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The Forum > Article Comments > Fake news in Germany > Comments

Fake news in Germany : Comments

By Thomas Klikauer, published 21/9/2018

It did not come from Russia but from within; Germany's radical-right used fake news.

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Fake news is a new age term. Looking towards politics for the truth is a laugh. Since when has truth ever prevailed in that direction.

But what interests me the most from this article, is this quote;
…AFD voters, trust in public broadcasting TV is at 36%. In contrast, 95% of Green voters trust the public broadcasting system…*

Those figures would match our own. More demonstration to me, the ABC is run by a bunch of green homosexuals.
Posted by diver dan, Friday, 21 September 2018 8:36:09 AM
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"Right wing radicals". I wasn't aware that there were any; the Left runs everything these days. It certainly wasn't the Right that wrecked German society with mass immigration of illegals. Germans need to wake up and forget that they were Nazis 80 years ago. Drop the 'shame' before they sink under Islam, the only supposed religion the source of their shame, Adolf Hitler, had any time for. It is ridiculous that these new 'non-Nazi' Germans are still filling their country up with Islamists.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 21 September 2018 9:12:47 AM
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don't really know much about Germany but certainly here the hopelessly flawed and dishonest lefty abc funded by tax payer could not be any worse than other fake news outlets. They are men hating, family hating, feminist marxist loving bunch who ignore facts that don't suite their sick little UN agendas. They are enemies of our nation.
Posted by runner, Friday, 21 September 2018 9:59:37 AM
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People with ultra extreme views are no strangers to fake news! It's their invention and will say do or promise anything for a preferred outcome, including lying through their back teeth and repeating the same monstrous lie some many times, till some folk begin to believe their own propaganda!

The only way to counter or offset this crap is with the deployment of space-age lie detectors in inner-city newsrooms and regional news desks. And indeed where ever public news is collected collated and redistributed.

People, media moguls/barons, who lie for a political/financial outcome as indicated here? Need to be not only named but filmed as they spread their pernicious propaganda.

Folk who are brainwashed by this or that cult and their persuasive propaganda will stick to their inculcated if entirely false belief system with a rare passion and intractable resolve.

And just like climate denialists and flat-earthers, able to explain away even their own eyewitnessed evidence.

Richard Brampton offered a highly placed, Flat Earth Society, a ride in his low orbit spacecraft.

When they landed. Sir Richard asked, what did you think of that? To which the brainwashed flat earther replied, and here I paraphrase, the special effects were very nearly believable as were the 3D graphics.

And underlines the point that nothing short of being able to stick one's fingers in the wounds will convince the professional sceptics they are wrong. We could offer them that outcome with the widespread rollout of deployed space age lie detectors, almost as if they were mandated by law, smoke detectors.

The best place to start would be our parliaments and for the obvious reason, that's where they are most needed! The trust, the lest. The betrayal of trust, the most public and glaring!

People holding high public office need to be held to account. With every false fact they utter and repeat, they avoid that accountability as has the Catholic church from 1622?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 21 September 2018 10:14:28 AM
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Isn't it past high time that Leftism is classified mental illness ?
Posted by individual, Friday, 21 September 2018 10:51:32 AM
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I don't know about that, Individual. For all I know, you and I might be the only two sane ones posting here?

And I'm not too sure about you.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 22 September 2018 10:21:59 AM
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