damn silly benq, well within 200 years the islamic council which will be rulin.....
» 6/06/2010 7:21:05 PM You people are incredible. Total incompetence is totally OK, if it's your ideological lot .....
» 6/06/2010 4:51:17 PM Custard, it's only 12 years ago that the miners were all loosing a fortune. Oversupply ha.....
» 6/06/2010 9:53:29 AM Only one problem Rehctub, If you have government do the prospecting, or even control it, t.....
» 5/06/2010 12:40:43 AM Just keep reading Mellom, I don't think anyone could harm your brain. I am sick of people.....
» 4/06/2010 8:16:10 PM Strange isn't it, just last week, the US navy, you know them, they're the blokes who sail .....
» 4/06/2010 8:01:59 PM War on women, what rot. We have just granted women the special privilege of committing co.....
» 2/06/2010 1:24:43 PM Wouldn't it be dreadful if HIV, & AIDS were finally eliminated, by doing something like th.....
» 1/06/2010 9:56:07 PM Suze, we do something similar, using inflatable boats to board illegal fishing boats, when.....
» 1/06/2010 4:40:28 PM I saw Rudd for what he is, when he first started knifing Beasley in the back, every night .....
» 1/06/2010 10:26:12 AM This is one of those few questions where it is easy to see both sides of the coin. A few .....
» 1/06/2010 9:36:07 AM Settle down there CJ, those votes aren't in the box, yet mate. The lib democrats in the U.....
» 1/06/2010 9:16:40 AM This topic is the perfect example of why we need to get academics out of our lives. Some .....
» 31/05/2010 5:46:16 PM Tony, the fact that a bunch of greenie journalists, & academics jumped onto the AGW band w.....
» 31/05/2010 5:30:35 PM Bushy, thanks for the suggestions, but she is now 99, & totally bedridden. She can no long.....
» 31/05/2010 4:26:16 PM Bushy, my mother is now in a nursing hpme, a very good one, since I can no longer handle h.....
» 31/05/2010 2:16:15 PM Interesting isn't it, that in the thumbnail sketch on Liz it says, "traveling extensi.....
» 31/05/2010 12:10:43 PM Graham, surely we have had enough of this flood of global warming propaganda from the hall.....
» 30/05/2010 2:20:13 AM Of course it does. It tells us we must cut down on the public service numbers, & what we .....
» 30/05/2010 2:13:34 AM Agree totally divine, but you'll have trouble getting it through the bleeding hearts. The.....
» 29/05/2010 8:12:02 PM The three most useless things on earth, Amnesty International, the United Nations, & t1ts .....
» 29/05/2010 8:01:44 PM I lost interest in helping aboriginal people in about 1998. It was the year that Palm Isla.....
» 28/05/2010 2:37:35 PM Listening to treasury boss Dr Hennery, he comes across, to me, as one of those business ha.....
» 28/05/2010 12:07:29 PM My mother is 99. She has not walked in almost a year, after some very bad treatment, in a.....
» 28/05/2010 9:43:30 AM Did not belly dancing originate in the muslim world?.....
» 27/05/2010 5:05:56 PM Come on diver dan, you can't leave it there, mate. Some of us are likely to be awake all.....
» 27/05/2010 4:33:44 PM I wonder just who funds, & controls this ACCM? It sounds like a Greenpeace offshoot to me......
» 26/05/2010 8:44:09 PM Remember Terry what's his name, deputy premier, & Anna's head kicker. Remember the big ho.....
» 26/05/2010 5:55:20 PM Well what do you know, people should negotiate, thinker tells us. That is of course what.....
» 26/05/2010 12:12:19 PM Yep, nothing wrong with sprawl, but non urban would be better. The announcement today of.....
» 26/05/2010 11:35:31 AM All good, as far as it goes, & Taswegian is right about the true costs of Bio fuel. One t.....
» 26/05/2010 11:07:23 AM Talk about pots, kettles, & degrees of blackness. It takes 4 words to say Tony Abbott no .....
» 26/05/2010 10:08:40 AM Bruce seems to have picked up on what a drop kick Rudd is, It would be hard not to. He th.....
» 25/05/2010 3:47:15 PM Don't worry fellers, it will never be too late, not for a con job non event......
» 25/05/2010 11:58:39 AM Well Keith, what a long winded way of saying that we, [the greenie propaganda mill] are lo.....
» 24/05/2010 7:54:07 PM Celivia, yes a good reason for breast feeding, however I think there is a much better one......
» 24/05/2010 7:30:10 PM Sorry loxton, they were abandoned when the contract subsidies ran out, & without those sub.....
» 24/05/2010 5:53:28 PM Must be tough, being so ashamed of your wife, that you have to cover her head, before you .....
» 24/05/2010 5:42:34 PM We could have the proverbial drovers dog as prime minister, & the world would not laugh as.....
» 24/05/2010 5:18:45 PM Goldie's ideas would be really great, if we could all grow up to be film stars, [such as s.....
» 24/05/2010 4:33:18 PM Pelican, it gets worse than that, when it comes for respect for a ladies brest. In the be.....
» 24/05/2010 10:38:59 AM It would make more sense if the english speaking people of the world started a cleansing m.....
» 24/05/2010 9:53:13 AM You're right Severin, they don't women's feet in China any more. Of course, that is only b.....
» 24/05/2010 9:31:43 AM Loxton, if the economics of wind power are so good, perhaps you could explain the 1700 aba.....
» 23/05/2010 11:35:59 PM We are U, perhaps it's the boys who I am thinking about, but if our kids want the top uni .....
» 23/05/2010 3:57:56 PM Banjo, I have to disagree with you on this one. Fully exposed is often not the best way to.....
» 23/05/2010 1:38:11 PM As we see continuously, education can do nothing to impart any sense to the recipient. Mos.....
» 23/05/2010 9:40:49 AM "Depends on how you look". Is that how good looking you are, or how good your .....
» 22/05/2010 11:55:44 PM As one of the now probably minority multigenerational Ozie citizens I am continually told .....
» 22/05/2010 11:03:57 PM Sorry Steven, you are going a little overboard with the genetic reasoning here mate. I a.....
» 22/05/2010 5:25:09 PM No one has mentioned the real problem. We can not expect to continue to have a higher sta.....
» 21/05/2010 6:11:37 PM Rhian, perhaps you could contacy my son. You just may have a bit of a problem convincing h.....
» 20/05/2010 3:29:09 PM I think it's fair to say that the green message is all ready aimed squarely at the heart, .....
» 20/05/2010 2:54:35 PM For gods sake. The kid went for a bit of a sail. For those who don't understand it, th.....
» 20/05/2010 2:36:53 PM And you believe that la la land stuff Michael? Wow......
» 20/05/2010 1:06:46 PM Why is it that greenies can never accept facts? Could it be because the facts always show .....
» 20/05/2010 9:06:20 AM Now that's a good idea CJ, & bodies make good fertiliser. There was a great story, years .....
» 19/05/2010 10:56:45 PM I would love it to be like the one I grew up in. Where I could drive my car into the Syd.....
» 18/05/2010 5:40:44 PM Thinker 2, like a lot of people who depend on someone else to provide employment for them,.....
» 18/05/2010 3:05:46 PM Celivia, I agree it is nobody's business what someone choooses to put into their body, pro.....
» 18/05/2010 2:46:16 PM Sorry, missed an important word. When setting his course the first night "he actuall.....
» 18/05/2010 1:23:11 PM I am starting to develop a liking for Abbott. It is all the things he is being attacked .....
» 18/05/2010 12:43:05 PM A mate of mine tells the story of his first trip from Sydney yo the reef. This was in the .....
» 18/05/2010 12:01:40 PM Foxy, the long distance sailor, & the weekend sailor are two different breeds, & the serio.....
» 17/05/2010 7:31:43 PM I think it is labor voters who want to see Turnbull as liberal leader. He is so like Rudd.....
» 17/05/2010 5:51:32 PM I had to endure a year of B Sc, [engineering] before my mother would agree to sign my appl.....
» 17/05/2010 2:29:24 AM I'll give you an answer Pericles. Waste & incompetence by a company costs no one but the .....
» 16/05/2010 3:54:45 PM Everything, except child birth of course. Still, one of the things I love about equestria.....
» 16/05/2010 2:18:53 PM Benk, you missed my point. I was criticising those who were trying to have her stopped. T.....
» 15/05/2010 10:29:43 PM Typical lefty attitude Belly, double standards prefered. Like to dish it out, not take it......
» 15/05/2010 9:59:25 PM Benk, for some people it is better to be lost at sea, [or in some other way], than to spen.....
» 15/05/2010 1:17:55 PM Belly, we are on a match here. I have absolutely mo desire to be politically correct, & i.....
» 15/05/2010 12:21:39 PM I have just spent a few minutes watching Jessica bash her way up wind, back south to the S.....
» 15/05/2010 11:56:37 AM Belly, I find it funny that you complained of some here calling K Rudd Krudd. Now we see.....
» 14/05/2010 12:11:25 PM One of the main problems for older people wanting a lower status, [or any] job is being ta.....
» 12/05/2010 12:14:23 AM Qanda, you've got to stop troubling your little mind with all this high tech stuff. It's o.....
» 11/05/2010 11:52:02 PM There is only one reason for a sudden application of a Great Big Miners tax. That idiot R.....
» 11/05/2010 10:16:29 AM Pelican, I can agree with the fact that the retirement move can be less than good. A mate.....
» 10/05/2010 1:42:22 PM Graham, these sort of articles should be banned, due to conflict of interest. All these p.....
» 10/05/2010 1:25:03 PM When I was a young fellow, [mid 20s] I saw a joke. This personal officer was telling a yo.....
» 10/05/2010 10:37:17 AM I tried a percentage of profit scheme, in my remanufactured auto components business. It .....
» 7/05/2010 10:29:59 PM Loxton, what is your birthday, 6Th May 2010? I think that was the last shower. You must h.....
» 4/05/2010 12:34:34 PM Bazz, I think it's rat cunning you are describing, rather than smartness, or intelligence......
» 4/05/2010 12:06:19 PM I wonder what this bloke's smoking? It must be pretty damn good. He can dream up scare ca.....
» 4/05/2010 11:48:39 AM Yes Doc, & he looks like getting another of his go broke quick schemes in place too. He ma.....
» 4/05/2010 10:39:11 AM Banjo, many many sailors have found the Tasman, the nastiest bit of water they found in a .....
» 1/05/2010 8:09:33 PM Anzac day for me is the day I remember 3 mates, & a couple of acquaintances who died maint.....
» 1/05/2010 1:26:55 PM TTM, I was not talking about tobaco, but if you must follow the news hounds after the red .....
» 30/04/2010 12:06:48 PM Perhaps the most annoying thing about the whole global warming catastrophe is the fact tha.....
» 30/04/2010 2:33:16 AM What rubbish. My post was about the media. I have no interest in the price of cigarettes,.....
» 29/04/2010 7:52:15 PM Yes Proxy, most of the problems in the world today, can be traced to the day that emotive .....
» 29/04/2010 5:15:55 PM Has anyone noticed the media, all trailing along after our ABC. Ruddy wanted the carbon t.....
» 29/04/2010 4:39:10 PM Much, much much much, dill......
» 29/04/2010 3:56:50 PM Foxy, I think you are a nuch naughtier lady, than you would have everyone believe, ay firs.....
» 29/04/2010 2:09:16 PM Doc, granted Julia's student assessment program is the only bit of sense to come out of th.....
» 29/04/2010 1:18:57 PM I need a gun, because of a stupid local law, [council]. You see, my mother used to breed .....
» 29/04/2010 11:09:13 AM It's the very same climate modellers, who have given us the global warming fiasco, who gav.....
» 29/04/2010 10:50:51 AM Yes, the union is terrified that the parents will learn that around 10% of them are totall.....
» 28/04/2010 11:55:10 PM By jove, he really might have it. The fact, that is, that AGW, & any hope of a super tax, .....
» 28/04/2010 10:04:35 PM A plastic woman, writing plastic words, about a plastic life. What meaningless twaddle......
» 28/04/2010 6:25:59 PM Get out of the city. After Qld health had finished with my mother, [99 in 10 days] she co.....
» 27/04/2010 9:37:27 PM Of course bikes should have to be registered, to help pay for rhe roads they use. They sho.....
» 25/04/2010 3:11:20 PM Foxy, Pelican, don't take my bit of fun as a serious concept......
» 25/04/2010 2:50:52 PM Foxy, I was one of those naive virgins, myself. I used to listen to the boys at school cad.....
» 25/04/2010 1:41:36 PM Pelican, I don't know who has been feeding you rubbish on biology, but it is rubbish, even.....
» 25/04/2010 9:30:09 AM Antiseptic touches on something I have noticed for many years, when he says men need a wom.....
» 24/04/2010 10:54:18 AM In view of last nights poll by 9nsm, asking "would you fight to defend Oz", wher.....
» 24/04/2010 10:25:33 AM Lets first get rid of this rubbish that all medical staff are pillars of virtue. When my .....
» 21/04/2010 7:46:35 PM I think Peter is probably right here. Serial manogamy seems to be practiced as much as man.....
» 21/04/2010 6:30:56 PM Funny isn't it. Those bl00dy computer modellers again. World financial system. Global .....
» 21/04/2010 6:20:17 PM A local couple brought their eldest son Richard along to our community bar-B-Q last weeken.....
» 20/04/2010 9:25:16 PM Nice thought Snag, but I think you will find that a very large proportion of these bureauc.....
» 20/04/2010 3:15:36 PM May the gods protect us from idiots like this bloke. Not just an idiot, but a lying idiot .....
» 19/04/2010 12:49:58 AM Baygon, I don't know about murder mysteries, most of my reading is factual stuff. About th.....
» 17/04/2010 10:46:58 AM Foxy, I think you'll like this. When I was sailing around the place, I had a lot of books.....
» 17/04/2010 1:05:34 AM Yes Banjo, I've thought about it, deeply. Here is why I have my opinion. I have watched a.....
» 16/04/2010 6:10:34 PM Watch out for Foxy, & all her books of hers you blokes, they're dangerous. It was all tho.....
» 16/04/2010 4:16:42 PM While we have people waiting months, & even years, for simple, cost effictive treatments, .....
» 14/04/2010 3:23:23 PM Don't knock it Cornflower, there, sooner or later, go you, {& I if we live long enough], s.....
» 14/04/2010 10:18:52 AM On the contrary Taswegian, the strange conclusion is the opposite. After an artical admit.....
» 9/04/2010 2:07:04 PM What a mess. It's just as well that Tasmania is nothing more than a rather expensive pimp.....
» 8/04/2010 7:30:56 PM qanda, you do describe your self perfectly, in your above post. I would not be quite so .....
