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A thoroughly inglorious day for our nation

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I have just learned that Australia joined the US in voting against a UN Human rights Council resolution to send investigators to examine the events in Gaza and the West Bank. It is hard to convey how angry and disappointed I am that our government chose this course of action. We were the only one of 41 other members of the council to do so. Other members included many European countries who either supported the resolution or abstained from it.

Until recently Australia has historically sided with the rest of the world in rightfully condemning the occupation of Palestinian land by the Israelis. Of late we had been abstaining instead of supporting resolutions trying to hold the Israeli government to account, but this is the first time to my recollection that we have voted no.

I spend a bit of time on Reddit and this action has bewildered may people from other parts of the world, including many Americans. They understand that the US has traditionally gone out of its way to protect Israel from criticism because of historical ties. For Australia to take this position shows us to be a sycophantic and pathetic.

There are a great many things for which I am proud of being an Australian. This is one of the few times I have felt real shame. We lost a part of what it meant to be Australian today, standing up to bullies, supporting the under dog, recognising injustice and calling it out when we saw it. but most importantly we lost a large measure of independence and world wide respect, today we became the 51st state.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 19 May 2018 11:04:36 PM
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I second your sentiments complete. Truly a sad day, when we Australians without the slightest humanitarian concern for the plight of innocent people in Gaza and the West Bank would support in a sycophantic fashion the United States who are condoning the criminal actions of Israel against the Palestinian people. Indeed, a day of shame for Australia.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 20 May 2018 8:27:47 AM
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Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 20 May 2018 9:42:45 AM
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I am very pleased that Australia is standing with our main ally on something to do with terrorist Palestine, which isn't actually a country, and which is sworn to wipe out Israel, also our ally and bulwark against Islam. I am also surprised that our loony Left PM is going along with it. He has just opted out of the opportunity to back our allies, the U.S and Israel, in shifting our embassy to Jerusalem.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 20 May 2018 10:01:03 AM
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Yeah it is pretty shameful.
It might've been considered weak or gutless to abstain; or turn a blind eye,
- Though one could look at that another way and argue is wiser and respectful to 'Mind one's own business'.

But supporting the interests of the 'party committing said immoral acts' against a UN investigation is pretty low, you can't really avoid it.
And in some ways it almost inadvertantly makes us a party to or supportive of the acts themselves.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 20 May 2018 10:49:00 AM
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Dear Steele,

Sadly, once again, Australia has placed a higher value on
Israel's vision of its historic destiny than on the
humanity of the Palestinians.

Our Prime Ministers
have always talked about believing in the "emergence of an
independent Palestinian state," surely they must know that
Western support of Israel will not bring this about. Israel
has been calling the shots since 1967 and clearly believes
that the USA will support its actions no matter what Israel

Israel does not have the right to act unilaterally. It
does not have the right to wreak havoc and destroy the
prospects for a peaceful solution. It is a great shame that
we don't have the kind of leadership in this country that
would emphasize the fact that neither side has a monopoly on suffering,
but only one party has the power to end the
occupation and to recognise that Israel and Palestine are
historically destined to share the same homeland.

While we
continue to support the actions of Israel - this will not happen.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 20 May 2018 11:04:46 AM
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