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The Forum > Article Comments > Economy thrives while CBDs dive: the argument that CBDs are the engine rooms of the Australian economy is being tested right now > Comments

Economy thrives while CBDs dive: the argument that CBDs are the engine rooms of the Australian economy is being tested right now : Comments

By Ross Elliott, published 28/4/2021

Many Australian CBDs continue to languish, with major CBDs only at from one third to two thirds of their pre-pandemic occupancy levels, despite the end of lockdowns and the lifting of many restrictions.

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For shoppers I think free parking has a lot to do with it. Then there's the creepy ambience of mall rats glued to their phones. I notice that even the free parking of some outer urban shopping centres is getting frenetic so perhaps shops will move even further out. Another factor is if you know exactly what you want such as shoe size it's easy to order them online. A book I ordered online was delivered to a rural area less then 48 hours after ordering. So why battle traffic to go to the CBD?
Posted by Taswegian, Wednesday, 28 April 2021 9:51:34 AM
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CBD landlords are self-destructing ! They didn't tell Councils where to stick their rates !
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 28 April 2021 12:59:48 PM
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Well isn't it great. Some unexpected consequences of the virus are actually positive. With office workers staying home, lets complete the closure of the whole edifice, by moving the public servants out of inner city high rise offices, to the suburbs where they will be easier of access to those unfortunate to have dealings with them.

I don't know anyone who really wants to talk to a bureaucrat, but sometimes we are forced to have dealings with them. Wouldn't it be a great improvement if you could access them when forced in a suburb near you? No more long haul to the city, hunting for an over priced parking station, & still walk miles.

Hell we could even stop the stupidity of under river/harbor rail tunnels, & stop needing expensive rolling stock, used to ferry bureaucrats to work at our expense.

Yes the virus might have at least one redeeming feature, if it closes down inner city offices, permanently, & turns them into apartments for the trendy.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 28 April 2021 2:23:08 PM
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Why do you assume they'd move to a suburb near you rather than one over 50km away?
Posted by Aidan, Wednesday, 28 April 2021 2:47:31 PM
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News flash, CBDs are overrated. Yet existing metro plans demand 8m in each of Sydney and Melbourne, 4m in Perth. Works for the 1%, not for the rest.

In the May Budget, the Liberals will re-affirm the restart of mass migration into Sydney and Melbourne ASAP. And Labor won't say a word about it. Where would we be without democracy
Posted by Steve S, Wednesday, 28 April 2021 4:37:39 PM
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Aidan if any sanity prevails they would be moved to a wide range of suburbs, & never again in a giant blob in one spot. A ring about half way between the CBD to the outer suburbs would make sense.

If they are stupid enough to pull that on Steve S, it will be the end of them. Labor would be laughing their heads off. I supposed they would bring them from India.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 28 April 2021 6:40:54 PM
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