The Forum > General Discussion > Where did the traditional Marxist leftist pursuit of class equality dissapear to?
Where did the traditional Marxist leftist pursuit of class equality dissapear to?
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Posted by Matthew S, Wednesday, 18 June 2014 3:16:38 PM
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MATTS/HEWEN/QUOTE..<..What the focus on class..and class inequity?>>
CLASSY pEOPLE LOST FOCUS <<>.Even our legislations for discrimination do not include "Class" a category to deal with. WHAT?>> THOSE/LACKING..CLASS? <<..WHY?..>>CLASS IS A THING LEARned[or earned] not a thing bought.[or that comes without effort..[o*song*wu] ANYONE?..yes i met a FEW..[AS4MYSELF.IVE..NOT-A/CLUE <<..flabbergasted to almost a comic level..>> THATS..a..CLASSY/TURN-OF..PHRASE comedic..leveling..<<..when I ponder current ideologies,..politics, philosophies..and general belief..and when I look>> i stopped looking/i have yet to find anyof them as labled in fact all of them need leaders..because we hate leading others astraY[but there is a certain mindset/that prefers*it..that way. self/leveling\class structure/labling..<< see what progressive type things..are in motion..>> nothing new/under the sun one leads/others..follow..[sheeple]..just think for me please <<..I never see..\the all time/..historical main source and force..for oppression..and revolutions - CLASS.>> oh no its money influence folowing WHO YOU KNOW/AS MUCH AS WHO YOU GOT THE DIRT ON AND WHO CAN YOU TRUST* <<..those who espouse to-be..spearheading this progressive movement [the Leftists].trace their most fundamental..and ultimate lineage to the massive class oppressions>> NO THEYT DRIFTED ON THE FUC AND FLOW OF THEIR PLACE in time things have changed far more by the web than the prinyted word...and printed money/that the upper class's..USED*to create scarcity..but now are so plentyfull/to those who dun treason to get it\that a new thing will emerge not the commie system that bailout out paper/promises..of wall street to murder main street..the end result will be more fuedal[without the fueds/but all the obligation all the chivelry..and all the might of right done right. only the dead..will be left out.. let/judgment day\be-in&the right/this time. Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 18 June 2014 4:14:58 PM
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Can anyone at all provide some explanation to give logic to why these so-called "progressive" revolutionaries completely overlook class and now focus mostly on non-white ethnic immigrant peoples to their western nations and also the minorities like gays and sometimes woman.
BUT NEVER do they even hint to want to discuss issues that stem from class discrimination and inequality embedded in our world's social-political and cultural structures. I predict [sadly] very little if no direct response and genuine attempts to answer this question. But I will relish the day. Anyone? Please? Posted by Matthew S, Wednesday, 18 June 2014 4:48:15 PM
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The Truth About Karl Marx The presenter asks the question "Would you buy a diet book written by a morbidly obese author?" Marx was a fraud, that's all you need to know about Marxism. The "Left" of 2014 don't have an ideology, they don't have any ideas or principles, it's why so many of them are returning to Christianity, this is from an article I linked earlier: "But modern Progressivism, like the USSR of the 1970s, is nothing more than a shell of lies. It is a plane on autopilot with rotting corpses strapped in the seats. In the government, the universities, the courts, and the media, progressives no longer make their case nor have a case to make. Instead, they lie. They lie about themselves, they lie about their opponents, they lie about what they know, they lie about what they don’t know, they lie about what’s in front of their faces, and they lie about their lies. When confronted with facts, whether it’s rising numbers of people losing their health insurance, homicide correlating positively with black population and negatively with gun ownership, or the divergence of measured global temperatures from model projections, the modern progressive no longer seeks to incorporate the new knowledge into his views and reform them accordingly. Instead, he grows agitated, defames the character of whomever challenged him, and doubles the volume with which he chants official lies. He has no moral core of right and wrong by which he uses information, only a creed by which he decides which facts may be spoken and which must be screamed down. University professors, journalists, and Presidents no longer ask us to reason; they demand we repeat their lies as a show of faith and testament of our purity." Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 18 June 2014 6:13:22 PM
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HEW-new/quote..<<..I predict [sadly] very little if no direct response and genuine attempts to answer this question.
But I will relish the day. Anyone? Please?>> let me simplfy..rather than clarify <<Can anyone at all provide some explanation..>> << give why these so-called "progressive" revolutionaries completely overlook class ..>> they are unawre/such a thing existys [let them eat cake] we know what we know..some know recognbise class[others refute/yet others deney/yet the acts we do reveal if we know crass class..or not <<>>and now focus mostly on non-white ethnic immigrant their western nations..>> as i suspected/the core of the question..ISNT about all BUT LETS OVERLOOK THE 'CLASS AND GO THE RACE..OR OTHER DISGRACE <<..and also the minorities like gays and sometimes woman.>> NOW THATS CLASS GLASS HALF FULL=RACE=CLASS=CRASS ITS FUNNY..MOnoRITIES ARE USUALLY The elites....exclusive.[the upper class..few [class=crass] <<BUT NEVER do they even hint,,to want to discuss issues..that stem from class discrimination..>> hiding behind race intimidation..[sex discrimination] no wonder your looking for someone..'else' explain <<>.and inequality embedded.. in our world's social-political and cultural structures.>> actually..matt..the upper glasses are mostly black if you attended their do's..youd find mnost are woman and black guys..the upp-comming elites..that run the colonisation/loot and plunder demonic autpocracy..the black wolves in black skins looting their own people to join the upp/er classweilling to sell every thing for pride and what they perceive press-teaze.. elites class..are the pain in the sarse looting and plundering by the oldschool tie lie. they earn their time in hell..thats all i can tell/whO KNEW? Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 18 June 2014 6:16:17 PM
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THE FRUITS of communistic capitalism and materialistic merchandising
when..the cash flow..dries up..societies survive the fall/some runaway..others stay. despite all of the decay, there is still evidence that there was once something truly great about these communities. Will we be able to recapture that greatness before it is too late? A lot of writers make economics really complicated, but the truth is that it does not have to be. For example, if you want your country to have a great economy it has got to produce wealth. And one of the primary ways to produce wealth is to make stuff. Immediately after World War II, the United States had the greatest manufacturing base the world had ever seen and we outproduced the rest of the planet combined. Great manufacturing cities sprouted up all over America and the middle class thrived. It was truly a great time to be an American...but/thery had huge/pools of pension scemes/kooking for aaa grade investments/so the market reclasified..riskey..but underwritten..'bundled-securities'[we see its bitter/fruits] we decided to start shipping in.cheaper products from overseas. death-duties/import-duties..unions and true statistics At first it didn’t create too much of a problem for our massive economy, but eventually the floodgates opened up and we lost tens of thousands of manufacturing facilities and millions upon millions of good paying jobs. Our labor pool was merged with the labor pool of countries such as communist China where it is legal to pay slave labor wages to manufacturing workers. Needless to say, our workers could not compete with that and our middle class started to shrink rapidly. Today,..there are many American cities that were once truly great that are now truly frightening to visit Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 18 June 2014 6:54:49 PM
I mean considering that those who espouse to be spearheading this progressive movement [the Leftists] trace their most fundamental and ultimate lineage to the massive class oppressions of the 18th century Industrializing Europe and specifically on writings of Karl Marx among others about observations of class inequity and slavery in capitalist, industrial England of 18th century.
What happened to the focus on class and class inequity?
Even our legislations for discrimination do not include "Class" as a category to deal with. WHAT? WHY? ANYONE?