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Rudd: intelligent, wonkish, cautious and polished : Comments

By Michael Giannopoulos, published 5/2/2010

The 2010 election won’t be particularly meaningful; there is no viable alternative to the Rudd Government.

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Michael, you are easily pleased. Heaven help us if the vast majority accept such mediocrity without Labor being forced to lift its game beyond its unprecedented level of rhetoric.
Posted by Chris Lewis, Friday, 5 February 2010 8:58:20 AM
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Firstly we need to understand that the belief in policy action because of man-made global warming is a politico-religious belief with no basis in reality. It is just a recycled version of the mediaeval religious belief in selling indulgences on the supposition that we’re all going to die because of man’s sin. Anyone trotting out this deluded rubbish, and the related idea that human productive activity is morally bad, should be rejected and condemned out of hand for being hypocritical, anti-human and irrational.

Secondly, the two major parties are ninety-nine points similar in that they believe in different versions of national socialism and unlimited government power to regulate and intrude into any and every aspect of life: farming, manufacturing, tertiary industry, primary secondary and tertiary education, roads, rail, electricity, telecommunications, family relationships, sexual relationships, the climate, water, food, what kind of light-bulbs you can have in your own home; substance use, employment, unemployment, health, debt, credit, pregnancy, abortion, you name it. Two tribes of essentially similar control freaks, they of course try to paint their one percent of difference as being the be-all and end-all of social and political life but the fact is that there is no significant difference between them; and the shallow and superficial analysis of those who think there is, lacks critical explaining power where it matters most.

The critical difference in Australian politics and society today is not between the two major parties but between those who get their income from peaceful, voluntary and productive activity - based on the ethics of individual liberty and private property - versus those, including the political class and their dependents on both the right and left wing, who get their income by exploiting and expropriating the labour and property of the productive class using legal political violence or threats of violence.
Posted by Peter Hume, Friday, 5 February 2010 10:20:26 AM
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KRUDD has not only failed to deliver on his election promises but has caused ordinary Australians severe financial hardship. Although he inherited a sound economy well into the black,he has ruined the Australian Economy by creating a huge debt for future generations to pay off and as a result is has now raised the retirement age for Australians to 70 to try to minimize the effects of his economic mismanagement of the nation's economy.It will take many years to fix Australia's now 300 billion dollar debt. Then he wants to have a ETS which is just another Tax to help reduce global CO2 emmissions which will impose a great financial burden on Australians when Australia produces only 1% of world emmissions even if you accept the cause of global warming argument as fact and the dodgy theory behind it is being disprooved daily and no major poluting countries such as China and India will do anything.
At least Tony Abbott has a policy of direct action on climate change and will do something constructive to try to mend the damage done to the Australia Economy by Labor. I hope the Australian Public are not so stupid as to believe that RUDD is the only credible option. I know I will not vote for him at the next election. He has done too much harm to this country to date.
Posted by Hellfire, Friday, 5 February 2010 10:53:57 AM
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I think you should seek some counseling , have you had a bad fall ?

I really can't think of a PM who has done so much damage to our land in such a short time .

Kevvie 07 has embarrassed our Country in the face of the whole World with his Farcical Stunts pre and at Copenhagen ; the little kid who lost his lollies at Copenhagen , what a joke . Little wonder he hid for 5 weeks when he came back .

It might be easier to figure what he has done , well he did apologies to the Aboriginals so thats ( 1 ) then there's the Vic Bushfires "We have got to Rebuild and guess what? Work starts tomorrow !"
What Happened almost nothing one house not completed yet , thats a cruel "Joke" Can you imagine what it would be like living up there in Winter , Old Caravans , Tents and Leanto's some with no Power or Water or Sewerage so thats (not quiet 2 )*( and 8 weeks away is freezing weather).
Then there is the "Farm Land Confiscation Stunt" , Did we really know that this is what Devout Christians do ?
So that's ( 3 )

Then the Murray Darling.......has to be "Saved" this millions of years old drain through semi arid desert was saved by waving a cheque book in front of Drought suffering Farmers surrounded by dead animals and filching their Water Licenses off them for a few shekel's making their Enterprise about as useful as a used dunny roll , another Christian ideal ? So that's ( 4 )

Then there was another Apology , darn it all I can't remember what for? Whatever it was , thats ( 5 )

So thats 5 outbreaks in two yrs so that's one out-brake every 20.8 days.
Phew wonder he dropped his Marbles at Copenhagen .
Posted by ShazBaz001, Friday, 5 February 2010 1:01:53 PM
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Yes, Ruddy's polished indeed, highly polished. But of course, he's only polished, because someone told him that a polished surface is more slippery, & therefore much harder to pin down.

He's very slippery, but that may be because of the slime, rather than the polish.

I wonder if this piece is actually an application for a job in young labor, or a students union?
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 5 February 2010 1:46:03 PM
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It’s a mistake to believe that Workchoices brought down Howard. There are many people who sung the praises of workplace agreements because they were actually better of. And, anyone who says he or she would be worse of is a liar or just a Labor ideologue.

John Howard himself lost the election for the Coalition and also his own seat; he got too old, too big for his boots and too dictatorial. The new Coalition with a new leader will prove to be a viable alternative to Labor, particularly if they can get rid of Malcolm Turnbull. If, as this author claims, there is no alternative to Rudd, gawd help us!

On the matter of border protection – or lack of it in Rudd’s case – we have now had 10 boats of illegals arrive in the first 36 days of year 2010. Rather than do anything turn these boats around, the Rudd government is weakly extending accommodation on Christmas Island to accommodate more illegals. Since the Ocean Viking fiasco, there has been no move by Rudd to do a single thing about illegal arrivals. He is content to let them keep coming.

And of course there is the totally useless (in terms of carbon reduction) great big tax: Rudd’s ETS.

This author will find that there is much more to the next election and a few musings of a law student
Posted by Leigh, Friday, 5 February 2010 1:53:36 PM
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