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The Forum > Article Comments > Restorative justice needs to be for victims too > Comments

Restorative justice needs to be for victims too : Comments

By Natasha Cook, published 9/2/2021

I agreed with our fundamental equality as human beings and Australian citizens, but I disputed that we had equally valid points of view in this meeting.

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It is not necessary to describe the victim as a “47 year old former Vietnamese multilingual general practitioner”. Identity politics at its worst, and there is no extra sympathy to be gained.

Given the power, I would have the drunken scum responsible for ruining at least two lives locked up for life; but I would feel the same way irrespective of the victim’s race, qualifications and occupation.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 9 February 2021 7:43:13 AM
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I feel for you Natasha. There is no such thing as justice. The killer and there can be no other adjective to describe him because he has effectively taken the life of one person, and severely affected the life of another will be out on the street ready to do it all again after having a short holiday.

Posted by VK3AUU, Tuesday, 9 February 2021 8:03:09 AM
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A neighbour had a video of a thief on his premises but when confronted by Police with that video, the thief denied it was him in the video, case closed !
Now that's Justice (in Qld)!
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 9 February 2021 9:56:27 AM
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Thank you for this compelling piece. Your words honour your husband and your fight for justice - for him and for all those who love him and have been traumatised by the harm caused.

Whilst this can happen to anyone, of any identity and race, this is the story of your experience and that of your husband - « 47 year old former Vietnamese multilingual general practitioner » who must have lived a full life and had so much more ahead of him. That’s who he was and you have a right to let us know who you represent. I’m glad you did. And I’m smart enough to know that your experience can reflect that of others. Those who suggest that you are playing « identity politics » need to grow a heart. Natasha, I’m sure it must have taken you immense energy and courage to write this letter and share it publicly. I applaud you for that!

I agree that there is a place for a restorative justice process for victims who may wish to take that route. However, such programs will never bear fruits without a sincere consideration for the needs of victims and a recognition of their rights
Posted by TheVJ, Tuesday, 9 February 2021 10:48:51 AM
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I agree with most of this, but not the part where the facilitator doesn't want the perpetrator to feel bad.

I accidentally ran over a dog once, that flew from the front of a car I was driving past. Now, I had reflexes honed as an emergency! But had no tie whatsoever to react as the animal tried to attack the tyres. I cradled the dead dog in my arms as I walked to the nearest house and the dog's owner with tears flowing from my eyes.

I felt bad and still do!

I agree you should not have to account to a state authority for expenditure created by the vastly superior home care option! It's as often the case with control-freak bureaucracies? They need these mechanisms to remain relevant? We need a bill of irrevocable human rights to end some of this, control freak craziness! And the victims and their rights must remain paramount!

Drunken drug addicts should lose their rights when they harm or kill someone. And need to be placed in a controlled/secure, offshore medical facility that rehumanises/de-addicts them!

As for our husband? I believe he could be assisted with some (nasal) stem cell therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy and reeducation for a plastic brain.

It's a long road back but worth the effort and expense! He is, after all, a little bit more important than the dog I ran over and still to this day, feel so very bad about!
With heartfelt sorrow for your sad situation, Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 9 February 2021 1:26:03 PM
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Thank you Grammerly auto-correct for turning the term, as an emergency driver, to just an emergency. So helpful!? And every day in every way as demonstrated in the above example.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 9 February 2021 1:32:36 PM
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