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Silencing the majority

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I truly am concerned at just how often news reporters become commentators.
And say and do things that seem purely political correctness run wild.
ABC is a classic reporters who seem to have , other than the microphone, no special understanding of issues but impose personal views on us, while undermining others right to be different.
I need not mention shock jocks, shocking hardly tells the full story.
Was the Wikileaks founder wrong to appear on Q and A?
Was the ABC then right to plant him?
Is it ok to marginalize Australians who hold concerns for or against climate change, migration,boat people?
Is it wrong to think differently?
Can it be the majority always gets it wrong.
Opinions, thoughts,views are one thing, but we are constantly on every side seeing views imposed on those of us who like to think for them selves.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 16 March 2011 6:13:10 AM
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you can fool most of the people

some of the people
most of the time

all it takes is a media
that dosnt report the facts
[or reports the sports reports better than the news]

how come HALF OUR NEWS
is sports?

we get opinion
not news

polititions = [prostitutes]

see how we get lots of subterfuge
released late on friday night
when a disaster strikes

Naomi Klein: "Shock Doctrine"
Unleashed by Right-Wingers
in Wisconsin and Throughout the Country

For decades right-wing ideologues have exploited crises
to push through an agenda ..that has nothing to do with resolving those crises.

AMY GOODMAN: As a wave of anti-union bills
are introduced across the country in the wake of the Great Recession, many analysts are picking up on the theory that award-winning journalist and author Naomi Klein first argued in her bestselling book The Shock Doctrine:

The Rise of Disaster Capitalism.

In it, she reveals how those in power
use times of crisis to push through undemocratic,
radical, free market economic policies...and big new taxes

continues at link

or watch vidio

or how about the leaked documents

or robo signers?

hello serf

no charges for leighmans lies

i see nothing

bahrain [use nerve gas mate]

more faulse flags

semite ethnic cleansing

tsa [scanners cook the books]

heck why bother right

yes we can do without proffesionals
that allow this*
to be reasonable
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 16 March 2011 8:06:40 AM
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…In this “Multicultural” world of ours, it pays to have an understanding of other languages, apart from English. It is this point which saves us from the total impact of Government/Media propaganda bias.

…Fortunately, I have an ability with Latin based languages and find by surfing the SBS multi language news broadcasts, get a broader view of life through their news coverage. News from Turkey gives a balanced view on Middle East events etc. Persevere with it, you’ll see what I mean I am sure.
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 16 March 2011 9:09:28 AM
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I share your concerns about journalists and have done for many years.

Years ago the media employed reporters that reported on the facts of a situation or event. Not so today, they are all commentators who voice their personal opinion on issues.

I cannot comment on the Q and A programme as i do not watch it. It seems biased to me and so is the audience.

I quote as examples the many things whereby Pauline Hanson was quoted out of context or some the journalists simply made up. You may recall, it was open slather for all scribes to have a go at Pauline, with the blessing of the media bosses and the major parties. Even today some are still deliberately putting spin on what she has to say.

Yes it is well beyond time that reporters again began reporting the facts and let their readers make up their own minds on issues.
Posted by Banjo, Wednesday, 16 March 2011 9:09:50 AM
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What if the Majority support Julian Assange?
And considering he is pro freedom of speech/freedom of press, naturally any network that is not painfully partisan towards neoconservative views would automatically jump for joy- not to mention gain a lot of publicity at interviewing probably one of the most important and notorious people in the world.

And correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the ABC also host Dick Smith's Population Puzzle documentary, followed by a debate between those concerned about population vs a handful of low-grade "left-wing" commentators and real-estate lobbyists, who got their backsides kicked by the "anti pops"?

And that aside, I was also under the impression that broadcasters were doing good by informing and presenting to the rest of us fringe and minority views we most likely knew little about- as opposed to simply reinforce what we already knew so we'd feel better about ourselves and our political standing (something you'd expect from a communist country).

I'm somewhat under the impression that those who accuse the ABC of being 'left wing' are actually reading this idea from a newspaper or commercial channel and not actually seeing for themselves, because watching it the 'left wingedness' simply isn't there, they give plenty of coverage to a broad range of lobbyists and political leaders relevant to each issue (though in the event of race/culture relations they only show one of the two 'sides' in most cases).

Same deal with the SBS- despite it being the channel that published David Hicks' Jihad Letters- the fact that it also showed his dad looking sad and moping must automatically mean the show was 'pro-hicks', as opposed to showing all sides of the story and letting people with functioning brains decide for themselves.
Posted by King Hazza, Wednesday, 16 March 2011 9:28:52 AM
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One under god:

...You are on the mark with your comments, unfortunately, and under the rule of Capitalism, one can expect to be plundered at our weakest moments.

...Thanks for your comments (another post) regarding Kookaburras. To be woken at 2.00am by Kookaburras does not herald the dawn I am sure, but as you suggest, it may herald in a mythical way a change to circumstances through refocusing our life on the difference between what really matters in the end, to what we have lead ourselves to BELIEVE is of most importance.

...See, I agree with you, in our world of Atheism which has abandoned myth and religion as a guiding principle to moral direction, we lose an important power to reflect on life by ignoring them.

...To me, the sound of the Kookaburra immediately focuses my attention on the animal kingdom around me and removes my concentration away from the horrors associated with the most despotic of animals, “Human”.

...Thank you Kookaburra and thanking you OUG.
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 16 March 2011 9:43:50 AM
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