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The Forum > Article Comments > Immediate action is needed to save the long-term future > Comments

Immediate action is needed to save the long-term future : Comments

By John Avery, published 18/2/2019

Today we are faced with multiple interrelated crises, for example the threat of catastrophic climate change or equally catastrophic thermonuclear war,and the threat of widespread famine.

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A recent study from Japan shows solar energy increases of 10% over the lasr 60 years. That is global warming explained. Now NASA says the sun is entering a grand solar minimum. So it will get a lot colder. Next problem?
Posted by Gerard, Monday, 18 February 2019 9:04:06 AM
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Talk about hysteria. Everything is “catastrophic” these days! That’s what you get when people are ignorant of history: they don’t know the meaning of the word ‘catastrophic’, nor have they experienced a catastrophe.

“To know nothing of what happened before you were born is to remain forever a child”. (Cicero)

Climate change is not catastrophic, it is normal; nor is there any threat of a thermonuclear war. If anything is catastrophic, it is the references to an unworldly schoolgirl, a 90 plus Lefty with one foot in la la land, and something called the World Future Council, which thinks it can speak for ‘future generations’.

Three pages of unmitigated twaddle.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 18 February 2019 10:07:09 AM
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There is nothing wrong with spending some time in dream castles in the clouds, but everything wrong with moving in as permanent residents. Moreover, his extreme left leaning dictatorial, we musts, are an immediate turnoff! The people he ought to be addressing with his, we musts, are not listening!


Do you think Mr Trump, Mr Putin Mr Morrison, Mr Abbott, and well the list would completely consume my total combined word limit for the day, listens to any of these evocations, believes anything any climate scientist says!?

Furthermore, very few publications aside from OLO publish or bother with real solutions!? Which the manifestly moribund Author studiously limits! None of the stated solutions is in any sense pragmatic, practical or even workable. And if pursued to their logical conclusion, usher in the very (worst case scenario) predicted future

. Let's deal with the first assumption that is both manifestly wrong and patently unacceptable for those he would impose his scarcity on!

Those already carrying his scarcity programme! And just can't live using less energy, less food, less money!

Two-thirds of the homes on the planet are places where there are no washing machines and the WOMEN FOLK SPEND HALF THEIR LIVES DOING THE FAMILY'S LAUNDRY BY HAND!

Or would he be happy working in his air-conditioned office, commuting in his air-conditioned car, to and from an air-conditioned home!/ As our elderly drop like flies in heatwave conditions in nursing homes and humble hovels!

Oh I'm sorry, didn't see you, granny. Why aren't you dead yet!? Don't you realize you're a waste of space, scarce resources,
real estate and my (VIP) extremely valuable time!?

Is there a pragmatic, pragmatic workable solution to the presented insoluble conundrum? Well yes, there is. Just politically unpalatable to the manifestly moribund, scientifically illiterate!
TBC. Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 18 February 2019 10:23:57 AM
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On the surface it appears that one thing Mr Avery has proven beyond doubt is that you can educate a kook to expertise in a single discipline, but it wont stop them being a kook.

Of course I may be maligning Mr Avery. He may know full well that Global Warming is simply a fraud, designed to rip away the living standards we in the west have built for ourselves, & restrict them to the elites only.

He may also be concerned about his personal income, & that of his fellow academics, if the flood of Global Warming research grants should dry up.

What ever his motive for this pile of male cow dung, he is most definitely a con man at best, or stupid kook.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 18 February 2019 11:07:47 AM
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Let's deal with the raised issues one at a time with already tried and proven remedies.

#1/ Putting a permanent brake on population growth, the real elephant in the room pertaining to GW?CC. And only improved economic outcomes couple to vastly improved education outcomes for the whole populous! Achieves real below replacement population growth!

#2/ Truly affordable, reliable, dispatchable, 24/7 energy is inescapable absolute! No ifs, buts or maybes!

The only thing that comes close in the renewable world? Are just two, possibilities?

First is extremely large scale (stored heat) solar thermal that is sited on at least a square mile. So as to allow automation in the construction phase. The weak link is the miles and miles of very costly transmission lines!

Second, the conversion of all our biological waste into electric power, via methane powered ceramic fuel cells, where the exhaust product is mostly pristine evaporate. Start-up costs could be the weak link?

Finally, there is now prohibited for the harm it would do to the fossil fuel industry, big nuclear and big pharma!? MSR thorium. And energy cheap enough to effectively allow us to recycle almost everything that can possibly be recycled. Allow universal quality of life and less limited lifestyles, as advocated by the gormless, left-leaning, economically illiterate Author!? But rather, one of contented, universal plenty!

For more on that? Read, Thorium, Super fuel, subtitled, green energy. By prize-winning investigative journalist and science writer, Richard Martin.

Or get onto U Tube and listen to NASA scientist and nuclear technologist, Kirk Sorrensen's, 10 minutes on thorium, on google tech talks.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 18 February 2019 11:10:03 AM
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The author is engaging in misleading and deceptive conduct.

There is no empirical scientific evidence to substantiate the hypothesis of dangerous anthropogenic global warming.
Posted by Raycom, Monday, 18 February 2019 11:46:00 AM
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