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The Forum > Article Comments > Look left, look right, then watch for the shoe from the left > Comments

Look left, look right, then watch for the shoe from the left : Comments

By Mirko Bagaric, published 3/11/2010

Why the left is intolerant and wrong.

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A supporting reaction to this article:
Posted by AJFA, Wednesday, 3 November 2010 8:25:16 AM
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[Deleted for abuse.]
Posted by Squeers, Wednesday, 3 November 2010 9:06:39 AM
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Mirko, we have never met, so I can't say whether I like you or not.

It's your arguments, riddled with self-righteous twaddle and superficial argument that I find wanting. But that's not to say I wouldn't find you likable, on meeting.

I wonder how many of Australia's left would even bother reading your essay, hanging as it does from a single thread of a foolish act by an angry young man (who should have thrown pink bunny slippers with floppy ears, because they are more colourful and less likely to harm if on target, and in my opinion would have better highlighted the moment); would have read this far, to reach your very silly and typically uninsightful statement:

"There are still some important social justice battles to be won. Nearly all of them are overseas, especially world hunger and animal suffering. Paradoxically, the abundant middle-class society which the left were integral in forging militates against them getting out of their comfort zone to connect with the defining moral issues of our time."

Since I have read it, could you kindly do me the service if identifying the important social justice battles you say are yet to be won, here in Australia?

PS No rabbit was harmed in writing this post
Posted by Sir Vivor, Wednesday, 3 November 2010 9:08:30 AM
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Hahah :) amazing stuff.

It turns out that the supposedly warm and fuzzy left are anything but that. Intoxicated by self-righteous irrelevance they've developed an addiction to anger pills and suffer from a hyperventilation disorder.

Gee..that's such a surprise :)


numerous demands to my employers to sack me for saying what I think and even the occasional demonstration by some time-rich, agenda-poor anti-moralisers who are defeated by the practical ramifications of the concept of free speech.

Oh I love that... (been there..experienced it)

Mirko is of course way off track in his sympathy for Muslims in that he does not differentiate between intolerance of Islamic INtolerance and simple generalized intolerance of 'the other'.

Mirko needs to do some more research on that area.

The right don't have any more smarts than their opponents but - mothers take note - are certainly nicer. They rarely throw hissy fits and seem to have a deficient vocabulary when it comes to name calling. Some even show embryonic signs of a sense of humour.

*big smile* for Marco.

PS...those left wing 'hissy fits' can be quite a spectacle..I'm determined to video some soon.
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Wednesday, 3 November 2010 9:13:58 AM
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Mirko, interesting but you really should have gone a little further in finding the reason for your observed truth.

It really is quite simple old mate.

The home of the left has moved from those radical unions, the members of which were too busy, & probably too disinterested in folk like you, to rush into print.

Yes the home of the left is now in academia. It is only in our temples of so called higher education that you will find great herds of lefties grazing. The pickings are so rich in these temples, that just a couple of hours grazing will give sustenance for many days.

Thus the members of these herds have the time to read your discourse, stew on your suggestions, & reply with their well stewed venom.

The answer is to give these people something more useful to fill their time.

Firstly we could require a full 15 hours academic work per week, 48 weeks each & every year.

Secondly they should be required to spend 20 hours each week etc, with pick & shovel, working on the road. They would now all be able to work out their frustrations on something solid, rather than a key board, & actually claim to have done something useful with their lives. It should also give them a better perspective on real life, on which to base their philosophe.

As this is unlikely to happen before the revolution, I’m afraid you will have to get used to those nasty rants
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 3 November 2010 9:20:25 AM
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Mirko, was your article an attempt at distraction? The SHOES were thrown at A WAR CRIMINAL.

Did you write any articles when John Howard sent WAR PLANES and SOLDIERS to bomb and invade other countries?
Posted by Nigel, Wednesday, 3 November 2010 10:24:22 AM
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