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The Forum > Article Comments > Should Australia offer to take over Papua New Guinea’s failed health system? > Comments

Should Australia offer to take over Papua New Guinea’s failed health system? : Comments

By Jeffrey Wall, published 3/9/2021

Australia can make a compelling case given our historic association with Papua New Guinea, our enduring people-to-people relationship, and the fact we are easily the most generous aid contributor to our closest neighbour.

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Don't be ridiculous. We are not handling our own health system properly. If I suggested such nonsense, I would be described by the Left as a white supremacist, colonist and racist. PNG is a free, sovereign nation, capable of self-government - of so we are told.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 3 September 2021 9:18:33 AM
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Title of an article by Ramesh Thakur: "Lockdowns: an alibi for government to shun scrutiny of neglect of public health preparedness".

And we should take over PNG's health system?
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 3 September 2021 9:48:51 AM
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It took a neighbor of mine 3 years to even get an appointment with a specialist, when he was referred for a knee replacement.

It took a further 3 years for him to be scheduled for the op.

After a flurry of tests & consultations at that time, it was decided his skin had now become too fragile for the op to be a sure success, & he was removed from the schedule.

I put his wheely bins out for him as he is now wheel chair or walker bound.

Perhaps it is time to start to look after our own.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 3 September 2021 11:55:17 AM
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No! Time PNG learned to stand on its own two feet. And exploit her own considerable resources to make that happen!

If we're asked to take over? It has to be a complete take over of all government responsibilities for two or three decades!

Otherwise, endemic corruption will continue unabated and continue to quite massively, skim consolidated revenue for personal empire building by the incorrigible corrupt?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 3 September 2021 12:05:47 PM
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First thing for PNG is to rid it of corruption before we waste even more money.
Posted by ateday, Friday, 3 September 2021 12:38:20 PM
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Many years ago under Premier Joh in Qld you could go & see a Dentist as you walked in. I've been on an appointment list for 18 months now under a wonderful Labor regime !
Posted by individual, Friday, 3 September 2021 8:47:54 PM
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