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Neutralising Pauline Hanson : Comments

By Kellie Tranter, published 21/11/2016

A McKinsey & Co report released called 'Why diversity matters' revealed that companies with diverse workforces are 35% more likely to outperform their competitors.

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One Nation has a policy of having a Govt Bank so we can have debt free money for infrastructure. The Global Debt is 3 times the GDP of the planet and cannot be repaid.That's why I voted for them. I also know Malcolm Roberts personally and he is not a racist.Pauline is being branded racist because she does not like the Muslim Philosophy.
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 21 November 2016 7:47:46 AM
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This piece is an example of everything wrong in Australia today.

No not a failure that results in the election of Pauline Hanson, but the failure of inner city high rise living folk to have any connection to the real world so many Australians, & indeed yanks live in.

You know the ones that even if they know milk comes from a cow, believe the cow supplies it already bottled.

High up in the little world of bankers, lawyers, academics & bureaucrats these people, hanging off a taxpayer teat as they are, have no line of sight to the real world, where those who work for a living dwell.

Thus they pontificate with nothing but thin air to go on, on a subject, us, they have no understanding of at all.

Kellie the way we vote is because of people like you, living high on the hog, with no understanding of the real world, telling what we think, & why we do so.

You are a pretty damn good example of this, & love, you are going to be trumped, if not by Donald or Pauline, by the next round, or even the next round of people like them, & indeed us, the ones you despise.

Well don't you worry about that, as a famous Queenslander used to tell the media, the feeling is entirely mutual.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 21 November 2016 8:34:57 AM
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Excellent article Kelly. You demonstrate the attitudes of the Hansonites well in your quote. It could best be described as xenophobia really rather than racism. But the main point that cultural diversity is a positive is well made and that this is insufficiently realised by the Hansonites. Multiculturalism is indeed a major positive in Australian society. The contribution of ethnic migrants AND refugees have been very positive generally.

My main comment is that the cultural diversity in Australia is regrettably insufficiently represented in our Parliaments especially in the lower houses. The principal reason for that is that we have single-member-district electoral systems which produce two-party systems and which give ethnic minority candidates little chance to be elected. The answer here is to introduce proportional representation - party list system as is common in most Western states and also in New Zealand which introduced it in 1996 after a Comprehensive Royal Commission Inquiry 10 years earlier.
Posted by klaasvaak, Monday, 21 November 2016 9:16:05 AM
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Simplistic solutions to complex problems is still way way ahead of complex solutions to super simple problems!

And as elsewhere anti migration is central to the anti establishment political revolt!

So what makes you think an advocate for more migration and an open door policy, speaks for the average joe? As we watch the economy go to hell in a handbasket!

You want to neutralise Miz Hanson? Then here's how you do it!

Address the issues she bangs on about, rather than subvert them from a lofty ivory tower overflowing with too clever by half intellectuals, who want anything but what the average Joe wants, which is affordable housing, secure long term employment and a return to an economy that once again, makes things!

And when we've done that; open up generous migration to a country that needs it!

And that requires a very different not for profit energy and essential services policy/paradigm coupled to super efficient, drone and parasite proof, cooperative capitalism!

To expand, that energy is cheaper than coal thorium! And able to be delivered at less than 3 cents Per KH!

New cheaper and vastly more efficient desalination VERY CHEAP, SAFE, CLEAN, MOLTEN SALT THORIUM BASE NUCLEAR ENERGY will, allow us to completely drought proof australia, and turn arid wasteland into veritable gardens of eden that will welcome new settlers/bona fide refugees with open arms!

And given the MISSING political will!? INSIDE A FIVE YEAR TIMETABLE!

And assist that transition to high tech energy dependant manufacture, processing and value adding, with rapid rail and fast ferries made affordable with cheap abundant energy!

You need to rethink Kellie and just get the horse before the cart!

Preferably before you overload it with a huge heaping helping of sanctimonious hypocrisy?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 21 November 2016 9:17:09 AM
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Diversity is soooo important. An absolutely dominant mono-culture leads to stultified decision making, just look at the failure that is University, group think/hate except for the "in-crowd".

But much the same as with alloys, additions improve and make the steel, but too much makes it brittle and worthless.
Posted by McCackie, Monday, 21 November 2016 9:25:34 AM
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It's becoming more or more difficult to promote the benefits of multiculturalism when we are daily bombarded with stories of asylum seekers who firebomb banks because they don't get the money and accomodation they want, of special crime squads needing to be established to cope with ethnic criminal gangs and details of huge Muslim families claiming massive sums of money from Centrelink. Not to mention minor issues like uunderage brides and FGM now creeping into this country.
Long gone are the days of the post war refugees who made such a huge contribution to this country without any expectation of being financially supported for life by the tax payer.
Quite frankly it would be hard to name any benefit to this country these days from refugees apart from those skilled in the jobs we need to fill.
Posted by Big Nana, Monday, 21 November 2016 9:48:04 AM
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