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The Forum > Article Comments > China might be winning the race to reduce solar costs > Comments

China might be winning the race to reduce solar costs : Comments

By Martin Tillier, published 23/6/2014

Within a fairly short space of time, solar generated electricity will be fully cost competitive with coal-powered electricity.

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This was also said ten years ago lol. Knock on my door when you have this particular grail.
On second thoughts the world will knock on your door and all my arguments will be void. Good luck!
Posted by JBowyer, Monday, 23 June 2014 9:21:25 AM
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Ho hum, JBowyer beat me to it.

Please don't tell me what you are "gunna do" tell us when you've done it.

You need to be careful, remember the boy who cried wolf.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 23 June 2014 9:40:17 AM
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Well almost anything is possible, if you include slave labor or slave wage conditions, 12 hour around the clock, 7 day shifts and very low cost dorm accommodation.
Even if solar power gets down to a price that actually competes effectively with coal, it will never likely compete with thorium power, which placed adjacent to our new industrial estates, will provide industrial power for less than half of the coal fired conventional, grid delivered variant.
Nor will any compete with scrubbed bio gas connected to ceramic fuel cells, which produce almost free, endlessly sustainable energy, and virtually endlessly free hot water, once the infrastructure costs are recovered.
Not the sort of news one wants, when there's patently vested interest in the fossil fuel variants; or the great white hope of the green movement, solar voltaic power.
My two examples will still be providing copious reliable, around the clock power, long after the cheap Chinese solar panels on my roof, are battered and torn by one too many storms, or just the shattering effects of brittle old age?
Posted by Rhrosty, Monday, 23 June 2014 12:12:43 PM
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These devices, and mast head wind turbines are wonderfull for my boat (100 year old 40ft ex-Sydney ferry). But it doesn't matter how cheap they are, If they can't run my house 24/7/365, they are of no use to me.
Let me know when you have one of those.
As JBower and Hasbeen states, seem to have heard all this quite some time ago.
Rhrosty's thorium power, when economic, will always be of greater demand than solar.
Posted by Prompete, Monday, 23 June 2014 2:16:31 PM
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The different national approaches are telling in themselves.
China and the US are saying that affordable solar power is doable, and that they can do it.
Here in The Land of Sunshine, we are saying it can't be done by anyone so why bother. So much for give it a go, you mug.
No prizes for guessing who is dependent on coal exports.
Posted by halduell, Monday, 23 June 2014 4:17:36 PM
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So on sunny days, we'll be fine. At night, on rainy days, in fog, or when it's clouded over, we'll be stuffed. Unless we solve the real crisis, the energy storage crisis. There is not, and never has been, a shortage of energy; just a shortage of places to keep it.
Posted by Jon J, Tuesday, 24 June 2014 7:41:03 AM
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