» 8/04/2010 7:05:16 PM I guess what he's trying to say is that it will take years of training, & practice before .....
» 8/04/2010 12:54:58 PM This bloke might be one of the authors of most of our problems, with his history. The onl.....
» 7/04/2010 2:40:12 PM I like that last bit in the item 2 of the summary. "Get rid of teachers who can't---.....
» 6/04/2010 9:52:50 PM It's no wonder we get such dreadful policies, when we get clowns like this one doing the r.....
» 6/04/2010 9:19:49 PM It won't only be the Libs writhing in pain, it will be the state of Tasmania, as well. I .....
» 31/03/2010 1:40:42 PM Pericles, I would guess you don't have any folk in our defence forces. Your point of view .....
» 31/03/2010 9:32:42 AM What bull. We have had proven by the shenanigans of the CRU, & all the others, that CO2 h.....
» 31/03/2010 9:28:15 AM Yes StG, the loss of enough jobs, & business failures to make Okinawa a depressed area for.....
» 30/03/2010 1:05:43 PM Take a legal matter to your lawyer, & you'll get an opinion. Take the same matter to 5 mor.....
» 27/03/2010 11:43:10 PM Foxy, just think about 2 things. 1/ Rudd has stated no jobs will be lost in the take over.....
» 27/03/2010 11:27:05 PM At least you picked the right thing to have trouble with Fozy, we're good at cardiac in Oz.....
» 27/03/2010 11:37:58 AM Ken, I can't remember who it was that said, the easiest & quickest way to convince a ".....
» 26/03/2010 1:18:40 PM You're going a bit overboard with that description of elective surgery there Lef. Much of .....
» 26/03/2010 10:49:32 AM I'm still waiting to find out which French Co built the F111. Perhaps we should have boug.....
» 26/03/2010 1:13:02 AM Who built the F111 mate?.....
» 25/03/2010 2:42:51 PM Lets take that one step further Ludwig. As many of the immigrants were required to spend .....
» 25/03/2010 2:14:26 PM CJ, I know you only do it to get a bite, I do too, still as no one else will do it, I'll h.....
» 25/03/2010 12:55:17 PM Runner, why on earth would you think that? I have never seen any evidence that time at any.....
» 25/03/2010 11:43:13 AM I have lost count of the number of times I have sailed the Qld coast, between Gladstone, &.....
» 24/03/2010 4:13:03 PM Sounds like a bit of wishfull thinking there Anti. Even if you do have a way of implemen.....
» 24/03/2010 3:46:25 PM You're right Examinator, I should not have referred to these "lebs" as wild dogs.....
» 24/03/2010 1:10:17 PM Amen spindoc. All this propaganda does get tiresome......
» 23/03/2010 10:06:57 PM Come on Pudd, now we've sorted that out, come & join us, it can be fun. Yes really. Belly.....
» 23/03/2010 9:48:01 PM Thank you Belly, I'm sure he'll be fine. It would appear we have more in common, the more .....
» 23/03/2010 9:13:15 PM I did not watch the health care debate, I never have liked a ciruus, without elphants. I .....
» 23/03/2010 6:51:29 PM Hay pudding, sorry if my post offended you, I was just trying to have a little fun, it was.....
» 23/03/2010 4:36:36 PM How many houses has Sydney airport burned down exactly mate? I don't even remember Telstr.....
» 23/03/2010 4:17:03 PM Geoff Davies, you tell us that science compares the implications of hypotheses with observ.....
» 23/03/2010 3:48:22 PM Examinator, if you don't want anyone to respond to you, stop bleeding all over the interne.....
» 23/03/2010 12:34:06 PM Haven't any of you noticed how bad local government really is. Sure with our silly Anna u.....
» 23/03/2010 12:08:25 PM These animals want to rob their victims, but they are more interested in "getting whi.....
» 23/03/2010 11:55:44 AM Update on the attack on my son, by a bunch of outlaw "LEBS" in Sydney. Incidenta.....
» 22/03/2010 5:45:47 PM Just stating the facts man, just the facts......
» 22/03/2010 3:50:12 PM I could not believe it back then. That the Democrats had painted them selves into a corner.....
» 22/03/2010 3:20:19 PM Examinator, your mum is lucky. One of the things our Qld health system does brilliantly is.....
» 22/03/2010 2:57:36 PM Dead right Spinner, this judge, & all other judges should be made responsible for all post.....
» 22/03/2010 11:36:18 AM Hay, Pudd, stop beating about the bush mate, & tell us what you really think of them. As .....
» 22/03/2010 11:20:17 AM Wow, can't give you many marks for common sense Hazza, but you sure get top marks for brav.....
» 22/03/2010 9:48:26 AM Watch out Jonathan, your in for a good yelling at. I got yelled at for saying the same sor.....
» 21/03/2010 10:38:11 PM No Hazza, it's you missing the point. When you pay for your electricity, you are paying fo.....
» 21/03/2010 10:02:28 PM My mother is in a nursing home, after 10 days in a Qld public hospital robbed her of the a.....
» 21/03/2010 11:18:56 AM Hazza, that is absolutely wrong. Not only are we the consumers not paying for coal jobs, .....
» 20/03/2010 3:39:24 PM My father was a company trouble shooter, so we moved about a bit, to branches doing badly......
» 20/03/2010 2:49:33 PM Sorry fester, that link is not all that convincing either. If that lot had something to c.....
» 19/03/2010 12:43:39 PM Severin, unless you can do your own pannel work, you need to start with a sound structure,.....
» 19/03/2010 11:34:30 AM Daviy, you should not have resisted......
» 18/03/2010 9:23:33 PM Sorry Fester, but your graph is either way out of date, or is just propaganda. There are .....
» 18/03/2010 2:39:27 PM Well, let's hope the things are really sharp. It would be a pity to just injure the beast.....
» 18/03/2010 2:28:40 PM What silly articles we get from the ratbag activists. If you've got any money. you've bett.....
» 18/03/2010 12:41:21 PM Shadow minister is absolutely right. Getting a patent can destroy your advantage. I was i.....
» 16/03/2010 9:15:56 PM Qanda, that is a question I have asked myself a hundred times, from 5 different directions.....
» 16/03/2010 5:43:50 PM Foxy, you might be interested to know that this lady I've had 3 kids with is a librarian. .....
» 16/03/2010 11:39:09 AM Wow, what a close shave we had. Yes Carol, we know it's going to be hard to come up with.....
» 15/03/2010 8:45:18 PM Foxy, one of my all time favourite quotes came from that book. Attributed by Niven, to I b.....
» 15/03/2010 5:14:51 PM Foxy, it's even worse than that, I've been there twice. The first one was quite messy, bu.....
» 15/03/2010 2:50:32 PM The peanut is too busy thinking about how he looks & sounds, to have any room left in that.....
» 15/03/2010 10:00:23 AM Why don't you ask a hard one Foxy, this one is too easy. After no more than 7 days honeym.....
» 12/03/2010 6:06:30 PM I may be a bit more primitive than most. I have caught & hunted my for my food, many time.....
» 12/03/2010 4:46:22 PM Are you people all that naive, or are you so fixed in your lefty ideology, that you just w.....
» 12/03/2010 3:59:11 PM The way boiler technology is advancing, it shouldn't be too long before we have effective,.....
» 12/03/2010 11:02:33 AM Foxy, in my opinion, both the libs, & Australia in general, will be much better off, if th.....
» 12/03/2010 10:04:48 AM So, the reason he has become a silly old fart, is because he was a silly young fart, & jus.....
» 10/03/2010 4:28:52 PM I was in the only small boat that could get in close, so I picked them up. It was hard to .....
» 10/03/2010 4:09:19 PM Why is it that these blokes always talk about trees, when ever they talk wilderness. By fa.....
» 10/03/2010 2:54:40 PM No chance Foxy. I know you labor people love him. No wonder, he's practically identical .....
» 10/03/2010 12:25:02 PM God protect us from silly little activists, running around in circles, looking for a cause.....
» 9/03/2010 11:53:08 AM Hay Foxy, do you think that after years of equal pay, womens pay has slipped, perhaps, bec.....
» 9/03/2010 11:33:21 AM This is aimed, at higher payed women, mostly in public service & academic jobs, I believe......
» 8/03/2010 12:09:33 PM Really Strayan. Opps, I must stop sticking my tongue in my cheek, it gets me into so much .....
» 8/03/2010 11:25:02 AM What utter twaddle, with due respect, of course. Christine you might do better trying to .....
» 8/03/2010 10:40:31 AM Whilst I agree with most of the above, there are other problems stemming from this growth .....
» 7/03/2010 10:32:31 PM I am sure you are right Suze, apart from the pensioners. I know quite a few, & they are al.....
» 7/03/2010 6:45:42 PM Exay, I really don't give a dam what they do with the kids who don't wast to be there. Now.....
» 7/03/2010 6:02:04 PM Exay, the OP system, although very poor in operation, is quite simple. Using the kids in .....
» 7/03/2010 3:16:22 PM Jedimaster, thaks for the insight. With that background I can now understand, why you can.....
» 7/03/2010 2:48:04 PM Pelican, it really was a joke. If being more manley is sexier, then I expect you are rig.....
» 7/03/2010 11:22:00 AM I am so sick of hearing about the poor druggies. Why not just flood the market with arsen.....
» 7/03/2010 10:58:02 AM Suze, don't forget who you are talking about. The pair of them both have the same two big.....
» 7/03/2010 10:44:22 AM No, of course not Anti. We all know women vote for Ruddy, because of his lovely blow dried.....
» 7/03/2010 10:27:20 AM I drive an old Triumph sports car, I restored 8 years ago. Well, you have to do something .....
» 6/03/2010 6:25:58 PM Perhaps I did not male myself quite clear. I did not suggest we throw out kids that want t.....
» 6/03/2010 2:02:03 PM I have to agree with Pelican. The mere fact that someone won't lie for their boss is no qu.....
» 6/03/2010 12:21:27 PM Oh, for gods sake, will you people get off this vested interest by big oil etc rubbish. T.....
» 6/03/2010 12:08:06 PM Agreed Qunda, however we should also be making savings in some obvious places. We have a .....
» 5/03/2010 10:23:24 PM Yes Examinator I do think the LNP is MUCH better than Anna Bligh. Nationally, I don't kno.....
» 5/03/2010 9:09:47 PM Foxy, you are dead right, with your back to basics. Two of my kids started school in a li.....
» 5/03/2010 8:45:01 PM Your right of course Exy, the OP for one of our esteemede SEQ universities environmental s.....
» 5/03/2010 4:13:32 PM RobP, what a great idea. Lets have the ABC challenge all these things. Now when we hear .....
» 5/03/2010 1:39:30 PM Examinator, you should have had your son try environmental science mate. They let you into.....
» 5/03/2010 1:32:11 PM My dentist was a research scientist, in both public, then private areas. He went back to s.....
» 5/03/2010 12:17:04 PM I wonder if Jenny has ever listened to a Rudd speach, without her rose coloured hearing ai.....
» 5/03/2010 10:42:18 AM Yabby, speak for yourself, I am not in the gutter! Although I do expect to get there, as .....
» 5/03/2010 10:31:26 AM CJ, thanks for being so predictable. I threw out my tung in cheek statments expecting a pe.....
» 5/03/2010 12:10:10 AM I hope some of you find this as funny as I have, I have a 5 bedroom house, on 19 acres. N.....
» 4/03/2010 9:42:18 PM CJ, by defination, 49% of the population are of below average intelligence, so it shouldn'.....
» 4/03/2010 12:50:43 PM Last night, or the one before, I had to change TV channels 3 times to find one that did no.....
» 4/03/2010 12:32:52 PM That one externally set test is the "core skills teat". The test is used to rank.....
» 4/03/2010 11:18:05 AM Hang on a while, I'll just rewind Brian's film, & have another look without the rose colou.....
» 4/03/2010 9:59:37 AM Hazza, there is one major difference between the greens, & the other two. The other two o.....
» 3/03/2010 6:23:38 PM You people are incredible. A month ago the bureau forecast was for a 30% to 40% chance of.....
» 3/03/2010 5:17:00 PM Help, get the axe. We have to cut the hands of these idiots off, at the elbow. It's the on.....
» 3/03/2010 4:11:12 PM Kenny, why would we want to go to science journals? Don't you remember, the CRU, & the r.....
» 3/03/2010 12:14:48 PM Can any but fellow travellers believe this guy? What a pile of rubbish. When, & only whe.....
» 3/03/2010 10:18:09 AM No wonder we won't pay any attention to these so called climate scientists, the self decla.....
» 3/03/2010 9:49:22 AM The question was, why all this record rainfall, with a very negative SOI, totally against .....
» 2/03/2010 5:17:19 PM For years we've been taught the theory [as fact] that we get our wet wet weather during an.....
» 2/03/2010 4:02:43 PM Careful what you wish for there Hazza, you just may get your wish, & that would be disaste.....
» 2/03/2010 1:09:48 PM Good on you Angie. You do what ever is the right thing for you, now. There is no need fo.....
» 2/03/2010 12:53:37 PM Exy, my father-in-law, before he died, told me his favourite joke. It went, "Help fr.....
» 2/03/2010 12:43:54 PM Thanks Exy, but until I get some new glasses, I can't rear the bl00dy captions. Too far fo.....
» 2/03/2010 12:38:38 PM As soon as the main parties wake up, & start to preference each other, the greens will dis.....
» 2/03/2010 12:13:26 PM Ah, but Severin, compared to Ruddy, did Howard ever have anything to apologise about?.....
» 2/03/2010 11:56:14 AM Yes Bazz, I'm lucky, like you, & normally am unaware fo my tinnitus. It only becomes appar.....
» 1/03/2010 5:43:11 PM When will these people wake up. Andrew youve been caught out. Shouting more often, loude.....
» 1/03/2010 12:27:07 PM In the Neanderthal thread, Snake brought up a point worth a thread of it's own, hearing, &.....
» 1/03/2010 10:57:58 AM Not a prediction, but wouldn't it be lovely, in the words of the song, if labor drafted Tu.....
» 1/03/2010 10:33:32 AM Hei Yu, wilderness does not take C, or CO2, you probably mean, from the air. It simply rec.....
» 28/02/2010 10:30:21 PM Ah yes, but what a way to go. Pity that cardiac treatment tends to have the opposite effec.....
» 28/02/2010 7:30:58 PM Oh god, the old Beattie cr4p. "I have failed, but now you have to let me fix it".....
» 28/02/2010 2:06:20 PM Yes, that sort of thing Poirot. Pelican, I'm quite sure that any Homo Sapien cave man, wh.....
