The Forum > Article Comments > Imperial sentiments: Donald Trump, Greenland and colonial real estate > Comments
Imperial sentiments: Donald Trump, Greenland and colonial real estate : Comments
By Binoy Kampmark, published 29/8/2019Territorial aggrandizement through such means has been something of a US specialty, complementing the usual technique of brutal military conquest.
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Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 29 August 2019 10:55:23 AM
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No one can trump Trump in being rich-from-his-daddy's-money, ignorant bully, unencumbered by any interest or knowledge of world history, geography or the non-American way.
Check out this Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 29 August 2019 12:36:24 PM
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'The president had been insulted, his ego put down by the prime minister of a small state'
the only ego's I have seen put down with spades since Trump's election are the political elite, the lying liberal media and the marxist haters. Now that Russian collusion has been found to be a total hoax the lying media including our own abc now have to nit pick about something no one cares about. The ONLY benefit of Trump not winning the next election would be to stop the lying liberal media and commentators with Trump Derangement syndrome being so obessed with a man who has moved the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalum, brought African American unemployment to the lowest levels in history, exposed the gw scam by tearing up ther Paris fraud and defunded the murder and selling of unborn baby parts. The real little demi gods with their egos shattered are the swamp. Posted by runner, Thursday, 29 August 2019 1:01:47 PM
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Maybe a bit of both ? Narcissism and incompetence on both sides of US politics ? Idiots to the right of us, idiots to the left of us ? It's not either-or ? If the world doesn't suffer a recession before the end of next year, then Trump will be re-elected, the Democrats being too intent on moving left. Neither side seems to want to do the hard yards and spread themselves across the US majority centre. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 29 August 2019 1:43:58 PM
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Yeah I know Joe that you don't like the man. No doubt he is somewhat ego driven. All people are. Look at the lies, cheating and denials of the Chinese Government in order to save face. Our unis dumb down the education system to allow many of them to pass. The Chinese and democrats have a lot in common. Having egg all over their face for lies, misrepresentations and race politics they just dig in deeper. Yeah Trump has an ego but I suspect he has Amercian interests much more at heart than the lying globalist pushing such trash as the gw c ap. You are appearing to want to appear balanced but I assure you Trump is far more balanced than the Hilary tantrum throwers.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 29 August 2019 2:18:53 PM
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The Louisiana Purchase that doubled the area of the United States was due to the fact Napoleon offered to sell it to the United States. The French Army in Haiti had been destroyed by the Haitians in their struggle for independence from France. Napoleon had originally planned to have that army occupy the Louisiana Territory. Knowing that France no longer had the force to hold the territory Napoleon offered to sell it to the US so that neither the French nor the British would get it.
The purchase of Alaska was due to the fact the czar realized that the Russian Empire was extended too far, and Russia would have difficulty keeping Alaska out of the grasp of another European power. It was offered to the US, and the purchase was arranged by Secretary of State Seward over opposition. The opposition called it Seward’s Folly. The governments of France and Russia approached the US to buy the Louisiana Territory and Alaska because they preferred the US to get those territories rather than a European power. The US bought what was offered. The Danes did not offer Greenland for sale. In the present day nations cannot agree to sell territories without consulting the wishes of the inhabitants of those territories. In his ignorance Trump did not realise that. Posted by david f, Thursday, 29 August 2019 3:28:19 PM
If that doesn't tell you he's a narcissist, with an ego that's a danger to shipping and several dozen sandwiches short of a picnic basket?
Nothing else will! And this man is the ruler of the world's most powerful nation and military, seems intent n destroying his, ours and the global economy and who knows what else.
Why Greenland?
I suppose he could hole out there during a nuclear winter? Or drill the hell out of it for oil and gas. Perhaps it has a vast store of mineral wealth?
I mean who knows the mind of Uncle Donald? Not even Uncle Donald knows that?
Alan B.