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Blaming the victim : Comments

By Brendan O'Reilly, published 1/3/2021

It would have been fairer to all concerned, if these complaints had been properly investigated by police and (if merited) tried in a court.

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Mere allegations don't provide a victim to blame.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 1 March 2021 8:33:46 AM
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Having once been a Young Liberal I can confirm that young women in that movement put themselves in precarious situations. I wonder why what starts out as consensual or uninhibited drunkenness is later regretted. It could be that the female felt used or perhaps they didn't attract a future MP. Possibly after talking to feminist friends they wanted revenge. If so their motives are unworthy and it's fair to ask if they are partly to blame.

I see our ABC has taken up cudgels for this cause. It can't be long before they have their own historic 'incident'. Just waste a few taxpayer millions on sorting it out.
Posted by Taswegian, Monday, 1 March 2021 8:49:49 AM
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God only knows how many times my interest in a woman was hit on the head. All I had to do was walk away-problem solved !
If a woman is prepared to get drunk & go with a bloke who is probably just as inebriated & just as much of a victim as he he is a perpetrator then the woman too should accept responsibilty & report an incident immediately or shut up for good !
This business of waiting years & then decide to ruin relationships formed in the meantime should be rejected up front !
If wrong has been done, report it ! Delaying this makes the situation null & void ! The bloke might not even have realised he did wrong if the woman did not indicate so in the very beginning of his advances !
Posted by individual, Monday, 1 March 2021 9:50:20 AM
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You do the crime, you do the time. That is justice at work.
The mitigating factors will come along in due course; unless that is, those mitigating circumstances are not overruled by such political innovation for vote schemes, such as mandatory sentencing.

Mostly I’ve noticed, mandatory sentencing impacts the most severely, on the poor and unresourced, unable to employ useful defence lawyers, including very expensive barristers.

Justice for the wealthy is highly visible in cases before our eyes recently, such as a NSW Premier who can scorch $30m for her boyfriends mates, and escape scott free,
with the payment of a few crocodile tears.
Juxtapose that example with a grass dwelling native in the NT, who bangs a white guy over the head with his beer bottle, and thieves his wallet.

So what we will get from the latest accusation of rape in high places, is little miss tart will become wealthy, and our MP will follow Gladdy into their rosy future, unhindered.

Is that a cynical view, or simply an honest assumption, based on the evidence!

Posted by diver dan, Monday, 1 March 2021 9:53:51 AM
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They couldn't get Pell and the Catholic Church, so now they are after the Liberal Party.

Wherever there is grog and mixed company, there will be trouble. Females are now putting it away like men; but they are not men, and nobody is making them drink. They won't listen; so stop worrying about them. We are all responsible for our own actions, not someone else's.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 1 March 2021 10:07:33 AM
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In contrast to OLO's over-representative mob of misogynistic male commenters who blame women and infest this thread.


I advertise my respect for half of humanity.

And my fictitious lifelong quest for the perfect (hence unattainable) woman.

In that regard I renew my vows to Mary (Travers).

See the lovely Mary

She's a Goddess, Aye! And she can sing to.

But there's a catch. Mary's not looking so good, lately, sadly . Dying in 2009.


But undaunted I turn to Duchess Kate Middleton;0,0&resize=980:*

As Kate is otherwise hitched to a bloke rich, famous, royal, heir to the throne, but not as good looking as I...


I turn to brilliant, beautiful, happy and articulate Professor Alice Roberts

Here dear Alice struts her stuff

She also wins the unattainable attraction award by way of being hitched.


Oh well, there's always Maggie Thatcher :)

Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 1 March 2021 10:24:43 AM
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