» 28/02/2010 12:14:34 PM I don't suppose many of our ladies on here want to admit it, but we all know what happened.....
» 28/02/2010 11:16:20 AM I am prepared to bet that there are quite a few mothers, widows, & kids, of dead british s.....
» 27/02/2010 12:59:49 AM Qanda, you've got to be kidding. What a pile of mistakes, half truths, & straight out lie.....
» 26/02/2010 8:53:53 PM Well, well, well, I had no idea that old Barnaby, & Tony had them so worried. There would.....
» 26/02/2010 5:01:12 PM When I had my last heart attack, the ambulance took 45 minutes to get there. No wonder, wh.....
» 26/02/2010 3:43:28 PM Well said Examinator, we agree for once, about your inlaws. - - - - - - and mine. .....
» 26/02/2010 1:09:45 PM Hay Houellebecq, you've got to be damn careful, walking on the ground, around here, & keep.....
» 26/02/2010 11:45:40 AM Qanda, until you post at least one bit of hard evidence, that CO2 has anything to do with .....
» 26/02/2010 11:36:48 AM I wonder if Israel has a few patrol boats, WITH CREW for hire. Just a few of them should .....
» 24/02/2010 7:12:49 PM It got harder to get even 3 tons a month, because no one would slash the plantation. Soneo.....
» 24/02/2010 6:15:59 PM All of this is true, but the problem is more basic. You see, many of the pacific people a.....
» 23/02/2010 12:50:01 PM This is a joke Examinator, Right? Our media has not really reported all the cons, lies & .....
» 23/02/2010 12:10:49 PM Here we have some idealistic kid, happily getting his education, & living off the fruits o.....
» 22/02/2010 8:06:13 PM I have often wondered how labor can choose such dreadful leaders. Then when I think of som.....
» 22/02/2010 6:56:44 PM So the big city doesn't want the kids from the sticks. Diddums. Perhaps the city only want.....
» 22/02/2010 1:08:07 PM If there is any cretin here, it's the author of this bit of rubbish. The electioneering ap.....
» 21/02/2010 3:50:32 PM The only reason a modern yacht sails upright, is because they are ballasted. They have fro.....
» 21/02/2010 11:53:44 AM I am one of those who was fully in favour of Jessica going on, after her accident, before .....
» 21/02/2010 11:28:34 AM Now we know for sure that there is no problem in burning coal, to produce our electricity,.....
» 21/02/2010 10:56:06 AM Examinator, do you ever get anything right? The "outrageous gerrymander" as you.....
» 18/02/2010 10:27:19 PM AS an old bloke, I learnt to drive in the late 50s. We used to legally cruise our gravel r.....
» 18/02/2010 5:45:18 PM OK, so Garret's a bit of a dick, but now he's an experienced dick. The labor government is.....
» 18/02/2010 12:01:55 PM I have always hated these articles that attribute great bravery to people, of either sex, .....
» 18/02/2010 10:33:09 AM In another thread Foxy questioned the linking of "Ignorant", & "Academic&qu.....
» 17/02/2010 10:07:35 PM Pericles, thank for the "belly" laugh. With all this rain, & now a good laugh, .....
» 17/02/2010 9:50:05 PM Arjay, it was a little worse than that, mate. They found that the last 20+ years of their.....
» 17/02/2010 4:26:12 PM What a pity I didn't meet more like Nina, in my younger days. I never wanted kids either. .....
» 13/02/2010 12:02:15 PM Foxy's thread on favourite destinations has touched this point. What is the most beautiful.....
» 12/02/2010 4:06:28 PM No loyalty among the AGW conmen it seems. Mike must think that he can get East Anglia off .....
» 11/02/2010 3:21:11 PM I am amazed at the number of people who want to spend tax payer funds on publicly funded r.....
» 11/02/2010 12:14:19 PM Come on rstuart, you can't quote wikipedia, & then complain about others giving unsubstant.....
» 11/02/2010 11:53:43 AM More rubbish in the name of science, raredog. Rubbish it is, & science it sure aint. I ha.....
» 10/02/2010 10:07:39 PM Come on Ken, we now know that was yet another Ipcc con. It is well proven that any CO2 in .....
» 10/02/2010 12:26:59 AM Neuguirea atoll, about 130 nautical miles north of Bouganville Is. It is a large atoll, w.....
» 9/02/2010 11:05:31 PM What rubbish CJ. I can't remember in which of the countries from which our immigrants & il.....
» 9/02/2010 4:45:46 PM At it again examinator. Talking through your lefty hat. Business 101, that would be some.....
» 9/02/2010 4:06:04 PM Does this bloke really believe this rubbish, or does he just hope we will. China as the .....
» 6/02/2010 10:48:34 PM Come on Foxy. I only know 3 people who think he's good. You, Belly & him. A low rent BA, .....
» 5/02/2010 1:46:03 PM Yes, Ruddy's polished indeed, highly polished. But of course, he's only polished, because .....
» 4/02/2010 4:51:53 PM Examinator, a red herring perhaps, to hide the answer. If it will help you, I finished my.....
» 4/02/2010 2:24:47 PM Thinker, Examinator, you have both just as much as have admitted that you agree that CO2 c.....
» 4/02/2010 1:24:10 PM I have never knowingly meet a female Virgin, at least, not since I was old enough to know .....
» 4/02/2010 1:03:30 PM Examinator is right, for once. There is much white on white violence today. Of course, th.....
» 3/02/2010 3:44:34 PM Well, certainly no perls of wisdom, out of the mouth of this babe. I wonder what he'll th.....
» 3/02/2010 12:46:43 PM Examinator, have you read anything in the last 10 years. Any time you post your idea of s.....
» 3/02/2010 10:15:25 AM What a dill you are Thinker, you've taken the labor bait, hook line & sinker. To start wi.....
» 2/02/2010 12:16:38 AM One thing I find strange in all this is heritage, It appears that the very people who wan.....
» 1/02/2010 3:33:47 PM Mikk, you do talk so much rubbish. Your strange hatred of large companies makes a fool of .....
» 1/02/2010 12:31:49 PM Some of our teachers, strongly aided by the union, & a compliant department, have been hid.....
» 1/02/2010 10:35:00 AM Ray Martin is an irrelevant fading pretty boy, trying to keep his name in lights, any damn.....
» 31/01/2010 6:06:48 PM Mikk, would you like to suggest where the hydrogen is going to come from?.....
» 30/01/2010 2:16:59 PM Well, I must admit the lefties, greenies, woman's libbers, & the ratbags are all much bett.....
» 30/01/2010 1:29:17 PM I am a fan of the idea of electric cars. I would like to be excited at this article, & I .....
» 28/01/2010 11:06:28 PM Examinator, if you want to be considered a d1ck head, just keep talking like one. Be caref.....
» 28/01/2010 9:06:29 PM Q&A, obviously you have no understsnding of the subject, or you would not have given me a .....
» 28/01/2010 4:04:06 PM Diploman, Ken, until the Bureau & the CSIRO publish a fully detailed explanation of their .....
» 26/01/2010 9:01:11 PM I, like 83% of Ozies in a Brisbane TV poll, will stick with the flag we have thanks. Bell.....
» 26/01/2010 12:37:33 PM I respect any, & every one who earns that respect. I even treat everyone with respect, unt.....
» 25/01/2010 1:27:41 PM I wonder why I feel the loss of some of my rights comming on, & another hit to my wallet. .....
» 21/01/2010 8:17:28 PM You can always depend on these warmists to put a false interpretation on things, if they e.....
» 21/01/2010 11:44:56 AM It really is an insult to have articles by this bloke continually produced on here. Anyon.....
» 20/01/2010 11:00:52 AM Yes Tasy, the europeans should look back, & have a good laugh, at themsleves. Hopefully t.....
» 18/01/2010 12:19:44 PM Mikk, nothing anyone does, in any other sphere, justifies what the global warming shonks h.....
» 18/01/2010 10:00:26 AM Wow! I am amazed. Just how is it possible that any one, who can spin such a nice bunch o.....
» 17/01/2010 11:35:16 PM What is all this twaddle about "native vegetation"? In most of this we are talki.....
» 17/01/2010 9:44:33 AM Yes Runner, & how much more dumb must all the so-called refugees be, who are so desperate .....
» 15/01/2010 8:26:37 PM Examinator, just change one word, in the name of your subject, & the system will accept yo.....
» 13/01/2010 6:57:05 PM David, go to Brighton, Sydney, alone. Park your car, & wander into a shop. Try to have a m.....
» 13/01/2010 6:16:56 PM David Jennings, it is apologists like you which have given some of the curs we are suppose.....
» 4/01/2010 6:39:32 PM I can't think of anything much more stupid than paying some bloke in the tax department to.....
» 2/01/2010 9:47:51 PM Belly, give it a rest mate. Your bloke, Ruddy, said exactly the same thing, before the el.....
» 2/01/2010 2:02:54 AM Obviously my insurance company thinks mine is. I am feeling mightily ripped of. After jus.....
» 31/12/2009 10:33:10 PM Would a few belts around the ears, with an 8Lb sledge hammer get into the heads of these w.....
» 31/12/2009 1:33:45 PM Hell! Canberra really is full of then, isn't it? The worst thing is that this one is not .....
» 30/12/2009 6:29:30 PM Remember the twits that went off to Iraq, to be human shields. They came scuttling back .....
» 27/12/2009 11:59:51 PM You lucky people! Because I used to race, & only like old cars, [my regular car is over 3.....
» 27/12/2009 12:03:32 PM We had a cold smorgasbord, with ham & chicken salad & potato salad, with local avocado, to.....
» 24/12/2009 1:13:29 PM & the best of the season to all of you, from me, too. Go & have fun, it's OK to be carefu.....
» 23/12/2009 4:44:56 PM What we should do is forget the war on terror, & declare war on the UN in general, & the I.....
» 23/12/2009 12:38:54 PM What a bl@@dy con. Every where, in industry, companies are fighting for market share. Why.....
» 18/12/2009 11:11:41 PM I used to subscribe to the theory that bull sh1t baffles brains, but with you two, I now s.....
» 18/12/2009 1:23:39 PM Belly, mate, you have to thicken that skin. After all, you taught the libs about this type.....
» 18/12/2009 10:10:35 AM No, Q&A, it's Copenhagan where you'll find the pixies, that is except for the smarties, wh.....
» 14/12/2009 5:38:06 PM Gee, a brainwashed examinator is a really scary prospect. Run everybody......
» 14/12/2009 10:36:07 AM Q&A, wuth your wide knowledge, you would no doubt, be aware of the recently revelled 2 deg.....
» 14/12/2009 3:51:52 AM Strange bunch. I would have thought opposing something you knew nothing about was much m.....
» 12/12/2009 6:35:54 PM Yet another B class book add. When will these dills realise that much of big business, in.....
» 11/12/2009 10:35:41 PM Mikk, you are an idiot. Don't you do any reading, before bursting into print? A statement.....
» 11/12/2009 1:40:24 PM Kalin, don't worry about Examinator, he thinks he has a direct connection to god, & theref.....
» 9/12/2009 5:48:40 PM Any one who thinks some of our near northern neighbours won't get the bomb, & sometime soo.....
» 9/12/2009 12:38:36 PM Come om Geoff, pull the other one mate. Stable for 10,000 years. A strange kind of stable......
» 9/12/2009 12:03:50 AM That is so silly Stephen. The laws of physics don't allow AGW to be caused by CO2. The .....
» 7/12/2009 6:03:45 PM Thirty one THOUSAND US scientists, including 9000 PhDs sigined a petition to say AGW aint .....
» 7/12/2009 10:33:29 AM That is just too silly, Steven. Please do try to be honest. You start with the suggestion.....
» 4/12/2009 8:43:02 AM Costello did not want to be a loosing leader, [then loose the job] & thought the libs woul.....
» 3/12/2009 7:22:10 PM Examinator, why would you try to send us to a propaganda sight? I understand you desperat.....
» 2/12/2009 7:13:14 PM Foxy, Google "Climate Gate, UK", & do some reading, before you make a bigger foo.....
» 2/12/2009 9:23:15 AM Here's another guess. Labor will back away from ant DD election. By the time any electio.....
» 30/11/2009 5:21:37 PM Examinator, you can't just say a post is not about if AGW exists, & expect to get away wit.....
» 30/11/2009 12:37:36 PM Well, Belly, you sure got it right about trotting bull, didn't you? The only bloke to lead.....
» 28/11/2009 7:37:47 AM Well, I see the "ladies" have what they were after. They can now commit premedi.....
» 24/11/2009 11:09:55 PM No Steven, these blokes are way deeper than any of the corporates have ever got to. The c.....
» 23/11/2009 11:33:48 PM Well, we'll soon know if Turnbull keeps on top of the news, or just ignores it. It was int.....
» 20/11/2009 4:58:01 PM Don't know much about horses, or riding, do you Benk? One of the members of our last Oly.....
» 20/11/2009 3:59:53 PM Sorry Missus, that tends not to work. A mate of mine was a real estate agent at Burrum He.....
» 19/11/2009 10:47:34 PM Examinator, that last post is beneath you. It is a disgusting bit of spin. You know damn .....
» 19/11/2009 10:25:39 PM Col, you've got to be kidding mate. Did anyone see a TV show last night, about boarder se.....
» 19/11/2009 3:24:56 PM Sorry Examinator, I should have added failed would be's, in the sports haters, just for yo.....
» 19/11/2009 10:41:45 AM A joke surely, from our Anna. This, when governments have the means of decentralisation a.....
» 18/11/2009 11:19:50 AM I think the Olympic event is great, & it gives some reason for turning the TV on. I do adm.....
» 17/11/2009 2:37:41 PM What is it about the training of economists that makes them so gullible. Most of them seem.....
» 17/11/2009 12:19:25 PM We can now easily see just what CJ is. He approves the expenditure of half a million, on .....
» 16/11/2009 11:33:46 AM Thanks for that Missus, I hope your right, although it does seem strange it has just start.....
» 15/11/2009 8:24:57 PM I have had personal reasons for missing the bar-B-Q mob recently, but here is the latest w.....
» 15/11/2009 4:27:16 PM Yes Ruddy had been totally defeated by 74 illegals, with a dril. Wonders will never cease......
» 14/11/2009 12:50:28 AM Exammy, it is so good that we have such a knowing person to show us how wrong we have ever.....
» 13/11/2009 3:48:25 PM It's pretty obvious really. Some bloke at college, knocked poor nina back, & she has neve.....
» 12/11/2009 1:25:23 PM Continued. We now have a navy where junior ranks are overseeing their petty officers, as .....
» 12/11/2009 1:21:45 PM Examinator, do you miss the point by accident, are you just too argumentative & opionated .....
