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Gender equality in Australia – what are the issues? : Comments
By Rose Espinola, published 1/7/2011It is in our best interests to ensure that we continually make progress towards gender equality.
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Posted by VK3AUU, Friday, 1 July 2011 9:32:50 AM
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Rhonda Byrne the author of the 'Secret' wrote;
"A person’s thoughts (whether conscious or unconscious) and feelings bring about corresponding positive or negative manifestations. Positive thoughts bring about positive manifestations while negative thoughts bring about negative manifestations." Such, as it is with what is deemed to be signs of inequality. There is a subtle brainwashing technique to convince people about inequality, but notice by the mere abscence and invisibility. The examination of how the male gender is affected, is not to be mentioned or even ALLOWED to be examined. There is a huge double standard when it comes to this. Myrna Blythe in 'Spin Sisters' wrote about how the women of the media sell unhappiness to women. Rather than being taking a humanistic approach, feminism is all about themselves. Interestingly there was a survey that showed working fathers spent a year travelling. Over 90% of workplace deaths are males. So in reality work is not a safe place for men to be. Posted by JamesH, Friday, 1 July 2011 8:31:51 PM
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It is concerning to find that, Australia ranks 23rd in the World Gender Gap report of 134 countries. Australia is listed three places down since the last report and six places down from the 2007 rank.
Does this account for the recent migrant population growth from countries that have lower standards of women's rights or equality, possibly, if you removed this you might find that women are much better off. More foreign owned business's with lower standards for women' rights!. Posted by MickC, Friday, 1 July 2011 9:01:24 PM
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Neil Lyndon who got cruxified more than a few years ago, now has stepped up and written,
'Feminism? Forget it, sisters' <A study published this week by Dr Catherine Hakim of the London School of Economics has found that men do slightly more work than the women they live with when employment and domestic work are measured together.> <All my adult life, I wanted to create a family life of equal partnership with a woman and, after many failures, finally achieved it in my 50s, with the mother of our two little daughters, now seven and four.> Go Neil. Posted by JamesH, Friday, 1 July 2011 9:55:13 PM
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Inequality Number 3 – Women are under-represented in Australian Government:
Yes there is certainly an over representation of lawyers in politics, not many tradies, or manufacturing workers, or brickies labourers either. The occasional teacher, not many nurses, a few doctors. Not one dentist (that I know of). So women are not the only group that are under-represented in australian government. Posted by JamesH, Friday, 1 July 2011 10:15:38 PM
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Yes I'm all for equality, so lets have,
1/ Equal intake of male & female students in all universities, every year. This will probably require more practical stuff, & less fairy floss stuff. 2/ Equal numbers of male & female primary school teachers, to give a more balanced approach to our kids. 3/ Equal numbers of staff in the ABC. This is critical to try to get some sense back into that organisation. That will do for starters. Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 2 July 2011 9:43:01 AM
Instead of trying to be like men, get used to the fact that you are never going to grow balls and men are never going to bear children.