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The Forum > Article Comments > Investing in childcare will save the government big dollars in the long run > Comments

Investing in childcare will save the government big dollars in the long run : Comments

By John Cherry, published 9/7/2015

It is rare that an opportunity presents itself for a Government to save money by spending money. And yet, investment in childcare and early learning offers just such an opportunity.

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Spending money to save money has always been, and will always be, an oxymoron.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 9 July 2015 12:02:56 PM
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Spending more money on Childcare will only encourage the Childcare industry to put it's prices to grab the extra money. That is all.
Posted by Jayb, Thursday, 9 July 2015 12:08:45 PM
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Well you can see why this bloke was a politician, he'd swear black was white, for a quid or even less.

On one hand he tells us we have a falling partition rate, due to lack of jobs, & a lack of opportunities for young new workforce aspirants, then tells us we should spend more keeping mothers in the workforce. Come on John, you can't have it both ways.

You obviously can't justify preserving jobs for mothers, & making those jobs unavailable to make space for new entrants to the workforce a good idea, in the long run, or any other run. It makes even less sense to spend large amounts of tax payer funds to deny the young access to work.

Could it be you & your employers have a vested interest in this stupidity?
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 9 July 2015 12:26:23 PM
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I've seen studies that conclude that early childhood education is one of the best investments we can make as a society.

with improved literacy outcomes just the tip of the positive outcomes iceberg, other things like improved individual commercial success and keeping routinely unemployed numeric and literacy challenged folks out of hugely expensive prisons are also a factor impacted positively by early learning.

Most folks can't see a economic payoff unless it occurs within the current electoral cycle. And more important as a long term investment than being the only nation dumb enough to have and keep just as expensive to the bottom line, negative gearing?
Posted by Rhrosty, Thursday, 9 July 2015 5:37:51 PM
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We have way too many people employed in jobs that do no increase our overall happiness, some of which are even employed in jobs that do only harm.

We should do away with that sinister concept of "workforce" and be proud of having unemployment, that percentage of people who are willing to do with little rather than enslave themselves for money. By being unemployed, one also increases the chances of others to find jobs that truly help real people, as opposed to the egos of their bosses.

Mothers (and fathers) should be celebrated who choose to stay at home and care for their children. As a further step, as children grow older, parents should take turns remaining at home and teaching their own and neighbouring children in informal schools, so to avoid the indoctrination within government-funded schools that are designed to turn their miserable children into cogs in that "workforce" machine.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 9 July 2015 7:59:51 PM
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Yutsie: We... Workforce

I'd like to see Thaart. :-)
Posted by Jayb, Thursday, 9 July 2015 10:03:53 PM
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