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The mealy-mouthed quality in Australian life : Comments

By Malcolm King, published 16/6/2020

It's a generalisation (can it be anything else?) but we have become a rag tag band of self-interested, mealy-mouthed yahoos, who walk and talk like the bourgeoisie but who have nothing to sell but our mediocrity.

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Reminds of the major British media article a few years back depicting sunbathers on Bondi beach as culturally bankrupt. I bet a few fog encased Poms wouldn't have minded a spell of cultural lapse. On the question of SA note homeboy Rupert Murdoch felt the need to get out to spread his wings. Both Weatherill and Marshall think if SA cracks 2m that all will be well, never mind the un and under employed.

SA has one standout holds a quarter of the world's uranium. Since we're all supposed to be going low carbon you'd think SA would cash in. Nope they'll just muddle along as always perhaps that's what they secretly want.
Posted by Taswegian, Tuesday, 16 June 2020 8:47:22 AM
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"obsequious toadyism". I like that. It's a fitting replacement for 'Australian larrikinism', which has been dead for some time.

Good article. Australia is rooted
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 16 June 2020 9:04:50 AM
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Naughty, ttbn.

Strewth, Malcolm King, Australians of the "baby boomer" generation "in general" (I suppose that means that you are the exception) are "spineless", "obsequious toadies", "bitchy" "self interested", "soggy beer nuts", and "mealy mouthed".

You just wrote an extremely racist article denigrating "baby boomer" white people, Malcolm, and you were too stupid to even recognise it. Denigrating white people is so routine and acceptable with you dumbass lefty journos, that it never even occurs to you that you are doing it. The problem is, Malcolm, that I am one of those white people you are so racist about, and I can see it.

I would love to see you write and article calling aborigines spineless", "obsequious toadies", "bitchy" "self interested", "soggy beer nuts", and "mealy mouthed". They would have you up before the HREOC commissars in the "Committee for Public Safety" before you could blink. All of your peers would shun you for "conduct unbecoming an ideological zealot", and you would be caste out into the outer suburbs of Adelaide for "re-education", there to dwell with the hated white "baby boomer" deplorables until you confessed your guilt.

I dunno, Malcolm. I feel "insulted, offended, and humiliated". But I know the HREOC won't go into bat for me . I have the wrong skin colour.

But I have to thank you. I keep telling everybody on OLO t racism against white people is so routine in the media, that the media hacks can't even recognise it. You just provided me with a perfect example of that mindset.
Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 16 June 2020 9:25:49 AM
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"obsequious toadyism".

Stupidity Plus will suffice !
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 16 June 2020 9:34:30 AM
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A race to the bottom can only end in one place.
The authors profession's played it's part maintaining this heading.
Anyone daring to question the wisdom of abandoning physical production's howled down as nationalistic, as if that's a bad thing.

Too late now. Too many employed in the fake safety regulation industry that's snuffing out what's left of industrial production. Only room left for the paper numbers growth illusion. Fudgery and willful ignorance are the only essentials.
Posted by jamo, Tuesday, 16 June 2020 10:04:41 AM
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Yes Lego, you called it spot on !
The very fact that we are white in skin colouring immediately rules
us out in some arguments.
I have realised why it is so.
It is jealousy, the other races are embarrassed by their lack of achievement.
The Africans did nothing in thousands of years, except survive.
The aborigines had the whole of Australia for themselves for 40,000+
years and survived, but only just.
The people of Persia and the people along the two rivers of Mesopotamia
invented agriculture.
The Chinese and Japanese had a complex civilisation and were inventors
of many things we still use daily, paper money, explosives, and a form of printing.
The Arabs showed promise, but they adopted a religion that insists
the earth is flat, and dislikes the new. To make matters worse for
about 2000 years they have had a policy of marrying their cousins
which has resulted in a damaged genome.

The Jews are an example of what can be done, just look at the score
of Nobel prizes for science.

Virtually all the scientific advancement in the last 2000 years has
come from white people in Europe and North America.
The ancient Greeks led the way in mathematics.
Find something in your house not invented or developed by white people.

So white people stand up and don't kneel, no one has surpassed you.
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 16 June 2020 11:49:10 AM
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