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The Forum > General Discussion > Ten Little errr Boys and then there were None

Ten Little errr Boys and then there were None

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Note, I could not use the title of the traditional ryme.
Anyway the subject is the early closure of power stations.
I see a big thing is being made of the meaningless news that a 700 Megawatt
battery is to be installed on the site.
I have batteries in my little workshop that could be called 700 Mwatt.
It is just that it would be for micro seconds.
It has been suggested that it would go for two hours.
So the correct description of the battery would be 1400 Mwatt/hrs
If it really is 700 Megwatt/hr then it will deliver 700Mwatt for 1 hour.
Why oh why do they display their ignorance on the subject.
When asked why don't they just say "I haven't a clue !".

As Liddel is close next year, can Bayswater be far behind.
AEMO has said that to replace Euraring (3.8 Gw) with 6Gw of renewables
may not be enough.
Oh Really ! Where have they been hiding ?
It will probably have to be replaced with between 30 Gwatt & 48 Gwatt
of renewables.
Those figures depend on how much is spent on upgrading the grid.
CSIRO said One $Trillion "might" do the job.

Even those who must know are too afraid to say it out loud.
Anyone got a petrol generator for sale. Oh, Petrol Rationing anyone ?
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 18 February 2022 12:36:42 PM
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Get some solar panels and collect all the old car batteries you can get that have some life in them also set up a pushbike to turn a car alternator for emergency charging.
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 18 February 2022 4:14:19 PM
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Good advise Is Mise, my son has gone most of that way.
His roof is covered with solar panels, and has two very large sealed
lead acid cells. The storage he has will enable him to run his house
lighting for 2 or 3 days but not for oven, dishwasher, air conditioning.
It will run computers and radios and for some tv time.
Those batteries are not cheap but there is a source of second hand ones.
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 18 February 2022 7:17:22 PM
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Bazz my son used to near cry when the navy chucked out the year old big gel batteries used in the 6000 BHP tank landing craft. They should be good for at least 6 years in a domestic system. He well understood that it is not much use having beaut high speed landing craft, if aging batteries won't start the things when needed, but it still hurt.

After the last flood, when we had no power for 5 days I bit the bullet & bought a 10KVA 3 phase diesel gen set. It will handle all required systems without luxuries for about 2 liters an hour. I've kept the 3KVA set as my 100 gallon diesel tank would run it for almost a month rather than a few days.

We have a solar array & 6 big gel batteries driving a 24V submersible pump putting 15 liters per minute from the river into the dam 24/7. Fortunately I was wise enough to get a harvesting licence when transferring the irrigation licence when I bought the place. This could be brought up to the house if necessary.

None of this will be much use if the shooting starts, & fuel supplies stop. I have the plans for a number of wood gas generators, as use during WW11, but of course you would need a WW11 vintage engine to run on the stuff.

Much better idea to keep the peace, & stop these damn fools with their net zero by 2050 rubbish. It will be hard, as too many of the elite are making too much money from the global warming scam.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 18 February 2022 11:17:15 PM
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Interesting setup Hasbeen;
I suspect what will happen is that the repeated blackouts will
convince the mad global warming believers that maybe the settled
science was wrong all the time, and the solution was impossible.
Then there will be a demand for nuclear power stations by tomorrow morning.
There will be hell to pay with the known greens being put in stocks.
Polies with be spinning at rates never seen before.
Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 19 February 2022 4:39:46 PM
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I understand the current title of the rhyme is Ten Little Soldier Boys...

Your workshop batteries wouldn't be able to output 700MW for microseconds. Capacitors might, but batteries rely on chemical reactions which don't all happen instantaneously.

>Why oh why do they display their ignorance on the subject.
It isn't clear which "they" you're complaining about? Is is ABC? 7? 9? News Corp?

>AEMO has said that to replace Euraring (3.8 Gw) with 6Gw of renewables
may not be enough.
It may not be, but keep in mind the figure is in addition to the renewable power already installed which is making baseload power uneconomic.

>It will probably have to be replaced with between 30 Gwatt & 48 Gwatt
of renewables.
The modelling says otherwise. Keep in mind the objective isn't to supply baseload power; it's to meet demand.

>I suspect what will happen is that the repeated blackouts will
>convince the mad global warming believers that maybe the settled
>science was wrong all the time, and the solution was impossible.

Now that is a truly idiotic comment! Whether we have a reliable electricity supply doesn't have any bearing on the physics of global warming. And as any competent engineer will tell you, the task is big but far from impossible.
And why the paranoia about blackouts? Haven't you noticed the supply problems in the last few years have been due to coal fired power stations breaking down?
Posted by Aidan, Sunday, 20 February 2022 12:47:17 AM
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