» 11/11/2009 10:41:49 PM Many of you probably know that almost a quarter of our navy is tied uselessly to a wharf d.....
» 11/11/2009 9:53:01 PM So now the true global warming agenda starts to appear. The deal, to transfer the wealth .....
» 11/11/2009 3:50:12 PM RobP, it's not called balance for me mate, it's called grandstanding. It's so easy to be .....
» 11/11/2009 1:32:29 PM Doesn't anyone remember that these Tamils tried to take a chunk of their last host country.....
» 10/11/2009 2:33:10 PM Yes we should, we need a bit of a rest from chewing. We have been eating wave after wave o.....
» 5/11/2009 7:32:58 PM This is not an atricle, it's propaganda. It's B grade propaganda at that, if it's aimed an.....
» 4/11/2009 3:15:22 PM I believe all people should become eligible to vote once they have become, & only once the.....
» 3/11/2009 9:38:36 PM Examinator, do you just invent this stuff? Haven't you seen councils prosecuting people wh.....
» 3/11/2009 3:49:06 PM Yes, good planets are hard to find. Isn't it a pity that bad scientists aren't just as har.....
» 3/11/2009 2:45:32 PM David, the only reason people think that Government planning is bad, is because it always .....
» 3/11/2009 12:23:54 AM Here's a simple answer, which involves no social engineering, & avoids giving even more co.....
» 2/11/2009 11:40:16 PM When my 98 year old mother is given enough "palative care", to be feeling only r.....
» 2/11/2009 11:18:47 PM Examinator, have you noticed that the CSIRO carbon retention burn system only workes if do.....
» 2/11/2009 11:36:12 AM The real "Hoon" car is a rice burner, [Jap], 4 cylinder turbocharged thing, that.....
» 1/11/2009 3:07:00 PM There's a bit of chicken, & egg here. The only place a grazing cow gets any carbon from i.....
» 31/10/2009 2:59:51 PM We have this flood of boat people because Ruddy kept his promise to the bleeding heart lef.....
» 30/10/2009 11:06:05 AM Interesting Foxy. You are actually saying Ruddy used his insider knowledge, as a senior pu.....
» 29/10/2009 1:46:43 PM If Scargill was fighting to save an industry, in the UK, The Germans & Japs, in WW11, were.....
» 29/10/2009 1:12:52 PM He's at it again. Has Examinator ever posted something in which he does not accuse those w.....
» 26/10/2009 11:55:18 AM Does Nina really believe this stuff, or was it just something to say? Our uuiversities ar.....
» 26/10/2009 11:19:10 AM Geoff, from your post I can only assume your income comes from the taxpayer. I find it har.....
» 24/10/2009 9:56:49 PM If you listen carefully you can hear him now, echoing theough the years. Yes it's examina.....
» 23/10/2009 12:32:14 PM My mother is 98. She must be one of those dreadfully downtrodden women, as she did not wor.....
» 22/10/2009 11:16:58 AM Belly, your last post highlights the reason I will not vote for your lot, or Turnbull, now.....
» 22/10/2009 10:40:30 AM Not another one. I wonder what his angle is? A nice profitable business for his clients, o.....
» 22/10/2009 10:18:20 AM I do get just so sick of the rubbish these bleeding hearts expect us to swallow, when ever.....
» 20/10/2009 11:54:20 PM What is wrong with you people? Here you are, with the law protecting you from making a st.....
» 17/10/2009 3:45:30 PM Well well well, ruddy's had an idea. He's going to slip a few 10 of millions to the ".....
» 16/10/2009 9:32:25 PM These nanny state laws are too dangerous to be allowed to stand. Once you have these laws.....
» 16/10/2009 8:17:26 PM I have no sympathy for criminals. My sympathy is for their victims, & only for them. The c.....
» 16/10/2009 1:13:15 AM I was a bit of a goody goody too. However when I was in high school, we used to jam potato.....
» 16/10/2009 12:30:10 AM Eclipse, I'm sorry to advise you that the Spanish, the leaders in wave power, who bet thei.....
» 15/10/2009 9:00:15 PM I was discussing the requirement for iodine with my B Sc daughter, just the other day. She.....
» 15/10/2009 8:38:14 PM Has any one heard of Tamil Nadu? Sonewhere in India, isn't it? I have some strange feelin.....
» 14/10/2009 2:31:35 PM When will you people stop all this navel gazing? Anyone who reckons that there aren't nat.....
» 13/10/2009 9:06:52 PM No Jon J, he's not flexible enough to make the turn. Besides, he'd never get through the .....
» 13/10/2009 8:50:40 PM No examinator I feel they can & must do better than go along with this rubbish. It's wrong.....
» 13/10/2009 12:45:30 PM Welcome to the real world you blokes. What ever made you think that your native title woul.....
» 13/10/2009 10:03:35 AM Well done Joanne. No one who has followed the latest revelations on the so called science.....
» 10/10/2009 9:21:23 AM About as much as I do, or perhaps, just a little less......
» 8/10/2009 11:44:12 PM When a bloke on another sight announced he was going to marry his long term girlfriend, th.....
» 8/10/2009 4:36:15 PM Sorry, rereading my earlier post, I find I did not make it all clear. The idea would be t.....
» 8/10/2009 2:03:07 PM It really is mind blowing that anyone so thick can have the qualifications necessary, & be.....
» 8/10/2009 1:09:46 PM This could just work, not as a retirement village, although that may be fun, & us old fart.....
» 8/10/2009 12:09:25 PM Yes Bazz, this time the reserve is speaking to Rudd & Swan, not the general population. Wh.....
» 7/10/2009 7:52:03 PM Willie, you've got to be kidding. I find it hard to believe anyone could be so silly as t.....
» 7/10/2009 2:50:19 PM I think you're dead right Yabby. But is that much different to a whole lot of women, [the.....
» 7/10/2009 1:21:03 PM Well said David, I think it might be a good idea if our Mr Pope aimed his care & concern a.....
» 6/10/2009 1:26:40 PM Examinator, for one who is so proud of their literary ability, you show little comprehensi.....
» 6/10/2009 12:01:55 PM I think you got the boot on the wrong foot there StG. When I was a young [about 16] horse.....
» 6/10/2009 9:58:41 AM Has any one ever before, used so many words to say...NIMBY......
» 5/10/2009 4:00:27 PM Yes Pelican, I read your post, but it is meaningless to say, all pensioners should get a b.....
» 5/10/2009 12:42:05 PM You can always tell when a government policy is either driven only by ideogoly, or a polit.....
» 5/10/2009 11:38:25 AM Pelican, I see you rush to trot out that emotive word, vulnerable, to cover these pensione.....
» 5/10/2009 2:44:34 AM Once again, some of the blokes at our barbeque got onto the state of the world, but this t.....
» 3/10/2009 10:08:20 PM Belly, It's not a matter of understanding politics, it's a matter of understanding princip.....
» 3/10/2009 12:18:33 PM A good point rehctub, my son would certainly not notice. He is on HMAS Kinimbla, & she l.....
» 2/10/2009 5:57:35 PM Well you've really blown it now mate, haven't you. We tried to tell you, but you wouldn't.....
» 30/09/2009 9:35:34 AM You've got to feel sorry for those poor sods, who draw the lowest card in the pack. How d.....
» 29/09/2009 5:02:27 PM That's a good point Protagoras. I suppose that means you'll be out there with the beef in.....
» 29/09/2009 11:04:06 AM Stop press; Steve McIntyre has finally gained access to the data used by Mann & co to pro.....
» 28/09/2009 8:08:34 PM So why did Julian write this bit of purile pap, after all he is a science communicator, & .....
» 27/09/2009 12:27:07 PM It really is a pity to see a once great organisation like the CSIRO become nothing than a .....
» 25/09/2009 9:36:40 PM Grputland, what problem do you have with comprehension. The only thing to compare your ra.....
» 25/09/2009 12:31:47 PM Grputland, rates have very little to do with the valuation of your property, except in com.....
» 25/09/2009 11:33:09 AM Green intelligence, WOW. That must be the mother & father of all oxymoron......
» 24/09/2009 2:49:23 PM For heavens sake Ezhil, go get a life. The only thing any of us owe to any other is to all.....
» 22/09/2009 2:48:58 PM Chris your point would be better made, if you didn't exaggerate so much. I was a house bu.....
» 21/09/2009 9:54:55 PM Graham, I'm all for bringing the curriculum up to scratch, but you will have to find a way.....
» 21/09/2009 2:17:53 PM I totally disagree with this. Today Oz has the most mobile population it has ever had, wi.....
» 18/09/2009 6:44:54 PM Well, if we needed any convincing, our Anna, has just a appeared on TV, talking about this.....
» 18/09/2009 2:26:40 PM Graham, these book adds are getting beyond a joke. Particularly those like this one, which.....
» 17/09/2009 5:10:58 PM Examinator is at it again. Notice he's the ony one who has any knowledge, everyone else is.....
» 17/09/2009 4:51:03 PM Examinator, I find it truly amazing that anyone can think they know so much, & show just h.....
» 17/09/2009 11:40:40 AM If our Anna wants to be accepted as doing a good job, & actually handling OUR money, in a .....
» 16/09/2009 10:55:20 PM Cornflower, I have now idea how young is too young, It depends on the person. I do know ho.....
» 16/09/2009 11:26:20 AM No No No, you can't trust them. Ozbib is quite right. A while back, I & a couple of mat.....
» 15/09/2009 10:54:30 AM No thank you. Aren't there all ready more of them over here, than over there? Talk about.....
» 14/09/2009 11:13:47 AM Examinator, do you know what this kid is going to do? It doesn't sound like it. If you do.....
» 12/09/2009 9:43:30 PM David, you don't have to worry about coal mate. We will still be burning it, to warm our .....
» 12/09/2009 2:55:19 PM When Jessica sets off, she will be just one of qiute a few thousand people sailing around .....
» 11/09/2009 7:19:02 PM Mike, I suppose it's OK for such exalted persons ar a climate change professor to tell bar.....
» 11/09/2009 6:48:20 PM Lyn, you've been dispensew with. Go home & do something useful. If the pension we pay you.....
» 11/09/2009 1:45:01 PM A poorer US will mean a shrinking market for Chinese products, & thus a shrinking market, .....
» 11/09/2009 12:54:25 PM This is getting to be a worry CJ. I agree she should go on, if she wants to. There is not.....
» 11/09/2009 10:54:38 AM What a mixed bunch. Mine's a bit more simple. One side is british gentry, came out as an.....
» 8/09/2009 10:54:29 PM No, it would be a disaster. You'd end up with a couple of drop kick orators, ones who kno.....
» 8/09/2009 10:38:40 PM I had to go back to buying the odd news paper. The local free paper went to the magazine.....
» 8/09/2009 10:27:05 PM Oh hell, another one. It only takes a quick look at our public services, state & commonwe.....
» 8/09/2009 9:50:43 PM Foxy's right, we should bring back horses. I like horses, & horses, being much slower, wil.....
» 7/09/2009 12:17:38 PM As an old sports car lover, my favourite joke is, Why did they fit spot lights, as standa.....
» 7/09/2009 3:01:44 AM Yes, the most dangerous thing about our roads today is our ridiculously low speed limits, .....
» 5/09/2009 12:30:27 PM CJ, you were unlucky, I think. I can not recall ever finding one of those twits on the New.....
» 4/09/2009 7:58:52 PM The cowboy, & his new bride had just left the church, after getting married, & were headin.....
» 4/09/2009 11:44:45 AM I don't know enough about earlier US presidents to know just where George fits in ths tabl.....
» 3/09/2009 1:22:00 PM Well, we mostly agree that the affair is something, nothing. However, I believe the blok.....
» 3/09/2009 11:42:09 AM Funny that all that physical type punishment didn't work. Funny, because I can remember t.....
» 2/09/2009 3:52:39 PM How many more of these damn fool articles are we going to get from this twit. Yes the oce.....
» 2/09/2009 12:24:20 PM When the people in indigenous communities pay the rent on the houses provided for them, & .....
» 2/09/2009 2:16:53 AM Sorry Ludwig, a bad choice of words there. Still, don't forget the people you are going t.....
» 2/09/2009 12:07:25 AM John, we have people teaching subjects that they could not handle, as a student, at that l.....
» 1/09/2009 11:47:16 PM John, you destroy youe own argument when you show that of 3 teachers, only you were able t.....
» 1/09/2009 7:30:09 PM Ludwig, mate, it'll never work. I am highly unlikely to tail gate you, or anyone, as the p.....
» 31/08/2009 11:57:59 AM Interesting Ludwig, but you should be looking for the reason for the increase in the probl.....
» 30/08/2009 3:04:17 PM Well done Ludwig, you are probably right. I always had the thought that our part, in the .....
» 29/08/2009 11:05:23 AM Michale really has a problem, doesn't he? He can't decide if he's a teacher, an historia.....
» 28/08/2009 10:46:54 PM Fester, set your nasty little heart at rest, very few irrigators, on controlled streams, w.....
» 23/08/2009 3:24:05 PM Belly, we are going to have to stop this, but I agree completely. I do find those who are.....
» 22/08/2009 9:43:13 PM Well Oto, there should be no trouble caused by league tables, with all those people, shoul.....
» 22/08/2009 12:26:39 PM Thanks for that Baygon, some real truth in your important point. "Whether the parents.....
» 22/08/2009 2:31:34 AM Fortunately WTF is wrong, Nuclear will give more than a century, as will coal, with no pro.....
» 19/08/2009 8:50:55 PM Valerie, Rhian, put the hankies away, these blokes aren't worth your tears. I have seen .....
» 19/08/2009 8:18:07 PM Most of these women get exactly what they deserve. They are attractive attention seeking w.....
» 19/08/2009 2:21:22 PM It really didn't matter which one of them got the gig, the US was going to have a lousy, i.....
» 18/08/2009 12:48:26 PM I tried to resist, fought against it, but I'm just not strong enough. I came here for a l.....
» 15/08/2009 11:11:16 PM Yes proto, I agree entirely. I can't believe that either of them are stupid enough to bel.....
» 13/08/2009 1:33:04 PM An interesting side light to this is the difference between private & public industry. Pr.....
» 12/08/2009 9:58:05 AM Hay Sancho, how's your field of vision? Must be a bit restricted, from right up there......
» 12/08/2009 12:33:07 AM Well Mal, you've really blown it now mate. If only you'd waited long enough to read this t.....
» 10/08/2009 4:51:26 PM Hay Malcome baby, you are getting it all wrong. This business of me too policies just won'.....
» 9/08/2009 4:03:09 PM Well, I'd much rather live under Tyranny of the majority than the tyranny of a self appion.....
