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The Forum > Article Comments > Medical opinion, torture and Julian Assange > Comments

Medical opinion, torture and Julian Assange : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 24/12/2019

The conclusion was a recapitulation of previous findings: that Assange has been subjected to a prolonged, state-sponsored effort in torture, nothing less than a targeting of his being.

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Of course, the subtle implication here is, Assange is a journalist.

That point is unproved. At the moment Assange is a terrorist. A terrorist has little rights, and the State is not wrong.

Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 24 December 2019 9:58:13 AM
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Before I believe any of this garbage, I'd want all the interviews and the claimed conclusions verbally tested via unbeatable space age lie detection.

Assange among other things is not known for his credibility and could've, with his IT skills, downloaded all the alleged symptoms then recreated them in himself as the actor he clearly is. All done to try and cheat justice.

Typical of a "man" who seemingly believes he is above the law and consequences for his actions ought to be shouldered by his many victims?

Let's dismiss all the BS and send this "man" to his deserved day in court!

Do the crime do the time!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 24 December 2019 10:12:47 AM
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Again, how does the US use US legislation to prosecute a person not
in their country when another person actually did the crime ?

Don't exceed 55 mph or you may be pulled over by the California Highway Patrol.
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 24 December 2019 12:42:20 PM
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Telling the truth is a crime?
Or only in your books.......
Posted by ateday, Tuesday, 24 December 2019 12:42:58 PM
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Couldn't have happened to a nicer con man.

Time the medical profession went back to treating chills & sore toes.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 24 December 2019 1:44:37 PM
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Assange is no "Saint". For one thing, he was accused of several sexual assaults. We will never no the truth or falsehood of these things because it was never tried in court. So let's set that aside.
Yes, Assange put security/intelligence military people at risk. No question.
But it is also true that if a government wants to hide its dirty laundry from the public eye there is no better tool than the official secrets act.
The Vietnam war is probably now distant enough in time for most of us to realise that it was an immoral war, based on inane strategies for highly questionable goals and purpose. In short, the Australian and American people were screwed by their own governments. Not that I am claiming any moral high ground for the NVA. They were not out to help the Vietnamese people either. Both East and West blocks were engaged in global confrontation, it was never about the freedom of the Vietnamese people.
It is one thing to be a patriot, and another to be a mindless zealot.
I don't deny that Assange caused great harm. But he also gave us a glimpse of the ugliness, corruption, and even criminality that occurs behind closed doors and is normally unavailable to us to scrutinise.
So let us be a little less "All The Way With LBJ" and more sceptical. Not cynical, but sceptical. Chances are, if we don't have our politicians or generals coming home in body bags, just like normal private soldiers, then we might have an unjust war on our hands. Dead politicians or senior politicians does not automatically mean that we are in a "just war", but it certainly spreads the pain more evenly. To my mind nobody who orders people to war should stay in safety. Because they will seldom take responsibility for their actions.
Its just a thought.
Posted by Rob H, Tuesday, 24 December 2019 2:14:36 PM
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