The Forum > Article Comments > Why worthwhile Australian entities like YWAM deserve greater government assistance > Comments
Why worthwhile Australian entities like YWAM deserve greater government assistance : Comments
By Jeffrey Wall, published 9/12/2022The number of village people receiving medical, dental and optical procedures got as high as 20,000 in some years. It's currently between 10,000 and 15,000 annually.
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Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 9 December 2022 9:58:45 AM
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I've long advocated hospital ships for Australia in conjunction with island quarantine.
As for YWAM it's a worthwhile Christian charity that deserves some support. Which should come from tax free religious Charities running with rivers of gold. As for the government? They need to repay our crippling debt first, before handing out taxpayer funded borrowing as aid. When we are no longer servicing massive debt, we could be more generous with (gimmie, gimmie) aid we get from a fiscal surplus rather than increased debt! I'm glad the old boy had his sight restored, and deservedly so! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Friday, 9 December 2022 10:51:06 AM
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Wrong thing entirely, a ship is far too big to service most of the population, who live far from large ports, that have hospitals anyway.
They had it right in the 70s when small 130 foot ex WW11 cargo boats were converted to medical ships, that toured the islands between Samari, South Eastern tip, to Rabaul, New Island, Bougainvillea & the small islands between. These could anchor off villages every where, & did a great job. A large ship is too big to service a 100 population village with no services at all. Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 11 December 2022 3:56:29 PM
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China & Saudi Arabia, massive realignment. A new power rises in the Middle East The West tries to sanction Russia, and Putin says we're not going to be bullied by the west anymore. India and China say no we're not going along with the sanctions, we support peace and our own nations. Sanctions end up hurting the West more than Russia. Has anyone put a $ price on how much this path has cost western nations? Europe is going downhill fast, the EU block is starting to fracture. Russia starts to work more closely with Iran. Now Saudi Arabia is aligning with China billions and technology and military investments and Xi urges MBS to abandon the dollar. Is the west really isolating Russia and these countries or is the west itself being isolated from these countries by its own economic sanctions? What do you think happens when you sanction everyone? Eventually they all make freinds with each other and join forces against you. While we pay a fortune for energy and our economies become weaker - the west itself now gets weaker while their adversaries get stronger. Saudi / China friendship could be a game changer. Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 11 December 2022 8:47:43 PM
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Jeffrey Wall
Post proof of your personal voluntary donations. Posted by Cumberland, Monday, 12 December 2022 1:13:06 PM
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Post proof of your personal voluntary donations.
Cumberland, From what I can gauge he was one of the many Australian bureaucrats who steered PNG in the direction it has ended up in ! Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 12 December 2022 1:57:44 PM
Send in the good people of the church to help the people of PNG
Bigger picture
We wish to confront Chinese influence in our 'region'
Kind of funny how the world works