» 7/08/2009 10:42:10 PM I am so sick of the Balbo Five. If they had been a bunch of engineers, we would not of he.....
» 7/08/2009 4:37:42 PM Remember when the asian so called Tiger economies all collapsed. We were expected to go in.....
» 7/08/2009 3:25:48 PM What our moderate moslems neet to teach to their young activists is the story of Bosnia. .....
» 7/08/2009 3:02:40 PM I always felt Fitzgerald was a smug self satisfied peanut, far too full of his own importa.....
» 6/08/2009 11:05:24 PM Akhtar you gave the reason yourself, with even noticing, when you said our young engineer .....
» 5/08/2009 12:48:02 PM Benk, your post has accidently highlighted a large area of the problem, when you suggest t.....
» 4/08/2009 2:38:53 PM Examinator, you are very good at telling others they are wrong, & they should get the fact.....
» 4/08/2009 11:32:55 AM No Arjay, I feel it's up to us to give these poor imagination challenged add people, somet.....
» 2/08/2009 2:43:37 PM Mikk,I don't know where you get your ideas on the past, perhaps you are only a kid, & thin.....
» 2/08/2009 1:44:23 PM What an utter rubbish post, best described as hate mail, or should it be male?. I could ha.....
» 2/08/2009 12:58:51 PM Of course one does. He lives in Parris, & designs awful dresses, that he sells for ridicu.....
» 1/08/2009 2:59:35 PM Come on you lot, it really is simple. That awful woman has just decided that there are mo.....
» 31/07/2009 11:05:23 AM What does the poor bugger have to do? That suite, his wife bought it, with him looking on.....
» 29/07/2009 10:39:21 PM When humans spend too much time gazing at their navels, all they usually find is a lot of .....
» 29/07/2009 10:27:53 PM Costelo doesn't want to lead into 2010, & suffer a defeat. Who ever leads into that electi.....
» 29/07/2009 12:16:24 PM Just so true. I must read Gulliver again, it's so long I don't remember much. Dave, I'm a.....
» 23/07/2009 8:51:24 PM Leigh, don't be too hurt mate, I don't think you are shrill. Even if you were, that's got.....
» 23/07/2009 5:17:52 PM What a bummer. You write a book about Global Warming, entitled The Big Thaw, & not only d.....
» 18/07/2009 5:37:40 PM Hay, Martin, that sounds like a damned good idea to me. I've got quite a bit of very good.....
» 17/07/2009 4:18:43 PM Examinator, Feilding can't understand climate, & Penny Wong can. You've got to be kidding .....
» 16/07/2009 10:12:12 AM The vice chancellors must be getting really worried about future funding. What are they go.....
» 14/07/2009 3:49:13 PM League tables may be a start, but to get some equity back into our schools requires q full.....
» 14/07/2009 3:06:44 PM The sound of my wife, choking on her coffee caught my attention. I looked up in time to se.....
» 12/07/2009 1:56:14 PM Will someone please buy Kruddy some good sleeping tablets, or find him a nice young mistre.....
» 3/07/2009 2:05:47 AM Pied Piper, I got sick of climbing the corporate ladder in Sydney, climbed on a yacht, & w.....
» 2/07/2009 12:50:27 PM Another good thread Max. As a 1940 baby, with a family move to Townsville after the war, .....
» 1/07/2009 8:12:52 PM Careful there Fractelle, you'll turn everything you touch a shade of green. Pied Piper, a.....
» 30/06/2009 10:40:38 PM I'm glad you liked it Foxy. Reading yours, I think it's probably a good thing that the G .....
» 30/06/2009 1:56:40 PM Have you forgotten step-ins. You know those things that were so hard to get off, in the ba.....
» 26/06/2009 3:12:31 PM Professor, not too much wrong with your ideas mate, BUT, they just don't work, here in Oz......
» 23/06/2009 1:28:32 PM Sancho, today, with all our media staffed by people who have done a literary subject at an.....
» 22/06/2009 3:06:02 PM No Q&A, not the answer I was looking for, I was after something useful. I will agree with.....
» 21/06/2009 11:23:19 AM Mikk's simplistic understanding of the effect of CO2 in the atmosphere highlights how peop.....
» 20/06/2009 4:58:34 PM Well, this piece does not say much for the Australia Institute Could this wise researche.....
» 20/06/2009 3:49:38 PM The word has been handed down to the reserve/B team. "Get into print supporting our m.....
» 15/06/2009 10:13:36 AM Q&A, I have a couple of problems with your suggestion that the models can hindcast the pas.....
» 14/06/2009 3:56:22 PM I wonder how you warmests happened to miss the evidence that the hotest year was 1932, & 3.....
» 12/06/2009 6:30:56 PM Don't you just cringe, when ever you see him about to do another interview. You wonder wha.....
» 11/06/2009 11:30:31 PM Protagoras, Tony Jones, in that interview, came across as the small minded, smug dummy he .....
» 11/06/2009 11:08:43 PM I find it interesting that it's the economists that fall most heavily for tha AGW myth. Co.....
» 11/06/2009 4:35:56 PM Yes, 8 years since anything that could even be spun as warming. Yes, The arctic ice is ba.....
» 11/06/2009 3:06:08 PM If there is any racism here, it is induced by this damn stupid multiculturalism. It is t.....
» 9/06/2009 4:54:10 PM So they call in a communicator to try another line of BS, that no REAL scientist could aff.....
» 9/06/2009 1:56:14 PM I can't remember ever not having a dog. When I was 11, I rather surprised my parents by c.....
» 5/06/2009 11:12:30 AM Wow, it's almost unbelievable, untill you think of it's origan, & wonder where the fairies.....
» 4/06/2009 3:28:38 PM Obama is following an existing template in this rubbish. After WW11 the UK government sta.....
» 4/06/2009 10:38:52 AM As far as I can see with Obama, there are only 2 things he is interested in. Buying votes.....
» 28/05/2009 12:04:02 PM Examinator, if you really believe that things like fishing bans in Morton Bay are scientif.....
» 27/05/2009 11:49:07 PM So here we have young Melanie, never left school, & is not intending to, by the look of it.....
» 25/05/2009 3:42:40 PM Reading between the lines here, I can see two reasons for this article. The first, & mos.....
» 25/05/2009 2:43:08 PM I really do get sick of these B grade book promotions, masquerading as considered articles.....
» 22/05/2009 9:58:41 PM If I was paying a great deal of money to young athletes to perform in my team, I would wan.....
» 22/05/2009 1:20:15 PM I would love to see a performance based pay for teachers, but I agree with Pelican, it wou.....
» 21/05/2009 11:46:17 AM Thank you Johnj, it's nice to know I'm still fast at something. Robert, may you, & your .....
» 20/05/2009 11:50:52 AM Over educated, over paid, over opinionated, under employed & under achieving & unistereste.....
» 17/05/2009 9:45:25 PM That last post came from such a very dark dirty arrogant hate filled place that I almost p.....
» 16/05/2009 2:08:22 PM "I'm a fiscal conservative" must go down as the greatest lie ever told by a poli.....
» 16/05/2009 1:31:47 PM When will the ladies, & some old f4rts on here catch up with todays world? When will they.....
» 15/05/2009 11:52:51 AM Interesting that our mate Rudd has just given this disgusting organisation, the ABC, even .....
» 13/05/2009 10:37:41 AM Costs were studiously avoided in thes artical. Why do I get the feeling that we are going.....
» 12/05/2009 12:34:32 PM Pensioners need to remember we [yes I'm one] did it pretty easy, in many ways, compared to.....
» 12/05/2009 11:19:30 AM Bugsy, you can do the same for Global Warming, & get just as much bull sh1t......
» 11/05/2009 3:22:03 PM It's no good getting old, if you don't get lucky, & boy, didn't I & the rest of the wester.....
» 7/05/2009 12:08:17 PM I am neither a smoker, or drinker, probably why I can live on the pension, but I do agree .....
» 6/05/2009 10:31:00 PM How old is that list your quoting from, & just who wrote it Protagoras? It has been accep.....
» 6/05/2009 10:00:36 PM The town, & other "planners", should elect John Howard as their patron saint. H.....
» 6/05/2009 9:22:48 PM Don't worry love, if your income really gets so low, you can't afford the hair dresser app.....
» 5/05/2009 11:27:26 PM Examinator, I'm sorry to say, mate, someone is being a little loose with the truth, with t.....
» 5/05/2009 8:21:51 PM There is always another peanut who wants to spend my money on someone else. Of course the.....
» 5/05/2009 4:21:02 PM Examinator, when I was still producing useful things, I had many examples of the stupid pa.....
» 3/05/2009 7:15:36 PM Foxy, why are you so keen on hydrogen, as a replacement transport fuel? The production of.....
» 3/05/2009 4:37:07 PM KimBax, leckos, what did you not understand about my post. This is a production technique.....
» 3/05/2009 1:48:56 PM Antiseptic, I have been told that we do not allow pork bone to be imported. I am not sure.....
» 2/05/2009 11:34:06 PM Just for you rstuart, & just one reserve. A recent 10 month test of Electro Thermal Dynam.....
» 2/05/2009 2:56:04 PM Canada has more oil than the total world usage to date, in the arctic, hence the polar bea.....
» 1/05/2009 9:51:09 PM The yanks have a long history of being taken in by B grade evangelists, with a good line o.....
» 28/04/2009 11:58:41 PM You can bet on that, Sancho. One thing about being a hasbeen, is you've been around a whi.....
» 28/04/2009 9:49:10 PM Y2K, Global warming, Bird flu, there is always some "authority" who wants to hea.....
» 27/04/2009 1:56:41 PM God, is it true? We even have people teaching uni courses on how to be nice to these bludg.....
» 27/04/2009 1:31:07 PM Yes, the last thing we need is a copy of kRudd from our opposition leader. After all, a c.....
» 22/04/2009 4:19:18 PM OK, try this. We put a condition on residency, or citizanship. A 4 year stint in the army.....
» 21/04/2009 3:44:21 PM Year, a natural born wealth sink. If they can achieve the same level of feather bedded ove.....
» 21/04/2009 1:38:54 PM Don't be too hard on the poor walkers, RPG, after all, if someone puts a road in, they wil.....
» 21/04/2009 12:58:42 PM There is only one reason for the problems of the Afghans today. Their choice of religion. .....
» 21/04/2009 12:04:56 PM I think the problem is parity pricing. Our government has agreed to the companies harves.....
» 19/04/2009 9:50:28 PM I raced cars. I used to be able to beat them sometimes too, when they broke. I was timed, .....
» 19/04/2009 9:24:37 PM I get so sick of this "dangerous small leaky boat" bit coming from the bleeding .....
» 17/04/2009 12:48:54 PM She was one of 3 paying crew on a yacht in Gladstone. They had paid to sail on the thing f.....
» 16/04/2009 11:08:37 AM Daggett, I don't believe you. I did hope I might get some lady to have a go at the grandF.....
» 15/04/2009 9:04:04 PM So, if you have real talent, you don't need years of lessons. They must have done a prett.....
» 15/04/2009 12:12:16 PM Sorry Susie love, but we don't want none of them foreign ideas around here. It's gunna tak.....
» 14/04/2009 3:10:21 PM The artical reads more like an application for a yet to be announced consultancy, with a f.....
» 14/04/2009 1:38:30 PM It's interesting to watch Rudd, & his bunch of dills waffle on about the big bad banks, no.....
» 14/04/2009 12:40:36 PM Inteesting. This bloke earns his quid by spruiking this rubbish, & many of those on here f.....
» 14/04/2009 12:08:14 PM I have to agree with you. one under god. However the western world is now ruled bt people.....
» 12/04/2009 2:18:47 PM Tits on a bull comes to mind. This is as well designed as the stimulus package building s.....
» 8/04/2009 1:49:07 PM Before we had town planners, [or any other sort of planners], or green activists, Brisbane.....
» 6/04/2009 9:04:56 PM Interesting that this should come up, now, when the english speaking world is being lead b.....
» 6/04/2009 3:20:14 PM Yes DIS, he's about 10 years late with this lot. Then he has the hide to suggest we shoul.....
» 6/04/2009 2:43:06 PM This bloke's at least 30 years out of date. He referred to the CSIRO as if it was still .....
» 4/04/2009 5:39:57 PM CJ, do you really believe any of this stuff you post? Much as most of the greens try to .....
» 2/04/2009 12:27:39 AM Wow! An Australian Democrat advising another party on their policy development, & how to e.....
» 30/03/2009 2:11:37 PM Interesting. I totally fail to see how any one, with even a little school boy science, ca.....
» 27/03/2009 12:49:05 PM Examinator, my point is, that if I drive my 29 year old car, for the 10,000/13,000Km a yea.....
» 27/03/2009 1:12:27 AM Examinator, buss box is the term applied by motor enthusiasts, & many other general public.....
» 27/03/2009 12:30:34 AM Thanks for the sense of humour, & the support you blokes. The vitriol may have got me, wit.....
» 25/03/2009 9:41:51 PM More twaddle. As an observant school boy, in the 50s, I saw those downtrodden house wives.....
» 25/03/2009 8:42:06 PM The last 2 positions I advertised were; One for a storeman, which attracted only 2 applic.....
» 25/03/2009 8:07:06 PM Just to help CJ out with a fact. The greatest algal bloom in the Darling, since settlement.....
» 25/03/2009 4:11:31 PM Examinator, our buss box is one of the latest, high efficeincy, variable valve timing, low.....
» 25/03/2009 3:15:21 PM It's all too simple, & anti vote buying for government. Just one law to pass, & then a few.....
» 25/03/2009 1:35:46 PM What rubbish. Has any one heard of Mitsubishi? How much tax payer money went on trying to .....
» 20/03/2009 8:13:21 PM What rubbish Miacat. Bligh is a dictatorial bitch, who has gone early, because she knows .....
» 20/03/2009 1:21:45 PM I'm a war time baby, does that make me a blood brother of the boomers? What a pile of bul.....
» 20/03/2009 10:21:50 AM For a number of years I lived on a river, a little south of the current crock range. The.....
» 19/03/2009 5:49:33 PM Belly, most of those who sell their Body's are just like drug dealers. They have found a n.....
» 16/03/2009 5:29:07 PM Socialism is where 30% of the population have to work their guts out, in industry, to supp.....
» 13/03/2009 2:21:38 PM Otokonolo. yes, I agree there can be a problem for a few that may be sick, or have another.....
» 12/03/2009 7:54:02 PM There is just so much bull dust in the education debate, & it's all so easy to fix. All w.....
» 12/03/2009 7:19:32 PM Value add, in Oz, you've got to be kidding. Apart from the true facts given by Yabby, we t.....
