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The Forum > Article Comments > Abbott spoiling for a fight on GBR > Comments

Abbott spoiling for a fight on GBR : Comments

By James Wight, published 10/2/2014

All these approvals have been granted in defiance of repeated warnings from the UN World Heritage Committee that the Reef would have to be declared 'in danger'

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Increased CO2 emissions leads to...... Increased greening of the planet... No increase in average global temperature in 17.5 years... And counting.

Stop panicking James, you will injure yourself.
Posted by Prompete, Monday, 10 February 2014 12:46:18 PM
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What`s getting greener?
The Sahara or the Amazon basin?
Central Asia?
The Simpson Desert perhaps..........
Or is just your swimming pool.
Posted by ateday, Monday, 10 February 2014 1:06:49 PM
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Abbott and Harper are in lock-step to create two modern day Petro-States.
It is quite OK to trash the environment so long as profit can be generated
The heroes are the Rineharts, Obeids and Murdochs of the world. These people should be showered with taxpayers money, their privacy protected.
We are observing a rerun of Thatcher’s thoughtless waste of North Sea oil and gas resources in order to shower the rich with tax cuts and other privileges.
The parallels are stark, decimation of local manufacturing & agriculture, flogging off of national assets, flooding the country with cheap labour, winding back environmental legislation, attacks on unions and public broadcasters. All the hymns are from the IPA songbook.
We will no doubt reap the bitter harvest that poor old UK is about to.
Posted by Imperial, Monday, 10 February 2014 1:09:34 PM
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Dear James,

Imagine you are far enough into your studies to interviewed by potential employers visiting your campus?

Good morning James, please take a seat.

So, by way of background, the Industrial Renewables Index, RENIXX has collapsed, the Emissions Trading markets have closed or collapsed, there is no Kyoto to impose global emissions caps, the EU, as the last bastion of de-carbonization on the globe, has in the last six months either reversed or cancelled every “green” policy it enacted in the last 8 years, including mandatory emissions targets. These CAGW initiatives have sucked out 800 billion Euros out of the EU economy for nothing. Coal, lignite, gas and nuclear power are in the ascendency, particularly in Germany.

In Australia the CO2 Tax is about to go, along with the RET. The entire wind farm production in SA during the last heat wave contributed 0.03% of electricity and surveys show that out of 16 issues of importance to Australians, CAGW rated No. 14 and going down?

The Climate Commission has been disbanded along with a whole raft of associated ministries and departments, funding for environmental research thought the ARC is being slashed as with the CSIRO. Environmental NGO’s are losing their public funding and renewable industries that used to feed off the public purse cannot get private investment.

James, tell me again about your planned major in climate science?

You have a responsibility to yourself, your future dependents and the nation to find something productive to do with your studies. Time to cut the cr@p and stop showering in bulltish.

As for the GBR, the notion that Newman or Abbott will do anything but ignore all the UN pontifications that are Australia’s business is pure dreamtime. First the UN can pay for the costs of CAGW that they unleashed on the taxpayers of the world.

Sadly people like you will also pay the price of not finding employment and utterly wasting your education opportunities.
Posted by spindoc, Monday, 10 February 2014 2:50:12 PM
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As is so often the case, the GBR is used as an example of THE BAD THINGS that happen due to the burning of coal.

Straight question young James, and no dodging please: are you in favour of the use of nuclear power to remove the need for coal/gas? If Yes, well done. If No give your reasons WITH NUMBERS, UNITS AND COSTS; together with an explanation as to why you still believe in wind, solar and magic. Again numbers/units etc.

You are a person who is a student (at some level or another), in that respect your total certainty about things is very worrying.

Remember: no adjectives, just numbers in your explanations.
Posted by eyejaw, Monday, 10 February 2014 3:07:12 PM
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James is a student, still in the hands of academics who could POSSIBLY be influencing him with their scientific/political views rather than with facts. There’s nothing to say that James himself wrote the inflammatory heading “Abbott Spoiling for a fight on GBR”, but he must wear his first sentence about “dumping”, “three million cubic metres” and “150,000 dump trucks”, just to make sure we know 3 million cubic metres is a lot.

It’s an “outrage” and that sneaky Greg Hunt “quietly approved (it)….”

If James had been a student of writing (although what writers are taught these days is anyone’s guess), he would have saved his rage for later, when many of us who disagree with him would still be reading his piece.

Sorry, James. No point in it now.
Posted by NeverTrustPoliticians, Monday, 10 February 2014 3:15:22 PM
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