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The Forum > Article Comments > Predictable exits: Trump and the Paris agreement > Comments

Predictable exits: Trump and the Paris agreement : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 5/6/2017

French President Emmanuel Macron, who is fast filling a vacuum of anti-Trump desperation, decided to reverse the Trump slogan.

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In summary, the author believes that what's important is what you say, not what you do.

You can be naughty, that's OK, the broad and grand Church of Climate Change accepts sinners who claim "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak". One may even be excused for "polluting" the atmosphere with carbon so long as they do not pollute their mouth with heresy.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 5 June 2017 9:38:32 AM
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This is a huge slap in the silly faces of those twits not used to a politician sticking to policies outlined prior to election. The twits were 'sure' that 'voices of reason' would deter Trump from going ahead and doing what he said he would do.

The UN will cease getting money from U.S citizens, but they will continue to rob Australia and other countries with bozo leaders. Trump is the only world leader to know that the Paris Accord is not about climate, but about transferring money to he world's no-hopers and crooks – many of whom infest the UN.

Trump's next move should be to dump the United Nations altogether.

Unfortunately, it seems that the climate crooks are going to dig in even more as their scam becomes more apparent.

Only voters can put a stop to their stupidity.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 5 June 2017 9:46:23 AM
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Binoy this is your worst effort...Ever.

To start with your analysis proves you have no math. From this effort I expect you need a calculator to make change from a $5 train ticket.

Then you quote the French pansy, about make the planet green again. What a poser he is, & what a foolish thing to quote. If you've done any reading at all, you would know even the Sarah desert is greening again due to the increased CO2 available to flora.

Again if you had any knowledge of the facts of life, you would know that Obama poured billions into "green industry". Those billions disappeared into the shonks who ran green garbage companies, the companies went bankrupt, all at ordinary peoples expense.

As for China taking over the mantel of the green good guy, come off it for gods sake. They are planning on doubling their CO2 output by 2030. This is an entirely sensible thing for China to do, but suggesting they are the good guys in CO2 terms simply proves the whole thing is a left plan, & has nothing to do with conservation.

Get over it, this lefty grab for world government had failed. You'll have to try a new scheme.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 5 June 2017 10:02:26 AM
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Dear Ttbn,

All true, except the last sentence:

«Only voters can put a stop to their stupidity.»

Unfortunately there are so many to vote against and no one to vote for.
All politicians stand for violent coercion - whether the orders comes from Manhattan, from Beijing or from Canberra are only the different colours of the icing on their cakes.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 5 June 2017 10:04:06 AM
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No Binoy,

The sky is not falling.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 5 June 2017 10:40:22 AM
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Trump would have been better served, one would think, by keeping his mouth closed on climate change etc, and have the world think him a fool, than open it and remove all doubt?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 5 June 2017 11:30:30 AM
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