The Forum > Article Comments > Fanciful notions: European armies, Trump and NATO > Comments
Fanciful notions: European armies, Trump and NATO : Comments
By Binoy Kampmark, published 29/11/2018The former British Prime Minister David Cameron has also previously argued that 'suggestions of an EU army are fanciful: national security is a national competence'.
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Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 29 November 2018 8:13:09 AM
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That's a bit rich, coming from a kid who's never had a real job, or done anything useful in his life. Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 29 November 2018 10:47:50 AM
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Le Grande Armee will speak English like EU , which the English are supporting with friendly fire. Germans will command the Poles to fight , erm , no stop that go away. IRA units will offer potato chips to fraternal Poms. The Balkans are a bit busy , wait till things calm down a bit with Muslims and Macedonians. What do you mean , the US is great against Mexico, Canada and China ?
Posted by nicknamenick, Thursday, 29 November 2018 11:47:31 AM
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A great article Binoy
Given Trump counts Russia's Putin as Trump's closest frind in Europe, Trump's strategy is obvious. Trump's Russian donors have bailed out Trump each time "my Daddy gave me $100 million" Trump become bankrupt. To personally repay his Russian benefactors Trump is prepared to sacrifice Europe to Russia. Trump's philosophy is, after all, what's in it for Trump, not America or other democracies. Australia can't trust American protection under Trump either. Australia, Germany, Italy and Poland should follow France and Britain's lead and arm ourselves with our own NUCLEAR WEAPONS as a deterrent against the Russias and Chinas of this world. The sooner the better, because it takes about 20 years minimum to develop NUCLEAR forces. The rightwingers of OLO will note my solution is not exactly Leftwing. Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 29 November 2018 5:14:32 PM
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Germany should have nuclear weapons, Plantagenet? Obviously you have never heard Tom Lehrer's famous song.
Sleep baby sleep, in peace may you slumber No danger lurks, your sleep to encumber We have the missiles, peace to determine And one of the fingers on the button is a German Why shouldn't they have nuclear warheads? England says "no" but they are just soreheads I say a bygone, should be a bygone Let's make peace the way we did, in Stanleyville and Saigon. Once all the Germans, were warlike and mean But that couldn't happen again we taught them a lesson, in 1918 And they have hardly bothered us since then So, sleep baby sleep, the sand man will linger You know our buddies won't give us the finger Heil, hail, the wehrmacht, mean be bundeswehr Hail to our loyal allies. MLF, will scare Brezhnef. I hope he is just as scared as I Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 29 November 2018 5:55:07 PM
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As per usual you've forced me to consult Youtube for the Tom Lehrer video you so rightly bring up. Here tis Please note its called the "MLF Lullaby". Definitely not, the MILF Lullaby. Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 29 November 2018 7:30:38 PM
This seems to happen to some trendy lefties. Look at Mark Latham. Once the darling of the ABC (Australian Brainwashing Commission) for his leftist, multiculturalism advocacy, once away from evil influences in the misnamed Labor Party, he goes the other way and actually advocates for white, working Australians.
But Binoy actually got it right on this one. It is absolute madness to think that Europe could create a European Army. Even NATO nearly came apart when two member states, Greece and Turkey, almost went to war with each other over the Turkish invasion of Cyprus. You remember Cyprus don't you? Another multicultural success story. Good work, Binoy. But even a broken clock is right, twice a day.
"Adolescent" Trump is correct, and every member of every European Armed Forces, and every sane European, is cheering him on. The Euros main defence policy is to fight to the last American. The Euros today are absolutely hopeless at doing anything with their military, unless the Americans lead them. Remember Bosnia? The Euros told the yanks "Bug out USA, this is a European problem and we will take care of this." So they had a conference. Followed by another conference. And another one in a more luxurious conference centre. Finally, they had to beg the yanks to do the job. Same in Somalia.
The best thing the Euros can do, is to do what Trump told them to do. Stop relying on the USA, and spend some money on their own defence. They can find money to import their Muslim enemies, buy them all houses and flats, and put them all on the dole, but they can't find any money to defend themselves.