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The Forum > Article Comments > Is imperialism a new passion for the left? > Comments

Is imperialism a new passion for the left? : Comments

By Russell Grenning, published 16/2/2018

UK Green Party spokesperson Carline Lucas called it an 'absolute scandal' that Britain was not willing to enforce LGBT ideals on another nation.

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The Left is certainly hypocritical; no surprises there. But, good on the Bermudan government for reversing SSM!
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 16 February 2018 8:22:41 AM
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Hi Ttbn,

No, no surprises: the pseudo-Left, esp. the Greens, suck up to Shari'a-supporters when it suits them, to hell with the feminists - after all, Islamist terrorists are anti-American, therefore sort of good.

The 'Left' opposes any economic or social development in remote Indigenous communities, i.e. they object to the barest movement towards Indigenous people joining the proletariat and thereby participating in the imminent Revolution.

They oppose irrigation for farmers, indeed they probably oppose cultivating the soil for good measure.

They oppose free discussion at universities, hitherto the hotbeds of free speech.

After all, in true imperialist and paternalist style, they assume they know best for everybody else, and since they have no idea how their soy-lite and kale-smoothie lifestyles are maintained by the labour and ingenuity of others, they assume there is no such thing needed.

I wonder what new idiocy they might come up with in the near future ? Wouldn't be dead for quids !


Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 16 February 2018 8:47:17 AM
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Yep. saw an interesting comment in the media this morning about Closing the Gap. The report suggested that it might be a good idea to treat people living in remote communities as 'people', not a project. The Left is certainly into projects rather than people.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 16 February 2018 8:53:51 AM
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Yes, even on that subject, the 'Left' would rather save 'culture' than people: Indigenous people don't matter much to the 'Left'. Hence I've noticed that they sort of purse their lips when I rabbit on about Indigenous successes in higher education: you can see them thinking, 'Hmmmm, there's something wrong with that: won't they lose their culture ?' and move away.

I think Marx (or Engels ?) wrote somewhere about the difficulties for many societies to liberate themselves from the dead hand of culture. Yeah, it might have been in Marx's essays on India. He seemed to have no qualms about what he thought were the revolutionary effects of capitalism on places like India. The 'Left' would clearly have found itself on the other side of that dispute, supporting reaction, patriarchy, gross inequality, slavery, suttee, superstition - all in the name of 'culture'.

Could it be that the 'Left' have become reactionary ? But how could that be ?!


Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 16 February 2018 9:17:13 AM
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How many more years will it take for the right to realise that there's a large diversity of opinion within the left?
Posted by Aidan, Friday, 16 February 2018 10:26:45 AM
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Bermuda is a sovereign nation and independant? And typical of the dictatorial autocratic greens to try and force their will on other folk and even it would seem, other nations?

And if the popular vote decided they were not ready yet for SSM, the rest of the democratic world has to respect that even as the gay community, their friends and relatives plan all their holidays elsewhere!

And that could see the tourist business drop off by as much as 60-70% And in turn make cruising to the caribbean past tense? And even affect the local version of the Mardi Gras, removing one of the premier reasons anyone would want to go there?

They are an independent nation with the own culture and customs. And maybe need to learn, discrimination doesn't pay, but penalizes?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 16 February 2018 10:50:57 AM
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