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Xenophobia is not the answer : Comments

By Dilan Thampapillai, published 22/7/2016

Yet, it beggars belief that anybody would ascribe the actions of radical terrorists to every Muslim.

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It never ever was! Not when it was a nazi phenomena aimed at hapless Jews. Nor kurds who were unfortunate enough to find themselves Homeless in Turkey! Nor Australian Aborigines, in their own country, with the advent of forced white settlement?

It doesn't take intelligence to be a racist, just an IQ roughly equal to the current ambient temperature.

We've always been afflicted with this element and exemplified as white supremacists, the KKK, apartheid and religious intolerance from time immemorial?

When a single child throws a rotten egg at the head? Do we punish the whole school? No, we find and chastised the actual culprit!

Racists, Homophobes and fanatical fundamentalists are easily led nincompoops, with no capacity to think for themselves or know right from wrong, which incidentally, is clinical proof of insanity!

And to think, some of us allow ourselves to be guided by this mad hatter's reverse idolatry and entirely counterproductive labeling?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 22 July 2016 10:10:01 AM
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Comparing ritualistic, encouraged, Islamic 'honour' killings with domestic violence, undoubtably at least as common in Muslim society, but covered up, is unbelievably stupid.

As for Sonia Kruger, she is entitled to say what she did in Australia, and good luck to her for doing so.

As for this person's attitude to who is entitled to "a privileged first world lifestyle", it is the people who built the society, not recently arrived Muslims from backward societies or any other recently arrived immigrants who have contributed nothing to what they are enjoying at our expense. And the gall of the man, suggesting that native born Australians who don't like the way the country is heading should "try their luck elsewhere". And, sorry pal, but people born here DO get a "free pass".

"We do not have to forgive Sonia". There is nothing to forgive, you arrogant fascist. The "xenophobia" is all yours, and it is you who should try your luck with your big mouth elsewhere.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 22 July 2016 10:13:25 AM
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'Pointing out the unfairness of Sonia’s comments doesn’t impinge on her free speech. She still has a spot on national television, if not the intellect to warrant it.'

the abusive privileged dumbed down lecturers at our unis are as much to blame for the uprising of Hanson than anyone else. The simple maths is that if we accept larger numbers of muslims we accept larger number of terrorist. How anyone with half a brain can't realise this defies belief. If Dilan is happy for us to become like France well at least let people have a say without his ignorant propaganda. I would suggest Somia's intellect is at least equivalent to yours Dilan.

I note Dilan says these are his personal views. No doubt such consensus thinking among the polictical class will ensure your job is safe and you will be a candidate for the drum in order to insult anyone prepared think think differently from you. Such humility!
Posted by runner, Friday, 22 July 2016 10:37:47 AM
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I'm totally insulted by this article...
This guy will be lucky if I don't unleash in a way I've never spoken on this forum before and earn my first 'removed comment' on this site.
It would be worth it. I'm livid.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 22 July 2016 11:21:44 AM
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I’d like to examine your statement here in light of what the Quran teaches: '”Yet, it beggars belief that anybody would ascribe the actions of radical terrorists to every Muslim. Leaving aside the fact that there are major cultural differences between Muslim societies, it is simply not tenable to think that each member of the Muslim faith is a threat. The actions of a few do not define 1.6 billion people”

Muslims who take the Quran seriously know that it teaches:

Quran 4:76 (Yusuf Ali translation), ‘Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who reject Faith Fight in the cause of Evil: So fight ye against the friends of Satan: feeble indeed is the cunning of Satan’.

Quran 8:59-60 (Yusuf Ali translation), ‘Let not the unbelievers think that they can get the better (of the godly): they will never frustrate (them). Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly’.

Quran 48:29 (Ahmed translation),‘Muhammad is the Prophet of God; and those who are with him are severe with infidels but compassionate among themselves’.

Core Islam promotes violence to unbelievers, according to the Quran. Of course there are moderate Muslims in Australia and elseqhere, but what will it take to turn them into what the Quran says they ought to be doing according to Quran 8:59-60? So, each member of the Muslim faith is not a threat? That’s only as long as they remain moderate Muslims and do not take the Quran seriously.
Posted by OzSpen, Friday, 22 July 2016 11:27:15 AM
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Number 16:1-35
2 John:10

and there is lots more, if you want to play my holly book is dumber then yours then Christians and Muslims will be playing a long time. Particularly if you take it seriously.

To the Author I think you've missed the point, There are not many thinking people who think all Muslims are bad. There are not many thinking people who think that we should punish the wrong doers and not the collective.
However you have to acknowledge that at some point we will have to consider all of the options we have to protect ourselves.

During war we have had to intern people who may have caused us harm, Was it fair on those people, probably not most would not have caused a problem. Was it effective in reducing the treat, yes. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

The two main factions of Islam have hated each other for nearly as long as the religion has existed. the solution to the problem lies within the Muslim community. Muslim need to stop blaming westerners and take a good hard look at themselves. They need focus inward at their beliefs, and be honest about the Islams current ability to function in a modern democracy.
While Indonesia is making good strides the reality is their is not a single Islamic country that comes even close to a western country for
multicultural tolerance and the rule of law.
us evil white westerners may not be prefect but we have created places were people are freer and happier then anywhere where Islam dominates.

You need to come to terms with that reality, stop blaming whitey.
Posted by Cobber the hound, Friday, 22 July 2016 12:31:20 PM
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