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Merry Christmas

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I'm not a Christmasy person apart from enjoying eating and the availability of cherries for a too short period. I notice that a poster has already wished us the usual, almost automatic 'Merry Christmas'. But, another poster has referred to the 'holiday season', apeing an American denial that has been in place for some time now.

Surely we are not going to cravenly deny our Christian culture and history just because some twats in the US and the Leftists here have decided that non-Christians are somehow offended by the Christianity of the countries that they have been more than happy to immigrate to! Even when those immigrants deny that they are in the least offended, and join in the commercial side of the season for their kids. And, only 7% of the Australian population has a problem with 'Merry Christmas'. I'll bet they are the same people who rubbish the US at every opportunity in other matters. Miserable grinches.

Merry Christmas. It's not just a holiday.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 23 December 2020 8:27:31 AM
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A poll by marketing research firm Dynata between 11-13 December 2020 asked Australians to agree or disagree with the statement: “Merry Christmas is an inclusive phrase which all Australians can relate to.”

79% agree
13% neither agree nor disagree
7% disagree

Those who try enforce the use of the term Happy Holidays or Seasons Greetings instead of Merry Christmas seek to censor a Christian holiday in a way that they would never attempt with any other religious holiday.

The poll also asked Australians to agree or disagree with the statement: “Australia has become too politically correct.”

69% agree
20% neither agree nor disagree
11% disagree
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 23 December 2020 11:05:34 AM
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Well, let's hope that Dynata are good pollsters. On another line of discussion, but definitely on-topic, I'm not sure how many of you have noticed Foxy's absence, but she's sent me an email and asked me to "Please give everyone my warmest wishes and All the Best for the New Year".

She also tells me that her husband has had a fall and has a fractured spine and has had to be hospitalised. So I'd like to wish Foxy and her husband all the best, and him a speedy recovery.
Posted by GrahamY, Wednesday, 23 December 2020 12:47:02 PM
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Hi Graham,

Can you please pass on the best wishes to Foxy and her husband of many of us on OLO ?

And Merry Christmas to you too !

Posted by loudmouth2, Wednesday, 23 December 2020 1:12:01 PM
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Age is a vicious thing. The skin gets thin, the bones weak, & balance goes. A minor accident at 30 becomes life changing at 60.

Hope this is not the case for Foxy & her husband. Thankfully she is not having to contend with a lock down as well.

I wish everyone a merry Christmas, & Foxy some good news on her husband to make their Christmas the best ever.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 23 December 2020 2:29:52 PM
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Thanks Graham for passing on our good wishes to Foxy and her husband. Take care.

ttbn- Trying to remove Merry Christmas from our vocabulary is just another form of the 'blanking' and 'cancelling' of British Culture and people. We have become 'persona non grata' in the eyes of our institutions- how did things go so wrong.

I saw an article recently that per capita many times more Non-Indiginous Australian's die in prison than Aboriginals. I guess British Australian people should just give up our homes to Aboriginals and Immigrants and go and sit in a hole. At the end of the day no one is going to look after the interests of British Australian people but us. We need a home too- we built this country.

Thanks for starting this thread.
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 23 December 2020 6:04:51 PM
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