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The Real illegal Immigration Problem
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Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 1 February 2019 10:55:43 PM
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Dear Paul,
There's some amazing facts about this issue. The following link explains: Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 3 February 2019 9:29:56 PM
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How many of the visa over stayers get free housing, medical, lawyers, dental work, and money potentially for life and can bring relatives here.
Housing is given preferentially even if there is a needy Australian citizen the refugee would get the house. Visa over stayers can be put on a plane and returned to their home country. The majority if not all of visa over stayers would be self supporting not taxpayer supported. Foxy Quote "There's some amazing facts about this issue" ** Sorry but there are NO amazing facts in your link. ** ** Maybe you have a very low threshold for what can be classified as amazing. ** Please copy 4 of those amazing facts here, let everyone determine how amazing they are? __________________________________________________ Paul1405 Liar "Officials could not say how much was spent in attempts to locate visa overstayers in the community, but a total of $72.4 million was spent on compliance activities." ** So what welfare for lifers cost billions, also remember the refugee riots in detention centers have probably cost far more than that. ** "The department stated that it was a fair estimate that 20,000 were also working illegally. That's at least 20,000 illegal overstayers taking Australian jobs." ** Incompetent public servants, possible that the jobs they are doing lazy Australian do not want to do, Government LE problem. ** Posted by Philip S, Sunday, 3 February 2019 11:06:22 PM
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Paul you I see have got a virus in the thread already
Yes you are right, and yes some feed on lies and pure hate when talking about this subject, stand by for heaps Here we will differ, but at least not because I wish to rant My HONEST view is more and more are falling for the hatred of difference that is racism' And that to defeat that hate and Tory party's that both introduce it and feed on it, we need to find better ways The Malaysian solution was a better[cruel but better]way Over stayers are far bigger in numbers, address that issue But Australians need assurances that door is not open to every one Brutal? yes but stop the drift toward the insanity of racism Posted by Belly, Monday, 4 February 2019 5:37:35 AM
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I don't buy the argument that these overstayers are economic neutral or even an economic positive, as some would suggest. The long term overstayers have oddly enough an Australian drivers licence, Medicare card, a tax file number, some might have a card for the local council library, even been able to join the local gym etc etc as "Andrew" our Chinese/Malay friend was able to do. All normal stuff, the 12,000 long term overstayers most likely have legitimate employment, Andrew did, and it was a well paid technical job. Realistically that is 12,000 jobs not available to legitimate members of the community. Where are these legits? On the dole, underemployed some would be supported by the state.
The short to medium term overstayers often work at underpaid cash in hand jobs, paying no tax, but availing themselves of some of the benefits the taxpayer provides. Then there is the moral argument of queue jumping and law breaking, and of course the criminal aspect, those that overstay for purely criminal reasons, drug dealing etc. Regardless of all of the above that is not my question. I asked if One Nation and the Australian Conservatives are so strong on boarder protection, why don"t they have a forceful policy on "overstayers"? I am trying to canvas their reasons for having a tough policy directed towards some who want to call Australia home, but not others. The old deflection of the boat people are baddies, so therefore we shouldn't concern ourselves with overstayers who are somewhat better is nonsense. It would be like saying bank robbers steal very little from banks so why worry about them. Or murder is worse than bank robbery, why worry about the robbers, more nonsense. Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 4 February 2019 8:37:53 AM
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There's a virus on here alright, the "Belly-ache" virus.
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 4 February 2019 9:13:17 AM
There is a much more serious problem of illegal immigration with more than 64,000 people overstaying visas in Australia. Despite this massive number of illegals arriving by air, the above two political parties seem to have no direct policy to combat the most serious of immigration problems.
Here is a link which details the issue;
Why is that? Is it religion, is it colour, is it where these people come from, or is it some other reason that sees such a disparity in immigration policy from both One Nation and The Australian Conservatives.