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We need the courage to reopen : Comments
By Vladimir Vinokurov, published 4/9/2020Lockdowns and border closures may calm those fears, but they will kill far more people than a virus ever could.
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'Our'.'We'. It's 'them', the tinpot dictators - politicians and unelected public servants who couldn't make it in the medical profession you should be talking to.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 4 September 2020 8:57:17 AM
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Prof. Patrick McGorry, the recognised authority on youth suicide in Australia, has pointed out that the number of suicides in Australia has barely risen in 2019-2020 compared to 2018-2019, by something like only 1 %. Get a grip.
Joe Posted by loudmouth2, Friday, 4 September 2020 10:29:19 AM
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I reached my post limit yesterday and couldn't respond to your suggestion that I would like to shoot Muslim children. What a creep you really are. Posted by ttbn, Friday, 4 September 2020 11:05:16 AM
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No, it's not courage we need nor human sacrifice at the altar of commercialism, Mannon.
What we need is commonsense and millions of the, manufactured under licence, Israeli Saliva test that is 95% accurate and delivers a positive or negative result in mere seconds? If we started tomorrow, we'd have hundreds available in days, thousands in weeks, millions in a month or two. [Can't? Why? What or whom prevents it?] I'd want popup labs/converted caravans, at ever border, airport or transport terminal, Supermarket or public amenity/sportsground etc. And everyone passing through any of them, subject to a mandatory test. Those refusing assumed infected and immediately arrested/quarantined offshore, unless they have an immediate change of heart! Those testing positive, required to accompany an officer to a similar offshore situation! I mean, this virus is transmitted by infected humans, often Asymptomatic! However, they are not contagious forever! And can return to their homes, workplaces, a week or two after three co-confirming Saliva and blood tests, say they're definitely negative! With that done everything and I do mean everything, can be reopened and back to business as usual. Currently, the test we use and rely on takes days! And allows contagious folk to continue spreading a killer virus for several days! And requires a very forceful nasal swab that is pushed hard enough up, to make one wonder, is it a nasal swab or a brain scrap that is required? And the probable reason many folk are choosing not to be tested? However, if all that was required was a spitball in a jar? Who'd refuse? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Friday, 4 September 2020 11:52:14 AM
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This Patrick McGorry Joe? Not what he was saying earlier this month.
Posted by GrahamY, Friday, 4 September 2020 12:26:58 PM
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Dear GrahamY,
The author wrote; “Our fears are undermining our mental health. The lockdowns have brought about mass unemployment and social distancing, leaving everyone lonely and isolated. These conditions can be lifelong – and they can cut lives short. Calls to suicide hotlines have increased. Unemployed people are generally at least twice as likely to commit suicide. As the lockdowns continue, more people will take their own lives out of desperation. Lockdowns are killing people by isolating them.” Aren't you one of those who would never let a model get in the way of facts on the ground? One who condemns the type of fearmongering exhibited above? Here are the actual figures in a State which has experienced the severest of lockdowns of any other. “Lifeline received 1000 daily calls from Victorians for the first time ever this week, but there has been no increase in the number of people dying by suicide during the coronavirus pandemic. State Coroner John Cain on Thursday released fresh data on the number of suicide deaths between January 1 and August 26, showing there were two fewer suicides in Victoria compared with the same time last year. Between January 1 and August 26, 466 Victorians took their own lives. This was broadly consistent with the same period last year, when 468 Victorians died by suicide, and in 2018, when 461 Victorians took their own lives in the eight months to August 26. The numbers are higher than the same period in 2016, when there were 420 suicides. The findings contradict widespread assumptions that the number of suicides had been higher this year under the pressures of COVID-19 lockdowns, anxiety about the pandemic, job losses and financial insecurity.” What we need is the courage to stay the course rather than listen to beat-up artists. Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 4 September 2020 12:47:14 PM