The Forum > Article Comments > Plimerphiles: the dangerous delusions of Murdoch hacks’ pet denialist > Comments
Plimerphiles: the dangerous delusions of Murdoch hacks’ pet denialist : Comments
By Lyn Allison, published 11/9/2009Science has become readily expendable as just another interest to be weighed against those of the big carbon emitters.
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*Flame big oil for spending money - tick (really, is $1.6M such a big worry - what's the income of your new organization?)
*Identify how reasonable are the "good scientists" - tick (BTW, Barry Brooks who evidently says, "it's silly to debate the science" then devotes a large part of his website (Government funded) to coach on how to deal or debate skeptics. Is Barry religious, does it matter, if he's a good scientist?)
*Insist that the press is censored - tick, would you like Murdock papers to only reflect his views, or are you in favor of an open press - or is it optional on your whim?
*Accusations of undermining scientific consensus - tick. Science is not democratic, questioning of science should be welcomed, not seen as a crime.
This seems to follow the template of so many eco clubs attacks on open debate.
I heard this one today, and it seems to fit so well ..
A priest, a rabbi and an AGW hysteric walk into a bar ..