The Forum > Article Comments > The fallacious stereotype of ‘male violence’, and why it’s being sold to you > Comments
The fallacious stereotype of ‘male violence’, and why it’s being sold to you : Comments
By Adam Blanch, published 11/6/2014Some Australian legislation states that domestic violence is predominantly perpetrated by men for the purpose of control, pre-biasing the prosecution to ignore the evidence and assume the male to be guilty.
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Women's rights: The clash between Science and Metaphysics!
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 11 June 2014 9:31:39 AM
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10 Misconceptions about the Men's Rights Movement Patriarchy: women own you. Links from above video: Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 11 June 2014 10:19:21 AM
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I believe the argument being made here, is based on a number of false premises.
The first being that evidence is ignored. Evidence like multiple contusions, broken bones, ripped and torn vaginae, teeth smashed so badly, the only choice was to pull the few remaining and replace them with dentures; and women so cowed and terrified for their kids and or their pets, they complied with obscenities, as if they were mere slaves; and there's a lot worse. Eventually, women who try to stand up to a typical controlling male, could easily find themselves, having the unborn child within kicked to death, because it was inconvenient or unwanted; or worse, thrown off a forty storey balcony, have the air hose to the aqualung cut at forty fathoms etc/etc ad infinitum, ad nuseum! And of course the controlling male stereotype, is going to argue most strenuously, that there is no such thing, or she made me do it, with her nag nag nag, stop your drinking Joe, pay the rent Joe, don't gamble away your wages Joe, please don't send me back into the streets Joe! What if I get pregnant, catch an SID or AIDS? And remember what happened to the last kid, just because, you couldn't be 100% sure it was yours. These same house devils, street angels, would charm the leg of a chair, and butter wouldn't melt in their mouth. Invariably, compulsive and convincing liars, who all to often can even beat a polygraph test; well at least until now! And they want to keep getting away with it! Hence this atypical BS? This article, I believe, is patently false excuse making garbage? Don't be fooled, AGAIN! Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Wednesday, 11 June 2014 10:20:07 AM
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Incredible! Finally some sensible, sane and neutral commentary about the sinister designs of 'feminism' and it's even more terrifying and truly evil sister cohort 'lesbianism'. Germaine Greer et al are exactly and precisely what they denounce - control freaks with borderline paedophile leanings.
Posted by Cody, Wednesday, 11 June 2014 10:22:35 AM
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Bravo Adam. Expect a rabid backlash to this from feminist idealogues who will present emotive anecdotes and paint you as a misogynist lunatic for daring to challange their orthodox dogma. Still more and more people are becoming aware of the fraud and failure of feminism in the area of partner violence. Blind adherence to such dogmas by ideologically rigid advocates has done much harm.
Rather then real education on "respectful relationships" feminists programs (such as "love bites" and 'relationship violence no way") are teaching Duluth inspired male bad, female good in schools, despite the overwhelming evidence that teen and dating violence is gender symmetrical hence dooming further generations to suffer this blight. Hopefully sanity and evidence will eventually prevail. Posted by rper1959, Wednesday, 11 June 2014 11:11:59 AM
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This is a thoughtful article which would make most sensible people stop and think.
Goebbels was right: repeat an idea often enough, and people will believe it. 'Privatisation of public assets is a good idea" "Men are violent" "Women are bad drivers" 'It doesn't matter if foreigners buy up Australian assets" 'We have to stop domestic violence which affects all women every day" The ABC is recently running a series on domestic violence, but it's the same old stuff. Women are constantly at risk from men who are violent, apparently. False statistics are trotted out: "One in three women will be abused". What possible evidence can be produced to prove something that hasn't happened? We need a much calmer, less emotive discussion on these issues. In case nobody noticed, the gay press tells us that same-sex couples can be abusive and violent. And by the way- we need to be much more careful with defining what is "violence". The more extreme feminists, who are beloved by the media (especially SBS and ABC) throw it around because they know it gets them attention. Posted by Bronte, Wednesday, 11 June 2014 11:45:15 AM