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One Hundred Days all down hill

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The link is not mine.
It is not ABC bias.
It is Australia giving its judgment on the new government.
Before branding me a lefty nut ask this of your self, why has Abbott not had his honey moon?
GY once told us he thinks we under estimated Tony.
My true thought is his party over estimated him.
That only Malchom Fraser left his own members thinking he let his party down more than Tony.
Is Australia ready to consider a lurch to the right?
For sure the Abbott led Liberals, assisted by such as Cory Barnard are far right of any past Liberal Government
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 17 December 2013 6:29:29 AM
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Dear Belly,

The first hundred days certainly don't look good
for the government. They're learning that slogans
that worked in opposition don't translate well
when in government. Here's an interesting link
that sums things up rather well:

Interesting times ahead.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 17 December 2013 1:18:11 PM
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Belly mate, how many boats are arriving?

Even with the ABC committing a treasonous act, the boats are still stopping.

Indonesia knew Labor did not want to stop the boats. They value the Western Sydney Muslim vote too highly, & were telling us one thing, & doing the other to keep the Muslims on side.

Abbott has got rid of at least some of the climate mob, & would be rid of the carbon tax, if your mob weren't so damn stupid as to play into the greens hands. They won't buy a single vote off the greens, but will loose "normal peoples" vote with their silly pro carbon tax policy.

They have also pulled a few wheels of the NBN gravy train, with some sense to follow.

I think you may be counting your chickens just before a really cold change, that will loose you heaps.

On the cold, the arctic ice sheet is growing at record levels, new cold records are being set daily all over the northern hemispheres, Egyptians are getting chilblains, & their camels frost bite.

By the next election, anyone who mentions global warming will be laughed out of the room, along with fools who still want a carbon tax. Do enjoy the next 5 minutes, that is about all you have, with the bunch of fools leading you.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 17 December 2013 1:20:40 PM
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Dear Hasbeen,

I'm going to give you a few thoughts
taken from a recent
article I read, which just may get the point
across to you (or not). I found it rather
entertaining - I hope you shall as well.
Anyway here goes:

There are many people who redefine "failure"
as "success." For example, people who
believe that Mr Pyne succeeded in his reforms
to the Gonski-reforms.
That Mr Abbott
succeeded in Indonesia.
That Scott Morrison
succeeded in giving the boat people nowhere to
go but Christmas Island.
That Julie Bishop although riling East Timor, China,
Niugini, the US, the UK, the EU, Russia, and all of
the 69 participants in the Global Warming Conference,
is everywhere admired for this. That Joe Hockey told
GMH where they could go, and they did. And the list
goes on.

The article explains that psychosis of this order has been
around in politics from year one:

"Henry VIII invented Protestanism in order to achieve
the loins of a proud young woman and gave her syphilis
because his first marriage, he swore was "incestuous"
and rife with dead bastards. George III in rare moments
of lucidity believed he was a peacock. Hitler, his veins
agog with bull's sperm, moved imaginary armies around a
map of the world. Reagan thought rockets in outer space
would bring down enemy rockets in outer space that never
went there. George Bush thought that God, his "true father,"
wanted him to level Babylon and thus fulfill Isaiah's

Well, you get the idea.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 17 December 2013 1:57:33 PM
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10 minutes into the job and we're going backwards? It's all Abbott's fault?

I dunno? Boats have stopped. The carbon tax is being hung off your necks like the lead ball that it is. Climate commission no more. Bludgers at Holden finished. Pretty good moves forward I reckon!

With people like you and that wretched hive of scum and villainy you support, this country will just continue down its path to the zombie apocalypse. And that's the only thing I can fault him on so far. He hasn't cleaned more of your lot out yet.

Come on, Tony.. send them to the gallows where they belong. You know it's the rooit thing to do for all Australians. At least buy them them all a one way ticket to North Korea. Everyone knows That's where they really want to live.

Oh and did you catch that he's paying for his holidays out of his own pocket. Pay attention you slimy crooks!
Posted by RawMustard, Tuesday, 17 December 2013 2:11:48 PM
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i think the economic vandal supporters need to change their medication. They need to face reality instead of living in la la land. Obviously the ABC don't have compulsory drug testing.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 17 December 2013 2:16:54 PM
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