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The Forum > Article Comments > Evidence firms: dangerous global warming continues, and we are the cause > Comments

Evidence firms: dangerous global warming continues, and we are the cause : Comments

By Geoff Davies, published 24/8/2010

It's time we moved forward from our perilous indecision and started to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

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Hi OLO'ers. Long time no comment.

A little something about climate change for my grandkids. Mind you I had to get thoroughly inebriated in order to find the necessary chutzpah:

The basics are simple....

Cheers to all.
Posted by Chris Shaw, Carisbrook 3464, Tuesday, 24 August 2010 9:20:00 AM
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But what if AGW scientists are working with faulty data? Would that sway your analysis? The US Government now admits faulty NOAA satellites have been grossly over estimating temperatures for the last decade.

Can we get the data right first? Credible data is required before we get to the scientific theory which leads to the economic analysis which determines whether its a carbon tax or a carbon trade or a carbon hoax.
Posted by CO2, Tuesday, 24 August 2010 9:52:15 AM
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AGW is CDF, but that can't compete against self-interest, ignorance and minimifidianism.
Thanks Chris for the youtube link; the old charmer in the pyjamas puts it so simply you'd think anyone could understand it. Go figure?
It's not that the deniers "can't" understand, it's that they "won't". Pig ignorance!
Posted by Squeers, Tuesday, 24 August 2010 10:15:14 AM
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Squeers as usual you flim flams are just resorting to abuse. You just do not get it! We had holes in the ozone layer, Y2000k bugs and now this nonsense. If you suggested reducing our consumption that would be a good idea but really you are trying to pick our pockets with another scam.
Hey Squeers would you like to buy the Sydney Harbour Bridge off me?
Posted by JBowyer, Tuesday, 24 August 2010 10:21:55 AM
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Geoff, you make the same sense as most other I have read in connection with your approach to people who have doubts about whether Carbon Dioxide is the main cause of the changes in climate that have been observable over the past 20 years. Your way of dealing with this is to simply "bucket" them, basically calling them "dills" or "dopes", in effect people who should be shunned.

When you start taking their claims seriously and addressing them as legitimate knowledgeable people, then I might start listening to what else you have to say.
Posted by Sniggid, Tuesday, 24 August 2010 10:23:29 AM
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When Geoff Davies gets simple facts such as where we are in the El Nino cycle wrong one has to wonder about the rest of his 'guidance' to the uninformed. He says we have been La Nina-influenced for the last two years. Wrong! 2009 and early 2010 was one of the strongest El Nino's on record. We entered La Nina earlier this year and during the last few months the global sea surface temperature anomaly has fallen significantly, and by 3 degrees in the Nino34 area of the east Pacific. (Check NASA's AQUA satellite data released last week)
Posted by malrob, Tuesday, 24 August 2010 11:08:09 AM
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