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The Forum > Article Comments > Climate change, models, recent long-term temperature data and energy policy: is Covid-19 affecting our leading minds? > Comments

Climate change, models, recent long-term temperature data and energy policy: is Covid-19 affecting our leading minds? : Comments

By Charles Essery, published 6/11/2020

Having an opinion about climate change, let alone declaring it, is now the centre of personal, political and international disputes.

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"Like the Roman Empire, our current 19-21 Century Globalised Western Civilisation will most likely eventually decline".

It's already in decline. And the decline is not down to terrorism or climate change; it is due to appallingly inept and cowardly Western politicians who refuse to stand up to baddies on the extreme left, plus apathetic heads-up-bums voters who keep them in powder.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 6 November 2020 8:45:44 AM
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My goodness the author really does have the typical projection issues of the right doesn't he.

He goes from this:

“political activists' gained the ability to promote their environmental holocaust views in the blossoming globalisation movement”

To this:

“smear opponents with "sceptical/denialist" labels”

Without even the slightest blink.

Irony has always been lost on the right and this is a very neat illustration of it.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 6 November 2020 10:26:36 AM
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Thank you Charles Essery for this excellent article. There is so much I could add. Here are a few key points:

1. empirical data is the key to understanding past climates and the impacts of warm and cold periods. It is essential be honestly calibrated to the empirical data of temperatures and biosphere productivity.

2. Empirical data indicates that global warming is beneficial and global cooling is harmful for ecosystems and the global economy – see sections 4.7 and 4.8 here:

3. To understand the range of temperatures that existed over the past 542 Ma and how the current temperatures compare with past temperatures look at the charts on page 12 here:

The Quaternary (last 2.6 Ma) is the second coldest multi-million year period in the past 542 Ma. The coldest was 280–260 Ma ago; GMST dropped to about 4 °C colder than present.

The warmest period was about 250 Ma ago following late Permian mass extinction event. GMST peaked at about 21 °C higher than present. Other hot periods were:
• 540–460 Ma, GMST 11–13.5 °C higher than present
• 440 Ma, GMST 13 °C higher than present
• 420 Ma, GMST 14.5 °C higher than present
• 385–360 Ma, GMST 15–17.5 °C higher than present
• 255–40 Ma, GMST 3–17.5 °C higher than present; for about half this period GMST was more than 7 °C higher then present

Next look at the charts on page 20. Notice how the equator to polar region gradients flatten as the planet warms. They show that most of the warming is extra-tropical with little change in the tropics.

4. “Age of Unreason: How fear and ignorance drives the green doomsday cult” – see this short video:
Posted by Peter Lang, Friday, 6 November 2020 10:40:59 AM
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Well well, another scientist who says it as it is.

The big problem is the 10s of thousands of brain washed new voters
appearing at the polls every year.
They all believe the co2 theory of global warming is settled.
WE may have to go to all the expense of finding that wind and solar
are so expensive that we have to accept load shedding as the natural
way of the world, ala Zimbabwe etc.
If you want a job in the coming era teams will be needed to change
10,000 approx solar panels every day.
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 6 November 2020 11:02:57 AM
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Good article, and good to hear from Peter Lang.
Posted by Raycom, Friday, 6 November 2020 11:10:07 AM
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Are renewables our only option to deal with climate change? Well yes, but only where vested interest is holding the reins! Given there's cleaner, safer, more enduring, cheaper, carbon-free options. Options that somebody else will pay for, if we're half as smart as we claim!?

And here I refer to MSR thorium also tasked in concert, with using nuclear waste (90-95% unspent fuel) to provide clean, safe, carbon-free energy to power industry, for literally thousands of years and the affordable air conditioning that will be increasingly essential if we're to survive!

And also cheap enough that any can afford and enable us to compete as a manufacturing base the free world will want to relocate to.

And energy cheap enough, IN OUR HANDS, to make space desalination and pumping, cheap enough to put potable water anywhere, day and night to also make broad-scale irrigation cost-effective with desalinated, potable water! And none of the above doable if we're chained to renewables by troglobites and or, powerful vested interest!

Moreover, an almost free byproduct of electricity at less than 2 cents PKWH, MSR thorium is, the alpha particle, bismuth 213. Bismuth 213 will enable vast medical tourism for cancer patients sent home to die with death sentence cancer. And from all demographics!

All treatable in day clinics that could be strategically located outback for obvious economic reasons. All of the above could stand alone on a compelling best-case economic outcome, let alone be the most efficacious way we could address climate change/decarbonise the economy!

As for other claims, given the fact we have been in a solar waning phase since the mid-seventies, we are not coming out of a mini-ice age, but should be heading into one, and therefore most of what is claimed by the author as science, is rather, unmitigated, I believe, BS!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 6 November 2020 11:38:19 AM
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