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The Forum > General Discussion > Is Britain A Mongrel Nation?

Is Britain A Mongrel Nation?

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Found on the web:

" England has to be the most bastardized piece of
land on the face of the earth."

" The sources of dozens of cultural conquests, reconquests,
genocide, and subjugation over its documented 2500 history.
Might also be why its culture and society is one of the best
in the world - if not the best."

Is this factually true? Is England the most -

"bastardized piece of land on the face of the earth?"

Is it a "mongrel island?"

And today is it's culture "one of the best in the world,
if not the best?"

Is this statement - " Our diversity is our strength" true
when applied to today's England?
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 2 August 2021 10:31:01 AM
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Finland, Poland, Corfu are all just about equal contenders for this title, being regularly invaded and occupied by a variety of countries.
Posted by shadowminister, Monday, 2 August 2021 1:29:30 PM
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England certainly isn't a "mongrel island" because it isn't an island. The Scots share it with "those English bastards!", and the Welsh.

If you ask Poms about a "mongrel island", many would point you to the Isle of Dogs (in London's Inner East.)

In terms of conquests, there have been some but not very many. Genocide has largely (though not entirely) been avoided, The conquests and reconquests changed who was in charge, but rarely who they were in charge of. And culture is something that's of the people rather than something imposed from above.

The real difference has been Britain's status as the world's premier seafaring nation. Lots of people left, and lots of people came and settled, and the rule of law made it relatively safe for them to do so. But they came from many more places a lot further away than those coming to other nations. Having a large empire and losing most of it (often in chaotic circumstances) resulted in a large amount of immigration, and the ubiquity of the english language is the main drawcard today.

So how good is British culture? Difficult to say as there's it's rather ill defined. Bt think it's fair to say that tolerance is an important aspect of it, and that's good.

And is diversity Britain's strength? Maybe. It's certainly not the weakness its opponents claim it to be.
Posted by Aidan, Monday, 2 August 2021 1:41:27 PM
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Thank You both to Shadow Minister and Aidan
for your well reasoned responses.

I've always been fascinated by the British
growing up with a mum who was a staunch royalist.
I've wondered about the Angles, Saxons, Jutes,
Frisians, Danes, Normans et al, were they kindred
tribes of the same stock?

I'm hoping we can all learn more in this discussion.

As for England today? I found the following linK:
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 2 August 2021 2:01:26 PM
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Just for a bit of history:
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 2 August 2021 2:13:53 PM
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The quote Foxy supplies was from an anonymous comment to an article in an archaeology site. Its rubbish.

Another comment on it says...."One of the worst things about the Internet is the way in which some of these careless statements (about ‘mongrel England, for example) and outright lies can spread so quickly. So many unfounded assertions are thrown around in the average Internet discussion that they become accepted ‘knowledge’ by a great many people who don’t bother to question what they read, let alone consult valid sources to verify anything. I’ve often said that we live in the Age of the Lie, and the Internet acts as a source of infection in communicating false ‘facts’ to people."

Pretty much spot on.

To think that Britain suffered more conquests and/or invasions over the past 2500 years than anywhere else is to demonstrate a spectacular lack of historic knowledge. Russia, Iberia, Gaul, Austria, Turkey, Egypt. To name just a few.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 2 August 2021 2:41:33 PM
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