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The Forum > General Discussion > Should Tony Abbott Move On?

Should Tony Abbott Move On?

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Following another attack by Abbott on Malcolm Turnbull’s leadership, claiming Turnbull is nothing but a form of “Labor Light”. Is it time Abbott bit the bullet and either challenged Turnbull for the leadership, for which he does not appear to have the numbers, or simply turn his back on the Liberal Party and the government and do the alternative, possibly do a Cory Bernardi. Could Abbott find a new political home in Bernardi’s Conservative Party? If Abbott was to go that way and take a couple of his die hard supporters with him it would certainly bring down the government.

My earlier claim of a federal election before the end of the year still stands.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 25 February 2017 7:03:06 AM
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I wish he would move Malcolm Trumble on.
Posted by mmadpat, Saturday, 25 February 2017 9:21:39 AM
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Dear Paul,

I'm not sure what to make of Tony Abbott's recent
criticisms of the government. I realise that as
an experienced politician he has a right to an
opinion however publicly criticising your own
party for things you didn't do yourself when you
were in power does not see quite fair. Plus as
Labor learned the hard way - voters do not like
a party that is not united. You'd think by now
the man would have learned how to be a better team
player. I guess personal ambition conquers everything
else. Perhaps another lesson is waiting in the wings
for him. Some of his colleagues seem to think so
according to The Week-end Australian newspaper.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 25 February 2017 9:59:32 AM
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There's a mongrel British-American mix where a Senate is joined to a House of Reps giving a president / prime minister hybrid. And so it's the "Keating / Howard/ Kev-Julia-Kev" administrations and not Liberal / Labor governments. Abbott sees the god-like status of Howard and wants the same , he plugs for the wonderful Abbott Budget as if people are in awe of the almighty tax papers of antiquity. The monarchy gives a bit of glow to him and even sainthood is possible.
Sir Saint Abbott of Budget.
Posted by nicknamenick, Saturday, 25 February 2017 10:55:41 AM
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The fact is the libs have turned into the 'liberal wets', about as far right as a conservative party can go, and like it or not, Abbotts assesment of the current libs is spot on. Turnbull is a complete dud.

I doubt Abbott will challange as the party he inherited is gone, so his only chance is to join bernardi, or go solo. Either way the libs, under their current form, ar screwed.

The race to the bottom continues.
Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 25 February 2017 11:22:42 AM
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Never liked Abbott especially after his role in the jailing of Pauline ( with Beattie). Abbott was a poor communicator but Turnball is a much worse PM. They must replace him and soon. Maybe Scott or Dutton.

Benardi should join Pauline as 2 IC, Just as Graeme Campbell should have done back in the ninties
Posted by Banjo, Saturday, 25 February 2017 2:30:26 PM
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