The Forum > Article Comments > Is it time to get serious about road pricing? > Comments
Is it time to get serious about road pricing? : Comments
By Alan Davies, published 23/9/2016That also means it won't generate any extra revenue that could be applied to public transport infrastructure. It might also hobble the extent to which pricing can be used as a tool to manage traffic.
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As a motorist dependant on car for the overwhelming bulk of my essential transport options and independance! I pay through the nose, as do most other road users for the paid right to use what my registration and fuel excise pays for!
If there are too any people using gridlocked roads? Then it's he result of decades of poor planning and former funding returned to those on higher incomes as welfare for the rich!?
Funds that in earlier times pushed infrastructure out ahead of regional development, thus ensuring the human right of shelter manifesting as housing remained affordable, with enough essential service and public transport option to enable the family jalopy to remain parked or used to ferry the kids and the groceries!?
We do need to get serious about roads, rail and reticulated services! And how to affordably fund the same?
We cannot pay for the luxury of the roadblocks manifesting as corrupt or crisis riddled state government/empire building bureaucracies, or the 70 billions plus per we pay for their existence!
And that's what it costs to keep them in the manner they've grown accustomed to, before a single cent is directed at public amenity/service delivery!
If the "work" state parliaments did was redirected and delivered by a combination of councils the federal government; and where possible direct funding connected to regional autonomy!?
We'd be able to liberate 70 billions plus per to rollout rapid rail one year and better urban train, tram and or trolley bus services the next? And say an underground delivery service relying on pneumatics/ air locks/vacuums and cylinders the one after that, to move materials etc, thereby keeping them off the roads?
It is time to get serious about endemic waste and welfare for the rich!
As opposed to more of this errant, self serving, city centric, birds fur, horse feathers and bombastic balderdash!
Bah humbug Sir! We are people not captive market cash cows to be milked for every last drop by folks who haven't a new or better idea to bless themselves with!
Alan B.