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The Forum > Article Comments > A recipe for more death and destruction > Comments

A recipe for more death and destruction : Comments

By Alon Ben-Meir, published 7/4/2022

The killing spree of eleven Israelis by Palestinian terrorists does nothing but severely damage the Palestinians' cause

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This topic reminds me of pot, kettle, black.

One side claims outrage and end of the world at some sacrilege committed by the other side. Then they change sides and repeat. They need to grow up and recognise that either they recognise each others right to exist and all that flows from that or get on and end the conflict by totally annihilating the other side.

I don't see a half way house anywhere else. The second option won't be nice but best leave it to them, get out the pop corn and watch, like the Romans at the Colosseum.

My two bobs worth

Posted by DKit42, Thursday, 7 April 2022 11:29:02 AM
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A non solvable problem...
Posted by ateday, Thursday, 7 April 2022 11:56:08 AM
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Yes, this is a conflict with no end in sight! Until and unless leaders for both sides sit down and nut out a two state solution all can live with. Or live with a bloodbath that makes anything before pale in comparison.

Promising but never ever delivering has fueled the conflict like never before as has the unstoppable annexing of former Arab territory!

Every boy and his dog knows what is needed! But, what is missing are leaders willing to sit down and negotiate a enduring treaty based on a two state solution all can live with.

Part of the key is industrial scale potable water, available and truly affordable, via deionization dialysis desalination and ultracheap MSR thorium nuclear power!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 7 April 2022 12:08:28 PM
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It seems to me that neither side is motivated by reason.
It is all instinct, and more instinct, showing up as emotional outpourings.
These lead to irrational action, which means a continuance of unrest.

Until they look hard at themselves, and acknowledge that their basic principles are wrong, nothing will change.
I mean the principles which underpin thought processes, and enable humans to reach rational conclusions.
These can only be truth-based principles.
Otherwise, logical conclusions cannot be reached.
Story based principles are no longer going to cut it.

It should be noted that children are not born with the kind of attitude being demonstrated by the elders.
So children are being groomed, or trained, or indoctrinated, with a hotch potch of nonsensical ideas.
That to me is the elders failing to be good parents.
Failing to encourage truth and logical thought in the minds of the young.
They seem to be more concerned with continuing a feud.
I sometimes wonder what they would do if peace reigned.

The only hope for the future is in the small pocket of logical thought which must exist somewhere.
Eventually, that reason will spread like a wave, and engulf those who persist with absurd notions.
So time can heal, but before that happens, much grief will occur, which will blight their existence?
That is a great pity.
And all because they won't let truth prevail.
Posted by Ipso Fatso, Thursday, 7 April 2022 12:57:37 PM
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Perhaps Putin could do something there ?
Posted by individual, Thursday, 7 April 2022 1:29:30 PM
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Just like the aboriginal question here. Not worth discussing. Nothing is going to change.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 7 April 2022 1:46:43 PM
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