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The Forum > General Discussion > The Fall Of The American :

The Fall Of The American :

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There is no doubt post WWII, America has been the 'Super Power' of the planet. With the defeat of the Soviet Union in the 'Cold War' America has been able to establish itself as, militarily and economically, the Worlds dominant power without rival. But, as the Bob Dylan classic says; Times They Are a-Changin', and that is certainly the case today, as China rises to challenge American world dominance.

My question is; Is the youthful Australia making a huge mistake to wed itself to an ageing grandmother, in the form of the United States?
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 18 March 2023 5:30:31 AM
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The apologists for totalitarian regimes have been declaring the imminent end of the great Satan for as long as I can recall. According to them....

1960s - the USSR was winning the space race which showed its superior system. The great Satan was on the way out. (they said)

1970s - the oil crisis and the Carter recession. The great Satan was on the way out. The Soviets were so far ahead economically, that the capitalists stood no chance. (they said)

1980s - oops, Gorby was admitting that the USSR wasn't all sugar and cream. No worry, because here comes Japan and its going to overwhelm the US with its new guided economy. The great Satan was finished (they said).

1990s - oh know. The USSR is no more. And Japan has stagnated. But look over there...The EU is coming to overwhelm the upstarts. The great Satan is finished (they said).

2000s - uh-oh the EU is falling apart. But hurrah, here comes China. Growth rates twice or more that of the US. It'll become the biggest economy in the world in (think of number and halve it) years. Never mind that it's entirely dependent on the US markets to stay open and the US to keep world trade routes safe. Nosiree. China's gunna win and that's the end of the great Satan (they said).

As so here we are. The US currently led by perhaps the worst set of morons and charlatans in its history and things aren't looking great for the great Satan.(they said)

and the usual suspects look at the short term problems and proclaim to be long term trends. T'was always thus. (they said)

Where is that rudimentary historic understanding? Just a few droplets of it might open their blinded eyes.
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 18 March 2023 10:15:41 AM
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"The Fall Of The American:" Which American has fallen? Joe Biden up the aircraft steps? Joe Biden falling off a bike? Or, in your haste to criticise America, did you just leave off half your title?
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 18 March 2023 10:25:27 AM
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The title was; The Fall of the American "Empire". but this old software here doesn't like "...." in the title, so it seems.

My question is what position Australia should be taking, if indeed America is in a downward spiral, is it wise for us to be shackling ourselves to such a sinking ship? Is it not a mistake for us to align ourselves so closely with the US if it would drag us down with itself? Maybe Australia should put self interest first, and not some mistaken loyalty. How about we tear up those ridiculous treaties, declare ourselves a neutral country, and make our own way in the World. I think that's a reasonable propositioned.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 18 March 2023 12:57:27 PM
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The US has achieved a 5.6% growth rate over the last year, better even than China and is one of the strongest and most robust economies in the world. However, whenever there is a hiccup there will be a horde of village idiots predicting the demise of the US.

The countries in trouble now are the corrupt autocracies such as China, North Korea, Pakistan, Turkey and Russia.
Posted by shadowminister, Saturday, 18 March 2023 2:06:12 PM
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Well Russia has found a quick way of improving it's GDP per head of population. Ship a large number of breeding age men to the Ukraine.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 18 March 2023 2:22:20 PM
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