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The Forum > Article Comments > The Bloomberg factor: authoritarianism, money and US presidential politics > Comments

The Bloomberg factor: authoritarianism, money and US presidential politics : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 13/12/2019

The Donald has been casually venal in office, outsourced its functions for personal gain and treated his position as a theatrical extension of a social media presidency.

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Donald Trump has revealed the real tyrants: the Democrats, who cannot abide anyone but themselves in power.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 13 December 2019 8:13:33 AM
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The author is wrong in claiming "utterly devoid of charisma...might have been describing Donald Trump in 2015"

Trump, in fact, has a great deal of charisma. This explains why Trump, a mere property billionaire (hundreds of US billionaires being richer) has been a high profile TV personality, supermodel marrying, success story, for decades.

To many Americans Trump is the anti-establishment, unpredictable, equivalent of Ned Kelly or Robin Hood.

Trump is brilliant at creating a catchy public persona.

Checkout this Youtube supporting my points
Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 13 December 2019 10:45:31 AM
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Trump's election was a massive protest vote of biblical proportions!
The fact that he may have the morals of an alleycat, doesn't make him unfit for office. Many powerful men have used their position and wealth to satisfy an enormous sex drive?

What should render him unfit is his perceived links with Putin and the way he seems to have abused the trappings of office.

And seemingly refused to provide lawfully required documentation.

Be on his dealings with foreign dignities or his tax file.

It's easy for some pro-Trump activists to waffle on about the lack of evidence when that same evidence witnesses and witness statements are, I believe, selectively withheld?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 13 December 2019 11:17:47 AM
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biggest misuse of power in America's history. That is the democrats, lying liberal media, feminist, professors, Hollywood deviants corrupt Comey and fbi. Chickens are coming home to roost. Lovely to watch.

Also great to see the deviant undemocratic elite smashed in today's UK election. The people have spoken like in the US and the media, Marxist and deviants hate it. Get over it.

btw how are power prices going in the US and record low unemployment. Don't the deviants hate Trump showing how corrupt and incompetent his predecessors were. 2020 looking good!
Posted by runner, Friday, 13 December 2019 2:49:11 PM
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Alan, you are at it again “What should render him unfit is his perceived links with Putin and the way he seems to have abused the trappings of office.”

Perceived, no evidence, no proof, just more rumours. The Mueller report failed to find anything despite the best efforts of the authors corrupt and highly biased results.

Also, Law Professor John Turley has noted, following the release of the just published IG investigation, that “Despite this shockingly damning report, much of the media is reporting only that Horowitz did not find it unreasonable to start the investigation, and ignoring a litany of false representations and falsifications of evidence to keep the secret investigation going. Nothing was found to support any of those allegations, and special counsel Robert Mueller also confirmed there was no support for collusion and conspiracy allegations repeated continuously for two years by many experts and members of Congress.”

And more, “ Particularly damning in Horowitz’s report was the revelation that the FBI kept the “Russia investigation” going well after countervailing and exculpatory evidence clearly showed that, in the unforgettable words of one senior FBI official, Peter Strzok, there was “no there there.” “FBI investigators kept running through STOP signs in hot pursuit of a needed, but ever elusive, credible predicate. Page 186 of the Horowitz report calls attention to one of the most obvious STOP signs FBI sleuths should have heeded; namely, the fact that the FBI learned in January 2017 that the primary sub-source for Christopher Steele’s “dossier” disavowed it as misstated and exaggerated — basically rumor and speculation. No problem: the FBI investigation continued.”

Use facts Alan, otherwise you just sound stupid.
Posted by Galen, Saturday, 14 December 2019 12:36:42 AM
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'The President's job is a management job."'

This is why Jame's Burnham's 1945 book' The Managerial Revolution' and his description of today's Managerial Elites rings true.

His later book from 1949, 'The Machiavellians', is even more accurate. He predicted the uniting of the working people and the Entrepeunerial Class to elect a leader who would undo the Managerial Elites.

The Elites and their spruikers are managers.

Trump isn't a manager: he's a leader.

His leadership display is trumping the managers and they have no alternative.

Have any of you seen Bloomberg speaking? Boring is a mild description.
Posted by imajulianutter, Saturday, 14 December 2019 7:38:17 AM
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