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Should NATO enter the Russian-Ukrainian fray? : Comments

By Alon Ben-Meir, published 25/3/2022

It is hard to describe the excruciatingly painful destruction Putin is inflicting on Ukraine.

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You'd sell the Ukrainians out to appease evil?

The things you hope Russia would abide are totally unrealistic. A bully will keep up his aggression till he is confronted with the superior force of a stronger opponent.

'many Russians believe (Ukraine) to be historically, culturally, and linguistically part of Russia.'

Utter Rubbish! Just repeating Russian propaganda.
1. The Ukrainians sided with the German's in WW2, to throw off the Russian communist dominance of the Ukraine.

2. The Russians attempted a genocide by starvation of the Ukraine after WW2.

Putin won't become any of the things you hope he will UNLESS Nato, including the weakling Biden, go to war against Russia. Anything less than that Putin will see as weakness and will simply continue his bullying.

What are you going to say when the Ukrainians start bombarding Crimea, Belarus and Russia?
Are you going to tell them they are inciting Russia to use nukes and are starting WW3?

The only thing being learned here is the wests' leaders are gutless cowards and, as usual, bullys are only stopped by strength ... not the bleatings of a bunch of people all behaving cowardly.

We should all declare war and go to war against the Russians, today.

The Chinese would s... themselves.
Posted by imajulianutter, Friday, 25 March 2022 9:10:30 AM
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Lord protects us from armchair warriors.

NATO exists to protect countries who are members. Not in the club, paying your dues? No benefits.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 25 March 2022 9:17:18 AM
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We need to at least do what is asked, a no fly zone and 1% of NATOs tanks and planes!

If we don't stop Putin now in the Ukraine, we will have to sooner or later elsewhere! And later will be far costly in men and materials.

Further, non aligned countries like Finland and Sweden need to be offered NATO membership TODAY!

NATO needs to show intent and a an unqualified commitment to the defense of an enabled Ukraine in the supply of logistics, military advisors and high tech weapons!

Preferably before Ukraine is reduced to sticks and stones to defend itself with against an entirely unprovoked invasion!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 25 March 2022 10:06:47 AM
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Yes, armchair warriors and plenty of retired generals calling for more assistance. Seeing the Russian army level cities, murder and kidnap tens of thousands of civilians, all in an unprovoked invasion, is upsetting to many. The Ukranians have the weapons to engage the Russian army, but they are prevented from coordinating large attacks by a lack of air defences. The kamikaze drones will help, especially in disrupting supply lines, but the Ukranians need a lot more of them as well as the longer range armour destroying variant. If they have these they will be able to destroy the Russians more quickly and will save tens of thousands of Ukranian lives. The good news now is that the crime is so big that not even Putin's controlled media can hide the mess from Russian citizens. Putin is finished.
Posted by Fester, Friday, 25 March 2022 10:19:53 AM
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How about surrender and talking? Wouldn't that be better than having your country reduced to rubble and your people slaughtered? Or, are we back to the hairy chested days of the Cold War: 'better dead than Red', of Russian, since they are no longer red.

The lunatics talking about topping Putin might just be looking at the wrong president.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 25 March 2022 11:12:15 AM
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Clearly ttbn does not understand what surrender means to free Ukrainians means, i.e., a return to being slaves used by the Russians as human horses!

He should have the courage of his pro Russian convictions and go to Kiev and suggest they surrender in the first person! And be prepared for a very warm welcome as crowds mob him with a fury only free Ukrainians could demonstrate!

Far better to die on your feet fighting for your freedom than on your knees begging for it!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 25 March 2022 11:33:10 AM
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