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The Forum > General Discussion > Victoria finally getting tough on young foreign born criminals

Victoria finally getting tough on young foreign born criminals

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Interesting article.

Victorian children committing serious crimes referred to Border Force for deportation.
A number of overseas-born children who have committed serious crimes in Victoria have been referred to Border Force for potential deportation, Victoria Police has said.
A spokesperson said Victoria Police had an established process for referring criminals who met requirements for visa cancellations under the Migration Act to Border Force.

A number of adult offenders had already been deported, the spokesperson said, adding that alleged Apex gang associates and offenders under 18 were among those referred.

"The referral of children under 18 years of age will only occur in exceptional circumstances, however Victoria Police has made some referrals in respect to that age group for consideration," the spokesperson said.

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton said while the Federal Government did not currently deport children, a parliamentary committee was considering whether the law could be amended to permit the deportation of people under 18.

"This is one of things that [Federal MP] Jason Woods' committee is having a look at at the moment: whether, for example, the bar could be lowered from 18 to 17 or 16, or whatever the case might be," he told 3AW radio.

"But we don't deport children. We try and work with families through difficulties. (That is not working as most are repeat offenders)

Above is only part of the article. follow link

It is about time it is a nearly a daily issue in Victoria, youth mostly violent or gang related crimes committed by young offenders.

The advocates are already lining up as the last sentence in the story says.
Posted by Philip S, Thursday, 19 January 2017 11:42:38 AM
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Sorry about the link try copy and paste.
Posted by Philip S, Thursday, 19 January 2017 4:53:16 PM
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"We try to work with families, but it's not working". So, why persist with something that doesn't work? Get rid of them. The sooner the better. Australian authorities have no business allowing foreign criminals to stay in Australia.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 19 January 2017 9:12:37 PM
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There were articles a while back where some parents were sending the kids back to where they came from, so much for fear for life refugees.
Posted by Philip S, Friday, 20 January 2017 1:01:40 AM
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The most sensible thing would be not to import them in the first place.
For years we have known of groups of immigrants/refugees that will not integrate and yet we continue to allow them to come here. If any group has shown they have contempt for our laws and social norms then we simply stop allowing them to come here.

For example there are those who practice FGM and forced underage marriage. These groups should be denied entry to our society. Not only is the practices against our laws, it is a cost burden on the state as well.

If we really want to stop these alien practices, then denial of entry is the only way to go. Giving those few that are prosecuted a suspended sentence only is an encouragement award.
Posted by Banjo, Friday, 20 January 2017 8:02:07 AM
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Are the "refugees" to whom to you refer by any chance Africans sending their kids from here to Uganda (or some such charming place) to school to learn manners and respect for their parents? The mother I saw on TV making these arrangements believed that her/their kids had lost their traditional respect for the parents and elders since arriving in Australia. I am inclined to believe her. Our kids are certainly no longer examples of how young people should behave.

Of course, the ratbags who believe that all cultures are equal have got it badly wrong with Africans, most of whom come from rural, tribal backgrounds where families and respect for elders is paramount.

I saw an article recently where a 'dying' country town (Australian) had asked if they could have some African people to live among them, using the empty housing, and performing seasonal work to supplement their welfare payments, and try to get things back on track, Africans starting up little farms, which was in there background. Oh, no! shreiked the know nothings. Refugees need the support available in the city.

Anyhow, the locals and the Africans got around this stupidity, and some African families have moved to the country, away from unfamiliar cities and temptations for the young. It's early days, but at the very worst, these people can be no worse off, and they will be among real Australians with common sense and humanity.

As long as we have morons for politicians and public servants, the more ordinary people we need in places like Woop Woop.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 20 January 2017 10:38:07 AM
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