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The Forum > Article Comments > Voluntary euthanasia alection ads banned > Comments

Voluntary euthanasia alection ads banned : Comments

By Fiona Patten, published 4/9/2013

Why would CAD wait until almost the last week of the election to tell a party that their ads could not go to air?

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A further example of the erosion of freedom of speech in Australia.
As reported briefly yesterday on ABC radio, channel 9 has refused to broadcast an advert sponsored by Get Up showing a man picking up dog s%&t with a News Corp newspaper and challenging people not to be fooled by the News Corp propaganda. Personally I thought the advert was an important message on a subject that needs to be considered by everyone voting on Saturday and funny.
After the advert had been shown during prime time Channel 9 had decided in was in poor taste.
I wonder if it was political or corporate pressure that made Channel 9 change from happily taking the money and broadcasting, to thinking it was in poor taste.
In the case of The Sex Party advert on another subject of importance, I am again left wondering what outside interference has been brought to bear on CAD to change the ruling at such a time as to render the advert useless, as someone who has had to seek rulings from Government departments in the past, unless you have a lot of time and money, once a ruling has been made, getting that ruling changed is nigh on impossible.
The Minor Parties are posing a big threat to upsetting the outdated and corrupt 2 party system at this election and I wish you all good luck and keep fighting for what you believe in
Posted by Phil R, Wednesday, 4 September 2013 9:36:38 AM
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I for one agree with the ban.
I don't believe voluntary euthanasia is a good cure for aged depression.
Or indeed, the effects of aging.
Or indeed, the cost of aging.
Or indeed, the inconvenience of aging!
Let's not forget, this is suicide, and currently unsanctioned.
Therefore, its promotion, however seemingly ethical, may well be illegal!
In any event, we ought to be exercising our brains on how to improve the quality of aging, rather than obsessing over, trying to end it prematurely!
When perhaps the quality of life could be restored with HRT, genetic modification.
Trials in mice and or rats, have confirmed some very positive, quality of older life outcomes.
And no, I don't want to extend my life beyond my allotted time, just the quality of that existence while I'm here.
Imagine being able to remain thin and energetic as a natural condition, right to the end.
Imagine no arthritis or rheumatics, or being able to compete in some sporting activity, right up until the day before you die.
Imagine, no memory loss, and being able to remain intellectually alert, right up to the end!
Imagine being able to end your days in your own home, as a completely independent individual, not needing to ever impose on neighbors for help with relatively minor activities!
This is where we ought to be focusing our energy, enthusiasm and surplus finances, rather than throwing our hands up; and or, trying to move people on, before their due date or proper time.
What happens if billions of believers the world over, and reincarnation is correct, that we can't escape our due destiny?
And all we achieve is simply having to come back and do the whole lesson or penalty over?
Have you ever looked at a baby and noted mannerisms that seemed very familiar, and remarked to yourself, that's odd, he/she reminds me of old whatshisname!
Not for nothing is it writ large, so as you sow, so also shall you reap!
Our destiny, or indeed, cause and effect, is not something we can ever avoid or escape from!
Posted by Rhrosty, Wednesday, 4 September 2013 11:22:03 AM
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Rhrosty what a load of garbage you write, I for one do not want you to be advising me on how I should end my life, that is my decision and mine alone not yours. 82% of people want VE, if you don't that Is your decision, one only hopes that when you go you will only be too happy to have people perhaps wiping your anus of blood and excrement that you have no control over, vomiting faeces, lumps appearing all over your body, extreme unbearable pain, good luck to you,but not for me.
VE is an option only and should be advertised as much as possible during election time by the various parties as part of their policy and should not be banned.
GetUp is having the same problem by criticising the Murdoch press, the adds being banned
You obviously agree with the war machine, in your mind perhaps that is not killing as sadistic Presidents etc think it is ok to exterminate.
We are having too much banning of free speech, thank goodness for the Internet where we can get various views and not by the likes of One eyed Murdoch
Posted by Ojnab, Wednesday, 4 September 2013 2:03:42 PM
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I'm having a bit of trouble seeing how HRT, genetic modification and reincarnation constitute an effective counter-argument to VOLUNTARY euthanasia.
Having watch the ad in question, I think CAD overstepped their brief when they canned it, especially as they waited to the 11th hour before acting.
Is the Voluntary Euthanasia Party itself illegal?
What is it about this idea, and the public expression of it by up to 80% of elderly Australians, that those in power find so confronting?
Posted by halduell, Wednesday, 4 September 2013 3:54:46 PM
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How ridiculous this banning is. Especially at the last minute. BUT on the good side, it has created a lot of publicity re: the legalisation of voluntary euthanasia. This is so much needed. I'm a staunch advocate of the right to self-determination. Those who argue against it (slippery slope, abuse of the elderly etc) are simply misinformed.

Good luck for the elections!
Posted by Ann from Picton, Wednesday, 4 September 2013 4:04:36 PM
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Fiona, just because a statement has a question mark on the end doesn't make it a question. You are merely stating a fact, based on Australian law, & that is what you are questioning.
Phil R. I'd say freedom of speech is being threatened when we in Australia are called "discrimination" against for refusing to advertise things we think are in bad taste (yes besides our media having to remain politically correct all the time, so not being allowed to report all our news to us). Thus who is being discriminated against? Is it minority groups pleading for all sorts of change while calling it equality, or is it our people (media included who feel they aren't allowed now to say no to the changes)? If because of an expectation for Australians to be politically correct & not have choice, & because of pressure on Oz to be more & more tolerant (& media geared to tell us again & again we aren't tolerant enough) euthanasia is legalized, grandparents may privately feel pressure to do so to help young family members financially. Someone privately already making someones life miserable mightn't feel reason to show mercy at all or share accountability for someone's state. & doctors may legally then not only have to suggest it, but will aid people to do it, This does concern us all, considering there are still slip ups with meds from time to time. To prevent mishaps caused by euthanasia legalization, what would you have us Do, write a stack high of More laws? Med Data Excise Tax RFID ourselves ..for YOUR FREEDOM? Another group who don't realize they're trouble are those who'd like the legalization of same-sex marriage. This might matter to clothes boutiques owners who won't be allowed to refuse to sell crossdress atire & display on transvestite manequins. & schools who refuse to add same-sex relations into their sex education courses. Then, we just may see freedom of religion & what we're allowed to think or who we'd employ threatened, as law is law & is means for more.
Posted by CrazyLaClubOfMinds, Wednesday, 4 September 2013 4:08:41 PM
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