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Poor timing: Cartier meets Australia Post : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 27/10/2020

Holgate had erred in blending the cultures of the corporate sector and those of the public. It was sufficient to put some government members into a more than irritable mood.

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Morrison's 'outrage' was ham acting at its very worst. And, sunshine, stop calling the government the "conservative Morrison government" when it is nothing of the kind. Conservatism has not existed in Australia for a very long time.

Maybe we could have an actual Australian in charge of Australia Post next time. An Arab, then a low class Pom. Really! Australians, particularly the politicians, are far too fascinated by foreigners, who laugh at our gullibility and take advantage of us.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 27 October 2020 8:28:10 AM
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it was a recommendation from our chair that these people get rewarded."

Yeah, Ms Holgate,
How about rewarding your loyal customers with more reasonable rates instead ? Have you put it to your crowd that it is the Chair that should be disposed of ?
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 27 October 2020 8:33:57 AM
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Here lies “Dobby“, a free elf. Shot down by the hypocrites for the sin of hypocrisy.

A couple of high profile hypocrites listed in the reputational death notices last week.

Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 27 October 2020 8:37:26 AM
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You know we simple folk would think Binoy that the "inordinately" high salaries are paid to said Australia post executives for "inordinate" levels of work put in by them. If they are not capable of "inordinate" work without special presents, perhaps they should demoted to postal delivery work, on that pay level.

Surely it is in expectation of "inordinate" levels of effort that these people are paid so many times the pay of the humble posty on the beat. Do I detect a feeling of elitism creeping in here, believing that members of quangos & government business are worth even more than the excessive remuneration they currently receive.

Note to Binoy. Need to be more careful, your bias is creeping into these articles more often.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 27 October 2020 11:42:51 AM
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Had this been a single mum on welfare benefits and ripping off the taxpayer to the tune of twenty grand? Would have been sentenced to some hard jail time. Likewise, joe average with his hand in the till (and that's what happened here)?

I mean, the salaries some so-called PUBLIC SERVANTS earn, is already massively obscene! Without that alleged and in my view, massively over-paid "PUBIC SERVICE" hand disappearing in the taxpayers' till and coming out with all sorts of entitlements!? $70,000 Rent assistance, $100,000 tax advice, $20,000 jewel-encrusted timepieces!

Honestly, seriously!? You're fired! And go directly to jail!

Time We de-privatised and insourced the outsourcing and with that the return of objective public (to serve) service model! That this seeming embezzlement and downright theft were rewarded appropriately as if it were that said single mum ripping off Centrelink! Because before all the privatisation, corporatization and outsourcing, that would have been the result!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 27 October 2020 12:08:02 PM
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We're really not far from the school yard.
The in-group cool kids always get picked first.

Seems to be the further we get from the industrial economy we used to have where rational logic ruled the more superficial we get.

Oh, and agree with comments above that only in cynical jest should Morrison or the Liberal party be described as conservative.
Posted by jamo, Tuesday, 27 October 2020 12:19:23 PM
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