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Will Climate change impact on the election.

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It will not have an impact on Labors loss.
But it may well impact on the margin.
It too could just bring about leadership change in the Liberal party!
As we get nearer and as right or wrong,as it is, public perception , that man made change is real, just maybe A switch from Abbott becomes possible.
Would the Liberals want to see a certain win turn to a close run race?
Or take the easy way out , ensure the easy win by switching leaders.
Well aware detractors will say I am trying to pick the Liberals leader.
But I promise it is just not true.
What is true is polling that says, shouts rather, most Australians see a need for action.
Now the detractors get the heavy weapons out, big boots to get me in line.
But surely they know? Abbott,s plan is to reduce emissions by the very same targeted amount.
Those denialists should under stand, while many in the coalition are non believers, official policy,s as they present it, is to take action, same target different way of getting there.
Every day adds to the concerns of some.
Great Britons extra long winter, and its extra coldness.
Hurricanes/cyclones in parts of our country that have not been seen in living memory.
Climate change can not resurrect, Labor but it can impact on who leads the Liberals.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 28 March 2013 3:58:09 PM
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Belly, "Well aware detractors will say I am trying to pick the Liberals leader.
But I promise it is just not true."

You will grow a nose like Julia's.
Posted by onthebeach, Friday, 29 March 2013 8:25:07 AM
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The subject has many sides, all have supporters.
Is man having an impact on climate change.
Is it just a normal cycle.
Is climate change its self taking place.
Most but not all, know while Some Liberals and many National party members believe it is crap, their own words.
Current coalition policy is yes we need to take action against climate change.
Then if we see both party,s want to reduce the emissions by the same target, a hard ask for most here who in such threads target the truth of climate change, what then is left.
Then the proposed methods of reducing come in to play,and under the spotlight of truth.
Polling in this country while firmly against Labor, is even more firmly for action against climate change.
So it is possible, imo, that increasing concerns, between now and September, for it to impact.
Again, it will not stop Gillards team from being removed, but will it impaction the margin?
Posted by Belly, Friday, 29 March 2013 8:31:16 AM
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A photo of Julia Gillard's nose,

You may need to monitor your own.

Belly, "Well aware detractors will say I am trying to pick the Liberals leader.
But I promise it is just not true."

That is priceless :)
Posted by onthebeach, Friday, 29 March 2013 8:56:06 AM
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Dear Belly,

The election will not be a referendum on
carbon pricing. The anger with the carbon tax has
faded as the PM said it would.

Carbon was not the Opposition's best lever against
the PM's credibility. We've all heard all the
lines ad nauseum - "This toxic tax is based on a lie,"
all of it in itself is a falsehood, made even more
brazen given Mr Abbott's "weather vane" stance on the

I doubt whether anyone really believes that
the PM is somehow deserving of the tag of
untrustworthiness for change on the carbon-pricing
issue (circumstances had changed), then what of Mr
Abbott's telling SkyNews in 2009 that"

"If you want to put a price on carbon why not just do it
with a simple tax?"

Or is that another of the Opposition leader's -
and this is the same man who admitted on national television
that he has trouble with the "gospel truth" - inconvenient
truths? Like claiming that the cost of a lamb roast will
soar to $100, that whole towns and industries will
disappear and that our entire economy will be laid to

Thinking people realise that in politics a degree of
rhetorical flourish, and a pinch of hyperbole is to
be expected - but when the Opposition bases its
campaign on a lie about a lie, then the bar is not being
set very high.

Thinking people also realise that repealing carbon pricing
like Mr Abbott promises should he get elected is not
going to be easy. Firslty it will be rejected by a
hostile Senate. Secondly, repealing the carbon tax
comes at a cost to the budget - a very big cost -
as a time when the incoming treasurer will be working
desperately to get the budget in balance. So all
decisions will be made in a very different frame,
especially if Joe Hockey is treasurer.

Hockey calls for an end of the "age of entitlement."
He contends that government can no longer afford the
vanity of middle-class welfare. A vision potentially
at odds with Mr Abbott's conservative political
Posted by Lexi, Friday, 29 March 2013 9:33:33 AM
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Dear onthebeach,

Talking about noses...

"One has a nose,
The other big ears,
But one gets things done,
While the other builds fears!"
Posted by Lexi, Friday, 29 March 2013 9:39:52 AM
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