» 10/03/2009 4:27:12 PM I would decree that all reflective surfaces were covered immediately. You see, I feel a l.....
» 10/03/2009 4:05:55 PM Bazz, you miss the point. 1/ Windfarms are just a bl@@dy nuisance, more trouble than they.....
» 10/03/2009 1:54:59 PM The next time you read of million of gallons of raw sewage, being pumped into a river, or .....
» 10/03/2009 1:38:26 PM Melody, would you please explain to me the difference in cost, in both power & money, in p.....
» 8/03/2009 9:43:41 PM The most ridicules thing about using recycled sewage for our water supply is the fact that.....
» 3/03/2009 11:56:36 PM It's even worse than that Penny, they can only crew 2 of the subs, & there are a couple of.....
» 2/03/2009 12:02:22 PM Bunch of wimps. I was a fifty a day man for 45+ years. Enjoyed every one of them too. Af.....
» 2/03/2009 10:54:14 AM This argument highlights the total dishonesty of the whole green house gas debate. Only an.....
» 26/02/2009 12:45:24 PM What bl@@dy rubbish, how the hell would they know. When I played hooker for my country hi.....
» 25/02/2009 4:02:50 AM Well, I live in a double fibro, large rambling house, with very wide overhangs, on 20 acre.....
» 24/02/2009 3:29:26 PM "Don't you worry about that" Cuphandle. It wasn't Joh's gerrymander, it was a la.....
» 24/02/2009 2:21:28 PM What a wonderful Idea. Lets all move into the type of housing enjoyed by the near slave l.....
» 22/02/2009 8:29:29 PM Costello, is no fool, he knows Rudd is a dud. He also knows the average Oz voter doesn't .....
» 19/02/2009 10:51:21 PM We all know that Beattie, knowing what a bl@@dy awful job he had done, was worried how his.....
» 17/02/2009 2:12:12 PM Where do you get your FACTS examinator? Suncorp are advertising right now, that they are .....
» 9/02/2009 2:23:28 PM Nice to agree with you Bronwyn. Cuphandle, there is no way I have the time to access the .....
» 7/02/2009 1:34:15 AM Was there ever such a winger. Yes Mr Hagan, I think we should supply aboriginal communiti.....
» 30/01/2009 12:38:49 AM I am the product of a small [only 15 kids in 5Th year] NSW country high school. Our scienc.....
» 27/01/2009 11:14:22 PM The original question, what does Australia day mean to me? Nothing, absolutely nothing. .....
» 27/01/2009 10:36:30 PM I sailed into the Island of Gizo, in the Solomons, quite a few years back now, but also qu.....
» 27/01/2009 5:27:43 PM My dear Bronwyn, your selective memory is showing. The whole system of low start loans wa.....
» 26/01/2009 3:24:54 PM What twaddle Bronwin, the financial problems are based on a US lefty government, encouragi.....
» 23/01/2009 1:27:20 PM Definition: New ATSIC, New trough for dark snouts......
» 22/01/2009 11:13:22 AM Dear Foxy, I am sure you did a similar post, in defence of Rudd, about a year ago. Well .....
» 22/01/2009 10:58:02 AM I certainly hope that Obama is going to be a president who is black, & not a black preside.....
» 21/01/2009 4:04:15 PM From where I sit, it sounds like a lot of activist opposition to me, rather than public......
» 21/01/2009 3:50:40 PM Why is it that all the gullible/dumb, easily lead, but qualified twits, in this country, c.....
» 21/01/2009 3:34:15 PM This bloke is going to be the biggest disappointment ever. He is going to be about as usef.....
» 20/01/2009 11:57:51 AM Estella, I have found that in the odd emergency, on the road, [the most likely place for t.....
» 19/01/2009 1:29:29 PM I don't mind being overweight, or fat, but I will not be obese. What a horrible word that .....
» 19/01/2009 11:32:53 AM Gibo, what garbage. With your namby-pamby approach we will end up with uour "special.....
» 19/01/2009 11:02:05 AM It's not a big problem, Rehctub. All we have to do is get rid or the 30% of public servan.....
» 8/01/2009 11:19:55 AM The law business must be a bit slow in Darwin. Too many graduates, & not enough work spr.....
» 6/01/2009 6:13:31 PM I think that is the right approach Ludwig. I think one of the problems is the low number .....
» 5/01/2009 6:31:04 PM The most dishonest advertising I've heard lately has been the rash of academics spouting a.....
» 1/01/2009 8:06:34 PM You've got to be kidding Pelican. If we had such a system, KRudd would have smashed the do.....
» 25/12/2008 2:02:56 AM Spikey your rant is tiring. I'm sick of winging bludgers. I'm a pensioner. As a late sta.....
» 25/12/2008 12:03:22 AM I'm sure the technical limitations of electric cars, range, performance etc, can be overco.....
» 23/12/2008 3:01:49 AM Don't worry about that Concord. The defence forces have pretty high recruit entrance stan.....
» 23/12/2008 2:31:32 AM We all ready have universities scrambling to fill courses with students, getting a bit too.....
» 21/12/2008 9:55:31 PM Hell, Q&A, I wouldn't want one of them Nobel things, I don't think I would like the compan.....
» 19/12/2008 1:13:43 AM It's a pity this girl is such a good typist. If she weren't so good, just may be her brain.....
» 19/12/2008 12:54:30 AM I can see no reason to spend lots of tax payers money on public transport, used by a very .....
» 18/12/2008 11:53:00 PM Examinator, your ideology, gets in the way of you seeing the facts. Recent research sugge.....
» 18/12/2008 12:39:08 AM Fractelle, I for one hope we don't get too many of those green jobs you are raving about. .....
» 17/12/2008 1:59:02 PM It will not take too many more of these rants, by people with unpronounceable names, tryin.....
» 17/12/2008 10:39:58 AM Approaching 30 years ago, I was a divisional manager for a Telford property. Each division.....
» 17/12/2008 12:59:33 AM David, have a look at the growing Arctic ice mate, the ongoung cooling, & ice growth in th.....
» 16/12/2008 5:57:16 PM When I bought this property, I only looked at places 20Km or more, out of town. When My ki.....
» 16/12/2008 4:52:08 PM If Turnbull has enough sense to avoid backing KRudd's carbon trading fiasco, he has it mad.....
» 15/12/2008 9:46:40 PM CJ, you poor humourless miserable ratbag lefty twit. You don't make it to bastard, that ta.....
» 15/12/2008 2:06:58 PM Robert, & Spikey, it was credible empirical research by smug self-satisified twits, probab.....
» 14/12/2008 10:22:34 PM In my last year at school, I wanted to find out what the cane was like, but I'd been such .....
» 14/12/2008 9:33:22 PM I am just so sick of having to be responsible for every twit in the country. I see no reas.....
» 11/12/2008 9:06:37 PM rstuart. it's pie in the sky, because as with Denmark for example, it just don't work. Th.....
» 11/12/2008 4:19:20 PM Perhaps, just for once this bloke has got something right. He may have looked hard at eur.....
» 8/12/2008 9:58:15 PM Belly, just to show you that I often agree, but don't bother posting, I agree weth all you.....
» 3/12/2008 11:01:11 AM I am very glad that the cloud 9 group on OLO posters have previously dealt with the proble.....
» 2/12/2008 3:11:01 PM Please stop kidding yourselves folks. Ford europe has the Focus, & the Mondeo, going great.....
» 1/12/2008 2:07:54 AM Does anyone really care what an airhead, full of botox, thinks, or says?.....
» 1/12/2008 1:55:35 AM Well Arjay, labor now have an enviable record of promoting dropkick women to leadership. T.....
» 28/11/2008 12:03:55 PM Don't be too hard on the ladies, they have a problem. You see, they know they are the inf.....
» 27/11/2008 2:16:14 PM Aren't all those Costa places pretty posh. You know, a Ferrari, or a Lamborghini in every .....
» 26/11/2008 8:38:19 PM TRTL, your creativity may be a good thing, if it is restricted to the property of those cr.....
» 26/11/2008 5:26:11 PM Any organisation that employs an egotistical twit like Phillip Adams needs to be squeezed.....
» 26/11/2008 2:43:45 PM Examinator, as I said in an earlier post, if GM go, so does our entire industry. Toyota ar.....
» 26/11/2008 2:01:42 PM Ludwig, wrong mate. You sound exactly like the ideology that destroyed the UK industry. .....
» 24/11/2008 10:17:50 PM Foxy dear, I'm too damn old to bother with names, but there were two lady health area dire.....
» 24/11/2008 9:49:17 PM You know, I had to go back & check the topic a couple of times. It was hard to believe it.....
» 24/11/2008 9:01:51 PM Heven help us, it's all so simple. Women are mercenary. They don't want to be a low paid .....
» 22/11/2008 1:36:45 PM Nobel Peace Prise, hay? Didn't they give one of them to Gore, & the IPCC? Hell, with tha.....
» 20/11/2008 12:56:07 PM Nah! Lets give them Lakemba......
» 19/11/2008 6:35:57 PM Bugsy, you miss my point entirely. I think this has been a magnificent effort by the CES. .....
» 19/11/2008 2:26:59 PM Although a tragic catastrophe, for the poor sods who copped it, Brisbane' sunday storm is .....
» 18/11/2008 8:26:24 PM Belly, Belly, no I'm not John Howard, although I would be proud to have done such a good j.....
» 15/11/2008 6:20:36 PM But Belly, they were replaced with totally untrained monkeys, who, unfortunately for us, t.....
» 15/11/2008 5:51:13 PM All this rationality, yet most of you have fallen for the big one. Hands up all who have.....
» 12/11/2008 11:22:49 PM I used to feel really sorry for my NZ mates. I used to wonder how embarrassed I would be, .....
» 12/11/2008 8:56:22 PM Well someone has to give the negative to all this emotive, but fact free outpouring of gen.....
» 10/11/2008 12:32:19 PM Forrest, there are a few problems with a tow generator. I used a Walker log, which has a .....
» 10/11/2008 11:24:55 AM Continued On the forth day, the tech refitted the phones, the painter did 5 minutes touch.....
» 10/11/2008 11:15:18 AM Belly, there are some ideas of yours, with which I most strongly agree, but normally I see.....
» 9/11/2008 10:25:33 PM Polycarp, when I set that yacht up, for extended use in the trade wind belt, I was supplyi.....
» 8/11/2008 11:52:39 PM Did anyone see the interesting report in the October edition of the UK Which magazine, on .....
» 8/11/2008 9:30:57 PM Unsupportable myth, examinator, try this one. Country town hospital, downgraded over rece.....
» 8/11/2008 5:43:29 PM Careful Belly, your ideology is showing. The reason that subsidised private enterprise is.....
» 7/11/2008 12:04:45 PM Marilyn, I think its a numbers game. A mate of mine was estblishing his new business. Whe.....
» 6/11/2008 6:25:22 PM Good on you Ludwig, keep hammering the population growth, & immigration problem. It's goin.....
» 6/11/2008 3:40:48 PM TRTL, I hope you are right, but I'm afraid I doubt it. I expect Obama will do about as mu.....
» 6/11/2008 3:09:58 PM Pericles, be my guest. Ludwig, thanks, but no sniffles for me mate. I have had a fantasti.....
» 6/11/2008 12:35:29 PM I see that exactly the same people, who fell for K Rudd's hot air, have fallen for the sam.....
» 6/11/2008 1:45:02 AM Perhaps you are asking too much, from too little, Marilyn. I don't know how many you can m.....
» 3/11/2008 2:25:24 PM Paul, mate, Labor, & principle are two words that just can't be worked into the same sente.....
» 31/10/2008 3:57:02 PM Nicky, as a retired old bloke, I live in somewhat less comfort than I could, if I moved to.....
» 30/10/2008 4:58:30 PM Graham, it may not sound very nice, but he really is right. Flying food, & aid into a sta.....
» 30/10/2008 4:32:05 PM Too right rw, one mans "fact" is another's bull sh4t. You'd best be carefull th.....
» 30/10/2008 1:22:42 PM Mr Right IS right. I am living quite reasonably on the pension, but then, I don't owe any .....
» 25/10/2008 2:24:15 PM I hope you're listening Graham. Our lefty mates don't like any competing ratbaggery on her.....
» 22/10/2008 12:56:26 PM Ten, or even 100 hours, driving carefully, with a professional instructor will never get a.....
» 16/10/2008 12:22:50 PM I'm with you there Rojo. Thousands of country prople have invested their lives in the town.....
» 10/10/2008 10:38:04 AM Once the con of global warming has been exposed, [& it won't be that long now], & the perp.....
» 9/10/2008 7:08:08 PM To the arrogant twits, from their safe abode in suburbia, demanding others live in danger .....
» 8/10/2008 3:03:31 PM If the farmers in Afghanistan, planted food, rather than poppies, their food supply would .....
» 8/10/2008 1:46:37 PM Pelican is right in the ABC showing 2 sides of a debate, the only trouble is that they are.....
» 7/10/2008 11:17:37 AM She could not possibly be as bad as Obama, at least she's inclined to say what she thinks......
» 7/10/2008 10:49:00 AM Gee Arjay, where have you been? Locked up in a Tibetan monastery, for the last 10 years, .....
» 4/10/2008 11:25:10 AM Bronwyn, I broadened my outlook with a bit of travel. I've lived, & worked with Aussue loc.....
» 3/10/2008 12:44:54 PM This bloke knows he has a ready market, amoung the bleeding hearts, for this kind of cr4p......
» 3/10/2008 11:49:58 AM These loans were not all bad. There is a very false impression being given that this was a.....
» 2/10/2008 6:12:07 PM When I was a young bloke, still at school, I bread a few horses. I had a stalion, & a few .....
» 1/10/2008 12:49:49 PM It's all so simple, if you think about it. Yes, where must be a bailout, but that bailout.....
» 26/09/2008 9:41:23 PM I feel sorry for those who could not find enough in real life, & had to get their kicks fr.....
» 26/09/2008 12:43:16 PM I think all churches should be charged atleast triple taxes. This would reduce, at least .....
» 24/09/2008 1:49:43 PM James, perhaps they don't report this stuff to your satisfaction, because they are actuall.....
» 20/09/2008 10:53:20 AM I am very sick of over paid, drunken sports people. That said, a few questions for PALE. .....
» 19/09/2008 3:23:40 PM No wonder you people are such suckers for a good global warming con. You invest magpies wi.....
» 16/09/2008 1:57:01 AM Could someone please explane this blokes maths to me. This is the first time I have heard .....
» 13/09/2008 10:26:15 AM Any white paper from our mate K RUDD will be an exercise in futility while the navy is sti.....
» 12/09/2008 12:28:12 PM Bad idea Graham. I think it is about time that the more prudent among us started to gain.....
