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Gillard worn down by 'friend' and foe : Comments

By Charlie Ward, published 27/6/2013

The incessant media 'noise' about Gillard's right to govern and her alleged past misdemeanors quickly achieved their desired effect, overshadowing the government's efforts to capitalise on its own achievements.

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Hahaha. This article is a beautiful piece of satire.
Posted by imajulianutter, Thursday, 27 June 2013 1:16:50 PM
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The pity is that her gender got the very flawed Julia Gillard to the highest position in the land, a job she was entirely unsuited for and in which she quickly showed her incompetence.

Ferocious feminist and previous loyal Gillard backer, Penny Wong -the new Leader of the Senate- dumped Julia Gillard. Penny Wong helped to axe Gillard because Gillard's policies were wrong and needed to be changed.

<New Senate leader Penny Wong leads list of high-profile defectors from Julia Gillard's camp>

Julia Gillard rode the feminist bandwagon for years and she did it well. Now to see if she can get catapulted into a plum job to go with all of that $$Super and ex-PM benefits. Ex-Qld Premier Anna Bligh might like to advise Julia on that.
Posted by onthebeach, Thursday, 27 June 2013 1:45:45 PM
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The most likely reasons for Gillard's downfall were that voters didn't forgive her for the coup against the "elected" PM and she never seemed comfortable with the job, even to old comrades like me, Misogyny is a glib rationale for the Julia debacle, she didn't demonstrate the political skills to succeed in office.


"This article is a beautiful piece of satire." Agreed, it must be satirical.
Posted by mac, Thursday, 27 June 2013 2:51:35 PM
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I think that's an excellent wrap up Charlie. Enjoyed reading it.

The Labor party has for many years been fobbing off their faults and differences onto various personalities rather than taking responsibility for deep flaws, divisions and crises of knowing exactly what they stand for, but no individual has had to put up with as much as Gillard during her term and she got it from all quarters. Rudd has made himself once again the best person for the job by continually working against her, aided by the same biased press which will now turn against him.

Rudd has an overwhelming need to be in control due to the fact that he is easily frustrated with what he might see as sub par performances and tends to take over and try to do everything. This has led in the past to him becoming isolated and uncommunicative. Three to four hours sleep isn't enough and the idea that others can conform to his long working hours insane. He is however able to present himself extremely well, he knows how to win friends and influence people, and many are happy to buy the image he sells in the same superficial way they might barrack for their favourite football team. He's a great campaigner and that's where he's really in his element.

The mainstream press will probably give him a very short honeymoon. I imagine new Rudd will want to call an election as soon as possible to make the most of things before they start to really get stuck into him the way they did Gillard, and old Rudd before that.
Posted by Joske, Thursday, 27 June 2013 2:59:20 PM
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Logic says that Rudd should go for an earlier election. Rudd's ego could over-rule sense and the advice he must be getting. After only minutes as PM Rudd's ego was already showing in the House. Rudd also likes a trip or few, to grandstand internationally.

A leopard doesn't change its spots so easily. Caucus will have to ride Rudd hard to have any hope of keeping him in line. An early election is the obvious best for Labor, but will Rudd's rapidly ballooning ego allow for it? The genie is now out of the bottle.
Posted by onthebeach, Thursday, 27 June 2013 3:13:38 PM
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I expect we're going to get plenty of these attempts to re-write history over the next weeks, months and years.

Gillard lost because she lost the trust of the electorate. Nothing to do with gender or male egos. She just treated the electorate as fools and, by the time she realised her error, it was too late.

Remember that, after taking out Rudd, she still won, or had an honourable draw, in the subsequent election. At the time the hard-heads in the ALP thought they were headed for a loss. Yet despite running a less than stellar campaign, at least half the electorate were prepared to vote her into office. Her gender, marriage status etc weren't factors then. Men and women alike were prepared to look at her and her policies and make judgements on them. And many if not most liked what they saw or were prepared to give her a chance.

Yet a mere 5 weeks later, she betrayed their trust by declaring a CO2 tax having faithfully promised not to have such a thing. Whatismore, she then proceeded to ignore the outrage and assume that, with an election 3 yrs away, her deception would be long forgotten. She treated the people with contempt and they returned the favour.

But it wasn't forgotten and that's thanks largely to Abbott. Then having lost faith with the electorate, she proceeded to break promise after promise and to demonstrate a complete inability to handle the complexities of the other major issues of the day: the illegal immigrants, the deficit and so on.

It doesn't and didn't matter that she was a she. It does matter that she misled the electorate and never recovered their trust while at the same time proving to be out of her depth. A man would have been treated just as or more harshly.

Nonetheless, it will become an article of faith on your ABC and in the love media that she was a massively successful leader torn down by those evil men. The truth won't get a look in.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 27 June 2013 3:43:14 PM
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