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Reclaiming 'multicultural' Australia : Comments
By Alice Aslan, published 27/7/2015The lack of an intelligent and compassionate national conversation about Muslims and Islam by the politicians and in the media has fueled Islamophobia and anti-Islamic movements like Reclaim Australia.
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Posted by VK3AUU, Monday, 27 July 2015 8:02:10 AM
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"the invasion of Australia by Asians is a fiction rather than fact."
Fact: two thirds of all recent immigrants are Asian. Use the government's reporting facility to get informed:!OpenDocument "Between 1981 and 2000 the Asian-born population of Australia grew steadily, from 276,000 to over a million" Asian-born *quadrulped*. In ONE generation. And that's just immigrants, not including Australian-born Asians. It may take a while, but current trends would *inevitably* lead to a majority-Asian population. Not strictly an "invasion", but certainly a "takeover". 9/11 was just the icing on an ugly cake. There were thousands of other incidents all over the world (not just the West-meddling Middle East) for decades. Wherever there are Muslims, whether majority or minority, there's trouble. FGM may not be "Islamic" per se, but *who else* in Australia is doing it? People of other religions also have dietary restrictions, but never expected *all* food products sold to the *entire* population to be labelled. Nor expected franchise chains like KFC or McDonald's to change the menu in "their" neighbourhood. They bought from specialist stores. "two Australian women are killed by domestic violence each week" And Muslims are the gold medallists in misogyny, hypocrite. As an agnostic and homosexual, I would never receive "tolerance" and "inclusion" by Muslims. If they had their way, I would be KILLED. Sorry, but no. They are not and never will be part of my civilisation. Posted by Shockadelic, Monday, 27 July 2015 8:57:40 AM
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One only needs to look to western parts of Sydney, France and England to realise that muslim immigration has not been a success. The results are quite terrifying.
Posted by Sparkyq, Monday, 27 July 2015 9:15:30 AM
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We really do need to turn back the boats if we would save what's left of multicultural Australia.
People born here, wherever their ancestral homeland are by definition ,Australian; and given seeming Chinese/north Korean/Indonesian human rights abuses and transgressions; many Asian Australians would be the first to volunteer to go in there; in the advent of an armed conflict with any hostile asian nation? I mean one doesn't need to be white and Anglo/Irish to love this wide brown land and all she stands for! How many of these flag waving shiite stirring nationalists, would volunteer for military service in the same circumstances? How many do so now? And would inviting them to do so invite another Hoddle street massacre? I mean you don't have to be a gun loving nut job to take part in these race hate rallies, but it surely has to help? Hitler was good at the stirring hate speech stuff but always had others do the ethnic cleansing dirty work for him! Listen up dump korf, ve have vays of makink you enchoy yourzelf! But then pollies have always been able to put others in harm's way rather than leave the safety of the nuclear hardened bunker haven't they? More tea anyone? Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Monday, 27 July 2015 10:09:41 AM
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as usual the author ignores that the most violence and intolerant at the meetings were the socialist. I suppose murdering babies is nothing to them so belting into police and spitting on those who oppose their bigotted views just comes natural. Personally I would rather see them and their supporters leave than the Islamist.
Posted by runner, Monday, 27 July 2015 10:22:00 AM
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Islam is NOT a race, so how does this woman think people are "ignorant" for saying saying so? Islam is a global organization intent on overpowering the West. It is NOT a religion of peace. It is the the single biggest threat to world peace to ever raise its ugly head. It uses immigration - with the help of Western politicans - as its main means of attack. Each new
Muslim born in the West, or imported, is another nail in the coffin of democracy and Western culture. We don't need to worry about Islamic murderers in the Middle East; we have to worry about the sleepers here, just waiting as their numbers grow, and enough people believe their lies. Posted by ttbn, Monday, 27 July 2015 10:25:56 AM
I hope you are right, but I am not going to hold my breath.