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Trump's daunting foreign challenges : Comments

By Alon Ben-Meir, published 11/11/2016

The Trump administration must now understand that maintaining the unity of Iraq as a single country is no longer a viable option.

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After Trump is fished building a wall between the US and Mexico he should build one a round the Arab world and let them fight it out themselves. When a victor emerges bomb them back to the stone age and steel their oil.
Posted by Cobber the hound, Friday, 11 November 2016 3:59:54 PM
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Folks on the other side of the world MUST STOP deciding what the American President MUST DO and how the American taxpayer MUST BE shackled to elements of a thousand year old war by Islam against Islam!

I mostly agree with Cobber, except I wouldn't end with a nuke but start with a couple of neutron bombs and fry DASH and any element of it still standing. Enough coalition lives have been wasted!

I'd use tactical nuclear weapons at the border between Pakistan and afghanistan! And just before the Pashtun spring offensive!

It'd just save time, given an inevitable outcome! And make crossing that border just too hot to cross!

Then let the warmongering northern tribes know, that the same, delivered by drone, medicine could be prescribed domestically, if they choose to continue or fund their conflict with the rest of the world, Legitimate Pakistan or any neighbor! Enough coalition lives and treasure have been needlessly spent!

We have an advantage that until now, Western Leaders have been too lily livered to deploy!

Deploying it would send several unmistakable messages. That #1, we won't be enslaved to a false ideology by cult members wielding swords or AK 47s and that, #2, WE DON'T NEED ANY OTHER NATION'S OIL!

I say, instead of being allowed to hold the rest of the world by the economic short and curlies, let the miscreants eat it!

While we develop much more affordable home grown alternatives.

One of which has too be SAFE, CLEAN, CHEAP NUCLEAR POWER! And use CHEAPER THAN COAL energy to catalytically convert/crack currently flared methane from gas and oil production, into ready to use gasoline and diesel! Not technically difficult! A byproduct would be a small percentage of hydrogen, Which could be run through (a) fuel cell(s) to make low cost power and pristine water vapor, which could be condensed rather than wasted?

The most daunting challenges for the President elect, which he MUST NOT get wrong, are domestic! And put America deeper in the hole by a further 5 trillion or more? In just the next four years?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 12 November 2016 10:39:23 AM
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With the support of the EU, led by France? France is a has been country, hating itself as much as it hates the U.S. The EU, is pacificistic, just wanting to be left alone, content to be dictated to by Brussels. The EU relies on the U.S for its defence. It has no logistics to move its 2 million troops off the Continent. Its Iraq assistance, such as it was, relied on transport borrowed from America. The EU and France are anti-democratic backwaters, certainly unneeded by America. As for Israel, Trump America should continue to support the the only democratic country in the Middle East. The Islamic/Arabic part of the ME should be ignored and left to shrivel up.

America does not need to concern itself with foreigners; it's the foreigners who need to get their acts together and return to Western common sense, shunning all else.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 12 November 2016 11:52:57 AM
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Watch it there ttbn, you'd better go & wash your mouth out.

France never got even close to hasbeen status. You have to have been something at least once to make hasbeen.

France never even got to could be, from would be, so became a never was. OK, got that now?

Apart from that little slip in terminology, I think the rest of your analysis is pretty close to the mark.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 12 November 2016 4:16:47 PM
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It happens all the time. After an election when one point of view is defeated, those who lost simply turn around and demand that the winners conform to the views of the losers.

Trump has said he's pulling out of these disastrous foreign engagements. But the good professor ignores that, informs us that the US has responsibilities in the M-E and what Trump needs to do about it.

Well Trump denies that they have responsibilities and he won't be getting into nation building any more. Sure he'll hang around to finish ISIS off, but he won't be backing Assad or those opposed to Assad, he won't be backing the Sunnis against the Shiites or vis a versa.

The problem for the anti-US fraternity is that they always freak out when the US does something as world policeman and then they freak out when the US declines to be the world policeman. Syria is what happens when the US isn't involved but there is no good reason why the US should expend blood or treasure on solving these problems. Trump won't.

Already there are moves to expand US energy production such that the US won't be reliant on ANY M-E resources in the future. As such the US has no strategic interests in the region. They will hang around to help out allies such as Saudi, Kuwait and, in particular, Israel.

But as to the rest, the near M-E will be left to work it out for itself with the increasing involvement of Russia. Its not the US' problem any more.

Trump wants to MAGA through economic, not military, means and intends to concentrate on US interest alone. He'll take no notice of those who opposed him and this view throughout and now demand that he adopt their failed polices after his victory.
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 13 November 2016 5:40:45 AM
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Hopefully he will maximise the US energy industries, coal, oil gas & nuclear, & develop it's oil to where it can support it'd allies with their petroleum requirements, then let the middle east fight it out among themselves.

The US can solve a lot of its employment & economic problems with a large oil exporting industry, while helping its allies to rid themselves of their need of middle east oil.

If he then cuts the tidal wave of taxpayer dollars flowing to the ratbag green element & their industries, he will have the US back on track, & can treat the middle east as an amusing sideshow.
Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 13 November 2016 6:11:19 PM
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