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The Forum > Article Comments > Does the debate show Clinton moving towards Sanders? > Comments

Does the debate show Clinton moving towards Sanders? : Comments

By Tristan Ewins, published 28/9/2016

The Sanders campaign mobilised millions: especially amongst the young. Clinton would be well advised to go further in remobilising those people.

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It appears so and hopefully, occasionally, is the case? That said, there's an irish expression that goes, you can't polish a turd! But particularly, a freshly laid one!

And both these individuals are unpopular, save in, (freshly laid) Putin praising, D Trumps case, he's so unpopular, around half of the conservative element would, I believe, get out and vote and just to vote for Clinton, if only to ensure his itchy trigger finger is never the one hovering over automatic armageddon or his, must be obeyed voice is the one barking junkyard dog instructions at Generals!

I mean if you are going to mount a preemptive strike against a nuclear armed sovereign nation!? It needs to come like a bolt out of the blue, be devastatingly complete, and take out all possible response mechanisms!

Costing squadrillions! Unimaginable mass destruction and monstrous mega casualties! And totally reliant on absolutely impeccable intelligence! Rather than the confected rumour mongering (WMD) that got us involved in Iraq! Anything less, and we could all bend over and kiss our kesters goodbye!

It says plenty about the level of inquisitorial intelligence in the land of the dollar bill, that he made it this far! Given, his business practises/comprehension, [include it seems, being bankrupt six times,] we can only hope they/it are never ever inflicted on a still fragile, but recovering American economy!

His well known history, seems to include never ever having paid federal tax, and numerous (literally hundreds) small to medium family businesses!?

A return to sanity by reality show enthusiasts, ought to prevent even the remotest possible chance of there ever being President Trump?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 28 September 2016 11:02:23 AM
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most read article at this point ; but only one comment. Wonder why? Any opinions out there? Tristan.
Posted by Tristan Ewins, Wednesday, 28 September 2016 8:17:02 PM
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Tristan, some real facts you may not have considered:

"Clinton’s track record as US First Lady, when her husband Bill was in the White House in the 1990s, followed by her years as a Senator, and then as US Secretary of State has accumulated enough evidence that would arguably allow her to be convicted as one of the biggest war criminals in recent times.

She's publicly admitted to exhorting her husband to launch an illegal NATO war in the Balkans when US warplanes bombed Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, in 1999. That led to the unlawful secession of Kosovo, which today is a “breeding ground” of jihadist terrorism and Mafia corruption. It was the Clintons more than any other international figures who created the failed state of Kosovo and the current instability in the Balkans – on the doorstep of Europe and Russia.

As a congressional Senator, Hillary Clinton backed both the illegal US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, which not only caused more than a million deaths and destroyed those societies, but in addition those wars exploded the phenomenon of jihadist terrorism across the globe.

In her failed bid for the US presidency back in 2008 against Barack Obama, Clinton warned that she would order the “obliteration” of Iran in order to defend Israel if she were to become Commander-in-Chief. She was obviously alluding to her willingness to use nuclear weapons to destroy Iran, yet this is the same person who says that Donald Trump should not be let anywhere near the nuclear keys to America’s arsenal.

During her four years as Secretary of State under Obama, Clinton was the stand-out gung-ho senior member of the White House administration. It was she who pushed for the disastrous war for regime change in Libya and boasted after the murder of the country’s leader Muammar Gaddafi by US-backed jihadists in 2011. Clinton’s policy turned a once-prosperous North African nation into a charnel house, which continues to destabilize the entire region and Europe from terrorism and refugees, who are dying by the thousands as they attempt to cross the Mediterranean."

Posted by Geoff of Perth, Thursday, 29 September 2016 1:36:30 AM
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"It was Clinton who colluded with the Central Intelligence Agency, and with Arab and Turkish despotic rogue states to ship weapons and terror brigades from Libya into Syria in order to instigate another war for regime change. That war has caused as many as 400,000 deaths and up to 10 million displaced people, compounding the mayhem of instability in the region and for Europe that was unleashed with Libya.

Hillary Rodham Clinton is also responsible for the lamentable downturn in relations between the US and Russia, after she began falsely accusing Moscow of trying to resurrect the Soviet Union and threatening its neighbors. Clinton’s reckless provocation of a new Cold War led to the Ukraine crisis, the US-backed coup d’état in Kiev in 2014 and the ongoing bloody aggression against the ethnic Russian population in the east of that country. That in turn has created the worst tensions between Russia and the US and Europe in decades, to the point where many commentators fear that a nuclear war could break out.

If Clinton were to get elected to the White House in the November presidential contest, the prognosis for world relations is even grimmer. In a recent foreign policy “showcase speech” in which she lambasted Trump, Clinton snidely referred to Russian President Vladimir Putin as a “tyrant”. She also said that if Trump should win the presidency, then the “Kremlin would celebrate” – inferring that Russia harbors irrational enmity towards the US.

Trump may have many faults and vulgarities. His demagogic views seem off the wall and at times repugnant. Whether he would be a danger to world peace is moot.

But one thing is sure about Clinton. She is a warmonger of the highest order whose criminal interventions have led to millions of deaths and a world haunted by terrorism and the specter of nuclear war.

Trump maybe a huckster, but at least he does not have blood on his hands."

Posted by Geoff of Perth, Thursday, 29 September 2016 1:43:16 AM
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"Clinton is provably far more dangerous than Trump. Laughably, she poses as a “foreign policy” mandarin and a reliable pair of hands for national security, against Trump’s “incoherent rantings”. The only thing reliable about Clinton is that she will serve Wall Street banks, the Pentagon and CIA as a rubber-stamp Commander-in-Chief to facilitate whatever overseas agenda furnishes maximum profits for these secretive power entities.

Her so-called Clinton Foundation, set up with her husband, has received millions of dollars in grants from Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf dictators. Any wonder that her foreign policies and penchant for murderous operations concurs with the regional machinations of these same despots.

The continuing investigation into Clinton’s violation of classified government information from using her private, insecure email account is but one illustration of just how dangerous this person is. She considers herself above the law, and given her propensity to sell her policies to the highest bidder that makes for a highly corrupt and unscrupulous leader of the world’s biggest nuclear power."

Tristan, be very careful what you wish for, I for one would prefer to see her in jail!
Posted by Geoff of Perth, Thursday, 29 September 2016 1:48:42 AM
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Geoff of Perth...precisely why DT won't be elected is the fact of the $ behind the House of Saud backing HRC into the Oval Office.

We'll quite probably see a repeat of the Gee Dubblya election results where the Florida count was fudged and got him over the line again...hmm something smells fishy in Freo...!
Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Thursday, 29 September 2016 10:56:53 AM
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