» 10/09/2008 12:51:36 AM Why would anyone need a leaf blower? With this twit around, all we need is a handle for hi.....
» 6/09/2008 11:20:02 AM Yes CJ, that's the piont, of the majority, by the majority, etc. Not by the minority, wher.....
» 6/09/2008 12:09:12 AM When I was a navy pilot, back when we still had an aircraft carrier, I swore a bit. On boa.....
» 5/09/2008 11:37:10 PM The stupidity of you people knows no bounds. No one suffers if my stock use the river, or.....
» 5/09/2008 9:46:42 PM Sorry Davids, no can do. I think the BOM, & CSIRO are gambling a bit on history, with the.....
» 5/09/2008 1:51:08 PM Come no bigmal, you know damn well. Much as most of these people know they have to comply.....
» 5/09/2008 12:50:13 PM CJ, Tasmania is the basket case it is, despite the hundreds of millions from the rest of O.....
» 3/09/2008 11:16:49 PM Jason, although I live only 60Km, as the crow flies, from our capital city GPO, for the la.....
» 3/09/2008 10:34:10 PM Come on bennie, more savvy? BBs had 60 in a class & still learned to add up, WITHOUT a cal.....
» 3/09/2008 10:23:36 PM All this rubbish was applied in a major experiment, in a couple of very large workplaces. .....
» 2/09/2008 1:35:09 PM I'm a bit old to be a boomer, but I kind of feel a kindred spirit with them. I'm from th.....
» 1/09/2008 10:26:41 PM Jason, the last time I was in hospital, after a heart a attack, a neighbour opened my rive.....
» 1/09/2008 10:10:05 PM Jason, perhaps you should get a few facts right before you open your mouth. My river boun.....
» 28/08/2008 2:09:33 PM Country gal, your education appears to be sadly lacking. I suggest a couple of days studd.....
» 22/08/2008 9:11:54 PM For 45 years I ate as much as I liked, of anything I felt like, & never gained a pound. N.....
» 19/08/2008 12:50:25 AM CJ, I gather you are unaware of the petition, signed by 31072 American scientists, includi.....
» 11/08/2008 8:31:41 PM A mate of mine, 25 years my senior, would probably have been an Oz, champion, in a very mi.....
» 5/08/2008 4:02:05 PM Rehctub, perhaps, like me until recently, you are too busy, head down & tail up, to see ju.....
» 5/08/2008 2:56:46 PM Sylvia my beef is with your suggestion that we should pay more than urban users, for any t.....
» 4/08/2008 11:03:56 PM Sylvia, in most rural areas, the rates of those who do not get a town water supply, have o.....
» 14/07/2008 10:26:42 AM Thanks for that Walter, a voice of reason from someone who has read the new reasearch, rat.....
» 7/07/2008 10:51:22 PM Sophie, I'm a little different to average, as I live in the near country, 25Km from an out.....
» 2/07/2008 1:01:27 PM & this bloke is an ethics professor. There is nothing like hate to cloud someone's judge.....
» 1/07/2008 11:04:36 PM I'm with you Cuphandle, we are going to have to start to sit on these councils. A large pa.....
» 27/06/2008 9:36:58 AM How else do you justify spending millions employing thousands in the social welfare sector.....
» 24/06/2008 5:37:13 PM Once upon a time, the labor party stood for something. Now, anyone can buy them for a cou.....
» 24/06/2008 10:45:55 AM I know you had high hopes belly, but its now time to face the facts. The man is a twit. H.....
» 23/06/2008 12:17:06 PM So, some women, particularly rich & famous fading beauties, can have a mid life crisis, ju.....
» 23/06/2008 12:05:29 PM It does seem a lot of money, for someone who always gives me the impression that she is a .....
» 22/06/2008 1:50:02 AM Yes, what we need is lots more women in management, in private industry. Then it would be.....
» 7/06/2008 10:03:05 PM Why is it that silly little girls like to display their ignorance by going into print abou.....
» 6/06/2008 4:29:33 PM Nothing good......
» 6/06/2008 4:23:34 PM Gillard has pulled together a committee which will allow her to use our money to pay for s.....
» 26/05/2008 7:00:53 PM Gosh Pelican, I hadn't realised you were so perceptive......
» 26/05/2008 5:54:05 PM Foxy, it's not that anyone is attacking him, just that we are observing his actions. The .....
» 14/05/2008 2:04:08 PM Hundreds of comedy writers, in recent years have failed in their quest, to get me to laugh.....
» 12/05/2008 3:42:11 PM Ho Hum, its pretty easy to define a left-wing extremist. There the ones who want to force.....
» 9/05/2008 10:39:27 AM Col, you dirty old man you! CJ, I get so sick of this "fictitious weapons of mass di.....
» 9/05/2008 12:18:41 AM It is really refreshing to read something on AGW that is so clear, sensible, & free of hyp.....
» 7/05/2008 10:12:44 AM The world has COOLED for the last 8 years. Even the IPCC has admitted this. They have even.....
» 2/05/2008 1:12:35 AM Hamlet, I am continually annoyed by the lack of knowledge displayed by people like you. I.....
» 11/04/2008 7:56:53 PM Krisner got exactly what I would expect from the inhabitants of this forum. After all, mos.....
» 10/04/2008 7:16:43 PM Silly little girls really need to spend a bit of time learning the facts of life, before p.....
» 1/04/2008 4:50:28 PM Foxy, if I actually believed I was a member of the same species as Bob Ellis, I would have.....
» 11/03/2008 1:49:03 PM Taswegian, for 60 years Qld, Tas, & WA subsidised NSW, & VIC, & to a lessor extent SA, wit.....
» 8/03/2008 11:43:45 AM It only takes a quick look at the useless female fools that affirmative action has thrown .....
» 5/03/2008 7:30:36 PM Yes, Rudd's speach was realy something. Fotrunately the remote was close, & I could chang.....
» 28/02/2008 10:09:59 PM I wonder why I have not read anything here about women, taking advantage of drunk young bl.....
» 26/02/2008 3:09:29 PM My mother used to reckon that motor racing was some bl@@dy idiot, trying to get back to wh.....
» 25/02/2008 12:39:16 PM What a pile of twaddle. I came back to Oz in 1976, with about $3000 to my name, aged 36. .....
» 25/02/2008 11:14:39 AM Hay thylacine, in just a few years we will all be able to see that you have been chasing c.....
» 25/02/2008 10:45:08 AM The last thing we need is a health system like the UK, a totally dysfunctional bureaucrati.....
» 22/02/2008 4:59:01 PM Yabby, Who was talking about the bl@@dy poor. I was talking about the lower middle class, .....
» 22/02/2008 1:33:18 AM This interest rate policy has always been a totally inefficient, & complete misdirected. I.....
» 21/02/2008 11:56:51 PM Hay Q&A, does it make any difference that there has been no warming, & infact a little coo.....
» 15/02/2008 12:25:41 PM It took less than one line to know what twits these long haired radical rat bags were. Th.....
» 5/02/2008 9:14:09 PM Thought that may get the thread going. TRTL, how long is it going to take you to see that.....
» 5/02/2008 1:15:04 PM Cuphandle, open your eyes mate. This bloke has already displayed two fatal, [for us] flaws.....
» 4/02/2008 5:38:42 PM Voice has a sure fire way of preventing the inequality of some kids being subjected to an .....
» 4/02/2008 2:47:01 PM CJ, you've convinced me. Lets stamp out caffeine, & save all gods children......
» 4/02/2008 2:05:47 PM I am, perhaps wrongly, a bit cynical when people start blaming their problems, on somethin.....
» 30/01/2008 8:39:00 PM Well, I'm quite sure the permit system is very good at protecting those at the top of the .....
» 30/01/2008 8:19:38 PM Why is it that people like this Ray Cleary choose to twist the statistics to lie to us? .....
» 30/01/2008 2:01:56 PM Go buy a red hot Ferrari, on hire purchase. Thrash the daylights out of the thing, then d.....
» 29/01/2008 9:40:33 AM Stev, your mother was right, ofcourse. Becoming a professor will obviously get you out of.....
» 25/01/2008 3:25:43 PM We can live in hope, I suppose......
» 23/01/2008 9:03:15 PM Well, we now know where all the Democrat's bottom of the garden fairies went don't we? Pi.....
» 15/01/2008 11:11:29 AM Wizofaus, you must be very lucky to be earning such good money, as you obviously don't ear.....
» 12/01/2008 1:54:19 PM A couple of years ago, my young son bought an old 4WD Hilux ute, fitted with those big nob.....
» 11/01/2008 11:39:07 AM What a pile of bl@@dy rubbish. Each of my 5 gram plastic bags , when loaded at the super.....
» 9/01/2008 12:39:22 PM It appears to me that the main reason for complaint by the Indians, & our lefties, is the .....
» 13/12/2007 4:15:04 PM My dentist was a research scientist, until he realised he had a responsibility to provide .....
» 5/12/2007 12:21:28 PM My wife is just as beautiful, & sexy, as she was, when I met her, 36 years ago. Our young.....
» 4/12/2007 1:15:52 PM It took my lady & I 28 years to get round to getting married, but when we started to produ.....
» 30/11/2007 11:08:16 AM John Howard, you have a lot to answer for. If you had won, this silly bitch, & most of he.....
» 12/11/2007 11:11:51 AM I have been thinking the same thing, for some time. Back in the 50s, & 60s, we used to ha.....
» 17/10/2007 4:30:30 PM We will all be much better off, if those who were too slack to enroll previously, although.....
» 3/10/2007 12:26:39 PM James, have you ever heard of a bloke named Beattie?.....
» 17/09/2007 7:52:21 PM Could the reason that drug addicts, & aids suffers, are not being considered here, as peop.....
» 28/08/2007 1:02:36 PM I find it very hard to see anything "Moral" about Rudd. It takes little insight .....
» 15/08/2007 1:33:20 PM Stern's report has been shown to be a complete bucket of rubbish. Anyone taking it serious.....
» 10/08/2007 11:03:52 AM Wouldn't it be ironic if Beattie, after all this time in office, really did something wort.....
» 9/08/2007 12:53:00 PM CitizenK, I'm sure what you consider intellectual discourse is the same thing that is cons.....
» 9/08/2007 11:28:50 AM James & Dresdener, I couldn't agree more. It would add a bit of equity into government spe.....
» 9/08/2007 10:54:09 AM For over 20 years, long before it became a fad, I marketed a range of water/energy saving .....
» 8/08/2007 4:19:45 PM Come on love, just who the heck do you think would buy the place. With every dead head jo.....
» 2/08/2007 12:00:45 PM Well, I guess labor won't be recruiting from these new "SUPER" councils. However.....
» 31/07/2007 10:37:59 AM Chris, I spent 4 years of the 6 years it took to develop the Logan & Albert water manageme.....
» 18/07/2007 10:11:48 PM I have not had access to town water for the last 20 years. At my current property I have .....
» 16/07/2007 3:52:30 PM Peter Beattie seems to be having a problem with understanding our electorol system. He app.....
» 14/07/2007 11:00:54 PM This bloke works for the UN, so by definition he's an incompetent twit. Remember that Auss.....
» 13/07/2007 10:32:31 PM Its got nothing to do with CO2. Its them French bombs thats done for us. You wouldn't expe.....
» 11/07/2007 4:36:08 PM It realy is very easy, & the solution will solve a number of other problems, including a m.....
» 9/07/2007 2:31:12 PM Anyone who thinks that Rudd is more honest than Howard is most definately indulging in thi.....
» 29/06/2007 8:27:31 PM There are always some around who want everyone else to conform to their vision. Well a soc.....
» 27/06/2007 7:48:46 PM With you there mhaze. Of course, so many of the left earn their living by talking about, a.....
» 26/06/2007 4:39:08 PM BN, you must be from the deep south, otherwise you would realise that the people of Queens.....
» 15/06/2007 3:49:53 PM I agree. Rather than throw out the jury, we should throwout the judges, they appear to hav.....
» 14/06/2007 3:59:06 PM I will pay the taxes to lock up all the druggies, preferably with a 3 strikes system. Chai.....
» 27/05/2007 5:25:55 PM One of the things I find most interesting is the other double standard. Remember how labo.....
» 25/05/2007 1:31:20 PM Sir Vivor, if they did take your trip, they would probably have a ball, as long as they di.....
» 25/05/2007 12:42:59 PM If I were a totally incompetent cruising yachty, or had just landed from the moon, I may b.....
» 22/05/2007 1:14:47 AM How could the real Kevin Rudd stand up? He, & his spin merchants have spent so much time,.....
» 22/05/2007 12:33:50 AM That must be the LLL you are talking about. The lefty labor ladyies channel. What a waste .....
» 9/05/2007 1:22:15 PM Gadget, you may think that the Qld public service is a real disaster, after years of affir.....
» 8/05/2007 2:43:04 PM I think all this outsourcing is a big mistake for the firms involved. I recently reqiured.....
» 11/04/2007 10:01:10 PM The bloody idiots in this equation are the bloody bureaucrats that set our rediculously lo.....
» 3/04/2007 4:18:13 PM Its time for Thorpe to wake up to the fact that he is now a hasbeen, & of no importance to.....
» 28/03/2007 10:31:50 PM I'm with you RObert, I can't think of anything I would trust Beatty, & his lot with, or my.....
» 27/03/2007 10:32:26 AM Harm minimisation has only one advantage. It offers secure, lucrative employment, in an .....
» 16/03/2007 12:43:06 PM Just make sure you take the hairdressers, dress designers, & the rest of the twits with yo.....
» 22/02/2007 3:29:06 PM My dentist was a medical research scientist for 8 years, until he decided he owed it to hi.....
» 19/02/2007 1:34:01 PM The end result of migration has, in every case I can think of, been disastrous for the rec.....
» 18/02/2007 11:40:42 AM Damn good idea Goku, I'll second that one......
» 8/02/2007 12:10:58 PM Isn't it a pity we didn't have the IPCC, & all these clever people to help when India drif.....
» 12/01/2007 2:38:55 PM If this bloke has any expertise in the carbon cycle, or anything else, he sure hid it well.....
» 2/01/2007 4:21:10 PM West, I assume that those gliders, launched off the edge of your flat earth could never re.....
» 2/01/2007 1:10:55 PM I don't know how much fighting you, or Bob Ellis have done for us. I know I have, & would .....
» 28/12/2006 6:30:02 PM Listen lady, I am not very interested in things aboriginal. I would just like them to be l.....
» 28/12/2006 6:23:09 PM West, if anyone is producing any means of transport, broom sticks, or any other, it sure .....
» 28/12/2006 5:54:13 PM Wayne, if smoking realy does kill, we should make it mandatory from age 40, or so. It woul.....
