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The Forum > Article Comments > Democrats need to galvanise the working class to ensure future victories > Comments

Democrats need to galvanise the working class to ensure future victories : Comments

By Tristan Ewins, published 9/11/2020

As a Biden-Harris victory becomes apparent in the United States Presidential race it's well to consider the various stratum of voters and how they have determined the result.

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Here’s another idea:
The Trump camp need no invitation to a peace-fest. Hopefully there’ll be none of that white fluttering flag of surrender.

What should happen, is the utilisation of resources aimed in a counter offensive over the next four years, which takes every opportunity to scuttle the Democrats march, and skirmish at every opportunity with riots in the streets and media lies....and...and wait a minute, I’ve just completed a ground plan which was the initiative of the Democrat camp over the past four years of Trump.

Can’t see things getting better!

Posted by diver dan, Monday, 9 November 2020 9:10:24 AM
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The very next step for the Democrats is to win seats in the senate! And need to galvanise support to win upcoming senate place run-off elections! And then use that power and the deciding vote of the vice President to ram through new policies!

Given there is now no way to negotiate with a self-evident, hostile senate, whose only aim is to cripple the Democrat program and reform! And the devil take the hindmost! Among those reforms is far cheaper nuclear energy,i.e., MSR thorium!

There are also around 20% of (armed and dangerous) Trump voters who will reject all the democrat program and reform! The first of which has to be a huge hike in the basic wage, the second a carbon tariff to apply to all imports! Then the introduction of a universal health care program that could be modelled on the Australian example.

After that, there needs to be tax reform to ensure that those earning over 200,000 USD a year pay more tax! So there is a source of finance to pay for some of the reforms! After that, more R+D into all manner of research! And commercialised as expeditiously ASAP!

One can suggest a few, using the waste heat from nuclear energy to desalinate water, turn seawater into alternative fuels, make hydrogen, irrigate desert wasteland to increase affordable food and fibre production, electrify transport and the broader economy! And with a degree of urgency.

Given that urgency is followed through, able to get the economy up and humming. And dependant on the widespread rollout of the rapid test (3-minute breath test?) for covid-19 at all borders/transit points and mass gatherings! With those testing negative allowed to proceed and all others compelled to lockdown for a mandated fortnight!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 9 November 2020 10:17:13 AM
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hard for things to get worse after the orange haired child`s efforts.
Posted by ateday, Monday, 9 November 2020 12:08:29 PM
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The choices are stark; orange haired child`s efforts, or a brazen thief from the dementia ward of a nursing home as US President?

I’ll take the former.

Posted by diver dan, Monday, 9 November 2020 6:47:00 PM
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What would a bloke called Tristan know about the working class? He would not know one if they ran him over in family range rover!
Posted by JBowyer, Monday, 9 November 2020 6:57:51 PM
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Don't tell us, Tristan, tell Albo.

The Piketty analysis applies aptly to Australia. We now have three parties that seek the votes of the elites - Labor, Liberal, and Greens - and none for ordinary folks.

But there's no sign of any change in thinking for the Labor Party. Albo seriously seems to think that the path to victory is selling the workers on Net Zero Emissions and Australia Post Carbon Superpower.
Posted by Steve S, Tuesday, 10 November 2020 4:03:08 AM
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