» 28/12/2006 4:50:53 PM The only thing a welfare recipient is to ACOSS, is a pawn to be used to get more public mo.....
» 13/12/2006 8:05:20 PM What bl@@dy rot. I am not the least bit interested in revenge, I just want crime stopped. .....
» 7/12/2006 4:26:08 PM Well, thats 8 of you, who would vote for George Bush, If he was elected leader of the Aust.....
» 4/12/2006 11:38:56 PM So now, having tried a thug, the labor party have elected a hollow man. You could not get .....
» 30/11/2006 1:28:54 PM You know Steel, I can think of much better uses for Queensland water, than to let it run d.....
» 25/11/2006 3:06:45 PM VTCHRIS, if not to individual students, at least to different levels of students. My son w.....
» 24/11/2006 10:28:30 PM Woodyblues, I agree with most of your post. I have 55,000 liters storage, & even in 93, & .....
» 24/11/2006 10:05:15 PM I can't help thinking, that a powerfull man, in Brisbane, Politician, or Department execut.....
» 24/11/2006 7:39:07 PM I don't have a personal interest in this problem, you see, despite living only 55Km from t.....
» 24/11/2006 2:16:38 PM Thank you for the offical line. Perhaps you have noticed from the forgoing, we just don't .....
» 24/11/2006 10:43:43 AM Top marks Anthony, but I wonder how we stop this rubbish from infecting the entire system......
» 23/11/2006 3:34:35 PM Liz, its a pity that you spoiled a reasonable presentstion with this BS about a 1000 year .....
» 23/11/2006 2:32:09 PM From my research it appears that it costs more, & uses more energy, to recycle water, than.....
» 23/11/2006 2:02:25 PM I have been waiting for someone to suggest just how you keep 10 boxes of frozen or chilled.....
» 17/11/2006 11:28:36 PM Ican't believe this idiot waffle. Hicks was in Afghanistan as a member of a force that ha.....
» 6/11/2006 7:42:42 PM Of course, If we can get rid of the farmers now, It won't be such a problem, next time we .....
» 3/11/2006 10:10:46 AM Its just as well Coady managed to pass this lot. He would probably have died of constipati.....
» 1/11/2006 12:13:49 PM I agree with you completely, I can see no reason at all why the chineese & indians should .....
» 31/10/2006 10:21:28 PM Stern is an economist. He knows no more about global warming than I do. He has merely adde.....
» 27/10/2006 3:24:47 PM Good post Greg. The national water commission is obviously worried about the loss of state.....
» 26/10/2006 5:07:28 PM I recall, about 15 months ago, a study was released by a NSW uni, on the GHG emitted by va.....
» 25/10/2006 10:00:45 AM Hamlet, not every one can afford the eastern suburbs, nor can all work in the CBD. Many ye.....
» 19/10/2006 12:09:00 AM Graham, I'm only from the bush, I was not bl@@dy silly enough to even think about making a.....
» 18/10/2006 9:30:11 PM Graham Y, busy arterial metropolitan roads earn their keep. You've got to be kidding. For .....
» 17/10/2006 4:07:01 PM Office, boardroom, sports oval, for a community of 200 people. My community of 1500 would .....
» 17/10/2006 12:27:48 PM What Male Cow Droppings. This "subsidy" is to give farmers, with no work, on the.....
» 13/10/2006 5:18:37 PM Thank heaven we have enough sense to not let a minor mob of radical rat bag rabble get con.....
» 12/10/2006 1:48:46 PM For gods sake, won't someone buy Marilyn a new broom stick......
» 4/10/2006 10:40:24 AM Silversurfer, what's the name of that town?.....
» 3/10/2006 10:39:58 AM When I was a young fellow, I helped a mature lady neighbor horse breeder occasionally. On.....
» 21/09/2006 11:41:14 PM Well said......
» 8/09/2006 2:18:19 PM Another unhappy "B" grader, who failed to make director, biting the hand that fe.....
» 6/09/2006 7:51:27 PM The main thing wrong with the labor party is that it tries to buy the votes of this author.....
» 29/08/2006 10:34:01 PM Mercurius, you are obviously a coward, with a low opinion of women. You don't believe wome.....
» 29/08/2006 2:59:49 PM I have never voted for a candidate, its been for a party, where I have some idea of its po.....
» 17/08/2006 5:02:15 PM GeeEner, in your case, that might just be a good idea......
» 15/08/2006 12:01:17 AM I'm sure it was misguided compassion, from the bleeding hearts, that led to the hounding o.....
» 5/08/2006 3:30:49 PM I have been told, by someone who should know, that there is the opportunity for more water.....
» 3/08/2006 5:00:33 PM Bazz, I have never been able to see the point of renewable energy generation, when you had.....
» 3/08/2006 11:37:40 AM Alchemist, I disagree. Change, even a few words, of the constitution, & those same lawyers.....
» 3/08/2006 11:19:25 AM Ericc, there are very limited areas of queensland that don't have a use, in their area, fo.....
» 1/08/2006 9:09:09 PM Thanks ericc, thats what I wanted to know. I knew todays treated effluent was reasonable s.....
» 1/08/2006 3:11:51 PM Alex, in my post I excluded Toowoomba as a desalination prospect. What I realy want to kn.....
» 31/07/2006 4:15:47 PM Having bought myself a one bedroom shack, when I was 21, I then bought my first "real.....
» 31/07/2006 3:12:59 PM It may not have that much to do with Toowoomba, but I want to know, what is the difference.....
» 23/07/2006 12:37:54 PM Are there any gods? If there are, could we just be tokens, in a giant game of godly chess?.....
» 23/07/2006 3:06:32 AM Liz, when I was 16 years of age, after 7 days training, I became a Cadet Under Officer. Th.....
» 17/07/2006 4:30:45 PM Realist, we are all shared out. We needed some doctors, but once we "shared" the.....
» 12/07/2006 8:30:18 PM One only has to look at the Queensland Public Service, with its much higher than "usu.....
» 11/07/2006 10:04:32 PM Isn't it great that we will have all those forests to chop down, & use to fuel our poor li.....
» 6/07/2006 10:39:05 PM Isn't this interesting. Johnj, I can only assume you are an incompetent driver, or you wou.....
» 6/07/2006 9:24:58 PM I agree, & do you know what's even worse? It delays the motor racing broadcast, which is n.....
» 27/06/2006 3:02:45 PM Ludwig, my point was, that there is no reason why the rest of us should have to supply the.....
» 26/06/2006 3:42:04 PM The ABC is passed its use by date. When I listen to my country ABC station, & get a Brisba.....
» 25/06/2006 3:40:22 PM Ludwig, you are dead right about population growth, its got to be stopped,in SEQ, before i.....
» 27/05/2006 12:10:21 AM My property is about 19 acres, but fortunately, it is not as yet, valuable enough, to prev.....
» 26/05/2006 12:00:57 PM Anth, I see your point, but it would be nice for the subjects to have some say in the ruli.....
» 26/05/2006 12:14:47 AM Steve, yes I have been an employer, & a very good one, but at that young age, I was not mu.....
» 25/05/2006 5:40:26 PM We will only get the law, & the sentencing we want, & deserve, when we get the system corr.....
» 25/05/2006 3:49:31 PM What a bunch of winging bludgers. I am on the pension, with no extra income, but no debts.....
» 23/05/2006 4:28:19 PM I think this is a wonderful idea, provided that I don't have to use them. Even more impor.....
» 23/05/2006 10:01:36 AM How did we ever let these trendy weirdo's get control of our curriculums? None of the publ.....
» 17/05/2006 12:57:08 AM The crisis is not in maths, but in our universities, being totally incapable of doing thei.....
» 12/05/2006 11:46:04 PM These bleeding hearts will love the whole world to death, given the chance. The people pf .....
» 12/05/2006 11:37:01 PM This artical is the most convincing argument for reintroducing the death penalty I have ev.....
» 11/05/2006 8:58:31 PM When I first saw him, I wondered who Bill Shorten was, & why he was the spokesman for the .....
» 11/05/2006 8:39:29 PM I am sick to death of this stream of usless, worthles people getting entry to Australia. I.....
» 11/05/2006 12:00:58 AM Its time to treat these "boat people" as any other invader. The rules of engagem.....
» 10/05/2006 11:31:01 PM I think its high time we declared South Australia, uneconomic, & unsustainable, & closed i.....
» 8/05/2006 8:33:59 PM How can anyone suggest that wind power has any place in our power supply. In these discuss.....
» 5/05/2006 12:06:15 AM For years the greens screamed blue murder at the mear mention of the word DAM. Now that th.....
» 4/05/2006 10:56:57 PM Not just a bad idea , but a bloody dreadful idea. One of the major problems of many areas .....
» 29/04/2006 8:02:46 PM Hamlet, & Rex, I suggest you are playing a very STUPID game, trying to enforce your will o.....
» 28/04/2006 12:35:00 PM Not only are the fines over the top, many of the speed limits are just ridicules. For 12 y.....
» 24/04/2006 4:34:24 PM JanS, you appear to be suggesting that we should be continuing to employ poor teaching sta.....
» 20/04/2006 5:15:41 PM Aftre very long & careful thought, I can not think of anything we need less than an upper .....
» 19/04/2006 10:32:51 AM A few years back, we employed a nice young lady, of about 18 years. She had a lovely sunta.....
» 18/04/2006 2:08:26 PM The idea is OK, but you have the direction of the money flow wrong. Abstudy money should d.....
» 24/03/2006 3:15:05 PM Every single word helped to convince me that we don't want one, & that we can not afford t.....
» 22/03/2006 1:30:04 PM What planet does this bloke live on? It can't be this one. Competition policy has cost dai.....
» 6/03/2006 1:29:31 PM The NSW, & VIC economies have been supported for over 60 years by Import duties paid by al.....
» 2/03/2006 1:21:16 PM Thanks for that, love, I really had forgotten some of the great things Howard has done for.....
» 2/03/2006 11:11:39 AM My family has not been connected to mains water for over 30 years. During this time, we ha.....
» 28/02/2006 4:38:20 PM No thank you. The last thing I want is my MP voting on his personal values. I can get a re.....
» 28/02/2006 11:20:20 AM SHONGA, You don't have to go to the feds to start to fix the Qld education system. My kid.....
» 14/02/2006 10:40:26 PM Help! Call out the SAS, the fairies are invading. We must drive them back to the bottom of.....
» 30/01/2006 9:05:33 PM You only have to look at our various public services around the country, to see what happe.....
» 28/01/2006 1:49:58 AM Peter, of course you have to go, the greenies, & the lefties hate the idea that someone ma.....
» 13/01/2006 10:52:38 PM I think its about time, that Greenpeace, & the journalists they conspire with to publicise.....
» 11/01/2006 2:59:51 PM Rosie, when I was a young bloke, a lady horse breeder made the following observation to me.....
» 10/01/2006 5:25:52 PM Eva, 80% for talk talk. 0% for content. You appear to welcome the opportunity to produce w.....
» 6/01/2006 12:28:42 AM If 15% of smokers, die 15% years younger, it saves the tax payer 15% of the health care bi.....
» 5/01/2006 11:31:08 PM Finally, one small victory over PC, & a little step against multiculturalism. I am a great.....
» 4/01/2006 10:12:42 PM Rapscallion, if you read my earlier post, you would have seen, my main "RANT" wa.....
» 4/01/2006 4:19:23 AM Linda, I have always believed in training people, & promoting them to the highest position.....
» 2/01/2006 2:37:26 AM Miacat, did you know, no obviously you did not, know that Jimboomba, 50 kilomrters from th.....
» 1/01/2006 12:00:52 AM I presume we are only talking about junior school, as with our current assessment methods,.....
» 31/12/2005 1:28:47 AM I was happier in the 60s. Why was I happier in the 60s? Well, as a young bloke, on a bit l.....
» 28/12/2005 4:24:08 PM Having read the coments here, I thought I must have miss read the article, but no. When I .....
» 27/12/2005 1:17:02 AM One other little thing. If the Gulf stream continues to slow, or even stops, as has been p.....
» 27/12/2005 12:57:19 AM Martin, you miss my point entirely. I agree that global warming may effect may the future .....
» 24/12/2005 1:38:05 AM I have not studied Kyoto, so perhaps someone can fill me in. I get the impression that we .....
» 23/12/2005 2:29:36 AM Shonga, what a tirade. If someone quoting facts to you, can get you so upset, what would i.....
» 22/12/2005 6:53:10 PM Incompetent "adviser" gets kicked off gravy train. Incompetent "adviser&quo.....
» 22/12/2005 12:09:21 AM I see your randomly selected juries were "educated" before making their choices......
» 20/12/2005 10:39:09 PM What utter rubbish. Here are a few answers to the problem of thugs of any ethnicity. 1: Mi.....
» 15/12/2005 6:41:42 PM Isn't it interesting, the greens are now very quiet in the anti dam rhetoric, just took a .....
» 12/12/2005 8:10:31 PM The problem is simply one of law & order. The softly softly approach, developed to appease.....
» 12/12/2005 7:14:22 PM The lady speaks from a public service mentality, where over staffing by a factor of 5 is n.....
» 12/12/2005 5:31:07 PM If Mr foyle had a smaller ego, he would be less worried. For his peace of mind I would lik.....
» 11/12/2005 2:28:07 AM I suppose I'm an Australian racist, but if I am, I'm not much good at it. I hade a mate, a.....
» 10/12/2005 4:04:09 PM No SHONGA, I do not as you think, have a few bob. This is not a bitch, I chose to spend m.....
» 9/12/2005 12:51:47 AM On other forums I use, we can E-Mail each other through the forum, with out any breach of .....
» 7/12/2005 7:39:52 PM There was no bait offered. What a sorry lot......
» 7/12/2005 1:44:46 PM kalweb, don't be sorry for me, hasbeen is not negative, it is a, perhaps too proud, claim......
» 7/12/2005 11:17:47 AM I don't give a damn, who is head of state, its totally irelivant to REAL AUSTRALIANS. My .....
» 6/12/2005 12:27:25 PM I'm a new chum to posting, & I use Hasbeen because thats what I am, but, better a hasbeen,.....
» 5/12/2005 2:29:55 AM The problem with our education system today, is that it is designed by teachers, for teach.....
» 5/12/2005 12:27:03 AM Richardson has been the downfall of labor. While it has always been a "special intere.....
» 22/11/2005 12:08:25 AM Where do they come from. In Australia today a wheat farmer, farming less than 1000 acres, .....
» 20/11/2005 3:03:24 AM To be happy, you must follow your dreams. When I was a young bloke, I dreamed of being a f.....

11681 comments in total: 5322 article comments, 6359 general comments.

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